Science - September 18, 2015 Ed.

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1283 & 1351



cancer cells

1 8 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 5 V O LU M E 3 4 9 I S S U E 6 2 5 4





Suite of imagers will complement

other space telescopes By P. Bagla


1264 Roundup of the weeks news




Triumph in a clinical trial is no

guarantee a vaccine stock will be
available in the next outbreak



By J. Cohen and M. Enserink

Planned Parenthood controversy

spurs state bill that would criminalize
research By K. Servick




Nir Barzilai wants to launch the

first rigorous test of a drug that
could put the brakes on aging

Correlation may not mean causation

when statistical trends point in opposite
directions By J. Mervis


By S. S. Hall


Local surface processes drive calcite
dissolution By M. Wolthers
REPORT P. 1330









REPORT P. 1310


Agency incentives undermine policy

effectiveness By M. P. North et al.


Differing from previous clunky cloaks,
new device erases an objects optical
signature By A. Cho

Oldest ancient nuclear DNA suggests

humans and Neandertals parted ways
early By A. Gibbons



Dates and DNA solidify presence of

elusive human relative in Siberia

A small-scale genome study of an

indigenous population elucidates the
genetics that influence height and
weight By S. Tishkoff

By A. Gibbons

REPORT P. 1343



A proposed anti-aging drug resembles

a compound in goats rue.


Wnt signaling in prostate cancer
cells may contribute to escape from
androgen receptortargeted therapies

Why is caffeine intake at bedtime a

sleep disrupter? By H. P. Landolt


Simplified processing and improved
performance may lead to lowtemperature fuel cells By R. J. Gorte
REPORT P. 1321



By D. Yi,


By E. C. Friedberg, reviewed by
S. S. Hughes


By A. G. Levine, reviewed by M. S. Magon

By D. M. Nanus and P. Giannakakou

REPORT P. 1351


Radical-chain processes can dominate
the kinetics of photogenerated
radical catalysts By M. D. Krks et al.



By M. Delibes-Mateos et al.


By J. T. Bruskotter et al.





The window for fossil fuel

subsidy reform is closing fast

By R. Woodroffe and S. M. Redpath

By O. Edenhofer


18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS



RNA inside
a virus

Polarizing a
thin film




Deterministic generation of
multiparticle entanglement by quantum
Zeno dynamics G. Barontini et al.

Cryo-EM shows the polymerase

structures and a nonspooled genome
within a dsRNA virus H. Liu and L. Cheng




1296 From Science and other journals


The distributional preferences of an
elite R. Fisman et al.


Readily processed protonic ceramic

fuel cells with high performance at low
temperatures C. Duan et al.



Site-selective arene C-H amination via
photoredox catalysis N. A. Romero et al.


A stable trimeric influenza

hemagglutinin stem as a broadly
protective immunogen
A. Impagliazzo et al.

X-raydriven reaction front dynamics at

calcite-water interfaces N. Laanait et al.


A mechanism for the segregation of age

in mammalian neural stem cells
D. L. Moore et al.


Fractal atomic-level percolation in
metallic glasses D. Z. Chen et al.


An ultrathin invisibility skin cloak for
visible light X. Ni et al.

Emergence of room-temperature
ferroelectricity at reduced dimensions
D. Lee et al.

RNA-Seq of single prostate CTCs

implicates noncanonical Wnt signaling
in antiandrogen resistance
D. T. Miyamoto et al.



Pri sORF peptides induce selective
proteasome-mediated protein
processing J. Zanet et al.


Wildfires burn science capacity


By Christopher Topik


My trek back to science


By Michael P. Marshak

Dengue viruses cluster antigenically

but not as discrete serotypes
L. C. Katzelnick et al.


Greenlandic Inuit show genetic
signatures of diet and climate
adaptation M. Fumagalli et al.


Illustration of an
ultrathin cloak consisting
of nanoantennas (gold
blocks) conformally
coating an arbitrarily
shaped surface,
rendering it invisible
with red light. The
varying dimensions of
the nanoantennas correspond to different
phase shifts that reroute light according
to the changing height of the surface. This
nanoscale illustration allows us to see the
cloak, which is not visible to the naked eye.
In the future, this cloaking mechanism
will potentially be scalable for macroscopic
objects. See pages 1269 and 1310.
Illustration: Valerie Altounian/Science
Science Staff ............................................1262
New Products ........................................... 1359
Science Careers .......................................1360

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18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS



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Adriano Aguzzi, U. Hospital Zrich

Takuzo Aida, U. of Tokyo
Leslie Aiello, Wenner-Gren Foundation
Judith Allen, U. of Edinburgh
Sonia Altizer, U. of Georgia
Sebastian Amigorena, Institut Curie
Kathryn Anderson, Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Meinrat O. Andreae, Max-Planck Inst. Mainz
Paola Arlotta, Harvard U.
Johan Auwerx, EPFL
David Awschalom, U. of Chicago
Jordi Bascompte, Estacin Biolgica de Doana CSIC
Facundo Batista, London Research Inst.
Ray H. Baughman, U. of Texas, Dallas
David Baum, U. of Wisconsin
Carlo Beenakker, Leiden U.
Kamran Behnia, ESPCI-ParisTech
Yasmine Belkaid, NIAID, NIH
Philip Benfey, Duke U.
Stephen J. Benkovic, Penn State U.
May Berenbaum, U. of Illinois
Gabriele Bergers, U. of California, San Francisco
Bradley Bernstein, Massachusettes General Hospital
Peer Bork, EMBL
Bernard Bourdon, Ecole Normale Suprieure de Lyon
Chris Bowler, cole Normale Suprieure
Ian Boyd, U. of St. Andrews
Emily Brodsky, U. of California, Santa Cruz
Ron Brookmeyer, U. of California Los Angeles (S)
Christian Bchel, U. Hamburg-Eppendorf
Joseph A. Burns, Cornell U.
Gyorgy Buzsaki, New York U. School of Medicine
Blanche Capel, Duke U.
Mats Carlsson, U. of Oslo
David Clapham, Childrens Hospital Boston
David Clary, U. of Oxford
Joel Cohen, Rockefeller U., Columbia U.
James Collins, Boston U.
Robert Cook-Deegan, Duke U.
Alan Cowman, Walter & Eliza Hall Inst.
Robert H. Crabtree, Yale U.
Roberta Croce, Vrije Universiteit
Janet Currie, Princeton U.
Jeff L. Dangl, U. of North Carolina
Tom Daniel, U. of Washington
Frans de Waal, Emory U.
Stanislas Dehaene, Collge de France
Robert Desimone, MIT
Claude Desplan, New York U.
Ap Dijksterhuis, Radboud U. of Nijmegen
Dennis Discher, U. of Pennsylvania
Gerald W. Dorn II, Washington U. School of Medicine
Jennifer A. Doudna, U. of California, Berkeley
Bruce Dunn, U. of California, Los Angeles
Christopher Dye, WHO
Todd Ehlers, U. of Tuebingen
David Ehrhardt, Carnegie Inst. of Washington
Tim Elston, U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Gerhard Ertl, Fritz-Haber-Institut, Berlin
Barry Everitt, U. of Cambridge
Ernst Fehr, U. of Zurich
Anne C. Ferguson-Smith, U. of Cambridge
Michael Feuer, The George Washington U.
Toren Finkel, NHLBI, NIH
Kate Fitzgerald, U. of Massachusetts
Peter Fratzl, Max-Planck Inst.
Elaine Fuchs, Rockefeller U.
Daniel Geschwind, UCLA
Andrew Gewirth, U. of Illinois
Karl-Heinz Glassmeier, TU Braunschweig
Ramon Gonzalez, Rice U.
Julia R. Greer, Caltech
Elizabeth Grove, U. of Chicago
Nicolas Gruber, ETH Zurich
Kip Guy, St. Judes Childrens Research Hospital
Taekjip Ha, U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Christian Haass, Ludwig Maximilians U.
Steven Hahn, Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Research Center
Michael Hasselmo, Boston U.
Martin Heimann, Max-Planck Inst. Jena
Yka Helariutta, U. of Cambridge
James A. Hendler, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst.
Janet G. Hering, Swiss Fed. Inst. of Aquatic
Science & Technology
Kai-Uwe Hinrichs, U. of Bremen
Kei Hirose, Tokyo Inst. of Technology
David Hodell, U. of Cambridge
David Holden, Imperial College
Lora Hooper, UT Southwestern Medical Ctr. at Dallas
Raymond Huey, U. of Washington
Steven Jacobsen, U. of California, Los Angeles
Kai Johnsson, EPFL Lausanne
Peter Jonas, Inst. of Science & Technology (IST) Austria
Matt Kaeberlein, U. of Washington
William Kaelin Jr., Dana-Farber Cancer Inst.
Daniel Kahne, Harvard U.
Daniel Kammen, U. of California, Berkeley
Masashi Kawasaki, U. of Tokyo
V. Narry Kim, Seoul National U.
Joel Kingsolver, U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Robert Kingston, Harvard Medical School
Etienne Koechlin, Ecole Normale Suprieure

Alexander Kolodkin, Johns Hopkins U.

Alberto R. Kornblihtt, U. of Buenos Aires
Leonid Kruglyak, UCLA
Thomas Langer, U. of Cologne
Mitchell A. Lazar, U. of Pennsylvania
David Lazer, Harvard U.
Thomas Lecuit, IBDM
Virginia Lee, U. of Pennsylvania
Stanley Lemon, U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Ottoline Leyser, Cambridge U.
Marcia C. Linn, U. of California, Berkeley
Jianguo Liu, Michigan State U.
Luis Liz-Marzan, CIC biomaGUNE
Jonathan Losos, Harvard U.
Ke Lu, Chinese Acad. of Sciences
Christian Lscher, U. of Geneva
Laura Machesky, CRUK Beatson Inst.
for Cancer Research
Anne Magurran, U. of St. Andrews
Oscar Marin, CSIC & U. Miguel Hernndez
Charles Marshall, U. of California, Berkeley
C. Robertson McClung, Dartmouth College
Graham Medley, U. of Warwick
Tom Misteli, NCI
Yasushi Miyashita, U. of Tokyo
Mary Ann Moran, U. of Georgia
Richard Morris, U. of Edinburgh
Alison Motsinger-Reif, NC State U. (S)
Sean Munro, MRC Lab. of Molecular Biology
Thomas Murray, The Hastings Center
James Nelson, Stanford U. School of Med.
Daniel Neumark, U. of California, Berkeley
Kitty Nijmeijer, U. of Twente
Pr Nordlund, Karolinska Inst.
Helga Nowotny, European Research Advisory Board
Ben Olken, MIT
Joe Orenstein, U. of California
Berkeley & Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Harry Orr, U. of Minnesota
Andrew Oswald, U. of Warwick
Steve Palumbi, Stanford U.
Jane Parker, Max-Planck Inst.
of Plant Breeding Research
Giovanni Parmigiani, Dana-Farber Cancer Inst. (S)
Donald R. Paul, U. of Texas, Austin
John H. J. Petrini, Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center
Joshua Plotkin, U. of Pennsylvania
Albert Polman, FOM Institute AMOLF
Philippe Poulin, CNRS
Jonathan Pritchard, Stanford U.
David Randall, Colorado State U.
Colin Renfrew, U. of Cambridge
Felix Rey, Institut Pasteur
Trevor Robbins, U. of Cambridge
Jim Roberts, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Ctr.
Barbara A. Romanowicz, U. of California,Berkeley
Jens Rostrup-Nielsen, Haldor Topsoe
Mike Ryan, U. of Texas, Austin
Mitinori Saitou, Kyoto U.
Shimon Sakaguchi, Kyoto U.
Miquel Salmeron, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Jrgen Sandkhler, Medical U. of Vienna
Alexander Schier, Harvard U.
Randy Seeley, U. of Cincinnati
Vladimir Shalaev, Purdue U.
Robert Siliciano, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Denis Simon, Arizona State U.
Alison Smith, John Innes Centre
Richard Smith, U. of North Carolina (S)
John Speakman, U. of Aberdeen
Allan C. Spradling, Carnegie Institution
of Washington
Jonathan Sprent, Garvan Inst. of Medical Research
Eric Steig, U. of Washington
Paula Stephan, Georgia State U. and National Bureau
of Economic Research
Molly Stevens, Imperial College London
V. S. Subrahmanian, U. of Maryland
Ira Tabas, Columbia U.
Sarah Teichmann, Cambridge U.
John Thomas, North Carolina State U.
Shubha Tole, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Christopher Tyler-Smith, The Wellcome Trust
Sanger Inst.
Herbert Virgin, Washington U.
Bert Vogelstein, Johns Hopkins U.
Cynthia Volkert, U. of Gttingen
Douglas Wallace, Dalhousie U.
David Wallach, Weizmann Inst. of Science
Ian Walmsley, U. of Oxford
Jane-Ling Wang, U. of California, Davis
David A. Wardle, Swedish U. of Agric. Sciences
David Waxman, Fudan U.
Jonathan Weissman, U. of California, San Francisco
Chris Wikle, U. of Missouri (S)
Ian A. Wilson, The Scripps Res. Inst. (S)
Timothy D. Wilson, U. of Virginia
Rosemary Wyse, Johns Hopkins U.
Jan Zaanen, Leiden U.
Kenneth Zaret, U. of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Jonathan Zehr, U. of California, Santa Cruz
Len Zon, Childrens Hospital Boston
Maria Zuber, MIT


David Bloom, Harvard U., Samuel Bowring, MIT, Angela Creager, Princeton U.,
Richard Shweder, U. of Chicago, Ed Wasserman, DuPont SCIENCE

18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS


Wildfires burn science capacity

ith just over 3 months remaining, it looks

like 2015 could be a record-breaking year
for wildfires in the United States. So far
this year, more than 8.5 million acres have
burned and severe fires often happen in
October. For the first time, the U.S. Forest
Service will spend over 50% of its budget on
fire management. Ironically, this is directing resources
away from projects and research that would reduce
the risk of forest fires. This
must be fixed.
Trends show the need
for action by Congress.
Wildfires are getting more
severe; the wildfire season
continues to grow longer,
increasing in some areas
by 7 weeks over the past 35
years. More people are living
in the fire-prone wildland/
urban interface, raising the
risk of damaging wildfires.
Vast areas have an unnatural
buildup of highly flammable
trees and brush due to past
overzealous restraining of
low-intensity natural fires.
Not surprisingly, firefighting costs have soared.
Indeed, federal appropriations for fire suppression
and fire operations zoomed
from about $600 million in 1995 to nearly $3 billion in
2014. State fire-suppression expenditures doubled from
1998 to 2014, to $1.6 billion. So far, available appropriations this year for firefighting are $700 million less than
actually spent, so non-fire funds have been borrowed to
cover these emergency needs. This season, the U.S. Forest
Service spent as much as $243 million per week fighting wildfires. Fire-related costs take up over 50% of its
budget, up from 16% in 1995. If changes are not made,
fire management will consume 67% of its budget by 2025.
Making matters worse is that in the United States,
wildfires are the only kind of natural disaster for which
a response consumes regular federal agency funding.
Wildfire fighting is largely supported by federal appropriations to the Forest Service and the Department of
the Interior, along with state, tribal, county, and municipal participation. Paying for firefighting using normal operating funds has vast consequences for both

land management and the science that can address fire

problems. This science capacity is hurt not only at the
Forest Service but also at the U.S. Geological Survey, the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Smithsonian
Institution, and others that are funded in the same legislation from Congress. For example, the Forest Service
Research and Development arm has had a 33% reduction in staffing from 2001 to 2014.
There is much at stake
with this loss of land management and science capacity. Forestlands provide
half of our nations water
and sequester about 13% of
total U.S. fossil fuel carbon
emissions, but projections
suggest that forests will become net carbon emitters
later this century if steps
are not taken to make them
more resilient. Science is
needed for inventories, for
modeling fire behavior and
predicting treatment efficacy, and for helping with
risk evaluation to improve
management decisions.
A 4-year-long effort by
all levels of government,
including federal, state,
tribal, county, and municipal units, developed the
National Cohesive Wildland
Fire Management Strategy, a plan that uses science and
data analysis to support three major goals: restore and
maintain fire-adapted landscapes, create fire-adapted
communities, and improve wildfire response. The actions include such things as engaging citizens in safer
building practices, implementing controlled burns, and
removing vegetation to safeguard communities, wildlife, and water resources. All levels of government have
agreed to this strategy, but now they must provide resources to make it work. If implemented, it will reduce
firefighting costs while enhancing many other benefits
to society and nature.
In addition, Congress should pass the Wildfire Disaster
Funding Act. Pending in the House and the Senate, the
bill would change how the federal government budgets
for the suppression of wildfire disasters, making it similar
to the way other responses to natural disasters are funded.

Christopher Topik
is the director
of Restoring
Americas Forests
at The Nature
North America
Region, Arlington,
VA. E-mail:
[email protected]


...Congress should pass the

Wildfire Disaster Funding Act.

Christopher Topik



18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS



Its intense aroma had hints of antiseptic smoke,

rubber, and smoked fish

Tasting notes by Scotlands Ardbeg Distillery on whiskey sent to the International

Space Station 4 years ago and returned last year. Prespace journey, the
same whiskey had hints of cedar, sweet smoke, and aged balsamic vinegar.



Court nixes pesticide approval

| Concerned
about the precarious state of bee populations, a federal court last week ordered the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to
withdraw its approval of sulfoxaflor, a new
type of insecticide, until it has more science
at hand. EPA approved sulfoxaflor in May
2013 for many crops, including cotton and
citrus. Environmental and beekeeping
groups sued, contending that there was
inadequate science to rule out impacts on
honey bees. EPA argued that it protected
bees by approving lower doses and restricting spraying when bees are most active, but
the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
ordered the agency to come up with more
data on bee impacts. Dow AgroSciences,
which manufactures pesticides with sulfoxaflor, said in a statement that it will work
with EPA to complete additional regulatory
work but that it is considering appealing
the courts decision.

Fires disrupt and inspire scientists

Russia absorbs Crimean institutes

| After months in
limbo, scientists in a Black Sea region
annexed by Russia could see their prospects improve. Last week, the Russian
government announced that the Russian
Academy of Sciences (RAS) will absorb
the cream of Crimeas research institutes.
After Russia seized control of the Crimean
Peninsula in March 2014, the United
States, the European Union, and other
countries sanctioned Russian and Crimean

A wildfire burns in Montanas Glacier National Park in July.

ome 45,000 wildres in the United States so far this year have
scorched more than 3.5 million hectares, destroyed hundreds of
homes, and killed at least four people. Whereas many scientists
bemoan sites ruined by the ames, some also see new research
opportunities. In Idaho, the Tepee Springs re may force the
abandonment of a logging experiment that took months to plan,
says forest scientist Robert Keefe of the University of Idaho, Moscow.
In Montana, blazes have prevented ecologist Tabitha Graves, of the
U.S. Geological Surveys Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center in
West Glacier, from reaching cameras that track the growth of huckleberries, a key food for bears. But even if the cameras melt, she says the
ames might provide a chance to study postre recovery. And when
the smoke clears years like this present great research opportunities, says re researcher Max Moritz of the University of California,
Berkeley, although nding funding can be tough.

Crimean Astrophysical Observatory.


18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS



entities that facilitated Russias takeover.

Most scientific cooperation with Crimea
stopped, and key institutes were placed
under the control of local administrators
lacking scientific expertise. But some scientists in Crimea who welcomed annexation
note that their funding has improved
because they can compete for Russian
grants. Now, several research centers
including the Crimean Astrophysical
Observatory in Nauchny and the Institute
of Archaeology in Simferopolwill become
part of RAS. It means for us that our
research will be evaluated now by real
scientists. We fought for this status and we
won, says Valentina Mordvintseva of the
Institute of Archaeology.

Bioethics group OKs gene editing

| Genetic editing of
human embryos has tremendous value
to help solve important scientific questions, and should proceed despite ethical
concerns, the Hinxton Group, an influential international bioethics consortium,
said on 9 September. New techniques that
allow researchers to precisely edit genes
in living cells have become powerful tools
but have raised questions about the ethics
of genetically altering humans in ways that
could be passed on to future generations;
for example, in April, Chinese scientists
published the first paper describing the
use of a genome editing technique called
CRISPR/Cas9 in human embryos. The
Hinxton Group called for more discussion
and careful policies to govern research
using gene editing in embryos, but concluded that the insights such research
could provide into early human development and disease are ethically justifiable.
They also concluded that use of the technologies for reproduction is premature.


M A N C H E S T E R , U. K .

Dark ridges at the bottom of bright Sputnik Planum may be dunes; old, cratered terrain is visible below that.

Pluto and Charons complicated faces

ASA has released more images of Pluto and its moon Charon, taken by its New
Horizons spacecraft during its July flyby. The new images of Pluto reveal more of
the dwarf planets complex surface, including a mishmash of features near a flat,
icy plain informally named Sputnik Planum (one lobe of Tombaugh Regio, also
known as Plutos bright heart). Chaotic, jumbled mountains at one edge of the
plain may be blocks of water ice floating within a denser, softer deposit of frozen nitrogen, says Jeff Moore, a New Horizons team member at NASAs Ames Research Center
in Mountain View, California. The icy plain also appears to contain dark, windswept
dunes, even though Plutos atmosphere is thought to be too thin for significant wind.
The surface of Pluto is every bit as complex as that of Mars, Moore said in a statement. New images of Charon, meanwhile, show the moons dark, frigid polesjust tens
of degrees warmer than absolute zeroin greater detail, as well as a reddish blemish
that appears to be an impact basin.

Safety probe at DOD labs

| The Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) is investigating lapses
in handling dangerous pathogens at four
Department of Defense (DOD) biodefense
labs. The probe follows the discovery in May
that over the past decade, DODs Dugway
lab in Utah accidentally shipped live anthrax
to scores of other labs. In August, CDC
inspectors found recordkeeping problems with samples of plague bacteria and
several viruses at a DOD lab in Edgewood,
Maryland. That triggered the Army on
2 September to order a safety review at
all nine DOD labs working with so-called
select agents, a list of high-risk pathogens.
Army officials also suspended select agent

work at Dugway, Edgewood, and two other

Maryland labs pending the outcome of
safety reviews.


Intel exits school science contest

| The Intel
Science Talent Search, one of the nations
most prestigious competitions for sciencesavvy high school students in the United
States, is losing its title sponsor. Intel has
announced that it will no longer sponsor
the program, and the nonprofit that runs
the competition, the Society for Science &
the Public in Washington, D.C., is looking
for a new sponsor to pick up the $6 million
annual tab starting in 2017.The program,
meant to inspire innovators of tomorrow,
targets science, math, engineering, and


technology students in their last year of

high school. It has drawn in thousands of
hopeful applicants since it began in 1942.
The winners receive prize money ranging
from $35,000 to $150,000.

A science-friendlier leader?
| Australian scientists are hopeful of a better hearing from
their government after conservative Prime
Minister Tony Abbott was unceremoniously dumped from his post Monday
evening by members of his own Liberal
party. In office, Abbott oversaw deep cuts
to science and research funding, shuttered
the independent Climate Commission, and
failed to appoint a science minister for
more than a year. Abbotts replacement,

18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS



Malcolm Turnbull, has shown support for

the science of climate change, and had previously supported the Labor Governments
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme during his tenure as opposition leader. Abbott,
who dismissed climate change as absolute
crap, ousted Turnbull as the leader of the
Liberal party in 2009. But Turnbull now
says he will make no immediate changes
to Abbotts climate policy; however, he has
promised to put innovation and technology at the center of his government.

Pocket Heatera proprietary U.S. technology used to make magnesium diboride

superconducting thin filmsto Chinese entities to help them become leaders in the field
of superconductivity. Citing four email messages between Xi and colleagues in China,
federal investigators charged him with four
counts of wire fraud. In June, Xi pleaded
not guilty to the charges; his lawyer argued
that the email exchanges concern routine
academic collaboration and discussed
technologies that were not restricted in any


Three Qs

Physicist fraud case dropped

Federal prosecutors filed a motion on
11 September in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
to drop a case against Temple University
physicist Xiaoxing Xi, who had been
accused of helping Chinese organizations
illegally obtain U.S. technology. In a 14 May
indictment, the government alleged that Xi,
an expert on thin-film materials, schemed to
pass information about a device known as a

The United States lacks a world-class

education system despite conducting more
education research than any other country. Linda Darling-Hammond, professor
emeritus of education at Stanford University
in Palo Alto, California, hopes her new
Learning Policy Institute, unveiled this
month, will put more of that research to use
by making it understandable and accessible
to policymakers.

Q: Why create another think tank?

A: Our core concerns involve a set of
issues you might call 21st century learning. But what we know about how to
develop this kind of learning is very, very
far away from policy.
Q: What do you mean by that phrase?
A: Our scientific knowledge is expanding
so rapidly, you dont want to have kids
just memorize a bunch of facts that will
soon be out of date. Students need to
acquire and find knowledge and make
sense of it themselves. Thats a radically
different kind of teaching than what
most schools now offer. And transforming teaching may mean transforming
school organizations.
Q: How will your institute stand out from
the pack?
A: Research cant solve deep ideological divides. But we will put more boots
on the ground to make sure that the
research is getting translated and available at the moment when it is needed.



An artists rendition
depicts standing
stones at a possible
Neolithic ritual site.



Superhenge found near Stonehenge?

cientists may have found the remains of a huge prehistoric stone monument
buried under a grassy bank about 3 kilometers from Stonehenge. Using remote
sensing and geophysical imaging technology, a team of researchers with the
Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project has been creating an underground
map of the region since July 2010. Last week at the British Science Festival in
Bradford, U.K., the team announced that they had discovered evidence of as many
as 90 standing stones arranged in the shape of a C around a natural depression. The
monument is thought to be a Neolithic ritual site, dating back to more than 4500 years
ago. At about five times the size of Stonehenge, the site would be the largest surviving
stone monument found in the United Kingdom, and possibly in Europe, the researchers say. But without excavation, what the scientists are calling standing stones could
be a number of things, including rows of large pits or natural features, according to
Mike Pitts, a megaliths expert and editor of British Archaeology.


Amount of money that bats save

corn farmers around the world each
year by feeding on corn earworms,
thereby increasing crop yields by
1.4% (Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences).


Amount of Americans who can

distinguish the definition of astrology
from astronomy (Pew Research Center). SCIENCE

18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS


Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates in India

that were resitant to antibiotics of last
resort in 2014, up from 29% in 2008.
In most of Europe, the number is below
5% (Center for Disease Dynamics,
Economics, & Policy).


Antiabortion protestors call for ending federal funding of Planned Parenthood in Washington, D.C., earlier this year.


In Wisconsin, an early clash over fetal tissue

Planned Parenthood controversy spurs state bill that would criminalize research
By Kelly Servick


conflict is escalating over U.S. researchers use of human fetal tissue.

Legislators in Wisconsin last week
advanced a bill that would make it
a felony for scientists working in the
state to conduct studies using tissue
or cells obtained from recently aborted fetuses. The measure, approved by a committee of the Wisconsin State Assembly, has
drawn opposition from universities and research groups, who say it will stifle important disease studies. The bill is likely just
the first of many similar state-level efforts,
science policy observers predict.
Were expecting to see a wave of legislation in 2016, says Elizabeth Nash, senior
state issues associate at the Guttmacher
Institute, a nonprofit reproductive health
organization in Washington, D.C. In a
number of places, the chance that these
[proposals] become state law is very high.
The surge in opposition to the use of tissue obtained through abortions is largely a
reaction to hidden-camera footage released
earlier this year by the Center for Medical
Progress, an antiabortion group based in
Irvine, California. The videos show Planned
Parenthood officials discussing how the
group fulfills requests from researchers for
samples from aborted fetuses. Scientists

have long used such tissues to study the origins of diseases that begin before birth and
to develop potential treatments (see table).
Fetal cell lines are also used to produce
some vaccines. The recordings sparked accusations that Planned Parenthood was
illegally profiting from the transactions;
federal law prohibits the sale of fetal tissue. Planned Parenthood maintains that it
charges recipients only for processing and
shipping costs, which is allowed.
Those federal rules dont go far enough
for abortion opponents. In states including California and Illinois, lawmakers have
introduced or begun to discuss bills that
would either revoke public funding for clinics that supply fetal tissue to researchers,

exclude such tissue from state laws governing organ donation, or criminalize its use
in research.
In Wisconsin, the Planned Parenthood
controversy revived a proposal championed
for several years by Republican state Representative Andr Jacque. It targets abortion
providers and researchers who are negotiating and brokering for these body parts,
Republican Representative Joel Kleefisch,
chair of the Wisconsin Assembly Committee
on Criminal Justice and Public Safety, said
at a hearing on the bill last week. The measure, which Kleefischs panel approved on
9 September by a 7 to 4 vote, would make it a
felony violation for an individual to knowingly acquire, provide, receive, or use cells

NIHs fetal tissue portfolio

HIV research dominated the $76 million in federal funding for studies involving human
fetal tissue in 2014 (the most recent available data).


viral diseases










18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS






GOP legislators choke on ozone standards

Later this month, the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) is expected to announce tougher federal air-quality standards
for ground-level ozone, a key component
of smog. Many Republicans oppose the
change, calling it another ill-advised government regulation that will hurt the economy.
A group of medical professionals in
Congress has added a new twist to that
argument. In a 17 June letter to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy, 22 Republican
legislators say that dropping the current
standard of 75 parts per billion (ppb) to between 65 ppb and 70 ppb will not improve
public health, as the Obama administration
and most health officials maintain. And they
say that data back them up.
The letter points out that ground-level
ozone levels in the United States have fallen

exposed to bacteria in dairy farm dust may

have suppressed inflammatory reactions,
reducing their chance of developing asthma
(Science, 4 September, p. 1034).
Nolen points out that other data leave no
question about the importance of ozone. A
smog alert leads to more hospital admissions, she notes.
EPAs McCarthy says reducing those admissions is one goal of the new standard.
The current National Ambient Air Quality
Standards for ground-level ozone were set
at 75 ppb in 2008 by the Bush administration, which disregarded a recommendation
from an external scientific advisory panel
to lower it to 60 ppb. In 2011, the Obama
administration withdrew a proposal with
60 ppb as a possible target.
Now, EPA is trying again. McCarthy has

Correlation doesnt mean causation

A rise in asthma prevalence (right) as ozone levels are dropping (left) doesnt invalidate the
argument that tougher ozone standards would improve health.
Mean ambient ozone levels

Asthma prevalence





8 7.3


00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13

by 18% since 2001, even as the prevalence of

asthma has risen by 15%. This lack of correlation, they argue, refutes EPAs argument
that more stringent ozone standards are
necessary to protect public health.
Its a novel argument, based on real numbers. But the doctors are overlooking their
training in both medicine and statistics.
Janice Nolen, assistant vice president for
national policy at the American Lung Association in Washington, D.C., says its a mistake to link those opposing trends because
asthma has many triggers besides ozone.
That means prevalence can rise even as
smog levels decline.
Asthma is a really complicated disease, Nolen says. Along with ones genetic
makeup, there are any number of environmental factors that play a role in susceptibility, such as exposure to pollen, cold air,
and dust mites. Just this month, for example, a new study suggested that children

00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10

said that stronger ozone standards will

provide an added measure of protection
for low-income and minority families who
are more likely to suffer from asthma. And
she doesnt buy the letters correlational critique. While I respect their comments and
will certainly take them into consideration,
she told Science this summer, the agency is
going to rely on tried-and-true science.
The Republican legislators declined numerous requests to explain the arguments
they made in their letter, which was initiated by Senator Bill Cassidy (RLA) and
Representative Mike Burgess (RTX). Signers include all 18 members of the House of
Representativess GOP Doctors Caucus.
As medical professionals, the legislators have probably told their patients
about the importance of getting a second opinion. Their constituents might
want to do likewise on the issue of setting
ozone standards. SCIENCE

18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS


By Jeffrey Mervis

Concentration, ppm

or tissues from a fetus aborted after 1 January 2015. The punishment would be equivalent to that specified for trafficking human
organs: a fine of up to $50,000, regardless
of whether money changed hands.
Wisconsins large and vocal biomedical
research community has been speaking
out against the proposal. The Wisconsin
Technology Council, a nonpartisan legislative advisory group that includes members
from tech companies, investment firms, and
universities, warned that the restrictions
would drive out businesses and research talent. And on 26 August more than 700 faculty members at the University of Wisconsin
(UW), Madison, signed a letter of opposition
to an original draft of the bill, which applied
to all fetal tissue regardless of when the
abortion was performed.
The letter predicted that the bill would
disrupt research in many of the roughly
100 UW laboratories that use cell lines
derived from fetal tissue, many of which
originated decades ago. That argument
prompted the bills sponsors to rewrite it, so
that it applies only to tissue from abortions
performed in 2015 or later.
The compromise would still bar many
types of research that use new fetal tissue.
UW developmental neurobiologist Anita
Bhattacharyya, for instance, uses fresh fetal
tissue to investigate how abnormal brain
development leads to intellectual disability
in Down syndrome and fragile X syndrome.
The prenatal period is the time when things
are going wrong, she explains. Much of her
work now relies on induced pluripotent stem
(iPS) cellsadult cells that have been reprogrammed to an embryonic state. But she
needs to compare her experimental iPS cells
with true fetal cells in order to verify that
they accurately mimic brain development.
Bhattacharyya says she, like most colleagues in her field, gets fetal tissue samples
from the NeuroBioBank, a network of tissue
banks funded by the National Institutes of
Health that operates under extensive ethical guidelines. (Planned Parenthood clinics
in Wisconsin do not provide donated tissue
to researchers.)
Bhattacharyya will learn later this year
whether shell be able to continue her research in Wisconsin. The fetal tissue bill is
expected to pass the Republican-led assembly later this fall, and then go to the state
senate, also led by Republicans. Wisconsins
Republican governor, presidential candidate
Scott Walker, has expressed outrage over
the Planned Parenthood videos but has not
taken a public position on the measure.
If the bill becomes law, Bhattacharya says
researchers in Wisconsin will eventually run
out of older tissue, and some, she predicts,
will simply leave the state.


Skintight invisibility cloak radiates deception

Differing from previous clunky cloaks, new device erases an objects optical signature
By Adrian Cho


n J. K. Rowlings blockbuster novel Harry

Potter and the Philosophers Stone, the
young wizard Harry receives an invisibility cloak: a silky garment that makes
him disappear. Now, researchers in
the budding field of invisibility cloaking have made an ultrathin cloak of their
own, described on page 1310. It works not
by magic, but by erasing the signature of
an object from reflected light. And it wont
hide Harry; it conceals objects just a few
micrometers in size. But such a device
might be scaled up to hide larger things,
some researchers say.
This cloak really is thinit is more of
what people think of as a cloak, says John
Pendry, a theorist at Imperial College London, who in 2006 laid out the theory for
the first invisibility cloaks (Science, 26 May
2006, p. 1120). Those devices were large
compared with the objects they hidless
like Harry Potters cloak and more like
Harry Potters shed, Pendry quips. Andrea
Al, an electrical engineer at the University
of Texas, Austin, who proposed the new
type of cloak, says, Its a great result.
The original invisibility cloaks smoothly
funnel light or longer wavelength electromagnetic waves around an object so that
it cant be seen. The first cloak, which
worked at only one wavelength, was a ring
that guided light around an object inside.
A broader band carpet cloak consists of a
prismlike triangle sitting on a flat surface.
It guides light shining from above around a
hiding space hollowed out of the bottom of
the triangle that resembles a hump in a rug.
The light then appears to simply reflect off
the underlying surface, rendering anything
inside the hiding space invisible.
Such cloaks have limitations. They are
made of metamaterial, an assemblage of
gizmos smaller than the wavelength of the
electromagnetic waves that work en masse
like a continuous material with tunable optical properties. To funnel light smoothly, the
shell of metamaterial must be much thicker
than the wavelength of the radiation.
Instead of funneling light around an object, Xiang Zhang, an applied physicist at
the University of California, Berkeley, and
his team change light waves bouncing off the
object to eliminate traces it would otherwise
leave in the waves. As with a carpet cloak,
the object sits on a surface (see diagram). Or-

dinarily, when lights straight, evenly spaced

wave fronts strike the object, they are distorted and reflected in all directionswhich
makes the thing visible. The new cloak
counteracts the distortions so the reflected
waves remain straight, as if reflected by the
underlying surface.
To do that, the researchers apply a
metasurfacea skintight layer of trans-

The skinny on the skin cloak

When light waves strike an object (top),
the reflected waves are distorted (middle).
The cloaks antennas compensate for the
distortions, hiding the object.
Incoming light

Wave fronts

Refected waves

Refected waves
with cloak
Top view



parent insulator decorated with rectangles

of gold of different sizesgenerally less
than a micrometer on each side. Each gold
patch absorbs light and reradiates it like
a tiny antenna. Depending on its dimensions, a patch can shift the undulations
of the outgoing wave relative to those of
the incoming wavejust as the motion of
children on two adjacent swings can be adjusted to be in or out of sync. That phase
shift comes about because an antenna is
either slightly too big or slightly too small
to fully ring or resonate with light of the
incident light. By tweaking the sizes and
phase shifts of the antennas, the researchers make all of them radiate in concert to
produce the undistorted wave fronts.
To prove the skin cloak works, the researchers made one to hide a landscape of
random bumps a few micrometers wide
and about a micrometer tall. The cloak
was 80 nanometers thick, one-ninth the
wavelength of the red light used in the
The skin cloak has its own limitations.
The pattern of antennas must be precisely
tailored to the bumps beneath it. So you
could imagine wearing the new cloak,
Zhang says, but you cant move or it wont
work anymore. Also, the cloak works over
a limited range of wavelengthsalthough
Zhang says the range is wide enough to encompass most of the visible spectrum.
More important, the features being
hidden cannot be too sharp and too big
compared with the wavelength of light,
says Zeno Gaburro, a physicist at the
University of Trento in Italy who helped
pioneer metasurfaces. Otherwise, they
will cast shadows that a metasurface cant
erase. The face that is dark does not see
the light, so theres no way you can correct for [the shadow] with this technique,
Gaburro says. Zhang is more sanguine
about scaling up the cloak. I dont see any
roadblocks, he says.
Regardless, the paper marks a significant
advance, researchers say. It really proves
the power of the metasurface concept,
Al says. Pendry says such surfaces could
quickly find practical uses. For example, it
might be possible to cover a fighter plane
with a metasurface designed for radar, not
to make it invisible but to make it look like
a freighter. It might be easier to make one
thing look like something else, he says,
and that might be good enough.
18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS




Humanitys long, lonely road

Oldest ancient nuclear DNA suggests humans and
Neandertals parted ways early
other kind of extinct human most closely related to Neandertals, known from DNA from
he oldest nuclear DNA ever sequenced
a finger bone from Denisova Cave in Siberia,
from a human ancestor has shaken up
Russia (see story, right). That unexpected
our family tree. At a meeting of the
finding prompted the researchers to try to
European Society for the study of Husequence the Spanish fossils nuclear DNA.
man Evolution last week, paleogenetiIt wasnt easy: The ancient DNA was decist Matthias Meyer of the Max Planck
graded to short fragments, made up of as
Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
few as 25 to 40 single nucleotides. Meyer
in Leipzig, Germany, reported that he and
and his colleagues did not sequence the enhis colleagues have analyzed nuclear DNA
tire genome of the fossils, but after 2 years
from mysterious Spanish fossils thought to
of effort they did get 1 million to 2 million
be 300,000 to 400,000 years old. The result
base pairs of nuclear DNA300,000 years
settles a long-standing puzzle about the idenolder than any reported before from a hutity of the fossils. It also implies that the anman ancestorfrom a tooth and a leg bone.
cestors of modern humans parted ways with
Sequencing nuclear DNA from such archaic
their archaic relatives hundreds of thousands
humans has been the next frontier with
of years earlier than was thought.
ancient DNA, says evolutionary biologist
The finding resolves one controversy
Greger Larson of the University of Oxford in
[the fossils] are in the Neandertal clade, says
the United Kingdom.
paleoanthropologist Chris Stringer of the
Scanning this DNA, Meyer and his colNatural History Museum in London. But
leagues found that the two Sima fossils share
its not all good news, from my point of view:
far more genetic markers with Neandertals
It pushes back the origin of Homo sapiens,
than with Denisovans or modern humans.
presenting him and other experts in human
Indeed, the Sima de los Huesos specimens
origins with a new puzzle.
are early Neandertals or related to early NeThe thousands of bones and teeth from
andertals, Meyer said at the meeting. That
28 individuals found in the mid-1990s at
suggests that the split of Denisovans and
Spains Sima de los Huesos (pit of bones)
Neandertals should be moved back in time,
cave had always looked a lot like primitive
he added. And because Neandertals and DenNeandertals, the archaic humans who inisovans were more closely related to each
habited ice-age Europe. But they were so
other than to modern humans, the ancesold that researchers had classified them as
tors of modern humans must have split away
an earlier species, H.
from the tree even earheidelbergensis, which
lier, perhaps 550,000
lived about 600,000 to
to 765,000 years ago,
Deeper branches
250,000 years ago in
Meyer suggested. (All
Europe, Africa, and Asia Putting the Sima fossils on the
three groups did interNeandertal lineage implies an
and was seen as a posbreed at low levels
earlier split between modern and
sible common ancesafter their evolutionsome archaic humans.
tor of Neandertals and
ary paths diverged
modern humans.
which may explain the
But in 2013, a first
Denisovan-like mtDNA
glimpse of DNA from
in the first Sima fossil
the Sima fossils mudto be sequenced.)
died the picture. Max
That would mean
Planck researchers exthat the ancestors of
Sima fossils
tracted mitochondrial
humans were already
DNA (mtDNA), which
wandering down a
is more abundant but
solitary path, apart
less revealing than nufrom the other kinds
clear DNA in ancient
of archaic humans on
specimens. They found
the planet, 100,000 to
700,000 years ago
that it resembled that
400,000 years earlier
Homo erectus
of the Denisovans, anthan expected.
By Ann Gibbons, in London




Cave was
lasting home
to Denisovans
Dates and DNA solidify
presence of elusive human
relative in Siberia

n 2010, scientists discovered a new kind

of human by sequencing DNA from a
girls pinky finger found in Denisova
Cave in Siberia, Russia. Ever since, researchers have wondered when the girl
lived, and whether her people, called
Denisovans, lingered in the cave or just
passed through. But the elusive Denisovans
left almost no fossil recordonly that bit of
bone and a handful of teethand they came
from a site that was notoriously difficult to
date (Science, 26 August 2011, p. 1084).
Now, state-of-the-art DNA analysis on the
Denisovan molars and new dates on cave
material show that Denisovans occupied the
cave surprisingly early and came back repeatedly. The data suggest that the girl lived
at least 50,000 years ago and that two other
Denisovan individuals died in the cave at
least 110,000 years ago and perhaps as early
as 170,000 years ago, according to two talks
here last week at the meeting of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution. Although the new age estimates have
wide margins of error, they help solidify our
murky view of Denisovans and provide really convincing evidence of multiple SCIENCE

18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS


By Ann Gibbons, in London


Denisovans occupied Denisova Cave repeatedly over

more than 100,000 years. Neandertals slipped in as
well, and modern humans were the last to live there.

Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. (A

dating method considered experimental for
caves, thermoluminescence dating, had suggested that layer 22 is 170,000 years old.)
Slon and her colleagues managed to analyze a significant amount of nuclear DNA
from three teeth that turned out to be Denisovan. (A fourth was Neandertal.) By comparing key sites on the tooth DNA with
corresponding sites in the high-quality genomes of the Denisovan girl, Neandertals,
and modern humans, they revealed that the
Denisovan inhabitants in that one cave were
not closely related. They had more genetic
variation among them than all the Neandertals so far sequenced, although Neandertals
tions of the cave, says paleoanthropologist
are known to be similar genetically.
Fred Spoor of University College London.
To find out when the Denisovans were in
You can seriously see its a valid species.
the cave, the team also sequenced their enMost of the caves key fossils come from a
tire mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genomes
thick band of sandstone called layer 11. When
and placed them on a family tree. Then they
researchers first dated animal bones and arcounted the number of mtDNA differences
tifacts in this layer, the results varied widely,
between individuals and used the modern
between 30,000 to 50,000 years ago. So Sihuman mutation rate to estimate how long it
berian researchers invited geochronologist
might have taken those mutations to appear.
Tom Higham of the University of Oxford in
They concluded that the girl with the pinky
the United Kingdom to redate the sequence.
finger was in the cave roughly 65,000 years
Highams team collected and radiocarbonafter the oldest Denisovan, who was there at
dated about 20 samples of artifacts and anileast 110,000 years ago and possibly earlier.
mal bones with cut marks, which presumably
Neandertals were in
were discarded by ancient
Denisova Cave, too
humans. Sediments holdPbos team has seing the finger bone, at
quenced their DNA from
the bottom of layer 11,
a toe bone and molar
came out right at the limit
found there. And modern
of radiocarbon dating,
humans also were apparand are likely older than
ently drawn to the large,
48,000 to 50,000 years,
light-filled cave, to judge
reported postdoc and
from more recent artiarchaeologist
facts found there. What
Douka of Oxford.
Denisovans were discovered when their
I found fascinating is the
Another dating expert
genome was sequenced from this pinky
interdigitization of the
at the meeting was caufinger bone from a young girl.
Neandertals and Denisotious about these results.
vansthat both groups
How secure is the associwere in and out of the cave, says paleoation of the Denisovans with the [dated] anianthropologist Leslie Aiello of the Wennermal remains? asked geochronologist Daniel
Gren Foundation in New York City.
Richter of the Max Planck Institute for EvoThe challenge now is to get more foslutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany,
sils to flesh out the still-mysterious Denand Leuphana University in Lneburg. But
isovans. To that end, Oxford grad student
Douka stressed that the dates were from cutSamantha Brown reported in a poster that
marked animal bones and ornaments, and
she discovered a human bone fragment by
were consistent across three cave chambers.
using a new technique, called ZooMS, to
The dates also fit with genetic evidence
scan 2315 bones from the cave for uniquely
presented at the meeting that Denisovans
human proteins. Anything else she finds
were in the cave early. Researchers sequenced
will be welcome. This is a real lineage, and
nuclear DNA from three molars from layer
we have to work out what the hell it looks
11 and a childs molar from a deeper layer,
like, says paleoanthropologist Bernard
22, according to a talk by graduate student
Wood of George Washington University in
Viviane Slon, who works in the lab of paleoWashington, D.C.
geneticist Svante Pbo at the Max Planck


India to put
in orbit
Suite of imagers will
complement other space
By Pallava Bagla, in New Delhi

n 28 September, India plans to launch

a major space-based observatory that
will set a milestone for a developing
countryand also mark a first for
space science. The $45 million Astrosat mission will put India in an elite
group of science powersthe United States,
the European Union, and Japandoing astronomy from orbit. The spacecraft also has
a unique design. Instead of focusing on a single region of the spectrum, it carries a suite
of five instruments, including two telescopes,
which will observe cosmic objects simultaneously in several wavebands: visible, ultraviolet, and soft and hard x-rays.
Astrosats capabilities are unique and
very powerful, especially for active galactic
nuclei and certain x-ray sources, which vary
on fast timescales and radiate over many
wavelengths, says mission collaborator John
Hutchings, an astrophysicist at the Herzberg
Institute of Astrophysics in Victoria, Canada.
The spectral symphony should allow Astrosat
to unveil a few mysteries of the universe,
adds Sujan Sengupta, an astrophysicist at
the Indian Institute of Astrophysics in Bengaluru, who is not affiliated with the project.
The launch, from Sriharikota spaceport
in Andhra Pradesh, culminates a 2-decade
odyssey. A team led by former Indian Space
Research Organisation (ISRO) Chairman
K. Kasturirangan conceived the mission in
1996; the space agency aimed to put the satellite in orbit in 2007. But funds were slow
in coming, and ISRO and its partner institutes encountered hardware-related glitches.
The soft x-ray imaging telescope, manufactured at the Tata Institute of Fundamental
Research in Mumbai, was especially tricky;
hundreds of gold-coated mirrors for reflecting the x-rays onto a charge-coupled device
imager had to be positioned to an accuracy of
less than the width of a human hair.
Astrosats multiwavelength capability
could pay special dividends with sources that
flare up rapidly, such as x-ray binaries. These
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127 1


Pallava Bagla is a science journalist in

New Delhi.

Astrosat is jam-packed with telescopes and imagers.



