Prof Simon Blackmore Presentation

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Farming with robots 2050

Prof Simon Blackmore

Head of Engineering
[email protected]
Director of the Na@onal Centre for Precision Farming
Project manager of FutureFarm

Farming in 2050
Iden@fy trends in the past that are true today
Iden@fy weaknesses in current system

Is big always good? Highest yield gives highest prot?


Desire to have less environmental impact

Tighter legisla@on from EU and UK
Energy prices increase
More vola@le weather due to climate change
More compe@@on on world food prices

UK agriculture must become more exible and ecient

Smarter farming systems suppor@ng smarter farmers

Current farming system

Developed for maximum crop produc@on
aRer the war
Industrial produc@on line

Farmers in 2014 face dierent pressures

Changing world prices, Clean Water Direc@ve,
vola@le weather condi@ons, Single Payment
Scheme, .
Farmers are moving towards Flexible
Manufacturing techniques

Current system: Size

Mechanisa@on ge]ng bigger all the @me
Due to driver costs

Doubling work rates keeps costs down

Reaching maximum size

Combines are now at maximum size that can t inside a railway

tunnel for transport
Good for large elds

Small working window needs a bigger machine but the

bigger the machine the smaller the working window.
Self fullling prophecy
Horsepower does not help when weight is the problem

We cannot change the weather but we can change the


Current system:
Up to 90% of the energy going in to cul@va@on
is there to repair the damage caused by
If we do not damage the soil in the rst place,
we do not need to repair it
Recrea@onal @llage, Do not treat soil like dirt

The best thing to do with soil is leave it alone

The best soil structure can usually be found in forests
Natural soil ora and fauna condi@on the soil structure

Current system: Trafficking

Up to 96% of the eld compacted by tyres in
random trac systems
Spa@al control of machinery can save:
10-15% @me, fuel and inputs
Complete op@mised route planning
Controlled Trac Farming

Expand the working window

Lighter low ground pressure
vehicles that can work in wet
weather condi@ons and not
damage the soil

Optimised route planning

Current system: Design

Tractors designed to pull large horizontal draught loads
Big wheels at back for larger contact patch
Cleats on tyres to help dig through mud
Weights on front for weight transfer
Every 1 kN draught force needs 1 kN ver@cal force
Weight causes soil compac@on

Cab for driver

Many farms have smaller numbers of large tractors
Many opera@ons are now over powered and waste energy
as the tractor is not matched to the implement

New opportunities: ICT

Wireless communica@ons
(WiFi, 3G, 4G, Zigbee, 24GHz)

CPU doubling every 18 months (Moores Law)

Non contact solid state sensors
Phenotyping outdoor crops

New sensors and techniques for agriculture

(NDVI, NIR, EMI, Red edge inec@on, ground penetra@ng radar, terahertz,
Chlorophyll orescence, Light curtain, laser scanning, .)

Automa@on leading to robo@cs

SAFAR (SoRware Architecture for Agricultural Robots)

New Opportunities:
Computers and robots will take peoples jobs
"I think there is a world market for maybe ve
computers Aorib. T.J.Watson (CEO IBM 1943)
1,966,514,816 computers connected to the internet in

While agricultural robots will replace semi-skilled

drivers, an equal number of highly skilled
agricultural robot engineers will be needed

Robotic agriculture

Keeping seeds, sprays, fer@liser etc. the same

Remove machine constraints
Focus on plant needs
Farm Management Informa@on System
Four stages
Crop establishment
Crop scou@ng
Crop care
Selec@ve harves@ng

Crop establishment
Micro @llage
Why cul@vate the whole topsoil?

Non draught force

Use ver@cal or rotary methods

Permanent plan@ng posi@ons

Same place each year

Seeding depth to moisture

Improve germina@on rates

Crop scouting
Working with agronomists by giving near-real-@me data
over the whole farm
UGVs (Unmanned Ground Vehicle)
Phenotyping robots

Crop trials to evaluate new genotypes

Scou@ng robots

Targeted agronomic measurements

UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle NCPF seminar 30

th Jan)

Rapid assessment technique

High resolu@on imagery

Visible: Crop cover, growth rates, ooding extent, late emergence,

weed patches, rabbit damage, nutrient imbalance
Non-visible: NDVI, Thermal, mul@spectral
Sensor limited by weight and power

Selective harvesting
Up to 60% of harvested crop is not of saleable quality
Only harvest that part of the crop which has 100%
saleable characteris@cs
Phased harves@ng

Pre harvest quality and quan@ty assessment

Grading / packing / sor@ng at the point of harvest

Add value to products on-farm

Grade for quality

Size, sweetness, ripeness, shelf life, protein etc

Minimise o farm grading and sor@ng

Extend traceability from farm gate back to individual

treatments (meta data)

Real-@me management informa@on (and
knowing what to do with it) is the key to
successful farming
FMIS have been developed to deal with:
Changing policies and guidelines
Op@mising inputs and resources
Embodying personal values and a]tudes towards risk
Iden@ca@on of personal strategies and prac@ces so
they can be fully supported

Large tractors
Some opera@ons will s@ll need large manned
Harves@ng large crops
40 t/ha potatoes
70 t/ha sugar beet

Agricultural machines will be a lot smarter

than they are now
Implement controls the tractor through the

Big data
Concept just star@ng to be applied to agriculture
Data previously not used can be stored and
Yield maps over many years
Market prices and macro trends
CAN bus data from modern tractors

Manufacturers analyse real-@me data to advise

on poten@al problems and understand usage

Is this the future for 2050 or now?
All of these concepts have been developed
and ini@ally researched
Not many of them are commercially available
through lack of demand
How long will it take for UK farmers to take
advantage of these new opportuni@es?

MicroDot spraying
Machine vision recognises the leaves of the plant in
real @me and records the posi@on and speed
MicroDot sprayer puts chemical only on the leaf of
the plant saving 99.99% by volume

Laser weeding
Machine vision recognises the growing point of the weed
Laser kills the weed by hea@ng the growing point
Saving 100% herbicide

Harper Adams University

is now building a real-@me
robot to laser and
microdot weeds
Funded by a major
agrochemical company

Dionysus robot
Crop scou@ng robot for vineyards
Build by Harper Adams MEng (2013) students for
the University of Athens
SoRware Architecture for Agricultural Robots
Thermal camera for
irriga@on status
Mul@spectral camera for
nutrient status
LIDAR for canopy extent
and density


Integrate FMIS and robo@cs
ICT-AGRI ERA-NET project 2012-2014
Greece, Turkey, Italy and UK

Project: User-PA
Usability of Environmentally sound and Reliable
techniques in Precision Agriculture
How to make PA and robo@cs easier to use

Build, test and demonstrate;

Orchard sensing robot

Vineyard sensing robot
Robot Management Informa@on System

ICT-AGRI (ERA-NET) European network

Israel, Germany, Turkey, Greece,
Italy, UK, Denmark
1m (2012-2016)

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