Arun Verma Thesis

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Chapter 1

Microstrip Patch Antenna

In now a days the wireless system has become a part of human life. Most
of the electrical and electronics equipment around are using the wireless system.
An antenna is an electrical device which transmits the electromagnetic waves in
to the space by converting the electrical power given at the input into the radio
waves and converts them back into the electrical power. There are so many
systems that uses antenna such as remote controlled television, cellular phones,
satellite communications, spacecraft, radars, wireless phones and wireless
computer networks. Day by day new wireless devices are introduce ding which
increasing demand of compact antennas. Increase in the satellite communication
and use of antennas in the aircraft and spacecraft has also increased the
demands a low profile antenna that can provide a reliable communication.
A microstrip antenna is one who offers low profile and light weight. It is a
wide beam narrowband antenna can be manufactured easily by the printed
circuit technology such as a metallic layers in a particular shape is bonded on a
dielectric substrate which forms a radiating element and another continuous
metallic layer on the other side of substrate as ground plane. Not only the basis
of shapes any continuous shape can be used as the radiating patch. Instead of
using dielectric substrate some of the microstrip antennas use dielectric spaces
which results in wider bandwidth but in the cost of less ruggedness. Microstrip
antennas are low profile antenna and mechanical rugged and can be easily
mounted on any planar and non planar surfaces. The size of microstrip antenna
is related to the wavelength of operation generally 2. The application of
microstrip antennas is above the microwave frequency because below these
frequencies the use of microstrip antenna doesnt make a sense because of the
size of antenna. At frequencies lower than microwave, microstrip patches don't
make sense because of the sizes required. Now a days microstrip antenna is
used in commercial sectors due to its inexpensiveness and easy to manufacture
benefit by advanced printed circuit technology. Due to the development and
ongoing research in the area of microstrip antenna it is expected that in future
after some time most of the conventional antenna will be replaced by microstrip

1.2 Objective of the work

The common shapes of the microstrip patch are rectangular, square,
circular, triangular, etc. All these have been theoretically studied and there are
well established design formulae for each of them. Antenna design is an
innovative task where new types of antenna are studied. So, here a new shape of
microstrip patch antenna is designed which will cover the entire Ultra Wide Band.
One of the major problem for UWB systems are electromagnetic
interference (EMI) from existing frequency bands, because there are many other
wireless narrowband application that are allocated for different frequencies band
in the UWB band .
Therefore it is necessary for the designer to design the UWB antenna they
can reflect the interference from the other existing bands. To overcome this
interference problem UWB antennas should have band notches therefore they
can reject the existing frequency bands within the ultra-wide band. Here three
designs with different band notches for UWB applications are proposed.

The goal of this thesis is to study how the performance of the antenna
depends on various parameters of microstrip patch antenna. This is a simulation
based study. MATLAB simulation software, one commercial 3-D full-wave
electromagnetic simulation software tool is used for the design and simulation of
the antenna. Then, the antenna parameters are varied to study the effect of
variation of the antenna parameters on the antenna performance.

1.3 Outline of the thesis

Chapter 1: of thesis contain the overall introduction to the microstrip
antenna and this chapter also concluded with the details of outline of the present
Chapter 2 : This chapter dedicated to the Literature survey of the thesis
gives an overview about the microstrip antenna : the mechanism of radiation
behind the microstrip antenna, advantages and disadvantages as compare to
their counterpart and finally the major applications in different fields . All the

popular feeding methods used in microstrip antenna with their significance are
also discussed in this chapter.
Chapter 3: The basic parameters on which the selection and performance
of an antenna is characterize, are Bandwidth, Antenna Polarization, radiation,
Pattern, Efficiency, Antenna Gain are described in brief in this chapter.
Chapter 4: In this Chapter two basic and mostly used microstrip patch
Rectangular and Circular patch is discussed this chapter also deals that how the
design parameters are calculated and their effect on the antenna performance.
Chapter 5: This chapter deals with the design and simulation of four
microstrip patch antenna of different shapes. Various methods for increasing the
bandwidth are also applied. Various simulation results and graphs characterizing
the antenna performance are plotted and the effect of various antenna
parameters on the antenna performance is also observed and compared and
shown in the chapter. This proposed antenna structures are simulated in MATLAB
Software, one commercial 3-D full-wave electromagnetic simulation software.
Chapter 6: Contains the conclusion of the thesis and future work.

Fundamentals of Antennas
Different types of application requires antenna with different parameter. Like

for cellular mobile communication a circular polarized antenna is requires with

high gain and for satellite communication in downlink a high directive antenna is
required. less environment introduces a variety of challenges to the physical
channel of communication system. the selection and the performance of an
antenna is characterize on the basis of some parameters these are Bandwidth,
Polarization, radiation, Pattern, Efficiency, Gain. These parameters are described
in brief below.

2.1 Radiation patterns

Also known as antenna patterns or Far-Field Pattern. Radiation pattern of
an antenna is graphical representation of radiated power at as fix distance from
the antenna as a function of azimuth and elevation angle. So the antenna
pattern shows that how the power is distributed in the space. For simplicity the
radiation pattern can be drawn in 2D plane for different azimuth and elevation
angle referred as azimuth plane pattern and elevation plane pattern. It is good to
plot the radiation patterns in Cartesian (rectangular) coordinates, especially
when antenna radiation pattern consists of different side lobes and where these
side lobes levels plays an important role. There are different types of antenna
patterns described below.

2.2 Omni-directional Antennas

Omni-directional antenna can be referred as an antenna has radiation
pattern uniform and equally distributed in one plane generally referred to
horizontal planes. Some applications like mobile, cell phones, FM radios, walkie
talkies, wireless computer networks, cordless phones, GPS, many portable
handheld devices and in base stations antenna required with the characteristics
that can radiate equally in a plane. Omni-directional antenna has radiation
pattern like doughnut shaped. Slot antenna and dipole antenna, whip antenna,
discone antenna, duck antenna are some good example of low gain Omnidirectional antenna. Omni-directional antenna with high gain can also be design
by narrowing the beam width of the antenna in the vertical plane will result in
concentrating of energy in horizontal plane. Therefore a narrow beam width
antenna has a high gain and different type of Omni-directional antenna with
various gains can be design. A 0dBd gain antenna radiates more efficiently in
vertical plane.

2.3 Directional Antennas


As the name suggest directional antennas concentrate their radiation in a

particular direction. They are also known as Beam Antenna. They are useful in
some point to point application like satellite communication, in base station
antenna to transmitting energy in a particular sector. Yagi , horn, log-periodic
antenna and panel antenna are some example that have directional radiation

2.4 Isotropic radiator

An Isotropic antenna has the radiations distributed uniformly in all
direction. An isotropic antenna radiates all the power given. It is an imaginary
antenna does not exist practically. It is used as a reference to compared with the
other antennas.

2.5 Field Radiator

The radiations from antennas are varies when we go apart from the
antenna. The field regions can be categorized in Far field region and Near Field
(Fresnel) Region. Far field region is the region beyond the Fraunhofer distance
called Fraunhofer region. It is the region after that the radiation patter does not
change with the distance. The Fraunhofer distance is related to antennas larger
dimension and can be calculated as.