Ebola vaccines face daunting

path to approval
Triumph in a clinical trial is no guarantee a vaccine stock
will be available in the next outbreak
By Jon Cohen and Martin Enserink

o vaccine in history has moved forward more quickly than the one
against Ebola made by Merck. The
first person received the vaccine
last fall; in July, 9 months later, an
unusual clinical trial conducted in
Guinea under the most unforgiving conditionsremote villages, suspicion of researchers, dwindling casesproved that the shots
actually worked. The estimated efficacy was
between 74.7% and 100%such solid protection that the control arm of the study was
abandoned and all participants were offered
the vaccine (Science, 7 August, p. 569). Many
say the Merck vaccine may have helped curb
the epidemic in Guinea, and it is now also
being used in Sierra Leone, in an extension
of the trial.
But will this remarkable efficacy translate
into a desperately needed stockpile of vaccines ready to quash the next outbreak? The
answer will depend on whether developers
can persuade regulatory agencies including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) that their vaccine is safe and effective

enough for widespread use. The Merck vaccine and a different one made by Londonbased GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), which has not
yet proven itself in a clinical trial but looks
promising, face multiple hurdles. The unconventional clinical trial of the Merck vaccine may not have generated enough data
to satisfy regulators, acknowledges Mark
Feinberg, who headed the vaccine project
until he left Merck on 7 September. And with
the epidemic finally on the wane, collecting
more convincing efficacy data on either vaccine has become practically impossible. After 22 gruesome months, more than 28,000
cases, and 11,291 deaths, Liberia is officially
Ebola-free, and during the week ending on
6 September, Guinea and Sierra Leone only
had one case each.
There are sure to be future outbreaks,
making it a huge priority to approve an
Ebola vaccine so that it can be stockpiled
and deployed fast, says Luciana Borio, the
acting chief scientist at FDA in Silver Spring,
Maryland. A vaccine thats proven safe and
effective for Ebola would be a monumental
event, adds Borio, who says the agency will
speedily review any application SCIENCE

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pairs, which harbor a dense object such as

a black hole and an ordinary star, are undetectableexcept when they suddenly flare,
or outburst. Observing in wavelengths longer
than x-rays can help researchers get a handle
on the size and shape of the accretion disks
responsible for emissions. In the past, astronomers have marshaled multiple ground- and
space-based telescopes to observe outbursts
across the spectrum, but doing so entails a
lot of coordination and difficulty, says K.
Suryanarayana Sarma, Astrosats project director at ISRO in Bengaluru. Its hard to free
up telescopes on short notice, meaning observations often lag the initial burst.
To study these sources, it is necessary
to detect them as early as possible in the
outbursting phase, which lasts only a few
months, says Somasundaram Seetha, program director in ISROs space science program office. The new spacecraft should make
that possible by lying in wait, tracking x-ray
emissions across the sky. When it catches an
outburst, she says, Astrosats instruments
will swing into action, and ISRO will also
send out a worldwide alert.
In another first, a U.S. firm will hitch a ride
on an Indian launch. Piggybacking on Astrosats heavy lift rocket are four LEMUR CubeSats, designed for Earth observation and as
a technology demonstration by Spire Global,
Inc., based in San Francisco, California.
Astrosats anticipated mission life is
5 years. Observing time will be opened to
the global community 1 year after launch,
says Kiran Kumar, chairman of ISRO.
Kasturirangan is confident that the long delay has not dimmed the observatorys prospects. There is no doubt, he says, that
Astrosat is still very relevant for the world.


Bald Thierno Boubacar, a hospital worker in Conakry,

in Guinea, takes part in a study of Mercks vaccine.

ers submit. But neither Merck nor GSK has

yet filed anything to FDA or key regulatory
agencies in other countries. Both companies
are gathering more data in human and animal trials, hoping to take advantage of approval routes that do not require massive,
controlled trials in the midst of an outbreak.
The Merck vaccine, which contains the
gene for an Ebola virus surface protein
stitched into a harmless livestock pathogen,
vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), was originally developed in 2003 by the Public Health
Agency of Canada. The Canadian government then licensed the vaccine to NewLink
Genetics, a small biotech in Ames, Iowa,
which relied on funding from the U.S. Department of Defense to develop it. The company had difficulty drumming up interest in
the vaccine until the outbreak hit. But last
November, when it became clear that hundreds of thousands of doses might be needed
in short order, NewLink licensed the vaccine
to Merck.
After the VSV-based vaccine quickly passed
muster in safety studies, the World Health
Organization began the unusual ring vaccination triala strategy reminiscent of the
one used to eradicate smallpox by creating
a ring of immunity around infected people.
The concept had never been tried in a clinical
trial. Standard efficacy studies randomly assign participants to receive either a vaccine or
a placebo; in this study, researchers gave the
Merck vaccine to clusters of people in Guinea
who might have been exposed to a confirmed
Ebola case. They then compared Ebola cases
in these clusters, which averaged about
80 people each, with those in similarly sized
clusters of people who had also potentially
been exposed but were randomly assigned to
receive the vaccine 3 weeks later. The delayed
arm essentially served as a control group.
Ten days after receiving one shot, no one in
the 48 clusters of immediately vaccinated
people had developed Ebola, compared with
16 cases in the 42 delayed clusters.
The study originally had planned to compare 95 immediate clusters with 95 delayed
ones, and the early termination of the control arm of the study decreased the statistical power of the results. But if the data are
not robust enough to obtain FDAs standard
efficacy approval, Merck could pursue either
of two alternative approval processes in place
for drugs and vaccines designed for serious
or life-threatening conditions that for practical or ethical reasons cannot meet the traditional efficacy requirements. So could GSK,
whose vaccine uses a chimpanzee adenovirus
with the Ebola surface protein gene.
Both vaccines already appear to satisfy

the first of these, the animal rule: They

have proven to be safe in humans and have
protected vaccinated monkeys that were
injected with the virus to challenge their
immunity. But FDA will not consider the animal rule if a vaccine possibly can meet whats
known as the accelerated approval requirements, which fall midway between demonstrating formal efficacy and the animal rule.
Accelerated approval has been used for drugs
but not vaccines, so when FDA suggested it
in May, a light bulb went off, says Ripley
Ballou, head of the program developing
GSKs Ebola vaccine. I dont think anyone
had thought of it before.
In essence, accelerated approval demands
that researchers determine which immune
responses protect vaccinated monkeys and

epidemic there ended; researchers plan to

take blood from the people enrolled in the
study500 for each of the two vaccinesfor
a full year. Similar studies of the Merck vaccine alone are taking place in Guinea and Sierra Leone. And GSK in June launched new
studies in five West African countries near
this epidemicthree of which had spillover
Ebola casesto assess safety and immune
At this point, FDA says it remains open to
all three approval options. Each and every
one of these pathways has uncertainties,
Borio says. But if the companies receive licensure via the animal rule or accelerated
approval, FDA will require postmarketing studies in future outbreaks. Just what
those would look like is not entirely clear,

The winding road to an Ebola vaccine

These phase II and phase III trials may yield additional information needed for
regulatory approval.





Merck, GSK/Liberia

27,000 in


controlled with
placebo arm

Stopped at
1500. Blood

Merck/Sierra Leone

8700+ frontline workers

April 2015

Immediate versus deferred

Immediate arm
deferred in fall


190 clusters
of potential

April 2015

Ring vaccination, immediate

versus deferred

Control arm
halted after
analysis of first
90 clusters, all
offered vaccine


1200 frontline March 2015 Safety and imMay add 2000

mune responses more

GSK/Mali, Senegal,
Ghana, Cameroon, Nigeria

3000 adults

then show that the product triggers similar

responses in humans. To figure out which
immune responses in vaccinated monkeys
correlate with protection, researchers compare animals that get sick after a viral challenge with those that stay healthy. But both
the GSK and Merck vaccines had 100% success in monkey tests, which makes it difficult
to tease out the immune mechanisms behind
their efficacy. To find the correlates of immunity, both companies are now giving lower
doses of the vaccines to monkeys before challenging them, which theoretically should
reveal the immunologic breaking points between success and failure.
Both companies also want more data
about the immune responses in vaccinated
humans. A massive trial planned in Liberia
of both vaccines was suspended because the


June 2015

Safety and

Plan to add
600 children in

Feinberg says. It would be unethical to withhold a licensed product to create a control

group, and if more than one vaccine receives
approval, trials become more complex still.
If another outbreak erupts in the interim,
countries may well request to use one or
both of these vaccines experimentally. But
a far better option is to have an approved
vaccine in hand at the start of an outbreak
that can be used in conjunction with traditional containment efforts such as isolation
of cases, contact tracing, and safe burial, says
Clifford Lane of the U.S. National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda,
Maryland, who is running the Liberian vaccine study. If things are able to be mobilized
quickly enough, Lane adds, we probably
wont find ourselves in the situation that
were just leaving.
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Downloaded from on September 17, 2015



Published by AAAS


Nir Barzilai wants to launch the first rigorous test
of a drug that could put the brakes on aging
By Stephen S. Hall

n a blazingly hot morning this

bump. He had barely begun to explain the
past June, a half-dozen scientists
rationale for the trial when he mentioned,
convened in a hotel conference
in passing, lots of unproven, untested treatroom in suburban Maryland for
ments under the category of anti-aging. His
the dress rehearsal of what they
colleagues pounced.
saw as a landmark event in the
Nir, interrupted S. Jay Olshansky, a biohistory of aging research. In a
demographer of aging from the University of
few hours, the group would meet
Illinois, Chicago. The phrase anti-aging
with officials at the U.S. Food and
has an association that is negative.
Drug Administration (FDA), a few kilomeI wouldnt dignify them by calling them
ters away, to pitch an unprecedented clinitreatments, added Michael Pollak, director
cal trialnothing less than the first test of
of cancer prevention at McGill University in
a drug to specifically target the process of
Montreal, Canada. Theyre products.
human aging.
Barzilai, a 59-year-old with a boyish mop
We think this is a groundbreaking, perof gray hair, wore a contrite grin. We know
haps paradigm-shifting trial, said
Steven Austad, chairman of biology
at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, and scientific director of
the American Federation for Aging
Research (AFAR). After Austads brief
introductory remarks, a scientist
named Nir Barzilai tuned up his PowJay Olshansky, University of Illinois, Chicago
erPoint and launched into a practice
run of the main presentation.
Barzilai is a former Israeli army medical
the FDA is concerned about this, he conofficer and head of a well-known study of
ceded, and deleted the offensive phrase.
centenarians based at the Albert Einstein
Then he proceeded to lay out the details
College of Medicine in the Bronx, New York.
of an ambitious clinical trial. The group
To anyone who has seen the ebullient scienacademics allwanted to conduct a doubletist in his natural laboratory habitat, often
blind study of roughly 3000 elderly people;
in a short-sleeved shirt and always cracking
half would get a placebo and half would get
jokes, he looked uncharacteristically kempt
an old (indeed, ancient) drug for type 2 diabein a blue blazer and dress khakis. But his
tes called metformin, which has been shown
practice run kept hitting a historical speed
to modify aging in some animal studies. Because there is still no accepted biomarker for
Barzilai hopes to persuade FDA to bless the proposed
aging, the drugs success would be judged by
anti-aging trial, which is unconventional in its goals
an unusual standardwhether it could delay
and design.
the development of several diseases whose


What were talking about here is a

fundamental sea change in how we
look at aging and disease.


incidence increases dramatically with age:

cardiovascular disease, cancer, and cognitive
decline, along with mortality. When it comes
to these diseases, Barzilai is fond of saying,
aging is a bigger risk factor than all of the
other factors combined.
But the phrase anti-aging kept creeping into the rehearsal, and critics kept
jumping in. Okay, Barzilai said with a
laugh when it came up again. Third time,
the death penalty.
The groups paranoia about the term antiaging captured both the audacity of the
proposed trial and the cultural challenge of
venturing into medical territory historically
associated with charlatans and quacks.
The metformin initiative, which Barzilai is generally credited with spearheading, is unusual by almost any standard
of drug development. The people pushing for the trial are all academics, none
from industry (although Barzilai is cofounder of a biotech company, CohBar
Inc., that is working to develop drugs
targeting age-related diseases). The
trial would be sponsored by the nonprofit
AFAR, not a pharmaceutical company. No
one stood to make money if the drug worked,
the scientists all claimed; indeed, metformin
is not only generic, costing just a few cents a
dose, but belongs to a class of drugs that has
been part of the human apothecary for 500
years. Patient safety was unlikely to be an issue; millions of diabetics have taken metformin since the 1960s, and its generally mild
side effects are well-known.
Finally, the metformin group insisted
they didnt need a cent of federal money to
proceed (although they do intend to ask for
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some). Nor did they need formal approval

from FDA to proceed. But they very much
wanted the agencys blessing. By recognizing the merit of such a trial, Barzilai believes,
FDA would make aging itself a legitimate target for drug development.
By the time the scientists were done, the
rehearsalwhich was being filmed for a television documentaryhad the feel of a pep
rally. They spoke with unguarded optimism.
What were talking about here, Olshansky
said, is a fundamental sea change in how
we look at aging and disease. To Austad, it
is the key, potentially, to saving the health
care system.
As the group piled into a van for the drive
to FDA headquarters, there was more talk
about setting precedents and opening doors.
So it was a little disconcerting when Austad
led the delegation up to the main entrance of
FDAand couldnt get the door open.
Barzilai, who is quick to see the humor
(black or otherwise) in any situation, leaned
over to a colleague and muttered, I hope its
not symbolic.
AMIABLY AGGRESSIVE, Barzilai credits his

military service with shaping his scientific

temperament and administrative mettle.
The most helpful years in my life were in the
Israeli army, he says. Born in Haifa in 1955,

he joined the military as a medical instructor and in 1976 served as a medical officer in
the special forces raid on Entebbe, Uganda,
that freed 102 hostages from a hijacked Air
France airliner. (I did nothing, he claims. I
happened to be there.) By his early 20s, he
had been decorated for his military service
and had become chief medic of the Israeli
army. I had an office, a secretary, a car, and
I would do inspections with a helicopter,
he recalls. Its a whole lifetime, okay? With
a lot of lessons. But the major thing is that
you realize that you can do a lot! If it doesnt
frighten you, you can do a lot.
After obtaining his M.D. in internal medicine from the Technion-Israel Institute of
Technology in 1985, Barzilai focused on
endocrinology and metabolism during several research stints in the United States. He
had every intention of returning to Israel,
but a fellowship at Yale University in 1987
88 upended his plans. At Yale, he studied
the mechanism of several oral drugs that
lowered blood sugar in diabetics. One was
metformin. During his time in New Haven,
Barzilai ended up meeting his wife-to-be on
a blind date. Metformin, he laughs, is the
reason Im in the United States!
In 1993, he landed a position at Einstein
and discovered, in nearby neighborhoods,
a cohort of unusually long-lived Ashkenazi

Jews. Barzilai and his Einstein colleagues

tracked down and studied more than 600 of
the oldest old, ranging in age from 95 to
112 years. Since then, the researchers have
collected data on the genetics, epigenetics,
blood chemistry, and lifestyles of both centenarians and their children.
The Einstein team has identified, for example, variants in two genes associated with
increased levels of high density lipoproteins
(which have a protective effect on cardiovascular health in this population). They
have found that centenarians more often
carry a genetic variant that down-regulates
insulinlike growth factor 1 (IGF-1), part of a
hormonal pathway that not only regulates
growth, but also has been implicated in aging. They have also found that the families
of centenarians produce unusually high levels of a peptide created in mitochondria, the
cells power plants, and then released into
the body; called humanin, it is one of several related mitochondrial proteins that may
protect against aging. (Barzilai and collaborator Pinchas Cohen of the University of California, Los Angeles, have puckishly dubbed
them Schleps, for small humaninlike peptides, or SHLPs.)
The study of the Bronx centenarians
built on a surge of basic aging research in
model organisms like yeast, fruit flies, and

Metformin acts on the mitochondria, the cellular power plants. The result is two sets of effects, one in the liver that explains the drugs
benefits in diabetes and the other, less well understood, that could slow aging.

Drug acts
on mitochondria
cellular redox

Activates AMP kinase and

inhibits mTOR, reducing
cellular energy use

Proposed efects in
other tissues

Efects in the liver

of glucose



Inhibits NF-kB,

growth factor 1


Reduces cell
proliferation in
renewing tissues

Many of these efects may combine to

increase health span and longevity.


18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS


Double dividends

nematodes. By manipulating individual

genes and measuring effects on life span,
researchers could test the role of specific
molecular pathways in aging. In perhaps
the most dramatic mammalian example,
Andrzej Bartke, a biologist at the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine
in Springfield, showed that mice with mutated growth pathways, which disabled both
growth hormone and IGF-1, were much
smallerbut lived much longer.
Within the last decade or so, researchers have settled upon what Felipe Sierra,
director of the division of aging biology at
the National Institute on Aging (NIA), calls
the major pillars of aging. These pathways
and mechanisms, roughly half a dozen in
all, affect metabolism, growth, response to
stress, stem cell vigor, inflammation, and
proteostasisthe cells quality control system for proteins. And their identification
has opened the door to a previously outlandish notion. It allows us to think that,
okay, if we understand how this happens, we
can maybe manipulate it, Sierra says.

the extension of the period of healthy life.

Even a modest delay in aging could increase average life expectancy by 2.2 years,
compress the period of morbidity at the
end of life, and save perhaps $7.1 trillion in
health care costs over a period of 50 years,
Olshansky and colleagues estimated in a
2013 paper in the journal Health Affairs.
To achieve those benefits, weve got to act
quickly, he argues. The numbers of people
that are frail and disabled [are] rising fairly
rapidly, and were seeing an increase in unhealthy life span.
But the FDA drug approval process abides
by the one disease, one drug model. Would
the agency be open to a trial that had multiple illnesses as an endpoint? As an initial step, earlier this year Sierra organized
seminars at FDA in which NIA researchers

mal experiments to test compounds that

might alter or slow down the aging process.
NIA-supported researchers have tested 16
compounds in mice. Five have shown a positive effect, Sierra says: aspirin, acarbose (a
widely prescribed diabetes drug), 17-alphaestradiol (the nonfeminizing form of estrogen), nordihydroguaiaretic acid (an herbal
compound derived from the creosote plant),
and the immunosuppressive drug rapamycin (used in organ transplant recipients).
(Among the compounds that had no impact
are fish oil, green tea extract, curcumin,
and the much-ballyhooed red wine ingredient resveratrol.) Rapamycin was the most
impressive. It has advanced to the point
in which we not only know it extends life
span, Sierra says, but more importantly, it
extends health span.



others began lobbying FDA to consider drugs

that might do just that. But those discussions
bogged down, he says, after the sides couldnt
agree on the kinds of biomarkers associated
with aging that could be quantified and
tracked during a clinical trial.
Barzilai now believes the answer is to design a drug trial that, rather than targeting
aging per se, tries instead to delay the onset of comorbidities: the chronic diseases
whose incidence rises sharply as people get
older. Basically, I think the FDA will be
more willing to accept something called comorbidities than it is to accept something
called aging, Barzilai says. Even in our
mind, in my mind, aging is not a disease, he
adds. Its, you know, humanity! Youre born,
you die, you age in between Im kind of
saying, I dont care what they want to call
it, if I can delay it.
The comorbidity strategy is key to a concept known as the longevity dividend,
first proposed by a group of public policy
and health care experts in 2006. The idea
is that slowing down the process of aging,
even modestly, would have enormous benefits for quality of life and the economics of
health care. Were not arguingand weve
never arguedthat were trying to achieve
life extension, says Olshansky, who has
pushed the concept while criticizing some
of the more outlandish claims in the aging
field, such as British gerontologist Aubrey
de Greys prediction that human life spans
of 1000 years are possible. Well probably
live a little longer if we succeed, but thats
not the goal, Olshansky says. The goal is

Barzilai probed aging factors from by studying centenarians and their children, including Jerome Wiesenberg, 83.

described recent findings in the biology of

aging. In May, Robert Temple, deputy director of FDAs Center for Drug Evaluation and
Research, spoke at an NIA retreat.
Encouraged by the tenor of these discussions, Barzilai and a core group of collaboratorsEinsteins Jill Crandall; Austad;
Olshansky; Stephen Kritchevsky at Wake
Forest School of Medicine (where the multicenter trial would probably be based); and
James Kirkland, a diabetes researcher at the
Mayo Clinic, among otherspushed ahead
with plans for the trial.
The next question was: What would be the
best drug to test?
THERE WAS NO SHORTAGE of possibilities.

Buoyed by the advances in basic research,

NIA in 2003 inaugurated a program of ani-


Metformin, the drug the group ultimately

decided to take to FDA, was not among the
compounds that starred in the animal trials.
But it has both a promising history and a
long, reassuring track record.
It all starts in the Middle Ages, says
McGills Pollak. There were herbalists in
Europeand, independently, herbalists in
Chinawho found plant extracts that were
useful when people came in complaining of
urinating too much. The extracts derived
from a perennial herb (Galega officinalis)
known variously as goats rue, French lilac,
Spanish sainfoin and false indigo. It worked
for some people, Pollak says. In retrospect,
[we know] the people for whom it was working were diabetic.
It wasnt until the late 1800s that chemists isolated the active ingredient in French
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room, Barzilai scanned the large contingent seated around the table. Too many
young people here! he joked. We should
leave now! But the turnout was encouraging14 FDA staff members, including
Temple and several division chiefs. The
meeting ran nearly 30 minutes past the
scheduled hour, and by the time Barzilai
and the others emerged, they wore surprised smiles. Austad flashed two thumbs
up. I dont think it could have gone much
better, he said.
Barzilai, whose enthusiasm occasionally exceeds his command of English, sent
out an email the next day to everyone who
had helped prepare for the FDA meeting,
thanking them and describing the meeting
as hysterical. Historical, Barzilai later explained, because I think that in their heart,
they buy it. Or many of them, or the important people, are buying what we are saying.
Olshansky left the meeting convinced that
FDA had given a green light, contingent on
several adjustments to the protocol, which
the group is now making.
Other participants, like Sierra, struck a
more cautious note. When asked whether
FDA representatives expressed skepticism
about the proposed trial, he said, Conceptually? No. But in the details, yes.
SANDY WALSH, an FDA spokeswoman,

says the agency does not comment on drugs

under development or under investigation.
But in a followup communication to the
AFAR group, Barzilai says, FDA indicated
that although it is not yet convinced that the
proposed trial design can establish that metformin has an anti-aging effect, the agency
recognizes the potential value in a drug that
could improve quality of life and survival
whether the indication sought is aging or
multiple morbiditiesand is not opposed to
the idea of a trial.
Now, trial advocates need someone willing to foot the cost$50 million, plus or
minus $20 million, according to Barzilai
of tracking some 3000 people between the
ages of 65 and 79 for a minimum of 5 years.
Olshansky says the metformin group has already targeted high net-worth individuals
to bankroll the trial. Federal funding would
be welcome, Barzilai says, but private money
would probably allow the trial to start
sooner. For me, he says, the best thing that
can happen is that people are writing about
it, the television will show it, somebody will
call me one day and say: You know, Im rich
like I dont know what, and I dont mind
helping. Is $50 million enough? And then
well get going.
Stephen S. Hall is a science writer in
Brooklyn, New York. SCIENCE

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Published by AAAS


lilaca compound known as guanidine.

diseases, and scientists havent identified an
But guanidine itself proved too toxic to
exact mechanism by which the drug might
humans, so chemists began to synthesize
work. But it appears to act on some of the
less toxic analogs known as biguanides, insame molecular pathways identified by basic
cluding metformin. In the 1950s, a French
aging research. Besides its effects on blood
physician and pharmacologist named Jean
glucose, metformin affects multiple pathSterne began to test biguanides in patients
ways involved in growth, inflammation, and
with type 2 diabetes at a hospital in Paris.
metabolism (see graphic, p. 1276).
The best one in terms of efficacy was metPollak has demonstrated what he and
formin, Pollak says.
others see as the key effect, which may trigSterne coined the name glucophage (gluger the other benefits of the drug: It inhibcose eater) when he published his results in
its oxygen consumption in mitochondria,
1957, the same year the drug was approved
in effect turning down the cells metabolic
for use in France. Approved in the United
thermostat. When a furnace is burning,
Kingdom in 1958 and in Canada in 1972, methe says, its heating up and its cracking
formin went on to become the biggest selling
and it begins to degrade. When you keep
diabetes drug in the world. However, U.S.
your house at a lower temperature, your
regulators didnt approve it until 1994. (FDA
furnace is going to last longer.
requested additional studies, Barzilai drily
As it turns out, Barzilai is very familiar
notes, to see if metformin works in the same
with metforminnot only as a doctor who
way as in the United
has prescribed it and
Kingdom, because we
as a researcher who
are so different here.)
has studied it, but as a
By now, companies
patient who has taken
churn out an estimated
it for 5 years. (He says
37,000 metric tons of
he is considered prediathe compound annubetic.) He can testify to
ally, most of it in India.
its safety and tell you
Hints that metforexactly how to avoid
min might also prevent
its most common side
effect, gastrointestinal
with aging began to
upset. Theres nothing
emerge over the past
we dont know about
several decades. In
a 1998 report by the
saysespecially its reUnited Kingdom Procord for safety, which
spective Diabetes Study
he calls critical to the
Group, metformin use
proposed trial.
not only reduced the
His colleagues agreed,
risk of all diabetessometimes reluctantly.
related complications
Rapamycin would have
(including death) by
Metformin has its roots in centuries-old
been my first choice, be32%, but also signifiherbal remedies including goats rue,
cause the animal results
cantly lowered the risk
which helped people with symptoms now
have been so spectacuof cardiovascular disrecognized as diabetes.
lar, Austad says. But
ease, including heart
Nir said, We cant afattack and stroke. A randomized, placeboford in this first trial to kill anybody. And I
controlled trial called the Diabetes Preventhought, Strategically, hes right.
tion Program showed similar effects, cutting
Barzilai concedes that he and the AFARthe onset of type 2 diabetes by 31% in a midsponsored group are as interested in setting
dle-aged population at high risk of developa precedent as in scoring an impressive iniing the disease.
tial success. Satisfying FDA concerns about
Epidemiological studies have also suga trial that breaks tradition and measures
gested that metformin reduces cancer risk
multiple disease endpoints in an aging
and mortality and preserves cognitive funcpopulation, they say, will open the door for
tion. And in a big-data study that, although
pharma to enter the field.
observational, got the attention of many agMetformin is for us a toola very exing researchers, British researchers reported
citing tool, Barzilai said prior to the FDA
late last year that in a retrospective analysis
meeting. Itll work, I think. But I dont
of 78,000 adult type 2 diabetics in their 60s,
want to waste the hour talking about metthose who took metformin on average lived
formin. You know, we chose metformin in
longer than healthy age-matched controls.
order not to talk about it anymore.
None of these studies proves that metforWhen he and the rest of the AFAR delmin will delay the onset of age-associated
egation finally made it into FDAs meeting

On the renaissance
of coal p. 1286


How caffeine disturbs

sleep p. 1289



Reform forest fire management

Agency incentives undermine policy effectiveness

lobally, wildfire size, severity, and

frequency have been increasing, as
have related fatalities and taxpayerfunded firefighting costs (1). In most
accessible forests, wildfire response
prioritizes suppression because fires
are easier and cheaper to contain when
small (2). In the United States, for example, 98% of wildfires are suppressed before
reaching 120 ha in size (3). But the 2% of
wildfires that escape containment often
burn under extreme weather conditions in
fuel-loaded forests and account for 97% of
fire-fighting costs and total area
POLICY burned (3). Changing climate
and decades of fuel accumulation make efforts to suppress every fire dangerous, expensive, and ill advised (4). These
trends are attracting congressional scrutiny
for a new approach to wildfire management
(5). The recent release of the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy

(NCWFMS) (6) and the U.S. Forest Services

(USFSs) current effort to revise national
forest (NF) plans provide openings to incentivize change. Although we largely focus
on the USFS, which incurs 70% of national
firefighting costs (7), similar wildfire policies and needed management reforms are
relevant throughout the United States and
fire-prone areas worldwide.
Accumulated fuels in dry forests need to
be reduced so that when fire occurs, rather
than crowning out and killing most trees,
it is more likely to burn along the surface at
low-moderate intensity, consuming many
small trees and restoring forest resilience
to future drought and fire. Mechanical
thinning can reduce tree density and some
fuels but is often limited by legal (wilderness and park areas), operational (steep
or remote ground), and cost constraints
(8). Fire can also be used to reduce fuels
either intentionally (prescribed burning)
or opportunistically (letting a natural ignition burn as managed wildfire) under
moderate weather conditions. Although
these burns are much less precise than

Many severe wildfires are due to past fire

suppression. Firefighters during the Rim Fire near
Yosemite National Park, California, 25 August 2013.

mechanical thinning, in remote locations,

fire is usually more efficient, cost-effective,
and ecologically beneficial than mechanical treatments (9).
Management reform in the United States
has failed, not because of policy, but owing
to lack of coordinated pressure sufficient
to overcome entrenched agency disincentives to working with fire. Responding to
established research, official agency policy
now supports a more flexible response to
fire than ever before (6). Actual wildfire response, however, has changed little because
of substantial management impediments.
Suppression generally begets larger, more
intense wildfires, which in turn intensifies agencies suppression response (10).
The alternative, working with fire, is rarely
used because of liability and casualty risks
and little tolerance for management errors. SCIENCE

18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS


By M. P. North,1,2* S. L. Stephens,3
B. M. Collins,1,3 J. K. Agee,4 G. Aplet,5
J. F. Franklin,4, P. Z. Ful6

For example, during the most recent decade when data were collected (ending in
2008), only 0.4% of ignitions were allowed
to burn as managed wildfires (7). For individual NFs, there is little economic incentive to change because fire suppression is
steadfastly financed through dedicated congressional appropriations, which are augmented with emergency funding, whereas
fuels reduction and prescribed burning
costs come out of a limited budget allotted
to each NF and is often borrowed to cover
wildfire suppression costs. With these deterrents, battling fire and only you can
prevent wildfire campaigns have more
traction than recognizing that many severe
fires result from accrued management decisions. This skewing of agency motivation
also distorts economic, insurance, and local
regulatory incentives that influence development in fire-prone regions (11).
Although agencies are slow to reform internally, they may more rapidly respond to
local stakeholder pressure. The core problem has been the lack of a public constituency that advocates for reform of fire-use
practices (11). The benefits of greater fire
use have been a difficult sell because of
public objections to smoke and a negative
perception of forest fires. This has begun to
change as communities increasingly threatened by large fires are urging land-management agencies to accelerate fuel reduction
efforts, including the use of managed fire
(e.g., and Timber companies would also
benefit from more fire-resilient landscapes
in which their private lands are embedded. There is growing awareness that large,
severe fires are inevitable in many dry
forests, especially in a warming climate.
Smoke, safety threats, fire intensity, and
human health risks can be better managed
for public benefit with proactive fire use
under favorable weather and wind dispersal conditions (12).
EFFECTING CHANGE. Public support
for expanded fire use could thus be directed
toward revision of each NF plan, which
provides standards and guidelines for daily
management decisions. Plans can divide
the landscape into zones for different fire
management strategies, an approach used
by Parks Canada. U.S. forest plans could
zone areas close to homes (wildland-urban
interface) as an area where most fuels re1

USFS Pacifc Southwest Research Station, Davis, CA

95618, USA. 2University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA.
University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 4University
of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA. 5The Wilderness
Society, Denver, CO 80202, USA. 6Northern Arizona University,
Flagstaf, AZ 86011, USA. *Corresponding author.
E-mail: [email protected]

duction relies on mechanical thinning and

fires are suppressed. Beyond this could be
an intermediate area where prescribed fire
and mechanical treatment are used to optimize fuels reduction. More remote forests
could be intentionally burned with prescribed fire, or lightning ignitions allowed
to burn as managed wildfires under moderate weather conditions.
Three of the first eight NFs to develop new
plans have proposed that more than half of
their area in the southern Sierra Nevada be
zoned for prescribed and managed fire use.
Over the next decade, most of the 155 NFs
will begin writing new plans and holding
public forums. Engaged local stakeholders
will need to look beyond short-term impacts
of fire use (e.g., smoke, limited access, and
risk of escape) to support managers working with fire and challenge suppression in
remote forest zones.
Public support of NCWFMS may help
overcome reform disincentives by stressing national interagency collaboration. In
response to decades of problem wildfires,
the U.S. Congress passed the FLAME Act in
2009 requesting development of NCWFMS,
a coordinated strategy to support landscape
restoration and fire-adapted communities.
Coordination is essential as large, intense
wildfires often cross ownership boundaries.
For example, in Californias 2013 Rim Fire,
large patches of old-growth trees in Yosemite National Park were killed when fuelloaded forests on nearby NF land generated
extreme fire behavior that crossed into the
park (13). NCWFMS can exert peer pressure between agencies and provide support
for tough decisions. To accomplish these
changes, some policy and resource-deployment decisions supporting fire use could
be made at the national level. In the United
States, federal land agencies each fund their
own fire crews but the National Interagency
Fire Center (NIFC) coordinates resource deployment between agencies and nationally
across geographic areas. Dedicated crews
could be hired and trained for managed fire
use, and NIFC could be charged with deploying them for beneficial burning (14). Some
local and regional agencies have briefly created such crews, but they were often pulled
into fire suppression when wildfire activity increased. By giving NIFC deployment
authority, it could ensure that these crews
are only used for working with fire and are
available to burn when weather conditions
are favorable. Optimal weather and smoke
dispersal conditions occur even in heavily
populated and regulated areas such as California, but many burn windows are missed
because crews are at or being held for wildfire deployment (9). Air-quality regulations
limit prescribed fires, although they have


much lower emissions than the inevitable

wildfire. The Environmental Protection
Agency could consider treating prescribed
fire smoke like wildfire, as an unregulated
exceptional event.
National government also has an incentive to reduce wildfire expenses and forest
agencies emergency fire borrowing. In many
years, suppression costs consume 50% of
agency annual budgets, which, after operating expenses, leaves little money for proactive
fuels treatment or forest restoration (11).
Costs and injuries, however, are much lower
on managed fires than on escaped wildfires
(7, 15). The estimated cost savings for using
managed fire compared with wildfire suppression over the same area (15) could be reported to Congress to highlight the economy
of using proactive restoration rather than
reactive triage.
Increased fire use will necessitate management changes (16). Mechanical fuels
reduction could also be used not only for
fire containment but also to establish safezone anchors to facilitate greater fire reintroduction (8). Large prescribed burns
commonly used in Western Australia are
possible because a network of these anchors allows 6 to 8% of the forest to be
burned annually (16). Australian foresters
make substantial efforts to educate the
public about the inevitability of fire and its
ecological benefits and to build support for
fire use and smoke tolerance.
We will not eliminate wildfire, but public
support for proactive use of managed fires
can help restore millions of hectares of forest ecosystems.



S. L. Stephens et al., Front. Ecol. Environ. 12, 115 (2014).

M. A. Finney, For. Ecol. Manage. 211, 97 (2005).
D. E. Calkin et al., J. For. 103, 179 (2005).
M. A. Moritz et al., Nature 515, 58 (2014).
Staff of Sen. M. Cantwell, The Wildfire Management
Act of 2015: A white paper (Office of Sen. M. Cantwell,
Washington, DC, 2015);
Forests and Rangelands, National Cohesive Wildland Fire
Management Strategy, (2014);
National Interagency Fire Center, Statistics (NIFC, Boise,
ID, 2015);
M. North et al., J. For. 113, 40 (2015).
L. N. Quinn-Davidson, J. M. Varner, Int. J. Wildland Fire 21,
210 (2012).
D. E. Calkin et al., For. Ecosyst. 2, 9 (2015).
K. Bradshaw, D. Lueck, Wildfire Policy: Law and Economics
Perspectives (Routledge, London, 2012).
D. Schweizer, R. Cisneros, J. Environ. Manage. 144, 265
J. M. Lydersen, M. P. North, B. M. Collins, For. Ecol. Manage.
328, 326 (2014).
M. P. Dombeck, J. E. Williams, C. A. Wood, Conserv. Biol. 18,
883 (2004).
G. Snider, P. J. Daugherty, D. Wood, J. For. 104, 431 (2006).
R. J. Sneeuwjagt et al., Fire Ecol. 9, 14 (2013).


The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does

not necessarily represent the official views of the USFS.
18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS



environment. Genes found in these regions

include those that code for fatty acid desaturases (FADS, important modulators of fatty
acid composition), in addition to genes that
play a role in fat distribution and in muscle
and heart development. Derived variants
that were targets of selection near the FADS
loci were associated with smaller body size
and shorter stature in the Inuit cohort. Two
By Sarah Tishkoff
emplify how modern humans have adapted
of these variants were modestly associated
to diverse climates and diets.
with a decrease in height in a cohort of
omplex traits such as height and
The authors increase the statistical power
170,000 Europeans. These variants had not
weight are influenced by multiple
for identifying genetic associations by first
been significantly associated with height
genes and by environmental factors.
searching for targets of natural selection and
or body size in the larger European cohort,
Because of this complexity, genetic
then looking for association between those
possibly because of their low frequency in
studies of these traits often involve
loci and potentially adaptive traits. Thus,
that population.
hundreds of thousands of individuthey first identified genomic targets of natuFumagalli et al.s study shows that incluals. These studies typically focus on urban
ral selection in 191 individuals of Inuit ancession of ethnically diverse populations that
populations, for which large sample sizes are
try residing in Greenland and then looked for
have adapted to extreme environments for
readily available. For example, the GIANT
an association of those regions with anthrothousands of years may be particularly inforconsortium recently reported 697 genetic
pometric and metabolic traits in a larger, but
mative for genetic studies of variable traits.
variants that explain 20% of the heritability
still modest, set of ~4500 Inuit individuals.
The analysis of genetic variants in individuof adult height (1), and 97 loci that account
The Inuit population has inhabited the
als with phenotypes at the extremes of the
for just 2.7% of phenotypic variation in body
Arctic region for thousands of years, adapttrait distribution has been successfully used
mass index (BMI) (2). These discoveries reing to a cold climate and a diet rich in mato identify functionally relevant genetic variquired a staggering 250,000 to 300,000 indirine-derived fat. Using a single-nucleotide
ants within populations. For example, analyviduals in total. And yet, on page 1343 of this
polymorphism (SNP) genotyping array desis of European-descent individuals with
issue, Fumagalli et al. report the identificasigned to target metabolism-related genetic
extremely low concentrations of low-density
tion of genetic variants influencing height
variants [the Metabochip (4)] and exome
lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol led to the idenand BMI based on data from just a few thousequencing of a subset of 18 individuals, Futification of loss-of-function mutations in the
sand Inuit individuals (3). These results exmagalli et al. identified several variable gegene coding for PCSK9, a key factor for lownome regions that differ in frequency in the
ering cholesterol (5) that is now the target of
Inuit population compared to Europeans
novel drug treatments (6).
Departments of Genetics and Biology, Perelman School of
and Chinese, possibly due to long-standing
Adaptation to diverse environments durMedicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA.
E-mail: [email protected]
selective pressures to adapt to the Arctic
ing human evolution has resulted in populations with phenotypes that are
at the extremes of the trait distribution across all humans.
Extreme phenotypes resulting
Light skin
from natural selection may in
some cases be due to relatively
few genetic variants with large
effect. Integration of scans for
natural selection, to narrow
down candidate loci, with phePRKG1
notype association studies can
be particularly informative
for identifying genetic variMATP,
ants associated with complex
traits, even in studies with
Several potassium
channel and innate
small sample sizes.
immune system
For example, this approach
has been used to identify
genetic loci influencing the
extreme short stature trait
in Central African hunter(HbC)
gatherer populations, a trait
thought to be an adaptation to
a tropical environment (7, 8).
It has also been used to find
loci influencing physiologic
adaptation to high altitude
Global distribution of locally adaptive traits. Adaptation to diverse environments during human evolution has resulted in phenotypes
that are at the extremes of the global distribution. Fumagalli et al. have integrated scans of natural selection and GWAS to identify
in Tibet, South America, and
genetic loci associated with adaptation to an Arctic environment.
Ethiopia (9). These studies

Strength in small numbers

A small-scale genome study of an indigenous population

elucidates the genetics that influence height and weight


18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS



show that smaller-scale studies of ethnically

diverse populations living in a range of different environments and experiencing local
adaptation are important and complementary to large genome-wide association studies
(GWAS) of urban populations (see the figure).
The study of indigenous populations can
be informative for several reasons. For example, although environments may vary
considerably between populations, the environments within individual populations
are often relatively homogeneous (similar
diets, cultural habits, and environmental
exposures). This can improve the power to
identify genetic factors influencing complex
phenotypes. In addition, increased levels of
inbreeding in some small indigenous populations lead to regions of the genome that are
identical within and among individuals and
that can be useful for identifying rare variants influencing complex traits (10).
More fundamentally, investigation of such
populations is crucial to further distribute
the benefits of precision medicine and the
associated development of targeted therapeutics. However, indigenous populations,
particularly those living in rural areas with
little access to health care, can be very challenging to study. Great care must be taken
to avoid coercion and to be respectful of local practices, customs, and beliefs. This issue has been of particular concern to some
Native American and Australian Aboriginal
populations who may not want to participate in genomics research because of cultural beliefs. Some indigenous populations
are also wary of genomics research owing to
concerns about exploitation. There is valid
concern about commercialization of information obtained from studies of indigenous
populations. However, that concern must be
balanced by the important need to develop
therapeutics that will benefit all populations,
not just those in developed countries. Thus,
dialogue between researchers and indigenous communities is needed to ensure benefit sharing. It is critical to include diverse
peoples in genomic studies to understand
the phenotypic impact of the full range of
human genetic variation and to ensure that
all peoples benefit from this knowledge.




A. R. Wood et al., Nat. Genet. 46, 1173 (2014).

A. E. Locke et al., Nature 518, 197 (2015).
M. Fumagalli et al., Science 349, 1343 (2015).
B. F. Voight et al., PLOS Genet. 8, e1002793 (2012).
J. C. Cohen, H. H. Hobbs, Science 340, 689 (2013).
C. Sheridan, Nat. Biotechnol. 33, 785 (2015).
J. P. Jarvis et al., PLOS Genet. 8, e1002641 (2012).
G. H. Perry et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 111, E3596
9. L. B. Scheinfeldt, S. A. Tishkoff, Genome Biol. 11, 133
10. S. R. Browning, E. A. Thompson, Genetics 190, 1521 (2012).



Cancer therapies that are

gone with the Wnt
Wnt signaling in prostate cancer cells may contribute
to escape from androgen receptortargeted therapies
By David M. Nanus and Paraskevi

androgen receptor (AR) antagonist or antiandrogen]. Retrospective studies examining

prostate cancer CTCs that sought to decipher
resistance to androgen signalingtargeted
therapies (4, 5) have directly led to larger
prospective studies using multiple CTC isolation technologies to identify biomarkers of
sensitivity and resistance to abiraterone and
enzalutamide, including splice variants of
AR-encoding messenger RNA (mRNA).
Miyamoto et al. used an antigen-agnostic

he isolation and molecular characterization of circulating tumor cells

(CTCs) to guide cancer therapy is a
particularly attractive approach for
men with metastatic prostate cancer
where the primary tumor may have
been removed years earlier and the only indication of disease progression may be a rising
amount of prostate-specific
antigen (PSA) in the blood and
Whole blood
a worsening bone scan (the
skeleton is commonly the first
area of metastasis for this cancer). Consequently, numerous
technologies to capture, isoHydrodynamic
late, and study prostate cancer
Red blood
CTCs have been developed,
each with its own limitations.
Because of CTC heterogeneity, isolation approaches that
Inertial focusing
rely on cell surface protein expression may not identify the
prostate cancer cells undergoMagnetophoresis
ing epithelial-to-mesenchymal
transition (which contributes
to the migratory capacity and
tumor cells
invasiveness of CTCs) (1). On
page 1351 of this issue, MiyaWhite blood cells
moto et al. (2) report on the
CTC-iChip. Single CTCs are isolated from the peripheral blood of prostate
use of a microfluidic device
cancer patients following enrichment with a microfluidic device.
that enables the capture of live
CTCs amenable to single-cell
molecular characterization (3). The study remicrofluidic device called CTC-iChip (3) (see
veals a possible mechanism underlying the
the first figure) to characterize gene expresresistance of certain prostate cancer patients
sion in 77 single CTCs isolated from 13 pato androgen-targeted therapies.
tients with prostate cancer, of whom 11 had
Prostate cancer growth is driven by male
castration-resistant prostate cancer. The
sex hormones called androgens, the most
single-CTC RNA sequencing results provide
common of which is testosterone. Androseveral important observations that would
gen deprivation therapy therefore remains
not have been resolved in population-averthe most effective treatment for patients
aging RNA sequencing analyses. Single-CTC
with metastatic castration-sensitive prosanalysis showed that only one-sixth of the
tate cancer. This is commonly accomplished
CTCs co-expressed more than one AR splice
through medical castration with drugs that
variant (AR-V), which is in sharp contrast to
inhibit testosterone production. For many
men with castration-resistant prostate
Division of Hematology and Medical Oncology,
cancer, therapy frequently involves newer
Department of Medicine, and Meyer Cancer Center, Weill
agents such as abiraterone (an androgen
Cornell Medical College, New York, NY 10021, USA.
synthesis inhibitor) and enzalutamide [an
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]


18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS



Androgen receptor

Wnt signaling




Metastatic prostate circulating
tumor cells (CTCs)

Intrapatient heterogeneity

Enzalutamide-reistant cells

Heterogeneity and resistance. Following androgen deprivation therapy, metastatic prostate cancer cells undergo alterations in the androgen signaling axis (as determined by singlecell CTC analysis), including AR mutations and AR mRNA splice variants. Following antiandrogen treatment (enzalutamide), resistant cells show an increase in noncanonical Wnt signaling.


canonical Wnt signaling in CTCs from the

enzalutamide-resistant patients.
Signaling by the secreted protein Wnt plays
a critical role in embryonic development and
the maintenance of stem cell populations (8),
and genetic aberrations in the Wnt signaling network have been broadly implicated
in several types of cancer, including colorectal, lung, breast, and metastatic liver cancer.
Noncanonical Wnt signaling is activated by
a subset of Wnt ligands (such as Wnt5a and
Wnt7b) and controls several downstream
pathways critical for cell survival, proliferation, and motility.
Several studies have shown increased
expression of Wnt5a and other noncanonical Wnt signaling components in prostate
cancer, especially during the epithelial-tomesenchymal transition (9, 10). Likewise,
Miyamoto et al. noted activation of noncanonical Wnt signaling in a small subset
of CTCs (approximately 3%) from enzalutamide-resistant patients (see the second
figure). Interestingly, the data from this patient cohort revealed an inverse correlation
between activation of the glucocorticoid receptor signaling pathway and noncanonical
Wnt signaling. The glucocorticoid receptor
can become activated in drug-resistant prostate cancer. This receptor signaling pathway
activates genes that promote cancer cell
survival and growth. Along these lines, results from sequencing studies of castrationresistant prostate cancer specimens have
identified the noncanonical Wnt pathway as
one of the major signaling cascades with genomic alterations, whereas such alterations
were virtually absent in hormone-nave
primary prostate cancer (11), in accordance
with the findings of Miyamoto et al.
Although noncanonical Wnt signaling has
been suggested to play an important role in
prostate cancer recurrence and resistance to
androgen deprivation therapy, it would be
of interest to investigate its potential role in

resistance to taxanes. These are widely used

chemotherapeutic drugs that disrupt microtubules and inhibit cell division. Given
the involvement of Wnt signaling in actin
cytoskeleton remodeling, the cross-talk between the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons, and the use of microtubules by AR
for its translocation into the nucleus (5, 12),
deciphering the potential effects of noncanonical Wnt signaling activation in prostate
cancer on microtubule-dependent AR trafficking may have therapeutic implications
for both androgen deprivation therapy and
taxane resistance.
To stay ahead of an effective treatments
selective pressure on the genotype that results in a cancer cells evolution to a resistant
phenotype, it is imperative to molecularly
interrogate tumor cells over time. As demonstrated by Miyamoto et al., the application of
CTC isolation technologies in prostate cancer,
together with single-cell sequencing and CTC
molecular characterization, can provide new
information in real time. This information
not only offers insight on resistance mechanisms but may guide the choice of the next
therapy or lead to the earlier use of combination therapies. Although prospective clinical
interrogations in larger patient populations
are required in future studies, the study by
Miyamoto et al. brings us one step closer to
CTC-guided precision medicine.


