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Introduction To CFD Module

Introduction to Cfd Module

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Introduction To CFD Module

Introduction to Cfd Module

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CFD Module

Introduction to the CFD Module

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Part number: CM021302

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Aspects of CFD Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

The CFD Module Physics Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Physics Interface Guide by Space Dimension and Study Type . . . 18

The Model Libraries Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Tutorial ExampleBackstep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Model Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Domain Equations and Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Tutorial ExampleWater Purification Reactor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Model Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Domain Equations and Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Notes About the Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Reference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37



The CFD Module is used by engineers and scientists to understand, predict, and
design for fluid flow in closed and open systems. At a given cost, these types of
simulations typically lead to new and better products and improved operations of
devices and processes compared to purely empirical studies involving fluid flow.
As a part of an investigation, simulations give accurate estimates of flow patterns,
pressure losses, forces on submerged objects, temperature distributions, and
variations in fluid composition within a system.

Figure 1: Flow ribbons and velocity field magnitudes from a simulation of an Ahmed body. The simulation
yields the flow and pressure fields and calculates the drag coefficient as a benchmark for the verification
and validation of turbulence models.

The CFD Modules general capabilities include modeling stationary and

time-dependent fluid flow problems in two- and three-dimensional spaces.
Formulations for different types of flow are predefined in a number of Fluid Flow
physics interfaces, which allow you to set up and solve a variety of fluid-flow
problems. These physics interfaces define a fluid-flow problem using physical
quantities, such as velocity and pressure, and physical properties, such as viscosity.
There are different Fluid Flow physics interfaces that cover a wide range of flows,
for example, laminar and turbulent single-phase, multiphase, non-isothermal, and
reacting flows.



The physics interfaces build on conservation laws for momentum, mass, and
energy. These laws are expressed in terms of partial differential equations, which
are solved by the module together with the specified initial and boundary
conditions. The equations are solved using stabilized finite element formulations
for fluid flow, in combination with damped Newton methods and, for
time-dependent problems, different time-dependent solver algorithms. The
results are presented in the graphics window through predefined plots relevant for
CFD, expressions of physical quantities that you can freely define, and derived
tabulated quantities (for example, average pressure on a surface or drag
coefficients) obtained from a simulation.
The workflow in the CFD Module is quite straightforward and is described by the
following steps: define the geometry, select the fluid to be modeled, select the type
of flow, define boundary and initial conditions, define the finite element mesh,
select a solver, and visualize the results. All these steps are accessed from the
COMSOL Desktop. The mesh and solver steps are usually carried out
automatically using default settings that are tuned for each specific Fluid Flow
physics interface.
The CFD Modules model library describes the Fluid Flow physics interfaces and
their different features through tutorial and benchmark examples for the different
types of flow. Here you find models of industrial equipment and devices, tutorial
models for practice, and benchmark models for verification and validation of the
Fluid Flow physics interfaces. Go to The Model Libraries Window for information
on how to access these resources.
This introduction is intended to give you an accelerated start in CFD model
building. It contains examples of the typical use of the module, a list of all the
Fluid Flow physics interfaces including a short description of each, and two
tutorial examples, Tutorial ExampleBackstep and Tutorial ExampleWater
Purification Reactor, to introduce the workflow.

Aspects of CFD Simulations

The physical nature of a flow field may be characterized by a set of dimensionless
numbers such as the Reynolds number, the Mach number, and the Grashof
number. A great deal of information about the flow field can be gained by
analyzing these numbers.
The Reynolds number, for example, expresses the ratio of the inertia forces to the
viscous (internal friction) forces. For vanishingly small values of the Reynolds
number, the inertia forces are negligible and the flow is reversible, in the sense that
reversed boundary conditions lead to reversed flow. The energy dissipation is
immediate. As the Reynolds number increases, viscous effects become more and
more confined to boundaries, internal shear layers, and wakes. The size and other

6 | Introduction

characteristics of such regions are determined by the Reynolds number.

Eventually, for very large values of the Reynolds number, the flow becomes fully
turbulent. In contrast to laminar flow at high Reynolds numbers, viscous
dissipation is active everywhere in a turbulent flow field but acts on very small flow
structures. The energy is transfered from the large-scale flow structures to the
small-scale flow structures through a cascade of eddies. Due to the requirement of
resolving all these flow scales, direct numerical simulation of industrially relevant
turbulent flows is currently not a feasible approach. Instead, turbulence models are
applied when analyzing these flows. For very small values of the Reynolds number
the CFD Module offers the Creeping Flow interface; for intermediate values, the
Laminar Flow interface; and for large values, the Turbulent Flow interfaces.
The Mach number expresses the ratio of the speed of the fluid to the speed of
sound of the flowing medium. This dimensionless number measures the relevance
of compressible effects in the flow field, predicting occurrences of shock waves and
rarefaction waves. For Mach numbers greater than 0.3, the laminar and turbulent
High Mach Number Flow interfaces are available.
Temperature variations caused by heat transfer, compression work, or work done
by friction forces result in an inhomogeneous density field which may trigger
thermal convection. The significance of thermally induced buoyancy forces in the
momentum equation is characterized by the ratio of the Grashof number to the
square of the Reynolds number (for Reynolds numbers greater than one), or of
the Grashof number to the Reynolds number (for Reynolds numbers smaller than
one). For non-vanishing values of this ratio, the Non-Isothermal Flow interfaces
are available.
You can use the Two-Phase Flow interfaces in the Multiphase Flow branch to
model moving, deformable interfaces separating two different fluids. The other
physics interfaces in this branch are mainly intended for modeling suspensions of
many particles, droplets or bubbles. Among the latter, the Euler-Euler Model
interface is able to handle high concentration levels with frequent collisions, as
well as transients in the relative velocity between the phases (that is, non-vanishing
ratios of the particle relaxation time to the macroscopic flow time-scale). For
reacting flow and flow in porous media, the Chemical Species Transport, and
Porous Media and Subsurface Flow branches are available.
Contrary to experimental analyses, which are most often performed in a laboratory
where measurements are limited to a small number of points, a CFD simulation
gives the big picture view of the flow field. A qualitative interpretation of the
flow and pressure fields is usually the first step toward creating or improving a
Figure 2 shows the flow field around a solar panel. The presence of a wake in front
of the panel, caused by another panel in the solar power plant, may induce lift
forces that would not be present if the panel were analyzed alone.