2 D2

R= distance from antenna
D= larger dimension of antenna
= wavelength in free space

2.6 Directivity
Directivity of an antenna shows that how much the antenna is able to
radiate in a particular given direction. It is a major requirement when antenna is
working as a receiver. If an antenna radiates equally in all direction then the
directivity of antenna is 1 or when measured with respect to isotropic antenna is

0dB. Directivity in its simple form can be described as the comparison of

maximum radiation intensity to average radiation intensity.


maximum radiationintensity
avarage radiation intensity

Directivity of an antenna with given angle shows that the antenna radiations are
more concentrated in that given direction when talking about antenna at
transmitting end. While in case of receiving antenna it will receive the power
efficiently from the particular direction.

2.7 Gain
Antenna Gain is also referred as Power gain or simply Gain. This combines of
antenna efficiency and directivity. For a transmitting antenna it shows how
efficiently antenna is able to radiate the given power into space in a particular
direction. While in case of receiving antenna it shows how well the antenna is to
convert the received electromagnetic waves into electrical power. When it is
calculated with efficiency


and directivity D it is referred as Power

Power Gain = Eantenna . D
When the directivity with a particular direction is given it is known as Directive
Directive Gain ( ,) =Eantenna . D ( ,)

2.8 Antenna Polarization

Polarization of an antenna is polarization of the electromagnetic waves
radiated from the antenna. Polarization on a wave is the orientation or path
traces by the electric field vector as a function of time. Polarization can be
categorized in three parts.

a. Linear polarization
b. Circular polarization
c. Elliptical polarization.
If the electric field vector of the wave at a given point in space follows a

linear path then the polarization is linear. Linear polarization is of two types
Vertical and Horizontal. In case of circular and elliptical polarization electric field
vector follows a circular and elliptical path. They can be Left hand polarized, if
the electric field vector tracking the path by making clockwise rotation and Right
hand polarized, if the vector tracking the path by making anti clockwise rotation.

2.9 Antenna Bandwidth

Antenna bandwidth is another important parameter of antenna can be
described as the range of frequencies over which antenna fulfill some desired
characteristics. Bandwidth can be described on the basis of gain, axial ratio
bandwidth, Impedance or VSWR bandwidth. The impedance bandwidth is the
range of frequencies over which the input impedance of antenna is perfectly
matched to the characteristic impedance of the feeding transmission line.
Impedance bandwidth related to Q factor can be described as

BW= Qt s


Generally Fractional bandwidth is used for microstrip antenna. Given by








are the upper and lower frequencies where the VSWR

matches to S: 1. Generally VSWR is taken 2:1 and ideally it is 1:1. To maximize

the impedance bandwidth for VSWR 2:1 proper impedance matching is required.
That is we have to feed at the driving point where antenna impedance is Z= 50
ohm generally. One can get a little bit more bandwidth by feeding at the point
where the antenna impedance is 65ohm.

Figure2.1 Bandwidth
Some of the major advantages of microstrip antenna as discussed by Randy
Bancroft [3] and Garg [10] are given below:

2.10 Advantages And Disadvantages

Inexpensive and easy to fabricate.

Can be planted easily on any surface.
Can be easily get reconfigurable characteristics.
Can be easily design antenna with desired polarization.
Mechanically robust, resistant against vibration and shock.
Suitable to microwave integrated circuits (MICs).
For high gain and directivity array of antenna can be easily formed.

Conversely microstrip antennas also have a number of disadvantages and

limitations when compared to other antennas. Some of the major disadvantages
of microstrip antennas are written below:

High quality factor.

Cross polarization.
Poor polarization efficiency.
Suffers from spurious feed radiation.
Narrow impedance bandwidth(5% to 10% without any technique).
High dielectric and conductor losses.

Sensitive to environment conditions like temperature and humidity.

Suffers from surface wave when high dielectric constant material is

Low gain and power handling capability

Chapter 3
Theory of Microstrip Patch Antenna
3.1 History
Earlier in the 19th century in microwave circuitry we have started using
coaxial cable and twin parallel wire line as the transmission lines. In the mid-20th
century the invention of printed circuit board technology allow us to make the
printed circuit versions of these transmission lines which were very inexpensive
and simple. The two wire transmission line in printed circuit version is known as
microstrip line, has a metallic ground plane providing the virtual 2nd conductor
and the coaxial line cable is adapted in printed circuit version as Strip line. The

attention on the fact that these microstrip structures can be used as radiator for
electromagnetics wave got in 1950s. First in year the 1953 Deschamps
introduces the concept of microstrip radiators[1]. In 1955 a patent on the name
of Gutton and Baissinot was issued in France [2, 3]. After getting the concept of
microstrip radiator about 20 year a practical microstrip antenna was fabricated.
Earlier these microstrip radiators were limited in the laboratories no commercial
antennas are available at that time due to high loss and poor radiation. One of
the reasons was unavailability of good dielectric material with minimum loss
tangent which can use as substrate and can radiate efficiently. At that time strip
line got more attention due to easy to design, analysis and suitable to microwave
planar structure and it also allows transverse electromagnetic wave (TEM) [3]. In
1955 R. M. Barret commented that advantages of strip line and microstrip line
are essentially the advantage of coaxial and twin wire transmission line[5]. May
be these were some reasons microstrip radiators didnt get the instant attention
in that period.
The research on microstrip radiator got attention when some good
dielectric material were found with better thermal and mechanical properties has
a low loss tangent. In 1969 Denlinger found the microstrip radiators with
rectangular and circular shape could be able to radiate efficiently [6].
Researchers had found previously that the half of the input power would escape
in microstrip radiator as a radiation. Denlinger found the mechanism behind the
radiation that if microstrip line is left open ended at the end this discontinuity will
cause the electromagnetic waves to arise from the each open end. It was
realized that the radiations will be more from the discontinuity when these are
separated by half of wavelength distance or a multiple of that long to each other.
It was also realized that the amount of power radiated from the open ends will
increase if the height of the dielectric substrate increases. Denlinger noted that
by increasing the height of substrate microstrip radiators was able to radiate the
70% of power available. He also carried his research on circular microstrip
radiators and found that it was possible to attain up to 75% of radiation from a
circular microstrip radiators. Microstrip radiators were now termed as microstrip
antenna. One of the major benefit of microstrip antenna is that they are very
comfy to planar and non-planar surfaces can be easily mounted on that. This was
the main reason that the microstrip antenna acquired the serious attention to the
researchers in early 1970s when high performance application such as aircraft,
spacecraft, missile, satellite communication put the motivation for researchers to

investigate on usefulness of conformal microstrip antennas. After about 2 years

Howell introduced a basic rectangular shape microstrip antenna that was fed
using the microstrip transmission line. In that days microstrip antenna was a
major focus for investigators. Researchers introduced many various designs. But
it was difficult to get the better radiation efficiency that was limited up to 90%.
Narrow bandwidth was also a severe problem for microstrip antenna. By 1981
research and study of microstrip antenna got a drift when IEEE made the
microstrip antenna a special issue in the IEEE transaction on antenna and
propagation [7]