J. Li et al., Crit. Rev. Clin. Lab. Sci. 52, 191 (2015).

D. T. Miyamoto et al., Science 349, 1351 (2015).
E. Ozkumur et al., Sci. Transl. Med. 5, 179ra47 (2013).
E. S. Antonarakis et al., N. Engl. J. Med. 371, 1028 (2014).
M. S. Darshan et al., Cancer Res. 71, 6019 (2011).
D. Robinson et al., Cell 161, 1215 (2015).
D. Xu et al., Cancer Res. 75, 3663 (2015).
M. Katoh, M. Katoh, Clin. Cancer Res. 13, 4042 (2007).
H. Yamamoto et al., Oncogene 29, 2036 (2010).
T. S. Gujral et al., Cell 159, 844 (2014).
N. N. Yokoyama et al. Am. J. Clin. Exp. Urol. 2, 27 (2014).
M. Thadani-Mulero et al., Cancer Res. 74, 2270 (2014).
10.1126/science.aad2448 SCIENCE

18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS


the common belief that several variants are

co-expressed in biologic contexts (prostate
cancer tumor tissue and/or CTCs) and that
they may be competing with full-length AR
(AR-FL) for dimerization, which is required
for transcriptional activity (4, 6). Furthermore, a recent study showed that AR-Vs
can homodimerize as well as heterodimerize among themselves or with AR-FL, which
suggests that inhibition of AR-V dimerization
might be an important therapeutic strategy
for the treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer (7). Although the results reported
by Miyamoto et al. require independent
validation and expansion to a larger cohort
of prostate cancer patients, if their findings
hold true and only a small minority of CTCs
co-express AR-Vs, then the above therapeutic
strategies may need to be reconsidered.
Miyamoto et al. did not observe substantial enrichment in AR-V expression in patients on enzalutamide treatment relative
to the enzalutamide-nave patient cohort.
This is in contrast to a study reporting that
AR-V7 expression in patients CTCs was associated with resistance to treatment with
enzalutamide and abiraterone (4). Although
the small number of patients in both studies could account for these discordant results, single-CTC analysis of AR-V expression
might be advantageous in future studies as
a means of resolving the complexity around
the interplay between AR-FL and AR-V
expression, with implications for clinical
To maximize the biological insights that
can be gained from single-CTC RNA sequencing analyses and to decipher mechanisms
of treatment resistance, Miyamoto et al.
performed a retrospective gene expression
analysis by dividing the limited number of
patients into two groups: enzalutamide-nave and those receiving enzalutamide treatment. Analysis of cell signaling pathways
identified substantial enrichment for non-


Enchained by visible light

mediated photoredox catalysis
Radical-chain processes can dominate the kinetics of
photogenerated radical catalysts
By Markus D. Krks, Bryan S. Matsuura,
Corey R. J. Stephenson


A topic of debate concerning

photoredox reactions is
the extent to which chain
processes are operative

the reaction progress with alternating periods of illumination and darkness (lightdark experiments) has commonly been
used to resolve these processes. That is, if
the reaction stops in the dark cycle, it is assumed that chain processes did not occur
or are relatively short-lived. However, the
lifetimes for typical chain processes can be
on the second or subsecond time scale (7),
thus rendering it difficult to draw definitive
conclusions from such experiments.
Cismesia and Yoon instead estimated the
extent of chain processes in visible-light
photoredox catalysis through a combination
of quantum-yield () and luminescencequenching measurements. In the quantumyield measurements, the closed catalytic
cycle can exhibit a maximum theoretical
quantum yield of 1 ( = 1); every photon
absorbed produces one molecule of product. A quantum yield of >>1 would suggest
that chain processes are the major mechanistic pathway, whereas a quantum yield of
<1 is inconclusive and consistent with both
an efficient closed catalytic cycle and an
inefficient chain process.
They studied three mechanistically distinct visible lightmediated reactions: The
radical cation Diels-Alder cycloaddition
(8); the radical anion [2+2] cycloaddition
of enones (9); and the -alkylation reaction
of aldehydes, which proceeds via a neutral
radical intermediate (10). Light-dark experiments revealed that product formation
occurred only during intervals of constant
irradiation (suggesting limited chain pro-

ree radicals are exploited in biology, often through highly controlled

enzymatic reactions, to drive many
reactions that would be difficult via
nonradical routes that transfer two
electrons (1). In synthetic chemistry, visible-light photoredox catalysis has
oxidatively quenched (PS+) by organic subemerged as an economical and environstrates. The overall result is the production
mentally benign route for promoting free
of radical ions (substrate+, substrate, or
radical transformations in the lab (24).
substrate) that are subsequently converted
Although the initial light-sensitization
to open-shell products (product+, product,
steps are well established (5), insufficient
or product) (see the figure, panel A).
attention has been dedicated to essential
A topic of debate concerning photoredox
mechanistic features of the closed catalytic
reactions is the extent to which chain procycle (6). Several reports have hypothesized
cesses are operative, because group transfer
that these photocatalyzed reactions are tergenerates the same intermediates as elecminated through a closed catalytic cycle,
tron transfer. In chain processes, product
which delivers the final product and regenformation would occur through a propagaerates the ground state of the photosensition step where the open-shell radical prodtizer (PS). However, Cismesia and Yoon (6)
uct reacts with another equivalent of the
highlight that some of the mechanistic prosubstrate (see the figure, panel B). Studying
posals may be incomplete and
may involve radical chains.
Closed catalytic cycle
Chain propagation cycle
Free radical reactions have
<< 1
>> 1
traditionally been initiated in
the lab with group-transfer reagents such as azobisisobutyrosubstrate
nitrile (AIBN) or triethylborane
and O2. The radical formed from
the substrate (substrate) eventually reacts to form the desired
product. The radical initiators
are often used in substoichiometric quantities but are not
catalysts. Rather, these reacRadical chain
tions proceed through self-propprocess
agating radical-chain pathways.
Photoredox catalysts generate
radical intermediates through
single-electron transfer and are
initiated by light absorption by a
photosensitizer (PS), which produces a long-lived excited tripproduct
let state (PS*) that can be either
reductively quenched (PS) or
Department of Chemistry, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA.
E-mail: [email protected]

Radically different. Schematic depiction for photoredox catalysts of (A) a closed catalytic cycle and (B) a chain-propagation cycle.
The approach of Cismesia and Yoon differentiates the two reaction mechanisms on the basis of quantum yield () and luminescence
quenching. For the three reactions they studied, all proceeded through a chain-propagation cycle.


18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS



cesses), but for these three photocatalyzed

reactions, quantum yields of >>1 were observed, indicative of radical-chain processes
being dominant.
Care must be taken not to extrapolate
these findings to all photoredox reactions.
Instead, they are likely to be case-dependent (11, 12). Mechanistic studies concerning photocatalyst quenching dynamics with
luminescence quenching and transient absorption spectroscopy have played an important role in elucidating the elementary
steps in catalyst-substrate interactions (13).
Other mechanistic considerations, such
as catalyst deactivation, have been stud-

Collectively, these
techniques provide the
powerful tools necessary
to probe the intricate
mechanisms inherent in
these catalytic systems.
ied with reaction-progress kinetic analysis
(14). Collectively, these techniques provide
the powerful tools necessary to probe the
intricate mechanisms inherent in these
catalytic systems. Further advancement
of mechanistic understanding will have a
tremendous impact on the development of
novel transformations, the optimization of
existing reactions, and the design of more
effective photocatalysts.

1. C. Chatgilialoglu, A. Studer, Eds., Encyclopedia of Radicals

in Chemistry, Biology and Materials (Wiley, Weinheim,
Germany, 2012).
2. D. M. Schultz, T. P. Yoon, Science 343, 1239176 (2014).
3. J. J. Douglas, J. D. Nguyen, K. P. Cole, C. R. J. Stephenson,
Aldrichim. Acta 47, 15 (2014).
4. C. K. Prier, D. A. Rankic, D. W. C. MacMillan, Chem. Rev. 113,
5322 (2013).
5. A. Juris et al., Coord. Chem. Rev. 84, 85 (1988).
6. M. A. Cismesia, T. P. Yoon, Chem. Sci. 10.1039/
C5SC02185E (2015).
7. G. M. Burnett, H. W. Melville, Chem. Rev. 54, 225 (1954).
8. S. Lin, M. A. Ischay, C. G. Fry, T. P. Yoon, J. Am. Chem. Soc.
133, 19350 (2011).
9. M. A. Ischay, M. E. Anzovino, J. Du, T. P. Yoon, J. Am. Chem.
Soc. 130, 12886 (2008).
10. D. A. Nicewicz, D. W. C. MacMillan, Science 322, 77 (2008).
11. H. Ismaili, S. P. Pitre, J. C. Scaiano, Catal. Sci. Technol. 3,
935 (2013).
12. M. Majek et al., Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 10, 981 (2014).
13. N. A. Romero, D. A. Nicewicz, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136, 17024
14. J. J. Devery III et al., Chem. Sci. 6, 537 (2015).

M.D.K. gratefully acknowledges financial support from the

Swedish Research Council (637-2013-7314) and the Royal
Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (Kungliga Skogsoch Lantbruksakademien) for a postdoctoral fellowship.



King Coal and the queen

of subsidies
The window for fossil fuel subsidy reform is closing fast
By Ottmar Edenhofer

oal is the most important energy

source for the Chinese economy (see
the photo). Other rapidly growing
economies in Asia and Africa also increasingly rely on coal to satisfy their
growing appetite for energy. This renaissance of coal is expected to continue in
the coming years (1) and is one of the reasons
that global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
are increasing despite the undisputed worldwide technological progress and expansion of
renewable technologies (2). The implications
for long-term GHG emissions are serious because, once installed, a coal power plant will
emit for decades. Fossil fuel subsidies support investments in coal capacities around
the globe and thereby threaten the achievement of climate change mitigation goals. Targeted reform of these subsidies could yield
benefits for climate change mitigation as well
as other development objectives.
The existing global energy infrastructure
already commits 729 gigatons of CO2 (GtCO2)
of future cumulative emissions over its lifetime. Aims to limit global temperature increase to 2C allow for a total of 1000 GtCO2
to be released into the atmosphere. If only
one-third of currently planned coal capacity is installed successfully, an additional 113
GtCO2 emissions are committed, nearly depleting the budget allowed by such mitigation targets (3).
Over the past year, many nations have
made commitments to reduce their domestic GHG emissions. The U.S. government has
announced plans to reduce emissions in the
power sector by 32% below 2005 levels in
2030 through its Clean Power Plan (4). The
Chinese government pledged that its emissions would peak in 2030 and has plans to
increase the installed capacities of renewables and nuclear power substantially in the
next decade (5). The Chinese emission target is sufficiently vague to prevent a precise
evaluation of emission reductions. But even
if China and the United States are successful
in reducing their domestic emissions, worldMercator Research Institute on Global Commons and
Climate Change, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact
Research, Technische Universitt Berlin, Germany.
E-mail: [email protected]

wide emissions are expected to continue to

rise. After all, a reduction in coal demand
in one region reduces world market prices,
incentivizing an increasing demand in other
regions (6).
What explains this renaissance of coal?
The short answer is the relative price of coal.
The price of coal-based electricity generation
remains much lower than that of renewable
power when the costs of renewable intermittency are taken into account.
As a result of technological progress and
economies of scale, the costs of generating
electricity from wind and solar power have
declined substantially. Wind generation now
costs 70 US$ per megawatt-hour (MWh) on
average, and geographically favorable sites
can compete with the costs of coal-fired
power (~50 US$/MWh). Solar photovoltaic
projects have reached 80 US$/MWh and
within a few years can also be expected to
match the costs of coal generation (7, 8).
However, the costs of intermittency of wind
and solar add an additional markup of about
30 US$/MWh (9) in cases where these technologies are deployed on a large scale as a
result of increasing backup capacity requirements. Because of these additional costs, coal
becomes more attractive for investors than
renewable sources in many countries. In
addition, coal is increasingly traded on the
world market, dashing the hopes of many
concerned with climate change that coal is
only economically viable for a few countries
with large domestic endowments (1).
At the same time, finance ministers around
the globe subsidize fossil fuels, mostly by enabling the sale of these fuels on the domestic
market below world market prices. In 2013,
these pretax subsidies amounted to about
550 billion US$ worldwide (10). Energy
subsidies are often believed to mainly support low-income households, but this belief
is not well supported. Energy subsidies are
typically captured by rich households in lowincome countries and do little to support the
poor. In all regions, the poorest 20% of the
population received less than 8% of the benefits of the subsidies, whereas more than 40%
of the subsidies were captured by the richest
20% (11).
Well-designed fossil fuel subsidy reform
has considerable potential to raise the financial means necessary to reduce poverty. As a SCIENCE

18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS

US$ in subsidies (with 32 GtCO2 emitted by

the global energy sector in 2013). The report
convincingly shows that the mispricing of
fossil fuels will contribute to an ongoing renaissance of coal over the coming decades.
The window of opportunity for successful price reform is rapidly closing. As
many quickly growing countries continue
to invest in coal-fired plants, they lock in
carbon-intensive infrastructure, which substantially increases the costs of future emission reductions. Getting prices right before
this infrastructure is built is essential. If the
opportunity to correct the distortion in fossil fuel pricing is missed, climate policy is
in peril.
The social costs of fossil fuel subsidies
may not be obvious to the public and might
even be masked for finance ministers. The
upside of this debate is that adopting a
more rational approach to fossil fuel pricing would increase overall welfare, provide
fiscal gains for governments, and allow for
new strategies to finance sustainable development that would particularly benefit the
poor. These incentives arise from a purely
self-interested national perspective, without the need to wait for a global climate
agreement to come to fruition. At the same
time, bold national actions to align fossil
fuel prices with their true social costs could
also remove important barriers for carbon
pricing and hence become a major boost for
international climate diplomacy.


Coal renaissance. Rapidly growing economies, including China, increasingly rely on coal for cheap energy,
jeopardizing efforts to reduce fossil fuel use worldwide. In this image, workers haul coal to barges in Fengjie for
delivery to power plants downriver.

recent study has shown (12), if current fossil

fuel subsidies were to be redirected to investments in basic infrastructures over the next
15 years, substantial strides could be made
in reducing poverty. This includes universal
access to clean water in about 70 countries,
to improved sanitation in about 60 countries,
and to electricity in about 50 countries (out
of roughly 80 countries that do not yet have
universal access). Such investments would
also increase the long-term growth prospects
of poor economies.
The lions share of pretax fossil fuel subsidies is targeted at oil consumption in the
Middle East, North Africa, and Asia. At first
glance, it would thus seem that subsidies are
not instrumental in driving the renaissance
of coal. However, this would be a premature
conclusion: King Coal and the queen of subsidies are involved in a complex marriage, as
shown by a recent International Monetary
Fund (IMF) report on energy subsidies (13).
The IMF report suggests that fiscal spending is an incomplete and even misleading
metric for fossil fuel subsidies: The nonpric-

ing of adverse external effects such as GHG

emissions, premature deaths through local
air pollution, increased congestion, and other
adverse side effects of vehicle use must also
be taken into account. These subsidies also
discourage investments in low-carbon alternatives such as energy efficiency, renewable
energies, or natural gas infrastructure, which
generate less or none of these externalities. In
addition, the fiscal costs of subsidies must be
financed by some combination of higher public debt, higher tax burdens, and crowding
out of potentially productive public spending
on health, education, and infrastructure.
A key insight from the IMF report is that
posttax energy subsidies (which would include a price on the aforementioned externalities) are higher than the pretax subsidies by
a factor of almost 10. The IMF calculates that
the full social costs of fossil fuel consumption
in 2013 amounted to 4.9 trillion US$ globally.
A second major insight from their calculation
is that coal receives about 60% of the total
posttax subsidies. This implies that one ton
of CO2 receives, on average, more than 150



1. J. C. Steckel, O. Edenhofer, M. Jakob, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.

U.S.A. 112, E3775 (2015).
2. International Energy Agency (IEA), World Energy Outlook
Special Report 2015: Energy and Climate Change (2015);
3. C. Shearer, N. Ghio, L. Myllyvirta, T. Nace, Boom and Bust:
Tracking the Global Coal Plant Pipeline (Coalswarm, Sierra
Club, 2015);
4. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Clean Power
Plan for Existing Power Plants (2015);
5. White House, U.S.-China Joint Announcement
on Climate Change (2014);
6. H. McJeon et al., Nature 514, 482 (2014).
7. IRENA, Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2014
(International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi,
8. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Working
Group III, O. Edenhofer et al., Eds., Special Report on
Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation
(Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2011).
9. L. Hirth, F. Ueckerdt, O. Edenhofer, Renew. Energy 74, 925
10. IEA, World Energy Outlook 2014 (IEA, Paris, 2014).
11. F. J. Arze del Granado, D. Coady, R. Gillingham, World Dev.
40, 2234 (2012).
12. M. Jakob, C. Chen, S. Fuss, A. Marxen, O. Edenhofer, Nat.
Climate Change 5, 709 (2015).
13. D. Coady, I. Parry, L. Sears, B. Shang, How Large Are Global
Energy Subsidies? IMF working paper (2015); www.imf.
18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS




How minerals dissolve

Local surface processes drive calcite dissolution
By Maritte Wolthers1,2

uring mineral growth and dissolution, material (in the form of atoms,
molecules, complexes, or clusters) is
transported through water to or from
the mineral surface. Even in a solution
that is at equilibrium with respect to a
given mineral, there is transport to and from
the surface. Although this equilibrium transport is in balance over large scales, the rates
of this transport can vary locally depending
on the energy landscape of the mineral surface (1). On page 1330 of this issue, Laanait et
al. (2) present an elegant way of measuring
and visualizing how dissolution rates vary
across the calcite surface with time and with
dissolution mechanism.
Calcite (CaCO3) is the main long-term
sink for carbon (3) and is one of the most
abundant minerals in Earths surface environment. It is therefore of prime importance in the global carbon cycle. It also

Department of Earth SciencesGeochemistry, Faculty of

Geosciences, Utrecht University, Netherlands. 2Department
of Chemistry, University College London, London, UK.
E-mail: [email protected]

helps to regulate the chemistry of aquatic

environments (4), scavenges trace and
heavy metals (5), and records paleoenvironmental conditions (6). One of the
remaining challenges is the accurate prediction of how calcite dissolution rates vary
and evolve (1). This is vital, for example,
for preventing calcite dissolution in historic limestone and marble buildings and
artifacts. This knowledge may also help to
increase oil and gas yield from carbonate
rock reservoirs.
Following numerous macroscopic investigations of calcite dissolution with traditional methods (4), in the past decade
research has zoomed in on the microscopic
scale. In particular, atomic force microscopy
(AFM) and interferometry have been instrumental for the direct observation of calcite
dissolution mechanisms and the quantification of their kinetics (5). As in the current
work (2), AFM and interferometry studies of calcite dissolution are performed on
cleaved surfaces and have revealed a range
of dissolution processes (see the figure).
How far out of equilibrium a solution is will
control which mechanism dominates calcite surface dissolution (1, 5). Laanait et al.



Calcium ions
Carbonate groups


also report the formation of wormholes,

which occur in carbonate rocks upon CO2
injection (7) but have not previously been
shown using AFM.
Calcite dissolution studies by AFM have
generally been performed in cells flushed
with fluid of a constant composition. In contrast, Laanait et al. used the reaction of an
intense x-ray beam with water close to the
calcite surface. Radicals formed through this
reaction drive fluid compositional changes
that subsequently cause calcite dissolution.
By varying x-ray beam intensity and exposure time, they could vary fluid composition and thereby scan a range of dissolution
mechanisms and rates.
The lowest dissolution rates they report
for etch-pit spreading are generally in good
agreement with those reported using AFM
(5), but the rates vary strongly and asymmetrically and can be almost five times as fast
as those typically observed using AFM. These
higher rates may be caused by the interaction
of radicals in the fluid with the calcite surface
or by energetically induced reactions caused
by the x-ray beam. However, rate variability
and oscillations between the fastest- and
slowest-dissolving surface structures do not
correlate with radical concentration (compare Fig. 4 with fig. S8). Variability in dissolution rates has been reported previously (1).
Currently, distribution rate spectra are used
instead of single-rate laws to simulate this
variability. Laanait et al. now show quantitatively how calcite dissolution rate spectra
evolve with surface structure, time, and dissolution mechanism.
The quantitative imaging technique that
enabled revealing these large local variations
in dissolution rate is known as particle image
velocimetry (PIV). This technique has been
used for a few decades (8) to determine the
flow of suspended particles; Laanait et al.
adapted it to map dissolution front velocities
at the surface from surface x-ray microscopy.
Combining PIV with time-resolved surface
analysis techniques including AFM and interferometry will ultimately reveal the evolution of mineral surface dissolution rates over
longer time scales and over a wide range of
natural conditions.


Calcite dissolution mechanisms. Calcite may dissolve through retreat of preexisting atomic steps at the calcite surface
(A) (9), formation of new shallow (B) and deep (C) etch pits (10), widening of shallow etch pits (D) (11), and (E) trains of
surface steps (stepwaves) that originate at deep etch pits (1, 12). The number of etch pits formed depends on the number
and type of imperfections in the surface. Shallow etch pits nucleate at surface defects andif the solution is far enough out
of equilibriumalso at defect-free sites (9). In contrast, deep etch pits form at crystal lattice imperfections referred to as
screw dislocations (1). Laanait et al. also report wormholing in unstable reaction fronts (F).



C. Fischer et al., Appl. Geochem. 43, 132 (2014).

N. Laanait et al., Science 349, 1330 (2015).
D. Archer, E. Maier-Reimer, Nature 367, 260 (1994).
J. W. Morse et al., Chem. Rev. 107, 342 (2007).
E. Ruiz-Agudo, C. V. Putnis, Mineral. Mag. 76, 227 (2012).
E. A. Boyle, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 53, 11 (1981).
L. Luquot, P. Gouze, Chem. Geol. 265, 148 (2009).
C. E. Willert, M. Gharib, Exp. Fluids 10, 181 (1991).
H. H. Teng, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 68, 253 (2004).
Y. Liang et al., Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 60, 4883 (1996).
S. L. S. Stipp et al., Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 58, 3023
12. A. Lttge et al., Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 67, 1099 (2003).
10.1126/science.aad0852 SCIENCE

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Published by AAAS




Caffeine, the circadian clock, and sleep

Why is caffeine intake at bedtime a sleep disrupter?
By Hans Peter Landolt


Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of

Zrich, Zrich, Switzerland. 2Zrich Center of Interdisciplinary
Sleep Research, University of Zrich, Zrich, Switzerland.
E-mail: [email protected]

Adenosine receptors

cAMP signaling


Circadian clock
Sleep propensity

Sleep homeostasis
Sleep pressure

affeine wakes people up but also disrupts the quality of sleep. A new study
by Burke et al. (1) reveals that consuming caffeine in the eveningthe equivalent of a double espressodelays the
human endogenous circadian clock by
antagonizing receptors for the endogenous
sleep factor adenosine in the brain (see the
figure). Mistimed caffeine consumption may
contribute to the growing incidence of sleep
problems in society.
Many people worldwide consume caffeine daily. Normal dietary consumption
is sufficient to antagonize up to 50% of the
inhibitory A1 and the facilitatory A2A adenosine receptors in the brain (2, 3). This
increases alertness and allays drowsiness
and fatigue, but may also induce restlessness and prolong the time to fall asleep,
enhance nighttime wakefulness, and reduce
the depth of sleep (4).
Adequate sleep is required for good health
and quality of life. The sleep-wake cycle is
regulated by the fine-tuned interplay between homeostatic and circadian processes
(5). Homeostatic sleep need accumulates during wakefulness and dissipates during sleep,
whereas the circadian clock determines
when sleep occurs. Slow-wave (or delta) neuronal activity (~0.75 to 4.5 Hz) recorded with
an electroencephalogram (EEG) during deep
sleep provides the most reliable biomarker
of sleep need (5). Because caffeine attenuates
sleep delta activity and blocks adenosine receptors, a role for adenosine and its receptors
in sleep homeostasis has long been suggested
(4). Burke et al. investigated whether caffeine
also affects the human circadian clock. This
is important because sleep and circadian
systems are intimately linked at genetic, molecular, and behavioral levels.
Burke et al. used a highly sensitive protocol under strictly controlled conditions over a
period of 49 days, and quantified the effects
of 200 mg of caffeine on the timing of melatonin production in people when taken 3 hours
before habitual bedtime in the evening. Melatonin is a hormone that in humans, entrains
the circadian rhythm of many physiological


Double espresso effect. By blocking cerebral

adenosine A1 and A2A receptors, caffeine increases
intracellular cAMP signaling, attenuates the buildup of
homeostatic sleep propensity during waking, and delays
the circadian clock in vitro and in vivo.

processes, such as the timing of sleep, and is

a reliable phase marker of the endogenous
circadian pacemaker (6). Indeed, caffeine
strongly and consistently delayed the melatonin rhythm by about 40 min, nearly half of
the delay caused by bright light exposure at
bedtime, a strong time cue for the circadian
clock (7). But how does caffeine delay the circadian rhythm?
The complex signaling cascade that regulates clock functions is expressed in nearly
every cell of the body (8). In vitro, caffeine
not only blocks adenosine receptors but also
inhibits phosphodiesterase activity and activates ryanodine receptors. These actions
increase cyclic adenosine monophosphate
(cAMP)dependent signaling and intracellular calcium release (2), both of which contribute to circadian timekeeping and resetting of
the clock (9, 10). Burke et al. measured circadian transcriptional rhythms in genetically
engineered human cells expressing more than
10,000 proteins, including adenosine receptors, multiple phosphodiesterases, and ryanodine receptors. They confirmed that caffeine
lengthens the circadian period and increases
cAMP concentration. Although some open
questions remain, their convergent pharmacological, genetic, and immunochemical data


suggest an adenosine A1 receptormediated,

cAMP-dependent mechanism.
Caffeine-induced interference with the
circadian clock may contribute to the high
incidence of sleep problems in society and
have a negative impact on brain functions
that rely on undisturbed slow-wave sleep
(11). Indeed, circadian rhythmicity modulates important functional characteristics of
slow-wave sleep in humans (12). Yet, properly timed caffeine could alleviate jet lag
and help patients with circadian sleep-wake
disorders. Research on causal relationships
among caffeine, circadian timekeeping,
sleep, and health is warranted.
Apart from the circadian clock, cAMP
signaling also plays an important role in
sleep homeostasis and in the effects of caffeine on the consequences of sleep loss in
animals (13, 14). In humans, the physiological
study of wakefulness and sleep is laborious,
and the molecular mechanisms underlying
sleep-wake regulation are difficult to elucidate. Given that cultured cells can display
a sleep-like state (that is, neuronal firing
activity reminiscent of sleep) (15), fundamental questions related to electrophysiological,
genetic, and molecular features, as well as the
pharmacology of sleep, can now be studied in
human cells in vitro. Combined with physiological approaches, this opens up exciting
new perspectives to examine the molecular
bases of human sleep and to develop evidence-based therapeutic interventions for
disturbed sleep in health and disease.

1. T. M. Burke et al., Sci. Transl. Med. 305, ra146 (2015).

2. B. B. Fredholm, J. F. Chen, S. A. Masino, J. M. Vaugeois,
Annu. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 45, 385 (2005).
3. D. Elmenhorst, P. T. Meyer, A. Matusch, O. H. Winz, A. Bauer,
J. Nucl. Med. 53, 1723 (2012).
4. H. P. Landolt et al., Neuropsychopharmacology 29, 1933
5. P. Achermann, A. A. Borbly, in Principles and Practice of
Sleep Medicine, M. H. Kryger, T. Roth, W. C. Dement, Eds.
(Elsevier Saunders, St. Louis, MI, 2011), pp. 431444.
6. A. J. Lewy, N. L. Cutler, R. L. Sack, J. Biol. Rhythms 14, 227
7. C. A. Czeisler et al., Science 233, 667 (1986).
8. A. Balsalobre, F. Damiola, U. Schibler, Cell 93, 929 (1998).
9. J. S. ONeill, E. S. Maywood, J. E. Chesham, J. S. Takahashi,
M. H. Hastings, Science 320, 949 (2008).
10. J. M. Ding et al., Nature 394, 381 (1998).
11. B. Rasch, J. Born, Physiol. Rev. 93, 681 (2013).
12. A. S. Lazar et al., Neuroimage 116, 123 (2015).
13. J. C. Hendricks et al., Nat. Neurosci. 4, 1108 (2001).
14. I. A. Alhaider et al., Mol. Cell. Neurosci. 46, 742 (2011).
15. V. Hinard et al., J. Neurosci. 32, 12506 (2012).

18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS



Cooling down ceramic fuel cells

Simplified processing and improved performance may lead
to low-temperature fuel cells
By Raymond J. Gorte

eramic fuel cells capable of achieving high power densities are based on
oxygen-ion conductors that operate
at high temperatures. The development of ceramic fuel cells that exhibit
practical power densities at lower
temperatures, with proton-conducting electrolytes, has been a long-standing dream,
whose realization could lead to large-scale
implementation of fuel cells. On page 1321 of
this issue Duan et al. (1) report on three important contributions in the development of
protonic ceramic fuel cells (PCFCs): the demonstration of the effective use of sintering
aids to make difficult-to-prepare electrolytes
that exhibit high protonic conductivities; the
design of a new cathode material for PCFCs;
and the development of a scalable fabrication process for cell production. Impressive
performance was obtained with small-scale
PCFCs at moderate temperatures. Taken
together with other reports of high performance in PCFCs (2), practical ceramic fuel
cells could be within reach.
Although the intrinsic conductivities of
ceramic proton conductors have long been
known to be higher than that of traditional
oxygen-ion conductors, it has been difficult
to take advantage of this in devices. The
conductivities of the most promising proton-conducting ceramic, doped BaZrO3, are
usually limited by barriers at grain boundaries and are therefore sensitive to processing conditions. Duan et al. demonstrate
that this problem can be solved with simple
and inexpensive sintering aids. Improved
cathode materials allow lower operating
temperatures that avoid the materials-stability and corrosion problems that occur
in traditional solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs)
(3). Operation above 700C requires that
the membrane-electrode assembly be made
from special alloys that can withstand the
extremely corrosive environment. High
temperatures accelerate the coarsening of
nanostructured electrodes. Also, startup
from ambient conditions is simplified
when the fuel cell generates power at low
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA.
E-mail: [email protected]


PCFCs will likely find their most exciting

applications with H2 as the fuel, in devices
where proton-exchange membrane fuel
cells (PEMFCs) are presently being considered. The electrodes in PEMFCs almost
always contain precious metals, whereas
none is required by PCFCs. Also, PCFCs
can operate at just the right temperatures.
With PEMFCs, the electrolytes must be wet,
limiting their maximum operating temperature to near the boiling point of water.
Under these conditions, the precious-metal
electrodes are highly susceptible to poisoning by impurities in the H2, especially CO.
Also, rejection of waste heat is difficult
when operating near the ambient temperature. Indeed, much effort has gone into
Protonic ceramic fuel cell

















Oxygen-ion conductors
Fuel cell operation. The generation of water in the
anode compartment of traditional SOFCs results in
the dilution of the H2 fuel by H2O, which can cause
oxidation of the anode that can in turn cause cracking
of the electrolyte. In PCFCs, H2O is formed at the
cathode, where it does not appreciably affect the O2

searching for proton-conducting electrolytes capable of operation up to 500C (4).

In addition to the lower operating temperatures compared to conventional SOFCs,
there is no dilution of the H2 by H2O within
the anode compartment of PCFCs (see the
figure). Avoiding H2 dilution with water improves performance at higher fuel conversions and averts the serious problem that
Ni-based anodes can be oxidized to NiO in
traditional SOFCs. Oxidation of Ni anodes in
SOFCs is potentially catastrophic because it
can cause cell fracture due to the expansion
that occurs upon NiO formation.
For larger-scale fuel cells operating on natural gas, conventional SOFCs will likely still
be preferred. Although H2 can be generated
internally from natural gas using the methane steam reforming (MSR) reaction, H2O +
CH4 CO + 3H2, temperatures greater than
500C are required. Furthermore, system
efficiency is increased when the waste heat
generated by the fuel cell is consumed in
driving the strongly endothermic MSR reaction. This is more easily accomplished in a
conventional SOFC operating at higher temperatures (5). The MSR reaction can also be
used for cooling to control cell temperature.
The demonstration of high protonic fluxes
at just the right temperature also opens the
exciting possibility of using PCFCs for producing H2 for reactions. Friebe et al. (6) used
a short-circuited PEMFC to separate H2 from
a mixture of gases, transporting the H2 from
one side of the cell to the other. However,
higher PCFC operating temperatures greatly
expand the number of possible reactions that
can be done in such a membrane. For example, H2 is industrially generated together
with CO by the MSR reaction. The temperature range of 350 to 500C offered by PCFCs
is nearly ideal for producing extra H2 from
CO by the watergas shift (WGS) reaction
(H2O + CO H2 + CO2). Removing H2 as it
forms theoretically allows the WGS reaction
to be carried out to 100% conversion, so that
both H2 and CO are utilized.
Much work still remains to take fuel cells
from demonstration units to wide-scale, commercial reality. However, advances like those
demonstrated by Duan et al. bring us one step
closer to having practical devices for real applications by providing high performance at
just the right temperatures, and using commercially viable fabrication procedures.


C. Duan et al., Science 349, 1321 (2015).

J. Kim et al., ChemSusChem 7, 2811 (2014).
E. D. Wachsman, K. T. Lee, Science 334, 935 (2011).
S. M. Haile, D. A. Boysen, C. R. Chisholm, R. B. Merle, Nature
410, 910 (2001).
5. S. McIntosh, R. J. Gorte, Chem. Rev. 104, 4845 (2004).
6. S. Freibe et al., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 54, 7790 (2015).
10.1126/science.aad0432 SCIENCE

18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS



Paul Berg (center)

with Stanford
colleagues, c. 1975


The cloning controversy

Lessons from the recombinant DNA revolution of the 1970s
By Sally Smith Hughes

he contemporary scientific community largely takes for granted the

safety of recombinant DNA technology and its utility for practical application. It was not always so. The two
books under review probe the science,
politics, legal parameters, and practical repercussions of the so-called recombinant
DNA revolution of the 1970s. They chronicle
in detail the breakthroughs and contentions
accompanying the invention of recombinant
technology and the raucous controversies
over its potential safety. Both books also
tackle the resulting shift in ethical, aspirational, and legal landscapes in biomedical
research as molecular scientists rushed to
form industrial ties, universities accelerated
patenting and licensing activities, and entrepreneurs created biotechnology companies.
This dramatic and convoluted history,
which the authors pull together from an extensive body of preexisting written and oral
sources, holds interest in its own right. But
because similar issues find resonance and
relevance today in current deliberations over
embryonic and fetal stem cell research, appropriate guidelines for practicing CRISPR
genome editing, and proper limits to patenting public knowledge, the reader should find
it instructive to revisit this formative period
of biological history and perhaps even garner lessons from it.
Doogab Yi, a Princeton-trained science
The reviewer is historian of science emerita at the Oral History
Center, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720,
USA. E-mail: [email protected]


The Recombinant University

Doogab Yi
University of Chicago
Press, 2015. 318 pp.

A Biography of Paul Berg

Errol C. Friedberg
World Scientific, 2014.
406 pp.

historian at Seoul National University,

and Errol Friedberg, an emeritus professor of pathology at the University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center and expert
on DNA repair, focus on the research and
researchers of Stanford Medical Schools
Department of Biochemistry. Here, in 1972,
Paul Berg and his colleagues succeeded in
covalently joining DNA molecules from
different species, creating recombined or
recombinant DNA. The technique was
complicated, and required enzymes not
readily available at the time. Bergs initial
goal, to study the function of introduced
DNA in foreign host cells, would eventually be overshadowed when researchers realized that the technique could be used to
clone (replicate) DNA.
Although Friedberg and Yi examine the
same department at the same time period,
they have different objectives and take the
genesis and consequences of recombinant
DNA technology in divergent directions.
Friedbergs book is a straightforward biography of the multifaceted Paul Berg: biochemist, Nobel laureate, and statesman of
science. Friedberg follows Berg from birth

to his retirement years but highlights Bergs

role in the recombinant DNA controversy.
In 1973, Stanley N. Cohen, a Stanford molecular geneticist, and Herbert W. Boyer, a
University of California, San Francisco, biochemist, published a relatively simple and
efficient technique for joining and cloning
genes. The Cohen-Boyer method became the
method of choice for genetic engineering in
molecular biology. The newfound ease with
which genes could be engineered to human
expectations engendered widespread fears.
Segments of the scientific community and
public grew concerned that possibly dangerous life forms might threaten human health
and upset the balance of nature. Scientists,
with Berg in the lead as organizer and moral
force, called for a temporary moratorium
on recombinant DNA research until federal
safety containment guidelines could be formulated within which the technology could
be practiced and, importantly, the promising
research advanced.
The fact that the book is aimed primarily at scientists and those in training
(cover blurb) may explain why Friedberg,
his molecular biology background much in
evidence, devotes multiple chapters to recombinant science, largely that of Berg and
his departmental colleagues, but also briefly
Cohen and Boyers work with a plasmid
transfer system and a key restriction enzyme
(EcoR1). Reflecting a scientists concern for
priority, he attempts to unravel competing
scientific claims, particularly regarding the
sticky question of how much Cohen benefited (conceptually and experimentally) from
Stanford Biochemistry. Friedberg ultimately
determines that the Cohen-Boyer method indeed built upon seminal ideas and/or experiments from Stanford and elsewhere (1, 2).
In 1980, Berg received the Nobel Prize
in Chemistry for his fundamental studies
of the biochemistry of nucleic acids, with
particular regard to recombinant-DNA.
Cohen and Boyer were not mentioned.
Friedberg concludes after reviewing relevant
documents that there is little question that
Stanley Cohen and Herb Boyer merited recognition for their contribution to advancing
the technology of gene cloning.
Yis The Recombinant University is a very
different book. Although he does not specify
his intended audience, science historians
and sociologists appear to be the targeted
readership, given the books objectives and
tone. However, scientists willing to condone
the sprinklings of academic jargon would
also benefit from reading this heavily researched and highly contextual history of
a seminal period in postwar American biomedical science. Despite his tight focus on
Stanford Biochemistry, Yis goal is sweeping:
My close examination of changing scientific SCIENCE

18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS


B O OKS et al .



agendas, legal practices, and moral assumptions about commercialization in the [San
Francisco] Bay Area academic community
intends to tell a much broader story of the reconfiguration of both academic institutions
and commercial enterprise in biomedical
research. He adeptly shows how changes in
American society from the 1960s onnotably, the demand for medical relevance in biomedical research; the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980,
which gave academic institutions incentives
to patent government-supported research results; and the Supreme Courts Chakrabarty
decision, which enabled the patenting of
human-made living organismsfacilitated
the arrival of the Recombinant University
with its enhanced interest in patenting and
licensing and myriad ties with industry.
Yis analysis shows how Stanford Biochemistry, an original citadel of basic science,
adapted to accommodate the practical, financial, and legal vistas stemming from recombinant DNA technology. Even the departments
two Nobel laureates, Arthur Kornberg and
Paul Berg, despite their wariness about the
commercialization of American biomedicine,
fostered the departments industrial affiliates
program and the biotechnology company
DNAX, both founded in 1980.
But Yis preoccupation with Stanford Biochemistry leaves this reviewer wondering: In
the Bay Areas highly mobile and interactive
scientific community, was recombinant DNA
technology really overwhelmingly Stanfords
creation? Only in passing does Yi address the
significant research of Herbert Boyers UCSF
laboratory: its contribution and worldwide
distribution of EcoR1, the restriction enzyme
critical to the early performance of recombinant DNA technology, and its pioneering use
of synthetic DNA in constructing genetic material. Where, also, is any mention of the role
of chemically synthesized DNA as developed
initially by Gobind Khorana of MIT and later
used in Genentechs synthesis of the human
insulin gene in 1978? Omissions such as
these point to the need for further comparative historical work on the contributions of
other institutions and departments at the
forefront of genetic engineering in the 1970s.
Yet, Yis broadly conceived and deeply
interpreted analysis of a significant department at a major juncture in biomedical research contributes to a fuller understanding
of the institutional, legal, and cultural transformations in American bioscience and society occurring at the time.


Making contacts count

A scientists guide to building professional networks
By Monika S. Magon

he success of any scientist or engineer

is the result not only of hard work
and technical excellence, but also of
a combination of creativity, problemsolving abilities, and, perhaps most
important, interactions with other
people. In Networking for Nerds, Alaina
G. Levine offers advice on how to define,
maintain, advance, and communicate your
brandwhat makes you unique and valuable as a scientist to potential employers
and collaborators.
Levine begins by dispelling common
myths about networking, including the
ideas that its a waste of time, a sleazy salesmans tactic, and that only job seekers need
to network. She highlights how networking
can open otherwise hidden opportunities,
including ones that might not yet exist, and
argues that it also benefits the entire science
and engineering community (you cannot
have innovation without regular influx of a
diversity of ideas). Levine goes on to show
readers how to think about and communicate the value of their particular skills and
experience, what she calls a brand statement. Keep it simple and short, she advises:
a brand statement is not a thesis. It is not
meant to take three hours to deliver.
In Chapter 4, Levine walks the reader
through the steps needed to establish, maintain, and grow a professional network, emphasizing things like the importance of
asking questions (successful people remain
successful by being inquisitive) and the

Networking for Nerds

Find, Access and Land Hidden
Game-Changing Career
Opportunities Everywhere
Alaina G. Levine
Wiley Blackwell, 2015. 225 pp..

value of a good mentor (a mentor has access to networks you dont have access to).
In later chapters, the reader learns how to
make any situation a networking opportunity, as well as how to employ social media
to increase ones professional visibility.
The best advice comes from the practical
pointers and real-life examples sprinkled
throughout the book. These tips and vignettes help the reader think about how to
incorporate similar strategies into ones own
networking activities and to visualize the
potential benefits that will be derived from
these efforts.
Networking for Nerds serves as a guide
for developing skills that are almost never
taught in a formal way to scientists and
engineers. This excellent resource should
be on the reading list of those in the early
stages of their careers, as well as those who
may be contemplating a career change or
hoping to secure a promotion.
The reviewer is in the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences
Research Council London Interdisciplinary Doctoral
Programme at the University College London, London, UK.
E-mail: [email protected]


1. For Cohens adamant disagreement, see

2. For Bergs viewpoint, see

When networkingyou should be listening most of the time and talking very little, advises Alaina Levine.
But when you do talk, ask questions and insert information about your own experience thats relevant.


18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS



Edited by Jennifer Sills

Hunted predators:
Charisma confounds

becomes the hunted (19 June, p. 1312),

R. Woodroffe and S. M. Redpath rightly
pointed out that a social consensus, in
addition to scientific evidence, is critical
to effectively control species deemed overabundant, such as some predators, because
social conflicts over the need for control
undermine management decisions. We
stress here that social acceptability is not
a sufficient criterion to prevent misguided
lethal management of wildlife pests, as
acceptability subjectively depends on the
target species charisma.

key ecological roles and are vital prey for

emblematic and threatened predators
(2, 3). Here, the broad social acceptability
of their control, due to their lack of charisma or low public visibility, may hinder
evidence-based management decisions.
For example, the European hamster was
driven from pest to red-listed critically
endangered species by poisoning; the ruthless control of prairie dogs contributed to
the critically endangered status of the blackfooted ferret (3); and plateau pikas and voles
have been poisoned over thousands of kilometers in China and Europe, respectively
(3, 4), with widespread unintended secondary poisoning of their birds of prey and
mammalian predators (5, 6). A focus on
large predator control as a reference for
wildlife management conflicts may overlook
wider issues involving fauna that have
keystone ecosystem roles but no public
appeal, and where social consensus leads
to misguided management. In the case of
noncharismatic small herbivores, as long

The black-footed ferret is an unintended victim of pest management.

Large predators exert fascination on the

general public; hence, their control is usually unpopular [e.g., (1)], irrespective of the
ecological desirability of management. By
contrast, rodents and lagomorphs do not
enjoy the same public appeal as predators.
They are widely controlled on vast spatial
scales, often with public funds, where
they are perceived as creating damage
to crops or forage used by livestock. Yet
most of these persecuted herbivores play

as public society awareness about their

ecological benefits is not increased, their
population control will continue to be
widely accepted and possibly used without
rigorous scientific evidence, thus jeopardizing biodiversity conservation.
Miguel Delibes-Mateos,1,2* Franois
Mougeot,3 Beatriz Arroyo,3
Xavier Lambin4

CIBIO, Centro de Investigao em Biodiversidade e

Recursos Genticos, InBio Laboratrio Associado,

University of Porto, 4485-661, Vairo, Portugal.

Instituto de Estudios Sociales Avanzados (IESACSIC), 14004, Crdoba, Spain. 3Instituto de
Investigacin en Recursos Cinegticos (IREC, CSICUCLM-JCCM), 13005, Ciudad Real, Spain. 4Institute
of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Zoology
Building, Aberdeen AB24 2TZ, Scotland, UK.

*Corresponding author.
E-mail: [email protected]


M. Campbell, B. L. Lancaster, Soc. Anim. 18, 40 (2010).

T. Cornulier et al., Science 340, 63 (2013).
M. Delibes-Mateos et al. Biol. Conserv. 144, 1335 (2011).
J. J. Luque-Larena et al. Basic Appl. Ecol. 14, 432 (2013).
M. Coeurdassier et al., Conserv. Biol. 28, 315 (2014).
I. S. Snchez-Barbudo et al., Sci. Total Environ. 420, 260

Hunted predators:
Intrinsic value

becomes the hunted (19 June, p. 1312), R.

Woodroffe and S. M. Redpath summarize
issues associated with lethal predator
controlthe killing of carnivores to benefit
human industries (e.g., livestock production).We applaud their careful accounting
of the ecological and economic trade-offs
that accompany such actions, but we take
issue with their assertion that [p]ragmatic
conservationists have long recognized that
allowing some predator controlwhether
or not it achieves its stated aimscan help
to build tolerance....
This claim is problematic for three
reasons: First, existing research indicates
that lethal control is often ineffective for
increasing tolerance for wildlife (1, 2).
Second, as their own review makes clear,
predator control often results in unforeseen
ecological consequences (e.g., loss of ecosystem services).It is not only pragmatic for
conservationists to oppose actions that may
degrade ecosystem services and are ineffective for increasing tolerance, it is socially
responsible. Finally, their claim relies on
an ethical premise that few would accept:
in essence, that it is acceptable to promote
the killing of an organism as a means of
reducing antipathy toward it. In fact, a
recent study indicates most people believe
that wildlife possess intrinsic value, which
suggests that wildlife should be treated with
regard for their own welfare, not just their
utility (or lack thereof) to humans (3).
From an ethical perspective, treating
wildlife with regard to their own welfare
would require shifting the burden of proof
such that those who advocate the use of
lethal methods would be forced to provide
strong arguments as to why such means
were justified. That we still manage wildlife
in a manner that so easily dismisses the SCIENCE

18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS



interests of wild animals and the preferences of the broader public suggests that
the institution of wildlife management
needs broader reforms than the additional
stakeholder processes that Woodroffe and
Redpath recommend.
Jeremy T. Bruskotter,1* Michael Paul
Nelson,2 John A. Vucetich3

School of Environment and Natural Resources, The

Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA.
Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society,
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA.
School of Forest Resources and Environmental
Sciences, Michigan Technological University,
Houghton, MI 49931, USA.

