Synthesis and Studies of PANI/Cerium Dioxide Nanocomposites: E. Kumar, P. Selvarajan

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Journal of Experimental Sciences Vol.

1, Issue 11, Pages 11-14 [2010]

Regular article

Synthesis and Studies of PANI/Cerium dioxide Nanocomposites

E. Kumar1,3, P. Selvarajan2*

Department of Physics, Infant Jesus College of Engineering and Technology, Keela vallanadu, Tuticorin- 628851, Tamilnadu, India; 2Department of Physics, Aditanar College of Arts and Science,
Tiruchendur-628216, Tamil Nadu, India; 3PRIST University, Thanjavur, - 613 403, Tamil Nadu, India


Nanomaterials possess unique and interesting mechanical, optical,

electrical, magnetic, thermal and other properties. These materials
range from inorganic to organic, crystalline to amorphous, which can
be found as single particles, aggregates, powders, nanowires,
quantum dots, nanofilms, nanofibres, nanotubes. Nanocomposites
are also possessing unique properties like pure nanomaterials. In
this work, We report the synthesis of nanocomposite of polymer
added cerium dioxide (CeO2) by microwave-assisted solution method
and it was fabricated via in situ polymerization of the monomer in
the presence of cerium dioxide (ceria) nanoparticles. The assynthesized ceria nanoparticles and PANI/ceria nanocomposite
materials were subjected to various studies like XRD, SEM, FT-IR,
TEM and UV-Visible Spectroscopic studies.
Keywords: Cerium dioxide; nanoparticles; microwave-assisted
method; Characterization; XRD; SEM; FTIR; TG/DTA


Conducting electro-active polymers have attracted considerable

attention in recent years because of their potential applications in
new technologies, such as electrochemical displays, sensors,
catalysis, redox capacitors, antistatic coatings, electromagnetic
shielding, optical, photoelectrical properties, and secondary
batteries[1,2] and these polymers are usually used to prepare
organic-inorganic hybrid materials due to their good stability and
controllable thickness and they can be chemically bonded to
inorganic materials by method of polysorption. This method is
limited to inorganic materials that have active groups (such as
hydroxyl group) on their surface. [3-5]. Among organic conducting
polymers, polyaniline(PANI) has attracted intense interest because
of its high conductivity, excellent stability and relatively high
transparency to visible light. These properties make it one of the
most applied conducting polymers [6]. For application in
optoelectronics, normally the polymeric matrices are the most
desirous as the film of the nanoparticles/polymer composite can be
cast easily and thus offer direct use in devices. The re-dispersed
nanoparticles when loaded in polymer by dissolution of the assynthesized particles can not be guaranteed and this leads to
difficulties in knowing the concentration of nanoparticles within the
polymer. If the nanoparticles are synthesized in polymeric reaction
medium, such issues can be tackled with much ease[7]. The use of
polymers is a prominent method for the synthesis of nanoparticles.
The reason for using the polymers to prepare nanocomposites is
to control the growth and morphology of the nanoparticles.
Inorganic nanoparticles stand for a class of new materials having
promising applications in broad fields. To obtain the materials with
synergetic or complementary behavior between polymer and
inorganic nanoparticles, various composites of polymer with
inorganic nanoparticles have been synthesized in recent years [813]. Among those inorganic nanoparticles, cerium dioxide (CeO2)
nanoparticles have been intensively studied due to their unique
catalytic, electrical and optic properties, as well as their extensive
applications in diverse areas [14-19]. A variety of methods based on
wet chemical routes have been extensively employed to synthesize
of ceria (CeO2) nanoparticles like co-precipitation, hydrothermal, solgel method] microemulsion method and other methods[20-24]. In
this work, polianiline(PANI) was mixed with cerium dioxide to
prepare nanocomposite material by microwave-assisted solution
method and the prepared pure ceria and PANI/ceria nanomaterials
were characterized by various studies.

* Corresponding Author, Email: [email protected]


