PP Life of Prophet S

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( ) Pp Life of Prophet

Paper 1 [optional]. The life and importance of the

Prophet Muhammad
Candidates should study:
the main events of the Prophets life from his birth to his call
to prophethood
the main events of his activities in Makka and his
experiences with his opponents
the main events of his activities in Madina, his leadership of
the community there and his conflicts with the Makkans and
his actions and character
the importance of his actions as examples for Muslim
individuals in their personal conduct and relations with others
including women and non-Muslims
the importance of his actions as examples for Muslim
communities in their relations with other states
his significance as Seal of the Prophets and last Messenger
of God.
Candidates should be able to give accounts of the main events
of the Prophets life, and his significance in Muslim beliefs.
They should also be able to explain the importance of his
actions and experiences in the
history and beliefs of Islam, particularly in the way they
provide examples for present day Muslim individuals and
In the examination, there will be either one or two questions
on this topic.

Meccan Period
Q1 (a) Write about the life of the Prophet ( ) up until the first
(b) Why was his relationship with his wife Khadija important for him?
(4) (M/J/2010)

2 (a) Give an account of the Prophets life up to the time the revelations began.
(b) Despite living through the days of ignorance, the Prophet remained true to
his mission. What lessons can Muslims learn from this today?

Q3 Describe 2 of the following events in Prophet ( ) life:

His call to be a Prophet
The early persecution of his followers
His migration to Medina
(13) (may 92)
Q4 Write brief descriptions of the following events in the Prophets (
) life:
His call to be a Prophet.
His arrangements for the inhabitants of Medina after the Hijra (4)
His capture of Makkah.
(Oct 96)
Q5 (a) Briefly describe the Prophets ( ) experiences in caves.
(b) Explain why one of these experiences was important in the history of
(4)(Oct 98- O/N/ 07)
Q6. (a) Describe the events relating to the Prophets ()
experiences in caves.
(b) Explain the significance of one of these experiences for the development
of Islam.
(4) (M/J/2010)
7 (a) Outline the Prophets experiences in the caves of Hira and Thawr. [10]
(b) In what respects were the Prophets experiences in the cave of Thawr
important for his prophethood?
[4] [O/N/2014]

Q8 (a) Give a brief description of Muhammads call to be a Prophet.(8)

(b) Explain the importance of this event.
(5) (may 99)
Q9 (a) Give an account of the Prophets ( ) first experience of
receiving revelation.
(b) Explain the significance of the action of the Angel and Waraqa bin
Nawfal in this event.
(Oct 04)
Q10 (a) Give an account of the Prophets ( ) first experience of
receiving revelation.
(b) Explain the meaning of the title Seal of the Prophets. (4) (S/P/09)
Q11 (b) What does the Prophets ( ) first experience of
revelation tell us about the nature of prophet hood in Islam?
12 (a) Write about the Prophets different experiences of revelation, after the
first revelation.
(b) Explain the significance of the Quran being revealed over a period of time.

13 (a) Give an account of the how the Quran was first revealed to the Prophet.
(b) Was it significant that the Quran was revealed to someone who could not
read or write? Give reasons for your answer.
[4] [M/J/2014]

14 (a) The Angel Jibril brought the revelation of the Quran to the Prophet
Muhammad at different times and places. Give examples to show how this took
(b) What was the significance of the Prophet being given the revelation by word
rather than in writing?
[M/J/2015] [4]

15 (a) Give an account of the way in which the Prophet started to preach Islam
in the first few years after he first received the revelation.
(b) Was it significant that the Prophet began preaching the message in secret?

Q16 (a) Give 3 reasons why the Makkans opposed the Prophets (
(b) The personality and conduct of the Holy Prophet ()
brought a revolution in the existing Arab society. Discuss.
(May 94, 98)
Q17 How did the Prophet ( ) provide an example for Muslim
In his reaction to the persecution at Makkah.
In his arrangement he made for the inhabitants of Medina.
Q18 (a) Give a brief description of the main persecutions suffered by the
Prophet ( ) and his followers in Makkah.
(b) Explain how The Prophets ( ) reaction to these
persecutions provide an example for Muslims today.
(May 96)

Q19 (a) Write an account of the major difficulties encountered by the

Prophet ( ) and his followers in the years when they lived in
(b) Explain how their reaction to these difficulties sets an example for
Muslims today.
(5)(May 98, Oct 00, may 03)

Q20. (a) Write an account of the major difficulties encountered by:

i. The Prophet ()
ii. His followers
during the years when they lived in Makkah.
(b) Explain how their reaction to these difficulties can set an example for
Muslims today.
(4) (M/J/07)

Q21. (a) Describe the main difficulties encountered by the Prophet (

himself during his time in Makkah after his call to prophethood.
(b) How does his conduct in one of these difficulties provide an example for
Muslims today?
(4) (O/N/2010)

Q22 (a) Describe the difficulties faced by the followers of the Prophet in Makka.
(b) What can these stories teach Muslims in their everyday lives today?