3.2 Literature Survey

Sumita Shekhawat, Pratibha Sekra, Deepak Bhatnagar, Senior Member,
IEEE, Virender Kumar Saxena, and Jaswant Singh Saini (2010). Design and
analysis of a single-feed arrangement of stacked rectangular patches is
proposed, which is capable of providing circular polarization along with
broadband performance. An antenna is designed on a glass epoxy FR-4 substrate
with overall thickness of the structure less than 8mmor 0.11. This technological
trend has focused much effort on the design of a Microstrip patch antenna, by
K.O. Odeyemi; D.O. Akande2 and E.O. Ogunti; (2012) the pattern of two
designs of a Microstrip patch antenna have been analyzed and studied .[37]
Md. Maruf Ahamed; Kishore Bhowmik; Md. Shahidulla;Md. Shihabul Islam,
Md.Abdur Rahman;(2012) the result for different dielectric constant values and
the result is performed by thickness of 2.88mm and resonance frequency of
2GHz where 2.32 (Duroid) are gives the best result.. This technological trend has
focused much effort into the design of a Microstrip patch antenna [38].
Neha Ahuja, Rajesh Khanna, Jaswinder Kaur (2012) A microstrip patch antenna
for Wi - Max and GSM application is proposed. The antenna has a frequency
bandwidth of 1.24 GHz (4.6053 GHz 5.8481 GHz) for WLAN and Wi-Max and
1.04 GHz (6.124 GHz 7.16 GHz) for Satellite application. The microstrip antenna
has a planar geometry and consists of a defected ground, a substrate, a patch, a
feed, one slot in patch and a defected ground which consists of a pie slot and
reduced area from all three sides except the feed side.[39]
Lafond et al. presents aperture coupled microstrip patch antenna with thick
ground plane[40].The thickness has a strong effect on impedance matching at

high frequencies owing to the ratio between the thickness and the wavelength,
which increases with frequency. The ground plane thickness is a critical
parameter in aperture coupled patch antennas at millimeter wave frequencies
due to the reduction of the input impedance when the slot thickness becomes
significant with respect to the wavelength. Finally, it appears that it is possible to
design a slot fed patch on a thick ground plane which exhibits good impedance
matching owing to the proper choice of slot length and patch size for a given
ground plane thickness.
Patch Antennas on Externally Perforated High Dielectric Constant Substrates are
presented by Colburn et al.[41]. The idea of external substrate perforation was
introduced in this paper and applied to a patch antenna to help mitigate the
drawbacks of thick high dielectric constant substrates without sacrificing the
patch element miniaturization or bandwidth. The introduction of the external
perforation improved the far-field radiation pattern of a patch antenna on a
relatively thick substrate without any reduction in bandwidth or increase in patch
size. The authors found that the perforation must not be located too close to the
patch due to fringing fields, or the resonant frequency would shift up. It was also
seen that the position where the perforation is started or terminated does have
some affect on the far-field radiation pattern. R.Leclaratne et al. presents a novel
microstrip patch.
R.Leclaratne et al. presents a novel microstrip patch antenna suitable for satellite
communications [42]. It is designed by using two semi-discs with single feeding.
The antenna is circularly polarized and suitable for mobile satellite
communications and if fed as individual semi-rings as a dual band orthogonally
polarized antenna.

3.3 Microstrip antenna

In a most basic form a microstrip antenna comprises of two thin metallic
layers (t , where is wavelength of free space) one as radiating patch and
second as ground plane and a dielectric substrate sandwiched between them.
The conductor patch is placed on the dielectric substrate and used as radiating
element. On the other side of the substrate there is a conductive layer used as
ground plane. Copper and gold is used normally as a metallic layer. Radiating
patch can be of any shape but simple shapes are used to design a patch because
patches basic shapes are easy to analysis by the available theoretical models

and it is easy to predict the performance. Square, rectangular, dipole, triangular,

elliptical, circular are some basic shapes. Circular, rectangular and dipole are the
most often used shapes because of easy of analysis and fabrication. A variety of
dielectric materials are available for the substrate with dielectric constants
2.2 12[8]. The height of substrate plays an important role in antenna
characteristics generally are in the range 0.003 o h 0.05 o .

Figure 3.1 Microstrip Patch Antenna

Figure 3.2 Side View Microstrip Patch Antenna

Microstrip antenna suffers from very Narrow frequency bandwidth.
However some application where narrow bandwidth is essential such as
government security systems, microstrip antennas are useful. Bandwidth of
microstrip antenna is directly proportional to height of substrate. There are two
main techniques two improve the bandwidth; one circuit theory and second
An antenna characteristics is not only depends on the antenna element

but also be influenced by the TX-line and antenna combination. Generally the
input impedance of microstrip antenna is complex and the characteristic
impedance of TX-line is real (usually 50 ohm). This will results in impedance
mismatching and causes a voltage standing wave pattern on transmission line
results in low impedance bandwidth. One way to overcome this problem is use of
impedance matching networks between antenna and transmission line. There
are several impedance matching techniques are available, Circuit theory deals
with the impedance matching techniques.
Structural technique deals with the modification of substrate properties
such as height and dielectric constant. By increasing the height we can increase
the bandwidth. But it will also introduce surface waves which increases loss of
the power and leads to performance and characteristics degradation. Various
types of methods are introduced by the researchers such as stacking, defected
ground plane, parasitic patches and improvement of bandwidth of microstrip
antenna is still an interesting topic for investigation. By choosing a particular
shape one can easily design an antenna with desired resonance frequency
radiation pattern, polarization. It is easy to design a microstrip antenna with
reconfigurable polarization, resonance frequency and radiation patterns just by
adding loads like PIN diode, Varacter diodes.

3.4 Radiation Mechanism

In 1969 Den linger noted that if the microstrip line left open ended on one
end and fed on the other end then due to the discontinuity created some part of
the power is radiated in the space from both the ends as electromagnetic waves.
Denlinger also realized that the amount of power radiated in space is maximum
when both the discontinuities kept a half wavelength or a multiple of half of
wavelength apart from each other[6]. Denlinger concluded that radiations took
place from the open end due to the fringing fields arising from the discontinuity.
To understanding the mechanism behind the radiation from microstrip antenna
considers a rectangular antenna with a half wavelength long radiating patch fed
by microstrip feed line. A rectangular antenna can be considered as a microstrip
line left open ended on one side and energy is fed from the other end. Since the
patch is half wavelength long and left open ended on other side, the current at
the corners (at the beginning and end) of the patch should be zero and is
maximum at the centre of the patch. Current and voltage will be 90 degree out

of phase. The voltage will be maximum positive at the beginning and maximum
negative at the end of patch [9].

Figure 3.3 Current And Voltage Variation along The Patch

Field distribution along the patch is like shown in figure below. The field lines are
below the patch towards corner are opposite in direction. This field lines does not
stop abruptly ant the end. At the corners fringing fields are created and the field
lines are in bow shape. More the fringing field bow more the radiation. Therefore
these fringing are the reason behind the radiation from the microstrip antenna.

Figure 3.4 Fringing Field

Microstrip antenna is a low profile antenna that has light weight and is
very easy to installation due to which it is very popular in handheld wireless
devices such as cell phones, pagers and in some high performance
communication systems such as in satellite, missile, spacecraft, aircraft etc.

There are various methods to overcome this limitations, bandwidth of

microstrip antenna can be increase by using some special methods like defected
ground plane strategy, stacked patches, slotted patches, parasitic patch. Gain
and the power handling ability of antenna can be improved by making an
antenna array. Use of Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) structure and
Metamaterial also results in the improvement of the antenna characteristics[20].

3.5 Applications
After a number of limitations due to the several advantages microstrip
antenna found very useful in different applications. Microstrip antenna widely
used in the defense systems like missiles, aircraft, satellites and rockets. Now a
days microstrip antenna is used in commercial sectors due to its
inexpensiveness and easy to manufacture benefit by advanced printed circuit
technology. Due to the development and ongoing research in the area of
microstrip antenna it is expected that in future after some time most of the
conventional antenna will be replaced by microstrip antenna. Some of the major
applications of microstrip antennas are:

Mobile Communication

Antenna used in mobile applications should be light weight, small size.