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]


1. C. Browne-Nuez, A. Treves, D. MacFarland, Z. Voyles,

C. Turng, Biol. Conserv., in press (2015); http://faculty.
2. A. Treves, J. T. Bruskotter, Science 344, 476 (2014).
3. J. A. Vucetich, J. T. Bruskotter, M. P. Nelson, Conserv. Biol.
29, 321 (2015).


individuals, often acting illegally, potentially

influencing predator abundance over large
areas (1, 2). Moreover, as we indicated in
our Perspective, the strong arguments
advanced by some stakeholder groups
for or against predator control may not
be accepted by others who hold different
values. For example, evidence that localized
killing of badgers increases disease risks
to cattle (3) appears not to have deterred
farmers from pursuing this practice illegally
(4), undermining disease control efforts
(5). Such observations underpin our call
for engagement of multiple stakeholders
to develop an agreed-upon evidence base,
maximizing opportunities for both institutions and individuals to make decisions
based on scientifically robust information.
Rosie Woodroffe1* and
Stephen M. Redpath2

Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London,

London NW1 4RY, UK. 2Institute of Biological and
Environmental Sciences, University of Aberdeen,
Aberdeen AB24 2TZ, UK.
*Corresponding author.
E-mail: [email protected]

OUR PERSPECTIVE highlighted the need to

base predator management on scientific evidence that is not only technically sound, but
also accepted by stakeholders. M. DelibesMateos et al. argue that social acceptability
alone is insufficient to justify control efforts.
We entirely agree. As we explained in our
Perspective, controlling populations of
predators (and, by extension, other species
with strong ecological interactions) can have
unintended ecological consequences. Hence,
decisions about control efforts should be
informed by evidence of the likely impacts.
J. T. Bruskotter et al. raise concerns about
our statement that [p]ragmatic conservationists have long recognized that allowing
some predator controlwhether or not it
achieves its stated aimscan help to build
tolerance among land managers who might
otherwise block conservation efforts. They
do not acknowledge the caveat that followed it: Unfortunately, such compromise
is not always effective. Far from advocating
ineffective predator control, we highlighted
deficiencies in the evidence underlying
some control programs and proposed an
alternative approach.
Bruskotter et al. also suggest that
decision-making should incorporate the
ethical perspective of the general public,
such that those who advocate the use of
lethal forced to provide strong
arguments as to why such means [are] justified. We agree that ethical considerations
should inform decision-making, but we
question the practicality of their suggestion.
Decisions about carnivore management
are made not just by the institution of
wildlife management but also by private


1. R. Woodroffe, L. G. Frank, Anim. Conserv. 8, 91 (2005).

2. B. Etheridge, R. W. Summers, R. Green, J. Appl. Ecol. 34,
1081 (1997).
3. C. A. Donnelly et al., Nature 426, 834 (2003).
4. P. Cross, F. A. V. St John, S. Khan, A. Petroczi, PLOS ONE 8,
6 (2013).
5. D. M. Wright et al., Sci. Rep. 5, 13062 (2015).

Erratum for the Review Plant and animal
sensors of conserved microbial signatures
by P. C. Ronald and B. Beutler, Science 349,
aad3218 (2015). Published online 11 September
2015; 10.1126/science.aad3218
Erratum for the Report The psychological
consequences of money by K. D. Vohs et al.,
Science 349, aac9679 (2015). Published online
24 July 2015; 10.1126/science.aac9679
Erratum for the Report Reaction of O2 with
subsurface oxygen vacancies on TiO2 anatase (101) by M. Setvn et al., Science 349,
aac9659 (2015). Published online 17 July 2015;
Erratum for the Report The fastest unbound star in our Galaxy ejected by a thermonuclear supernova by S. Geier et al.,
Science 349, aac9469 (2015). Published online
10 July 2015; 10.1126/science.aac9469
Erratum for the Report On the origin of
near-infrared extragalactic background
light anisotropy by M. Zemcov et al., Science
349, aac9468 (2015). Published online 10 July
2015; 10.1126/science.aac9468
Erratum for the Report Morality in everyday life by W. Hofmann et al., Science 348,
aac5401 (2015). Published online 15 May 2015;


Published by AAAS


Building a better protonconducting ceramic fuel cell

Duan et al., p. 1321

Edited by Caroline Ash


Greenlanders genomes signal a fatty diet

he evolutionary consequences of inhabiting a challenging environment can be seen

within the genomes of Greenland Inuit. Fumagalli et al. have found signs of selection
for genetic variants in fat metabolism, not just for promoting heat-producing brown fat
cells but also for coping with the large amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids found
in their seafood diet (see the Perspective by Tishkoff). Genes under selection in these
populations have a strong effect on height and weight of up to 2 cm and 4 kg, respectively,
as well as a protective effect on cholesterol and triglyceride levels. LMZ
Science, this issue p. 1343; see also p. 1282


Flu vaccine candidate

STEMs the tide
Every year we need a new flu
vaccine, because influenza
virus constantly mutates the
major target of antibodies
to flu: the head region of
the viral hemagglutinin (HA)
protein. Avoiding the problem
of mutation requires a vaccine
that elicits antibodies against
the more conserved stem
region of HA. During infection,
antibodies are occasionally
produced that recognize the
stem and that neutralize a broad
range of influenza virus strains.
Impagliazzo et al. engineered an

HA stemonly vaccine candidate

that elicited broadly neutralizing antibodies in mice and
nonhuman primates and that
protected mice against multiple
influenza strains. KLM
Science, this issue p. 1301

invisibility cloak that can be

wrapped around an object
such as a sheet or skin, Ni et
al. designed a two-dimensional
metamaterial surface. Such
flexible, highly reflective materials could be manufactured at
large scale to hide large objects.


Science, this issue p. 1310

invisibility cloak


An invisibility cloak can be used

to conceal an object from view
by guiding light around it. Most
cloaks developed so far have
bulky structures that are difficult
to scale up for hiding large
objects. To design a thin

Smoothened signals
through G proteins
During development, the
Hedgehog signaling pathway
regulates gene expression
through the Gli family of

transcription factors. The gene

encoding the Hedgehog effector
Smoothened (Smo) is aberrantly expressed in some types
of breast cancers, and thus various drugs have been developed
to target this protein. Villanueva
et al. showed that Smo promoted cell proliferation in the
mammary glands of mice via
the G protein Gi2, rather than
through Gli-mediated changes
in gene expression (see also the
Focus by Ogden). This discovery
indicates that Smo-targeting
drugs should also be screened
for their ability to inhibit Gi2
activation. WW
Sci. Signal. 8, ra92 and
fs16 (2015) SCIENCE

18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS


Inuit dogsled on the sea ice

outside Tasiilaq in East Greenland


Thinning films induces

Thin ferroelectric films are
needed in computers and
medical devices. However,
traditional ferroelectric films
typically become less and less
polarized the thinner the films
become. Instead of using a
good ferroelectric and making
it thinner, Lee et al. started
with SrTiO3, which in its bulk
form is not ferroelectric. This
material does have naturally
occurring nanosized polarized
regions. and when the thickness
of the SrTiO3 films reaches the
typical size of these regions, the
whole film aligns and becomes
ferroelectric. JS
Science, this issue p. 1314


Lighting the way to aryl

C-N bonding
Medicinal chemists like to
add N bonds to the C atoms
of aromatic rings to make
bioactive compounds. By
harnessing the energy in visible
light, Romero et al. made these
links and transformed C-H
into C-N bonds. They used a
blue-absorbing acridinium
ion to activate a ring C for an
incoming N partner. A nitroxyl
radical co-catalyst (TEMPO)
then choreographed the
transfer of the H atom to O. The
reaction worked for a broad
range of substrates, including
ammonium as a N source.
Science, this issue p. 1326



Youthful damage
limitation in stem cells
Every day brings more risk of
damage to stem cells, which
could have consequences for
the whole organism. Moore
et al. observed that dividing
neural stem cells in rodents
establish a diffusion barrier that
restricts damaged proteins to
one daughter cell, leaving the
other with intact molecules. But

with age this diffusion barrier

weakens, so that replicating
stem cells of older animals are
less able to exclude damaged
proteins than are the stem cells
of younger rodents. PJH


Edited by Sacha Vignieri

and Jesse Smith

Larval silkworms need

an extra boost on their
way to metamorphosing
into adult moths

Science, this issue p. 1334


Circulating signals of
drug resistance
Cancer drugs often lose their
effectiveness because tumors
acquire genetic changes that
confer drug resistance. Ideally,
patients would be switched to
a different drug before tumor
growth resumes, but this
requires early knowledge of how
resistance arose. Miyamoto et
al. have developed a non-invasive method to spot resistance
by sequencing RNA transcripts
in single circulating tumor cells
(CTCs) (see the Perspective by
Nanus and Giannakakou). For
example, in prostate cancer
patients, drug resistance was
triggered by activation of the
Wnt signaling pathway. But
CTCs are rare and fragile, and
the technology needs further
development before it is used in
clinical practice. PAK
Science, this issue p. 1351;
see also p. 1283


A good model for the

good boy virus
Infection with human pegivirus
(HPgV) provides a measure
of protection to HIV-infected
individuals by slowing HIV
replication. This phenomenon
has earned HPgV the nickname
good boy virus. How HPgV
achieves this protective effect
remains a mystery in part
because no animal model of
HPgV infection exists. Bailey
et al. discovered that viruses
closely related to HPgV also
occur in wild baboons and can
infect laboratory macaques,
thus providing an opportunity
to discover what tissues HPgV
infects and how it is transmitted
and replicated. OMS
Sci. Transl. Med. 7, 305ra144 (2015).


The path to metamorphosis

he metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a moth was classically

thought to be controlled largely by two hormones: one that
promotes metamorphosis and one that maintains juvenile
characteristics. Daimon et al. definitively tested the role of
the latter, juvenile hormone, in larval silk moths. They made
knockout mutants that lacked an enzyme that catalyzes juvenile
hormone synthesis or lacked the two juvenile hormone receptors. Analysis of these animals showed that juvenile hormone
functioned only in the late larval stages, when it restrained metamorphosis until larvae reached a sufficient size. Competence to
metamorphose depended not on release from juvenile hormone
inhibition but rather on the accumulation of a yet-to-be-identified
signal that controlled gene expression. LBR
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 10.1073/pnas.1506645112 (2015).


Cost and outcome

shape habit
When rodents or monkeys
perform a learned task, neurons
in the striatum are active right
before and after the performance. Their activity is thought
to encode expected and experienced cost and outcome. These


signals may be disrupted in

Parkinsons disease, manifesting
as problems with the initiation
of movements. Desrochers et al.
asked whether these neurons
participate in the formation of
habits in nave monkeys. They
therefore measured activity in
the striatum while monkeys
learned to solve a visual task
without instructions

18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS



their molecular orbitals, using

benzene as an example. ISO


Phys. Rev. X 5, 31016 (2015).

A jellyfish smrgsbord

ellyfish blooms are a common

feature in oceans around the
world. Because jellyfish hunt
for zooplankton, crustaceans,
and other lower-trophic-level
prey, such blooms might disrupt food
chains and have a negative impact
on other marine predators. Sato et
al. attached video and data loggers
to thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia),
diving seabirds that hunt in the
Bering Sea. The seabirds successfully
adapted their diving and hunting to
feed on fish shoaling among the tentacles of large jellyfish, which suggests
that blooms could have a beneficial
impact on some seabirds. GR


Pulling for ketenes

and imines
Expanding the range of reactive
functional groups that can be
generated by polymer mechanochemistryliterally pulling the
chains apart by applying force
is important for creating new
self-healing materials. Robb and
Moore show that the Staudinger
cycloaddition [the formation
of a four-membered -lactam
ring from an imine (=NR,
where R is an alkyl or aryl
group) and a ketene (=C=O)]
could be reversed mechanically.
Poly(methyl acrylate) polymers
with an internal -lactam ring
were cleaved by ultrasonication
in organic solvent. The highly
reactive ketene was scavenged
with isobutanol. PDS

Thick-billed murres modify their hunting strategies

when diving for fish among jellyfish blooms

(self-learning). They found

that before-and-after signals
existed from the start and that
a combination of cost and
outcome signals afterward
increased when monkeys got
into the habit, and their performance improved. LNS
Neuron 87, 853, 10.1016/j.
neuron.2015.07.019 (2015).


that it may have conferred a

selective advantage. LMZ
PLOS Genet. 10.1371/journal.
pgen.1005439 (2015).


Molecular simulation
Determining the electronic structure and dynamics of molecular
systems presents an intractable
computational challenge for all

but the simplest of molecules.

However, the ability to tune the
interactions between atoms
trapped in an optical lattice
provides a versatile quantum
system with which to simulate
complex condensed-matter systems. Luhmann et al. show that
such a cold-atom system can be
used to simulate the electronic
dynamics of complex molecules
and to generate three-dimensional high-resolution images of

Old and new immune

genetic variation
The Khloe-San peoples of Africa
are one of the most ancient
lineages of humans and thus
can be examined to identify both
ancient and recent humanspecific genetic variation.
Investigating the alleles of the
killer cell immunoglobulin-like
receptors and their human
leukocyte antigen class I
ligands, which are involved in the
immune response, Hilton et al.
found evidence of both old and
new genetic variants. Because
these genes can affect pregnancy, the identification of one
recently evolved variant at relatively high frequencies suggests

Calculated molecular single-particle orbitals of an artificial benzene molecule

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 10.1021/

jacs.5b07345 (2015).


Fertilizing water
Excess nutrients such as nitrogen
and phosphorus can negatively
affect aquatic ecosystems.
Nutrient-rich fertilizer runoff
stimulates productivity, which can
lead to harmful algal blooms or
fish kills. Nolan and Weber show
that such pollution has another
wide-ranging consequence:
increasing the mobility of uranium
in groundwater. Geochemical
data for two major aquifers in the
United States, which in combination provide drinking water to
millions and irrigation for onesixth of U.S. agriculture, show that
increased nitrate levels correlate
strongly with the presence of
uranium. Nitrate can oxidatively
dissolve naturally occurring uranium minerals, which in turn can
lead to potentially harmful levels
of soluble uranium in groundwater, especially in shallow aquifers.
Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett. 10.1021/
acs.estlett.5b00174 (2015). SCIENCE

18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS


Biol. Lett. 10.1098/rsbl.2015.0358 (2015).




Few thoughts for those

with the most
A weighty scholarly tome has
sparked a year-long public
discussion of the unevenness of
income and wealth distributions
in the United States. In essence,
a few people have a lot of both.
Moral philosophers and economists have argued for centuries
about the tradeoffs in life strategy that might explain wealth
imbalance: between fairness and
selfishness, and equality and
efficiency. Fisman et al. describe
the preferences of a group of
elite students at Yale Law School.
These elites lean toward selfishness and efficiency more than
the average American, and these
preferences are reflected in their
job choices. GJC
Science, this issue p. 1300


Percolating cluster,
fractal structure
Metallic glasses are appealing
materials because they are strong
and can bend without breaking.
These materials are disordered
but possess none of the defects
seen in crystalline counterparts.
Chen et al. developed a model
for metallic glasses in which
clusters of atoms float free in the
liquid, begin to jam, and finally
organize into a short-range fractal
structure below the glass transition temperature. This model also
accounted for the density and
high strength characteristics of
bulk samples. BG
Science, this issue p. 1306


Entangling atoms by
persistent poking
In quantum mechanics, repeated
measurements targeting a
particular unoccupied state of


Edited by Caroline Ash

the system can keep that state

from being occupied. Barontini
et al. used this so-called quantum Zeno effect to restrict the
dynamics of an ensemble of
36 87Rb atoms acting as qubits
and residing in an optical cavity.
The measurement of the cavity
transmission blocked off the collective state in which all qubits
were in their ground state. The
ensuing dynamics resulted in
the entanglement of the atoms,
creating a potential resource for
quantum information processing. JS

water and selectively tunes the

solution saturation state (see
the Perspective by Wolthers).
The x-ray beam drives fastmoving reaction fronts far from
equilibrium that are more limited
by solution-ion transport than by
surface processes. NW

Science, this issue p. 1317

Along with their mosquito

vectors, dengue viruses are
spreading worldwide to infect
millions of people. For a few, subsequent infection results in lethal
hemorrhagic disease. Katzelnik
et al. used antibody-binding data
to map structural divergence
and antigenic variation among
dengue viruses. Comparing
results in monkeys and humans,
the viruses approximately
clustered into the four known
groups. However, the four
virus groups showed as much
antigenic distance within a group
as between groups. This finding helps explain why immune
responses to dengue are highly
variable, and it has complex
implications for epidemiology,
disease, and vaccine deployment. CA


Cooler ceramic fuel cells

Ceramic ion conductors can be
used as electrolytes in fuel cells
using natural gas. One drawback
of such solid-oxide fuel cells that
conduct oxygen ions is their high
operating temperatures (at least
600C). Duan et al. have made
a proton-conducting ceramic
fuel cell with a modified cathode
material that exhibits high
performance on methane fuel at
500C (see the Perspective by
Gorte). PDS
Science, this issue p. 1321;
see also p. 1290

Science, this issue p. 1330;

see also p. 1288


The devil in the dengue



Science, this issue p. 1338

Driving dissolution with

Carbonate minerals are important for Earths carbon cycle.
They precipitate directly from
solution into diverse materials,
depending on their physical or
biological source. Whether carbonate minerals grow or dissolve
is controlled by the thermodynamic drivers of the mineral/
water interface. To control and
observe the reactions, Lanaait
et al. developed a synchrotron
x-ray technique that images
calcium carbonate surfaces in


Caught in the act of

The genomes of doublestranded RNA (dsRNA) viruses
consist of about a dozen dsRNA
segments enclosed by a protein
coat. Inside the host cell, the
coat remains intact, and the
dsRNAs have to replicate within
the coat. Liu and Cheng used
cryoelectron microscopy of
cypovirus particles to catch
the dsRNAs in the act of being

copied. The structures revealed

that the RNA formed a liquidcrystalline array on which viral
enzymes carry out multiple
rounds of transcription to replicate the viral genome. GR
Science, this issue p. 1347


Small peptide regulates

protein activity
Coding and noncoding RNAs can
produce peptides from small
open reading frames (smORFs),
with a variety of mostly unknown
functions. Using a genomewide screen, Zanet et al. show
that Polished rice (Pri) smORF
peptides control fruit fly development by binding to an E3
ubiquitin ligase. This changes
the ligases selectivity and triggers proteasome-dependent
maturation of the developmental
transcription factor Shavenbaby.
Other smORF peptides may act
by a similar mechanism to regulate protein activity. BAP
Science, this issue p. 1356


A call for fossil fuel price

Coal is responsible for more carbon dioxide emissions per ton
burnt than any other fossil fuel.
Yet coal plants are being built
around the world, particularly in
China and other rapidly developing countries. In his Perspective,
Edenhofer explores the reasons
for the renaissance of coal. Fossil
fuel subsidies are a key factor
driving increased coal use,
because they not only factor in
fiscal spending but also include
social costs, such as those to
public health. Unless prices are
reformed quickly to remove such
wide-ranging incentives, climate
change mitigation is imperiled.
Science, this issue p. 1286 SCIENCE

18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS




The distributional preferences

of an elite
Raymond Fisman,* Pamela Jakiela, Shachar Kariv, Daniel Markovits
INTRODUCTION: Distributional preferences

shape individual opinions and public policy

concerning economic inequality and redistribution. We measured the distributional
preferences of an elite cadre of Juris Doctor
(J.D.) students at Yale Law School (YLS), a
group that holds particular interest because
they are likely to assume future positions of
power and influence in American society. We
compared the preferences of this highly elite
group of students to those of a sample drawn
from the American Life Panel (ALP), a broad
cross-section of Americans, and to the preferences of an intermediate elite drawn from the
student body at the University of California,
Berkeley (UCB).
RATIONALE: We conducted modified dicta-

tor game experiments that varied the price of

redistribution, i.e., the amount by which the
selfs payoff must be decreased in order to increase the payoff of the other (an anonymous
other subject) by one dollar. In contrast to

standard dictator games that do not vary the

relative price of redistribution, our experimental design allows us to test whether our subjects preferences are formally rational and
to decompose subjects preferences into two
distinct tradeoffs: the tradeoff between self
and other (fair-mindedness versus self-interest)
and the tradeoff between equality and efficiency. For each subject, we estimated a constant elasticity of substitution (CES) utility
function over payoffs to self and other; this
functional form allows us to capture each
tradeoff with a distinct parameter. A fair-minded
subject places equal weight on the payoffs to
self and other, whereas a selfish subject does
not place any weight on the payoff to other;
subjects preferences may also fall in between
these two extremes. A subject with distributional preferences weighted toward equality
(reducing differences in payoffs) increases the
expenditure share spent on other as the price
of redistribution increases, whereas a subject with distributional preferences weighted

Classifying subjects distributional preferences. We classify subjects as either fair-minded, intermediate, or selfish and as either equality-focused or efficiency-focused.The bars show the fraction of
subjects in each category of self-interest in the elite YLS, UCB (the intermediate elite), and relatively
less elite ALP samples. Each bar is then split into equality-focused and efficiency-focused subgroups,
denoted by blue and gray, respectively.

toward efficiency (increasing total payoffs) decreases the expenditure share spent on other
as the price of redistribution increases. An important strength of our measure of equalityefficiency tradeoffs between self and other is
that it has been shown to predict such tradeoffs in distributional setON OUR WEB SITE
tings involving multiple
others and to predict the
Read the full article
likelihood of voting for
at http://dx.doi.
political candidates perscience.aab0096
ceived as favoring greater
government redistribution.
This work therefore captures, in an experimental setting, a plausible measure of subjects
attitudes toward actual redistributive policies.

RESULTS: YLS subjects were substantially

more efficiency-focused than were the ALP

subjects drawn from the general population.
Overall, 79.8% of YLS subjects were efficiencyfocused, versus only 49.8% of the ALP sample.
The YLS subjects displayed this distinctive
preference for efficiency over equality in spite
of overwhelmingly (by more than 10 to 1) selfidentifying as Democrats rather than Republicans. In addition, YLS subjects were less likely
to be classified as fair-minded and more likely
to be classified as selfish than were the ALP
subjects. Subjects from the intermediate elite
fell between the YLS and ALP subjects with
respect to efficiency-mindedness but were less
likely to be fair-minded and more likely to be
selfish than were the YLS subjects. We also
demonstrate the predictive validity of our experimental measure of equality-efficiency tradeoffs by showing that it predicts the subsequent
career choices of YLS subjects: More efficiencyfocused behavior in the laboratory was associated with a greater likelihood of choosing
private sector employment after graduation,
whereas more equality-focused behavior was
associated with a greater likelihood of choosing
nonprofit sector employment.
CONCLUSION: Our findings indicate sharp
differences in distributional preferences between subjects of varying degrees of eliteness. These results provide a starting point
for future research on the distinct preferences
of the elite and differences in distributional
preferences across groups more generally.
From a policy perspective, our results suggest a new explanation for the modesty of the
policy response to the rise in income inequality in the United States: Regardless of
party, the policymaking elite is significantly
more focused on efficiency vis-a-vis equality
than is the U.S. public.

The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]
Cite this article as R. Fishman et al., Science 349, aab0096
(2015). DOI: 10.1126/science.aab0096






The distributional preferences

of an elite
Raymond Fisman,1* Pamela Jakiela,2 Shachar Kariv,3 Daniel Markovits4
We studied the distributional preferences of an elite cadre of Yale Law School students, a
group that will assume positions of power in U.S. society. Our experimental design
allows us to test whether redistributive decisions are consistent with utility maximization
and to decompose underlying preferences into two qualitatively different tradeoffs:
fair-mindedness versus self-interest, and equality versus efficiency. Yale Law School
subjects are more consistent than subjects drawn from the American Life Panel, a diverse
sample of Americans. Relative to the American Life Panel, Yale Law School subjects are
also less fair-minded and substantially more efficiency-focused. We further show that our
measure of equality-efficiency tradeoffs predicts Yale Law School students career choices:
Equality-minded subjects are more likely to be employed at nonprofit organizations.

rowing economic inequality has intensified interest in the distinctive attitudes

and behaviors of the American elite, whose
sense of entitlement increasingly captures
both general and scholarly attention (1).
The interest in elites is not just voyeuristic, but
practical; elites, and in particular graduates of
elite universities and professional schools, exert
considerable influence over public and private
policy in the United States today. For example,
over the past century more than half of the presidents, including the past four, attended Yale,
Harvard, or Princeton. The preferences of a relatively small number of current students will therefore have a large and highly disproportionate
impact on the future of the country as a whole.
We studied the distributional preferences of
an important pool of future elite policy-makers
and citizens: Juris Doctor (J.D.) students at the
Yale Law School (YLS). As Alexis de Tocqueville
observed in the 19th century, lawyers constitute
an American aristocracy and wield an outsized
influence over society in general and public policy in particular. Tocquevilles observations remain true today, particularly as they pertain to
a very small number of top law schools, of which
YLS is the most selective. Although the American
Bar Association does not rank law schools, YLS
has been ranked first in the country by U.S. News
and World Report every year since 1987, when it
began publishing the ranking (2). We compared
the distributional preferences of this elite group
of students to those of a sample drawn from the
American Life Panel (ALP), an internet survey of
a diverse population of U.S. adults.

Department of Economics, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA.

Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of
Maryland, College Park, MD, USA. 3Department of Economics,
University of California, Berkeley, Berkely, CA, USA. 4Yale Law
School, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA.
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]


Distributional preferences are important inputs into any measure of social welfare and enter
every realm of policy-making. These preferences
may naturally be divided into two qualitatively
different components: the tradeoff between fairmindedness and self-interest and the tradeoff
between equality and efficiency. Although these
two components of distributional preferences often
operate together, they are conceptually distinct.
First, policy-makers must constantly decide
whose interests matter and how much they matter.
A baseline commitment to fair-mindednessthe
ideal that all persons interests matter equally
should inform all legitimate public policy. But in
practice, fair-mindedness can be difficult to sustain against the many temptations to prefer ones
own interests over the interests of others.
Second, policy-makers trade off equality and
efficiency because reducing economic inequality
almost inevitably has a cost; to use Okuns (3)
famous metaphor, the transfer mechanisms that
promote equality all involve leaky buckets. Policymakers must thus decide, both in general and in
any number of particular cases, by how much
they are prepared to reduce aggregate income in
order to secure a more equal income distribution. A comparison of the familiar philosophical
theories of distributive justiceutilitarianism,
for example, and Rawlsianismfurther emphasizes the reasonable disagreements that fairminded (impartial) policy-makers may have in
trading off equality and efficiency.
In order to study the distributional preferences of an elite, we conducted laboratory experiments with YLS students using modified
dictator games that vary the relative price of
redistribution, building on the experiment first
used by Andreoni and Miller (4). These decision
problems are presented by using a graphical experimental interface that allows for the collection of rich individual-level data sets, as in (5).
Specifically, we study a dictator game in which a

subject divides an endowment between self

and an anonymous other. We denote persons
self and other by s and o, respectively, and the
associated monetary payoffs by ps and po. In
each decision problem, self allocates a unit endowment to ps and po at fixed price levels ps and po so
that psps + popo = 1. This configuration creates
budget sets over ps and po in which p = po/ps is
the relative price of redistribution.
The choice from a budget set indicates a subjects preferred allocation relative to a broad
range of possible alternatives; it therefore provides more information about preferences than
a choice from a discrete set of options would
reveal. Furthermore, because of the user-friendly
experimental interface, it is possible to present
each subject with many choices in the course of
a single experimental session, yielding an extremely rich data set. These data allow us to
apply powerful techniques from demand analysis to determine whether each subjects behavior is consistent with utility maximization and to
identify the structure of the utility function that
rationalizes each subjects choices.
Our analysis examines the differences between the distributional preferences of elite YLS
subjectsparticularly, their willingness to sacrifice efficiency to reduce inequalityand the
distributional preferences of the diverse sample
of (relatively less elite) Americans in the ALP
subject pool. In contrast to standard dictator
games that do not vary the relative price of
redistribution, our design allows us to separate
fair-mindedness from equality-efficiency tradeoffs by examining subjects responses to changes
in the relative price of redistribution. A subject
who decreases the expenditure share spent on
other, popo, when the relative price of redistribution p increases has distributional preferences
weighted toward efficiency (increasing total
payoffs), whereas a subject who increases popo
when p increases has distributional preferences
weighted toward equality (reducing differences
in payoffs). For each subject, we constructed a
measure of equality-efficiency tradeoffs by estimating a constant elasticity of substitution (CES)
utility function over payoffs to self and other. A
strength of this measure is that it has been shown
to predict the equality-efficiency tradeoffs in distributional settings involving multiple others (5)
and to predict the likelihood of voting for political candidates perceived as favoring greater
government redistribution (6). We further validated the external validity of our measure in
the present study by showing that it predicts
YLS subjects subsequent career choices. Taken
together, this suggests that our measure of equalityefficiency tradeoffs meaningfully captures individual distributional preferences that govern subjects
real-world decisions.
Subject pools
YLS subjects
We conducted experimental sessions at YLS
during the spring semesters of 2007, 2010, and
2013. The 3-year lag between experiments means
that each set of sessions draws from an entirely

SEPTEMBER 18 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254



new YLS student body. Of the 208 subjects in the

YLS sample, 199 reported their year of study;
91 subjects were 1st-year students, 61 were 2ndyear students, and the remainder were 3rd-year
students. Summary statistics on the basic sociodemographic characteristics of our two main
pools of subjects, the YLS and ALP samples, are
reported in Table 1 (7).
YLS enrolls about 200 students per year,
making it among the smallest and most selective graduate law schools in the United States.
In the most recent year for which data are available, YLS accepted only 11.3% of its (already elite)
college-educated applicants. YLS students tend
to come from educated, relatively well-off households. In our experiments, 95 YLS subjects reported that both parents hold graduate degrees,
and 113 grew up in U.S. ZIP codes where the average household income was above $70,000 in
2014 inflation-adjusted dollars (the mean household income in the U.S. was $72,641 in 2014). YLS
students also have extremely high expected future incomes; although YLS does not disclose the
starting salaries of its graduates, the median starting salary for graduates at top law schools such
as Yale, Harvard, and Columbia is $160,000 per
year (often augmented by signing bonuses). Overall, the YLS subjects are one of the most academically elite groups in the United States and can, in
expectation, expect to join the ranks of the economic and political elite as well.
ALP subjects
For comparative purposes, we present our YLS
data alongside a subset of the data of (6), collected in 2013 by using near-identical experiments with the ALP, an internet survey of more
than 5000 adult Americans. The overall sample
of ALP respondents is broadly comparable with
the U.S. population in terms of demographic
and socioeconomic characteristics; it includes
an enormous amount of demographic, socioeconomic, and geographic diversity. Fisman et al.
provide a detailed comparison of ALP subjects
with respondents from the American Community Survey (ACS) conducted by the U.S. Census
and representative of the U.S. population (6). The
subsample of 1002 ALP respondents in the subject pool described in (6) is remarkably consistent with the entire ALP sample.
To focus on ALP subjects comparable in age
with YLS subjects, we restricted attention to the

309 subjects in the original sample who were

aged 40 and under. Summary statistics on the
basic sociodemographics of the 309 subjects
included in our analysis are reported in Table 1.
As Table 1 indicates, the overwhelming majority
of the ALP subjects are less educated than the
YLS subjects.
Intermediate elites
We probed the generalizability of our results
with the YLS and ALP samples by examining
the behavior of two intermediate elites. This
can help to rule out, in particular, the possibility that we are simply picking up a law school
effect. First, we compared the most highly educated, wealthy ALP subjects to a nonelite comparison group of ALP subjects with less education
and income. Second, we compared subjects drawn
from the large and diverse student body of University of California, Berkeley (UCB) undergraduates to the full sample of ALP subjects (aged
40 and under). By examining these two intermediate elites, including one drawn from a broad
cross-section of the general (primarily nonstudent) population, our aim was to assess the extent to which our conclusions are likely to reflect
the distinctive distributional preferences of the
U.S. elite, and not just those of YLS students or,
more broadly, those in the legal profession.
ALP elite
We classify an ALP respondent as elite if she or
he is employed, reported an annual household
income over $100,000, and holds a graduate
degree. In the experiments of Fisman et al., only
9 of the 309 subjects aged 40 and under met
these criteria (6). To obtain a larger sample of elite
ALP subjects, we conducted an additional round
of experiments in 2014, inviting all ALP respondents who met our criteria for eliteness to participate, along with a comparison group of nonelite
ALP respondents (who were also employed and
aged 40 and under but reported household incomes below $100,000 and did not hold graduate
degrees). Combining the data on elite and nonelite ALP subjects from our two waves of experiments, we defined two additional samples: ALP elite
(54 subjects) and ALP nonelite (206 subjects) (8).
UCB student elite
We also examined a second intermediate elite:
undergraduate students at UCB, which is ranked

Table 1. Summary statistics on subjects in YLS and ALP samples.

Subject pool
YLS subjects

ALP subjects

in the United States
Completed college



SEPTEMBER 18 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254


as the worlds top public university and among the

most prestigious universitiespublic or private
globally. As a large public university, UCB draws
its students from a diverse range of socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds. It is therefore a
useful additional comparator for assessing both
whether the patterns we attributed to the YLS
subjects eliteness hold more broadly, and also
for emphasizing the extreme preferences we observed in the highly elite YLS sample. To this end,
we used data collected in 2004 and 2011 in identical experiments at the UCB Experimental Social
Science Laboratory (Xlab). The Xlab draws its
subjects from all students and administrative
staff, but most subjects in its experiments are
undergraduate students. Fisman et al. describe
the make-up of UCB student population during
20042011 and the composition of the UCB
subjects in these experiments (9).
The experiment
In our experiments, we presented subjects with a
sequence of 50 decision problems in which each
choice has consequences for self (the subject) and
for an anonymous other. Each decision problem
is presented as a choice from a two-dimensional
budget set. A choice of the allocation (x, y) from
the budget set represents an allocation between
accounts: Self received the tokens allocated to
the y account, and other received the tokens allocated to the x account. More precisely, each decision involved choosing a point on a budget set
over possible token allocations to self and other
so that psps + popo = 1, where ps and po correspond
to the payoffs to self and other, respectively, and
p = po/ps is the relative price of redistribution. In
each decision problem, the computer selected a
budget set at random from the set of budget sets
that intersected at least one of the axes at 50 or
more experimental tokens, but with neither intercept exceeding 100 tokens. These decision
problems were presented by use of a graphical
interface, and choices were made by using the
mouse to move the pointer on the screen to the
desired point (10). At the end of the experiment,
one of each subjects choices was randomly selected to determine final payouts.
Framework for analysis
Nonparametric analysis
The most basic question to ask about choice
data is whether it is consistent with individual
utility maximization. If budget sets are linear
(as in our experiment), classical revealed preference theory provides a direct test (1113): Choices
from a finite collection of budget sets are consistent with maximizing a piecewise linear, continuous, increasing, and concave utility function
if and only if they satisfy the Generalized Axiom
of Revealed Preference (GARP) (14). Hence, to
assess whether an individual subjects choice
data are consistent with utility-maximizing behavior, we needed to check whether the data
satisfy GARP. Because our subjects make choices
over a wide range of intersecting budget sets,
our data provide a stringent test of utility maximization (15). SCIENCE


Fig. 1. CCEIs. (A and B) Histograms of the CCEI in (A) the YLS and ALP samples and (B) the ALP elite versus nonelite samples. CCEIs closer to 1 mean
the data are closer to perfect consistency with GARP and hence to perfect consistency with utility maximization.

The mean CCEI in the YLS sample is 0.95, and
the median is 0.99, indicating that the overwhelming majority of the YLS subjects make
choices that are perfectly or almost perfectly

Our subjects CCEIs are sufficiently near 1 to
justify treating the data as utility-generated. If
we also assume separability and homotheticity,
then the underlying utility function us(ps,po)
that rationalizes the data must be a member of
the CES family. We now turn to the analysis of
our estimates of the individual CES utility parameters, a n and r n . The distributions of a n and r n
in the YLS and the ALP samples are summarized
in Fig. 2. Across all categories of self-interest
(fair-minded, intermediate, and selfish), the YLS

In this section, we provide results from the YLS

and ALP samples. We first examine whether
the data observed in our experiment could have
been generated by a subject maximizing a wellbehaved utility function. We then proceed to our
econometric analysis by imposing further structure on the data in order to recover the underlying distributional preferences.

Experimental results

consistent with utility maximization. For comparison, the mean CCEI in the ALP sample is
0.86, and the median is 0.89. Thus, the choices
of the ALP subjects are generally consistent
with utility maximization (18). Nonetheless, the
CCEIs of the YLS subjects are substantially
higher than those of subjects in the ALP sample.
A Wilcoxon rank-sum test rejects the hypothesis
that the distributions of CCEIs are equal (P < 0.001).
Histograms of CCEIs of both the YLS and ALP subjects are presented in Fig. 1A. Relative to the CCEIs
of the general population in the ALP sample, the
CCEIs of YLS subjects are skewed to the right (19).

SEPTEMBER 18 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254


whereas those with r < 0 have distributional

preferences weighted toward minimizing inequality (reducing differences in payoffs).
Our estimation was done for each subject n
separately, generating individual-level estimates
of the CES parameters. Specifically, we normalized prices at each observation and estimated
demand in terms of budget shares, which are
bounded between 0 and 1, using nonlinear
Tobit maximum likelihood.

where a represents the relative weight on the

payoff for self vis-a-vis other (fair-mindedness),
and r represents the curvature of the indifference curves (equality-efficiency tradeoffs).
Those with a = 1/2 are fair-minded in the
sense that they place equal weight on the payoffs
to self and other; those with a = 1 are perfectly
selfish and do not put any weight on the payoff
to other. Those with 1/2 < a < 1 exhibit some
(intermediate) degree of fair-mindedness. For
any r > 0, an increase in the relative price of
redistribution raisesand for any r < 0, and increase in the relative price of redistribution
lowersthe expenditure share on tokens allocated to self, psps. Thus, those with r > 0 have
distributional preferences weighted toward maximizing efficiency (increasing total payoffs),

us ps ; po aps r 1 apo r 1=r

In the case of two goods, consistency with GARP

and budget balancedness together imply that
the demand function is homogeneous of degree
zero. If we also assume separability and homotheticity, then the underlying utility function
must be a member of the constant elasticity of
substitution (CES) family (17). The CES utility
function is given by

Parametric analysis

Fig. 2. Classifying subjects distributional

preferences. We
classify subjects as
either fair-minded (a n <
0.95), or selfish (a n >
0.95) and as either
equality-focused (r n <
0) or efficiency-focused
(r n > 0). The bars show
the fraction of subjects
in each category of
self-interest in the YLS
and ALP samples. Each
bar is then split into
equality-focused and
efficiency-focused subgroups, denoted by blue and gray, respectively.

GARP provides a discrete test of utility

maximizationeither the data satisfy GARP or
they do notbut individual choices frequently
involve errors; subjects may compute incorrectly, execute intended choices incorrectly, or err
in other less obvious ways. To account for the
possibility of errors, we assessed how nearly individual choice behavior complies with GARP by
using Afriats (16) critical cost efficiency index
(CCEI), which measures the fraction by which
each budget constraint must be shifted in order
to remove all violations of GARP. By definition,
the CCEI is between 0 and 1: indices closer to
1 mean that the data are closer to perfect consistency with GARP and hence to consistency
with utility maximization.



subjects. After controlling for age, gender, and

education level, we still find that YLS subjects are
significantly less fair-minded than are ALP subjects (P = 0.002), but the point estimate drops
to 0.084.
We next present a specification with the
equality-efficiency tradeoff parameter as the
dependent variable. Because the distribution of
r n is highly skewed (r n ranges from V to 1 and
a number of subjects have very low values of r n ),
we estimate quantile regressions that are less
sensitive to extreme values. We report results for
the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles in second
through fourth columns of Table 2, respectively.
Across all three quantiles, the values of r n are
significantly higher in the YLS sample than in
the ALP sample (P < 0.001), indicating that the
YLS subjects are significantly more focused on
efficiency vis-a-vis equality than are the ALP subjects. After adding controls, the point estimates
on YLS are reduced by about one half, but for
both the 50th and 75th percentiles, the coefficient remains significant (P = 0.003 and 0.001,
As an alternative approach to dealing with the
skewed distribution of r n , in the fifth column of
Table 2 we present a probit specification using an

right of the ALP samples distribution of r n values, indicating a much higher degree of efficiency
orientation in our elite sample. A substantial
majority of YLS subjects have estimated r n parameters above 0.5 (60.1% of subjects), indicating
a very high degree of efficiency focus; for comparison, only 17.8% of ALP subjects have estimated r n parameters that high.
We next turned to regression analyses that
more systematically examine the differences
in fair-mindedness (a n ) and equality-efficiency
tradeoffs (r n ) between the YLS and ALP samples.
We defined an indicator variable to denote the
YLS sample and present the results of individuallevel regressions with this as the primary explanatory variable in Table 2, which includes the
results with no individual-level controls and when
we control for gender, age, and education level
(having a college degree).
In the first column of Table 2, we present a
specification with the fair-mindedness parameter
as the dependent variable, using a Tobit model
that allows for the censoring of a n at 1. The parameters are, on average, 0.12 higher in the YLS
sample than in the ALP sample (P < 0.001), indicating that the YLS subjects are substantially
and significantly less fair-minded than the ALP

subjects are substantially more efficiency-focused

than are the ALP subjects drawn from the general population. Overall, 79.8% of YLS subjects
are efficiency-focused (r n > 0) versus only 49.8%
of the ALP sample. In addition, the YLS subjects
are less likely to be classified as fair-minded and
more likely to be classified as selfish than are the
ALP subjects: 14.4% of YLS subjects are classified as fair-minded, as compared with 37.2% of
ALP subjects; conversely, 31.7 and 16.2% of YLS
and ALP subjects, respectively, are classified as
selfish (20).
The distributions of the parameter estimates
a n and r n for the both YLS and ALP samples
are presented in Figs. 3 and 4, respectively. The
distribution of the estimated a n parameters of
the YLS sample is skewed sharply to the right,
relative to the distribution of the ALP sample
(Fig. 3A); the YLS subjects are substantially less
likely to have estimated a n parameters below
0.6 (22.1 versus 52.4%), are somewhat more
likely to have estimated a n parameters between
0.6 and 0.9 (42.3 versus 27.5 %), and substantially more likely to have estimated a n parameters above 0.9 (35.6 versus 20.1 %). As shown in
Fig. 4A, the distribution of the estimated r n
parameters of the YLS sample lies clearly to the

Fig. 3. Estimated a n parameters. (A and B) Histograms of the a n estimates in (A) the YLS and ALP samples and (B) the ALP elite versus nonelite
samples. a n indexes fair-mindedness: the relative utility weight placed on ones own payoff vis--vis the payoff to other.

Fig. 4. Estimated r n parameters. (A and B) Histograms of the r n estimates in (A) the YLS and ALP samples and (B) the ALP elite versus nonelite
samples. r n indexes equality-efficiency tradeoffs; r n values closer to 1 indicate greater efficiency focus.




Table 2. Regressions of estimated CES parameters, by subject pool. Standard errors are in parentheses. ***, significance at the 99% level; **, significance
at the 95% level; *, significance at the 90% level.

Quantile regressions
50th percentile

75th percentile

25th percentile




Ir n > 0

Without controls







YLS student








porate sectors are 0.439, 0.648 and 0.745, respectively. A Wilcoxon rank-sum test rejects the
hypothesis that the nonprofit and corporate subsamples have equal r n distributions (P = 0.057).
A rank-sum tests rejects equality of the r n distributions in the corporate and academia/government
subsamples (P = 0.035) but (unsurprisingly given
the small sample sizes) does not reject the hypothesis that the r n distributions in the nonprofit
and academia/government subsamples are equal
(P = 0.637).
Last, we further investigated the relationship
between the equality-efficiency tradeoffs of YLS
subjects and their career choices using an ordered logit regression, ranking the (ascending)
efficiency orientation of employment types as
nonprofit, academia/government, or corporate.
We report the results in Table 3. Given the skewed
distribution of the estimated r n parameters, we
provide two alternative specifications: in Table 3,
column 1, the independent variable is an indicator for having an above median (within the
YLS sample) r n value, whereas in column 2 it is
the decile of the estimated r n distribution. Table 3
also shows the results both with no individuallevel controls and when we control for gender, age
at the time the subject participated in the experiment, and the year of participation (either 2007
or 2010). The estimation results confirm our findings above in a regression setting: Our experimental measure of equality-efficiency tradeoffs
predicts YLS subjects subsequent career choices.


tributional preferences, as captured in our experiment, are reflected in behavior in a natural

decision environments by looking at subjects
(early) career choices.
In late 2014, we obtained approval to access
the names of subjects in the first two waves of
the YLS experiment fielded in 2007 and 2010
(subjects who participated in 2013 are still students at YLS or at extremely early stages of their
careers). We were able to track down, via Web
searches, the career choices of 137 out of the
139 subjects (22). Of these, 119 subjects (86.9%)
could be cleanly classified based on employer
type: nonprofit (33 subjects), academia (13 subjects), government (18 subjects), and corporate
(66 subjects). Of the remaining 17 subjects, 14 subjects extended their training as clerks, a position
that can serve as preparation for a range of legal
careers, and three continued their schooling.
YLS graduates who chose nonprofit careers
tended to pursue the equality-related rights and
interests of the disenfranchised. In contrast,
YLS graduates who work in the corporate sector
overwhelmingly serve as managers or deal-makers
whose basic purpose is to extract efficiencies on
behalf of their employers or clients. Moreover,
although this observation is perhaps more anecdotal, the corporate workplace itself is more
single-mindedly structured around efficiency than
are workplaces in the nonprofit sector. We grouped
government and academia as an intermediate case
and examined whether the nonprofit and corporate
subsamples have substantially and significantly
lower and higher, respectively, efficiency orientations relative to other YLS subjects.
We assert that the existence of a relationship
between our experimental measure of the equalityefficiency tradeoffs of YLS subjects and their realworld career choices would confer substantial
external validity on the conclusions drawn from
our laboratory experiments (23). The median r n
parameter value among YLS subjects employed
in the nonprofit, academia/government, and cor-


Our results above show that subjects drawn from

the student population at YLSthe future U.S.
eliteare much more rational (in the sense of
implementing a consistent, complete, and transitive preference ordering) and are far more inclined to favor efficiency over equality relative
to subjects drawn from the ALP, a diverse crosssection of Americans. Yet, this analysis rests on
the assumption of external validity; we assume
that our individual-level laboratory experimental measure of equality-efficiency tradeoffs predicts the willingness to trade off equality and
efficiency outside the laboratory. As discussed
above, our experimental design was selected
in part because it has been shown to predict
equality-efficiency tradeoffs in a range of experimental settings (5) and to predict voting behavior (6). To further assess the external validity
of our experimental measure of equality-efficiency
tradeoffs, we tested whether YLS subjects dis-


External validityYLS subjects

career choices


indicator for efficiency-oriented subjects (r n > 0)

as the dependent variable. We found that the
YLS subjects are 29.2 percentage points more
likely to be efficiency-focused than are the ALP
subjects (P < 0.001). After controlling for demographics, the YLS subjects are still 14.1 percentage points more likely to be efficiency-focused
than are the ALP subjects (P = 0.016).
Our results are thus robust to the inclusion of
controls for age, gender, and education. Education is a defining feature of the elite, and as
such, whether it should be accounted independently for its role is unclear. Still, we argue in
the spirit of Altonji et al. (21) that if unobserved
attributeswhich we would have expected a
priori to be correlated with educationwere a
dominant source of the observed correlation between elite status and distributional preferences,
then adding controls should have had a substantial effect on the estimated associations.




