Conic Sections

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Lesson Plan 3

Conic Sections
Appropriate for Grades 6-9

As presented by:

Virginia Laird
Rockwell High School
Richardson, Texas

Chevron Corporation is pleased to publish and distribute these award-winning

Best Classroom Practices mathematics, science and technology academic lesson
plans (Grades 6-12) on the Internet and in handbook form. Each lesson plan
was created by master teachers for teachers to use in classrooms in accordance
with academic guidelines such as prerequisites, objectives, assessments and
expected student learning outcomes. Chevron Corporation has underwritten
and donated the cost of distribution, but is not responsible for the content,
use or misuse of any of the information contained therein.


Conic Sections

Note: Virginia Laird is no longer at Rockwell High

School. However, she can be reached at:
Region 10 Education Service Center
400 E Spring Valley Road
P.O. Box 831300
Richardson, Texas 75083
Phone number: 972-231-6301, ext 642
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract/Personal Reflections
The unit in Algebra II that students and teachers
dread the most seems to be the one on conic sections. To overcome this fear, I have developed a
series of activities that have helped my students be
more successful in this unit. The manipulative
approach used in Lesson 1 of the study helps students realize that there is nothing to fear and that
there is a real reason for studying these unique
curves. Using technology helps students spend less
time erasing their mistakes and makes them more
eager to try to graph the different curves.
As they become more successful on the computer,
students are more willing to take the task to paper
and produce their own art work based on conic sections. The individual curves become more and more
realistic as the students investigate the real-world
areas that utilize each curve. Students are encouraged to investigate the use of conic sections in our
world, looking at everything from magazines, to
amusement parks, to the Internet
When each student completes his or her project,
there is a tremendous sense of accomplishment and
pride. Every student knows this is one Algebra II test
that all can pass. Parents and students have
acknowledged to me that one of the things they
remember most about Algebra II is the art project.
Success is its own reward!
For me, the biggest reward from this project has
been the recognition by students and parents that
Algebra II is a subject that students can master and
that I will be able to extend my project's availability
to students throughout the state.


Play-doh (1 can per two students)

string or dental floss
large paper for posting results
colored pencils, markers, tape
magazines, scissors, newspapers and/or
Internet resources
graphing calculators or graphing program for

A TI-92 graphing calculator or a computer graphing

program would be helpful. A computer graphing
program that allows the students to input the equations in standard form instead of function notation
is recommended. The lessons can be completed
without technology, but students are more successful
if the computer software is available.

Time Line
Teachers will need three weeks to complete the
entire unit.

Expected Student Outcomes

This project teaches the skills outlined in the
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, which will
become effective in Texas in the fall of 1998.
Students will:

describe a conic section as the intersection of a

plane and a cone;
relate simple parameter changes in the equation to
corresponding changes in the graph;
identify symmetries from graphs of conic sections;
identify the conic section from a given equation;
use the method of completing the square.

Lesson 1

Conic Sections


After completing this project, students should be able to:

identify how conic sections are formed and cite

examples of conic sections in the real world;
define both in words and in algebraic formulae, a
circle and its center and radius, and an ellipse and
its foci, latus rectum, and major and minor axis;
solve and graph, using a graphing calculator
and/or a computer graphing program, algebraic
problems related to various circles and ellipses;
define, both in words and in algebraic formulae, a
hyperbola, its center and foci, and its latus rectum;
solve and graph, using a graphing calculator and/or
a computer graphing program, algebraic problems
related to various hyperbolas and parabolas;
compare and contrast different circles, ellipses,
hyperbolas and parabolas;
produce a work of art related to conic sections;
work cooperatively towards the successful completion of a project; and
keep journal entries describing and assessing
their participation in each project activity.

Teacher: The teacher must be familiar with the
properties of conic sections and how to use either
a graphing calculator or a computer graphing
program. He or she should have a knowledge of
cooperative learning strategies to help enhance
student performance. Since these lessons cross
most levels of multiple intelligence, i.e.,
verbal/linguistic, body/kinesthetic, interpersonal,
logical/mathematical, visual/spatial, and intrapersonal, the teachers understanding of different
learning styles and different levels of critical
thinking is also helpful.
Students: Students should know how to solve a
quadratic equation by completing the square, how
to graph linear equations, and how to find the
equation of a line. Prior experience with the graphing utility is helpful. They should be familiar with
basic geometric shapes such as cones, rectangular
solids, and cubes. Some experience with journal
responses is also helpful because students will be
writing explanations in journal form.