Microstrip antenna possesses this entire requirement. The most of mobile
applications are handheld gadgets or pocket size equipment, cellular phones,
UHF pagers and the radar applications in vehicles like car, planes, and ships.
Various types of designs are made and used for radar applications like marine
radar, radar for surveillance and for remote sensing.

Satellite Communication

In satellite communication antenna should have the circular polarization. One

of the major benefit of microstrip antenna is that one can easily design an
antenna with require polarization by using dual feed networks and different
techniques. Parabolic antennas are used in satellite communication to
broadcasting from satellite. A flat microstrip antenna array can be used in the
place of parabolic reflector.

Global Positioning System

Initially the satellite based GPS system are used for only in military purposes
but now a days GPS found a large application in everyones life and now used

commercially. GPS found an essential requirement in vehicles, ships and planes

to track the exact location and position. 24 satellites are working in GPS
encircling the earth in every 12 hours at altitude 20,200 km. GPS satellite using
two frequencies in L-band to transmit the signal which is received by thousands
of receivers on earth. The receiver antenna should be circularly polarized. An
omnidirectional microstrip antenna has wide beam and low gain can be easily
design with dual frequency operation in L-band.

Direct Broadcast Satellite System

In many countries direct broadcasting system is used to provide the

television services. A high gain (~33db) antenna should be used at the ground
by the user side. A parabolic reflector antennas are generally used are bulky
requires space and affected by snow and rain. An array of circularly polarized
microstrip antenna can be used for direct broadcasting reception. Which are easy
to install, has less affect from snow and rain and cheaper also.

Antenna for Pedestrian

In many countries direct broadcasting system is used to provide the

television services. A high gain (~33db) antenna should be used at the ground
by the user side. A parabolic reflector antennas are generally used are bulky
requires space and affected by snow and rain. An array of circularly polarized
microstrip antenna can be used for direct broadcasting reception. Which are easy
to install, has less affect from snow and rain and cheaper also.

In radar Application

Radar application such as Man pack radar, Marine radar and Secondary
surveillance radar requires antenna with appropriate gain and beam width. An
array of microstrip antenna with desired gain and desired beam width can be
used. For some application such as sensing the ocean wave speed and direction
and for determining the ground soil grades Synthetic Aperture radar method is
used. Two arrays of patch antennas separated by a proper distance are used in
this system.

Application in Medical Science

In medical science for treating the malignant tumors microwave energy is

used to induce hyperthermia. The microwave energy radiator used for this
should be adaptable to the surface being treated and should be light weight.
Microstrip patch antenna is the only one that can fulfill that requirement. Annular

ring and circular disk microstrip antenna are some examples. A half circular
flexible patch monopole microstrip applicator used is shown in figure below.
Figure shows the geometry of the applicator that how it is conform on the curved

Figure 3.5 Microstrip Applicator used For Hyperthermia application

3.6 Fading Technique

Various types of feeding techniques are available to feed microstrip
antenna. Each of them has their own merits or demerits. A number of factors are
used to choose which type of feeding is suitable for the designed antenna. The
main consideration is effectual power transfer from feed line to the antenna
radiating element that is proper matching between the feed and antenna.
Various techniques like impedance transformer, stubs are used for impedance
matching. Feed structure should like that these matching structure could be
fabricated with radiating element easily. Spurious feed radiation and surface
wave losses are also the major factors which depend on the feeding methods
which affects the antenna characteristics. Surface waves decreases the
efficiency of antenna and spurious feed radiation results in undesired radiation
which will give rise to side lobe level and also increases level of cross
polarization. Another main feature is that feed network should be well-suited to
make an array, feeding methods can be divide in two categories one is
contacting feeds and other one is non contacting feeds or electromagnetic
coupled feed. In contacting feeds the feed line is directly connected to radiating
element. The main drawback of contacting feeds are that it shows inherent
asymmetry which produces the higher order modes that leads to increase in
cross polarization level. To minimize these no contacting feeds are used.

Microstrip line feed and coaxial probe feeding are two mainly used direct contact
feedings and aperture coupled and proximity coupling are two non contacting
couplings which are described in brief below:

3.6.1) Microstrip Line Feeding

In this type of feeding the radiating patch is directly fed by the microstrip
feed line has a narrow width as compare to patch. It is the simple and mostly
used feeding method. Because microstrip line can be treated as extended part of
radiating patch and fabricated on the same substrate on the board. This feeding
simple to fabricate and its easy to impedance matching techniques are very
compatible with this type of feed. But this feed also have some drawbacks,
suffers from spurious feed radiation and surface wave losses also has low

Figure 3.6 Microstrip patch Antenna

3.6.2) Coaxial probe feed

One of the widely used feeding for microstrip antenna. In this type of
feeding core of coaxial cable is directly connected to the patch using the
soldering and the outer cable is connected to the ground. Core conductor is
inserted in the substrate via a hole. The main advantage of this feeding is that
we can directly feed or connect the inner conductor to the feed point where the
input impedance is equal to the characteristic impedance of the feed line.


Figure 3.7 Coaxial Probe Feed

3.6.3) Proximity coupled feed

Two types of dielectric substrates are used in this type of feeding.
Microstrip line is not directly connected to patch and left open ended and is
sandwiched between the substrates. Energy from feed line is coupled
electromagnetic to the radiating patch. The microstrip line can be extended as
stub to increase the bandwidth. Substrates dielectric constants play a lead role
and selected to increase the bandwidth and decrease the spurious feed
radiations from the feed line. Thick Material with low dielectric constant is
selected for Upper substrates because lower the dielectric constant more the
fringing field and more the radiations from patch and thin substrate with high
dielectric constant is selected for lower substrate. This type of feeding has
largest bandwidth as compared to others. It is easy to model and has low
spurious feed radiation however its fabrication is more difficult because the exact
alignment of feed line is required. The length of the extended stub and width to
line ratio of patch can be optimized to control the antenna characteristics.


Figure 3.8 Proximity Coupled Antenna

3.6.4) Aperture Coupled feed

Structural view of this type of feeding is shown in figure. As shown this
feeding also uses two type of substrate ground plane is placed between them
and microstrip line is used generally to feed which is placed below the lower
substrate. As name suggests in aperture coupling feeding the energy is
electromagnetically coupled to the patch through an aperture or slot made in the
ground plane. Different types of aperture shapes are used generally rectangular
and circular shapes are widely used. Cross shaped and annular ring shape slots
are used for exciting the circular polarization. The parameters of slots are used to
improve the antenna characteristics. As in proximity coupled feeding substrates
dielectric constant is selected to get better radiation and bandwidth. Thick
substrate with low dielectric constant is used for the upper substrate to get the
good radiation and bandwidth. While thin and high dielectric constant material is
used for the upper substrate to for efficient transfer of energy from feed line to
patch. To get the maximum coupling between feed structure and the patch slot
should be located at the place where the magnetic field is maximum [16]. We
know that from the current and voltage distribution along the patch length,
electric field is maximum at the ends and magnetic field is maximum at the
centre of the patch. The microstrip feed line is extended a length extra and is
used as a stub. Stub works as an open circuited transmission line has admittance
is in parallel to that of the slot. By optimizing the extended length of feed line
(stub) the reactive components of slot can be cancelled out to that of the stub
that will result in better impedance matching.

