Newsletter 2.26
Newsletter 2.26
Newsletter 2.26
I would like to thank the Stuart family for Monday: (Woman at the Well - Jn. 4:1-42) On His way to
providing snacks this week! The kids enjoyed Galilee, Jesus stops in Samaria where He meets a
Samaritan woman at a well. He asks her to give Him a
all the treats, and they thought it was pretty
drink of water and proceeds to share with her He can give
special to have their own individual serving her living water. Jesus tells the woman he knows all about
size bag! The simplest of things bring delight! her, and she realizes Jesus is the Messiah. She runs home
One of the students mentioned again, this to tell everyone the news she met her Savior! We, too,
week, how snack time is “my favorite part of must tell everyone about the Good News!
Tuesday: (Nobleman’s Son - Jn. 4:43-54) While Jesus was in
the day!” So, thank you for your willingness to
Cana of Galilee, a nobleman lived in Capernaum. The man
provide snacks! Our special snack time had a son who was very sick, but the man believe Jesus
blessing will continue next week thanks to the could heal him. So, the man hurried to Jesus to beg for
gracious provision of the Hohensee family! help. Jesus told the man to return home because his son
Thank you for volunteering! was healed. The nobleman believed immediately that his
son had been healed, and as he headed home, he received
word from his servants his son had indeed been healed the
very hour he spoke with Jesus! The nobleman believed
Jesus is the Son of God, and we should too!
Wednesday: (Jesus in the Synagogue - Lk. 4:14-32) Jesus
went to the synagogue every Sabbath to meet with other
people and to hear the reading of Scripture. On one
particular Sabbath, Jesus read and explained the Scrip-
ture to the people. He said He was God. Though we
don’t worship in synagogues, we should go to church to
worship with others and learn more about God. We aren’t
saved by attending church every week, but we do grow as
we learn more about the Lord.
Thursday: Review of previous lessons.
Friday: (Blind Bartimaeus - Mk. 10:46-52; Lk. 18:35-43) Barti-
maeus was a blind beggar who lived outside of Jericho.
One day, Bartimaeus heard Jesus was coming, and when
he heard the Savior was passing by him, he called out to
Jesus. Though mocked by those around him, Bartimaeus
Nehemiah 8:10
asks the Lord to give him sight, and Jesus saw his faith
“For the joy of the Lord is your strength.” and healed him. Then, Bartimaeus followed Jesus. Like
Bartimaeus, we can be changed and can share what God
has done for us!