Rehabilitation of The Ankle After Acute Sprain or Chronic Instability
Rehabilitation of The Ankle After Acute Sprain or Chronic Instability
Rehabilitation of The Ankle After Acute Sprain or Chronic Instability
q by the National Athletic Trainers Association, Inc
ehabilitation of athletic injuries requires the prescription of sport-specific exercise and activities that challenge the recovering tendons, ligaments, bones, and
muscle fibers without overstressing them. The goal of rehabilitation is to return an athlete to the same or higher level of
competition as before the injury. Rehabilitation must take into
consideration normal tissue size, flexibility, muscular strength,
power, and endurance. Control of swelling and effusion must
be accomplished with frequent application of external pressure, modalities such as cryotherapy, and active range of motion (ROM).
The effectiveness of the rehabilitation program after injury
(Figure 1) or surgery often determines the success of future
function and athletic performance.1 An understanding of the
bodys response to injury is paramount to designing a rehabilitation approach. Ligamentous and soft tissue injury results
in biochemical changes similar to those seen after an injury.2
Injury results in bleeding and damage to tissue, which produces pain. After the initial insult, the inflammatory response
is initiated, followed by the proliferative phase and the maturation phase3 (Figure 2).
Stress to collagen fibers results in fiber orientation along
these specific lines of stress. Specifically, rehabilitation during
days 1 through 5 should focus on protection of the injured
tissue, then supervised and protected stress may be applied
from days 6 to 42. The goal of athletic rehabilitation is to
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Range of Motion
Passive range of motion
Frequency, Duration
Plantar flexion
Stand with heel on the floor and bend at the Pain-free stretch for 1530 s,
Move the ankle in multiple planes of motion 23 times per hr 453/day
by drawing the alphabet in lowercase and
uppercase motions
Resistance can be provided by an immovable object (eg, wall or floor) or the contralateral foot
Push foot downward (away from the head) Hold muscle contraction for
510 s
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2nd Set: 10
0 lbs (0 kg)
1 (.45)
2 (.91)
3 (1.36)
4 (1.81)
5 (2.27)
7.5 (3.40)
10 (4.54)
12.5 (5.67)
15 (6.80)
17.5 (7.94)
20 (9.07)
22.5 (10.21)
25 (11.34)
27.5 (12.47)
30 (13.61)
32.5 (14.74)
3rd Set: 10
lb (.45 kg)
4th Set: 10
1.5 lbs (.68 kg)
3 (1.36)
5 (2.27)
8 (3.63)
10 (4.54)
15 (6.80)
20 (9.07)
25 (11.34)
30 (13.61)
35 (15.88)
40 (18.14)
45 (20.41)
50 (22.68)
55 (24.95)
60 (27.22)
65 (29.48)
70 (31.75)
*This strength-training program is a modification of Knights DAPRE program67 as revised by Perrin and Gieck.68
Patient should proceed to next line when he or she can lock out (complete with correct form) the 4th set 10 times.
Figure 5. Clinician-assisted manual resistance performed in painfree range of motion. A, plantar flexion and dorsiflexion, B, eversion, and C, inversion.
Figure 7. Walking on the heel, A, and toes, B, for assessment of ability to bear weight and maintain balance. This can be used as a
gross measure of functional status and as an intermediate rehabilitation exercise.
Volume 37
effect that was not apparent for the control group. While not
significant, there was a trend toward decreased mediolateral
sway in the control group when wearing the rigid orthosis
versus no orthosis. Subjects were tested in single-leg stance
for 25 seconds. Baier and Hopf31 speculated that the differences in the ankle-brace group were due not just to mechanical
instability but also to a proprioceptive effect.