Figure 3.9 Aperture Coupling

The area of slot is kept small to minimize the radiation below the ground
plane. This type of feeding has better polarization purity, low spurious feed
radiation and large bandwidth as compared to microstrip and coaxial probe
feeding. The equivalent circuit for each of them is shown in figure below.

Figure 3.10 Equivalent Circuit for Feeding Technique

Chapter 4
Rectangular and Circular Microstrip Antenna

4.1 Microstrip Antenna

In telecommunication, there are several types of microstrip antennas (also
known as printed antenna) the most common of which is the microstrip antenna
or patch antenna.

4.1.1 Patch Antenna

A patch antenna is a narrowband, wide-beam antenna fabricated by
etching the antenna element pattern in a element pattern in metal trace bonded
to an insulating dielectric substrate , such as a printed circuit board ,with a
continuous metal layer bonded to the opposite side of the substrate which forms
a ground plane. Common microstrip Antenna shapes are square, rectangular,
circular, elliptical, but any continuous shape is possible. Some patch antennas do
not use a dielectric substrate and instead are made of a metal patch mounted
above a ground plane using dielectric spaces, The resulting structure is less
rugged but has a wide bandwidth. Because such antennas have a low profile, are
mechanically rugged and can be shaped to confirm to the curving skin of a
vehicle, they are often mounted on the exterior of aircraft and spacecraft, or are
incorporated in to mobile radio communications device.

4.1.2 Advantages
Microstrip antennas are relatively inexpensive to manufacture and design
because of the simple 2-Dimensional physical geometry. They are easily
employed at UHF and higher frequencies because the size of antenna is directly
tied to the wavelength at the resonant frequency. A single patch antenna
provides a maximum directive gain of around 6-9dBi. It is relative easy to print
an array of patches on a single substrate using lithographic techniques. Patch
arrays can provide much higher gains then a single patch at little additional
cost, matching and phase adjustment can be performed with printed microstrip
feed structures, again in the same operations that forms the radiating patches.
The ability to create high gain array in a low-profile antenna is one reason that
patches array are common on airplanes and in other military applications.
Such an array of patches antennas is an easy way to make a phased array
of antennas with dynamic beam forming ability.[31]
An advantage inherent to patch antennas is the ability to have polarized
diversity. Patch antennas can easily be designed to have vertical, horizontal,
right hand circular(RHCP) or left hand circular(LHCP) polarization, using multi

pole feed points, or a single feed point with asymmetric patch structure.[32] this
unique property allow patch antennas to be used in many types of
communications links that may have varied requirements.

4.1.3 Rectangular patch

The most commonly employed microstrip antenna is a rectangular patch
antenna is approximately a one-half wavelength long section of rectangular
microstrip transmission lines. When air is the antenna substrate, the length of
the rectangular microstrip antenna is approximately one-half of wavelength. As
the antenna is loaded with a dielectric as its substrate, the length of the antenna
is decreases as the relative dielectric constant of the substrate increases. The
resonant length of the antenna is slightly shorter because of the extended
electric fringing fields which increase the electrical length of antenna slightly.
An early model of the microstrip transmission line with equivalent loads on either
end to represent the radiation loss.

4.1.4 Specification
The dielectric loading of a microstrip antenna affects both its radiation
pattern and impedance bandwidth. As the dielectric constant of the substrate
increases, the antenna bandwidth decreases with Q factor of the antenna
therefore decreases the impedance bandwidth. This relationship did not
immediately follow when using the transmission line model of the antenna, but is
apparent when using the cavity model which was introduced in the late 1970s by
LO et al.[33] The radiation from a rectangular microstrip antenna may be
understood as a pair of equivalent slots. These slots acts as an array and have
the highest directivity when the antenna has an air dielectric and decreases as
the antenna is loaded by material with increasing relative dielectric constant.
The half-wave rectangular microstrip antenna has a virtual shorting plane
along its center. This may be replaced with a physical shorting plane along its
center. This may be replaced with a physical shorting plane to create a quarterwavelength microstrip antenna. This is sometimes called a half patch. The
antenna only has a single radiation edge (equivalent slot) which lowers the
directivity / gain of antenna. The impedance bandwidth is slightly lower than a
half-wavelength full patch as the coupling between radiating edges has been


4.2) Rectangular Microstrip Antenna

The rectangular microstrip patch is probably the most common designed
antenna. The figure shows a normal rectangular patch antenna. Here a designer
has two degree of freedom length and width of patch. The metallic patch is
separated from the ground plane by a fraction of wavelength distance above by
the dielectric substrate. The field varies over the length are shown. The fringing
fields are coming out from the two edges are referred as radiating edges and
other two edges as non radiating edges.

Figure 4.1 Rectangular Patch Antenna

Patch shown in figure has length b and width a. The patch antenna is fed by
using coaxial line feed and the feed point is on the middle line on the patch y
distance apart along the length b.

4.2.1) Method of Analysis:A number of methods are available for analyzing the microstrip antenna.
Two mostly used models are named below. Transmission line model is easiest one
and provides a simple physical implementation of the antenna but is less
accurate, While the Cavity model is difficult but more accurate.

Transmission Line Model.

Cavity model.

4.2.1 a) Transmission Line Model

The transmission line model treated rectangular microstrip as a part of
transmission line. As the rectangular microstrip antenna consists two radiating

slots, transmission line model represents each radiating slots by an equivalent

admittance which are separated by a distance equal to the length. The resistive
part of them represents the radiation loss from the each slot. At the resonance
the reactive part of the input impedance cancelled out and the input impedance
become pure resistive. Transmission line model consider the effects of various
parameters described below.
a. Fringing field:
The fringing field in rectangular microstrip antenna arises from the radiating
edges shown in the figure below. Fringing field are mainly depends on the
dielectric constant and length L to height h ratio. Since in most of the cases the
L/h ratio is << 1 therefore the fringing fields are less.

Figure 4.2 Fringing Field Effect

Higher dielectric constant substrate leads to bounded electric fields more
enclosed in the substrate as used in the microstrip lines. While the lower
dielectric constants substrates results in loosely bounded electric fields means
they will go more further from the patch. Lesser the dielectric constant material
used in substrate more bowed the fringing fields. We know that the fringing fields
are responsible for the radiations from microstrip antenna. Therefore lower
dielectric constant more the fringing fields and more the radiations leads to
better efficiency and better antenna performance. From figure it can be seen that
fringing fields lines are not only enclosed in substrate but also go further out in
the air. As the field lines travels in substrate and air also we have to calculate an
Effective Dielectric constant by taking the air also in account.


Figure 4.3 Effective Dielectric Constant

The effective dielectric constant is a dielectric constant of the material for
which the antenna characteristics are same as for the real one. The range of
effective dielectric constant varies from 1 eff

. In most cases the


value is close to . If the air is used as a substrate then the effective dielectric
constant is equal to dielectric constant

eff =

= . The


is also depends

on frequency. As the operating frequency increases the value of effective

dielectric constant reaches to the real value of dielectric material used. Graph
below showing the variation of effective dielectric constant with the frequency
below. For the lower frequency the effective dielectric constant does not varies
but as the frequency increases the effective dielectric constant approaches
towards the actual dielectric constant of substrate material.

Figure 4.4 dielectric constant v/s frequency curve

The eff for W/h >1 can be gives as

eff =

+1 1


1/ 2

b. Effect of fringing fields on length:

Due to the fringing field coming out from the radiating slots the actual
length of rectangular patch is more than the physical length. Then we have to
introduce a length extension factor. This is in the case when modes are
generated along the length or linear polarization is made. Length extension
should also be considered when fields are generated by radiating edges along
width. The best approximated value of this length extension normalized to
dielectric material height can be given by formula.