Intermediate elites
We last examined whether our findings on the
distinct distributional preferences of YLS subjects can plausibly be applied to elites more
broadly. This analysis helps to ensure that we
are not simply picking up an effect peculiar to
the YLS population. To do so, we examined the
behaviors of two intermediate elites who participated in identical experiments. First, we compared the most highly educated, wealthy ALP

SEPTEMBER 18 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254








With controls








Elite UCB subjects

We next turned to a second intermediate elite:
undergraduates at UCB. Again paralleling our
main analysis, histograms comparing the CCEIs,
fair-mindedness (a n ), and equality-efficiency
tradeoffs (r n ) between the UCB subjects and
the ALP subjects drawn from the general population are shown in figs. S1, S2, and S3. Overall,
the differences between the ALP subjects and
the UCB subjects are very similar to the differences between the ALP and YLS subjects.
A sharp difference in CCEIs between the UCB
subjects and ALP subjects is shown in fig. S1,
although the difference is slightly smaller than
that observed in comparing the CCEIs of the
YLS subjects with those of the ALP subjects. A
Wilcoxon rank-sum test rejects the equality of
the distributions (P < 0.001). Turning to the distributions of fair-mindedness (a n ), there is an
even larger gap between the UCB and ALP subjects than between the YLS and the ALP subjects
(reported in our main analysis); the median values
for the UCB and ALP subject pools are 0.888

SEPTEMBER 18 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254


We classify an ALP subject as elite if she or he is

employed, has an annual household income of
over $100,000, and holds a graduate degree
(although this definition does not approach the
eliteness of the YLS subjects). We compared the
elite ALP subjects with nonelite ALP subjects who
are employed but with incomes below $100,000
and no graduate degree. The ALP subsample we
used for this elite versus nonelite analysis comprises data collected across two waves of experiments and includes 54 ALP elite and 206 ALP
nonelite subjects. Paralleling our main analysis, histograms comparing CCEI scores, fair-mindedness
(a n ), and equality-efficiency tradeoffs (r n ) between
the ALP elite and ALP nonelite subsamples are
presented in Figs. 1B, 3B, and 4B, respectively.
As shown in Fig. 1B, the distribution of CCEI
scores for the ALP elite subjects is skewed to
the right relative to that of the ALP nonelites.
The mean and median CCEI scores of ALP elites
are 0.882 and 0.945 versus 0.857 and 0.891 for
nonelites, and a Wilcoxon rank-sum test rejects
the equality of the distributions (P = 0.014). A
much more modest association between ALP
elite status and fair-mindedness (a n ) is shown in
Fig. 3Bthe mean and median values are 0.687 and
0.612 versus 0.659 and 0.576 for elites and nonelites,
respectively. This indicates, as with our main analysis, a lower level of fair-mindedness among the

Elite ALP subjects

elite, although here the difference in distributions

is modest and statistically insignificant (Wilcoxon
rank-sum test P = 0.429).
Last, there are sharp differences between the
ALP elite and nonelite subjects in their equalityefficiency tradeoffs (r n ) (Fig. 4B). Although we
cannot reject the equality of the distributions
(Wilcoxon rank-sum test P = 0.209), a much
larger fraction of ALP elite subjects have high
values of r n , indicating greater efficiency focus.
Specifically, 38.9% of the ALP elite subjects have
estimated r n parameters of at least 0.5, as compared with only 15.5% for the ALP nonelites. In
contrast, only 24.1% of the ALP elite subjects have
intermediate r n parameters between 0.5 and
0.5 as compared with 53.4% of ALP nonelite subjects. Thus, as with the YLS elite, we observed a
stronger efficiency orientation among elites than
among nonelites within the ALP subject pool (24).

respondents with a comparison group of nonelite ALP respondents with less education and
income. Second, we compared UCB undergraduate students with the ALP respondents
drawn from the general population. By examining two different intermediate elites, including
one drawn from a broad cross-section of the
general (primarily nonstudent) population, our
aim was to assess the extent to which our conclusions are likely to reflect the distinctive distributional preferences of the U.S. elite, and not
just those of YLS students.


of estimated r n

Without controls
median r n

Dependent variable: post-YLS career category

and 0.591, respectively (Wilcoxon rank-sum test

P < 0.001) (fig. S2).
Last, there is a sharp difference between the
UCB and ALP subjects in their equality-efficiency
tradeoffs (r n ) (fig. S3). Although not as great
as the difference in r n values for the YLS and
ALP subjects, the UCB subjects r n values are
skewed to the right relative to ALP subjects,
indicating a greater efficiency orientation. The
median r n values are 0.259 and 0.005 for UCB
and ALP subjects, respectively; a Wilcoxon ranksum test rejects equality of the distributions
(P < 0.001) (25).

Table 3. Ordered logit estimation of YLS subjects career choices. Standard errors in parentheses.
***, significance at the 99% level; **, significance at the 95% level; *, significance at the 90% level.
Dependent variable is equal to 1 for subjects who work in the nonprofit sector, equal to 2 for subjects who
work in academia or government, and equal to 3 for subjects who work in the corporate sector. Controls
are for age, gender, and year of experimental session.

Concluding remarks
People from all walks of life implement their
distributional preferences in the real world. This
is especially true for the elite YLS students in
our sample, many of whom will assume positions
of substantial power in economic and political
affairs. We decomposed distributional preferences
into two qualitatively different componentsfairmindedness and equality-efficiency tradeoffs
and measured both at the individual level in
diverse samples of varying degrees of eliteness.
Our experiment enabled us to distinguish fairmindedness from equality-efficiency tradeoffs
in the laboratory and to assess the extent of efficiency orientation in subject pools with different
degrees of eliteness.
The increase in wealth and income inequality
within and across countries is one of the defining social, economic, and political challenges
of our time. Our results offer a potential new explanation for the muted policy response to increased income inequality in the United States:
The equality-efficiency tradeoffs of the policymaking elite are such that they are far less inclined than is the general population to sacrifice
efficiency to promote equality. As Gilens and
Page (26) found, the preferences of the economic
elites are far more correlated with public policy
choices than are the preferences of the general
public. Although there are many factors that
contribute to the limited distributional response
to rising inequality in the United States (ranging from loss-aversion, to attitudes toward fairtreatment of oneself by others, to moral hazard
concerns, to beliefs about the extent of inequality),
we focus on one potential cause: By favoring
efficiency over equality, policy-makers may be
acting on their own distributional preferences,
which may be closely aligned with the interests
and preferences of other members of the elite.
The connections we draw between laboratory
results and the degrees of eliteness promise to
help in understanding the policies and practices
that are implemented by the elite or the establishment in the broader world, and the experimental techniques and results that we have
already developed provide promising tools for
future work in this area.
Our results contribute to the broader discussion of the interplay between distributional
preferences and tax policy. The vast and growing body of work on this topic includes theoretical analyses, experiments in the laboratory SCIENCE



1. The term affluenza has entered the English language to

describe the phenomenon of growing elite entitlement
and excessive consumption, and academic work has connected
higher socioeconomic class to a greater expressed sense of
entitlement and greater narcissism (29). We conceptualize
elite status in terms of educational attainment and
lifetime wealth.
2. All nine sitting Supreme Court justices and two of the past
three presidents (as well as a frontrunner to become the next
president) are graduates of either Yale or Harvard Law
Schools. Most YLS students are also destined for membership
in the economic elite, creating another potential channel of
policy influence.
3. A. M. Okun, Equality and Efficiency: The Big Tradeoff (Brookings
Institution Press, Washington, DC, 1975).
4. J. Andreoni, J. Miller, Giving according to GARP: An
experimental test of the consistency of preferences for
altruism. Econometrica 70, 737753 (2002). doi: 10.1111/14680262.00302
5. R. Fisman, S. Kariv, D. Markovits, Individual preferences for
giving. Am. Econ. Rev. 97, 18581876 (2007). doi: 10.1257/
6. R. Fisman, P. Jakiela, S. Kariv, The distributional preferences of
Americans. National Bureau of Economic Research 20145
(2014); available at
7. Detailed demographic data are not available for the YLS
student body as a whole, but the evidence that we do have
indicates that our YLS sample is broadly representative of the
student body. Of YLS students graduating between 2007
and 2015, 46.7% were women, and 46.6% of our YLS subjects
are female. Between 2007 and 2015, the average age at
graduation was 28, whereas the average age in our YLS sample
is 25.4 (but subjects are drawn from all 3 years of law
school, and 1st-year students are slightly overrepresented).
8. In our ALP elites versus nonelites analysis, we omit 157 of the
309 ALP subjects aged 40 and under from the experiment of
(6) who did not report their household incomes, provided
inconsistent responses to the two-part income question in
the ALP survey, were unemployed, or did not meet our criteria
for (either) eliteness or noneliteness (for example, because
they held graduate degrees but reported low household
9. R. Fisman, P. Jakiela, S. Kariv, How did distributional
preferences change during the great recession? J. Public Econ.
128, 8495 (2015). doi: 10.1016/j.jpubeco.2015.06.001
10. Materials and methods are available as supplementary
materials on Science Online.
11. S. N. Afriat, The construction of utility functions from
expenditure data. Int. Econ. Rev. 8, 6777 (1967).
doi: 10.2307/2525382


12. H. R. Varian, The nonparametric approach to demand analysis.

Econometrica 50, 945972 (1982). doi: 10.2307/1912771
13. H. R. Varian, Non-parametric tests of consumer behavior.
Rev. Econ. Stud. 50, 99110 (1983). doi: 10.2307/2296957
14. Let fpi ; pi g50
i1 be the data generated by some individuals
choices, where pi denotes the ith observation of the price
vector, and pi denotes the associated allocation. An allocation
pi is directly revealed preferred to pj, denoted piRDpj, if pi pi
pi pj. An allocation pi is revealed preferred to a pj, denoted
piRpj, if there exists a sequence of allocations fpk gKk1 with
p1 = pi and pK = pj, so that pkRDpk+1 for every k = 1,...K 1.
In this notation, GARP requires that if piRpj, then pj pj pj pi
(that is, if pi is revealed preferred to pj, then pi must cost
at least as much as pj at the prices prevailing when pj is
15. Choi et al. (30) provide more details on the power of the GARP
test. Bronars (31) builds on Becker (32) to provide a test
based on a comparison of the behavior of actual subjects to
the behavior of simulated subjects who randomize uniformly
on each budget line. The power of Bronars test is defined to
be the probability that a random subject violates GARP. In our
experimental design, all random subjects had violations,
implying that the Bronars criterion attains its maximum value.
16. S. N. Afriat, Effciency estimates of production functions.
Int. Econ. Rev. 13, 568598 (1972). doi: 10.2307/2525845
17. The multiple decisions that subjects make could lead to their
conceiving of their choices as a portfolio. As a result,
equality-focused subjects might make choices that are less
equality-focused by allocating more than their conception of
fairness requires to self if the relative price of redistribution
exceeds one and more to other if the relative price of
redistribution is less than one, evaluating their portfolio of
choices according to its expected payoff. Because a single
decision round is used for payoffs, an equality-focused subject
that follows this approach will create extreme inequality ex
post. This approach also is not supported by the experimental
data; very few subjects allocate all of the tokens to self
when the relative price of redistribution is greater than one, or
none of the tokens to self when the relative price of
redistribution is less than one. More generally, it is possible
that a subject implementing a preference over the rounds
approached as a portfolio might appear, on account of our
focusing on separate rounds, to be implementing a different
preference. But only unusual preference orderings have the
property that when implemented over portfolios, they appear
as the consistent implementation of different preferences
round by round. Many preferences over portfolios will instead
generate inconsistent choices analyzed round by round. Our
subjects almost uniformly high CCEI scores thus constitute
strong evidence against the hypothesis that they approach the
rounds as a portfolio.
18. Following Bronars (31), we compared the behavior of our
actual subjects with the behavior of simulated subjects who
randomize uniformly on each budget line. The mean CCEI in a
sample of 25,000 simulated subjects is only 0.60; the vast
majority of YLS subjects and many ALP subjects have CCEIs
above 0.90, whereas none of the simulated subjects had a
CCEI that high.
19. We found similar results when we screened out selfish subjects
who allocate themselves an average of more than 95% of
the tokens.
20. We found nearly identical results when different an thresholds
were used to classify subjects as fair-minded and selfish.
Because the CES form approaches the Cobb-Douglas function
as r 0 (so that the expenditure shares are
pas p1a
constant for any price of redistribution p), we only consider
rn 0 as the threshold between preferences weighted
toward efficiency versus equality.
21. J. G. Altonji, T. E. Elder, C. R. Taber, Selection on observed and
unobserved variables: Assessing the effectiveness of Catholic
schools. J. Polit. Econ. 113, 151184 (2005). doi: 10.1086/
22. Of the two with no career data, one had, according to LinkedIn,
left his or her last place of employment in 2011 but provided
no further information. For the second subject, we could
find no information whatsoever.
23. We did not perform a parallel analysis for the parameter measuring
fair-mindedness. Fair-mindedness may implicate payoffs beyond


monetary income. Although elite jobs in the nonprofit,

government, and academic sectors pay less than elite corporatesector jobs pay, they may offer substantial compensating
personal benefits in the form of reputation. We therefore
do not think it sensible to associate corporate employment
with selfishness and nonprofit employment with
In table S1, we replicate the regression analyses reported in
Table 2 with the ALP elite versus nonelite samples. We did not
find a statistically significant association between ALP elite
and equality-efficiency tradeoffs at the 50th percentile
(P = 0.224), although we found a statistically significant
association at the 75th percentile (P = 0.016). The differences
between elites and nonelites are also insignificant when we
look at CCEI scores and estimated an parameters, but the
coefficients are directionally consistent with higher consistency
and lower fair-mindedness among elite subjects. Adding
controls for gender and age has little effect on the coefficient
estimates or significance levels.
In table S2, we replicate the regression analyses reported in
Table 2 using the UCB and ALP samples. The differences
between the UCB and ALP subjects are always in the same
direction as the differences between the YLS and ALP subjects
and are always statistically significant. We cannot include
controls because we were unable to obtain individual-level data
on UCB subjects owing to privacy concerns.
M. Gilens, B. I. Page, Testing theories of American politics:
Elites, interest groups, and average citizens. Perspect. Polit. 12,
564581 (2014). doi: 10.1017/S1537592714001595
E. Saez, S. Stancheva, Generalized social marginal welfare
weights for optimal tax theory. National Bureau of Economic
Research 18835 (2013); available at
I. Kuziemko, M. I. Norton, E. Saez, S. Stancheva, How
elastic are preferences for redistribution? Evidence from
randomized survey experiments. National Bureau of Economic
Research 18865 (2013); available at
P. K. Piff, Wealth and the inflated self: Class, entitlement, and
narcissism. Pers. Soc. Psychol. Bull. 40, 3443 (2014).
doi: 10.1177/0146167213501699; pmid: 23963971
S. Choi, R. Fisman, D. Gale, S. Kariv, Revealing preferences
graphically: An old method gets a new toolkit. Am. Econ. Rev.
97, 153158 (2007). doi: 10.1257/aer.97.2.153
S. G. Bronars, The power of nonparametric tests of preference
maximization. Econometrica 55, 693698 (1987). doi:
G. S. Becker, Irrational behavior and economic theory. J. Polit.
Econ. 70, 113 (1962). doi: 10.1086/258584

and in the field, and surveys of distributional

preferences, as well as the related but distinct
notion of preferences for government redistribution. A recent study emphasizes the critical
role that distributional preferences should play
as a determinant of distributive policies generally and optimal tax policy in particular (27).
This entire body of work overlooks a critical
mediating factor between the measured distributional preferences of the general population
and implemented policy choices: namely, the
extent to which the distributional preferences
of those in power differ from the preferences of
voters. Ours is the first study to emphasize the
existence of such differences, laying the groundwork for better understanding why public policy
outcomes may diverge from stated voter preferences. We thus open a new and important window
onto familiar mysteries, including the modesty of
the policy response to rising inequality even in
the face of growing popular outrage (28).










We are grateful to J. Andreoni, D. Bernheim, S. DellaVigna,

C. Jolls, D. Kahan, B. Polak, M. Rabin, E. Saez and A. Schwartz
for helpful discussions and comments. This paper has also
benefitted from suggestions by the participants of seminars
at several universities and conferences. The experiments
reported in this paper were funded by the Columbia University
Graduate School of Business, the Center for Equitable Growth
at UCB, YLS, and the Oscar M. Reubhausen Fund. S.K.
acknowledges the National Science Foundation and the
Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) for
financial support. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or
recommendations expressed in this material are those of
the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of any
funding agency. Replication data files are available online at

Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S3
Tables S1 and S2
References (3336)
16 March 2015; accepted 10 August 2015

SEPTEMBER 18 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254





A stable trimeric influenza

hemagglutinin stem as a broadly
protective immunogen
Antonietta Impagliazzo,1* Fin Milder,1 Harmjan Kuipers,1 Michelle V. Wagner,2||
Xueyong Zhu,3 Ryan M. B. Hoffman,3 Ruud van Meersbergen,1 Jeroen Huizingh,1
Patrick Wanningen,1 Johan Verspuij,1 Martijn de Man,1 Zhaoqing Ding,2||
Adrian Apetri,1 Baak Kkrer,1 Eveline Sneekes-Vriese,1 Danuta Tomkiewicz,1
Nick S. Laursen,3 Peter S. Lee,3 Anna Zakrzewska,1 Liesbeth Dekking,1
Jeroen Tolboom,1 Lisanne Tettero,1 Sander van Meerten,1 Wenli Yu,3
Wouter Koudstaal,1 Jaap Goudsmit,1 Andrew B. Ward,3 Wim Meijberg,1
Ian A. Wilson,3* Katarina Radoevi1#
The identification of human broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs) targeting the hemagglutinin
(HA) stem revitalized hopes of developing a universal influenza vaccine. Using a rational
design and library approach, we engineered stable HA stem antigens (mini-HAs) based
on an H1 subtype sequence. Our most advanced candidate exhibits structural and bnAb
binding properties comparable to those of full-length HA, completely protects mice in lethal
heterologous and heterosubtypic challenge models, and reduces fever after sublethal challenge
in cynomolgus monkeys. Antibodies elicited by this mini-HA in mice and nonhuman primates
bound a wide range of HAs, competed with human bnAbs for HA stem binding, neutralized H5N1
viruses, and mediated antibody-dependent effector activity. These results represent a proof of
concept for the design of HA stem mimics that elicit bnAbs against influenza A group 1 viruses.

he ultimate goal of influenza vaccinology

is the development of a universal vaccine
that protects against a wide range of strains
and subtypes, thereby eliminating the need
for seasonal reformulation of vaccines and
providing an effective defense against viruses
with pandemic potential. The relatively recent
discovery of broadly neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies (bnAbs) against influenza
viruses (18) has raised hopes that a broadly protective vaccine may indeed be feasible (913).
Because the majority of these bnAbs are directed
toward highly conserved conformational epitopes

Crucell Vaccine Institute, Janssen Center of Excellence for
Immunoprophylaxis, Archimedesweg 4-6, 2301 CA Leiden,
Netherlands. 2Crucell Vaccine Institute, Janssen Center of
Excellence for Immunoprophylaxis, 3210 Merryfield Row, San
Diego, CA 92121, USA. 3Department of Integrative Structural
and Computational Biology, The Scripps Research Institute,
10550 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA.

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] (A.I.);

[email protected] (I.A.W.) Present address: Janssen Prevention Center, Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson &
Johnson, Archimedesweg 4-6, 2301 CA Leiden, Netherlands.
These authors contributed equally to this work. Present address:
Infectious Diseases and Vaccines Therapeutic Area, Janssen
Research and Development, Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of
Johnson & Johnson, Archimedesweg 4-6, 2301 CA Leiden,
Netherlands. ||Present address: Janssen Prevention Center,
Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson, 3210
Merryfield Row, San Diego, CA 92121, USA. Present address:
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University,
Aarhus 8000, Denmark. #Present address: Global Biotherapeutics,
Sanofi, 94400 Vitry-sur-Seine, France.


in the hemagglutinin (HA) stem (1, 2, 4, 5, 7), this

region may have the potential to induce broad
protective immunity, provided it is well exposed
and properly presented.
Various strategies to enhance exposure of the
HA stem to the immune system are being explored, including presentation on self-assembling
nanoparticles (14), chimeric HAs (15, 16), epitope
transplantation on a virus-like particle (17), and
immune refocusing (18). Yet another approach
involves removal of the HA head while stabilizing the HA stem. A prerequisite for generating a
broadly protective soluble HA stem immunogen
is that it is stable and structurally resembles the
stem of full-length (FL) HA. This simple and elegant concept is complicated by serious structural
constraints (19). HA is a metastable trimeric surface glycoprotein (20, 21) that undergoes extensive conformational rearrangements at low pH
(22). Removal of the transmembrane domain and
HA head without extensive structural modifications to stabilize the remaining molecule inevitably leads to loss of native conformation of the HA
stem (19) and concomitant loss of conformational
bnAb epitopes. Previously reported soluble HA
stemderived immunogens have exhibited lower
affinity with bnAbs relative to FL HA, indicating
suboptimal conformation (2326).
Design and initial characterization
Starting with the HA sequence of H1N1 A/Brisbane/
59/2007, changes were introduced using a com-

bination of rational design and library approaches

(27). In the first design phase (stages I to III;
Fig. 1A), we aimed to generate a soluble and
stable HA stem monomer containing bnAb epitopes in the correct conformation, whereas in the
final stages (stages IV and V), we aimed to create
a mini-HA in its natural trimeric form. Details on
the design, sequences, and screening are outlined in (27) and figs. S1 and S2. As a readout for a
native-like stem conformation of the mini-HA
constructs, we used the binding of bnAbs CR9114
and CR6261 (both of which recognize epitopes in
the HA stem) (28). From each design stage, the
best-performing candidates were selected for further optimization. Key mutations in these lead
candidates are schematically depicted in fig. S2
and on a model structure of mini-HA in Fig. 1B.
Selected mini-HAs #4157 (stage II), #4454
(stage III), #4650 (stage IV), and #4900 (stage
V) were expressed in human embryonic kidney
(HEK) 293F cells and purified. On the basis of
size, mini-HAs #4157 and #4454 appeared predominantly monomeric in solution; #4650 was
larger, suggesting at least partial formation of
dimers, whereas #4900 appeared trimeric (fig.
S3A). Formation of an intermonomer cysteine
bridge in trimeric mini-HA #4900 was confirmed
using SDSpolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
under nonreducing and reducing conditions
(fig. S3B). All selected mini-HA constructs have
four putative N-linked glycosylation sites (Fig.
1B). Under reducing conditions, the mini-HA
bands were diffuse and ran at higher molecular
weight (35 to 45 kD) than expected (29 kD), indicating that the mini-HAs were glycosylated
(fig. S3B). Accordingly, deglycosylation with
peptide-N-glycosidase F resulted in sharper
bands (~30 kD, as for mini-HA #4900 in fig.
S3B). The glycans appear relevant for proper folding, as attempts to efficiently produce mini-HA
with retention of bnAb epitopes in bacteria were
not successful (29).
Size exclusion chromatography with inline
multi-angle light scattering (SEC-MALS) analysis revealed a single peak (fig. S4A), with average molecular weights of 40 kD for #4157 and
#4454, 60 kD for #4650, and 108 kD for #4900
(Table 1), which also indicated that #4157 and
#4454 are monomeric in solution, #4650 forms
dimers (at least in part), and #4900 forms trimers. In the presence of CR9114 or CR6261 Fabs,
a peak shift to shorter retention time was observed for all mini-HAs, indicating formation
of complexes (fig. S4A), which was confirmed
by MALS (Table 1), with masses in agreement
with binding of one Fab (monomeric mini-HAs
#4157 and #4454), one to two Fabs (dimeric
mini-HA #4650), or three Fabs (trimeric mini-HA
#4900) (30).
Binding of CR9114 and CR6261 to all four candidate immunogens was in the nanomolar range,
with affinity improving as the design process
progressed (Table 1 and fig. S4B). The strongest
binding was exhibited by mini-HA #4900, with
dissociation constant (KD) values comparable to
those of trimeric FL HA, indicating that this
mini-HA recapitulates the bnAb epitopes and thus
18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254



Fig. 1. The mini-HA design strategy and key candidates. (A) The mini-HA design strategy is described in five stages, each characterized by specific
modifications leading to selection of the best construct for each stage. Key modifications for each stage are schematically depicted and color-coded. Mini-HA
#4157 was also generated in an alternative, longer form as mini-HA #2759 with 11 additional C-terminal residues (fig. S1F). (B) Ribbon mini-HA model (from
PDB ID 1RD8) with color-coded modifications (per stage, as in Fig. 1A) and putative N-glycosylation sites (CG1-3, CG7; taupe).

Table 1. Binding of bnAbs to selected mini-HA candidates. bnAbs CR9114 and CR6261 form highaffinity complexes with mini-HAs. KD values were determined using biolayer interferometry and steadystate analysis. MALS analysis and size determination were used to confirm Fab binding and complex
formation. The numbers are means and SDs of at least two independently produced protein batches.
The values in parentheses represent the expected molecular weights for monomeric (#4157, #4454),
dimeric (#4650), and trimeric (#4900) mini-HAFab complexes, using the determined molecular
weight of the mini-HA and 48 kD for the Fabs.

KD (nM)

Molecular weight (kD)





Mini-HA with Fab



28.3 7.4 490 192 40.3 1.2 78.3 0.6 (88)
63.7 3.2 (88) 42.3 2.1
9.5 0.7
105 36 40.0 1.4
81.5 2.1 (88)
72.5 2.1 (88) 40.5 2.1
2.7 0.6
4.5 1.3 59.5 2.1 129.5 2.1 (156) 109.5 0.7 (156) 62.0 1.4
0.50 0.04 0.6 0.1 107.5 0.7 241.5 0.7 (252) 214.5 2.1 (252) 110.5 0.7
6.7 4.0 11.7 4.2

0.8 0.3

0.6 0.2

accurately mimics the native conformation of

the HA stem.
Structural characterization
Modifications introduced throughout the design
gradually increased the conformational stability
as determined by hydrogen-deuterium exchange
mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) (31, 32). In particular, modifications introduced in stage III (from

18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

#4157 to #4454) and stage V (from #4650 to

#4900) stabilized the overall structure and the
shorter A helix (Fig. 2). Furthermore, we observed only a low level of deuterium exchange
on the long CD helix of mini-HA #4900, likely
due to the shielding effect caused by trimerization. Most important, the HDX pattern of miniHA #4900 is very similar to that of trimeric FL
HA, further demonstrating that the final design

mimics the structure and dynamics of native HA.

In line with these findings, the overall stability of
the mini-HAs also evolved, as is apparent from
measurements of the thermal stability (fig. S5).
Complexes of mini-HAs with CR9114 Fab were
first studied by negative-stain electron microscopy (EM) (Fig. 3A). The EM class averages illustrate the progression from monomeric (#4454)
to a more heterogeneous mixture of monomers
and dimers (#4650) and finally to a trimeric form
(#4900). To provide further structural insights,
we determined the crystal structures of #4454CR9114 and #4900-CR9114 Fab complexes to 4.3
and 3.6 resolution, respectively (Fig. 3, B and
C, and table S1) (27). In the #4454-CR9114 complex (Fig. 3B), CR9114 binds monomeric mini-HA
and recognizes essentially the same epitope as in
FL HA through contacts only with its heavy chain
(table S2) (11). The solvent-accessible surfaces
of the CR9114 epitope residues in #4900 are
similar to those in A/California/04/2009 FL H1
HA (table S3). The #4900 trimer differs only
slightly from the stem of trimeric A/California/
04/2009 FL HA (and perhaps other HAs), as it
adopts a more open, splayed conformation at
the trimer base with the HA2 H helix, shifted
by about 14.5 (Fig. 3, C and D), perhaps as a
consequence of insertion of the GCN4 trimerization motif at the top of the long helix in #4900
(fig. S6). The primary amino acid interactions
are maintained between CR9114 and #4454
as compared to those between CR9114 and FL
H5 HA (3), and the CR9114 complex is trimeric SCIENCE


Fig. 2. Dynamic structural properties of miniHAs and trimeric FL HA analyzed by hydrogendeuterium exchange mass spectrometry. Relative
deuterium uptake over time (0 to 60 min), illustrating the local dynamics of different structural units,
is depicted on model mini-HA and FL HA structures
using a color code from blue (1% deuterium uptake;
highly protected) to red (100% deuterium uptake;
highly exposed or flexible).

(Fig. 3C). The #4900 protomer is superimposable

with an HA protomer from the H1 A/California/
04/2009 trimer (PDB ID 4M4Y) with a Ca RMSD
of 1.2 , and only 1.0 for the CR9114 epitope
residues. As a consequence of the removal of the
HA1 head in #4900 and a more open trimer base
(table S2), some residues in the HA2 A helix, B
loop, C and D helix, and E strand become
solvent-accessible. These results convincingly
demonstrate that the iterative design process
led to antigens with an increasingly improved
HA stem conformation and ultimately yielded

Fig. 3. EM and crystal structures of mini-HAs in complex with CR9114 Fab. (A) Representative
reference-free class averages of mini-HAs #4454, #4650, and #4900 in complex with CR9114 Fab using
negative-stain EM. The colored panels indicate how densities are attributed to either mini-HA (red) or
Fab (blue). The yellow scale bar shown is 36.5 for the #4454 and #4650 complexes, and 73.0 for
the #4900 complex. (B) Crystal structure of monomeric mini-HA #4454 (pink, HA1; cyan, HA2) in
complex with CR9114 Fab (yellow, light chain; orange, heavy chain). The GCN4 motif, the B-loop, and the
glycine linker are shown in dashed lines because they are disordered in the structure. (C) Crystal
structure of trimeric #4900 in complex with CR9114 Fab. One monomer of #4900-CR9114 Fab trimer is
shown and color-coded as in (B); the other two monomers of #4900-CR9114 Fab trimer are shown in
gray for clarity. The GCN4 motif at the top of the long helix in #4900 is ordered and can be modeled.
(D) Superimposition of mini-HA #4900 with a mini-HA model computationally extracted from the
Cali04 HA structure [HA from A/California/04/2009 (H1N1), PDB ID 4M4Y] (one monomer with HA1
in green and HA2 in yellow, and the other two monomers in dark gray). See also tables S2 and S3.

HA-like stem antigens with a preserved CR9114

In vivo effects
When tested in mice, all mini-HAs were highly
immunogenic, eliciting high titers of antibodies
binding to the FL HA of the A/Brisbane/59/2007

(H1N1) strain used as the basis for mini-HA generation (fig. S7A), as well as to FL HAs from a
number of other group 1 (H1, H5, H9) and group
2 (H3, H7) influenza A strains (fig. S7B). These
results demonstrate that antibodies induced with
mini-HAs efficiently recognize epitopes that are
present in native sequences of FL HA and are
18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254



conserved among different group 1 and even

some group 2 influenza A strains (33).
Next, we evaluated the ability of mini-HA immunogens to provide protection against stringent lethal challenges and characterized the
elicited immune response (Fig. 4 and fig. S7). Protection against influenza challenge with H1N1
A/PR/8/34 (heterologous to the parental strain
used for design of the mini-HAs) was assessed
after one, two, or three immunizations with miniHAs #2759 (monomer, long variant of #4157; fig.
S2), #4650 (mix of monomers and dimers), and
#4900 (trimer). Mice immunized three times with
monomeric mini-HA #2759 were only partially
protected against mortality and showed severe
weight loss and clinical symptoms, whereas #4650
and #4900 provided complete protection, with
#4900-immunized mice showing neither weight
loss nor clinical symptoms (Fig. 4A and fig. S7C).
Only mini-HA #4900 showed the same full protective ability when administered twice. Even
after one immunization, #4900 exhibited 90%
protection against mortality, although animals
exhibited some (recoverable) weight loss and
clinical symptoms, whereas #4650 and #2759

were not able to protect animals. Antibodies

elicited with mini-HA #4900 after two and three
immunizations competed with bnAb CR9114 for
binding to the FL HA stem (Fig. 4A), which shows
that this mini-HA could readily elicit antibodies
specific for bnAb stem epitopes.
Mice immunized three times with an expanded set of mini-HAs were challenged with
heterosubtypic H5N1 A/Hong Kong/156/97 virus
to evaluate the breadth of protection. Mini-HAs
#2759 and #4157 (monomers) failed to elicit protection, #4454 (improved library monomer) and
#4650 exhibited partial protection, whereas
#4900 exhibited complete protection with neither weight loss nor clinical symptoms (Fig. 4B
and fig. S7D). To further investigate antibodymediated effector mechanisms, we tested prechallenge sera in a neutralization assay using
pseudoparticles derived from H5N1 A/Vietnam/
1194/04 (34). Sera from mice immunized with
mini-HA #4900, and to some extent #4650, showed
detectable neutralization, demonstrating the
ability of these mini-HAs to elicit bnAbs (Fig. 4C).
Besides direct virus neutralization, Fc-mediated
effector mechanisms, such as antibody-dependent

Fig. 4. Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of mini-HA candidates in

mice. (A) Kaplan-Meier survival curves (top panels) and mean body weight
change (middle panels) after one, two, or three immunizations with mini-HA
(n = 10) or vehicle (mock; n = 14), followed 4 weeks later by challenge with 25
times the lethal dose for 50% of mice (LD50) H1N1 A/PR/8/34. Serially
diluted prechallenge sera were individually tested for competition with bnAb
CR9114 (bottom panels). Error bars denote SD of the mean for CR9114 competition graphs. (B) Kaplan-Meier survival curves and mean body weight change
of animals (n = 10 for mini-HA groups, n = 12 for mock group) immunized three
times and challenged with 12.5 LD50 H5N1 A/Hong Kong/156/97. (C) Neutralization of H5 HA A/Vietnam/1194/04 pseudovirus, with prechallenge serum
pooled per immunization group. Data shown are geometric means SD of three
technical replicates per measurement. Results are representative of three inde-


18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), contribute substantially to protection against influenza, with stemdirected bnAbs being particularly effective in
these mechanisms (35). We therefore used a
mouse-adapted ADCC surrogate assay to test
prechallenge sera (3638). The evolving miniHAs demonstrated an increasing ability to elicit
antibodies with potential to induce ADCC (Fig.
4D), with ADCC potency of serum antibodies corresponding to survival proportions observed in
the H5N1 challenge model. In accordance with
the binding data (fig. S7, A and B), mini-HA
#4900 elicited ADCC responses to a wide range
of group 1 influenza A HAs (fig. S7E). To assess
whether serum antibodies are indeed responsible
for the observed in vivo protection, we passively
transferred serum from mice immunized with
#4650 and #4900 to nave mice and subsequently
challenged the recipient mice with A/HK/156/97
(H5N1) virus (Fig. 4E and fig. S7F). In contrast
to mice that received mock serum, mice that
received serum from mini-HAimmunized mice
were significantly protected, proving that antibodies play a key role in the protection elicited
by mini-HAs.

pendent experiments. (D) ADCC surrogate assay with target cells expressing
H5N1 A/Hong Kong/156/97 HA and prechallenge serum pooled per immunization group. Individual data points and the line representing the geometric mean of
two technical replicates per measurement are shown, representative of two
independent experiments. (E) Kaplan-Meier survival curves and mean body
weight change for animals receiving serum from animals immunized three times
with mini-HA or mock (n = 10 per group). Four weeks after the last immunization,
serum was pooled and transferred to nave recipient mice on three consecutive
days before challenge, followed by challenge with 12.5 LD50 H5N1 A/Hong Kong/
156/97. Symbols indicate significantly improved survival proportion (Fishers exact
test; *), survival time (log-rank test; #) or body weight change (analysis of
variance; ^) relative to mock-immunized animals. Three symbols (i.e., ***, ###,
^^^) indicate P < 0.001, two symbols P < 0.01, and one symbol P < 0.05. SCIENCE


These combined results demonstrate that the

progressive structural refinement and stabilization of mini-HAs directly translates to increasing
ability to elicit stem-targeting, neutralizing, and
ADCC-mediating antibodies that can protect mice
against heterologous and heterosubtypic group
1 influenza strains, with trimeric #4900 exhibiting the most favorable features. In a recent study
(26), a bacterially produced trimeric HA stem
construct also seemed more effective than monomeric versions in eliciting protection in an animal influenza challenge model.
We next tested the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a three-dose regimen of miniHA #4900 in six cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca
fascicularis). As controls, groups of six monkeys
received three injections of phosphate-buffered
saline (PBS) or two human doses of a trivalent
seasonal influenza vaccine (the standard of care
for nave children). As previously observed in
mice, #4900 elicited high titers of antibodies in
monkeys that were able to bind to a wide range
of group 1 FL HAs (Fig. 5A and fig. S8A); compete with stem-binding bnAb CR9114 for binding
to homologous, heterologous, and heterosubtypic
HAs (Fig. 5B); and elicit ADCC responses to these
divergent HAs (Fig. 5C). Furthermore, #4900 elicited H5N1 neutralizing antibodies that were
detectable not only in a pseudoparticle-based
neutralization assay (fig. S8B), as for the mouse
sera (Fig. 4C), but also in a standard microneutralization assay (Fig. 5D). Relative to mockimmunized monkeys, animals vaccinated with
mini-HA #4900 had significantly reduced fever
after challenge with A/Mexico/InDRE4487/2009
(H1N1) virus (Fig. 5E and fig. S8E) (39), although
no significant effect on the tracheal viral load was
detected (fig. S8C). These results are comparable
to those from monkeys vaccinated with the trivalent seasonal influenza vaccine (Fig. 5E and fig.
S8C). However, the immune response elicited by
mini-HA #4900 differed from the response elicited with the trivalent vaccine. As expected, vaccination with the seasonal vaccine, but not with
headless #4900, elicited hemagglutinationinhibiting (HI) antibodies against A/California/
07/09 (H1N1) virus, from which the H1 component of the trivalent vaccine is derived and which
is closely related (two amino acid differences) to
the A/Mexico/InDRE4487/2009 (H1N1) virus used
to challenge the monkeys (fig. S8D). Furthermore,
because the A/Texas/50/2012 HA antigen was
present in the trivalent seasonal vaccine, the
vaccine elicited higher antibody titers against
this H3 strain than did mini-HA #4900 (fig. S8A).
However, unlike the mini-HAimmunized monkeys, no antibodies able to compete with CR9114,
induce ADCC, or neutralize H5N1 virus were detectable in the sera of monkeys immunized with
the seasonal vaccine (Fig. 5, B to E, and fig. S8B);
these results show that the mini-HA elicited a
qualitatively different and much broader immune
response than the seasonal vaccine.
In these in vivo studies, we used a single antigen dose and a potent adjuvant. Although this
adjuvant has not yet been registered for human
use, it has been tested in a number of clinical

Fig. 5. Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of mini-HA #4900 in cynomolgus monkeys. Animals
(n = 6 per group) were immunized with mini-HA #4900, Inflexal V [a trivalent virosomal seasonal
influenza subunit vaccine of the 2013 season (H1N1 A/California/07/2009, H3N2 A/Texas/50/2012, and
B/Massachusetts/2/2012; 15 mg of HA per strain per vaccine dose], or vehicle (mock) followed by challenge with 4 106 median tissue culture infectious dose of H1N1 A/Mexico/InDRE4487/09. (A) Prechallenge
serum antibody titers to HA from H1N1 A/Brisbane/59/07 (left), H1N1 A/California/07/09 (center), and H5N1
A/Vietnam/1203/04 (right). Open symbols indicate samples that were below detection limits using a serum
start dilution of 1/50. Statistical analysis between treatments was performed using pairwise t test with TukeyKramer adjustment for multiple comparisons. Bars represent group medians. (B) Serially diluted prechallenge
sera from individual animals tested for competition with bnAb CR9114, using FL HA from H1N1 A/Brisbane/59/
07 (left), H1N1 A/California/07/09 (center), and H5N1 A/Vietnam/1203/04 (right) as antigen. Data shown are
the mean of two technical replicates per measurement. (C) ADCC surrogate assay with target cells expressing
HA from H1N1 A/Brisbane/59/07 (left), H1N1 A/California/07/09 (center), and H5N1 A/Vietnam/1203/04
(right) and prechallenge serum from individual animals. Data shown are the geometric mean of two technical
replicates per measurement. (D) Neutralization of H5N1 A/Hong Kong/156/97 reassortant virus using serially
diluted prechallenge serum from individual animals. Data shown are the mean of two technical replicates per
measurement. (E) Cumulative net body temperature increase after challenge per animal. The area under the
curve of the net temperature increase was calculated over intervals of day 0 to 3 (left), day 0 to 8 (center), and
day 0 to 21 (right). Statistical analysis between treatments was performed using pairwise t test with TukeyKramer adjustment for multiple comparisons. Bars denote median. One animal of the #4900 group was
excluded because of data logger failure, and one animal of the Inflexal group died at the end of day 8 and was
excluded from the day 0 to 21 interval calculation.
18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254



trials with favorable safety and immunogenicity

outcomes (40). Future studies will need to address
the minimal doses of mini-HA and adjuvant for
a protective response. Because preexisting immunity may have a profound effect on the breadth of
the response and no animal model recapitulates
the complex preexisting immunity against influenza found in humans, such studies should be
performed in humans (41).
Concluding remarks
We have described the design and characterization of a series of soluble HA immunogens
solely composed of the HA stem. Although all
selected mini-HAs elicited comparable levels of
antibodies to FL HA, the breadth and protective
ability of the elicited antibodies progressively increased with the structural evolution of mini-HA
configuration. The final candidatestabilized trimeric mini-HA #4900demonstrated its unique
ability to elicit broad and protective immune response in mice and nonhuman primates. It has
been reported (42, 43) that stabilization of respiratory syncytial virus F antigen improves immune
response and protection. Our results demonstrate
that the same principle holds for influenza HA and
provide further direction for the design of an
epitope-based, universal influenza vaccine.


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V. V. Mallajosyula et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 111,
E2514E2523 (2014).
See supplementary materials on Science Online.
CR9114 and CR6261 share a nearly identical epitope formed by
helix A of HA2 and a segment of HA1, and both neutralize
virtually all group 1 influenza A strains. CR9114 also neutralizes
influenza A group 2 viruses and binds influenza B strains,
demonstrating greater breadth relative to CR6261. Because
CR6261 appears to have more stringent epitope requirements
than CR9114, we used CR6261 binding as the key criterion
for the selection of final candidates.


18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

29. The apparent importance of the glycans may partially explain

why previously reported HA stemderived proteins that
were expressed in E. coli, and thus not glycosylated, failed to
mimic the native HA stem more closely.
30. SEC-MALS analysis of mini-HAs in combination with Fab of
bnAb CR8020, specific for influenza group 2 viruses, showed
neither peak shift nor change in retention time for any of
the proteins.
31. L. Konermann, J. Pan, Y. H. Liu, Chem. Soc. Rev. 40,
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32. H. Wei et al., Drug Discov. Today 19, 95102 (2014).
33. Structural differences between the stems of group 1 and group
2 HAs restrict the activity of most bnAbs to one group.
Although some antibodies, like CR9114, can bind both groups,
such antibodies appear to be extremely rare. The observed
lower reactivity to group 2 HAs of immune serum elicited
against group 1 HA stem mimics was therefore to be expected.
34. I. Alberini et al., Vaccine 27, 59986003 (2009).
35. D. J. DiLillo, G. S. Tan, P. Palese, J. V. Ravetch, Nat. Med. 20,
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37. B. S. Parekh et al., MAbs 4, 310318 (2012).
38. A. Schnueriger et al., Mol. Immunol. 48, 15121517 (2011).
39. The reduction in fever in #4900-vaccinated animals relative to
PBS-immunized animals is significant when periods shortly
after challenge (e.g., 0 to 3 days or 0 to 8 days) are
considered, because the fever is most pronounced shortly
after challenge. Although still visible when the entire 21-day
follow-up period is considered, the reduction is no longer
statistically significant because of the large variation in
measured body temperatures.
40. R. J. Cox et al., Vaccine 29, 80498059 (2011).
41. R. Roozendaal et al., PLOS ONE 9, e103550 (2014).
42. B. E. Correia et al., Nature 507, 201206 (2014).
43. J. S. McLellan et al., Science 342, 592598 (2013).

G. J. Weverling for statistical support; Algonomics for input in

early designs; Novavax for supplying Matrix-M; Promega for early
access to mouse surrogate ADCC assay; E. Montomoli, D. Perini,
and S. Piccirella from VisMederi for pseudoparticle assay;
Janssen Diagnostics for quantitative polymerase chain reaction of
tracheal swabs; P. Mooij and G. Koopman of the Biomedical
Primate Research Center (BPRC), TNO Triskelion, Central
Veterinary Institute, and PreClinBiosystems AG for performing
the animal studies; and L. Dolfing and A. Dingemans for critical
reading of the manuscript. The data presented in this manuscript
are tabulated in the main paper and in the supplementary
materials. X-ray diffraction data sets were collected at the Stanford
Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) beamline 12-2. Use of
the SSRL, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, is supported by
the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Science, Office
of Basic Energy Sciences under contract no. DE-AC02-76SF00515.
The SSRL Structural Molecular Biology Program is supported by
the DOE Office of Biological and Environmental Research and by
National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) grants
including P41GM103393. The contents of this publication are
solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily
represent the official views of NIGMS or NIH. Coordinates and
structure factors of the crystal structures are deposited in the
Protein Data Bank as entries 5CJQ and 5CJS. Crucell Holland
B.V., a Janssen company, has the following pending patent
applications in this field: WO 2013/079473, WO 2014/191435,
WO2008/028946, WO2013/007770, U.S. 62/062,746, and
U.S. 62/062,754. Sharing of materials will be subject to standard
material transfer agreements.
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S8
Tables S1 to S3
References (4465)


We thank R. Vogels, R. van der Vlugt, D. Zuijdgeest, N. Kroos,

V. Klaren, S. Schmit-Tillemans, L. Kil, S. Barens, and O. Diefenbach
for scientific input and technical support; J. Klap, M. Koldijk, and


26 November 2014; accepted 29 July 2015

Published online 24 August 2015


Fractal atomic-level percolation in

metallic glasses
David Z. Chen,1* Crystal Y. Shi,2 Qi An,3 Qiaoshi Zeng,4,5 Wendy L. Mao,2,6
William A. Goddard III,3 Julia R. Greer1,7
Metallic glasses are metallic alloys that exhibit exotic material properties. They may have
fractal structures at the atomic level, but a physical mechanism for their organization
without ordering has not been identified. We demonstrated a crossover between fractal
short-range (<2 atomic diameters) and homogeneous long-range structures using in situ
x-ray diffraction, tomography, and molecular dynamics simulations. A specific class of
fractal, the percolation cluster, explains the structural details for several metallic-glass
compositions. We postulate that atoms percolate in the liquid phase and that the
percolating cluster becomes rigid at the glass transition temperature.

reeze a liquid fast enough, and it becomes

a glass, a material that is structurally similar to the liquid but incapable of flow. This
concept, albeit not well understood (1, 2), is
so ubiquitous that it holds even for metals
(3). Vitrified metals, or metallic glasses, are a
class of disordered materials with nondirectional

bonding and possess a suite of lucrative mechanical properties, such as high elastic limit and
strength (4). Unlike most crystalline metals and
alloys, metallic glasses earn their name from a
lack of long-range atomic order and the absence
of typical defects, such as dislocations, rendering
their microstructure challenging to conceptualize SCIENCE


and model. Some studies suggest the existence

of short-range order, for which solute-centered
clusters serve as the building blocks, and medium1

Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, California

Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA.
Department of Geological Sciences, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 3Materials and Process Simulation
Center, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125,
USA. 4Center for High Pressure Science and Technology
Advanced Research, Shanghai 201203, China. 5High Pressure
Synergetic Consortium, Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie
Institute of Washington, Argonne, IL 60439, USA. 6Stanford
Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences, SLAC National
Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA. 7Kavli
Nanoscience Institute, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, CA 91125, USA.
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]
These authors contributed equally to this work.

range order characterized by cluster packing (57).

These short- and medium-range packing schemes
inevitably break down over longer coordinates
as a result of spatial incompatibility, and they
do not fully describe the atomic organization
within these complex glasses. The incomplete
understanding of atomic-level structure in glassy
materials has made it challenging to capture the
physics of their response to mechanical deformation. We propose a model that describes a
short-range order and encompasses the longrange structural details of metallic glasses. The
model has considerable implications for understanding glass properties and the origin of the
glass transition.
Diffraction experiments characterize the structure of amorphous materials by mapping the

atomic neighborseparation distances and statistical density distributions. Dissimilar glasses

and liquids commonly possess distinct shortand medium-range orders due to variations in
chemical bonding, but the atomic structure becomes fluid like and nearly indistinguishable
among different glasses beyond the first few
nearest neighbors (8). The similarity of atomiclevel environments in liquids and glasses makes
it difficult to understand how glasses get their
rigidity. Glass rigidity may be related to the jamming of atoms as density increases (9). The
marked difference between the short- and longrange configurations in glassy systems sets glasses apart from crystals. In contrast to crystals,
simplifying the underlying structure in a glass is
problematic, because the short- and medium-range
Fig. 1. In situ diffraction and volume
results. (A) Three-dimensional reconstructed sample volumes from in situ
transmission x-ray microscopy data at
~0 GPa. (B) In situ x-ray diffraction
data with increasing pressure (arb.,
arbitrary units). (C) Volume scaling
with scattering vectors q1 and q2 for
Cu46Zr46Al5Be3 and La62Al14Cu11.7Ag2.3Ni5Co5 metallic glasses.




Fig. 2. Dimensionality
crossover in simulations.
(A) The Cu46Zr54 from FF1
and FF2 both exhibit a
transition in dimensionality
from ~2.5 to 3 between r2
and r3. (B) Ni80Al20 exhibits
a transition in dimensionality
from ~2.5 to 3 between r1
and r2. The insets show
corresponding RDF curves
with the correlation lengths x


18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254



orders do not repeat in a recognizable pattern.

