Americas Wholesale Lender V Silberstein

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(AC 24592)
Schaller, Dranginis and Berdon, Js.
Argued October 15, 2004officially released February 15, 2005

(Appeal from Superior Court, judicial district of New

Haven, Hon. Donald W. Celotto, judge trial referee.)
Patrick W. Boatman, with whom, on the brief, was
John H. Grasso, for the appellants (named defendant
et al.).
Peter A. Ventre, for the appellee (substitute plaintiff).

DRANGINIS, J. This appeal is similar to the appeal

in Americas Wholesale Lender v. Pagano, 87 Conn.
App. 474,
(2005), which we released on
the same date as this opinion. The dispositive issue is
whether a corporation that brings an action solely in
its trade name, without the corporation being named

as a party, has standing so as to confer jurisdiction on

the court. We conclude that because a trade name is
not an entity with legal capacity to sue, the corporation
has no standing to litigate the merits of the case. We
therefore reverse the judgment of the trial court.
The following facts and procedural history are relevant to our disposition of this appeal. On October 16,
1998, the defendants Linda K. Silberstein and Morton
H. Silberstein1 executed and delivered to the original
plaintiff in this action, Americas Wholesale Lender
(Americas), a note in the amount of $440,000 and a
mortgage on the defendants real property. Americas
is the trade name for Countrywide Home Loans, Inc.
(Countrywide), a corporation with its principal place
of business in California.2 On April 22, 2003, Americas
commenced this action, alleging that the defendants
were in default on the note and seeking to foreclose
on the defendants property. On July 9, 2003, the defendants filed a motion to dismiss, arguing that the court
lacked subject matter jurisdiction because Americas
did not have the legal capacity to sue. On July 28, 2003,
Americas filed a motion to substitute Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (Mortgage Systems),
as the plaintiff to reflect an assignment of the note
and mortgage that Countrywide had made to Mortgage
Systems on October 16, 1998. The court, on July 28,
2003, denied the defendants motion to dismiss and
granted the motion to substitute Mortgage Systems as
the plaintiff. The court concluded that Countrywide had
commenced an action in the name of the wrong person
and, therefore, substituted Mortgage Systems pursuant
to General Statutes 52-109. The court ultimately rendered summary judgment in favor of the substitute
plaintiff, the defendants default on the note not being
disputed. This appeal followed.
On appeal, the defendants claim that the trial court
improperly denied their motion to dismiss challenging
Countrywides standing to bring an action solely in a
trade name. The defendants argue that because the
action was brought under a trade name, which is a
fictitious name, the court lacked subject matter jurisdiction to decide the merits of Countrywides claim. The
defendants further argue that Countrywide could not
cure this jurisdictional defect by substituting Mortgage
Systems as the plaintiff.
This case is controlled by our decision in Americas
Wholesale Lender v. Pagano, supra, 87 Conn. App. 474,
in which we held that the court lacked subject matter
jurisdiction because Countrywide had commenced an
action solely in its trade name. Our decision in that
case rested primarily on the mandate that parties not
use fictitious names except in the rarest of cases, in
which the issues litigated and the interests of the parties
demand the use of a fictitious name. Id., 478; see also
Buxton v. Ullman, 147 Conn. 48, 60, 156 A.2d 508 (1959),

appeal dismissed sub nom. Poe v. Ullman, 367 U.S. 497,

81 S. Ct. 1752, 6 L. Ed. 2d 989 (1961). We also recognize
the heightened interest of the public in knowing who
is financially and personally liable for the actions of
entities doing business under trade names. Americas
Wholesale Lender v. Pagano, supra, 47980. These interests are no less important whether the argument is that
the initial filing contained a circumstantial error, as in
Americas Wholesale Lender v. Pagano, supra, 477, or
that the initial filing was in the name of the wrong
person, as the substitute plaintiff claims on appeal in
this case. In reaching this conclusion, we look to the
language of 52-109, which provides in relevant part
that the court may allow the substitution of a party
plaintiff [w]hen any action has been commenced in
the name of the wrong person . . . . Such a person,
while perhaps not aggrieved in the manner necessary
to have standing, possesses the legal capacity to sue.
No such person commenced the action in this case, as
a trade name is not a recognized legal entity or person.
Mortgage Systems, the holder of the mortgage and
the note at the time the action was commenced,3 claims,
however, that any jurisdictional defect was cured when
it was substituted as the plaintiff. An assignee, however,
may not commence an action solely in a trade name
either, regardless of the entity to which the trade name
applies, because a trade name is not an entity with the
legal capacity to sue. Nor could Countrywide cure the
jurisdictional defect by substituting a party with the
legal capacity to sue on behalf of the trade name. The
named plaintiff in the original complaint never existed.
As a result, there was no legally recognized entity for
which there could be a substitute. See Isaac v. Mount
Sinai Hospital, 3 Conn. App. 598, 602, 490 A.2d 1024,
cert. denied, 196 Conn. 807, 494 A.2d 904 (1985). Furthermore, because Americas had no standing to bring
an action, no action in this case ever was commenced,
as it was void ab initio. In the absence of standing on
the part of the plaintiff, the court has no jurisdiction.
Golden Hill Paugussett Tribe of Indians v. Southbury,
231 Conn. 563, 57071, 651 A.2d 1246 (1995).
The judgment is reversed and the case is remanded
with direction to grant the defendants motion to dismiss and to render judgment dismissing the complaint.
In this opinion SCHALLER, J., concurred.

The other defendants in the underlying action, Konover Construction

Company, Larry M. Loeb and Linda R. Silberstein, did not appeal. We therefore refer in this opinion to Linda K. Silberstein and Morton H. Silberstein
as the defendants.
Americas, in its complaint, alleged that it was incorporated in Texas.
On the mortgage, New York is indicated as the state of incorporation. These
inconsistencies, however, do not inform our decision in this case, as all
parties agree that Americas is a trade name by which Countrywide does
business and not a corporation organized under the laws of any state.
In a foreclosure action, the assignee may commence an action either in
its name or in the name of its assignor. See, e.g., Jacobson v. Robington,
139 Conn. 532, 539, 95 A.2d 66 (1953); Dime Savings Bank of Wallingford
v. Arpaia, 55 Conn. App. 180, 184, 738 A.2d 2d 715 (1999).

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