Three-dimensional graphics such as surface, streamline, ribbon, arrow, and

particle-tracing plots, as well as animations that include any combination of the
aforementioned features, are examples of tools you can use for qualitative studies.

Figure 2: Turbulent fluid flow around a solar panel solved using the CFD Module.

In addition to the qualitative big picture view, simulations performed with the
CFD Module give accurate quantitative estimates of properties of the flow field,
such as the average flow at a given pressure difference, the drag and lift coefficients
of bodies subjected to a flow, or the air quality in a ventilated room.
In Figure 3 and Figure 4, the pressure losses are estimated for a nozzle used in
medical devices. The shear stresses and fluid forces in the nozzle system may
damage blood cells in medical equipment, and must be accounted for when
controlling the flow.

8 | Introduction

Figure 3: Pressure field and flow field in a model of a nozzle relevant for designs in medical applications.

Figure 4: Pressure difference between inlet and outlet at various average flow rates through the nozzle.



The CFD Module has a vast range of tools for evaluating quantitative results. For
example, it comes with built-in functionality for evaluating surface and volume
averages, maximum and minimum values, and derived values (functions and
expressions of the solution), as well as for generating tables and x-y plots. Derived
values such as drag and lift coefficients and other values relevant for CFD are
predefined in the module.
Qualitative studies typically form the basis for understanding, which in turn can
spark new ideas. These ideas can then lead to significant improvements to products
and processes, often in quantum leaps. Quantitative studies, on the other hand,
form the basis for optimization and control, which can also greatly improve
products and processes but usually do so through a series of many smaller steps.

10 | Introduction

The CFD Module Physics Interfaces

The Fluid Flow physics interfaces in this module are based on the laws for
conservation of momentum, mass, and energy in fluids. The different flow models
contain different combinations and formulations of the conservation laws that
apply to the physics of the flow field. These laws of physics are translated into
partial differential equations and are solved together with the specified initial and
boundary conditions.
A physics interface defines a number of features. These features are used to specify
the fluid properties, boundary conditions, initial conditions, and possible
constraints. Each feature represents an operation describing a term or condition in
the conservation equations. Such a term or condition can be defined on a
geometric entity of the component, such as a domain, boundary, edge (for 3D
components), or point.
Figure 5 shows the Model Builder, including a Laminar Flow interface, and the
Settings window for the selected Fluid Properties 1 feature node. The Fluid
Properties 1 node adds the marked terms to the component equations in a
selected geometric domain. Furthermore, the Fluid Properties 1 feature may link
to the Materials feature node to obtain physical properties such as density and
dynamic viscosity, in this case the fluid properties of water. The fluid properties,
defined by the Water, liquid material, can be functions of the modeled physical
quantities, such as pressure and temperature. In the same way, the Wall 1 node
adds the boundary conditions at the walls of the fluid domain.

The CFD Module Physics Interfaces

| 11

Figure 5: The Model Builder including a Laminar Flow interface (left), and the Settings window for Fluid
Properties for the selected feature node (right). The Equation section in the Settings window shows the
component equations and the terms added by the Fluid Properties 1. The added terms are underlined
with a dotted line. The arrows also explain the link between the Materials node and the values for the
fluid properties.

The CFD Module includes a large number of Fluid Flow physics interfaces for
different types of flow. It also includes Chemical Species Transport physics
interfaces for reacting flows in multicomponent solutions, and physics interfaces
for heat transfer in solids, fluids, and porous media found under the Heat Transfer

12 | The CFD Module Physics Interfaces

Figure 6 shows the Fluid Flow interfaces as they are displayed when you add a
physics interface (see also Physics Interface Guide by Space Dimension and Study
Type for further information). A short description of the physics interfaces follows.

Figure 6: The physics interfaces for the CFD Module as shown in the Model Wizard.


The Laminar Flow interface ( ) is primarily applied to flows at low to
intermediate Reynolds numbers. This physics interface solves the Navier-Stokes

