R07a1ec02-Electrical Circuit Analysis

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No: 41010
R07 SET-1
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1.a) Distinguish between passive and active elements with suitable examples.
b) Find the voltage and current source equivalent representation of the following
network across AB, as shown in figure. [6+10]

2. An iron ring of cross sectional area 800 m2 and of mean radius 170mm has two
windings connected in series, one of 500 turns and the other of 700 turns. If the
relative permeability of iron is 1200 find,
a) The self inductance of each coil.
b) The mutual inductance, assume that there is no leakage. Derive the formulae
used. [16]

3. Define form factor and peak factor of an alternating quantity. Calculate the average
and rms value, the form factor and peak factor of a periodic current having the
following values for equal time intervals, changing suddenly from one value to next:
0,40,60,80,100,80,60,40,0,-40,-60,-80 A. [16]

4.a) Explain how power is measured is three phase delta connected load using two
b) A balanced mesh connected load of (8+j6) Ω per phase is connected to a 3-phase,
50Hz, 230V supply. Calculate
i) Line current. ii) Power factor.
iii) Reactive volt-ampere iv) Total volt-ampere. [8+8]

5.a) Obtain the cut-set matrix for the given n/w, as shown in figure.

b) Find the current through 12 Ω resistor for the given circuit by nodal method as shown
in figure. [6+10]
6.a) State & explain Thevinen’s & Norton Theorem.
b) Verify reciprocity theorem for the voltage V and Current I in the network shown in
figure. [8+8]

7.a) A Series RL circuit with R = 10 Ω , L = 0.2 H has a constant voltage of V = 50 V

applied at t = 0. Find the time response of the current.
b) For the circuit shown in figure the switch is closed at t = 0. Find i2 (t) for t > 0.
Assume zero initial charge on the capacitor. [8+8]

8.a) Find the Y parameters of the pie shown in figure:

b) Find the Z parameters of the T- network shown figure. Verify the network is
reciprocal or not. [4+12]

Code.No: 41010
R07 SET-2
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) Find the total equivalent capacitance, total energy stored if the applied voltage is
100V for the circuit as shown in figure.

b) Find the current through each element and the total power delivered by the source for
the network as shown in figure. [8+8]

2. The number of turns in a coil is 250. When a current of 2A flows in the coil, the flux
in the coil is 0.3mwb. When the current is reduced to zero in 2ms, the voltage induced
in a coil lying in the vicinity of the coil is 63.75V. If the co-efficient of coupling
between the coils is 0.75, find.
a) The self inductance of two coils.
b) Mutual inductance.
c) Number of turns in the second coil.
Derive the formulae used. [16]

3. A sinusoidal current wave is given by i=50 sin100 π t. Determine

a) The greatest rate of change of current.
b) Derive average and rms values of current.
c) The time interval between a maximum value and the next zero value of
current. [16]

4. An unbalanced four wire, star connected load has a balanced voltage of 400V, the
loads are; Z1=(4+j8) Ω , Z2=(15+j20) Ω , Z3=(3+j4) Ω . Calculate the:
a) The line currents.
b) Current in the neutral wire and
c) The total power. [16]
5. For the given network obtain the basic loop incidence matrix and mesh
equations and hence - Obtain the current through 20 Ω as shown in figure. [16]

6.a) State and explain Maximum Power Transfer Theorem.

b) State Millmann’s Theorem and Tellegon’s Theorem. [10+6]

7. A series RLC circuit with R = 5 ohms, L = 0.1 H & C = 500 µ F has a constant
voltage of V = 10V applied at t =0. Find the resulting current. [16]

8. For the circuit shown in figure, find the h parameters and ABCD parameters. Check
for reciprocity. [16]

Code.No: 41010
R07 SET-3
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) State and explain the Kirchhoff's Law which can be applied to nodal voltage analysis.
b) Find the current through each element in the network shown in figure, using network
reduction technique. [6+10]

2. A magnetic circuit has an uniform cross-sectional area of 5cm2 and a length of 25cm.
A coil of 100 turns is wound uniformly over the magnetic circuit. When the current in
the coil is 2A, the total flux is 0.3mwb. When the current in the coil is 5A, the total
flux is 0.8mwb for each value of current. Calculate
a) The magnetising force.
b) The relative permeability.
c) Magnetic flux density.
and define the above terms. [16]

3. Obtain the rms value, average value, form factor and peak factor for a voltage of
symmetrical square shape whose amplitude is 10V and time period is 40secs. [16]

4. A symmetrical 3-phase 100V, 3-wire supply feeds an unbalanced star connected load
with impedances of the load as
ZR=5 ∠00 Ω , ZY=2 ∠900 Ω and ZB=4 ∠ − 900 Ω . Find:
a) The line currents.
b) Voltage across the impedances and
c) The displacement neutral voltage. [16]

5.a) Write the tie-set schedule and write tie-set matrices also. Write the relationship
between the branch current and link currents of the given figure.
b) Find the cut-set matrix of the network as shown in figure and obtain relationship
between the branch currents and voltages. [8+8]

6. Find the ohmic value of RL for the following circuit shown in figure when its power is
maximum. Find also
a) The maximum load power.
b) The total power delivered by the both batteries. [6+10]

7. In the circuit shown in figure find the current. Assume the initial charge on the
capacitor is zero. [16]

8. Find the Z and transmission parameters for the resistance network shown in figure.

Code.No: 41010
R07 SET-4


Time: 3hours Max.Marks:80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) Find the current through each element in the network as shown in figure using
network reduction techniques. [8+8]

b) Find the voltage drop across 1 ohm resistance in the circuit, as shown in figure.

2.a) A coil consists of 750 turns and a current of 10A in the coil gives rise to a magnetic
flux of 1200 µ wb. Calculate the inductance of the coil and determine the average
emf induced in the coil when the current is reversed in 0.01sec.
b) An air cored solenoid 1m long and 10cm in diameter has 500 turns. Calculate
i) The inductance and
ii) Energy stored in it when a current of 2A passes through it. [10+6]

3.a) Derive an expression for the current, impedance, average power for a series RLC
circuit excited by a sinusoidally alternating voltage and also find the power factor of
the circuit. Draw the phasor diagram.
b) In an ac circuit, the applied voltage is given by v=200 sin 314t and the current is
i = 20 cos 314t. Find the circuit constants and also the power factor of the circuit.
Draw the phasor diagram. [10+6]

4. Three equal inductors connected in star take 5KW at 0.7 p.f. when connected to a
400V, 50Hz, 3-phase, 3-wire supply. Calculate the line currents:
a) If one of the inductor is disconnected and
b) If one of the inductor is short circuited. [16]
5. Write down the cut-set matrix of the network shown in figure after drawing its graph
and selecting a suitable tree. [16]

6. Verify Tellegan's Theorem for the network shown in the figure. [16]

7.a) In the circuit shown in figure, the switch S is in position 1 for a long time and brought
the position 2 at time t = 0. Determine the circuit current.
b) Determine the value of undamped natural frequency of oscillations of a RLC circuit
with R = 10 ohms, L = 4H, C = 6F. [8+8]

8. Find the transformed Y-parameters of the n/w shown in figure. [16]


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