23 (a) Describe the persecution faced by the first Muslims in Makka.


(b) What can Muslims in modern times learn from these stories?

[4] [O/N/12]

24 (a) Give an account of the persecutions faced by the early converts to Islam
in Makka.
(b) How are these accounts relevant to Muslims now?


Q25 (a) Write brief accounts of the following 2 incidents in the life of the
Prophet ()
His attempt to preach to the people of At-Taif.
His conquest of Makkah.
(b) What lessons can Muslims today learn from the Prophets (
)conduct in each of these incidents?
(2x3) (May
26 (a) Describe the events of the Prophets visit to Taif.


(b) How can Muslims apply in practice the lessons learnt from the Prophets
behaviour in this situation?
[4] [O/N/2014]

Q27 (a) Describe the main events that involved the Prophet ()
with Abu Talib and Abu Sufyan.
(b) Explain why the death of Abu Talib threatened the
Prophets ( ) security in Makkah.
Q28 (a) Describe the main events during the life time of the
Prophet ( ) which involved the following people:


Abu Talib
Abu Sufyan.


(b) Explain why the death of Abu Talib was a significant event for the
Prophet ()


Q29 (a) Give an account of the events of the Prophets night journey and
ascension [Isra wa-miraj ].
(b) Explain the importance of this event to the Prophet himself.

[4] (M/J/11)

28 (a) Write about the Prophets night journey and ascension [al-isra wa-miraj].
(b) How did this journey help the Prophet in his mission?


30 (a) Write about the Prophet Muhammads interaction with the Quraysh while
he lived in Makka, before and after revelation. [10]
(b) Why did the Quraysh feel they needed to reject the Prophets message?

31 (a) Write about the changes in the relationship between the Prophet and the
Quraysh in the years between his marriage to Khadija and the death of Abu Talib.

(b) Why is it significant that the Quraysh were still willing to keep their
belongings with the Prophet after he started to preach Islam?


32 (a) Describe the main events relating to the first migration (hijrah) of
Muslims to Abyssinia.
(b) What was the importance of making this migration at that time? [4] [M/J/12]

33 (a) Give an account of the migration of the early Muslims to Abyssinia. [10]
(b) What was the significance of this migration for the early Muslim community?

Q 34 (a) Write an account of the first migration (hijra) of the Muslims to

(b) Why did the people of Makka pursue these Muslims?
(4) (M/J09)
35 (a) Write about the Prophets activities in spreading Islam outside Makka,
before the migration to Madina.
(b) Choose one quality shown by the Prophet in these activities and explain how
Muslims today can learn from it.
[4] [O/N/2014]

36 (a) Trace the events that led up to Prophets ()


(b) Explain the importance of the Pledges of Aqaba to the Prophet (

) in the period leading up to migration.
37 (a) Give an account of the events surrounding the Pledges of Aqaba and the
main details in them.
(b) How were these pledges important for the future community of Muslims?
[4] [O/N/12]

38 (a) Abu Talib died in 619. Describe the events following this that led to the
Prophets migration (hijra) to Madina.
(b) Why was this migration important for the Muslim community? [4] [M/J/2013]

Q39(a) Describe the main events which led up to Hijra.

(b) Explain the importance of Hijra in the history of Islam (5) (may 97)
Q40 (a) Describe the events that led up to the Prophets ()
migration, the hijra.
(b) Suggest 3 reasons why he decided to move from Makkah to
(6) (May 02, Oct 05)
Q41 (a) Say briefly why the people of Medina invited the Prophet (
)to their town.
(b) Say briefly why the Prophet ( ) accepted their
invitation. (4)
(c) Describe the main events of the Prophets ( ) departure
from Makkah and journey to Medina.
(8) (Oct 01)

Q42 (a) Describe the main events of the Prophets ()

migration from Makkah to Madina.
(b) Explain why he thought it important to make this journey. (6) (M/J/08)
Q43. (a) Outline the main events of the Prophets ( ) journey
from Makkah to Madinah.
(b) What was the significance of this journey for the Muslims?
(4) (O/N/2010)
43 (a) Give an account of the hijra of the Prophet from Makka to Madina.
(b) What is the significance of the Prophet establishing mosques as a first task
after the hijra?
[4] [M/J/2014]

Medinan Period
Q1 (a) Write about the events of the first year following the Prophets arrival in
(b) What lessons can Muslims learn from the brotherhood that was created in
[4] [M/J/2013]

2(a) Write about the brotherhood that developed between the new community of
Muslims in Madina.
(b) How is this brotherhood a good example for Muslim communities now?
[4] [O/N/2013]


3(a) The Prophet paired Muslims from Makka and from Madina after the
migration (hijra). Give examples to show the character of the relationship
between various Emigrants and Helpers.