Figure 4.5 Length Extension

+0 . 264)
=0 . 412
( eff 0 . 258 ) ( +0 . 8)
(eff +0 . 3)(

This L value mainly depends on the effective dielectric constant and the width
to height ratio. Due to this length extension length of patch is about 0.48 rather
than 0.5. Therefore to get the actual physical length of the patch equal to /2
we have consider the extension on both the ends and that is,
As we know for dominant mode
therefore the



- 2L

TM 010 the length pf patch is equal to /2

is given by

Leff =c /f
= 2 f f
Where C is the velocity of light in free space and f is the resonance

frequency for which antenna is to be design.

C. Patch width:For the dominant mode

TM 010 there is no fringing field along the width

therefore there is no need to consider the effective dielectric constant Width of

the patch can be calculator by the formula

c +1
W= 2 f 2

1 /2

( )

d. Resonance frequency:
For the dominant mode

TM 010 the antenna resonates (without taking

fringing into account) at the frequency given by

L+2 L eff

e. Input Impedance:It is important for perfect impedance matching to find the point along with
the patch dimension where the input impedance is equal to that of that of the
feed line referred as Feed point or Driving point. The input impedance at feed
point or driving point is known as Driving Point Impedance. The current and
voltage distribution over the patch length is shown in figure. Voltage is maximum
at the corners and current is maximum at the centre. As we know that the
resistance is the ratio of voltage and current. Therefore the resistance will be
maximum at the corners and minimum at the centre. Input impedance of the
rectangular patch antenna along the centre line at any point can be determined
by the transmission line model. The transmission line model for rectangular
patch antenna is shown in figure. Each radiating edge is shown by parallel
equivalent admittance y and are separated by a distance equal to length L=/2.
The edge admittance consist equivalent conductance G and susceptance B.
The feed point is located L1 distance away from edge. Input admittance
the end of a L length long transmission line with characteristic admittance
can be given by equation:





e+ jy tan
= y
Where is the phase constant. Using the above equation the input impedance at
the driving point can be expressed by:





e+ jy tan
e + jye tan
e+ jy tan

driving point=
The total input admittance at the corner of patch is:

y =2 y


e= Be +G e

Approximated values of

Ge =0 . 0836




can be given by:

B e =0 . 01668


h reff

At the resonance the imaginary parts of the edge admittance are equal
and out of phase and they will cancel out each other. So the total input
admittance at the edge at resonance become real and is equal to

=2 Ge
So at the resonance the total input impedance become pure real.

2 Ge

When we consider the mutual conductance into account then the input
resistance will become

2(Ge G 12)


120 2 0

k W
sin (
j ( k Lsin ) sin d

Using the model expansion analysis the input resistance at a point



from the edge of patch along the centre line can be calculated by the formula:

L o
R( y= yo) =
2(G e G12 )

R( y=0) cos

L 0

A graph below shows that the input impedance of the rectangular patch antenna

varies according to square of cosine, which shows that the input resistance is
maximum at the corner of patch and it is zero at the centre of patch.

Figure 4.6 Normalized Input Resistance

4.2.1b) Cavity Modal

The cavity model first described by Lo et al. in late 1970s. As the name
says Cavity model treated the rectangular patch antenna as a cavity with electric
walls above and below at metallic patch and ground plane, and magnetic walls
along the edges of patch [14,15]. The field under the patch is the summation of
the resonance modes created by these radiating walls. The cavity model based
on the assumption that only z-axis component of electric field and x and y axis
components of magnetic field exist. A simple rectangular antenna used for the
calculation in cavity model is shown in figure.


Figure 4.7 Rectangular Patch for Cavity Model

The electric field below the patch at a point x ,y can be given by expression

E z= A mn mn ( x , y )
m=0 n=0

mn ,



k k 2mn

mn >

A m n= j

( mnx
a )

mn ( x , y )=cos



( ny
b )

Due to the fringing fields the cavity walls are somewhat larger than the actual
length. Therefore by considering the fringing effects from edges the length and
width becomes:

aeff =a+ 2
beff =b+ 2
k 2c =(1 j eff ) k 20
k 2mn =cos

+( )
( mn


The driving or feed point impedance at a point x, y can be given by

Z drv =
m=0 n=0


j mn

( j eff ) 2

co k mn
k mn


h m n
m w p
cos2 (
) cos 2(
)cos 2 (
aeff beff r 0
b eff
2 aeff



w p is width of feedline cable

i= 1if i=1
2if i=2
The effective loss tangent related to dielectric loss, conduction loss, radiation
loss and surface wave loss

eff =

Qd =

1 1 1
= + + +
QT Qd Q c Q r Qsw


Q c = 0 k


Rs =

Q r=

2 w W es


W es


W es =

refers to energy stored

ab v 20

The radiated power



[ (

V 2oA 4
( 1B ) 1 +
+ (2 +
15 420 5
7 42189

( )



( )




Qsw =Q

in form of radiation quality factor



1e r

p hrd
e = hrd r hrd
pr pr


80 2 2r c

( 0 h)
p hrd
r =
c 1=1

+ 4
n1 5 n1

1+ 2 x1

x 201
( 1+ x 1 ) +hk

n0 k 20 ( x 01 ) /2
p =


k h 1
0= 1 tan
k h 1
cos2 k h 1



k h 1+

The cavity model is more accurate as compared to transmission line model but it

is based on many assumptions and approximations that is effective only for

electrically thin substrate.

4.3) circular Microstrip Antenna

Circular patch is the second most widely used geometry for the microstrip
patch antenna. As in rectangular microstrip antenna we have two degree of
freedom (length and width) to control the antenna characteristics, here we have
only radius of circular patch. A circular microstrip antenna is shown in figure

Figure 4.8 Circular Patch Antennas

As shown in figure Metallic Circular patch with radius a is placed a height h
above the ground plane. Dielectric substrate separates the patch and ground
plane and the patch is fed at a point r distance from the centre at a angle Q
from the x-axis. The circular patch antenna can be analysis by considering the
patch as a cavity with two perfect conductor electric wall above and below
(patch and ground plane) and magnetic walls along the edges. The electric field
below the circular patch can be given by:

E z=E0 J n ( k ) cos ( n )
And the magnetic field components can be given by:

H r=

E J n ( kr ) sin ( n )
k 2r

H =

E0 jn ( kr ) sin ( n )

k = propagation constant


= nth order Bessel function.


= nth order derivative of Bessel function.