The aniline (AR grade MERCK) was distilled twice under reduced
pressure. Ammonium persulphate[(NH4)2S2O8] (Analytical regant,
RANBAXY fine chemicals Limited, india), Hydrochloric acid (AR
grade MERCK) and ammounium Ce(IV) nitrate, [(NH4)2Ce(NO3)6]
(AR grade MERCK) and Sodium hydroxide [NaOH] (AR grade
MERCK) were used to prepare the nanocomposites of this work.
Water used in this investigation was de-ionized water.
Initially, Ceria (CeO2) nanoparticles was prepared as follows: the
precursors like ammounium Ce(IV) nitrate ((NH4)2Ce(NO3)6) and
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) were taken in 1:4 molar ratio and
dissolved completely in de-ionized water. Here the pH value of the
solution was adjusted to be 12. The mixture solution was stirred well
using a magnetic stirrer for about 1 hour with a stirring rate of 1000
rpm. Then the prepared mixture solution was kept in the microwave
oven (900 W, 2450 MHz., Onida, India) at a temperature of 500C for
about for 30 minutes. When ammounium ceric nitrate is treated
with sodium hydroxide, the hydrolysis process takes place and the
products like sodium nitrate, ammonium hydroxide and cerium
hydroxide are formed. During the reaction, one proton(H+) is
removed from cerium hydroxide due to polar nature of water and
this leads to the formation of hydrated cerium dioxide. Synthesized
pale-yellow precipitate was filtered and washed with de-ionized
water twice. Annealing of the synthesized powder at 130 oC in air
for 2 hours results in the formation of CeO2 nanoparticles. The
following chemical reaction takes place in the formation of ceria
y ((NH4)2Ce(NO3)6) + x (NaOH) x (NaOH) + y (NH4OH) + CeO2
nH2O + H3O+
Polyaniline / CeO2 nanocomposite was prepared as follows: 4.5 ml
aniline was injected to 70 ml of 2 M HCl containing 2 g of CeO2
nanoparticles under ultrasonic action to reduce the aggregation of
nanoparticles. After 12 h, 4.5 g Ammonium Persulphate(APS) (
dissolved in 20 ml de-ionized water) was dropped into solution with
constant stirring for about 10 minutes. The polymerization was
allowed to proceed for 3 h at 300 C. Reaction mixture was filtered
under gravity, and washed with 2 M HCL and de-ionized water,
afterwards dried at 900 C for 12 h in vacuum to obtain a fine tint
green powder.
Powder X-ray diffraction pattern of the nanoparticles was obtained
using a powder X-ray diffractometer (PANalytical Model, Nickel
filtered Cu K radiations with = 1.54056 at 35 KV, 10 mA). The

sample was scanned over the required range for 2 values(1070o). The powder XRD pattern of the sample was recorded at RRL,
Trivandrum. The FTIR spectrum of the sample was recorded at
M.K.University, Madurai using a Shimadzu 8400S spectrometer by
the KBr pellet technique in the range 400-4500 cm-1. The optical
spectra of nanocomposites
have been recorded in the region
190-1100 nm using a Perkin Elmer (Model:Lambda 35) UV-vis-NIR
spectrometer at M.K.University, Madurai. The SEM image of the
synthesized cerium dioxide nanoparticles was recorded using a
Hitachi Scanning Electron Microscope at IIT, Chennai. The size and
shape of nanoparticles were obtained by transmission electron
microscopy (TEM). TEM measurements were carried out on a
HITACHI H-7500 TEM. Sample for TEM was prepared on 300 mesh

ISSN: 2218-1768

J Exp Sci Vol. 1, Issue 11, Pages 11-14 [2010]

copper grid coated with carbon. A drop of the nanoparticle solution
was carefully placed on the copper grid surface and dried. The size
distribution of the particles was measured from enlarged
photograph of the TEM image.

Results and Discussiosn

X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies

The powder XRD pattern for the as-prepared pure CeO2
nanoparticles is presented in the figure 1. It is observed that the
XRD reflection peaks for pure CeO2 sample are in a perfect match
with the diffraction pattern of CeO2 published in the (JCPDS File No.
34-0394). All the reflections of powder XRD patterns of this work
were indexed using the TREOR and INDEXINg software packages.
The lattice parameters from powder XRD data were found using the
UNITCELL software package and the obtained values were found to
a = b=c= 5.416 ,

90o. Thus phase of CeO2

was observed to be cubic. The powder XRD pattern of CeO2
nanoparticles shows broad peaks, which confirmed the formation of
small-sized nanoparticles. The particle size of nanoparticles was

absorption band at 1630 cm-1 is due to the scissor bending mode of

associated water. The complex bands observed at about 1518, 1350
, 1053 cm-1 are due to unwanted residues in the sample. The band
at 848 cm-1 corresponds to metaloxygen bond. The figure 4
presents the FTIR spectrum for PANI/CeO2 nanocomposite. In this
figure, it is observed that there are no peaks belonging to residual
water and hydroxyl groups as in the FTIR spectrum of pure CeO2
nanoparticles. The peaks/bands at 1475, 1280, 1202, 725, 633 and
499 cm-1 are corresponding to the functional groups of
polyaniline(PANI) and the peak at 840 cm-1 belongs to metal-oxygen
bond. The peaks/bands of FTIR spectra are given assignments in
accordance with the data reported in the literature[26].
Fig.3: FTIR spectrum of pure CeO2 nanoparticles

determined using the Scherrers relation d= (0.9 )/( cos )


is the full width at half maximum in radians,



wavelength of X-rays used and is the Braggs angle[25]. For the

various reflection peaks of the XRD pattern, the particle size was
estimated and the average size of nanoparticles of the sample was
found to be around 27 nm. The figure 2 shows the powder XRD
pattern for PANI/CeO2 nanocomposite and this figure contains the
reflection peaks belonging to both CeO2 and PANI. The XRD line
diagram in the figure 2 belongs to polyaniline(PANI) and it is noticed
that the reflection peaks of PANI are overlapped with the XRD
pattern of CeO2.