The CFD Module Physics Interfaces

| 13

equations, for incompressible and weakly compressible flows (up to Mach 0.3).
The Laminar Flow interface also allows for simulation of non-Newtonian flow.
The physics interfaces under the Turbulent Flow branch ( ) model flows at high
Reynolds numbers. These physics interfaces solve the Reynolds-averaged
Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations for the averaged velocity and pressure fields. The
turbulent flow physics interfaces provide different options for modeling the
turbulent viscosity. There are several turbulence models availabletwo algebraic
turbulence models, the Algebraic yPlus and L-VEL models, and five
transport-equation models, including a standard k- model, a k- model, an SST
(Shear Stress Transport) model, a low Reynolds number k- model and the
Spalart-Allmaras model. Similarly to the Laminar Flow interface, compressibility
(Mach < 0.3) is selected by default.
The Algebraic yPlus and L-VEL turbulence models are so-called enhanced
viscosity models. A turbulent viscosity is computed from the local distance to the
nearest wall. For this reason, the algebraic turbulence models are best suited for
internal flows, such as in electronic cooling applications. Algebraic turbulence
models are computationally economical, and more robust but, in general, less
accurate than transport-equation models. Among the transport-equation
turbulence models, the standard k- model is the most widely used since it often
is a good compromise between accuracy and computational cost (memory and
CPU time). The k- model is an alternative to the standard k- model and often
gives more accurate results, especially in recirculation regions and close to solid
walls. However, the k- model is also less robust than the standard k- model. The
SST model combines the robustness of the k- model with the accuracy of the k-
model, making it applicable to a wide variety of turbulent flows. The Low
Reynolds number k- model is more accurate than the standard k- model,
especially close to walls. The Spalart-Allmaras model is specifically designed for
aerodynamic applications, such as flow around wing profiles, but is also widely
used in other applications due to its high robustness and decent accuracy. Higher
resolution is needed in the near-wall region for the SST model, the Low Reynolds
number k- model, and the Spalart-Allmaras model. Thus, the better accuracy
provided by these models comes at a higher computational cost.
The Creeping Flow interface ( ) approximates the Navier-Stokes equations for
very low Reynolds numbers. This is often referred to as Stokes flow and is
applicable when viscous effects are dominant, such as in very small channels or
microfluidics devices.
The Rotating Machinery interfaces ( ) are applicable to fluid-flow problems
where one or more of the boundaries rotate, for example in mixers and around
propellers. The physics interfaces support incompressible and compressible
(Mach < 0.3), laminar Newtonian and non-Newtonian flow, and turbulent flow
using the standard k- model.

14 | The CFD Module Physics Interfaces

The physics interfaces under the Bubbly Flow branch ( ) model two-phase flow
where the fluids form a gas-liquid mixture, and the content of the gas is less than
10%. There is support for both laminar flow and turbulent flow using an extended
version of the k- turbulence model that accounts for bubble-induced turbulence.
For laminar flow, the physics interface supports non-Newtonian liquids. The
Bubbly Flow interfaces also allow for mass transfer between the two phases.
The physics interfaces under the Mixture Model branch ( ) are similar to the
Bubbly Flow interfaces but assume that the dispersed phase consists of solid
particles or liquid droplets. The continuous phase has to be a liquid. There is
support for both laminar flow and turbulent flow using the k- turbulence model.
The Mixture Model interfaces also allow for mass transfer between the two phases.
The Euler-Euler Model interface ( ) for two-phase flow is able to handle the
same cases as the Bubbly Flow and Mixture Model interfaces, but is not limited to
low concentrations of the dispersed phase. In addition, the Euler-Euler Model
interface can handle large differences in density between the phases, such as the
case of solid particles in air. This makes the model suitable for simulations of, for
example, fluidized beds.
The Two-Phase Flow, Level Set interface ( ) and the Two-Phase Flow, Phase
Field interface ( ) are both primarily applied to model two fluids separated by a
fluid-fluid interface. The moving interface is tracked in detail using the level-set
method and the phase-field method, respectively. Similarly to other Fluid Flow
physics interfaces, these physics interfaces support both compressible
(Mach < 0.3) and incompressible flows. They support laminar flow where one or
both fluids can be non-Newtonian. The physics interfaces also support turbulent
flow, using the standard k- turbulence model, and Stokes flow.

The Non-Isothermal Flow, Laminar Flow interface ( ) is primarily applied to
model flow at low to intermediate Reynolds numbers in environments where the
temperature and flow fields have to be coupled. A typical example is natural
convection, where thermal buoyancy forces drive the flow. This is a multiphysics
interface for which the component couplings between fluid flow and heat transfer
are set up automatically.
The Non-Isothermal Flow, Turbulent Flow interfaces ( ) solve the
Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations coupled to heat transfer in
fluids and in solids. There is support for all the fluid-flow turbulence models the
Algebraic yPlus model, the L-VEL model, the standard k- model, a k- model,
an SST model, a low Reynolds number k- model, and the Spalart-Allmaras
The CFD Module Physics Interfaces

| 15

The Conjugate Heat Transfer interfaces ( ) are also included with the CFD
Module and are almost identical to the Non-Isothermal Flow interfaces. They only
differ in the default domain feature selected -Heat transfer in Solids instead of


The High Mach Number Flow, Laminar Flow interface ( ) solves the
continuity, momentum, and energy equations for fully compressible laminar flow.
This physics interface is typically used to model low-pressure systems, for which
the Mach number can be large but the flow remains laminar.
The High Mach Number Flow, Turbulent Flow interfaces ( ) solve the
continuity, momentum and energy equations for the averaged flow variables in
fully compressible turbulent flow, coupled to transport equations for the
turbulence quantities. There are two versions: one that couples to the k-
turbulence model and one that couples to the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model.




The Brinkman Equations interface ( ) models flow through porous media

where the influence of shear stresses is significant. This physics interface supports
both the Stokes-Brinkman formulation, suitable for very low flow velocities, and
Forchheimer drag, which is used to account for effects at higher velocities. The
flow can be either incompressible or compressible, provided the Mach number is
less than 0.3.
The Darcys Law interface ( ) models relatively slow flows through porous
media for cases where the effects of shear stresses perpendicular to the flow are
The Two-Phase Darcys Law interface ( ) sets up two Darcy-law equations, one
for each fluid phase in the porous medium. It couples the two, for example using
a capillary expression. It is tailored to model effects such as moisture transport in
porous media.
The Free and Porous Media Flow interface ( ) models porous media containing
open channels connected to the porous media, such as in fixed-bed reactors and
catalytic converters.