For this reason, no two glasses, produced under
the same conditions and with similar diffraction
patterns, are identical at the atomic level. The
question of how repeatable long-range structures
in glasses can emerge from nonrepeating atomic
clusters remains unanswered.


Studies suggest fractal properties in metallic

glasses (10, 11). Fractal behavior manifests in the
relationship between mass (M) and volume. For
crystals, this relationship, M(r) ~ r3 (where r is
the radius of a region within the material), has a
dimensionality (D) of 3. The dimensionality of
metallic glasses is closer to ~2.5 (11), and any


Fig. 3. Concepts in fractals and percolation. (A and B) Site lattice percolation for p < pc (A) and p > pc
(B). White squares are occupied, black squares are unoccupied, and blue squares are percolating. (C)
Illustrative example of a lattice made up of Sierpinski gaskets with correlation length x, adopted from (23).
This lattice is fractal over the short range and homogeneous over the long range. (D) MD simulation of the
Cu46Zr54 system at room temperature with full periodic boundaries (Cu, blue; Zr, yellow). (E) Cu46Zr54
with all atoms removed, except for those belonging to icosahedrons.

non-integer D corresponds to a fractal (12).

Many naturally occurring random fractals have
D ~ 2.5, including crumpled balls of paper and
thin sheets (13), which are fractals down to the
size of nanoballs of graphene oxide (14). Fractal
concepts may be useful in developing an atomiclevel understanding of amorphous materials,
because they imply underlying order in inherently chaotic and random arrangements. The
specific nature of fractals in metallic glasses is
not obvious, because most mass fractals have
macroscopic pores at large r (e.g., crumpled
paper), and metallic glasses are monolithic materials. Metallic glasses have packing fractions
close to or exceeding those of close-packed crystalline metals (15). The puzzle of how metallic
glasses can simultaneously possess fractal properties and remain fully dense is unresolved (16).
One possible explanation is that the diffraction
experiments only probe the short-range dimensionality. In this work, we observed a fractal shortrange D < 3 and a homogeneous long-range D = 3
for several metallic glasses, indicating the presence of a dimensionality crossover at an intermediate length scale.
Previous studies have focused on the principal
(first) diffraction peak only (10, 11). We extended
the analysis beyond the first peak, because the
information contained in diffraction experiments
is spread out in momentum space, and each peak
contains information that represents a part of
the total structure. We conducted in situ highpressure x-ray diffraction and full-field nanoscale transmission x-ray microscopy experiments
on ~40-mm-diameter cylindrical samples of
Cu46Zr46Al5Be3 metallic glass (Fig. 1A). We made
diffraction and sample volume measurements
in situ as a function of hydrostatic pressure in a
diamond anvil cell. We related the scattering
vector (q) from diffraction peak positions to
volume by increasing the hydrostatic pressure
from ~0 to 20 GPa (Fig. 1B). Compared with

Fig. 4. Simulated properties during supercooling. (A) Dimensionality

from r1 during supercooling. (B) Volume versus
temperature behavior
(solid black line), shown
with guidelines (red
dotted line) and Tg
(~763 K, solid black
arrow). Inset snapshots
show atom vectors (red)
generated from reference
temperatures ~540 K
above the indicated
temperatures (dotted
black arrows) for a slice
3 thick (roughly the
distance). Dots are atom
centers (Cu, blue; Zr,




previous methods, using multiple data points

improved accuracy in measuring the exponent
(10). Structural information was sensitive to the
magnitude of the scattering vector. We found
that D ~ 2.51 for q1 (the scattering vector from
the first peak position), consistent with previous
experiments on other metallic glasses (10, 11).
The value of ~2.64 from q2 measurements was
5% higher than that from q1 (Fig. 1C). To explore
the repeatability of this finding, we analyzed data
obtained from a La62Al14Cu11.7Ag2.3Ni5Co5 metallic
glass (11). First-peak data for both systems had
the same exponent of ~2.5, whereas the q2 data
for the La62Al14Cu11.7Ag2.3Ni5Co5 had an exponent
of nearly 3 (Fig. 1C). This shift is greater than the
one observed in the Cu46Zr46Al5Be3 system, and
it supports the observation that a change in the
dimensionality arises from probing different extents within the atomic structure in momentum
space. Extracting structural information from momentum space measurements is difficult, because
the information is spread out. Real-space radial
distribution functions (RDFs) are needed, where
peak positions correspond directly to atomic separations. Background noise and the limited range
of q restrict the accuracy of Fourier transforms
applied to experimental RDFs. Atomistic simulations allow for this type of investigation.
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations can
replicate the glass structure, but the simulation
time scales (picoseconds) are many orders of
magnitude shorter than in the experiments. We
ensured that the system had sufficient time to
relax at each pressure increment to address
this issue. We held the loading rate constant at
50 GPa/ns (5 1019 Pa/s), and we allowed the
system to relax for ~0.1 ns to reach thermodynamic equilibrium at each pressure interval.
Higher quench rates in simulations may produce
less relaxed glasses, although their structures
often closely match those produced in experiments (1719). The differences in compression
rates result in quantitative discrepancies, but
the qualitative and phenomenological aspects
of the simulations should represent a realistic
physical system. We generated Cu46Zr54 RDFs
by using two embedded-atom-method force
fields, described by Cheng et al. (FF1) (18) and
Mendelev et al. (FF2) (19). The neighbor separation
volume relationship for RDF peaks r1 and r2
indicated a D of ~2.54, similar to the experimental result, but it transitioned to ~3 between r2
and r3 (Fig. 2A). We also simulated Ni80Al20, which
exhibited a similar crossover between r1 and r2
(Fig. 2B) (20).
The percolation cluster (21) is probably the
most relevant fractal model to describe the structure of metallic glasses. The cluster represents
a disordered system with fractal dimension D
~ 2.52 and appears across many physical systems (22, 23). Percolation models incorporate
the probability of occupied (p) and empty (1 p)
sites. At low p values, the system is not fully connected (for example, as with an electrical insulator) (Fig. 3A). The percolation threshold (pc) is
reached when a percolating network forms, allowing incipient conduction. Systems characSCIENCE

terized by large p have many conduction paths

(Fig. 3B). What sets the percolation model apart
is the existence of a correlation length, x, which
characterizes the size of the finite clusters at
concentrations below and above pc. The correlation length is defined as the average distance that
spans two sites within the same cluster and has
units equal to the size of the smallest constituent
unit in the model. At p < pc and p > pc, x is finite,
and the system is only fractal at length scales
shorter than the correlation length. On length
scales longer than x, the structure is homogeneous.
This property of percolation clusters may help
reconcile the notion that fractals need not exhibit
self-similarity across all length scales (Fig. 3C) (23).
We used a continuum percolation model, where
p is analogous to the atomic packing fraction (),
and the percolation threshold is analogous to a
critical volume fraction (c), such that c = pc
(23, 24). The correlation length is
x | c|v
for continuum percolation, where v = 0.8764 (25).
We estimated CuZr to be 0.717 to 0.728 using
the chemical compositions and the atomic radii
of the simulated glasses (29). A reasonable model for the packing of a binary metallic glass
involves continuum packing of hard spheres,
with a pc of ~0.310 (26). We obtained a c of
0.257 by averaging the hard-sphere value (c ~
0.224 = pcCuZr) with an overlapping sphere
value (c ~ 0.2896) (27), because atoms in metallic glass are not ideally rigid (28). The correlation length was ~2 for Cu46Zr54 (xCuZr ~ 1.93
to 1.98), suggesting that the information in the
first and second peaks pertains mostly to the
angstrom-sized fractal clusters, whereas information in the third peak pertains to the homogeneous bulk. This result is consistent with our
observations of a crossover in dimensionality
between r2 and r3 (Fig. 2A), and it provides
evidence for the presence of percolation structure in metallic glasses. The short-range considerations for high local densities favor the
formation of Cu-centered clusters, giving rise
to a large number of Cu-centered icosahedra
in lieu of the close-packed structures in native
Cu and Zr (Fig. 3D) (16). The atoms with local
icosahedral order form a percolating network
(Fig. 3E).
Equation 1 suggests that higher packing fractions bring about shorter correlation lengths.
We estimated that the Ni80Al20 has a high packing fraction, NiAl, of ~0.793, although this could
be an overestimation due to the covalent nature
of the Al bonding. This estimate gives xNiAl ~ 1.73,
which is much less than 2. The result shows a
crossover in dimensionality from ~2.54 to ~3
that occurs between r1 and r2 (Fig. 2B). We were
also able to induce a shift in the Cu46Zr54 crossover from between r2 and r3 to between r1 and
r2 at a pressure of >15 GPa by increasing the
packing fraction and bringing xCuZr below ~1.7
(fig. S1) (29). Some of the atoms in amorphous
materials undergo local nonaffine displacements,
even in response to purely hydrostatic loads.

The fraction of such nonaffine atoms is low

(~21.7%), and they do not appear to have any effect on the scaling behavior and crossover (figs.
S2 and S3) (29).
We related the current model to the glass transition by examining the dimensionality as a function of temperature. We did not observe fractal
behavior of Cu46Zr54 until 400 K, well below the
glass transition temperature (Tg ) of 763 K (Fig. 4A).
The dimensionality gradually decreased from ~3
to ~2.54 over this temperature range as the temperature decreased. This behavior suggests an
intermediary process such as jamming (9, 30, 31),
where the percolating cluster begins to jam at
the glass transition. Complete jamming occurs at
lower temperatures, along with the emergence of
fractal properties, correlating with a loss of ergodicity and consistent with the characteristic
kink in the volume-temperature curve during supercooling (Fig. 4B). Despite structural similarities, liquids are amenable to rearrangements in
local atomic configurations, whereas in rigid
solids, these configurations are preserved. Pressure elicits a mostly nonaffine response from
the liquid and a comparatively affine response
from the glass. Applied hydrostatic forces inevitably alter the structure and induce structural
relaxation in a liquid, which is unavailable in a
glass. This difference is probably the reason for
the emergence of fractal properties below Tg in a
glass and the lack thereof above Tg in a liquid.
Metallic liquids possess packing fractions in
excess of our estimated percolation threshold,
which implies that their atomic structures are also
percolating clusters that have not yet frozen or
A fractal model might be useful in explaining
the dynamics of metallic glasses, as concepts
from percolation have been applied successfully to other glass formers (32). The dynamic
heterogeneities that emerge in supercool liquids
may be related to the spatial distribution of nonpercolating clusters. Estimating the average number of particles in these clusters using ~Navg x3,
where x ~ 2, we got a value (~8) that is close to
experimentally observed values in colloidal glasses
(~3 to 7) (33). From the perspective of packing,
percolation, and jamming, a correlation between
density and Tg (34) is intuitive. If metallic glasses
are created from the jamming of a percolating
cluster, then glass formation is simplified: Liquid
metal only needs to reach the jamming packing
fraction, j, before nucleation occurs. This could
be accomplished by a combination of hydrostatic
pressure and fast cooling rates. The strong correlation of metallic-glass yield strength with Tg
implies that collective atomic motions dictate
both yielding and glass formation (35). Because
denser metallic glasses tend to be better glass
formers with higher Tg (34), the strength enhancement observed in glasses with higher Tg may
originate from the size of the percolating clusters, which increases with packing fraction.
Higher packing leads to larger jammed clusters,
which present more substantial barriers to the
initiation of collective atomic motions that lead
to catastrophic shear banding. The movement of
18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254



finite nonpercolating clusters may also be related

to shear transformation zones, which are collective
rearrangements of atoms during the deformation
of metallic glasses (36). This concept is supported
by the observation that typical zone sizes (~10
to 20 atoms) (3739) are close to cluster sizes
(~8 atoms). The continuum percolation model
illustrates how structure and rigidity may organize in the absence of ordering; atoms percolate
in the liquid, and the percolating cluster freezes
(or jams) into a glass.

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Diffraction data and simulated RDFs are available as supplementary

materials. The authors thank D. C. Hofmann for providing the
Cu46Zr46Al5Be3 wires and Y. Lin for her aid in sample loading.
The authors acknowledge the financial support of the U.S.
Department of Energy Office of Basic Energy Sciences (DOE-BES)
and NASAs Space Technology Research Grants Program (Early
Career Faculty grants to J.R.G.). W.L.M. and C.Y.S. acknowledge
support from NSF grant EAR-1055454. Q.Z. acknowledges support
from DOE-BES (grant DE-FG02-99ER45775) and the National


18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Natural Science Foundation of China (grant U1530402). Portions

of this work were performed at the High Pressure Collaborative
Access Team (HPCAT) of the Advanced Photon Source (APS),
Argonne National Laboratory. HPCAT operations are supported by
DOEs National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) under
award no. DE-NA0001974 and by DOE-BES under award no.
DE-FG02-99ER45775, with partial instrumentation funding by NSF
grant MRI-1126249. APS is supported by DOE-BES under contract
no. DE-AC02-06CH11357. Portions of this research were carried
out at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, a
directorate of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and an Office
of Science User Facility operated for DOE by Stanford University.
Some computations were carried out on the Shared
Heterogeneous Cluster computers (Caltech Center for Advanced
Computing Research) provided by the NNSA Predictive
Science Academic Alliance Program at Caltech (grant DE-FC5208NA28613) and on the NSF Center for Science and Engineering
of Materials computer cluster (grant DMR-0520565). Q.A. and
W.A.G. received support from the Defense Advanced Research

Projects AgencyArmy Research Office (grant W31P4Q-13-1-0010)

and NSF (grant DMR-1436985). This material is based on work
supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (grant
DGE-1144469). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or
recommendations expressed in the material are those of the
authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF.

Materials and Methods
Supplementary Text
Figs. S1 to S3
References (4042)
Databases S1 to S4
14 March 2015; accepted 31 July 2015


An ultrathin invisibility skin cloak

for visible light
Xingjie Ni,1* Zi Jing Wong,1* Michael Mrejen,1 Yuan Wang,1,2 Xiang Zhang1,2,3
Metamaterial-based optical cloaks have thus far used volumetric distribution of the
material properties to gradually bend light and thereby obscure the cloaked region. Hence,
they are bulky and hard to scale up and, more critically, typical carpet cloaks introduce
unnecessary phase shifts in the reflected light, making the cloaks detectable. Here, we
demonstrate experimentally an ultrathin invisibility skin cloak wrapped over an object. This
skin cloak conceals a three-dimensional arbitrarily shaped object by complete restoration
of the phase of the reflected light at 730-nanometer wavelength. The skin cloak comprises
a metasurface with distributed phase shifts rerouting light and rendering the object
invisible. In contrast to bulky cloaks with volumetric index variation, our device is only
80 nanometer (about one-ninth of the wavelength) thick and potentially scalable for hiding
macroscopic objects.

cloak is a device that can render objects

invisible to incoming waves. Transformation
optics and metamaterials provide powerful
tools to build cloaking devices. Different
schemes relying either on coordinate transformation (13) or scattering cancellation (46)
have been studied. Although the concept was first
proposed for electromagnetic waves, soon it was
extended to acoustic waves (7), heat flows (810),
elastic or seismic waves (1113), and even the matter waves (14, 15). A quasiconformal mapping
technique (16) was used to design a so-called carpet
cloak that conceals an object by restoring the
wavefront as if it were reflected from a flat surface.
This technique relaxes the requirements of hard-toachieve material properties and anisotropy as in the
case of the original cloak, thereby making it easier
to design and fabricate. Such invisibility carpet
cloaks were demonstrated experimentally from
microwave (17) to optical frequencies (1823). Never1

NSF Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center (NSEC),

University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 2Materials
Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 3Department of Physics, King
Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia.

*These authors contributed equally to this work. Corresponding

author. E-mail: [email protected]

theless, there are still substantial limitations in

current optical cloak designs that apply the quasi
conformal mapping technique. Realization requires
refractive index modulation over a large volume to
avoid extremely high or low index, leading to a bulky
cloak. In addition, sophisticated three-dimensional
(3D) fabrication with very high spatial resolution is
necessary. Therefore, it is challenging to scale up
this design to macroscopic sizes. In addition, the
varying index has to be less than that of the
environment in certain regions (Fig. 1C), making it
difficult to create a cloak that works in air. As a
result, the cloak is usually embedded in a dielectric
prism of higher index which, however, introduces
an additional phase in the reflected light and makes
the optical cloak itself visible by phase-sensitive
Recent development of metasurfaces pointed
out a way to manipulate the phase of a propagating
wave directly. The metasurface is an optically thin
layer consisting of subwavelength-sized elements
that locally tailor the electromagnetic response at
the nanoscale accompanied by dramatic light confinement (2430). Metasurfaces have enabled a
variety of unique phenomena and applications that
cannot be achieved conventionally (31, 32)for
example, negative-angle refraction in a broad SCIENCE

n < nhost


Cloak device
n > nhost

ace skin c














arbitrarily-shaped object

Cloaked region

Fig. 1. Schematic view and working principle of

a metasurface skin cloak. (A) A 3D illustration
of a metasurface skin cloak. The skin cloak is an
ultrathin layer of nanoantennas (gold blocks)
covering the arbitrarily shaped object. (B) Schematic
view of a cross section of the metasurface skin
cloak. (C) Schematic illustration of a conventional
carpet cloak with spatially varying refractive index
(n), designed with an optical quasiconformal mapping technique. The blue shading qualitatively indicates the local refractive index (the darker color
indicates higher index) and the grid lines indicate
the deformed optical space. For both devices, the
light is incident from the left and exits to the right as
represented by the arrows. The devices recover the
wavefront (indicated as triple short lines) of the
exiting light, such that the object is hidden and
looks like a flat mirror, judging from the scattering
pattern of the exiting light. However, a conventional
cloak introduces additional phase retardation due
to the light propagation inside its host material,
which renders it detectable to a phase-sensitive
measuring device. In contrast, the metasurface skin
cloak fully restores both the wavefront and the
phase of the scattered light and thus the object is
perfectly hidden. On the metasurface skin cloak, a
phase shift provided by each nanoantenna realigns
the wavefront. At an arbitrary point on the object
with height h to the flat reference plane, the
nanoantenna should recover the phase of the scattered light. Light (red solid lines) incident at an
oblique angle (q, f) at that point should scatter as if
it were reflected by the reference plane (orange
dashed lines). The nanoantenna at that point should
provide a phase shift DF 2k0 hcosqp, which
compensates the phase difference between the
solid and dashed lines. Note that the height is negative when the surface is below the reference plane.


Incidence direction








l y (nm)












lx (nm)



phase (2)







Arbitrarily-shaped object
Incidence direction
Cloaked region
Incidence direction

Fig. 2. Metasurface design and full-wave simulation results for the metasurface
skin cloak. (A) A 3D illustration of a nanoantenna used to build the metasurface. (B)
Calculated phase shifts and reflectance in a 2D parameter space spanned by lx and ly.The
Cloaked region
solid lines are the contour lines of the phase shift and the dashed line is the contour line of
the reflectance at 84%. For simplicity, six different nanoantennas, which span the phase
from 0 to 2p with an interval of p/3, are chosen as the building blocks to construct the
metasurface, as shown by the six red circles intersecting the phase and the 84%-reflectance contour lines. (C to E) Full-wave simulated electrical field distribution
(shown for a cross section) based on an actual design for (C) a scattering object without a metasurface skin cloak at normal incidence, (D) the same object with a
metasurface skin cloak at normal incidence, and (E) the same object with the same metasurface skin cloak as in (D) but at 15 oblique incidence. Only the reflected
field is plotted for clarity.The wavelength of the incident light is 730 nm in the simulation.The reflected light is almost completely recovered by the skin cloak as if
there were no scattering object for both normal and oblique incidences.


18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254



height (m)





y ( 0





z (m)



Fig. 3. A metasurface invisibility skin cloak for a 3D arbitrarily shaped

object. (A) An AFM image of a 3D arbitrarily shaped object that includes
multiple bumps and dents. (B) A SEM images of the object onto which a
metasurface skin cloak has been fabricated. The scale bar is 1 mm. The inset
shows an enlarged image of the entire object, with a scale bar of 5 mm. (C and
E) Optical widefield reflection images obtained with a 0.3 numerical aperture
objective lens with 730-nm-wavelength laser illumination. The sample region
is indicated by the red dashed boxes. (C) The obtained reflection image when

wavelength range (24, 25), unidirectional surface

wave coupling (26, 33), planar optical lenses and
waveplates (27, 3437), ultrathin high-resolution
holograms (3840), and enhancement of nonlinear
optical responses (41).
Here, we experimentally demonstrate an ultrathin invisibility skin cloak (Fig. 1A) at ~730 nm
that overcomes the limitations of a bulky cloak.
We created a metasurface tightly wrapped over an
object to render it free from optical detection. In
contrast to the previous bulky design using continuous refractive index distribution over a volumetric space (16), the ultrathin layer of this skin
cloak reroutes the light and restores the wavefront
scattered from the object by compensating the
phase difference using phase-shifting resonant elements on the cloak surface. With the complete
wavefront and phase recovery, we are able to conceal, for a specific light polarization, a 3D object of
arbitrary shape using this skin cloak. Our device
has a thickness of 80 nm (~l/9) and, being twodimensional, has much better scalability prospects.
Our experiments show that it successfully hides an
arbitrarily shaped 3D object of 36 mm by 36 mm at
~730-nm wavelength, both from direct widefield
imaging and phase-sensitive detection.
Our metasurface skin cloak consists of subwavelength-scale nanoantennas, which provide

18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

the cloak is on and (E) when the cloak is off, taken at the same position. The
noise in the images arises from the laser speckle. (D and F) The respective
interference images when the cloak is on and when it is off. When the cloak is
off, the interference fringes are distorted on the 3D object, which indicates the
height difference on the surface.When the cloak is on, the interference fringes
smoothen again, matching with that of the flat surface outside the object
region, thus proving that both the wavefront and the phase are well restored
without any distortion.

distinct phase shifts locally to the reflected electromagnetic waves. On the basis of this phase control
capability, we designed the metasurface so that
the phase of the scattered light, at each point on
the surface of the cloak, would be the same as
that of light reflected from a flat mirror. For an
oblique-angle (q, f) light incident on an arbitrarily
shaped 3D object at a height of h with respect to
the reference plane (Fig. 1B), the introduced phase
shift should compensate the phase difference between the light scattered by the object and that
reflected from the reference plane. It is straightforward to calculate the phase difference, which is
DF 2k0 hcosq p, where k0 is the free space
wave number. The additional p term represents
the phase jump induced by a reflecting mirror.
Therefore, nanoantennas designed with local DF
phase shift should realign the scattered wavefront.
Moreover, the phase should be completely restored,
rendering the object undetectable even for phasesensitive instruments.
As a demonstration, we used a simple rectangular
nanoantenna design (Fig. 2A). The calculated phase
shifts and reflectance in a 2D parameter space
spanned by nanoantenna dimensions lx and ly are
mapped out for the selection of designs. Six different antennas with phase shifts covering 0 to 2p
while preserving the same reflectance were chosen

as the building blocks of the metasurface skin

cloak. To make the invisibility cloak fully operable
required the reflected intensity to be close to that of
a mirror. With adaptation of an ultrathin dielectric
spacer layer to create a gap plasmon resonance
(42, 43), our antennas were designed to attain an
overall reflectivity of 84% at around 730-nm wavelength. The parameters for the nanoantennas used
in our experiment are indicated as red circles in
Fig. 2B. We built a metasurface using those nanoantennas to compensate the local phase change of
the reflection. Full-wave simulation results show
that strong scattering and substantial wavefront
and phase distortion can occur for an arbitrarily
shaped 3D object with a maximum height of
about 1 mm and a width of about 10 mm (Fig. 2C).
However, by wrapping the object with the metasurface skin cloak, the wavefront and phase are
completely restored for both normal (Fig. 2D) and
slightly oblique incidences (Fig. 2E). Therefore, the
object is perfectly hidden even from phase-sensitive
For experimental realization, we used focused
ion beam (FIB) to carve out an arbitrarily shaped
3D object with multiple bumps and dents, as illustrated in Fig. 1A. The height profile was mapped
out by an atomic force microscope (AFM), and
the metasurface skin cloak was then designed on SCIENCE


Fig. 4. Quantitative performance evaluation for a metasurface skin cloak on a 3D bump-shaped object. The bump-shaped object has a maximum
height of ~400 nm and a width of ~10 mm. (A and B) Interference fringes obtained when the cloak is respectively off and on. The sample regions are
indicated by the red dashed boxes. (C) A SEM image of the bump-shaped object with the metasurface skin cloak wrapped over it. The scale bar is 5 mm.
(D) The extracted height profile from the interference measurement ( for cloak off and for cloak on) together with that from the AFM measurement
(solid line) before fabrication of the nanoantennas.

the basis of this measured height profile (Fig. 3A).

The mask was fabricated by means of electron beam
lithography with precise alignment. More fabrication details can be found in the supplementary
materials. Figure 3B shows the scanning electron
microscope (SEM) images of the fabricated metasurface masked on the 3D object. The first test was
done by obtaining the widefield reflection image
of the device. Because we design our nanoantennas
to have the correct phase shift only in the x polarization, we could easily turn the cloak on and off by
switching the polarization. With the cloak off, a
strong contrast between the cloaked region and
the surrounding reflective surface revealed the object (Fig. 3E), but with the correct polarization, the
contrast became indistinguishable, rendering the
object completely invisible (Fig. 3C). For the phase
measurement, a customized Mach-Zehnder interferometer was built (fig. S2) to obtain the reflected
phase information from the sample. With the cloak
off, there were distortions in the interference fringes
indicating nonuniformity in the phase of the reflected light due to the scattering of the object (Fig. 3F).
With the cloak on, the distortions disappeared and
the fringes were smoothly aligned, indicating that
the reflected phase was perfectly uniform over the
surface (Fig. 3D). Because we used an objective to
image the sample, the interference fringes are rings
rather than perfectly straight lines. We also tested
an object with an identical profile but without a
skin cloak. The interference results (fig. S3B) show
fringe distortions similar to those obtained when
the cloak is turned off, thereby verifying that the
distortion of fringes was purely due to the object
scattering and not the metasurfaces polarization
To quantify the performance of a skin cloak, we
fabricated and measured a 3D bump-shaped object (Fig. 4). When the cloak was off (Fig. 4A), the
interference fringes shifted in the direction perpendicular to the stripes. The extent of phase shift
was approximately proportional to the local height
of the bump surface. When the cloak was on (Fig.
4B), the interference fringes became smooth and

realigned with those from the flat region. No phase

jump was observed even at the edges of the skin
cloak, proving that there was no additional phase
introduced by the cloak. The relative height information was extracted from the extent of fringe
dislocation and compared with the AFM height
profile measured before the nanoantennas were
fabricated (Fig. 4D). When the skin cloak was off,
the height from the interference measurement
matched well with the AFM results, revealing the
true bump profile. Thus, the bump could be precisely mapped out with the use of this phasesensitive method. When the cloak was on, the
extracted height notably dropped to zero over
the entire area.
Our skin cloak fully encompasses the advantages associated with metasurfaces. It is extremely
thin, because antenna and dielectric spacer thicknesses are 30 and 50 nm, respectively. With a total thickness of only about 1 =10 of the operating
wavelengths, it is fully scalable to macroscopic
sizes. Theoretically, there is no size limitation, yet
in practice, the size can be limited by the macroscopic nanofabrication technology. Nevertheless,
meter-scale nanofabrication is now possiblefor
example, by roll-to-roll nano-imprinting. The cloak
can also conceal objects with sharp features like
abrupt edges and peaks because the invisibility is
attained via local phase adjustments. It is worth
pointing out that it is not a strict requirement to
put the antennas directly on the object. The metasurface can be on a container of any shape, with or
without space between the metasurface and the
hidden object. As long as the metasurface is designed correctly, both the container and the objects
inside the container will become invisible. In our
experiment, we chose to fabricate the antennas
right on top of the object to demonstrate the extreme capability of ultrathin 3D cloaking of an
arbitrary shape. Our design tolerated incident
angles at least within 30. To allow easy switching
between cloak on and cloak off configurations for
direct comparison, the metasurface was designed
to work only in one polarization. However, by

making the nanoantenna shapes symmetric in

both x and y directions, it would be possible to
implement a polarization-independent invisibility
skin cloak. Furthermore, if the nanoantennas could
be made adaptive, passively or actively, a deformable skin cloak could potentially conceal any object.
Note added in proof: While this manuscript
was in preparation, two theoretical proposals
also suggested the use of a phase gradient metasurface to build an invisibility device (44, 45).


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The work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office

of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Sciences and
Engineering Division under contract no. DE-AC02-05CH11231.

Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S5
Reference (46)
1 July 2015; accepted 17 August 2015


Emergence of room-temperature
ferroelectricity at reduced dimensions
D. Lee,1 H. Lu,2 Y. Gu,3 S.-Y. Choi,4 S.-D. Li,5 S. Ryu,1 T. R. Paudel,2 K. Song,6
E. Mikheev,7 S. Lee,1 S. Stemmer,7 D. A. Tenne,8 S. H. Oh,6 E. Y. Tsymbal,2 X. Wu,5
L.-Q. Chen,3 A. Gruverman,2* C. B. Eom1*
The enhancement of the functional properties of materials at reduced dimensions is crucial
for continuous advancements in nanoelectronic applications. Here, we report that the scale
reduction leads to the emergence of an important functional property, ferroelectricity,
challenging the long-standing notion that ferroelectricity is inevitably suppressed at the scale
of a few nanometers. A combination of theoretical calculations, electrical measurements, and
structural analyses provides evidence of room-temperature ferroelectricity in strain-free
epitaxial nanometer-thick films of otherwise nonferroelectric strontium titanate (SrTiO3).
We show that electrically induced alignment of naturally existing polar nanoregions is
responsible for the appearance of a stable net ferroelectric polarization in these films. This
finding can be useful for the development of low-dimensional material systems with enhanced
functional properties relevant to emerging nanoelectronic devices.

ow-dimensional ferroelectric structures hold

a great potential for scientific and technological endeavors (1). Reducing size while
retaining ferroelectric properties enables
an increase in the storage capacity of nonvolatile ferroelectric memories (2), exploration of
diverse nanoelectronic functions (37), and discovery of exotic physical phenomena (8, 9). However,
maintaining the ferroelectricity in low-dimensional
structures, such as ultrathin films, has been hampered by depolarization effects (1012), which

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University

of WisconsinMadison, Madison, WI 53706, USA.
Department of Physics and Astronomy and Nebraska
Center for Materials and Nanoscience, University of
Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588, USA. 3Department of Materials
Science and Engineering, Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, PA 16802 USA. 4Department of Materials
Modeling and Characterization, Korea Institute of Materials
Science, Changwon 642-831, Korea. 5Department of Physics,
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122, USA. 6Department
of Materials Science and Engineering, Pohang University of
Science and Technology, Pohang 790-784, Korea. 7Materials
Department, University of CaliforniaSanta Barbara, Santa
Barbara, CA 93106-5050, USA. 8Department of Physics,
Boise State University, Boise, ID 83725-1570, USA.

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] (A.G.);

[email protected] (C.B.E.)


18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

arise from the uncompensated charges at the

interface. The strong scaling effect seems to inevitably suppress ferroelectricity and its functions
below a critical dimension (1013). A recent theoretical work suggested an intriguing concept for
reversibly enhancing ferroelectricity in ultrathin ferroelectric capacitors via the tailoring of chemical
bonds at the metal/oxide interface (14), but this mechanism has not yet been experimentally confirmed.
Here, we describe a different mechanism, which
enables enhancement of ferroelectricity as the
thickness of the system is decreased. In our approach, we use naturally existing polar nanoregions
(PNRs)local nanometer-sized polar clustersin
an archetype dielectric material with perovskite
structure: strontium titanate (SrTiO3). PNRs are
generally believed to arise from local nanoscale
inhomogeneities (such as chemical or structural
disorder) (15, 16), which exist in every material (17).
For example, Sr vacancies are intrinsic point defects
in SrTiO3 because of their small formation energy
(18, 19), comparable with that of oxygen vacancies, which are likely to act as a natural source of
PNRs (Fig. 1A) (20, 21). It has been previously
shown (20) that relatively thick (tens of nanometers) films of SrTiO3 exhibit relaxor behavior
at low temperatures because of the presence of the

PNRs. We demonstrate that electrically induced

alignment and stabilization of PNRs in nanometerthick SrTiO3 films results in the emergence of net
ferroelectric polarization at room temperature.
Calculations predict that when SrTiO3 is deficient in Sr, antisite Ti defects could instantaneously form and generate local dipole moments by
an off-centering displacement (Fig. 1C) (22). Our
first-principles density-functional theory (DFT) modeling (23) shows that the energy gain from this Ti
off-centering is as large as ~0.5 eV, originating
from structural distortion driven by an ionic radii
difference between Ti2+ (0.86 ) and Sr2+ (1.44 ).
A local polarization profile around the antisite Ti
atom (Fig. 1D) indicates that the off-centered
antisite Ti atom induces a large local polarization
in its residing unit cell and coherently polarizes
the surrounding region. The polarization switchability follows from a calculated energy barrier of
~0.1 eV between the polarization states (Fig. 1E),
which is comparable with a double-well potential
barrier in conventional ferroelectric materials (24).
Thus, although pure bulk SrTiO3 is centrosymmetric and nonpolar (25), the PNRs of nanometercharacteristic size can naturally form because of
the intrinsic Sr deficiency in SrTiO3.
We have previously observed Sr deficiency and
associated PNRs even in nominally stoichiometric SrTiO3 bulk single crystals and films (20, 21).
These small-sized PNRs, however, do not necessarily generate ferroelectricity. When the film thickness t is much larger than the average PNR size x
(Fig. 1A), PNRs are isolated in an insulating matrix. The depolarization field Ed in PNRs cannot
be effectively screened and thus destabilizes the
polarization of PNRs. On the other hand, as t is
decreased the PNRs can play a vital role in the
emergence of ferroelectricity (Fig. 1B). When t becomes comparable with or smaller than x, the
electrical boundary conditions for PNRs drastically change as their interfaces come in contact
with metallic electrodes and/or become exposed
to surface adsorbates. The external charges screen
the Ed by compensating for the polarization
charge and thus can allow a switchable and stable polarization in PNRs. Such dimensional engineering of polarization stability in PNRs would
provide an unconventional way to create and
enhance ferroelectricity at reduced dimensions,
distinct from methods such as strain (2628) and
interface (13, 14) engineering. SCIENCE


Phase-field simulations were used to model

polarization in a representative PNR region with
a dimension of 7.5 nm embedded in the SrTiO3

film (23). The thickness of the SrTiO3 film in the

simulations was varied within the range of 64
unit cells (or 25 nm) to 8 unit cells (3.2 nm) (23).


t >>


Antisite Ti

Polarization (C/cm2)




Cell with
antisite Ti

We introduced external charges on the top and

bottom SrTiO3 interfaces and investigated the
stability of the PNR polarization after poling by
Fig. 1. Theoretical calculations showing the emergence of ferroelectricity in ultrathin films of
otherwise nonferroelectric SrTiO3. (A and B) Dimensional engineering of the polarization (P)
stability in PNRs. Shown are schematics of PNRs
and their P in (A) thick SrTiO3 and (B) ultrathin
SrTiO3. Blue and white arrows indicate P and Ed,
respectively. (C) Calculated atomic structure near
the off-center antisite Ti atom, which induces P along
the [001] (or its equivalent) direction. (D) Profile of
local P around the antisite Ti atom in a 3 by 3 by 3
supercell obtained from DFT calculations. (E) Calculated energy barrier between the polarization
states. Polarization switching from [001] to 001
direction can be achieved via the metastable polarization states with [101] and 101 directions. (F)
Remnant polarization of the model system, in which
a single spherical PNR is embedded in SrTiO3 with a
thickness t, obtained with phase-field simulations.
The lateral dimension of SrTiO3 was fixed as 64 by
64 unit cells (23).


Polarization (C/cm 2)

Energy (meV)






[10 1] [00 1]

Polarization direction



PNR = 7.5 nm






Thickness (uc)

O Ti





1 nm


1 nm

Polarization (C/cm2)


Fig. 2. Atomic-scale imaging of polar nanoregions. (A) Filtered ABF-STEM image, including all
atomic positions. The (i) and (ii) regions are examples of polar and nonpolar regions, respectively, and
are enlarged for clear view (insets). They are schematically drawn on the right; dTi and dO denote the
atomic displacement of Ti and O, respectively. (B)
Polarization vectors for each unit cell, estimated
from atomic displacements in (A). Arrows denote
the polarization direction; the stronger the polarization, the darker the arrow color. Strength of
polarization is also expressed as a color map,
ranging from white (weak) to red (strong).


18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254



an external electric field. After the electric field

was removed and the system was relaxed to equilibrium, we evaluated the remnant polarization
over the whole SrTiO3 film (by the average over the
volume). We found that a decrease in the SrTiO3
thickness not only results in a more stable polar
state but also greatly enhances the remnant
polarization of the system (Fig. 1F). This implies
a possible creation and enhancement of ferroelectricity at the reduced scale via the PNRrelated mechanism.

We experimentally tested these theoretical predictions in strain-free (001) single-crystal SrTiO3

films (23), grown on a (001) SrTiO3 substrate with
a single-crystal conductive oxide SrRuO3 bottom
electrode (29). Film thickness was atomically controlled in the range of 120 to 6 unit cells (fig. S1).
The nominally stoichiometric films had a normal
unit-cell volume, almost the same as that of the
substrate, indicating that the films were nearly
free of excessive point defects (fig. S2). Only minute
amounts of Sr deficiency (~1 atomic % at most)

PFM phase (degree)


0.5 m

PFM amplitude (a.u.)



Fig. 3. Visualization of electrically written polarization states in strain-free SrTiO3 films of different
thicknesses by means of PFM. (A to D) Bipolar domain patterns of [(A) and (B)] 12-unit-cell-thick
and [(C) and (D)] 60-unit-cell-thick SrTiO3 films. The upward polarization in (C) and (D) spontaneously
relaxes within several minutes. The downward polarization in (C) and (D) is characterized by a weaker
amplitude PFM signal. The 24- and 6-unit-cell-thick SrTiO3 films also show a bipolar domain pattern with
clear contrast (23). (E and F) The thickest SrTiO3 film of 120 unit cells does not exhibit any contrast after
domain writing. The PFM amplitude signal is weak, which is consistent with the nonpolar nature of the
bulk-like SrTiO3 films.

Polarization (C/cm2)

Polarization (C/cm2)

24 uc
120 uc


- 15
- 30

- 2000


Electric field (kV/cm)

24 uc
120 uc




Electric field (kV/cm)

Fig. 4. Polarization hysteresis in ultrathin SrTiO3 films. (A) Polarization versus electric field curves
measured at room temperature for 24- and 120-unit-cell-thick SrTiO3 films. We performed hysteresis
measurements at the frequency of 20 kHz. (B) The polarization hysteresis of 24- and 120-unit-cell-thick
SrTiO3 films at room temperature, measured by using the double-wave method with a triangular ac electric
field of 10 kHz. (Inset) Schematic of applied waveform. We obtained the pure hysteresis component by
subtracting the nonhysteresis polarization [up (U) and down (D) runs] from the total [positive (P) and
negative (N) runs].


18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

were present, possibly because of small formation

energy (figs. S3 and S4) (18, 19). As mentioned
above, Sr deficiency can naturally generate PNRs
(Fig. 1, C to E) without compromising crystalline
quality of the film, according to the theoretical
calculations. Second harmonic generation and
Raman spectroscopy measurements provide further
evidence of the PNR formation in our SrTiO3
films (20, 21), with a nonpolar-to-polar transition
at ~400 K (fig. S3).
To directly visualize the PNRs in our films, we
used aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) with high-angle
annular-dark-field (HAADF) and annular-brightfield (ABF) techniques (30, 31). We detected the
atomic positions of Sr, Ti, and O in the 12-unitcell-thick film from the ABF-STEM image (Fig. 2A)
and the simultaneously obtained HAADF-STEM
image (23), which allowed us to determine the
polar atomic displacements. The magnitude of
atomic displacements in polar regions [Fig. 2A,
(i)] was as large as ~0.1 [comparable with that
of conventional ferroelectric BaTiO3 (24)] but
was negligible in other regions [Fig. 2A, (ii)]. The
measured magnitude of atomic displacements is
comparable with the calculated average magnitude (~0.06 ) of atomic displacements in our
theoretical model (Fig. 1C). Polarization maps obtained from the Ti and O displacements (23)
indicate the presence of PNRs with a size of a
few nanometers, whereas no clear polarization
pattern is observed in the SrRuO3 region (Fig.
2B). PNRs have a downward polarization state
in the as-grown film, which is consistent with
ferroelectric domain measurements made with
piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) (fig. S6).
Following the theoretical modeling and calculations (Fig. 1, B and F), these PNRs may enable
ferroelectricity in ultrathin SrTiO3 films, although
they cannot generate a macroscopic net polarization in bulk or thick films.
Using a PFM approach, we found that the
stable and switchable polarization could indeed
be realized at room temperature in ultrathin
SrTiO3 films (Fig. 3) (23). Bipolar domain patterns, similar to those generated in conventional
ferroelectric BaTiO3 films (5, 32), have been
created in the SrTiO3 films with a thickness of
less than 60 unit cells by scanning the film
surface with an electrically biased PFM tip.
Bulk-like 120-unit-cell-thick SrTiO3 film did
not show any PFM contrast after poling, which
is consistent with the notion that PNRs are effective
only in the thinnest films. The stability of the
written domain patterns was thickness-dependent:
Whereas the PFM contrast disappeared within
a few minutes in the 60-unit-cell-thick film, the
bipolar domain patterns were distinct and stable for several hours or more in thinner films
(such as 12-unit-cell-thick film) that exhibited a
polarization stability as good as that of ferroelectric 12-unit-cell-thick BaTiO3 films (fig. S8).
The PFM result demonstrates that the switchable and stable polarization, which is the signature
of ferroelectricity, emerges at room temperature in ultrathin films of otherwise nonferroelectric SrTiO3. SCIENCE


Further evidence for room-temperature ferroelectricity in ultrathin SrTiO3 films was obtained
directly from polarization hysteresis (PE) loops.
The 24-unit-cell-thick SrTiO3 films showed a clear
polarization hysteresis with nonzero remnant polarization, whereas bulk-like 120-unit-cell-thick SrTiO3
films showed no hysteresis with a paraelectriclike behavior (Fig. 4A). The measured PE curves
included a strong nonlinear dielectric contribution. To eliminate this response and to enable a
more accurate measurement, we used the doublewave method (33), giving a switched polarization
DP = P+ P of ~1.4 mC/cm2 for the 24-unit-cellthick SrTiO3 films but DP 0 for the 120-unit-cellthick films (Fig. 4B). Considering the low density
of PNRs in our films, the measured DP value
seems reasonable, but we believe that it can be
increased through interfacial engineering for
more efficient charge compensation (13, 14). Our
PFM and hysteresis measurements unambiguously
confirm room-temperature ferroelectricity in ultrathin SrTiO3 films as well as the enhancement of
ferroelectricity at the nanoscale range in agreement with the theoretical predictions (Fig. 1).
This study demonstrates that size reduction
does not necessarily lead to the deterioration of
ferroelectric properties but in fact could enhance
them. Although this mechanism might be limited
to the ferroelectrics with a relatively low value
of polarization and relaxors, it provides a path
toward devices with reduced dimensions in which
ferroelectricity is coupled to other functional
properties, such as two-dimensional conductivity
(34), superconductivity (35), and magnetism (36).
In particular, we envision nonvolatile devices with
ferroelectric polarization controlling interfacial
carrier concentrations. Not limited to SrTiO3, our
approach can be applied to other perovskite dielectrics (37), in which PNRs are controlled
through defect engineering, as well as artificially
layered superlattices (38, 39), in which PNRs can
influence multiple interfaces.

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work at Penn State is partially supported by Penn State NSF-MRSEC

Center for Nanoscale Science grant DMR-1420620 and by NSF grant
DMR-1410714. The work at Temple University was supported as part
of the Center for the Computational Design of Functional Layered
Materials, an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Science, Basic Energy
Sciences under award DE-SC0012575 and used resources of the
National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC),
a User Facility supported by the DOE Office of Science. S.H.O. and
K.S. acknowledge the support of the Asian Office of Aerospace
Research and Development (AOARD) under grant FA2386-15-1-4046,
Brain Korea 21 PLUS project for Center for Creative Industrial
Materials (grant F14SN02D1707), and the National Research
Foundation (NRF) of Korea funded by the Korean Government
(grant 2015R1A2A2A01007904). Raman studies at Boise State
University have been supported by NSF under grant DMR-1006136.
The work at University of CaliforniaSanta Barbara was partially
supported by the MRSEC Program of the National Science Foundation
under award DMR-1121053.


This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF)

under Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future
(DMREF) grant DMR-1234096. The research at University of
NebraskaLincoln was supported by NSF through the Materials
Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) under grant
DMR-1420645. S.Y.C. acknowledges the support of the Global Frontier
Hybrid Interface Materials of the National Research Foundation of
Korea funded by the Korea Government (2013M3A6B1078872). The

Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S9
References (4053)
20 January 2015; accepted 3 August 2015


Deterministic generation of
multiparticle entanglement by
quantum Zeno dynamics
Giovanni Barontini, Leander Hohmann, Florian Haas,* Jrme Estve, Jakob Reichel
Multiparticle entangled quantum states, a key resource in quantum-enhanced metrology
and computing, are usually generated by coherent operations exclusively. However,
unusual forms of quantum dynamics can be obtained when environment coupling is used
as part of the state generation. In this work, we used quantum Zeno dynamics (QZD),
based on nondestructive measurement with an optical microcavity, to deterministically
generate different multiparticle entangled states in an ensemble of 36 qubit atoms in less
than 5 microseconds. We characterized the resulting states by performing quantum
tomography, yielding a time-resolved account of the entanglement generation. In addition,
we studied the dependence of quantum states on measurement strength and quantified
the depth of entanglement. Our results show that QZD is a versatile tool for fast and
deterministic entanglement generation in quantum engineering applications.

ngineering a desired quantum state

including the increasingly complex entangled states required for quantum computing
and quantum simulationsis typically accomplished using only coherent interactions, such as a resonant field driving an atomic
transition. Recent developments show that measurement and coupling to environment can also
be used as powerful tools for quantum engineering (17). One example of this concept is quan-

Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, cole Normale Suprieure,

Universit Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6, CNRS, Collge de
France, 24 rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris, France.
*Present address: TWS Partners, 80538 Mnchen, Germany.
Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

tum Zeno dynamics (QZD), which has been

theoretically studied for more than a decade
(810). QZD combines a coherent interaction
with a measurement that is applied simultaneously. In the simplest case, this measurement
detects just a single, initially unoccupied state in
the large state space in which the system evolves.
If the measurement is performed frequently
enough, measurement back-action will keep the
detected state unoccupied indefinitely; this is
the well-known quantum Zeno effect. However,
the simple fact of blocking one state also involves
a profound modification of the dynamics elsewhere in the state space: This dynamics, called
QZD, remains coherent but produces states that
18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254



Fig. 1. Quantum Zeno dynamics of atoms

coupled to a cavity. (A) Relevant level scheme of
Rb. A resonant 6.8-GHz microwave (MW) allows
the application of arbitrary rotations to the atomic
qubit. The cavity and probe laser are resonant with
the transition j1ijF 3; mF 0i (F and mF are
the hyperfine and magnetic quantum number of
the excited state, respectively).The cavity transmits
only when the atoms are in the j0N i state. (B) The
Hilbert space of the symmetric atomic spin states
is spanned by the Dicke states jnN i (see text). The
Husimi-Q distributions of some of these states are
also displayed. Starting with the atoms in jNN i, we
apply the microwave and simultaneously measure
cavity transmission, leading to coherent evolution
that is restricted to the subspace Z (orange shaded
area). (C) Microwave excitations used in the experiment. Plotted are the Bloch sphere trajectories
of the mean spin without measurement.Trajectory I
drives the mean spin through the south pole,
whereas trajectory II avoids the pole. (D) Simulated
evolution of the Husimi-Q distribution on the Bloch
sphere for 36 atoms on trajectory I (upper row) and
trajectory II (lower row) under cavity measurement.