Assessment tools are found after each lesson

(see Lesson Plans and Activities).

Lesson 1: Introduction to
Conic Sections
Note: The teacher should actually use the Play-doh
first before trying the lesson with the students.
Teachers may wish to pre-select the magazines or
web sites that students will visit to find examples
of conic sections.

Students will:

be able to identify which conic section is

formed by a specific cut of the cone;
be able to compare and contrast the cuts of
the cone, the sphere, the rectangular solid,
tetrahedron, and cube;
identify and label ten examples of conic sections used in the real world from newspapers,
magazines, or from Internet research.


string, markers, tape
large paper
magazines or newspapers and/or Internet access

1. Divide students into groups of four, with each
student serving in a particular role: recorder,
materials manager, questioner, and reporter.


Lessons 1 & 2

Conic Sections

2. Each student in these groups is to form a cone,

using the Play-doh. All the students then slice
their individual cones by drawing the dental
floss or string through the cone parallel to the
base and perpendicular to an imaginary line or
axis passing through the center of the cones.
3. The recorder draws the results on the large
paper provided to the group and the group
chooses a real-world object that looks like the
circle they have just formed.
4. Students reshape their cones and proceed to
form their second conic, the ellipse. This cut is
done by slicing the cone at an angle to the
imaginary axis, but not through the base of the
cone. Again the recorder draws the result on the
group paper and a real world example is listed.
5. The cones are reshaped and students cut a
third slice. This slice is made parallel to an
imaginary line on the side of the cone and
passing through the base of the cone. The
parabola is formed and recorded on the posting
sheet with its real-world application listed.
6. The final cut is made by placing two cones, nose
to nose. The string is pulled from the base of
one cone parallel to the imaginary axis and
through both cones to the base of the second
cone. The result will be the two branches of the
hyperbola. Once again, the result is drawn, an
example provided, and the sheets are posted
about the room for student feedback and
teacher correction.
7. The students are then challenged to form the
geometric solids of a cube, rectangular solid,
tetrahedron and sphere. They are to perform
the same four cuts within their groups and
reach a group consensus of the outcomes.
8. Students are to record, individually, in journal
form, the results of both cutting the cone and
the geometric solids. They are to compare and
contrast the results for each solid and the cone.
9. From magazines, newspapers, or from Internet
resources, students are to find ten real-world
pictures of conic sections, label them by name,
and identify which cut of the cone was used to
form that particular conic.

Students are to receive 10 points for each conic
correctly identified in their real-world pictures, for
a total outcome of 100 points.
The journal writings are critiqued for accuracy
and corrective feedback provided. Students are
allowed to resubmit incorrect journal writings to
improve their performance.

Lesson 2: Development of
Graphing Circles and Ellipses
The student will be able to:

graph circles and ellipses, and write the equation

of each when given appropriate information.
Materials: graphing program for computer and
graph paper

1. Using computers, students work in groups of
two. They are given the following information
through direct teaching:
A circle is the set of all points in a plane
equidistant from a fixed point, called the center. The fixed distance is the radius. The standard form of a circle whose center is at the
point (h,k) is (x-h) 2 + (y-k) 2 = r 2. The radius
is r units.
An ellipse is the set of all points P in a plane
such that the sum of the distance from P to
two fixed points is a constant. The fixed points
are called foci (plural of focus). The standard
form of an ellipse that lies in the x-direction
with center (h,k) is
(x-h)2 + (y-k)2 = 1.

Conic Sections

Lessons 2, 3 & 4
The a 2 and b 2 positions are interchanged when
the ellipse is stretched in the y-direction. The
distance from the center to each vertex is a
units and the distance from the center to the
endpoints of the minor axis is b units. An
ellipses two foci are located c units from the
center on the major axis and are found by
applying the relationship a 2 - b 2 = c 2. The
ellipse's width is found by locating the latus
rectum, which is a set distance above and
below each focus determined by the value
2. Students use the graphing program and determine the effect of changing (h,k) and the values
of a and b for the ellipse. They record the location of the foci and the length of the latus rectum for each problem. Then they sketch the
result on graph paper and formulate a conclusion about the effects of changing the values.


1. The students are grouped in pairs and the necessary information given to them through the
direct teaching model. Students then explore
the effects of (h,k) and c upon the parabola
in each of the forms.