The Laminar Flow interface ( ) under the Reacting Flow branch combines the
functionality of the Single-Phase Flow and Transport of Concentrated Species
interfaces. Mass and momentum transport in a reacting fluid can be modeled from
a single physics interface, with the couplings between the velocity field and

16 | The CFD Module Physics Interfaces

mixture density set up automatically. This physics interface is applicable to flow in

the laminar regime.
The Turbulent Flow physics interfaces ( ) under the Reacting Flow branch
apply the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations together with the
functionality in the Transport of Concentrated Species interface. They model mass
and momentum transport in turbulent reacting fluid flow. The supported RANS
models comprise the standard k- model, a k- model, and a low Reynolds
number k- model.




The Reacting Flow in Porous Media, Transport of Diluted Species interface ( )

models diluted reacting mixtures transported by free and/or porous media flow.
This is a multiphysics interface for which the component coupling for the velocity
field is set up automatically. In addition, effective diffusion coefficients in a porous
matrix can be calculated from the porosity.
The Reacting Flow in Porous Media, Transport of Concentrated Species
interface ( ) is a multiphysics interface that models concentrated reacting
mixtures transported by free and/or porous media flow. The component
couplings between velocity field and mixture density are set up automatically. In
addition, effective diffusion coefficients in a porous matrix can be calculated from
the porosity.


The Thin Film Flow interfaces ( ) model the flow of liquids or gases confined
in a thin layer on a surface. Applying equations defined on a surface, these physics
interfaces compute the average velocity and pressure across the layer in narrow
planar structures. The physics interfaces are thus boundary physics interfaces,
which means that the boundary level is the highest level; they do not have a
domain level. The simulation of the flow of a lubrication oil between two rotating
cylinders is an example of a possible application for this physics interface.

The CFD Module Physics Interfaces

| 17

Physics Interface Guide by Space Dimension and Study Type






Chemical Species Transport

Transport of Diluted


all dimensions

stationary; time dependent

Transport of
Concentrated Species


all dimensions

stationary; time dependent


3D, 2D, 2D

stationary; time dependent

Turbulent Flow, k-


3D, 2D, 2D

stationary; time dependent

Turbulent Flow, k-


3D, 2D, 2D

stationary; time dependent

Turbulent Flow, SST


3D, 2D, 2D

stationary with initialization;

transient with initialization

Turbulent Flow, Low

Re k-


3D, 2D, 2D

stationary with initialization;

transient with initialization

Reacting Flow
Laminar Flow
Turbulent Flow

Reacting Flow in Porous Media

Transport of
Diluted Species


3D, 2D, 2D

stationary; time dependent

Transport of


3D, 2D, 2D

stationary; time dependent


3D, 2D, 2D

stationary; time dependent

Fluid Flow
Single-Phase Flow
Laminar Flow(1)

18 | The CFD Module Physics Interfaces






Turbulent Flow,
Algebraic yPlus


3D, 2D, 2D

stationary with initialization;

transient with initialization

Turbulent Flow,


3D, 2D, 2D

stationary with initialization;

transient with initialization

Turbulent Flow, k-


3D, 2D, 2D

stationary; time dependent

Turbulent Flow, k-


3D, 2D, 2D

stationary; time dependent

Turbulent Flow, SST


3D, 2D, 2D

stationary with initialization;

transient with initialization

Turbulent Flow, Low

Re k-


3D, 2D, 2D

stationary with initialization;

transient with initialization

Turbulent Flow,


3D, 2D, 2D

stationary with initialization;

transient with initialization

Creeping Flow


3D, 2D, 2D

stationary; time dependent

Turbulent Flow

Rotating Machinery, Fluid Flow

Rotating Machinery,
Laminar Flow


3D, 2D

frozen rotor; time dependent

Rotating Machinery,
Turbulent Flow, k-


3D, 2D

frozen rotor; time dependent

Thin-Film Flow, Shell



stationary; time dependent;

frequency domain;

Thin-Film Flow,



stationary; time dependent;

frequency domain;

Thin-Film Flow,


2D and 2D

stationary; time dependent;

frequency domain;

Thin-Film Flow

The CFD Module Physics Interfaces

| 19






Laminar Bubbly


3D, 2D, 2D

stationary; time dependent

Turbulent Bubbly


3D, 2D, 2D

stationary; time dependent

Mixture Model,
Laminar Flow


3D, 2D, 2D

stationary; time dependent

Mixture Model,
Turbulent Flow


3D, 2D, 2D

stationary; time dependent


3D, 2D, 2D

stationary; time dependent

Laminar Two-Phase
Flow, Level Set


3D, 2D, 2D

transient with phase


Two-Phase Flow,
Level Set


3D, 2D, 2D

transient with phase


Multiphase Flow
Bubbly Flow

Mixture Model

Euler-Euler Model
Euler-Euler Model,
Laminar Flow
Two-Phase Flow, Level Set

Two-Phase Flow, Phase Field

Laminar Two-Phase
Flow, Phase Field


3D, 2D, 2D

transient with phase


Two-Phase Flow,
Phase Field


3D, 2D, 2D

transient with phase


20 | The CFD Module Physics Interfaces






Porous Media and Subsurface Flow

Brinkman Equations


3D, 2D, 2D

stationary; time dependent

Darcys Law


all dimensions

stationary; time dependent

Two-Phase Darcys


3D, 2D, 2D

stationary; time dependent

Free and Porous

Media Flow


3D, 2D, 2D

stationary; time dependent

3D, 2D, 2D

stationary; time dependent

Turbulent Flow,
Algebraic yPlus

3D, 2D, 2D

stationary with initialization;

transient with initialization

Turbulent Flow,

3D, 2D, 2D

stationary with initialization;

transient with initialization

Turbulent Flow,

3D, 2D, 2D

stationary; time dependent

Turbulent Flow,

3D, 2D, 2D

stationary; time dependent

Turbulent Flow,

3D, 2D, 2D

stationary with initialization;

transient with initialization

Turbulent Flow, Low

Re k-(2)