Cavity and Probe



N -1








t /T


Fig. 2. Tomography of quantum Zeno dynamics. (A) Measured highresolution 1D cuts of the Husimi-Q distributions Qq; f 0 when the mean
spin reaches the south pole. The upper panel shows the state after microwave
drive along trajectory I without measurement. The Husimi-Q function displays

trajectory I in the presence of measurement. The 7-by-7 measurement grid is

centered around the south pole. The lower row shows the Husimi-Q distribution corresponding to the reconstructed density matrices. For t/T = 0.96, a
ring-shaped distribution appears, indicating high overlap with the W state. (C)

the cosq=2N dependence of the coherent state. The lower panel results from
the same microwave drive, but in the presence of measurement.The Husimi-Q

Same as (B), but for trajectory II. The quantum Fisher information normalized
to the initial atom number N = 36 is (from left to right) 1:510:39
0:08 ; 1:250:17 ;

function shows a characteristic dip. The lines are maximum likelihood reconstructions (16). (B) Measured 2D distributions Qq; f at different times for


18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

0:42 ; 1:190:14 ; 1:140:11 . The measurement rate is rm 22:5W for all
panels. SCIENCE


can be completely different from those produced

by the same coherent interaction without the
measurement (810). QZD may result in quantum states that would be inaccessible in the absence of measurement and that are potentially
interesting for quantum engineering. The experimental challenge is to realize the required nondemolition measurement, which must have high
efficiency for one state (or a group of states)
without affecting the fragile quantum coherences
in the rest of the state space. Single-particle QZD
has been realized by inducing losses on a specific
atomic state (11). Other recent experiments with
single Rydberg atoms (12) and photons in a superconducting microwave cavity (13) have used
unitary operators to divide the state space and
thus obtain an equivalent effect without the use
of measurement.
Here we use a cavity-based measurement in
the regime of high cooperativity, C1, where C =
g2/2kg (g is the single-atom coupling rate to the
cavity field; k and g are the atomic and cavity
half-linewidths at half maximum, respectively).
Compared with other forms of optical detection,
the cavity reduces the spontaneous emission rate
by orders of magnitude, making this a good approximation of an ideal projective measurement
(1416). An ensemble of 87Rb atoms is confined

in a single antinode of the cavity field, ensuring

a near-identical coupling rate g = 2p 190 MHz.
Two hyperfine ground-state sublevels serve as
qubit states j0i and j1i (Fig. 1A), and a microwave
source is used to drive transitions between these
states, realizing a unitary operation UMW. Because
the cavity and microwave fields both provide
near-identical coupling to all of the atoms, the
relevant Hilbert space consists of the symmetric states of the collective atomic spin, which is
spanned by the Dicke states jnN i (Fig. 1B), where
n is the number of atoms in j1i and N is the total
atom number (16). In our experiment, the cavity
and probe beam are tuned as shown in Fig. 1A, so
that the measurement distinguishes the state
j0N i (all atoms in j0i), for which the cavity transmits, from the subspace Z of all other states, for
which it reflects (15). When UMW takes the Natom state close to the boundary of Z, the dynamics in presence of the cavity transmission
measurement strongly differs from UMW applied
alone. The states created in the presence of the
measurement are highly entangled in general,
and their purity depends on the measurement
being strong enough and, at the same time, sufficiently nondestructive. For example, starting
from the initial state jNN i (all atoms in j1i), driving microwave Rabi oscillations with Rabi fre-


Tr( s)



/Tr( s)



/Tr( s)


2 1/2


2(Jx +Jy ) /N








Fig. 3. Evolution of the Dicke state populations during QZD along trajectory I. The measured
populations (solid symbols) are deduced from the data in Fig. 2B. (A) Population inside the symmetric
subspace. (B and C) Relative populations of the Dicke states j0N i (B) and j1N i (C). (D) Transverse spin
length 2=N J2x J2y , where Ji is the ith component of the collective atomic spin. The green dotted lines
in (B) to (D) show the expected evolution without measurement (Rabi oscillation). The measured data
are well described by a model including spontaneous emission (16) with no adjustable parameters
(black solid lines). The dynamics within the symmetric subspace can also be understood without
considering spontaneous emission (red dashed lines). Blue dot-dashed lines are predictions for ideal
QZD (rm ). Open symbols represent measured evolution, excluding runs with nonzero cavity
transmission during the QZD. Error bars are 1s statistical errors of the reconstruction.

quency W (trajectory I in Fig. 1C) would normally

produce the state j0N i after an evolution time
T = p/W. However, if the cavity measurement is
applied simultaneously with the microwave
drive, the system cannot reach this state. Instead,
it evolves through p
state that is very close to the
W state, j1N i 1= N j100i j0100i
j001i, an entangled state that is robust against
particle loss and enables some metrological gain
over nonentangled states (17, 18). If the microwave drive follows trajectory II in Fig. 1C, such
that UMW would go through a state different
than but close to j0N i, then a different entangled
state is obtained. Figure 1D shows simulated states
of the N atoms for the two trajectories in the
presence of measurement, in the vicinity of the
p-pulse time. Plotted is the Husimi-Q distribution
(15) of the states, which for symmetric states is
defined as Qq; f N 1=4pP0 q; f, where
P0 q; f h0N jRq;f rRq;f j0N i is the probability
that all atoms are in j0N i after a rotation Rq;f of
the state with density matrix r.
In our experiment, we used an ensemble of
36 2 atoms (16). To track the dynamics, we
took snapshots of the atomic state by stopping
the microwave and the measurement at different times t during the evolution. For each t, we
measured Qq; f (15, 16) of the resulting state.
In the absence of measurement, driving the
atoms along trajectory I, we obtain the usual
Rabi oscillation (Fig. 2A, upper panel). By contrast, in the presence of measurement, we observe that the Husimi-Q distribution is deformed
and features the expected dip in the center (lower
panel in Fig. 2A) when the state reaches the
south pole. A detailed comparison to theory is
discussed below. In Fig. 2, panels B and C show
the result of full two-dimensional (2D) tomography for different times on trajectories I and II,
respectively. In both cases, as the state approaches
the boundary of Z, its Q function is deformed
such that Q(0,0), which is proportional to the
population in j0N i, remains small at all times.
Driving the dynamics further, the state recovers
its Gaussian character as it leaves the measurement boundary.
From the tomographic measurements, we reconstructed the symmetric part rs of the atomic
ensemble density matrix r using a maximum
likelihood method (15, 16). On trajectory I, the
Q function completely encircles the forbidden
state for t = 0.96T, where T = 4.65 ms. At this
time, the population r11 of the W state reaches
a maximum of 0.37 0.04, whereas r00 = 0.17
0.03. Knowing r11 and r00, we can use the
entanglement-depth criterion derived in (15):
Any N-particle r that has a given combination
{r00, r11}, when decomposed into smaller density
matrices r1   rM , must contain at least one
ri with dimri k, where k depends on the values {r00, r11}. This criterion gives the minimum
number of atoms that are demonstrably entangled with one another but makes no statement
about the strength of this entanglement, which
might be weak. Such a criterion of k-particle entanglement, which does not involve the exact
knowledge of ri, was first derived for spin-squeezed
18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254



states (19). Our k(r00, r11), derived in (15), efficiently detects entanglement in the vicinity of
the W state. Applied to the state for t/T = 0.96,
k(r00, r11) reveals that this state contains at
least 83
5 entangled particles, in spite of the experimental imperfections discussed below.
For trajectory II, the resulting distributions
are compressed in one direction with respect to a
coherent state. For such states, our entanglementdepth criterion is not efficient. To assess their nonclassical character, we calculate a lower bound
on their quantum Fisher information FQ (16, 18).
For ideal QZD (infinite measurement rate and no
loss) on this trajectory, numerical simulations
indicate that a maximum FQ =N 3:4 is reached
for t=T 0:96. It has been shown that FQ > N is
a sufficient (but not necessary) condition for entanglement; also, FQ/N is the maximum achievable reduction in the variance of an estimate of a
quantum phase using that state, with respect to
the shot noise limit (18, 20). The experimentally
realized states in Fig. 2C yield FQ/N = {1.51, 1.25,
1.47, 1.19, 1.14} (16), showing that this trajectory
also creates states that are entangled and feature
some metrological gain with respect to classical
The cavity measurement is characterized by
an effective rate that is not infinitely high, and
this measurement is accompanied by spontaneous emission, which tends to populate undesired states outside the symmetric subspace.
Experimentally, the symmetric subspace population Tr(rs) is readily available from the reconstructed density matrices. Figure 3A shows the
decay of Tr(rs) for trajectory I. A model (16) including spontaneous emission (hereafter referred
to as the full model), with no adjustable parameters, reproduces the data well (solid line).
Apart from this decay, the features of the QZD

can be understood without accounting for spontaneous emission. In Fig. 3, panels B and C show
the measured relative populations rii = rii/Tr(rs)
(solid symbols), comparing them with ideal QZD
(dot-dashed lines) and QZD with a finite measurement rate (dashed lines). r00, which would
reach 1 in the absence of measurement, is strongly reduced by the measurement (Fig. 3B), whereas
r11 is increased (Fig. 3C). We also observe that
the turning point of the Rabi oscillation of the
collective spin shifts to shorter times (Fig. 3D);
this is expected because the measurement reduces the dimension of the Hilbert space. The
deviation from the ideal QZD is well described
by a simpler model (dashed lines), which takes
into account only the finite measurement rate,
not the spontaneous emission. The atoms coherently evolve according to the Hamiltonian
HMW/ = WJx (where is Plancks constant h
divided by 2p, and Jx is the x component of the
angular momentum operator) and are subject to
quantum jumps with a single jump operator
d rm j0N ih0N j accounting for the effect of
the measurement
(16). The measurement rate is
rm 2F T0 , where F is the photon flux entering the cavity and T0 the empty-cavity transmission (14). The dashed lines are calculated for
rm/W = 22.5, the value expected from the measured photon flux incident onto the cavity,
F 21  106 s1. The full model, including spontaneous emission (solid lines), gives very similar
predictions for rii.
For a given cavity, higher F increases the measurement rate and therefore reduces the contamination of the state by j0N i. However, it also
increases the spontaneous emission rate and,
thus, the contamination by states outside the
symmetric subspace. The optimum measurement rate is a compromise between these con-


Tr( s)











rm /
Fig. 4. QZD for different measurement strengths. Tomography measurements are taken after a fixed
evolution time t = 0.96T for different measurement rates (see text), using trajectory I. Solid symbols
denote reconstructed r00 (blue squares) and r11 (red circles) and population in the symmetric subspace
(purple diamonds). Solid lines indicate results of the full model.The insets show some of the reconstructed
Husimi-Q distributions. Increasing the effective measurement rate from zero, r00 decreases whereas r11
increases as normal dynamics turns into QZD. At the same time, spontaneous emission increases,
reducing the population in the symmetric subspace. Open symbols represent runs with nonzero cavity
transmission excluded. Error bars are 1s statistical errors of the reconstruction.


18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

flicting effects. We have investigated this by

varying F, as shown in Fig. 4. By solving the
full model described above, we obtain the solid
curves in Fig. 4, which are in good agreement
with the experimental data and show a broad
maximum of r11 as a function of rm. The data in
Fig. 2B are taken at rm = 22.5W, maximizing the
number of entangled particles as deduced from
the criterion (15).
By detecting transmitted photons on a photodetector behind the cavity, we can access the
result of the Zeno measurement; that is, we can
obtain information about whether the dynamics was restricted to Z. This additional information can be exploited to improve the fidelity of
the produced state, at the price of excluding
some data. In the data of Fig. 2, a transmitted
photon is observed for 5 to 17% of the runs,
depending on t. Excluding these runs from the
analysis improves the quality of resulting state,
as shown by the open symbols in Figs. 3 and 4.
As an example, for trajectory I at t = 0.96T, we
obtain an entanglement depth of 112
3 atoms.
The state fidelity can be drastically improved
with a better cavity, using technology that is
already available today. In our cavity, mirror birefringence causes a second, orthogonally polarized transverse electromagnetic TEM00 mode
located at a detuning of 540 MHz from the probed
mode. This makes the spontaneous emission rate
much larger than in a birefringence-free cavity
with the same linewidth and g. In the latter, the
spontaneous emission rate for atoms in jnN i is
rm/(2nC) for n 1 (14). For our cavity and transition, the atomic and cavity half-linewidths at
half maximum are g = 2p 3 MHz and k = 2p
53 MHz, so that C 100. Fiber cavities have been
fabricated recently with a finesse approaching
200,000 (2123) (to be compared with 37,000
in our cavity) and with a birefringence reduced
to zero (23). With these improvements alone and
all other parameters unchanged, we calculate a
state fidelity r11 0:8.
These results demonstrate that QZD is an
experimentally feasible tool for quantum engineering of multiparticle systems. To date, many
QZD proposals have focused on two-qubit systems (2429). Further exploration involving extensions of the scheme studied here should be
promising. For example, combining driven Rabi
oscillations with a nondemolition measurement
on the equator of the Bloch sphere (30, 31) could
lead to highly entangled states in the vicinity of
the measurement boundary, similar to the mechanism proposed for photons in (10).

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Readily processed protonic ceramic

fuel cells with high performance at
low temperatures
Chuancheng Duan,1 Jianhua Tong,1* Meng Shang,1 Stefan Nikodemski,1
Michael Sanders,1 Sandrine Ricote,1 Ali Almansoori,2 Ryan OHayre1*
Because of the generally lower activation energy associated with proton conduction in
oxides compared to oxygen ion conduction, protonic ceramic fuel cells (PCFCs) should be
able to operate at lower temperatures than solid oxide fuel cells (250 to 550C versus
600C) on hydrogen and hydrocarbon fuels if fabrication challenges and suitable
cathodes can be developed. We fabricated the complete sandwich structure of PCFCs
directly from raw precursor oxides with only one moderate-temperature processing step
through the use of sintering agents such as copper oxide. We also developed a proton-,
oxygen-ion, and electron-holeconducting PCFC-compatible cathode material,
BaCo0.4Fe0.4Zr0.1Y0.1O3-d (BCFZY0.1), that greatly improved oxygen reduction reaction
kinetics at intermediate to low temperatures. We demonstrated high performance from five
different types of PCFC button cells without degradation after 1400 hours. Power densities
as high as 455 milliwatts per square centimeter at 500C on H2 and 142 milliwatts per
square centimeter on CH4 were achieved, and operation was possible even at 350C.

mong the various types of fuel cells, ceramic fuel cells possess several attractive
advantages such as fuel flexibility (including the potential to directly use hydrocarbon fuels), high efficiency, and the absence
of a requirement for precious-metal catalysts
(13), but high operating temperatures [700 to
1000C for conventional first generation yttriastabilized zirconia (YSZ)based solid oxide fuel
cell (SOFCs)] result in high costs and materials
compatibility challenges (4, 5). Second-generation
SOFCs (5, 6), based on newer oxygen-ionconducting
electrolytes [such as samarium-doped ceria (SDC)],
lowered operating temperatures to ~600C (Fig. 1A).

Colorado School of Mines, 1500 Illinois Street, Golden, CO

80401, USA. 2The Petroleum Institute, Post Office Box 2533,
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] (J.T.);
[email protected] (R.OH.)


Nanostructured third generation SOFCs incorporating rare-earth elements such as Eu or Ru,

and ultrathin multilayer electrolytes or core-shell
nanofiber composite electrodes, have achieved
exceptional performance at 450 to 600C (7, 8),
but performance drops rapidly with decreasing
temperature because of the high activation energy (Ea) associated with oxygen-ion conduction
(Fig. 1B).
Proton conduction in oxides generally has a
lower Ea compared to oxygen-ion conduction,
so protonic ceramic fuel cells (PCFCs) offer intriguing potential for high-performance (913),
lower-temperature ceramic fuel cell operation.
PCFCs also offer a number of other potential
benefits compared to SOFCs, particularly when
operating on hydrocarbon fuels. These advantages, illustrated in Fig. 1C, include higher CH4
conversion because of direct proton (hydrogen)
removal from the anode and higher carbon coking


This work was supported by the European Union Information

and Communication Technologies project QIBEC (Quantum
Interferometry with Bose-Einstein Condensates) (GA 284584)
and by the Institut Francilien pour la Recherche sur les Atomes
Froids (IFRAF). We thank J. Volz, R. Gehr, and G. Dubois for their
contributions to early stages of this experiment. G.B. and L.H.
performed the experiment; F.H. contributed to the experimental
setup; and G.B., L.H., J.E., and J.R. contributed to data analysis
and interpretation, as well as to writing the manuscript.
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S7
Table S1
References (3238)
13 October 2014; accepted 18 August 2015

resistance because of unfavorable Bouduard reaction. However, current PCFC performance lags
far behind SOFC performance (Fig. 1A), although
in the late 1990s, Kreuer et al. provided an important step toward enabling viable PCFCs with
the demonstration of stable yttrium-doped barium zirconate (BZY) proton conductors with high
(bulk) proton conductivity (14, 15). Despite this
advance, the high grain boundary resistance and
fabrication challenges associated with this refractory material system have, until now, constrained its application. Nevertheless, the intrinsic
conductivities of currently available protonic ceramic electrolytes suggest that PCFCs can eventually deliver excellent performance between
250 and 550C. The predicted PCFC performance
values based on the limits of current PCFC
electrolytes (Fig. 1B) are distributed between
0.2 and 1.6 W cm2 at 350 to 600C, based on a
10-mm-thick electrolyte (similar to current thirdgeneration SOFCs) and assuming electrode resistances identical to those reported in this study.
Moreover, if epitaxial or bamboo-structured
PCFC electrolytes can be achieved, thereby mitigating the deleterious effect of blocking grain
boundaries, PCFC power densities >2.0 W cm2
could be reached.
Two major reasons why PCFCs have lagged
their more mature SOFC counterparts are a lack
of suitable cathodes expressly designed for PCFC
operation and fabrication challenges stemming
from the refractory nature of most PCFC electrolytes. Here, we introduce advances that address
both of these issues, leading to good PCFC performance at temperatures between 350 and 500C
with power densities of 100 to 455 mW cm2.
The poor performance of most PCFCs is attributed, in part, to their use of cathodes that
were developed for SOFCs operating at much
higher temperatures (700 to 1000C) when target PCFC operation temperatures are near 500C.
We have developed a perovskite cathode composition, BaCo0.4Fe0.4Zr0.1Y0.1O3-d (BCFZY0.1), that is
specifically designed for PCFCs (figs. S2 to S3)
(see the supplementary materials). BCFZY0.1 is
a Y-doped modification of BaCo0.4Fe0.4Zr0.2O3-d
(BCFZ), which we previously reported as a highly
active and chemically compatible cathode material for
18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254



Fig. 1. Comparison of PCFCs and SOFCs. (A) Performance of current first-generation (YSZ-based)
SOFCs, second-generation [SDC, GDC (gadolinium-doped ceria), and LSGM (strontium- and magnesiumdoped lanthanum gallate)-based] SOFCs, and first generation PCFCs versus the SSRS-fabricated PCFC with
triple-conducting oxide cathode reported here. The new SSRS-based PCFC shows excellent promise in the
intermediate- and low-temperature regime (350 to 600C). (B) Performance of recently reported nanostructured third generation SOFCs, which generally incorporate exotic elements such as Eu or Ru, ultrathin
multilayer electrolytes, and/or highly nanostructured electrodes versus predicted performance of PCFCs
based on the currently achievable area-specific resistance of a 10-mm-thick protonic ceramic electrolyte and
assuming electrode resistances identical to those reported in this work. The predicted performance suggests
that PCFCs can eventually deliver excellent performance in the IT range (250 to 550C)rivaling, if not
surpassing, the best third-generation SOFCs. Moreover, the decreased activation energy of PCFC electrolytes
compared to SOFC electrolytes suggests that PCFCs can be particularly attractive at lower temperatures.
(References used for assembling the data points in Fig. 1, A and B, are provided in the supplementary
materials.) (C) Schematic illustration of SOFC and PCFC operation. PCFCs can offer a number of other
potential benefits compared to SOFCs, particularly when operating on hydrocarbon fuels. These advantages
include higher CH4 conversion because of direct proton (hydrogen) removal from the anode and higher carbon
coking resistance due to conditions disfavoring the Bouduard reaction (supplementary text and fig. S1).


18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

PCFCs (16, 17). BCFZY0.1 is a transition-metaldoped

derivative of the well-known proton-conducting
oxide BaZrxY1-xO3-d (BZY) (18). Although BZY is
an excellent proton conductor and also exhibits
some oxygen-ion conductivity in dry reducing atmospheres (19), its electronic conductivity is extremely small. By heavily doping the B site of BZY
with transition-metal cations (Co and Fe), the
electronic percolation threshold is exceeded, thus
activating electronic conduction while maintaining ionic conductivity (figs. S4 to S6). The result
is a triple conducting cathode material (20, 21)
that exhibits simultaneous proton, oxygen-ion,
and electron-hole conductivity (figs. S7 and S8).
As illustrated in fig. S9, the application of conventional SOFC cathodes (which are based on
either electron-conducting oxides or mixed oxygenion and electron-conducting oxides) to PCFC electrolytes restricts the cathode reaction only to
points where the electrolyte and electrode phases
meet. In contrast, the triple-conducting BCFZY0.1
cathode eliminates the triple-phase boundary constraints associated with traditional composite
cathode architectures: The entire cathode becomes electrochemically active, which offers the
chance to lower the viable operating window of
PCFC devices to <400C compared to >700C
today (table S1).
Fabrication complexity has also restrained
the commercial development of PCFC technology. The basic structure of a PCFC consists of a
fully dense proton-conducting ceramic electrolyte
membrane sandwiched between a porous anode
and a porous cathode. Traditionally (Fig. 2A), the
high-quality componential powders (electrolyte,
anode, and cathode) must be synthesized from
expensive precursors (e.g., nitrates) by complicated wet-chemistry routes (or by time- and
energy-consuming solid-state reaction procedures) followed by multiple drying, grinding, and
high-temperature calcination (1000C) steps.
The anode support is then prepared and bisque
fired, after which the electrolyte layer is deposited and the anode/electrolyte half-cell is cofired
at temperatures higher than 1600C to achieve
acceptable electrolyte density. The high sintering
temperature required to achieve densification of
the protonic ceramic electrolyte generally also
leads to undesirable coarsening of the anode
structure. Finally, a porous cathode layer is deposited and the cell is fired a third time to complete
the structure. This separate cathode deposition
and firing step frequently leads to interfacial
weakness between the cathode and the electrolyte and can constrain the choice of materials
Our PCFC fabrication method enables the
full cell (i.e., porous anode, dense electrolyte,
and porous cathode) to be created in a single
reduced-temperature (1400C) firing step directly from the raw precursor oxides (Fig. 2B). This
approach leverages the recent development of
solid-state reactive sintering (SSRS) (10), whereby
carefully selected sintering aids can be used to
assist the conversion of appropriately mixed raw
precursor oxides and carbonates (e.g., BaCO3 +
CeO2 + ZrO2 + etc.) directly into the final SCIENCE


Nitrate Solution


Pre-Sinter at
Sinter at 1600C
Sinter at 1000C
high temperature
Green Anode
Print Cathode
Full Single Cell
Print Electrolyte


BCFZY0.1 Nanoparticles
BCZY63 Cathode Bone

Precursor Cathode BaCO3, CeO2

ZrO2,Y2O3, 0.025wt.% Fe2O3, Starch

Sinter at

Precursor Electrolyte BaCO3,

CeO2,ZrO 2,Y2O3, Yb 2O3, NiO
Precursor Anode BaCO3, CeO2,
ZrO 2,Y2O3, Yb 2O3, NiO, Starch

Porous BCZY63 Cathode Bone

Infiltrate Cathode
Catalyst and
Sinter at 900oC

BCZYYb Electrol


BCZYYb Electrolyte

Print Cathode and

Sinter at 900oC

Sinter at
Precursor Electrolyte
BaCO3, ZrO 2,Y2O3, CuO

PrecursorAnode BaCO3,
ZrO 2,Y2O3, NiO, Starch


BZY20 Electrolyte


BZY20/Ni Anod


yt e
Dense BZ
Y20 Electrol
Porous BZ 20/Ni Anode

Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of the fabrication and structure of PCFC button cells. (A) traditional approach, (B) composite cathode SSRS
approach, and (C) thin-film cathode SSRS approach.

Table 1. Fabrication method, cell composition, and peak power density of cells 1 to 5.

PCFC cells
Cell 1

Fabrication method
Fig. 2B

Peak power density(W cm2)

Single-cell composition
40 wt % BCZYYb + 60 wt % NiO
| BCZYYb +1.0 wt % NiO | BCZY63 + BCFZY0.1
40 wt % BCZYYb + 60 wt % NiO



Cell 2

Fig. 2C

| BCZYYb + 1.0 wt % NiO | BCFZY0.1

45 wt % BZY20 + 55 wt % NiO



Cell 3

Fig. 2C

| BZY20 + 1.0 wt % NiO | BCFZY0.1

45 wt % BZY20 + 55 wt % NiO



Cell 4

Fig. 2C

| BZY20 + 1.4 wt % CuO | BCFZY0.1

40 wt % BCZY63 + 60 wt % NiO



Cell 5

Fig. 2C

| BCZY63 + 1.3 wt % CuO | BCFZY0.1



pure anode (fig. S10), electrolyte, and cathode

perovskite compositions during the single firing
step. By using different sintering aids for the
electrolyte versus the cathode, the former can
be rendered fully dense, whereas the latter can
maintain a highly porous and active nanostructure under the same sintering conditions (fig. S11).
To further improve cathode performance, a second, optional step (Fig. 2B) subsequently deposits a nanoscale cathode catalyst phase into
the porous cathode bone with solution infiltration followed by calcination at moderate temperatures (500 to 900C). Alternatively, as

shown in Fig. 2C, an anode + electrolyte halfcell can be sintered directly from raw precursor
oxides in a first, moderate-temperature sintering step (~1400C) with the subsequent incorporation of a single-phase thin-film cathode
via a second lower-temperature (~900C) sintering step to ensure high cathode surface area and
To illustrate the versatility of this new approach,
we used the SSRS method to fabricate five different types of PCFC button cells (Table 1). The button
cells feature three different well-known PCFC
electrolytesBaZr0.8Y0.2O3-d (BZY20), BaCe0.6Zr0.3Y0.1O3-d

(BCZY63), and BaCe0.7Zr0.1Y0.1Yb0.1O3-d (BCZYYb)

in combination with two different sintering aids
(CuO or NiO) and the triple-conducting (electron hole, oxygen ion, and proton) oxide BCFZY0.1
cathode. These varied cell compositions demonstrate the generality and reproducibility of our
approach. BZY20, the prototypical PCFC electrolyte material, is notoriously difficult to sinter
and densify. It has excellent stability, but high
grain boundary resistance. BCZY63 provides
improved sinterability and lower grain boundary resistance, but decreased stability compared
to BZY20 (22, 23). BCZYYb (24) demonstrates
18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254



Fig. 3. Performance and

microstructure of selected
cells under H2/air operation.
(A) I-V and power density of
cells 1 to 5 under H2/air at
500C; (B) I-V and power
density of cell 2 under H2/air
at different temperatures;
(C) terminal voltage and power
density at a current density
of 0.3 A cm2 at 500C for
cell 2 under H2/air for over
1100 hours; and (D) a crosssectional view of cell 2 after
operation on H2 for over
1100 hours (inset figure is the
high-magnification view of
BCFZY0.1 cathode after
1100 hours operation).

one of the highest conductivities ever reported

for a proton-conducting perovskite, but at the
cost of further decreased stability, especially in
H2O or CO2-containing environments (fig. S12).
Nevertheless, successful fabrication of BCZYYb
button cells by the single-step SSRS fabrication technique demonstrates that this approach
is applicable even to compositionally complex
perovskites (e.g., in this case, BCZYYb has five
cations). (Experimental details on the preparation and testing of the five different PCFC
button cells are provided in the supplementary
Figure 3 summarizes key results from testing
of the five PCFC button cells. In Fig. 3A, the
current-voltage (I-V) performance of all five cells
is compared under H2/air operation at 500C.
The open-circuit voltage (OCV) values for all five
cells are higher than 1.05 V, suggesting that both
electronic and mechanical leakages are small.
Previous detailed studies of SSRS-fabricated
BCZYYb1.0 weight % (wt %) NiO electrolytes in
reducing environments have demonstrated that
the electronic conductivity of these electrolyte
materials remains extremely small (te < 0.01),
despite the presence of the NiO sintering aid,
over a wide temperature window (100 to 800C)
(25). The reduced sintering temperatures enabled
by our SSRS fabrication process (1450C) are
sufficient to fully densify the thin electrolyte layers in these cells. Figure S13 shows that dense
and defect-free BZY20 electrolytes around 30 mm
in thickness can be successfully fabricated with
the SSRS method. All cells shown here were fabricated with 20- to 30-mm-thick electrolytes and
exhibited good reliability and reproducibility.

18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Figure 3A reveals that cells 1 and 2, which are

based on the BCZYYb electrolyte, yield the best
performance, with peak power densities of 455
and 405 mW cm2, respectively, at 500C. Previous reported power densities for PCFCs at this
temperature are typically 50 to 280 mW cm2
(Fig. 1A). These two BCZYYb cells differ primarily
in the route used to prepare their cathodes. The
highest-performing cell (cell 1) was fabricated
with the route shown in Fig. 2B, whereas the
other BCZYYb cell (cell 2) was fabricated with
the route shown in Fig. 2C. The route 2B fabrication process produces a composite two-phase
cathode with a highly porous, proton-conducting
BCZY63 cathode backbone decorated by a nanoparticulate BCFZY0.1 catalyst phase created via a
secondary infiltration process [see representative
scanning electron micrograph (SEM) images in
fig. S14]. In contrast, the route 2C fabrication process uses a single-phase thin-film cathode composed entirely of the BCFZY0.1 catalyst phase
without a secondary proton-conducting backbone
phase (see representative SEM image for this
cell in Fig. 3D; additional images are provided in
fig. S15). The thin-film single-phase cathode performs nearly as well as the composite cathode,
which substantiates the mixed proton and electronic conduction properties of the BCFZY0.1
cathode material. BCFZY0.1 alleviates the constraints associated with traditional triple-phase
boundary composite cathode architectures and
enables cells to be produced by the arguably simpler route 2C fabrication process without substantial loss in performance.
Because of the fabrication advantages afforded
by the simpler single-phase thin-film cathode de-

sign, cells 3, 4, and 5 were also prepared by the

route 2C fabrication process. Cells 3 and 4 incorporated a BZY20 electrolyte, whereas cell 5
incorporated a BCZY63 electrolyte. Cell 3 used
1.0 wt % NiO as a sintering aid, which was mixed
with the electrolyte precursors to assist in the
phase-formation and densification process, whereas
cells 4 and 5 used 1.4 and 1.3 wt % CuO, respectively, as a sintering aid for the same purpose.
We have previously shown (26) that both NiO
and CuO are excellent sintering aids for BZY20
and BCZY63. The BZY20 and BCZY63 cells showed
modestly decreased performance compared to
the BCZYYb cells, which was expected given the
lower conductivity of these electrolytes. Although
the electrolyte thickness and overall microstructures of cells 3 to 5 are similar (see figs. S16 to S18),
the cell prepared with NiO as a sintering aid
(cell 3) showed somewhat better performance.
The I-V curves in Fig. 3A show that cell 3, with
1.0 wt % NiO as a sintering aid, has a higher
OCV, which we speculate arose from a lower
electronic leak compared with cell 4, which used
1.4 wt % CuO as the sintering aid.
Figure 3B provides further details on the
performance of cell 2 as an example. The I-V
performance of cell 2 as a function of temperature (Fig. 3B) shows that viable power densities
(~100 mW cm2) can still be produced at temperatures as low as 350C. Indeed, all five cells
produced measurable power at 350C (the I-V
curves of the other four cells as a function of
temperature under the same conditions are shown
in figs. S16 to S19). Exemplary impedance spectroscopy plots of cells 1 and 3 are shown in fig.
S20, while the electrolyte and electrode SCIENCE


Fig. 4. Performance and microstructure of selected cells under CH4/air

operation. (A) I-V and power density for cell 4 under 20 vol. % CH4 + 50 vol. %
H2O + 30 vol. % Ar/air at 500, 550, and 600C; (B) terminal voltage, OCV, and
power density at a current density of 155 mA cm2 at 550C for cell 4 under
20 vol. % CH4 + 50 vol. % H2O + 30 vol. % Ar/air for over 500 hours; (C) terminal
voltage,OCV, and power density at a current density of 80 mW cm-2 at 500C for

specific resistances extracted from these impedance measurements are provided in fig. S21.
Figure 3C demonstrates the stability of the
operating voltage and power density during
long-term testing of cell 2 under H2/air operation
at a constant current density of 300 mA cm2 at
500C. Both cell voltage and power density actually increased slightly during the course of the
1100-hour test, which we attribute to the continued reduction of the anode during the first
600 hours of operation. The cell was still fully
viable after 1100 hours, and its microstructure
(Fig. 3D) was virtually identical to that of an untested cell. The cathode/electrolyte and anode/
electrolyte interfaces showed no signs of delamination, and the well-connected interfacial character was preserved without any visible cracking
or pore formation, suggesting good thermal expansion compatibility and stability of the electrodes with the electrolyte. Furthermore, the
high-magnification image of the cathode in the
inset of Fig. 3D shows that even after longterm testing, the cathode maintained its fine
We investigated whether direct methane operation of several SSRS-fabricated fuel cells could
be maintained in the intermediate-temperature
operating regime. As shown in Fig. 4A, a CuOsintered BZY20-based cell operating on direct
methane fuel attains a peak power density of
240 mW cm2 at 600C [versus, e.g., 24 mW cm2
at 750C (27) for previous direct-methane PCFCs].
Furthermore, the cell achieved stable operation
even at 500C. The cells also maintained excelSCIENCE

cell 4 under 20 vol. % CH4 + 50 vol. % H2O + 30 vol. % Ar/air for over 1400 hours;
(D) cross-sectional view of cell 4 after operation under 20 vol. % CH4 + 50 vol. %
H2O + 30 vol. % Ar/air for over 1400 hours; (E) I-V and power density of cell 3
under 28.6 vol. % CH4 + 71.4 vol. % H2O/air at 500, 550, and 600C; (F) terminal
voltage, OCV and power density of cell 3 at a current density of 150 mA cm2
at 500C under 28.6 vol. % CH4 + 71.4 vol. % H2O/air for over 200 hours.

lent stability. The OCV, terminal voltage, and

power density for methane-fueled BZY20 fuel
cells operating at 550 and 500C remained
highly stable during 500 and 1400 hours testing
periods, respectively (Fig. 4, B and C). In both
cases, the cells were still fully viable when testing was halted. The microstructure of the BZY20
cell after 1400 hours operation on methane at
500C (Fig. 4D) revealed no detectable changes
in cell morphology, cracking, or delamination,
and no evidence of carbon deposition (fig. S22).
Long-term stability under OCV conditions at
600C (>400 hours) on methane operation was
also measured for a BZY20-based fuel cell sintered with CuO (fig. S23). Based on the higher
performance of the NiO-sintered BZY20 cell, its
performance on methane was also tested with a
H2O/CH4 ratio of 2.5 without fuel dilution by an
inert carrier gas. The cell attained peak power
densities of 290, 215, and 142 mW cm2 at 600,
550, and 500C, respectively (Fig. 4E). Figure 4F
confirms the stability of the cell over 200 hours
of testing. These direct methane PCFC single
cells achieve unprecedented performance compared with previous results reported in the literature (table S2). Although BCZYYb-based cells
showed better performance on hydrogen, the instability under methane operation was observed
(figs. S12 and S24).
By using a densification-aiding sintering additive in the electrolyte layer, a porosity-stabilizing
additive in the cathode bone, and a pore-former
in the anode, solid-state reactive sintering can
be used to produce a complete PCFC single cell

directly from raw binary oxides with just one

or two combined phase-formation and sintering steps. Low-temperature PCFC performance
is further enabled by a new, triple-conducting
BCFZY0.1 cathode material. The SSRS-fabricated
PCFCs attain high power densities at intermediate temperature (as high as 455 mW cm2 at
500C) with viable power density produced at
temperatures as low as 350C and long-term
durability of >1000 hours without loss in performance. Furthermore, SSRS-fabricated PCFCs
using BZY20 electrolyte demonstrate very good
intermediate-temperature performance and stability under CH4/air testing for over 1400 hours,
underscoring the promise of intermediatetemperature PCFCs for direct hydrocarbon operation. These results highlight the potential of
the SSRS process to provide a commercially practical, simple, and low-cost approach to scalable
solid-state ceramic devices.

1. E. P. Murray, T. Tsai, S. A. Barnett, Nature 400, 649651

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P. Babilo, T. Uda, S. M. Haile, J. Mater. Res. 22, 13221330 (2007).
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27. I. Luisetto, E. Di Bartolomeo, A. DEpifanio, S. Licoccia,
J. Electrochem. Soc. 158, B1368B1372 (2011).

This work was supported by Advanced Research Projects

AgencyEnergy (ARPA-E) for funding under the REBELS program
(award DE-AR0000493), the National Science Foundation
Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers program
under grant DMR-0820518, and the Petroleum Institute in Abu
Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. This work is related to U.S. Patent
application 62/101,285 (2015) and U.S. Patent application
14/621,091 (2015) filed by J. Tong et al. J.T. and R.OH. developed
the intellectual concept, designed all the experiments, and
supervised this research. C.D. performed the fabrication and
testing experiments of PCFC single cells. M.Sh. synthesized and
tested the cathode materials. S.N. identified the copper oxide as an


Site-selective arene C-H amination

via photoredox catalysis
Nathan A. Romero, Kaila A. Margrey, Nicholas E. Tay, David A. Nicewicz*
Over the past several decades, organometallic cross-coupling chemistry has developed into one
of the most reliable approaches to assemble complex aromatic compounds from preoxidized
starting materials. More recently, transition metalcatalyzed carbon-hydrogen activation has
circumvented the need for preoxidized starting materials, but this approach is limited by a lack
of practical amination protocols. Here, we present a blueprint for aromatic carbon-hydrogen
functionalization via photoredox catalysis and describe the utility of this strategy for arene
amination. An organic photoredox-based catalyst system, consisting of an acridinium
photooxidant and a nitroxyl radical, promotes site-selective amination of a variety of simple
and complex aromatics with heteroaromatic azoles of interest in pharmaceutical research.
We also describe the atom-economical use of ammonia to form anilines, without the need for
prefunctionalization of the aromatic component.

he development of catalytic procedures for

the selective modification of carbon-hydrogen
(C-H) bonds carries the promise of streamlined and sustainable syntheses of highvalue chemicals. Direct transformation of
aryl C-H bonds into carbon-carbon (C-C), carbonoxygen (C-O), and carbon-nitrogen (C-N) bonds
can provide efficient access to arenes with diverse structural properties (1, 2). In particular,
interest in aryl C-H amination (construction of a
C-N bond from a C-H bond) is driven by the
ubiquity of aryl C-N bonds in pharmaceuticals,
natural products, agrochemicals, pigments, and
optoelectronic materials. In contrast to the BuchwaldHartwig (3, 4) and Chan-Lam (5, 6) aminations,
which stand as the current preferred methods
for catalytic aryl C-N bond construction, a C-H
amination strategy could circumvent the need
for prior functionalization of the arene as halide,
triflate, or boronic acid. This synthetic advantage is augmented by the application of C-H
amination to late-stage functionalization of synthetic targets, wherein libraries of complex aryl
Department of Chemistry, University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3290, USA.
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]


18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

effective sintering aid for solid-state reactive sintering. M.Sa.

measured proton concentration in cathode material. S.R.
contributed to the preparation of the pastes for the electrolytes
and cathode bones. A.A. participated in discussion and analysis
of the methane-fueled cell testing. J.T., R.OH., and C.D. analyzed
all experimental data and wrote the paper.

amines could be generated in a single step for

medicinal chemistry screening.
Many of the recent advances in aryl C-H amination have been propelled by the ability of
transition metals to activate C-H bonds. Although
a regioselective addition to an arene that lacks a
strong electronic or steric bias is an intrinsic
challenge of aryl C-H functionalization, a number of researchers, including Buchwald and coworkers (7), Daugulis and co-workers (8), Shen
and co-workers (9), and Nakamura and co-workers
(10), have achieved orthoselective addition by relying on Lewis-basic substituents to direct the site of
metalation. Beyond transition metalcatalyzed
approaches, imidation of arenes and heteroarenes
has been achieved by Sanford and co-workers in a
photoredox mediated system (11), as well as by
Chang (12) and DeBoef (13) and their respective coworkers, who employed PhI(OAc)2 as an oxidant
(Ph, phenyl; OAc, acetate). In these cases, regioselectivity was modest at best. Of the intermolecular
C-H amination examples reported in the literature,
few operate with the arene as a limiting reagent.
Exceptional in this regard are the systems reported
in studies led by Ritter (14), Baran (15), and Itami
(16), yet each method appears to be exclusive to a
single nitrogen coupling partner.

Materials and Methods
Supplementary Text
Figs. S1 to S24
Tables S1 and S2
References for Fig. 1, A and B
References (2891)
21 April 2015; accepted 13 July 2015
Published online 23 July 2015

Taken together, this body of precedent research

illustrates a number of remaining challenges in
aryl C-H amination chemistry: (i) achievement of
site-selective addition; (ii) extension of the nitrogen coupling partner beyond amides and imides,
including the direct synthesis of primary anilines;
and (iii) achievement of atom-economical and mild
synthetic conditions. In this report, we describe
our efforts to develop a C-H amination methodology that addresses these limitations and demonstrates the combination of organic photoredox
catalysis with nitroxyl radicals as co-catalysts.
We hypothesized that an arene cation radical
could serve as a key reactive intermediate in a
direct, intermolecular C-H aryl amination. We
believed that an amine could form s-adduct 2
with an arene cation radical 1, generated upon
photoinduced electron transfer (PET) from the
arene to an excited-state photoredox catalyst (cat*)
(Fig. 1) (1721). The subsequent deprotonation of
distonic cation radical 2, followed by oxidative
aromatization of intermediate 3, would deliver
the desired aminated arene. As this process constitutes a two-electron and two-proton loss, an
equivalent of a two-electron oxidant would be
required for each photocatalyst turnover. In addition to an earlier report of an intramolecular
cyclization initiated by PET (22), several recent
investigations suggested that such a process was
feasible. First, Yoshida and co-workers reported
the synthesis of aryl amines by means of electrochemical oxidation (2325). Essential to this
achievement was the use of protected amines to
insulate the C-Ncoupled products from subsequent oxidative degradation. Accordingly, an additional synthetic step was required to liberate the
desired targets. Second, Fukuzumi and co-workers
studied the addition of bromide and fluoride
anions to arene cation radicals, generated upon
PET, via an organic photoredox catalyst (26, 27).
Dioxygen (O2) served as a terminal oxidant and
was believed to play a role in both the regeneration of the photoredox catalyst and the aromatization to furnish the aryl halide.
These studies lend support for the arene amination blueprint outlined in Fig. 1, and, given that
aerobic conditions have been used in previous oxidative photoredox processes, O2 was an attractive SCIENCE


Fig. 1. A blueprint for site-selective C-H amination of aromatics. LEDs, light-emitting diodes; hu, light.

Fig. 2. Reaction development.

(A) Catalyst optimization and
(B) the proposed mechanism.
Reactions run with 1.0 equivalent
of 4 and 2.0 equivalents of 5, unless
otherwise noted. E*red values for
A to C are given versus SCE (see
the supplementary materials for
details). BQ, 1,4-benzoquinone.

choice as a terminal oxidant and was our starting

point for this investigation.
In our initial screens for reactivity, we used
commercially available acridinium catalysts A
and B (Fig. 2, inset), as they have highly positive excited-state reduction potentials [E*red =

+2.20 and +2.09 V versus the saturated calomel

electrode (SCE), respectively] and are robust in
the presence of strong nucleophiles. We selected
pyrazole (5) as a representative nucleophile and
anisole (4) as the arene coupling partner (28).
Under the conditions given in Fig. 2A, but in the

absence of oxygen, little C-Ncoupled arene adduct (6a and 6b) was observed. However, when
the reaction was run under a balloon of O2, a
combined 47% yield of 6a and 6b was observed,
with good para:ortho selectivity (ratio of 6.7:1).
Subsequent first-pass optimization efforts produced
18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254



no gain in yield for the catalyst, concentration,

solvent, or other oxidants.
This plateau in yield could have several causes.
First, aryl amine products 6a and 6b (irreversible half-peak potential, Ep/2 = +1.50 V versus
SCE) possess lower oxidation potentials than
anisole does (Ep/2 = +1.87 V versus SCE), and 6a
and 6b could competitively reduce excited-state
acridinium (cat+*), resulting in product inhibition.
Second, analysis of the reaction mixture revealed
that phenyl formate was the major byproduct, indicating that, in addition to product inhibition,
side reactions of the arene reactant were problematic under these conditions. Third, after failing

to detect catalyst A or B in crude proton nuclear

magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectra, we questioned the stability of the catalyst under the reaction conditions. Moreover, both anisole (4) and
acridinium are susceptible to degradation reactions in the presence of oxygen-centered radicals
(29); we therefore surveyed a number of additives
that could mitigate any highly reactive radical intermediates, such as peroxyl radicals.
We found that 10 mol % 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPO) improved the yield of
6a and 6b to 65%. We also observed that the
remaining mass balance was almost entirely unreacted anisole. Increased equivalents of TEMPO

afforded a yield of 74% that decreased with

higher loadings.
As an additional measure to prolong the viability of the acridinium catalyst, we modified the
acridinium structure to confer stability against
addition of nucleophiles or radicals (9-mesityl-3,6di-tert-butyl-10-phenylacridinium tetrafluoroborate,
C). The use of this catalyst provided the best results to date, producing compound 6 in 88% yield
after 20 hours. A 97% yield was achieved under an
atmosphere of air after irradiation for 3 days. The
use of immobilized TEMPO on polystyrene resulted
in a 65% yield of the aminated arene and facilitated
its recovery and reuse via simple filtration.

Fig. 3. Reaction scope for the C-H amination. Parenthetical ratios refer to para:ortho (p:o) selectivity for the given N-isomer. Reactions were run in 1,2dichloroethane (DCE) at 0.1 M concentration with respect to the arene limiting reagent. The asterisk indicates a reaction run with 2.0 equivalents of arene, 1.0
equivalent of amine, and 1.0 equivalent of TEMPO under an N2 atmosphere for 44 hours. The dagger indicates a reaction run under N2 with 1.0 equivalent of
TEMPO. Hex, hexyl group; Ac, acetyl group.