(b) Today Muslims often seek refuge in neighbouring countries. Show how the
example of the Emigrants and Helpers can still provide a model today.

Q4 (a) The Prophet ( ) laid down many rules concerning the

conduct of war. Describe and comment briefly on 3 of these rules.
(b) Give 2 reasons why the outcome of the battle of Badr was important
for Prophet ( ) and his followers?
(May 92)
5 (a) Write an account of the battle of Badr.


(b) Can the Prophets conduct during this battle contain lessons for military
leaders today? Give reasons for your answer.
[4] [O/N/2013]

Q6 (a) Give descriptions of the main events of the battles of Badr and Uhud.
(b) Explain why the people of Makkah fought against the Muslims of
(4)(Nov 03, may 06-M/J/06)
Q7 (a) Briefly describe the main events of the battle of Uhud and the battle
of Trench.
(b) Explain the significance of each of these battles in early Islam.
(4) (Oct 99)


8 (a) Give an account of the battles of Khandaq (Trench) and Khaybar.


(b) What lessons can Muslims learn from either of these battles?


9 (a) Write about the main events of the battles of Khaybar and Muta.


(b) Choose one of these battles and explain why it was important for the
Muslims of Madina to fight in it?

10 (a) Write about the main events of two of the following battles: Khaybar,
Muta, Hunain, Tabuk.
(b) Choose one of the four battles mentioned and explain what Muslim leaders
now can learn from it.
[4] [M/J/2015]

11 (a) Describe 2 battles in which the Prophet was involved.


(b) Explain how any one of these was important for the continuing
growth of the Muslim community.
(5) (Oct 95)

Q12 (a) Describe the events of two of the battles fought by the
Prophet ( ) while he was leader of the community of Madina.
(b) How does his conduct in one of these battles provide a model for
Muslims today when they face difficulties?
(4)(M/J 09)
13 (a) Describe the Prophets conduct as leader in two of the battles he fought


(b) What can Muslim leaders today learn from the Prophets conduct in their
relations with other states?
[4] (O/N/11)

14 (a) Describe the events of the Conquest of Makka.

(b) Why are the actions of the Prophet after the conquest important for Muslims
to learn from?
[4] [M/J/2013]

Q15 Describe the stages by which the Prophet ( ) gradually

gained victory over the People of Makkah in the years after Hijra. (16)
(May 95)
Q16(a) Trace the main outlines of the relationship between the Muslims of
Medina and Quraish of Makkah in the years between 622 and 632.
(b) Explain why the Prophet ( ) thought it necessary to fight
against Quraish.
(4)(May 01)
17 (a) Write about the Prophet Muhammads interaction with non-Muslims in
(b) What can Muslims learn from this interaction?

[4] [M/J/2013]

Q18 (a) Outline the changes in Prophets ( ) relations with the

Jewish tribes and the Hypocrites in Medina in the years between 622 and
632. (12)
(b) Suggest reasons why his relations with the Jewish tribes changed.
(4) (May 04)
19 (a) Describe the events of the final year of the Prophets life.



(b) Explain how any two teachings given in the Prophets Farewell Sermon can
help Muslim communities today.
[4] [O/N/2013]

Holy Prophet ( ) as a model

Q1 Outline 3 of the Prophets ( ) qualities, which in your
opinion single him out as the best model for Muslims to follow.
(13) (May 95 Oct 97)
Q2 (a) Outline 3 of the Prophets ( ) qualities that in your
opinion make him a model for Muslims to follow.
(b) Explain how Muslims can put one of these qualities into practice in
their own lives.
(May 00)

Q3 (a) Outline 4 of the Prophets ( ) personal qualities that

make him a model for Muslims to follow.
(b) Choosing 2 of these qualities, give one example in each case to show
how Muslims can put them into practice in their own lives. (2x2) (Oct 06)
Q4 (a) Briefly describe four actions or qualities of the Prophet
Muhammad ( ) that would make clear to the people who lived
with him that he was the Messenger of God.
(b) Explain what Muslims mean by the title seal of the Prophets.
(4)(O/N 08)


5 (a) Describe three qualities of the Prophet Muhammad that make him a
model for humankind.
(b) How can Muslims put one of these qualities into practice?

[4] [O/N/12]

6 (a) The Prophet Muhammad is said to have been patient and trustworthy.
Write about events in his life that illustrate these qualities.
(b) Choose one of these qualities and explain why it was important for the
Prophet to possess it.
[4] [M/J/2014]
7 (a) Write about the Prophet Muhammads interaction with non-Muslims in
(b) What can Muslims learn from this interaction?


[4] [M/J/2013]

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