The resonance frequency

f mn=

f mn related to TM mode can be given as:

X mn . c
2 eff


X mn

= mth zero of derivative of Bessels function of nth order

C = velocity of light in free space


= effective radius of circular patch

{ }

aeff =a . 1+
( ln
+1. 7726)

1 /2

and the actual radius of patch can be determined by

X mn . c

[ ({

+ 1. 7726

2 f mn h

1/ 2


Therefore radius of circular patch can be found using above equation. The first
four Bessel function zeroes are:
Table 4.1 Bessel Function Values

T mn
X mn





An antenna is a structure for radiating or receiving radio waves. It is desired to

be simple, small, lightweight and cheap. In addition it should operate over the

entire frequency band of a given system. However, a single type of antenna may
not possess all the desirable features. One type of antenna that possesses most
of the desirable features is a microstrip patch antenna. Microstrip patch antennas
are light in weight, cheap and conformable making them attractive for
applications such as high performance aircraft, spacecraft, satellite and missile
However, they have low radiation efficiency, low power, high Q, poor polarization
purity, poor scan performance, spurious feed radiation and very narrow
frequency bandwidth.
Microstrip patch antennas are named based on the shape of the radiating
patch. Thus, many configurations are in existence such as square, rectangular,
dipole, circular, elliptical, triangular, disc sector, circular ring, and ring sector
among others. Square, rectangular, dipole and circular microstrip patch antennas
are easy to design and analyze and have desirable radiation characteristics (low
cross-polarization radiation). These make them more common .
Circular microstrip patch antenna is more advantageous compared to rectangular
one. First, it has one degree of freedom to control (radius) as compared to
rectangular one which has two (length and width). Therefore, circular microstrip
patch antenna is more convenient to design and its radiation can easily be
controlled. Secondly, the physical size of the circular patch is 16% less than that
of the rectangular one at the same design frequency.
A microstrip patch antenna consists of a conducting metallic patch
separated from the ground plane by a dielectric substrate. Figure 4.9 below
illustrates the structure of a circular microstrip patch antenna. The thickness of
the metallic patch, t << 0 (where 0 is free space wavelength). The height of
the substrate, h << 0 (usually 0.003 0 h 0.05 0).


4.9 Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna

There are many substrates that can be used with dielectric constants
ranging from 2.2 to 12. Thick substrates with low dielectric constants result in
good antenna performance in terms of better efficiency, larger bandwidth and
loosely bound fields that can easily be radiated into space. However, they result
in larger element size. On the other hand, thin substrates with high dielectric
constants are suitable for microwave circuitry because their fields are tightly
bound resulting in minimal undesired radiation and coupling. Moreover, the
element sizes will be smaller. However, the losses will be great making them less
efficient. They also result in smaller bandwidths[36].
A number of methods can be used to feed microstrip patch antennas. The
common ones are microstrip line, coaxial probe, aperture coupling and proximity
coupling . The methods can broadly be classified into contacting and non
contacting methods. In contacting method, there is direct feeding of RF power to
the radiating patch by use of a connecting element (microstrip line). For the noncontacting case, power transfer between microstrip line and radiating patch is
achieved through electromagnetic field coupling. Figure 4.10 illustrates the
structure of a microstrip line feed for a circular microstrip patch antenna. It is a
contacting method and consists of a conducting strip of a very small width
compared to that of the patch. It is easy to fabricate, simple to match and simple
to model. However, surface waves and spurious feed radiation increases with
increase in height of the substrate. This limits the bandwidth to 2-5% .



Microstrip feed


Ground Plane

4.10 Microstrip Feed Line

Figure 4.11 illustrates the structure of a coaxial line feed (probe feed) for a
circular microstrip patch antenna. It is a contacting method in which the inner
conductor of the coax is connected to the radiating patch whereas the outer
conductor is connected to the ground plane. It is easy to fabricate and match
and has low spurious radiation. However, it has narrow bandwidth and it is more
difficult to model especially when the substrates are thick (h > 0.02 0)[36].


4.11 Probe feed

Figure 4.12 illustrates the structure of an aperture coupled feed for a
circular microstrip patch antenna. It is a non contacting method that consists of
two substrates separated by a ground plane. A microstrip feed line is on the
bottom side of the lower substrate and is used to couple the energy to the patch
through a slot on the ground plane. With this method, it is possible to optimize
the feed and the radiating element independently. It is easier to model and has
moderate spurious radiation. However, it is most difficult to fabricate and has
narrow bandwidth.

4.12 Aperture Coupled feed


Figure 4.13 illustrates the structure of a proximity coupled feed for a circular
microstrip patch antenna. It is a non contacting method and it is also called
electromagnetic coupling scheme. It consists of two substrates with the feed line
in between the substrates while the radiating patch is on top of the upper
substrate. It results in the largest bandwidth (as high as 13%), is a bit easy to
model, and has low spurious radiations. However, it is a bit difficult to

4.13 Proximity-Coupled Feed

In order to analyze the electromagnetic behavior of microstrip patch
antennas, one can utilize transmission line model, cavity model or full wave
model. The easiest of all is the transmission line model. This method also gives a
good physical insight. However, it is the least accurate and it is more
complicated to model coupling. Cavity model is more accurate compared to
transmission line model. It also gives a good physical insight. However, it is more
complex and it is a bit difficult to model coupling. Full wave models include
primarily integral equations/moment methods. With proper application, full wave
models are very accurate and very versatile for treating single elements, finite
and infinite arrays, stacked elements, arbitrary elements and coupling. However,
they are the most complicated and give less physical insight [36].


Simulation And Results
After declaring the ultra-wide band (UWB) from frequency band 3.1 to 10.6 GHz
by Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 2002 for the use of indoor and
hand-held systems, Ultra-wideband (UWB) antennas have gained so much of
interest by the researchers[17]. For an antenna to be considered ultra wideband
(UWB) or not there are two criteria available on the basis of fractional bandwidth.
One definition (by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency report) requires
an antenna to have fractional bandwidth greater than 0.25. An alternate and
more recent definition by Federal Communications Commission (FCC) places the
limit at 0.2.

f hh

f h+h

0. 25 DARPA
0 . 2 FCC


The major disadvantage of microstrip antenna is narrow bandwidth. For the

enhancement of impedance bandwidth, several types of techniques such as uses
of high value dielectric constant[8], parasitic coupled patches[19], defected
patch structure, use of Metamaterial [20], stacked structure [18]and using a
matching network for proper impedance matching[21] have been reported. Here
in the proposed designs for broadening the impedance bandwidth of the
antennas defected ground plane strategy is used. In some designs circular shape
partial ground plane with an elliptical notch is used. Some designs have partial
ground plane with curvy edges and a narrow rectangular slit is also used.
5.1) Modified Circular Patch Antenna for Wide Band Application
5.1.1)Antenna design and parameters


5.1.1 Front and Back View of Fabricated Antenna

5.1 Dimensions Of The Proposed First Design




Radius of half circular



Overlapping Length
Length of Feed line




Width of Feed line



Length of Stub


W stub

Width of Stub

Length of Substrate


Width of Substrate


Proposed microstrip antenna is fed by standard 50ohm microstrip feed

line. Different parameters with their Optimized value of the proposed antenna
are listed below in table:
A circular shape partial ground plane is used in the design. To increase the
bandwidth of antenna defected ground plane strategy is used. An elliptical notch
is created in the ground plane, major axis and minor axis radius of which is
x=1.6 and y=3.1 respectively. The s11 vs frequency curve for the optimized
parameters is shown below.

5.1.2) Simulation Result


To increase the bandwidth of antenna defected ground plane strategy is

used. An elliptical notch is created in the ground plane, major axis and minor axis
of which is x=1.4 and y=3.0 respectively. The s1 vs. frequency curve for the
optimized parameters is shown below:
It is observed that when we increase the radius the s11 vs. frequency
curve shifts toward lower frequency while decreasing it shifts toward right.
Therefore we can conclude that the two resonance frequency we are getting are
inversely proportional to the radius of circular patch. It is also observed that
optimum value of radius r=8.5 the s11 is more deep.

Frequency vs s11 curve for different values of radius


Frequency vs. s11 curve for different values of a .