Student Work Sheet for Lesson 3

see page 37

Lesson 4: Development of the

Graph of the Hyperbola

Student Work Sheet for Lesson 2

see page 36

Lesson 3: Development of
Graphing of Parabolas
The student will be able to:

graph the parabola using the standard form of

(x-h) 2 = 4c (y-k) and (y-k) 2 = 4c (x-h);
write the equation of the parabola when given the
appropriate parts.

computer graphing program
graph paper

The student will be able to graph and write the

equation of the hyperbola.


Computer graphing program,

graph paper

1. Each student will work with a partner to discover
the characteristics of the graph of the hyperbola.
The following work sheet will be provided to the
students prior to their exploration.

Student Work Sheet for Lesson 4

see page 38


Work Sheet for Lesson 2

Conic Sections

Use the following problems:


x2 + y 2 = 1


x2 + y 2 = 1


(x-2)2 + (y+3) 2 = 1


(x-2)2 + (y+3) 2 = 1


(x+1)2 + (y-2) 2 = 1
(x+1)2 + (y-2)2 = 1
A. Conclusions about (h,k): ___________________________________________
B. Conclusions about a and b: __________________________________________
C. Based on your observations, write the equation for the following ellipses.
1. (h,k) = (3,-2) and a=5, b=2 and major axis horizontal
2. (h,k) = (3,-2) and a=5, b=2 and major axis vertical
3. (h,k) = (-1,-3) and a=5, c=4 and major axis horizontal
4. (h,k) = (-1,-3) and b =3 , c=4 and major axis vertical

D. Use the computer program to graph the following circles and record your observations concerning
(h,k) and the radius. Suppose you wanted to find the diameter of each circle. What would you do?

1. x 2 + y 2 = 9
3. (x+3)2 + ( y + 1)2 = 16

2. (x - 3) 2 + ( y-1) 2 = 16
4. (x + 1) 2 + (y-5)2 = 9

To find the diameter when given the radius, I _____________________________________
To find the radius when given the diameter, I _____________________________________


Write an explanation of the effects of changing (h,k) on both the circle and the ellipse.
Explain the effect of a and b on the ellipse.
Create 5 problems of your own that would be ellipses and circles.
Give 5 sets of data that would be sufficient for a partner to write the equation of
the circle or ellipse. For one of the circles, give the diameter instead of the radius.
5. List the problems and have your partner solve them, using the computer graphing program.
6. Write a summary of the difficulties, if any, that you and your partner experienced when checking your
problems. If no problems were encountered, sketch the graphs of the problems and show the equations.

Conic Sections

Work Sheet for Lesson 3

Use the following information to complete the activities listed:

A. A parabola is the set of all points P in a plane that are the same distance from a given line and a fixed
point not on the line.
B. The fixed point is called the focus and the fixed line is called the directrix.
C. The focus and directrix are each located c units from the vertex, but lie on opposite sides of the parabola.
D. The parabola cannot intersect the directrix.
E. The width of the parabola at its focus is 4c units and is called the latus rectum.
F. A parabola's direction is dependent upon which term is squared in the standard form.
Graph the following parabolas on the computer graphics program and draw conclusions about the
direction of the curve, the effect of (h,k) and c. Find the length of the latus rectum for each
curve and verify from the graph. Sketch the graph of each on your graph paper.

1. (x-2)2 = 4(y-1)

2. (x + 1) 2 = -4 (y + 1)

3. (y + 1)2 = -4 (x + 1)

4. (y-2)2 = 8 (x-1)

A parabola in the form of (x-h)2 = 4c ( y-k) turns _______ or ______. When 4c is a negtive number, the parabola turns _______, but if 4c is positive, the parabola turns _______. (h,k) represents
the _____of the parabola. A parabola in the form of (y-k)2 = 4c(x-h) turns _____ or ______. If 4c
is positive the parabola turns ______, but if 4c is negative the parabola turns _____. The focus is
located _____ units from the vertex and the latus rectum is _____ times this distance.