3D, 2D, 2D

stationary with initialization;

transient with initialization

Turbulent Flow,

3D, 2D, 2D

stationary with initialization;

transient with initialization

3D, 2D, 2D

stationary; time dependent

Non-Isothermal Flow
Laminar Flow2
Turbulent Flow

High Mach Number Flow

Laminar Flow


The CFD Module Physics Interfaces

| 21






Turbulent Flow, k-


3D, 2D, 2D

stationary; time dependent

Turbulent Flow,


3D, 2D, 2D

stationary with initialization;

transient with initialization

Heat Transfer in


all dimensions

stationary; time dependent

Heat Transfer in Porous



all dimensions

stationary; time dependent

3D, 2D, 2D

stationary; time dependent

Turbulent Flow,
Algebraic yPlus

3D, 2D, 2D

stationary with initialization;

transient with initialization

Turbulent Flow,

3D, 2D, 2D

stationary with initialization;

transient with initialization

Turbulent Flow,

3D, 2D, 2D

stationary; time dependent

Turbulent Flow,

3D, 2D, 2D

stationary; time dependent

Turbulent Flow, Low

Re k-(2)

3D, 2D, 2D

stationary with initialization;

transient with initialization

Turbulent Flow,

3D, 2D, 2D

stationary with initialization;

transient with initialization

Turbulent Flow,

3D, 2D, 2D

stationary with initialization;

transient with initialization

Heat Transfer

Conjugate Heat Transfer

Laminar Flow(2)
Turbulent Flow

22 | The CFD Module Physics Interfaces






Level Set


all dimensions

transient with phase


Phase Field


all dimensions

time dependent; transient with

phase initialization

Moving Interface

(1) This physics interface is included with the core COMSOL package but has added

functionality for this module.


This physics interface is a predefined multiphysics coupling that automatically adds all the
physics interfaces and coupling features required.

The CFD Module Physics Interfaces

| 23

The Model Libraries Window

To open a CFD Module model library model, click Blank Model in the New
screen. Then on the Model or Main toolbar click Model Libraries
. In the
Model Libraries window that opens, expand the CFD Module folder and browse
or search the contents.
Click Open Model
to open the model in COMSOL Multiphysics or click
Open PDF Document
to read background about the model including the
step-by-step instructions to build it. The MPH-files in the COMSOL model
library can have two formatsFull MPH-files or Compact MPH-files.
Full MPH-files, including all meshes and solutions. In the Model Libraries

window these models appear with the

icon. If the MPH-files size
exceeds 25MB, a tip with the text Large file and the file size appears when
you position the cursor at the models node in the Model Libraries tree.
Compact MPH-files with all settings for the model but without built meshes

and solution data to save space on the DVD (a few MPH-files have no
solutions for other reasons). You can open these models to study the settings
and to mesh and re-solve the models. It is also possible to download the full
versionswith meshes and solutionsof most of these models when you
update your model library. These models appear in the Model Libraries
window with the
icon. If you position the cursor at a compact model in
the Model Libraries window, a No solutions stored message appears. If a full
MPH-file is available for download, the corresponding nodes context menu
includes a Download Full Model item ( ).
To check all available Model Libraries updates, select Update COMSOL Model
Library ( ) from the File>Help menu (Windows users) or from the Help menu
(Mac and Linux users).
The rest of this guide uses two models from the model library. The Tutorial
ExampleBackstep, which starts on the next page, solves a laminar flow problem
and the Tutorial ExampleWater Purification Reactor examines a turbulent flow
problem using the Turbulent Flow, k- interface.

24 | The Model Libraries Window

Tutorial ExampleBackstep
This tutorial model solves the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in a
backstep geometry. A characteristic feature of fluid flow in geometries of this kind
is the recirculation region that forms where the flow exits the narrow inlet region.
The model demonstrates the modeling procedure for laminar flows in the CFD

Model Geometry
The model consists of a pipe connected to a block-shaped duct (see Figure 7).
Due to symmetry, it is sufficient to model one eighth of the full geometry.




Figure 7: The model geometry showing the symmetry.

Domain Equations and Boundary Conditions

The flow in this system is laminar and you should therefore use the Laminar Flow
The inlet flow is fully developed laminar flow, described by the corresponding
inlet boundary condition. This boundary condition computes the flow profile for
fully developed laminar flow in a channel of arbitrary cross section. The boundary
Tutorial ExampleBackstep

| 25

condition at the outlet sets a constant relative pressure. Furthermore, the vertical
and inclined boundaries along the length of the geometry are symmetry
boundaries. All other boundaries are solid walls described by a no-slip boundary

Figure 8 shows a combined surface and arrow plot of the flow velocity. This plot
does not reveal the recirculation region in the duct immediately beyond the inlet
pipes end. For this purpose, a streamline plot is more useful, as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 8: The velocity field in the backstep geometry.

26 | Tutorial ExampleBackstep

Figure 9: The recirculation region visualized using a velocity streamline plot.

