Lesson 12 PDF
Lesson 12 PDF
Lesson 12 PDF
Development Invite a child to give the opening prayer.
Follow up with the children if you encouraged them to do something during
the week.
1. The gift Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ give us cant be purchased with
2. We cant hold this gift in our hands and look at it as we would a book or a toy.
3. This gift is worth more than any other gift a person can receive.
4. Worthy Church members are helped and comforted by it throughout their
5. We receive this gift when men who hold the Melchizedek Priesthood lay their
hands upon our heads and confirm us members of The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Ask all who know what the gift is to raise their hands.
What is this gift? (The gift of the Holy Ghost.)
Picture and Have a child open the gift to discover the picture. Then display the picture
discussion of the child being confirmed. Explain how the gift of the Holy Ghost is given.
Following a persons baptism, men who hold the Melchizedek Priesthood
place their hands upon the persons head, as shown in the picture. One of
the men (usually the father, the bishop, a missionary, or a friend of the person
being confirmed) says the prayer. During the prayer, the person is confirmed
a member of the Church and receives the gift of the Holy Ghost.
What do you know about the Holy Ghost?
Let the children tell briefly what they know about the Holy Ghost. Bring out the
following points:
1. The Holy Ghost does not have a body of flesh and bones as we do. He has a
spirit body in the form of a man.
2. The Holy Ghost teaches us about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and
bears witness of those things we are taught about them.
3. The Holy Ghost bears witness to us when we are taught the truth that what
we are hearing is truth.
4. The Holy Ghost is sent from Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to help us
choose the right.
Chart Display the chart Becoming a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ.
Place the wordstrip Gift of the Holy Ghost on the fourth step of the chart.
Have an older child read the words aloud or read it yourself; then have all the
children repeat the words with you.
Explain that not all people who live on earth have the privilege of receiving the
gift of the Holy Ghost. Only those who have been baptized and confirmed
members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have that bless-
ing. Emphasize that when we receive the gift of the Holy Ghost at confirmation,
we become an official member of the Church. Review with the children the
steps on the chart, starting with faith in Jesus Christ.
Article of faith Write the words of the fourth article of faith on the chalkboard. Repeat them
review aloud with the children. Then erase several words and repeat it aloud with them
again. Continue to erase a few words each time you repeat it as long as the
practice is worthwhile.
Jesus Christ Promised to Send the Holy Ghost
Picture Display picture 3-22, The Last Supper. Explain that the night before Jesus Christ
was crucified, he ate one last supper with the Twelve Apostles. At that time, he
also taught them something very important. He knew that when he was gone
the Apostles would be very sad. He knew they would need his help. Jesus
promised the Apostles that he would not leave them alone but would send
someone to help and comfort them.
Scripture Ask an older child to read what Jesus told his Apostles from John 14:16 or read
it yourself.
What is another name for the Comforter whom Jesus promised to send the
Apostles? (The Holy Ghost.)
Read John 14:26 to the children.
Emphasize that Jesus Christ sent the Holy Ghost to help and comfort his
Apostles. Even though the Apostles could not see the Holy Ghost, they could
feel him helping and comforting them. That is why he is called the Comforter.
Song Sing or say the words to the song, The Holy Ghost.
Lesson 12
Jan prayed to Heavenly Father with all her heart. As she prayed, something
wonderful began to happen. All of the worried and frightened feelings started
to go away.
Jan felt that someone was comforting her.
Who do you think was comforting Jan? (The Holy Ghost.)
Jans family moved, and everything turned out fine. She always remembered
the loving help she received from Heavenly Father through the Holy Ghost.
Teachers You may wish to tell of a time you were comforted by the Holy Ghost, such as
experience and when you were afraid or when you lost a loved one. Bear testimony that the
testimony Holy Ghost can comfort and guide us. The gift of the Holy Ghost that we
receive following baptism is one of the most precious gifts that Heavenly Father
could ever give us to help us to choose the right throughout our lives.
Emphasize that as members of the Church we believe in the Holy Ghost.
We know that he will give us the help and comfort we need if we obey the
Article of faith Explain that the first article of faith tells about the Holy Ghost. Repeat with the
children the first article of faith. Display picture 3-10, The First Vision, and
picture 3-14, Girl Being Confirmed, at appropriate points as you recite the
article of faith.
Invite a child to give the closing prayer; remind him or her to thank Heavenly
Father for making it possible for us to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Activities Choose from the following activities those that will work best for your children.
You can use them in the lesson itself or as a review or summary. For additional
guidance, see Class Time in Helps for the Teacher.
1. Invite a special guest to your class. Ask your guest to share an experience
when he or she was comforted by the Holy Ghost. (Obtain permission from
the bishop or branch president if the guest is not from your ward or branch.)
2. Ask the children if there is someone who makes them feel warm, happy,
and safe, especially when something has happened to help them feel sad.
Emphasize that such persons can sometimes give us comfort when we are
sad or feeling lonely. Explain that the Holy Ghost is sometimes called the
Comforter. He can give us great comfort throughout our lives. Jesus Christ
sent him to be with us when we feel sad or troubled.
3. Sing or recite the last two lines of The Still Small Voice (Childrens
Songbook, p. 106):
Listen, listen. (Cup hand to ear)
The Holy Ghost will whisper. (Place index finger to lips)
Listen, listen (Cup hand to ear)
To the still small voice. (Hand over heart)
4. Play the following quiet game with the children to show them that they can
be guided by a still, small voice:
Show the children a small item you will hide for this game. Invite one child to
leave the group for a moment while you hide the item. Have the child return
to the group, and tell him that he must listen to find the way to the hidden
item. Use a quiet noise, such as lightly tapping a pencil, gently clapping your
hands, or humming a song, to show the child which way to turn to look for
the hidden object. Make sure that the noises you make are very soft and
reverent. Gently tap when the child looks in the correct direction. Tap more
quickly as the child moves closer to the hiding place, until he finds the item.
Emphasize to the children that they can be guided in their lives by listening
to the still, small voice of the Holy Ghost.
5. Whisper to the children and say something such as, If you hear me, put your
finger on your cheek. If you hear me, put your finger on your chin. Then
explain to the children that there is someone else who speaks with a still,
small voice, and they must listen very carefully to hear what that voice tells
them. That voice comes from the Holy Ghost.