The study of braces to prevent injuries has been undertaken
by Garrick and Requa,33 Sitler et al,34 and Surve et al.35 Sitler
et al34 demonstrated a 3-fold decrease in ankle injuries among
braced cadets when compared with nonbraced controls, and
Surve et al35 reported a 5-fold reduction in ankle sprains when
braced athletes were compared with nonbraced athletes who
had previous ankle injuries. Therefore, the use of ankle taping
and bracing has proprioceptive, mechanical, and injury-protection benefits and causes minimal to no performance decrements.3638
Because the application of an ankle brace has been shown
to increase joint position sense, it may be suggested that after
an acute ankle sprain, initial exercises and ROM should be
performed with some prophylactic support in an attempt to
Rotate board in clockwise and counterclockwise directions nonweight-bearing and weight-bearing for bilateral and unilateral stance
Walk in normal or heel-to-toe fashion over various surfaces (eg, hard floor, uneven carpet, different foam
Clinician provides degrees of resistance and random
perturbations as athlete moves the foot through functional patterns
Frequency, Duration
510 repetitions, 233/d
Exercises can be performed with
eyes open or closed and with or
without resistance
Exercises can be performed with
eyes open or closed and with or
without resistance
Velocity and resistance can be varied
to stimulate sensory feedback
*Manual strengthening program is progressed with modified Daily Adjustable Resistance Exercise technique.
Frequency, Duration
Wobble-board exercises
Athlete balances on wobble board with rubber-tubing resistance or after light perturbations from the clinician
Athlete performs functional activities on variable surfaces, eg, trampoline, foam, in water with resistance
50% walking and 50% jogging in straight direction, forward, backward, and pattern running
50% jogging and 50% running in straight direction, forward, backward and pattern running
Increase difficulty by varying surfaces
and alternating eyes open and eyes
Increase difficulty by performing skills
on unstable surfaces and with varied velocity of movement
Increase intensity and incorporate activity-specific training
Increase intensity and incorporate activity-specific training
Figure 8. Balance exercises can be performed on different surfaces, A and B, and with eyes open or closed, C, and can be progressed
to active movements that invoke perturbations while maintaining balance, D, and perturbations invoked externally, E.
Volume 37
based on clinical interpretation of the literature, and justification of rehabilitation outcomes needs further investigation.
The use of orthotics shows promise in the treatment of ankle
instability, particularly in response to improving balance after
injury39 or fatigue,40 when rearfoot motion is altered,41 and in
normal subjects.42 In the clinical setting, orthotics are com-
Figure 9. A and B, Advanced balance and functional exercise with internal provoked perturbations while performing dynamic activities.
monly prescribed for many reasons: to alter the rearfoot motion in the gait cycle, assist in shock absorption, and provide
proprioceptive benefits. Recently, some authors have suggested that orthotics can be used clinically as an aid to postural
stability. Guskiewicz and Perrin39 evaluated the use of orthotics after an acute ankle sprain. Orthotics significantly reduced
postural sway between the orthotic and nonorthotic conditions
during anteroposterior and mediolateral sway. Orteza et al43
assessed the effects of molded and unmolded orthotics on balance and pain after an inversion ankle sprain. Subjects reported significantly less pain during jogging while wearing
molded orthotics compared with unmolded orthotics and no
orthotics. Similarly, Ochsendorf et al40 reported a significant
reduction in postural sway after orthotic intervention. The authors fatigued the plantar-flexor and dorsiflexor muscle groups
and noted that postural-stability values for the orthotic conditions (prefatigue and postfatigue) were less (better) than for
the nonorthotic conditions (prefatigue and postfatigue). Miller
et al41 studied control subjects and subjects with malaligned
rearfoot motion (.58 of rearfoot motion) for changes in postural sway during a 6-week period. Postural sway in the malaligned group with orthotics was initially worse than in the
control group with orthotics. However, the use of orthotics
improved bilateral (eyes-closed) postural sway in the malaligned group when values from baseline were compared with
weeks 2, 4, and 6 (P , .05).
Therefore, we recommend the use of orthotics during the
acute and subacute phases for subjects after an ankle sprain.
The use of orthotics provides somatosensory benefits because
cutaneous afferents contribute to human balance control44,45
and may provide neutral alignment for proper muscle activation and reduce unnecessary strain on already stressed soft
tissue.45 If the athlete has abnormal rearfoot or forefoot alignment, the use of orthotics is justified for all activities. There
is a paucity of information describing the use of orthotics for
CAI and limited information describing long-term effectiveness in normal individuals and individuals with malalignment.