The overlapping of circular patches also affects the antenna

characteristics and the value of overlapping length a is manually optimized.
Figure shows s11 results for different value of a.
Figure below showing the Gain vs. frequency curve. Antenna have
maximum gain at 12 GHz 4.2 dB and minimum -5.6 dB and -1.1 dB at 2 GHz and
10 GHz respectively
Figure below showing the Gain vs. frequency curve. Antenna have
maximum gain at 12 GHz 4.2 dB and minimum -5.6 dB and -1.1 dB at 2 GHz and
10 GHz respectively


Realized Gain vs Frequency plot

5.2.) Modified Rectangular Candy shape Patch Antenna for Wide

Band Applications

The rectangular patch antenna is approximately a one-half wavelength long

section of rectangular Microstrip transmission line [27]. When air is the antenna
substrate, the length of the rectangular Microstrip antenna is approximately onehalf of a free-space wavelength [27, 28]. As the antenna is loaded with a
dielectric as its substrate, the length of the antenna decreases as the relative
dielectric as its substrate, the length of the antenna decreases as the relative
dielectric constant of the substrate increases [29]. The antenna has become a
necessity for many applications in recent wireless communication such as radar,
microwave and space communication. The specifications for the design purpose
of the structure are as follows
Type of antenna: Rectangular Microstrip Patch antenna
Resonance frequency: 2GHz
Input impedance: 50
Feeding method: Microstrip Line Feed

5.2.1) Design Specification

The three essential parameters for the design of a rectangular microstrip Patch
Antenna are:

Frequency Of Operation (

f0 )

The resonant frequency of the antenna must be selected appropriately.

The resonant frequency selected for design is 2.4 GHz.

Dielectric Constant Of The Substrate (

r )

The dielectric material selected for design is glass epoxy which has a

dielectric constant of 4.4.

Height Of Dielectric Substrate (h)
For the microstrip patch antenna to be used in cellular phones, it is

essential that the antenna is not bulky. Hence, the height of the dielectric
substrate is selected as 1.6 mm.

5.2.2)Antenna Design And Parameters

5.2.2 Structural Diagram of Proposed Antenna

5.2.3 Dimensions Of The Proposed Design


Different Parameters used, with their values are written in the table below. All the
dimensions are in millimeter.

5.2.3 Dimensions Of Second Proposed Design





Radius of the circles

Distance between circles



Lower radius of ellipse
Large radius of ellipse
Length of feed line
Width of feed line


Length of substrate


Width of substrate



Length of notch
Width of notch


5.2.4 Simulation result

The return loss curve of designed antenna is shown.

Figure 5.2.3 Return loss vs frequency curve of proposed antenna.

Effect of the length a on the return loss curve is observed. The plot shown
below shows the return loss curves for different values of a. It is seen that the
effect of length a is lesser as compared to lower and higher frequency.

Figure 5.2.3 Return loss vs. frequency curve for different values of a.
The effect of the position of rectangular slit with respect to centre line is
also observed. Plot below shows the return loss curves for different value of the
position d of slit. It is seen that the effect of d on return loss curve is less at the
lower frequency and more at the higher frequencies.

Figure 5.2.3 Return loss vs frequency curve for different values of d

Far field Radiation pattern with principal E-plane and H-plane for the different
frequencies are shown in figure below. We can observe that the H-Plane patterns
are Omni directional and the E-Plane patterns have dumble shape pattern.

Figure 5.2.3 Radiation Pattern for frequency 3.284, 9.06 and 11.434 respectively.
The realized gain plot are shown below. It can be observe that the antenna
has maximum gain 4dB at 12 GHz and -2.8 dB minimum at 9 GHz.

Figure 5.2.3 Realized Gain vs Frequency plot


5.3) Band Notch Ultra Wide Band Antenna

A number of applications are there which exist between the UWB
frequency bands. One of the major problem for UWB systems are
electromagnetic interference (EMI) from existing frequency bands, because there
are many other wireless narrowband application that are allocated for different
frequencies band in the UWB band, such as

(Wi MAX) operating in 3.3-3.7 GHz,

(WLAN) for IEEE 802.11a 5.15-5.825 GHz,
Downlink X-band satellite communication systems in 7.25 - 7.75 GHz.
4.5-4.8 GHz INSAT / Super-Extended C-Band (Indian National Satellite systems).
Therefore it is necessary for the designer to design the UWB antenna they can reflect the
interference from the other existing bands. To overcome this interference problem UWB
antennas should have band notches therefore they can reject the existing frequency bands
within the ultra-wide band. Recently different types of UWB antennas having the wide
bandwidth and band notch characteristics have been developed for UWB applications [1-9].
The easiest and most common method to achieve a band notch is making a narrow slot of
different shapes into the radiating patch of the antenna, will affect the current flow in the
patch, as demonstrated in [24][25]. Different type of shapes is used to make the slots (i.e.,
square ring and folded trapezoid, U-shape, C-shape) are used to get the band-notched in the
desired frequency band. In this chapter four compact UWB antenna designs are proposed.
One of the antennas has a wide bandwidth from 2.8GHz to 10.6GHz with triple band notches
for rejecting the WLAN, downlink X-band satellite communication and INSAT/Super
Extended C-band application respectively. A U-shape slot in the radiating patch, an open end
split ring slot in patch and two C-shaped slits are used to get the proper band rejection.


Conclusion and Future Work
This thesis describes two different microstrip patch antenna designs with
different shapes. These are designed for use in UWB application without any
band notches. The easiest and most common method to achieve a band notch is
making a narrow slot of different shapes into the radiating patch of the antenna,
will affect the current flow in the patch, different type of shapes is used to make
the slots are used to get the band-notched in the desired frequency band. These
proposed antenna structures simulation is carried out using the MATLAB
Simulation Software, one commercial 3-D full-wave electromagnetic simulation
software. The Simulated results are presented, shows the usefulness of the
proposed antenna structure for UWB applications. The simulation results of band
notch antenna indicate that the proposed antenna fulfils the excellent triple band
notch characteristics for various frequency bands and showing the good return
loss and radiation patters in the interested UWB.

From the Equation of the Rectangular manual calculation of all parameter is complex. By the
use of the GUI this can be easy to calculate it. The Effect of the Changes in input parameter
on radiation pattern can be easily analyzed by the use of GUI. As mentioned in results by
changes in the material of the patch physical parameter of the Microstrip Patch is changes,
this will be help designer to determine the antenna performance and make necessary
adjustment before fabrication. In thesis different dielectric constants are used for a single
frequency operation. By keeping the frequency constant calculation of gain, directivity,
HPBW, char. Impedance, is done. A further study can be look into the design of a microstrip
patch antenna array operating at UHF frequency. This will further improved the antenna with
very directive characteristics or very high gains to meet the demands for long distance
communication as well as providing a fixed beam of specified shape (shape beam) or a beam
that scans in response to system stimulus. One of the applications is to use a UHF microstrip
antenna array for Synthetic Aperture radar on board an aerial platform.
Using Mat lab for antenna design simulation is very challenging as it will
take very complex programming to achieve the desire results and it is very time
consuming. However, this can be easily solved by using RF simulation software

like Zealand IE3D. If future work is to be carried out, it is recommended to use

this advance software for the initial design and simulation and should there be
facilities available, is microwave anechoic chamber, hardware implementation
and testing should be carried out.[26]
New techniques should be explored to reduce the size of the UWB
antennas to suit more practical applications. Metamaterial is a promising
candidate since it can reduce the size greatly. Some optimization techniques
should be used to optimize the optimum results like PSO, Genetic algorithm.

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