Fig.4: FTIR spectrum of PANI/CeO2 nanocompostie

Fig.1: The powder XRD pattern for pure CeO2 nanoparticles

Fig.2: The powder XRD pattern for PANI/CeO2 nanocompostie

Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectral studies

The Infrared spectroscopy is effectively used to identify the
functional groups of the synthesized compounds. The FT-IR spectra
of the samples were recorded using Shimadzu 8400S spectrometer
by KBr pellet technique. The figure 3 shows the absorption
peaks/bands in the FTIR spectrum of CeO2 nanoparticles. The broad
absorption band located around 3400 cm-1 corresponds to the OH
stretching vibration of residual water and hydroxyl groups, while the

SEM and TEM studies

The morphology and size of nanoparticles are found using a
Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM) and Transmission Electron
Microscope(TEM). The SEM images of the as-prepared cerium
dioxide and PANI/CeO2 nanosamples are shown in the figures 5
and 6. From the figure 5, it is noticed that most of particles are
spherical, flower-like and some are elongated in shape and these
particles are observed to be agglomerated. The figure 6 shows
impregnation of PANI in the CeO2 material. It is observed that some
grains are spherical and some are irregular shapes and they are
agglomerated. The morphology and distribution of CeO2
nanoparticles in the Polyaniline nanocomposite were also
investigated using TEM. The figures 7 and 8 show the TEM images
of pure CeO2 and polyaniline/CeO2 nanosamples. It is observed that
the CeO2 nanoparticles are spherical in shape and they are varying
in size (Fig.7). The figure 8 clearly shows that CeO2 nanoparticles
are loosely distributed
and impregnated within the polyaniline

J Exp Sci Vol. 1, Issue 11, Pages 11-14 [2010]

Fig.5: SEM image for pure CeO2 nanoparticles

Fig.6: SEM image for PANI/CeO2 nanocompostie

absorption spectra of pure cerium dioxide nanoparticles and

polyaniline/CeO2 nanocomposite dispersed in ethanol solution were
recorded and they are presented in the figures 9 and 10. The
spectrum in the figure 9 shows a strong absorption band in the UV
region due to the charge transfer transitions between the energy
states. In the wavelength range 700-500 nm, no absorption was
detected. The broadness of the absorption shoulder in UV region is
attributed to the self-assembly of the nanoparticles and this is
confirmed from SEM study. In the figure 10, the absorption peak
around 845 nm is due to the presence of polyaniline in the
nanocomposite sample. As the size of semiconductor particles
decreases to the nanoscale, the band gap of the semiconductor
increases, causing a blue shift in the UVvisible absorption spectra.
When CeO2 nanoparticles are impregnated in polyaniline(PANI)
medium, it is observed that the peak at 320 nm in fig. 10 is blue
shifted compared to the shoulder peak in the figure 9.
Fig. 9: UV-visible absorption spectrum for CeO2 nanoparticles

Fig.7: TEM image of CeO2 nanoparticles

Fig. 10: UV-visible absorption spectrum for PANI/CeO2 nanocomposite

Fig.8: TEM image of polyaniline/CeO2 nanocomposite


The nanomaterials like pure CeO2 nanoparticles and PANI/CeO2

nanocomposites have been synthesized by microwave-assisted
solution method and they were characterized by various studies. Xray diffraction (XRD) patterns showed that the obtained CeO2
nanoparticles were of cubic phase. The blue-shift phenomenon of
the UV absorption threshold has been found and this is attributable
to the size quantization effect. The morphology of the synthesized
particles were found by SEM and TEM studies. The functional groups
of the samples were identified from FTIR spectra. The synthesized
PANI/CeO2 nanocomposites can be used for fabrication of films or
coatings, or even in further polymer blending.
UV-visible absorption studies
UV-visible absorption spectral study may be assisted in
understanding electronic structure of the optical band gap of the
material. Absorption in the near ultraviolet region arises from
electronic transitions associated within the sample. UVvisible

The help and supports extended in the research by IIT, Chennai,
RRL (Trivandrum), CECRI(Karaikudi), M.K.University(Madurai) are
gratefully acknowledged. Also we thank authorities of Management
of Aditanar College of Arts and Science, Tiruchendur, Infant Jesus

J Exp Sci Vol. 1, Issue 11, Pages 11-14 [2010]

College of Engineering and Technology, Tuticorin and MDT Hindu
College, Tirunelveli for the encouragement given to us to carry out
the research work.



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