The following instructions show how to formulate, solve, and reproduce these

M o d e l W i z a rd
The first step to build a model is to open COMSOL, then select the physics
interface and specify the type of analysis you want to doin this case, a stationary,
Laminar Flow analysis.
Note: These instructions are for the user interface on Windows but also apply,
with minor differences, to Linux and Mac.
1 To open the software, double-click the COMSOL icon on the desktop. When
the software opens, you can choose to use the Model Wizard to create a new
COMSOL model or Blank Model to create one manually. For this tutorial, click
the Model Wizard button.
The Model Wizard guides you through the first steps of setting up a model. If
COMSOL is already open, you can start the Model Wizard by selecting
from the File menu and then clicking Model Wizard
The next window lets you select the dimension of the modeling space.
Tutorial ExampleBackstep

| 27

2 In the Space Dimension window click the 3D button

3 In the Select Physics tree under Fluid Flow>Single-Phase Flow click

Laminar Flow (spf)
4 Click Add and then click the Study button

5 In the tree under Preset Studies, click Stationary

6 Click the Done button

G loba l D e f init ions - Pa r a m et er s

The first task is to define a parameter for the inlet velocity. Then you will use this
parameter to run a parametric study.
1 On the Model toolbar click Parameters

Note: On Linux and Mac, the Model toolbar refers to the specific set of controls
near the top of the Desktop.
2 In the Settings window for Parameters locate the Parameters section. In the
table enter the following settings:
- In the Name text field, enter v0
- In the Expression text field, enter 1[cm/s]
- In the Description text field, enter Inlet velocity

Geometr y 1
You can build the backstep geometry from geometric primitives. Here, instead use
a file containing the sequence of geometry features that has been provided for
Note: The location of the file used in this exercise varies based on your
installation. For example, if the installation is on your hard drive, the file path
might be similar to C:\Program Files\COMSOL50\models\.
1 On the Geometry toolbar choose Insert Sequence

28 | Tutorial ExampleBackstep

2 Browse to the model library folder and double-click the file

3 Go to the Model toolbar and click Build All

The geometry sequence is now inserted into your component and should look like
the geometry in Figure 7.

Mate rials
1 On the Model toolbar click Add Material

2 Go to the Add Material window. In the tree under Built-In click Water, liquid.

3 In the Add Material window, click

Add to Component.

4 On the Model toolbar click Add Material

again to close the window.

The physical properties are now available for the CFD simulation. This also defines
the domain settings. The next step is to specify the boundary conditions.

L a m i n a r F l ow
Inlet 1
1 On the Physics toolbar click Boundaries

and choose Inlet

2 Select Boundary 1, which represents the inlet.

Tutorial ExampleBackstep

| 29

3 Under Boundary Condition from the

Boundary condition list, select Laminar
4 Under Laminar Inflow in the Uav text field,
type v0 (which you defined as a Global

Symmetry 1
1 On the Physics toolbar click
and choose Symmetry

2 Select Boundaries 2 and 3 only.

Outlet 1
1 On the Physics toolbar click
and choose Outlet

The default outlet condition specifies a zero relative pressure.

2 Go to the Settings window for Outlet. Select Boundary 7 only.
3 On the Settings window for Outlet, locate the Pressure Conditions section.
Select the Normal flow check box.

The sequence of nodes in the Model Builder under Laminar Flow should match
the figure. The D in the upper left corner of a node means it is a default node.

All other boundaries now have the default wall condition.

30 | Tutorial ExampleBackstep

Me sh 1
1 In the Model Builder click Mesh 1

2 In the Settings window for Mesh locate the

Mesh Settings section. From the Element
size list, choose Coarse.
The physics-induced mesh automatically
introduces a mesh that is a bit finer on the
walls than the free stream mesh.
3 Click the Build All button

The figure below shows the boundary layer mesh at the walls. Zoom in to the
mesh using the zoom function on the Graphics toolbar
to confirm that it
matches the figure.

Tutorial ExampleBackstep

| 31

Study 1
1 On the Model toolbar click Compute

When Compute is selected, COMSOL Multiphysics automatically chooses a

suitable solver for the problem.

Two plots are automatically created, one slice plot for the velocity and one
pressure contour plot on the wall.

Velocity (spf)
1 In the Model Builder under Results
2 Right-click Slice 1

, expand the Velocity (spf)


and choose Delete. Click Yes.

3 Go to the Velocity (spf) toolbar and click Surface

4 On the Velocity (spf) toolbar, click Arrow Surface

5 Go to the Settings window for Arrow Surface.

- Under Coloring and Style from the Arrow length list, select Logarithmic.
- From the Color list, select Yellow.

6 Click the Zoom Extents button

on the Graphics window toolbar.

The plot in Figure 8 on page 26 displays in the Graphics window.

To see the recirculation effects, create a streamline plot of the velocity field.

32 | Tutorial ExampleBackstep

3D Plot Group 3
1 On the Model toolbar click Add Plot Group
3D Plot Group

and choose

2 Go to the 3D Plot Group 3 toolbar and click Streamline

3 In the 3D Plot Group Settings window, scroll to the Selection section, and click
the Active button next to the Selection list.
4 Select Boundary 1 only.
5 In the Settings window for Streamline locate the Coloring and Style section.
From the Line type list, choose Tube.
6 Right-click Streamline 1

and choose Color Expression

The plot in Figure 9 on page 27 displays in the Graphics window.