The student will use the following assessment to evaluate Lesson 3:

A. Describe in paragraph form the following parabolas, then have your partner read and correct your description. Check your results by graphing each parabola on the computer.
Sketch each graph on your graph paper.
1. (x +2 ) 2 = -8 (y - 1) 2. ( y-2) 2 = 4 (x + 5)

B. Write the equation of the following parabolas, sketch a graph, then verify on the computer:
1. (h,k) = (2,3) c=3, turns right
3. (h,k) = (2,3) c=3 turns down

2. (h,k) = (-3,-1) c=1, turns left

4. (h,k) = (-3,-1) c=1 turns up



Work Sheet for Lesson 4

Conic Sections

A. A hyperbola is the set of all points, P, in a plane such that the difference from P to two fixed
points, called foci, is a constant.
B. The standard from of the hyperbola with center (h,k) is
(x-h)2 _ (y-k)2 = 1 or (y-k) 2 - (x-h)2 = 1




C. The hyperbola is similar in some of its characteristics to the ellipse, but very different in others.
D. As you graph the following hyperbolas, watch for similarities and differences between this
curve and the ellipse listed next to it.
E. The foci for the hyperbola are defined by the relationship a2 + b2 = c2.
F. The latus rectum relationship is the same for both the hyperbola and the ellipse.
G. For each graph, list the vertices, the foci, the latus rectum distance, and the center.
1. (x-2) 2 - (y-4)2 = 1

(x-2)2 + (y-4)2 = 1

2. (y-4)2 - (x-2)2 = 1

(x-2)2 + (y-4)2 = 1

3. (x+2) 2 - (y+1)2 = 1

(x+2)2 + (y-4)2 = 1

Answer the questions and do the activities that follow:

1. What do you notice about the relationship between the size of a and b on the hyperbola that
is different on the ellipse? ______________________________________
2. What seems to determine the direction of the hyperbola? _________________
3. What determines the direction of the ellipse? ___________________________
4. Compare and contrast as many characteristics of the two curves as you can. Record your
observations for each specific curve.
5. Write the equation for each of the following hyperbolas and have your partner check. Check
the results on the computer:
1. hyperbola (h,k) = (2,3) a = 4, b = 9 lies in the x-direction
2. hyperbola (h,k) = ( -1, -2) a=9, b=4 lies in the y-direction
3. hyperbola (h,k) = (4,5) a = 4, c = 16 lies in the y-direction

Once all observations are listed and noted, additional problems from all conics are assigned.
Students graph on paper, then check their graphs on the computer. Next, students write their
own equations, one per conic, and check them on the computer.

Conic Sections

Lesson 5
Lesson 5: Creating a Picture
Using Conics



This lesson may take several days to complete.


graph paper
colored pencils or markers
computer graphics software or graphing calculator

Students will be able to apply the graphing of
conics to a real-world situation by creating their
own picture.

See worksheet below.

Work Sheet for Lesson 5

1. Use a minimum of six conic curves and four lines to create a picture of your choice. No abstract
art is allowed. Your picture must include at least three of the four conics studied.
2. For one of the equations, write the relationship as an inequality to show the coloring that would
be used. Algebra must be used to prove the intersection points for any two of the equations.
3. Your final product cannot be computer-generated; however, the computer may be used as a
checking tool throughout the process.
4. All rough drafts must be included, with the final copy on top.

A 70% will be awarded for having the minimum number of curves, the inequality, and the algebraic
solution. Points will be awarded for level of difficulty, extra equations, and overall presentation.

Scoring Rubric

Maximum points

6 conics/ 4 lines

50 points


10 points

algebra solution

10 points

11-25 equations

5 points

over 25 equations

10 points


10 points

level of difficulty

10 points


Conic Sections

Opportunities for Extension and

Cross-Curriculum Integration
This tactile/kinesthetic approach to conics allows students to more concretely visualize and understand
the concept and then, as they research and develop
their pictures, apply this knowledge to the real world.
The art project encourages students to use another
medium to demonstrate their mathematical abilities
so that students with minimal algebraic skills can still
prove mastery of the concept of conic sections.
These lessons address the needs of students who are
concrete/sequential, abstract/random, abstract/
sequential, and concrete/random. The compare/ contrast questions require students to progress from the
basic level of knowledge to the engaged level of
thinking. By creating their own pictures, students are
developing and thinking at the highest level of
learning -- the dynamic.
Different levels of competency and learning styles are
utilized as the students pair to discuss and discover
the special qualities of each conic curve. Journal
writing allows the more verbal/linguistic student to
demonstrate his or her knowledge of the subject,
even if the algebraic development is not as refined as
the more logical/mathematical student.

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