This area needs further study to document functional outcome
after an intervention.
Many researchers have examined the effects of various
training regimens on the characteristics of CAI and the symptoms of acute ankle sprains (Appendix). The available research
regarding rehabilitation of ankle injuries and CAI ankle instability focuses on a wide variety of exercises and programs.
Many experts have succeeded using a type of balance board
to improve strength and balance measures in subjects with
acute injury and CAI.4650,57,59,60 Others have found that incorporating a variety of coordination-training exercises produces significant improvements in measures of strength and
proprioception.52,54,56 And still others have found that strength
training can be helpful in increasing not only ankle
strength53,55 but also ankle-joint proprioception.53,56 While
various investigators have shown that strength and balance
training can be effective, a definitive series of outcome studies
that document the number of treatments, the combination, and
the volume of exercise necessary to return athletes to full function is lacking. The implications of such research are paramount as evidence for the effectiveness of management.
A secondary purpose of this manuscript was to present a
functional-rehabilitation program drawing on concepts from
the available literature. A rehabilitation program must be in-
Figure 10. Exercise in water reduces compressive forces and supports injured tissue. A and B, Exercises can be initiated without
resistance and then progressed, C, to resistance until D, functional exercises can be performed.
Volume 37
dividualized to meet the needs of each athlete.1 While the importance of creating an individualized rehabilitation program
cannot be overstressed, it is our opinion that an individualized
rehabilitation program cannot be instituted without prior experience with a structured and well-designed rehabilitation
program. Although the educational aims of many undergraduate and graduate programs are to develop clinicians who can
be critical thinkers and decision makers, a health care professional can only design an individualized program for a particular patient after gaining substantial experience with a variety
of well-structured, progressive rehabilitation programs. Therefore, we provide a structured rehabilitation program that is
based on previous experience and empirical evidence. In addition, we supply some alternative concepts that are based on
a review of the neuromuscular literature dealing with ankle
rehabilitation, bracing, and postural control.
The significance of proper rehabilitation after an ankle
sprain cannot be overemphasized, especially when considering
the debilitating consequences of decreased ankle ROM, persistent pain, swelling, and CAI. Neglecting appropriate therapy
may also precipitate the loss of work hours. In one study, a
lack of rehabilitation resulted in several months delay in return to military duty.61 A regimen of Achilles tendon stretching, progressive muscle strengthening, and proprioceptive
training after acute treatment plays a pivotal role in hastening
return to activity and preventing CAI.
Prolonged immobilization of ankle sprains is a common
treatment error.6264 Kerkhoffs et al62 recently examined the
variation of practice with respect to the treatment of the acutely sprained ankle. They performed a formal, systematic review
of the literature to scrutinize evidence-based management
strategies for the treatment of the acute ankle sprain. Inclusion
of the potential studies was independently assessed by 2 reviewers and, when appropriate, results of comparable studies
were pooled. They found that immobilization alone should not
be used to manage acute lateral ankle-ligament injuries. Kerkoffs et al62 reported statistically significant differences for the
following outcomes when treatment with immobilization was
compared with a functional treatment (based on the available
literature): higher percentage of patients returned to work, the
length of time elapsed before returning to work was shorter,
fewer patients suffered from persistent swelling, fewer patients
suffered from objective instability at follow-up, ROM was limited in fewer patients, and subjective satisfaction was higher.
Functional stress stimulates the incorporation of stronger replacement collagen.63 Functional rehabilitation begins on the
day of injury and continues until pain-free gait and activities
are attained. Functional rehabilitation has 4 aspects: ROM,
strengthening, proprioception, and activity-specific training. Ankle-joint stability is a prerequisite to the institution of functional
rehabilitation. Since grade I and grade II injuries are considered
stable, functional rehabilitation should begin immediately.
