Newsletter 10.28
Newsletter 10.28
Newsletter 10.28
- Abraham’s Guests Destroy Sodom We appreciate the Hernandez family and are
(Gen. 18:1 - 19:30) Angels visit Abraham and Sarah, thankful for the snacks they provided this
and it is later revealed that one of the visitors week! Though I always say it, I truly am grateful
was the Lord Himself. The two angels journeyed for your generosity! In tough economic times it
to the town of Sodom, but Abraham pleads with is difficult to make the dollar stretch very far,
the Lord to save the city even if only a few men so it is a wonderful blessing God provides so
are righteous. The Lord must destroy the wick- abundantly for our needs!
ed city, but He allows Lot and his family to get Another big thank you is extended to all the
out. Lot’s wife longingly looks back at the city parents who will take time from their busy
and is turned into a pillar of salt. Lot and his schedules to conference about your son or
family were friends of the world, but Abraham daughter! It is such a privilege to teach your
was the friend of God. child, and I love my 14 kiddos! Thank you for
- Review of previous lesson. faithfully raising your children in the nurture
- Chapel review and extension. and admonition of the Lord! Your love and
- Isaac and Ishmael (Gen. 21:1-21) Sarah leadership in the lives of your children is a chal-
gives birth to a little boy, Isaac, but throughout lenge and encouragement to me! I pray God will
his childhood, he was teased by his half brother, continue to bless you with joy and His richest
Ishmael. Sarah asks Abraham to send Ishmael blessings as you raise your family!
and his mother Hagar away in the desert. God
protects them and saves them after Hagar cries
out to Him in prayer. God hears and answers our
prayers too!
Jeremiah 29:11-13
“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you,
saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of
evil, to give you an expected end. Then shall ye
call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me,
and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me,
and find me, when ye shall search for me with all
your heart.”
Monday, Nov. 1 - Friday, Nov. 5 - Introduction to letters J and K: Bible verse D quiz
Wednesday, Nov. 3 - - Theme: Selflessness/Generosity;
Friday, Nov. 5 - at 12:30 p.m.;