Indigenous Australian Music and Javanese Gamelan

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Indigenous Australian music and Javanese Gamelan

Australian Indigenous music is an Australian aboginal music culture that got it own
style of music that had been practice by the elder for a long time ago. This
Indigenous australian music had been part of social and culture between them. It is
believe that this music culture had been existing about 40,000. The music usually
play at the folk festive as a celebration.
Javanese gamelan is a musical ensemble that usually highlight metallophone,
Gambang, Gendang, and gongs. Music created in Javanese Gamelan gong sound
comes from the alloy, kenong and other Javanese music instruments. The rhythm of
the music is generally soft and reflects the harmony of life, as life principle adopted in
general by the Java community.
Australian indigenous music use Didgeridoo and Clapstick in their music. Didgeridoo
is a aerophone instrument from australia that yet to be on of the oldest instrument. It
consists of a long tube, without finger holes, through which the player blows. It is
sometimes fitted with a mouthpiece of beeswax. In traditional situations it is played
only by men, usually as an accompaniment to ceremonial or recreational singing.
Skilled players use the technique of circular breathing to achieve a continuous sound,
and also employ techniques for inducing multiple harmonic resonances. Didgeredoo
now is an iconic instrument of australia. Next is clapstick. Clapstick is a percussion
instrument which are generally used to strike a drum, clapsticks are intended for
striking one stick on another.they are a oval shape with paintings of snakes, lizards,
birds and more.
Gamelan instruments are mostly metallophone and gong type instruments which
produce tones when struck with mallets.The list of the metallophone instrument that
commanly use is bonang barung, bonang panerus, peking, slenthem, demung, saron
barung, gong and kenong. Other types of percussion instruments included in the
gamelan ensemble are Gambang a wooden xylophone, and a set of two headed
drums (kendhang) played with the palm and fingers.

In the context of musical instrument, Australian indigenous music have less

musical instrument that is two (2) compare to the javanese Gamelan which is 10 or
sometimes it could be more than that. Next,the comparison between the musical
instrument are most of the gamelan instrument are made from metal and aloy while
australian indigenous music use material from woods. Most of Gamelan instrument
use mallets except for khendang or Gendang.The sound produce from the struck of
the mallet to the surface of the metal or aloy. For australian indigenous music, it use
one aerophone instrument where the player had to blow it and a percussion. Both
music culture sometimes is add with voice.

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