Range of motion must be regained before functional rehabilitation is initiated (Table 1). Achilles tendon stretching
should be instituted within 48 to 72 hours of injury, regardless
of weight-bearing capacity, in light of the tissues tendency to
contract after trauma (Figure 4). Once ROM is achieved and
swelling and pain are controlled, the patient is ready to progress to the strengthening phase of rehabilitation. Strengthen-
As the patient achieves full weight bearing without pain, proprioceptive training is initiated for the recovery of balance and
postural control (Table 3). Various devices have been specifically designed for this phase of rehabilitation, and their use in
concert with a series of progressive drills has effectively returned patients to a high functional level.51,74 The simplest device for proprioceptive training is the wobble board, a small
Tropp et al (1984)
Gauffin et al (1988)48
Balance training
Single-leg stance on ankle disk:
week 110: 10 min/foot, 53/wk
week 1120: 5 min/foot, 33/wk
Strength training
Ankle-disk training on unstable ankle
only, 10 min, 53/wk for 8 wk
Wester et al (1996)50
Volume 37
Balance training
Biomechanical Ankle Platform System
(Spectrum Therapy Products, Jasper,
MI): 33/wk for 10 wk, 10-min length, 5
trials/session: 40 s long; change clockwise to counterclockwise every 10 s
Balance training
Weeks 13: 15 min/d
Wobble board: move front to back 103,
board not touching floor, for 15 s, rest
10 s;
Wobble board: move left to right 103,
board not touching floor, for 15 s, rest
10 s
Wobble board move in circle 53, 60 s,
rest 20 s
No significant differences between acute
and nonacute, tape and no tape. Significant changes in pre-post results.
Results stabilized and subjective giving-way feeling improved with ankledisc coordination training.
Ankle-disk training (10 wk) improved
isokinetic pronator muscle strength
and postural control.
Ankle-disk training decreased postural
sway, restored pattern for postural
Proprioceptive ankle-disk training (10
wk) decreased postural sway in
healthy subjects.
Appendix. Continued
Authors (Year)
Effects of a 6-week
strength and proprioception training program on
measures of dynamic balance: a single-case design
Docherty et al (1998)53
Equilibrium balance scores (anteroposterior, mediolateral) improved after 6week coordination-training program.
No effect on sway index or joint position sense.
Appendix. Continued
Authors (Year)
Holme et al (1999)54
Kern-Steiner et al
Volume 37
After injury (6 wk), side-to-side differences in isometric strength and postural control. After 4 mos, both variables normalized in both the training
and control group. After 12 mos,
training group had fewer reinjuries.
Improved active range of motion, painfree isometric strength, average unilateral peak vertical force production,
unilateral hop test performance. Return to full activity, pain free.
Appendix. Continued
Authors (Year)
Blackburn et al (2000)56
Soderman et al (2000)57
Hess et al (2001)58
Effect of a 4-week agilitytraining program on postural sway in the functionally unstable ankle
Matsusaka et al
Osborne et al (2001)60
Exercises include
Single-leg stance, arms out to side
Single-leg stance, arms across chest
Single-leg stance, bouncing ball or
throwing against wall
Single-leg stance, drawing figures in air
with opposite leg
Agility training
4-wk training using the ABC Agility
Ladder (MF Athletic Co, Cranston,
RI), 33/wk for 20 min/session; 35min warm-up followed by series of 7
drills, separated by 15-s rest
Seven drills included
Forward, 2 feet in
Lateral, 2 feet in
Forward shuffle
One-foot-in-Ali shuffle
Forward slalom jumps
Forward cross-steps, 908 ankle
Balance training
Single-leg stance on ankle disc, remaining upright for as long as possible, 10
min/d, 53/wk for 10 wk; one group
taped from the lateral malleolus to the
sole of the foot, other group untaped
Balance training
Ankle-disk training 3 15 min/d for 8 wk,
injured side only
No significant differences in static balance measures. Significant differences in semidynamic and dynamic balance for all training groups versus
control group. No one training program more effective in improving
healthy subjects balance.
*PF indicates plantar flexion; DF, dorsiflexion; EV, eversion; INV, inversion; BW, body weight; rep, repetition.
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