Tutorial ExampleBackstep

| 33

Tutorial ExampleWater Purification Reactor

Water purification for turning natural water into drinking water is a process that
consists of several steps. At least one step must be a disinfectant step. One way to
achieve efficient disinfection in an environmentally friendly way is to use ozone. A
typical ozone purification reactor is about 40 m long and resembles a mace with
partial walls or baffles that divide the space into room-sized compartments (Ref.
1). When water flows through the reactor, turbulent flow is created along its
winding path around the baffles towards the exit pipe. The turbulence mixes the
water with ozone gas, which enters through diffusers just long enough to
inactivate micro-pollutants. When the water leaves the reactor, the remaining
purification steps filter off or otherwise remove the reacted pollutants.
In analyzing an ozone purification reactor, the first step is to get an overview of
the turbulent flow field. The results from the turbulent-flow simulation can then
be used for further analyses of residence time and chemical species transport and
reactions. This requires adding more physics features to the model. The current
model solves for turbulent flow in a water treatment reactor by applying the
Turbulent Flow, k- interface.

34 | Tutorial ExampleWater Purification Reactor

Model Geometry
The model geometry along with some boundary conditions is shown in Figure 10.
The full reactor has a symmetry plane, which is utilized to reduce the size of the



Figure 10: Model geometry. All boundaries except the inlet, outlet and symmetry plane are walls.

Domain Equations and Boundary Conditions

Based on the inflow velocity, which is 0.1 m/s, and a length scale L equal to the
diameter of the inlet, the Reynolds number is
0.1 0.4
- = 4 10 5
Re = ------------- = --------------------
1 10 6

Here is the kinematic viscosity. The high Reynolds number clearly indicates that
the flow is turbulent and a turbulence model must be applied. In this case, you will
use the k- model. This is commonly used in industrial applications, because it is
both relatively robust and computationally inexpensive compared to more
advanced turbulence models. One major reason the k- model is inexpensive is
that it employs wall functions to describe the flow close to walls instead of
resolving the very steep gradients there. All boundaries are walls in Figure 10
except the inlet, the outlet, and the symmetry plane.

Tutorial ExampleWater Purification Reactor

| 35

The inlet velocity is prescribed as a plug flow profile. The turbulent intensity is set
to 5 % and the turbulent length scale is specified according to Table 3-3 in
Theory for the Turbulent Flow Interfaces in the CFD Module Users Guide. A
constant pressure is prescribed on the outlet.

Notes About the Implementation

A three-dimensional turbulent flow can take a rather long time to solve, even using
a turbulence model with wall functions. To make this tutorial feasible, the mesh is
deliberately selected to be relatively coarse and the results are hence not
mesh-independent. In any component, the effect of refining the mesh should be
investigated in order to ensure that the model is well-resolved.

The velocity field in the symmetry plane is shown in Figure 11. The jet from the
inlet hits the top of the first baffle, which splits the jet. One half creates a strong
recirculation zone in the first chamber. The other half continues downstream
into the reactor and gradually spreads out. The velocity magnitude decreases as
more fluid is entrained into the jet.

Figure 11: Velocity field in the symmetry plane.

36 | Tutorial ExampleWater Purification Reactor

Figure 12 gives a more complete picture of the mixing process in the reactor. The
streamlines are colored by the velocity magnitude, and their widths are
proportional to the turbulent viscosity. Wide lines hence indicate a high degree of
mixing. The turbulence in this model is mainly produced in the shear layers
between the central jet and the recirculation zones. The mixing can be seen to be
relatively weak in the beginning of the reactor and to increase further downstream.

Figure 12: Streamlines colored by velocity. The width of the streamlines is proportional to the turbulent

1. http://www.comsol.com/stories/hofman_water_purification/full/

M o d e l W i z a rd
The first step to build a model is to open COMSOL, then select the physics
interface and specify the type of analysis you want to doin this case, a stationary,
Turbulent Flow, k- analysis.
1 Open COMSOL Multiphysics. On the New page click Model Wizard
Then click the 3D button
Tutorial ExampleWater Purification Reactor

| 37

2 In the Select Physics tree under Fluid Flow>Single-Phase Flow>Turbulent

Flow, click Turbulent Flow, k- (spf)
3 Click Add and then click the Study button
4 In the tree under Preset Studies, click Stationary
5 Click the Done button

G loba l D e f init ions - Pa r a m et er s

The first task is to define a parameter for the inlet velocity. Parameters can be used
to run parametric studies.
1 On the Model toolbar click Parameters

The Model toolbar refers to the specific set of controls near the top of the
2 Go to the Settings window for Parameters. In the table, enter the following
- In the Name text field, enter u_in
- In the Expression text field, enter 0.1[m/s]
- In the Description text field, enter Inlet velocity

Geometr y 1
You can build the reactor geometry from geometric primitives. Here, instead use
a file containing the sequence of geometry features that has been provided for
Note: The location of the file used in this exercise varies based on your
installation. For example, if the installation is on your hard drive, the file path
might be similar to C:\Program Files\COMSOL50\models\.
1 On the Geometry toolbar click Insert Sequence

2 Browse to the model library folder and double-click the file


38 | Tutorial ExampleWater Purification Reactor

3 On the Model toolbar click Build All

The geometry sequence is now inserted into your component and should look like
the figure below.

Mate rials
1 On the Model toolbar click Add Material

2 Go to the Add Material window. In the tree under Built-In click

Water, liquid
3 In the Add Material window, click

Add to Component.

4 On the Model toolbar, click Add Material

again to close the window.

The physical properties are now available for the CFD simulation. This also defines
the domain settings. The next step is to specify the boundary conditions.

Tutorial ExampleWater Purification Reactor

| 39

Tu r b u l e n t F l ow, k -
Inlet 1
1 On the Physics toolbar click Boundaries

and choose Inlet

2 Select Boundary 1, which represents the inlet.

3 In the Settings window for Inlet locate the
Velocity section. In the U0 text field, type
4 Locate the Turbulence Conditions section.
In the LT text field, type 0.07*0.2[m].

Symmetry 1
1 On the Physics toolbar click Boundaries
and choose Symmetry
2 Select Boundary 3 only.

Outlet 1
1 On the Physics toolbar click Boundaries
and choose Outlet
2 Select Boundary 28 only.
The sequence of nodes in the Model Builder under
Turbulent Flow, k- should match the figure. The D in
the upper left corner of a node means it is a default node.
All boundaries not selected in Inlet 1, Symmetry 1, or
Outlet 1 now have the default wall condition.

Me sh 1
The physics-induced mesh automatically introduces a mesh that is a bit finer on
the walls than the free stream mesh. It also refines the mesh at sharp corners and
adds a boundary layer mesh.
The finer mesh on the walls is not critical in this model since most of the
turbulence is produced in the shear layers between the jet and the recirculation
zones. The boundary layer mesh can also be coarsened in order to save
computational time.
1 In the Model Builder under Component 1 click Mesh 1

40 | Tutorial ExampleWater Purification Reactor

2 In the Settings window for Mesh, from the Element size list, choose Coarser.

Size 1
1 Go to the Mesh toolbar and click Edit

A mesh sequence as shown below appears. It contains suggestions made by the

physics interface. The asterisk on each of the mesh features indicates that the
features are not yet built.

2 Right-click Size 1

and choose Disable

Boundary Layer Properties 1

1 In the Model Builder, expand the Component 1>Mesh 1> Boundary
Layers 1
node, then click Boundary Layer Properties 1
2 In the Settings window for Boundary
Layer Properties locate the Boundary
Layer Properties section.
- In the Number of boundary layers text
field, type 2.
- In the Thickness adjustment factor text
field, type 6.

3 Click the Build All


4 In the Model Builder, collapse the Mesh 1

The mesh is now complete and should match
the figure below. The mesh can differ slightly
depending on which computer architecture
you use. The mesh in the figure is built on a
Windows computer, and will look similar,
but not identical, if built on, for example, a
Mac or Linux computer.

Tutorial ExampleWater Purification Reactor

| 41

Study 1
Next, solve for the flow field. This takes approximately 15 minutes on a quad-core
desktop computer.
1 On the Model toolbar click Compute

When Compute is selected, COMSOL automatically chooses a suitable solver for

the problem.

Three plots are automatically created, one slice plot for the velocity, one pressure
contour plot on the walls and one boundary plot of the wall lift-off in viscous units
for the wall functions. The last one is important since it gives an indication of how
well resolved the flow is at the walls. See Theory for the Turbulent Flow
Interfaces in the CFD Module Users Guide for further details on the wall
The following steps reproduce Figure 11.
First, create a data set that corresponds to the non-wall boundaries.

42 | Tutorial ExampleWater Purification Reactor

Data Sets
1 On the Results toolbar click More Data Sets

and choose Surface

2 Select Boundaries 1, 3, and 28 only which correspond to the non-wall


Velocity (spf)
1 In the Model Builder expand the Results>Velocity (spf)
2 Right-click Slice 1

and choose Disable

3 In the Model Builder click Velocity (spf)



4 In the Settings window for 3D Plot Group locate the Data section. From the
Data set list, choose Surface 3.
5 On the Velocity (spf) toolbar click Surface

6 In the Settings window for Surface locate the Data section. From the Data set
list, choose Surface 2, the reactor walls.
7 Locate the Coloring and Style section.
- From the Coloring list, choose Uniform.
- From the Color list, choose Gray.

8 On the Velocity (spf) toolbar click Surface

velocity magnitude.

to generate a surface plot of the

9 On the Velocity (spf) toolbar click Arrow Surface

10In the Settings window for Arrow Surface

locate the Coloring and Style section.
- From the Arrow length list, choose

- Select the Scale factor check box. In the
associated text field, type 1.4.
- In the Number of arrows text field, type
- From the Color list, choose White.

11In the Model Builder click Velocity

12In the Settings window for 3D Plot Group
click to expand the Title section.
- From the Title type list, choose Manual.
- In the Title text area, type Velocity field.

Tutorial ExampleWater Purification Reactor

| 43

13Click the Plot button

Also reproduce Figure 12 as follows.

1 In the Model Builder under Velocity (spf), right-click Surface 1 and choose

3D Plot Group 4
1 On the Model toolbar click Add Plot Group

and choose 3D Plot

2 In the Model Builder right-click 3D Plot Group 4

3 On the 3D Plot Group 4 toolbar click Streamline

and choose Paste


4 In the Settings window for Streamline go to the Selection section and click the
Active button next to the Selection list.
5 Select Boundary 1 which is the inlet. The streamlines now start at this boundary.

44 | Tutorial ExampleWater Purification Reactor

6 In the Settings window for Streamline:

- Locate the Streamline Positioning

section. In the Number text field, type

- Locate the Coloring and Style section.

From the Line type list, choose

- In the Width expression text field, type
- Select the Width scale factor check box.
In the associated text field, type 100.

7 Right-click Results>3D Plot Group 4>

Streamline 1
and choose
Color Expression
8 In the Settings window for Color
Expression click to expand the Range
- Select the Manual color range check box.
- In the Minimum text field, type 0.
- In the Maximum text field, type 0.1.

9 In the Model Builder click 3D Plot Group 4

10In the Settings window for 3D Plot Group click to expand the Title section.
- From the Title type list, choose Manual.
- In the Title text area, type Streamlines colored by velocity. Width
proportional to turbulent viscosity.

Tutorial ExampleWater Purification Reactor

| 45

11On the 3D Plot Group 4 toolbar click Plot

This concludes the introduction to the COMSOL CFD Module.

46 | Tutorial ExampleWater Purification Reactor

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