The mechanism of this reaction is currently

the subject of detailed investigation. We believe
the role of TEMPO is to aromatize radical intermediate 9 directly by H-atom abstraction (Fig.
2B). Alternatively, radical 9 could be trapped by
O2 to form 1,3-cyclohexadienyl peroxyl radical
10, from which internal elimination would yield
product 11 and hydroperoxyl radical HO2 (30).
As proposed in (26), O2 can oxidize acridine radical Mes-Acr (Mes, mesityl; Acr, acridinium), regenerating acridinium Mes-Acr+ and superoxide
O2, although other putative intermediates might
be capable of catalyst turnover (e.g., HOO) (Fig. 2B).
The strongly basic superoxide should deprotonate
intermediate 10, then undergo hydrogen atom
transfer with TEMPO-H, ultimately forming H2O2
and regenerating TEMPO. The decrease in undesired byproducts observed when TEMPO was
included is consistent with the proposed activity
of TEMPO-H, which is expected to scavenge reactive oxygen-centered radicals, such as hydroperoxyl radical HO2. Although the half-wave
redox potential of TEMPO [E1/2 (TEMPO/
TEMPO+) = +0.62 V versus Ag/AgCl] (31) points
to the possibility of oxidization by cat+*, the use
of 20 mol % TEMPOnium-BF4 produced comparable results to TEMPO in the aryl amination
reaction (table S1). This suggests that a common
mechanistic intermediate is accessiblenamely,
TEMPOpresumably generated by electron transfer from cat (E1/2 (cat+/cat) = 0.47 to 0.58 V
versus SCE) to TEMPOnium. In the absence of
cat+, none of aryl amine 11 was generated with
20 mol % TEMPO, although trace product formation was detected when 20 mol % TEMPOniumBF4 was used and the acridinium photocatalyst
was omitted.
The optimized conditions were successfully extended to the coupling of pyrazole with a variety
of monosubstituted aromatics, including CH2OCH3
(MOM) and tert-butyldimethylsilyl (TBS)protected
phenol as well as biphenyl (12 to 15, 18; Fig. 3).
Halogenated anisole derivatives were excellent
substrates for the transformation and afforded
N-arylpyrazoles 19 and 20, with complete regioselectivity para to the methoxy substituent. Likewise, regiochemical discrimination is possible on
biaryls bearing electronically distinct aromatic
groups. Despite the availability of eight unique
aryl C-H bonds in 2-chloro-2'-methoxy-1,1'-biphenyl,
biaryl 21 was formed in 75% yield, with completely site-selective addition para to the methoxy
group, reflective of the electronic influences on
this manifold. Heterocycles bearing electronreleasing substitution are competent substrates:
Dimethoxypyridine 22 and methoxyquinoline
23 were isolated in modest yields but as single
products. Heterocyclic motifs such as quinazoline
dione, 1-methyl indazole, and dihydrocoumarin
readily underwent C-H amination with pyrazole
to produce adducts 24 to 26. In all cases, a regioselectivity ratio of >15:1 was observed.
One of the challenges associated with the oxidative functionalization of arenes is the presence
of weak benzylic C-H bonds, particularly in arene
cation radicals, which have a documented propensity for H-atom and/or proton loss at these

positions (32). For example, under the electrochemical oxidation conditions in (24), alkylsubstituted arenes give rise to benzylic amination
over aryl amination. Our initial attempts to apply
the previously optimized conditions to the coupling of pyrazole with mesitylene were hampered
by competitive benzylic oxidation to the aryl
aldehyde (table S2), a reactivity previously
documented in (33). Excluding O2 suppressed
benzylic oxidation and increasing the TEMPO
loading to 1.0 equivalent enabled the addition
of pyrazole to the aromatic ring of mesitylene, forming 16 in excellent yield (82%). No products
resulting from benzylic oxidation were observed.
Likewise, m-xylene reacted under these conditions,
albeit in lower yields (36%); the remainder of
the mass balance was attributed to unreacted
starting material. Even modest yields are notable
in this context, given the oxidation potential of
m-xylene (Ep/2 = +2.28 V versus SCE) and the
excited-state reduction potential of catalyst C.
Considering the acidity of alkylbenzene cation
radicals [pKa [PhMe]+ = 20, where Ka is the acid
dissociation constant (34)], it is remarkable that
productive aryl C-H amination occurs for mesitylene and m-xylene.
Azoles are a privileged structural unit in pharmacologically active compounds (35, 36) and in
the architectures of transition metalcatalysts
and organocatalysts. Yet the most reliable methods for constructing aryl-azoles require at least
two synthetic steps. We found that a diverse range
of N-heterocyclic nucleophiles could be directly
coupled to an arene in our reaction protocol. In
addition to pyrazoles (27 to 29), we found that
1,2,3- and 1,2,4-triazoles (30, 32), tetrazole (31),
imidazole and benzimidazole (33 and 36), benzotriazole (34), and tetrahydro-indazole (35) produced good to excellent yields of the C-N adducts
(53 to 85%). A di-Bocprotected adenine (Boc,
butoxycarbonyl) gave nearly quantitative yields
(99%) of purines (37) in a 1.1:1 N-regioisomeric

To evaluate whether this catalyst system could

be applied to late-stage functionalization, we
tested the C-N bondforming protocol with representative druglike molecules, as shown in Fig. 3
(bottom). The successful coupling of Boc-histidine
methyl ester with 4 offers a new strategy for the
modification of biologically relevant structures
containing this amino acid. When reacted with
pyrazole, O-acetylcapsaicin, naproxen methyl
ester, and dihydroquinidinetrifluoroacetic acid
(DHQDTFA) were transformed into single regioisomers of the adducts (38 to 41). Despite heteroatom substitution at the benzylic position, no
oxidation of the benzylic C-H bonds was observed in either O-acetylcapsaicin or DHQDTFA
in the reactions forming 39 and 41, respectively.
Likewise, naproxen methyl ester contains a sensitive benzylic C-H bond that remained undisturbed
in the coupling reaction. These results demonstrate
the mildness and practicality of the protocol.
The regioselectivities observed in these transformations are challenging to interpret, given
the diversity of substituents on the arene coupling partner. Previous studies have found qualitative correlations between the observed site
selectivity and the lowest unoccupied molecular
orbital coefficients (23) or partial atomic charges
(26). The aforementioned work is consistent with
the expectation of nucleophilic addition to a cation radical at positions that afford a stabilized
radical; in arenes bearing a single substituent, addition at the ortho and para positions is favored
over meta-addition. Other differentiating factors,
such as steric effects, may be intertwined with
arene electronics, and future mechanistic studies
could clarify the key contributions to the regioselectivities observed.
Last, we explored whether anilines could be
forged directly from this catalytic sequence by
using either ammonia or an ammonium salt as
the nitrogen source. Traditionally, a nitrationhydrogenation sequence is used to access anilines
directly. The latter protocol requires rigorous

Fig. 4. Synthesis of
anilines using ammonium salt as ammonia equivalent.
Reactions were run in
DCE and H2O (10:1) at
0.1 M concentration
with respect to the
arene limiting reagent.

18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254



optimization to ensure safe dissipation of the

heat associated with the exothermic reaction
profile; potentially explosive intermediates and
toxic byproducts are also concerns. Only recently
has the Buchwald-Hartwig amination of aromatic
halides been accomplished with ammonia as the
nitrogen source (37). A C-H amination protocol of
benzene with ammonia, developed by DuPont,
uses a NiO-ZrO2 catalyst system at 350C and 300
to 400 atm, producing aniline in a 14% maximum
yield (38, 39).
After screening a variety of commercially available
ammonium salts such as H4N+OAc, H4N+HCO3,
and (H4N+)2CO32, we found that ammonium
carbamate (H4N+H2NCO2) was best suited for
this role (table S3 and supplementary materials).
This benchtop-stable solid salt is less costly on a
molar basis than liquid ammonia. Using 4.0
equivalents of ammonium carbamate with anisole, under catalytic conditions nearly identical to
those applied to azoles, resulted in the formation
of a 1.6:1 mixture of para- and ortho-anisidine in
59% isolated yield (42; Fig. 4).
The scope of the aniline-forming reaction was
similar to the azole-coupling transformations. Protected phenols (43 to 45), haloarenes (47), and nitrogen heteroaromatics such as N-methylindazole
(48) and 6-methoxyquinoline (49) were aminated
under this protocol, albeit with modest regioselectivities in the case of the monosubstituted
Overall, these C-N bondforming reactions are
powerful tools for the synthesis of complex aromatics using an organic photooxidant and nitroxyl
radical catalyst system. From the substrate scope
investigation, it is clear that free alcohols, esters,
silyl ethers, halides, amides, alkenes, and protected amines are all compatible functionalities.
The mildness of this protocol makes it appealing
for a variety of applications. Moreover, we anticipate that this general method for the activation
of arenes will result in the development of additional transformations.

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Financial support was provided by the David and Lucile Packard

Foundation, Merck, and an Amgen Young Investigator Award.
N.A.R is grateful for an NSF Graduate Fellowship, and K.A.M. was
supported by a Francis Preston Venable Graduate Fellowship.
A provisional patent has been filed on the methods presented here
(U.S. patent application no. 62/170,632).

Materials and Methods
Tables S1 to S4
References (4073)
NMR Spectra
9 July 2015; accepted 19 August 2015


X-raydriven reaction front dynamics

at calcite-water interfaces
Nouamane Laanait,1,2* Erika B. R. Callagon,2,3 Zhan Zhang,4 Neil C. Sturchio,5
Sang Soo Lee,1 Paul Fenter1*
The interface between minerals and aqueous solutions hosts globally important biogeochemical
processes such as the growth and dissolution of carbonate minerals. Understanding such
processes requires spatially and temporally resolved observations and experimental controls
that precisely manipulate the interfacial thermodynamic state. Using the intense radiation fields
of a focused synchrotron x-ray beam, we drove dissolution at the calcite/water interface and
simultaneously probed the dynamics of the propagating reaction fronts using surface x-ray
microscopy. Evolving surface structures were controlled by the time-dependent solution
composition, as characterized by a kinetic reaction model. At extreme disequilibria, we observed
the onset of reaction front instabilities with velocities of > 30 nanometers per second.
These instabilities serve as a signature of transport-limited dissolution of calcite under extreme

alcium carbonate precipitates abiotically

and is synthesized by living organisms
into complex and functional biomineral
architectures (1). Combined, calcium carbonate minerals constitute a major fraction of

Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division, Argonne

National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, USA. 2Center for
Nanophase Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA. 3Department of Earth and
Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago,
Chicago, IL, USA. 4X-ray Science Division, Argonne National
Laboratory, Argonne, IL, USA. 5Department of Geological
Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA.

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] (N.L.);

[email protected] (P.F.) Present address: Center for Nanophase
Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA.

Earths upper crust in the form of carbonate rocks

(2). Characterizing the rapidly evolving morphology of calcium carbonate during growth (3, 4) and
dissolution (5, 6) is central to both a fundamental
understanding of its reactivity and manipulation of
its versatile functionality. The morphology of calcium carbonate phases can be imaged in situ with
electron (7, 8) and x-ray microscopies; however, the
large radiation doses deposited by these probes can
substantially alter the state of the system (9).
We used a focused x-ray beam to both observe
and drive dissolution in a quantifiable manner
(10). The synchrotron x-ray beam induces acidification and depletion of carbonate ions within
the solution, which controlled the interfacial SCIENCE


Fig. 1. Imaging the calcite/water interface while simultaneously driving it

far from equilibrium. (A) Optical configuration of the x-ray reflection interface
microscope. (Inset) XRIM image of steps on a pristine calcite surface. (B) (Top)
Photoelectron (eph) generated by absorption of an incident x-ray photon in the
calcite crystal. The photoelectron propagates to the mineral/water interface and
disrupts the local equilibrium through the formation of short-lived radicals and

saturation state of solutions with respect to calcite. Simultaneously, we imaged the evolution of
the calcite/water interface topography with lateral resolution below 100 nm and <1 nm height
sensitivity by using x-ray reflection interface
microscopy (XRIM) (11, 12). We interpreted the
driven morphological changes by calculating the
solution saturation within a reaction kinetics
model, explaining both the observed rates of mineral reaction and the dissolution mechanisms.
XRIM captured the evolving surface topography of a calcite(104) surface in contact with
a thin film of calcite-equilibrated solution (about
2 mm thick) (Fig. 1). The initial surface topography (Fig. 1A and figs. S1 and S2) was a nominally flat surface with widely spaced steps. In
situ imaging was enabled by the high penetration depth of 10-keV x-rays and their scattering from the mineral/water interface (the
Thomson cross-section, sT). The absorption of
x-rays by the photoelectric effect (spe) resulted
in acidification and substantial (almost 100,000fold) undersaturation of the solution with respect
to calcite, driving calcite to dissolve by multiple
modes, such as etch pit development and step
retreat (Fig. 1C and figs. S2 and S3). The degree
of undersaturation subsequently decreased to
near ~10-fold undersaturation as the system approached a steady state.
The onset of x-rayinduced dissolution was localized to the illuminated surface area. The initial
unperturbed calcite surface was largely devoid of
topographical features [time (t) = 0 s in Fig. 2A].
After irradiation, topographic changes began near
a preexisting inhomogeneity (site 1). Subsequently,
this region served as a nucleation center of a
rhombic pit (site 2, t = 156 s), indicating the

hydrated electrons (eaq). (Bottom) Elastically reflected x-rays image the calcite
surface topography, with an angle of incidence a and wave vector kin.The imaging
was performed at a scattering condition, Q = 2 |kin| sin(a) = 2.1 1. (C) Images of
etch pits formed in response to solution undersaturation. All XRIM images were
flat-fieldcorrected and scaled to correct for distortions due to the viewing angle
of the lens with respect to the crystal surface (10). Scale bars, 2 mm.

possible presence of a strain field in the crystal.

At longer exposures, dissolution pits formed in
apparently defect-free areas (homogenously nucleated pits) (sites 3 and 3), and etch pits driven
by extended defects that displayed anisotropic
shapes occurred throughout the surface. Pit interactions such as annihilation due to surface
retreat (site 5) and coalescence (site 4) were pronounced. Area measurements of sites 3 and 4 over
time (movie S1) show the initial rapid lateral expansion of both pits and their subsequent stagnation at t >1500 s (Fig. 2B). The functional
variation in pit area over time for these two
sites was nearly identical except for an overall
scale factor.
The occurrence of calcite etch pits is interpreted
within the pit nucleation model as indicative of
mineral dissolution far from equilibrium (2). The
pit nucleation free energy, DG (6), is
DG e

kB T lncCaCO3 =ceq a2 g Uelastic 1

where a is the size of the pit, Vuc is the volume

of a calcite unit cell, kBT is the thermal energy,
cCaCO3 is the solution concentration of calcium
carbonate, ceq is the equilibrium concentration,
g is the surface energy of the crystal/water interface, and Uelastic is the elastic energy associated with a preexisting strain field in the crystal
lattice. Pit formation results as a competition between the energy cost to create new surface area
(the second term in Eq. 1) and the energy gain
due to crystal dissolution (first term) and lattice
strain (third term). When the system is far from
equilibrium (cCaCO3 ceq), pit formation is expected to occur by homogeneous nucleation at

point defects, as exemplified by sites 3 and 3

(Fig. 2A). Strain distribution associated with
an extended dislocation, Uelastic, lowers the nucleation barrier of pits such as sites 2 and 4, and
induces the anisotropic dissolution morphology.
The appearance of the bright region in the image (Fig. 2C) indicates the formation of a flat
bottom, consistent with the energetics associated with dissolution at point defects, as predicted by the pit nucleation model (2).
Front velocity field analysis of the entire data
sequence reveals the propagation of surface reaction fronts and their dependence on the dissolution mode (10). Velocities of ~5 nm/s are reached
within the first few hundred seconds (Fig. 2C).
Reaction fronts of the homogeneously nucleated
pit are largely isotropic both in shape and velocity
distributions, in agreement with the pit nucleation model. The spatial distribution of the etch pit
front velocity for site 4, however, shows pronounced
asymmetry and directional preference (fig. S4). The
role of elastic strain in the formation of such dislocation etch pits is well established (6). A timeaveraged and area-normalized calcite dissolution
rate of 2.24 monolayers per second was calculated
3[fig.S3(10)].Thisrateisnearly10 timesfasterthan
the separate dissolution and growth rates at equilibrium (13), indicating that the perturb-image procedure drives the system far from equilibrium.
The equilibrium state of the calcite surface, determined by the aqueous concentrations of carbonate species [CO32, HCO3, CO2(aq), and H2CO3]
and Ca2+, is disrupted by radiolysis via photoelectrons, generating highly reactive species such as
hydroxyl radicals (OH) and hydrated electrons
(14). We used a chemical kinetics model to predict
18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254



the time evolution of the above processes and their

magnitudes (10). This model includes a network of
interdependent reaction pathways including (i)
radiolysis, (ii) carbonate equilibria, and (iii) calcite surface reactions (table S1). The production
of radicals is described within the spur diffusion model (9, 15, 16). In the absence of
radiolysis, the model correctly predicts the far
from-equilibrium calcite dissolution rate versus pH
and was validated against standard geochemical
reaction modeling software (figs. S6 and S7 and
table S2).
Upon irradiation with the pulse sequence,
the solution conditions are predicted to change
through two primary mechanisms: (i) acidification of the solution by generation of H+, with
the solution pH dropping precipitously from
the equilibrium initial value of 8.3 to 5.2 (Fig. 3,
A and B); and (ii) scavenging of OH by the
carbonate and bicarbonate ions to yield the carbonate radical CO3 (Fig. 3B; see fig. S8 for the
time-dependent concentrations of all 25 chemical
species in the system). As the acidity of the solution
increases, the carbonate ion also reacts with H+ to
form bicarbonate. These factors prompt a substantial decrease of the saturation index of the solution,
Wt logaCO23 taCa2 t=Kcalcite , where a(t)
are predicted time-dependent ionic activities, and
Kcalcite (=108.48) is the equilibrium constant of
calcite (Fig. 3D). At such a large undersaturation
(W ~ 5), ccarbonate (t) << ceq, and homogeneous
nucleation of pits is favored; we observed this
dissolution behavior in sites 3 and 3 (Fig. 2A).
The ensuing dissolution of calcite releases Ca2+
and CO32 into the solution, stabilizing the solution pH by consumption of H+ to produce
HCO3, and increases the bulk concentration of
dissolved carbonate (Fig. 3C). After 1700 s, the
saturation index approaches its initial (equilibrium) value, and there is no longer an energetic driving force to promote further calcite
dissolution. This is observed in the data, where
the expansion of all dissolution modes stagnates at similar times (Fig. 2B). The average rate
of calcite dissolution predicted by the kinetic model, 1.5 109 mol cm2 s1 or 1.8 calcite monolayers
per second (Fig. 3C), is in good agreement with
the observed average dissolution rate of 2.2 monolayers per second. Moreover, both of these values
are in agreement with previously measured calcite dissolution rates at pH ~ 5 by other methods
(13, 17, 18).
Constant irradiation led to a substantially higher degree of undersaturation (dashed lines, Fig. 3),
with a predicted calcite dissolution rate that is
larger by a factor of 2 (Fig. 3E). The reaction fronts
of homogeneously nucleated pits (sites 1 and 2 in
Fig. 4A) reached velocities of ~25 nm s1 (Fig. 4B),
which is five times higher than observed in the
pulsed irradiation experiments (Fig. 2D). Furthermore, these conditions led to a distinct anisotropy
in the spatial distribution of front velocities. Upon
further time evolution, a homogeneously nucleated
pit at t = 123 s (site 3), began to exhibit distortions
in its reaction front (Fig. 4A). At later times (t =
240 s), the configuration of this front was reminiscent of wormhole instabilities (19). Within

18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Fig. 2. Calcite dissolution driven by a pulsed x-ray beam. (A) X-ray images acquired during the 3-s
irradiation pulse (t, experimental time; t, total time under irradiation). Sites 1, 2, and 4, dislocation etch pit;
site 3, homogeneously nucleated pit; site 5, pit annihilation by surface retreat. arb., arbitrary. Scale bars, 3 mm.
(B) Time-dependent area measurements of sites 3 and 4. (Inset) Final shape of site 4. (C) The homogeneously nucleated pit of site 3 assumes the shape of a conical frustum at the indicated time. (D) Velocity field
analysis of the reaction fronts that drive the lateral expansion of the pit in site 3.The arrows indicate the front
direction, whereas their length and color give the magnitude of the front velocity in nanometers per second.
The times when the reaction front vector fields were extracted are indicated in the figures.

the first 100 s of site 3 nucleation, the distorted

front propagated with a large average velocity of
~100 nm s1, eventually annihilating sites 1 and 2
by surface retreat (Fig. 4C) and covering the entire
image field of view (movie S2). This mode of
calcite dissolution was found to be reproducible
under similar irradiation conditions and only
present when the system was constantly driven
by the beam probe (movies S3 to S6), corresponding to extended periods with substantial
undersaturation (W < 2). The lack of any pre-

ferred direction for the reaction fronts (Fig. 4A)

and the highly anisotropic spatial distribution of
the front velocities (Fig. 4B) indicate that this
front undergoes an instability at these extreme
undersaturations. This dissolution mode is neither
controlled by preexisting strain fields of extended
defects (e.g., site 4 in Fig. 2A) nor displays the
isotropic front velocity field expected from pits
originating at point defects (e.g., site 3 in Fig. 2A).
Instabilities are a hallmark of systems undergoing reaction-diffusion processes (20). Numerous SCIENCE


Fig. 3. The predicted evolution of the composition and saturation

state of a calcite equilibrated solution due to irradiation. (A) Evolution
of pH for continuous (dashed blue lines) and pulsed (red line) irradiation
[and similarly in (D) and (E)]. (Inset) Irradiation sequences begin at t = 0 s.
Dashed blue line, continuous exposure; solid red line, pulsed irradiation.
(B) Time-dependent concentrations of solution species in response to a
single x-ray square-wave pulse (off at t = 3 s). (C) Oscillations of solution
concentrations irradiated by square-wave pulses. (D) Variation of the cal-

cite solution saturation index under irradiation. (E) Calcite dissolution (instantaneous) rates predicted by the model (10). (F) Temporal evolution of
calcite saturation index, W, as a function of absorbed radiation dose. XRIM
subjects the system to a dose of 4 105 Gy/s under constant illumination
(dashed curve) and an average of 105 Gy/s under pulsed illumination, whereas
a typical in situ transmission electron microscope (TEM) subjects the system
to ~108 Gy/s (9). At continuous doses higher than 104 Gy/s, the system
reaches a steady state but not equilibrium.

Fig. 4. Calcite reaction front instabilities under constant

irradiation. (A) Time sequence showing the homogeneous
nucleation of pits (sites 1 and 2). At later times, the appearance
of a pit (site 3), whose reaction front undergoes a distortion that
resembles a wormhole or fingering instability, is shown. Scale
bars, 3 mm. (B) Reaction front velocity field analysis of site 2 at
different times during its evolution, showing a clear asymmetry
in velocity distribution without a distinct preferential direction. (C) Area measurements of the dissolution modes in (A).


18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254



studies, however, have established that calcite

dissolution is surface-controlled (i.e., not mass
transportlimited) at pH > 4 (17, 21), a condition
that was nominally satisfied in our experiments.
The prevalence of front instabilities when the
system is constantly driven by the beam probe
suggests that they represent a mode of mineral/
water interface reaction dynamics at conditions
far from equilibrium (19). These instabilities therefore represent a dynamical signature of the onset
of transport limitations and other dissipative
processes at mineral/water interfaces.

1. Y. Politi, T. Arad, E. Klein, S. Weiner, L. Addadi, Science 306,

11611164 (2004).
2. S. L. Brantley, in Kinetics of Water-Rock Interaction,
S. L. Brantley, J. D. Kubicki, A. F. White, Eds. (Springer,
New York, 2008), pp. 152210.
3. D. Gebauer, A. Vlkel, H. Clfen, Science 322, 18191822
4. A. F. Wallace et al., Science 341, 885889 (2013).
5. A. C. Lasaga, A. Luttge, Science 291, 24002404 (2001).
6. P. M. Dove, N. Han, J. J. De Yoreo, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
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7. M. H. Nielsen, S. Aloni, J. J. De Yoreo, Science 345, 11581162
8. N. de Jonge, F. M. Ross, Nat Nanotechnol. 6, 695704 (2011).
9. N. M. Schneider et al., J. Phys. Chem. C 118, 2237322382
10. Materials and methods are available as supplementary
materials on Science Online.
11. N. Laanait et al., J. Synchrotron Radiat. 21, 12521261 (2014).
12. P. Fenter, C. Park, Z. Zhang, S. Wang, Nat. Phys. 2, 700704
13. L. Chou, R. M. Garrels, R. Wollast, Chem. Geol. 78, 269282
14. E. J. Hart, Science 146, 1925 (1964).
15. A. H. Samuel, J. L. Magee, J. Chem. Phys. 21, 1080 (1953).
16. J. A. Elliot, D. R. McCracken, Fusion Eng. Des. 13, 2127
17. L. N. Plummer, T. M. L. Wigley, D. L. Parkhurst, Am. J. Sci. 278,
179216 (1978).
18. R. Shiraki, P. A. Rock, W. H. Casey, Aquat. Geochem. 6, 87108
19. C. Steefel, in Kinetics of Water-Rock Interaction, S. L. Brantley,
J. D. Kubicki, A. F. White, Eds. (Springer, New York, 2008),
pp. 545589.
20. I. Prigogine, G. Nicolis, J. Chem. Phys. 46, 35423550
21. O. S. Pokrovsky, S. V. Golubev, J. Schott, Chem. Geol. 217,
239255 (2005).

This work was supported by the Geosciences Research Program of

the Office of Basic Energy Sciences, U.S. Department of Energy
(DOE), at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), the University of
Illinois at Chicago, and the University of Delaware. The x-ray data
were collected at the Advanced Photon Source (33-ID-D), a U.S.
DOE Office of Science User Facility at ANL. A portion of this
research was performed by N.L. as a staff member at the Center
for Nanophase Materials Sciences, a U.S DOE Office of Science
User Facility at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Primary data for
this report are uncompressed video files that are available upon
request from N.L and P.F. N.L. and P.F. designed the research and
wrote the manuscript with input from all authors. N.L. analyzed the
x-ray data and performed modeling and computations. E.B.C. and
P.F. prepared the samples. All authors participated in x-ray
imaging experiments.
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S9
Tables S1 and S2
References (2237)
Movies S1 to S6 (compressed video files)
10 April 2015; accepted 10 August 2015


18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254


A mechanism for the segregation of

age in mammalian neural stem cells
D. L. Moore,1 G. A. Pilz,1 M. J. Arazo-Bravo,2,3 Y. Barral,4 S. Jessberger1*
Throughout life, neural stem cells (NSCs) generate neurons in the mammalian brain. Using
photobleaching experiments, we found that during cell division in vitro and within the
developing mouse forebrain, NSCs generate a lateral diffusion barrier in the membrane of
the endoplasmic reticulum, thereby promoting asymmetric segregation of cellular
components. The diffusion barrier weakens with age and in response to impairment of
lamin-associated nuclear envelope constituents. Weakening of the diffusion barrier disrupts
asymmetric segregation of damaged proteins, a product of aging. Damaged proteins are
asymmetrically inherited by the nonstem daughter cell in embryonic and young adult NSC
divisions, whereas in the older adult brain, damaged proteins are more symmetrically
distributed between progeny. Thus, these data identify a mechanism of how damage that
accumulates with age is asymmetrically distributed during somatic stem cell division.

eural stem cells (NSCs) continue to give

rise to new neurons throughout life in
distinct areas of the mammalian brain,
such as the hippocampal dentate gyrus
(1). Adult neurogenesis results in exchange
of hippocampal neurons over the human life
span and has been implicated in hippocampusdependent learning and memory (1, 2). Failing
or altered neurogenesis has been associated with
a number of neuropsychiatric diseases such as
major depression and epilepsy (1). The number
of neurons generated is dynamically regulated.
Advancing age, for example, correlates with a
decline in NSC proliferation and neurogenesis,
suggesting that the capacity of self-renewing
NSCs to generate progeny diminishes with age
(3, 4). However, the cellular mechanisms governing long-term self-renewal of hippocampal NSCs
and mediating the age-associated decline of their
neurogenic potential remain unknown.
Budding yeast establish a lateral diffusion
barrier during cell division in the membrane of
the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) that functions
in part to segregate senescence factors, such as
extrachromosomal DNA circles and protein aggregates, asymmetrically between the mother
and daughter cell, leading to similar behavior
of daughter cells independent of the age (i.e.,
the number of cell divisions that had occurred
prior) of the mother (5, 6). Asymmetric distribution of senescence factors has been also described in Drosophila somatic stem cells, as well
as in mammalian cells such as human embryonic
kidney (HEK) 293T cells and human embryonic
stem cells (79). We asked whether asymmetric
segregation of senescence factors is associated
with diffusion barriers in mammalian cells.

Brain Research Institute, Faculty of Medicine and Science,

University of Zrich, 8057 Zrich, Switzerland. 2Biodonostia
Health Research Institute, 20014 San Sebastin, Spain.
IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, 48013
Bilbao, Spain. 4Institute of Biochemistry, Department of
Biology, ETH Zrich, 8093 Zrich, Switzerland.
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

To investigate whether rodent NSCs form a

diffusion barrier in the ER membrane, we first
used fluorescence loss in photobleaching (FLIP)
experiments to visualize exchange of ER proteins
between future daughter cells during cell division (10). We used green fluorescent protein (GFP)
tagged reporters of the ER lumen [using the
ER-retrieval amino acid sequence Lys-Asp-GluLeu (KDEL); LumER-GFP] and the ER membrane
(Sec61a; MemER-GFP) (10). NSCs expressed
mCherry-tagged histone H2B to facilitate cell
cycle stage identification. We performed FLIP
experiments using NSCs isolated from the adult
rat dentate gyrus, beginning in anaphase and
continuing through the end of telophase. A small
region was repetitively photobleached while the
fluorescence intensity was measured in the two
future daughter cells, separated by the cleavage
plane (Fig. 1, A and B, and fig. S1A). Photobleaching of LumER-GFP resulted in a comparable
loss of fluorescence in the bleached and unbleached daughter cells (Fig. 1, A, C, D, and F,
fig. S1, A to C, and movie S1). In contrast, FLIP of
MemER-GFP revealed loss of fluorescence up to
the cleavage plane; the opposite daughter compartment was unaffected (Fig. 1, B, C, E, and F,
fig. S1, A to C, and movie S2). The compartmentalized loss of fluorescence was not due to the
distance of the photobleached area relative to the
analyzed area, as bleaching regions medial to
segregating chromosomes and close to the cleavage plane gave similar results (Fig. 1, G to J, fig. S1,
D to I, and movies S3 and S4). Thus, NSCs
establish a diffusion barrier relative to the cleavage plane that is present during cell division.
We next analyzed whether the strength of the
underlying barrier is dynamically regulated with
age. To confirm that in vitro aged NSCs retain
some of their in vivo characteristics, we performed a 5-ethynyl-2-deoxyuridine (EdU) pulse
in hippocampal NSCs isolated from middle-aged
(9-month-old) mice and young (1.5-month-old)
mice. Analogous to the in vivo situation, aged
NSCs in vitro were less proliferative than young SCIENCE


Fig. 1. Mammalian NSCs establish a lateral diffusion barrier based in the ER membrane during
mitosis. (A) FLIP experiments in rat NSCs overexpressing LumER-GFP (green; targeted to ER lumen)
or (B) MemER-GFP (green; targeted to ER membrane) with histone H2B-mCherry (red; DNA). Note the
compartmentalized loss of fluorescence with MemER-GFP bleaching that occurs selectively on the
bleached side of the dividing NSC. White outline indicates bleached region of interest (ROI). (C) Schematic illustrating the ROI (dashed line) repeatedly bleached in rat NSCs during time-lapse imaging for
(D) to (F). Fluorescence was measured on each side of the presumptive cleavage plane throughout
division, beginning in early to mid-anaphase. (D and E) Average fluorescence intensity at each time point
in bleached (red) and unbleached (blue) compartments for LumER-GFP (n = 19 cells) (D) and MemERGFP (n = 18 cells) (E); values are mean SEM. (F) Quantification of barrier strength at time t = 80 s
derived from nonlinear fitted curves from (D) and (E) for LumER-GFP (black bar) and MemER-GFP
(white bar; unpaired t test; mean SEM). (G) Schematic depicting the ROI (dashed line) for inner
bleaching experiments used in (H) to (J). (H and I) Quantification of fluorescence loss over time for
LumER-GFP (n = 20 cells) (H) and MemER-GFP (n = 22 cells) (I) when ROI is close to the cleavage
plane (mean SEM). Bleaching began later in anaphase for an optimal ROI medial to the chromosomes,
thus leading to shorter imaging length and reduced final values of total bleaching. (J) Quantification of
barrier strength at t = 80 s based on fitted curves for LumER-GFP (black bar) and MemER-GFP (white bar)
after inner ROI bleaching (unpaired t test; mean SEM). Scale bars, 10 mm. ****P < 0.0001.

NSCs (fig. S2, A to C). Old NSCs retained their

neurogenic potential and showed gene expression profiles comparable to those of young
NSCs (fig. S2, D and E, and table S1). However, in
old NSCs, fluorescence substantially decreased
not only in the bleached but also in the unbleached compartment upon continuous FLIP
photobleaching of MemER-GFP (Fig. 2, A to E,
and movies S6 and S8), indicating that the diffusion barrier weakens with age. Reduced ER
compartmentalization in old NSCs was independent of potential age-associated alterations
of cellular diffusion properties as measured by

fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP)

of MemER-GFP (fig. S2, G to J) and was also
independent of anaphase-telophase duration
(fig. S2F). No difference was seen between old
and young NSCs in LumER-GFP FLIP experiments
(fig. S2, K to O, and movies S5 and S7). Thus, the
strength of the diffusion barrier decreases with
age in mouse NSCs.
We next aimed to identify the molecular requirements of the mouse diffusion barrier. We
focused on lamin-associated components of the
nuclear envelope that become part of the ER
during mitosis in mammalian cells (11). To dis-

rupt lamin function in NSCs, we overexpressed

a dominant-negative mutant form of lamin A
called progerin that causes Hutchinson-Gilford
progeria syndrome, a disease of premature aging
(12). Retrovirus-mediated overexpression of progerin in young NSCs recapitulated the weakened
diffusion barrier observed in old NSCs and led
to reduced compartmentalization of fluorescence upon FLIP of MemER-GFP (Fig. 2, G, I,
and J, fig. S3A, and movie S12), whereas control
virus overexpression had no effect on the barrier
(Fig. 2, F, H, and J, fig. S3A, and movie S10). The
increased loss of fluorescence in the unbleached
compartment in progerin-overexpressing cells
was not due to a difference in the duration of
anaphase-telophase (fig. S3B), nor to changes in
the diffusion rate of MemER-GFP as measured
by FRAP (fig. S3, C to F). Likewise, the dynamics
of LumER-GFP were not altered by progerin overexpression (fig. S3, G to I, and movies S9 and S11).
Progerin-mediated reduction in barrier strength
was associated with decreased proliferation of
young NSCs similar to that observed in old NSCs
(fig. S3J). Thus, lamin-dependent mechanisms
are required for proper barrier function and proliferation of cultured NSCs.
We next investigated whether NSCs establish
a diffusion barrier when dividing within their
endogenous niche. Because of the current technical limitations of imaging NSCs within their
adult hippocampal niche, we switched to embryonic NSCs and electroporated embryonic
day 13 (E13) mouse embryos with LumER-GFP
or MemER-GFP constructs (13). Ex vivo slices were
generated at E14, and longitudinal imaging of
apical progenitors (radial glia NSCs) and basal
progenitors, identified by mitotic positioning
relative to the ventricular surface, began after
1 day in vitro. Because of the heterogeneity of
proliferating NSCs in the developing cortex (14),
we performed single-trace analyses of fluorescence
intensity differences between the unbleached and
bleached compartments for every cell upon FLIP
experiments in apical and basal progenitors (fig.
S4, A and B). FLIP of LumER-GFP showed no
compartmentalization of fluorescence in either
apical or basal progenitors (Fig. 3, A and C to F,
fig. S4, A to F, and movies S15 and S18). Loss of
fluorescence with MemER-GFP FLIP experiments
was compartmentalized in 26% of the analyzed
apical progenitors and 24% of the analyzed basal
progenitors, whereas the remainder of the MemERGFP apical and basal progenitors showed no diffusion barrier (Fig. 3, B to F, fig. S4, A to E, and
movies S13, S14, S16, and S17). Thus, these findings reveal the existence of a diffusion barrier in
subsets of apical progenitors and basal progenitors within their endogenous niche. Differential
establishment of a diffusion barrier may contribute to the heterogeneity of apical and basal progenitors in the developing cortex (14).
We next asked which cellular components
the barrier might segregate. In budding yeast,
senescence factors such as damaged proteins
and extrachromosomal DNA circles become asymmetrically segregated during division (6, 15, 16).
Thus, we analyzed the distribution of ubiquitinated
18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254



Fig. 2. The strength of the NSC diffusion barrier is weakened with age
and overexpression of the lamin A mutant protein progerin. (A and B)
Time course of fluorescence loss during FLIP of MemER-GFP (green) in young
(A) and old (B) mouse NSCs. Note the loss of fluorescence in both compartments in old NSCs as compared to young. White outline indicates bleached
ROI. (C and D) Quantification of fluorescence intensities in bleached (red) and
unbleached (blue) compartments for MemER-GFP in young NSCs (n = 35
cells) (C) and old NSCs (n = 35 cells) (D); values are mean SEM. (E) Quantification of barrier strength of MemER-GFP at t = 80 s derived from nonlinear
fitted curves from (C) and (D) (unpaired t test; mean SEM). (F and G)

Representative images of a time course of fluorescence loss during FLIP of

MemER-GFP (green) in young NSCs transduced with control virus (F) or progerin (G). White outline indicates bleached ROI. (H and I) Quantification of
fluorescence intensity in bleached (red) and unbleached (blue) compartments
for MemER-GFP in young NSCs transduced with control virus (n = 18 cells) (H)
and progerin (n = 14 cells) (I); values are mean SEM. Progerin overexpression
results in reduced compartmentalization of fluorescence loss. (J) Quantification of the barrier strength of MemER-GFP at t = 80 s taken from nonlinear
fitted curves created from (H) and (I) (unpaired t test; mean SEM). Scale
bars, 10 mm. ****P < 0.0001.

Fig. 3. Subpopulations
of NSCs in the developing mouse cortex possess a lateral diffusion
barrier during mitosis.
(A and B) Time course of
fluorescence loss during
and MemER-GFP (B) in
basal progenitor (BP)
cells of the developing
cortex (E14+1 day
in vitro). Note the compartmentalized loss of
fluorescence with
MemER-GFP bleaching
selectively on the
bleached side of the
dividing NSC. Dashed
lines indicate the cell of
interest; white outline
indicates bleached ROI.
(C) Single-cell fluorescence traces plotting the
difference in fluorescence intensity between the unbleached and bleached compartment at
each time point reveal a compartmentalized loss of fluorescence upon FLIP
in this MemER-GFP+ BP (B) but not the LumER-GFP+ BP (A). (D and E)
Averaged single cell traces of the difference in fluorescence intensity of
MemER-GFP between unbleached and bleached compartments during FLIP
for each imaged BP (n = 21 cells) (D) and apical progenitor (AP; n = 13 cells)

(E) reveal subpopulations that have barrier formation (red lines) and those
with no barrier formation (gray lines) relative to LumER-GFP FLIP traces
(black lines; n = 9 cells AP, n = 12 cells BP). (F) Quantification of barrier
strength at t = 150 s derived from one-phase association fitted curves
created from (D) and (E) (unpaired t test; mean SEM). Scale bars, 10 mm.
****P < 0.0001.




Fig. 4. Diffusion barrier strength is associated with the asymmetric segregation of damaged proteins that determine the cellular behavior of NSCs. (A) Ubiquitinated proteins (red) are asymmetrically
distributed in young dividing NSCs (left) as compared to old NSCs (right). Nuclei were counterstained with
4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI; gray). (B) Quantifications of symmetric (red) versus asymmetric
(gray) distribution of ubiquitinated proteins in young (left) and old (right) NSCs (mean SEM). (C) A
symmetry index ratio (see supplementary materials) revealed an increase in the number of old NSCs
(white bar) with symmetric distribution of ubiquitinated proteins as compared to young NSCs (black bar)
(unpaired t test; mean SEM). (D) Overexpression of progerin (right) led to a more symmetric distribution
of ubiquitinated proteins relative to control virus (left). Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (gray).
(E) Quantifications of the symmetric (red) or asymmetric (gray) distribution of ubiquitinated proteins
after control virus or progerin overexpression (mean SEM). (F) The symmetry index ratio normalized
to control virus (black bar) revealed that progerin overexpression (white bar) increases the symmetric
distribution of ubiquitinated proteins similarly to that of old NSCs (unpaired t test; mean SEM). Error
bars on controls (Young or Ctrl) represent SEM of the original non-normalized values. (G) Apical progenitors overexpressing vimentin-eGFP to visualize localization of ubiquitinated proteins, and mKusabira
Orange to visualize the cell outlines, were imaged in E15 mouse brain slices.The dividing NSC (arrow) and
daughter cells (dashed lines) are indicated. (H) The intensity of vimentin-eGFP in each daughter cell was
divided by the total amount of vimentin-eGFP between the two cells. The nonstem progeny (PGY, black
circles) received more vimentin-eGFP at each division than did the stem daughter cell (cell that retained
the apical process; empty circles) (n = 15 cell pairs; paired t test; mean SEM). (I and K) Nestin-GFP
brains were stained against DAPI (nuclei; blue), GFP (stem cells; green), ubiquitinated proteins (Ub; red),
and doublecortin (DCX; immature neurons; magenta) and imaged in 6-week-old (I) or 12-month-old (K)
male mice. Outlines of confirmed cell bodies of nestin+ cells (yellow outlines) and DCX+ cells (white
outlines) were overlaid onto the Ub channel to measure Ub intensities. (J and L) The raw integrated
density (RID) of Ub was measured for each nestin-GFP+ or DCX+ cell body and normalized to its area
before also normalizing to the background. Dots represent the averages from each animal that were
normalized with nestin as 100%. In 6-week-old animals (J), DCX+ cells had a significantly greater amount
of Ub than in nestin+ cells, whereas in 12-month-old mice (L), there was no statistical difference (P =
0.3787) between the two types of cells (n = 3 animals each; paired t test; mean SEM). Scale bars, 5 mm
[(A) and (D)], 10 mm (G), 40 mm [(I) and (K)]. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.

proteins in dividing NSCs. As in mammalian

stem cell populations in vitro and D. melanogaster embryos (7, 8), young mouse NSCs displayed
asymmetric segregation of ubiquitin (indicative
of protein damage) in late stages of mitosis (Fig. 4,
A to C). This asymmetry was reduced in old NSCs
(Fig. 4, A to C). Overexpression of progerin phenocopied the effect of aging and led to a more
symmetric segregation of ubiquitinated proteins
(Fig. 4, D to F). Thus, a weaker barrier correlates
with more symmetric distribution of damaged
proteins with age.
To elucidate the functional consequences of
asymmetric segregation of damaged proteins
in NSCs, we established a live sensor allowing
for single-cell monitoring of damaged protein
segregation. Because overexpression of the sensor GFP-ubiquitin (17) induced cell death in NSCs,
we made use of the intermediate filament protein vimentin, which asymmetrically segregates
with misfolded proteins during cell division (9).
Immunostaining of vimentin and ubiquitin in
young NSCs revealed asymmetric distribution of
vimentin during late mitosis. Vimentin cosegregated with ubiquitin 95.5 0.8% of the time (fig.
S5, A and B). Similarly, overexpressed vimentineGFP segregated asymmetrically in mitotic NSCs,
cosegregating with endogenous ubiquitin 70.8
0.9% of the time (fig. S5, C to E), and was not toxic
to the cells. Thus, we asked whether asymmetric
segregation of vimentin-eGFP in young dividing
NSCs is associated with cell cycle length. We measured asymmetry of vimentin-eGFP at the first
anaphase and calculated the length of time until
the next division for each daughter cell. In 63%
of dyads (P < 0.05), the daughter NSC that received more vimentin-eGFP took longer to divide
than its sister cell (fig. S5F and movie S19). Thus,
for rodent NSCs as for human embryonic stem
cells, HEK293T cells, and certain cancer cells
(7, 9), ubiquitinated or damaged proteins reduce
the rate of proliferation.
To analyze the asymmetric segregation of
damaged proteins in situ, we electroporated E13
mouse embryos with vimentin-eGFP, performed
slice cultures at E14, and began longitudinal
imaging overnight. In apical progenitor divisions, the nonstem daughter cell inherited more
vimentin-eGFP relative to the total amount of
vimentin-eGFP, indicating that the stem cell gives
away the ubiquitinated proteins to its more
committed progeny (Fig. 4, G and H, and movie
S20). This further supports the finding that
NSCs that receive a greater amount of ubiquitinated proteins have a longer cell cycle duration,
as the apical progenitor nonstem daughter cells
have a lengthening of the cell cycle associated
with fate restriction (18). To investigate damage
segregation in the adult brain, we performed immunostaining on brain slices of nestin-GFP mice
at 6 weeks and 12 months of age. Sections were
stained with anti-doublecortin (to label newborn
neurons), anti-ubiquitin (to label damaged proteins), and anti-GFP (to label hippocampal NSCs
and amplify the nestin signal). Ubiquitin intensity was measured in the doublecortin+ or nestin+
cells. Doublecortin+ cells had more ubiquitin
18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254



signal than nestin+ cells in 6-week-old mice (Fig.

4, I and J). At 12 months, however, ubiquitin levels
were not significantly different between NSCs and
their neuronal progeny (Fig. 4, K and L) despite
the general increase in ubiquitin levels in the
older brain (fig. S5G). These findings establish
that NSCs retain fewer damaged proteins during
cell division and support the hypothesis that
weakening of the diffusion barrier with age contributes to the more symmetric segregation of
ubiquitinated proteins between NSCs and their
neuronal progeny in vivo.
Our results show how age affects protein segregation during mammalian NSC division by
altering a diffusion barrier. The diffusion barrier
facilitates asymmetric segregation of damaged
proteins between daughter cells, keeping the selfrenewed stem cell free from damage. As in yeast,
young rodent NSCs efficiently compartmentalize
cellular damage, protecting the proliferative cell.
Age reduces the efficiency of this compartmentalization, exposing the aged NSCs to excess
cellular damage. Examining the role of the ER
diffusion barrier in other mammalian cells will
determine whether this represents a general
mechanism for the asymmetric segregation of
damage during cell divisions of somatic stem
cells or other immortal cells, such as cancer cells.

1. K. M. Christian, H. Song, G. L. Ming, Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 37,

243262 (2014).
2. K. L. Spalding et al., Cell 153, 12191227 (2013).
3. M. A. Bonaguidi et al., Cell 145, 11421155 (2011).
4. H. G. Kuhn, H. Dickinson-Anson, F. H. Gage, J. Neurosci. 16,
20272033 (1996).
5. L. Clay et al., eLife 3, e01883 (2014).
6. Z. Shcheprova, S. Baldi, S. B. Frei, G. Gonnet, Y. Barral,
Nature 454, 728734 (2008).
7. L. C. Fuentealba, E. Eivers, D. Geissert, V. Taelman,
E. M. De Robertis, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 105, 77327737
8. M. R. Bufalino, B. DeVeale, D. van der Kooy, J. Cell Biol. 201,
523530 (2013).
9. M. Ogrodnik et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 111, 80498054
10. C. Luedeke et al., J. Cell Biol. 169, 897908 (2005).
11. C. Wandke, U. Kutay, Cell 152, 12221225 (2013).
12. T. Dechat et al., Genes Dev. 22, 832853 (2008).
13. S. C. Noctor, A. C. Flint, T. A. Weissman, R. S. Dammerman,
A. R. Kriegstein, Nature 409, 714720 (2001).
14. L. M. Farkas, W. B. Huttner, Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 20, 707715
15. H. Aguilaniu, L. Gustafsson, M. Rigoulet, T. Nystrm, Science
299, 17511753 (2003).
16. K. A. Henderson, D. E. Gottschling, Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 20,
723728 (2008).
17. N. P. Dantuma, T. A. Groothuis, F. A. Salomons, J. Neefjes,
J. Cell Biol. 173, 1926 (2006).
18. J. T. Paridaen, W. B. Huttner, EMBO Rep. 15, 351364

Data have been deposited in NCBIs Gene Expression Omnibus with

accession number GSE61367. Supplement contains additional
data. We thank M. Gtz for providing support for pilot slice culture
experiments and conceptual input; L. Clay, B. Boettcher,
A. Denoth Lippuner, X. Wang, M. Knobloch, D. Wthrich, and
R. A. Machado for experimental help; C. Balazs and M. Kirschmann
for programming analyses tools; S. Rinehart for artwork;
F. H. Gage, S. Aigner, and D. C. Lie for comments on the
manuscript; and the light microscopy facilities of the University of
Zrich Center for Microscopy and Image Analysis and ETH Zrich
(ScopeM) for technical support. Supported by the Swiss National
Science Foundation, the EMBO Young Investigator program, the
Zrich Neuroscience Center (S.J.), the European Research Council


18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

(Y.B.), an EMBO long-term fellowship (G.A.P.), and the ETH fellow

program and a Human Frontier Science Program long-term
fellowship (D.L.M.).

Figs. S1 to S5
References (1934)
Data Table S1
Movies S1 to S20

Materials and Methods

9 July 2015; accepted 17 August 2015



Dengue viruses cluster antigenically

but not as discrete serotypes
Leah C. Katzelnick,1,2,3,4 Judith M. Fonville,1,2,5 Gregory D. Gromowski,3
Jose Bustos Arriaga,3 Angela Green,4 Sarah L. James,1,2 Louis Lau,4 Magelda Montoya,4
Chunling Wang,4 Laura A. VanBlargan,3 Colin A. Russell,6 Hlaing Myat Thu,7
Theodore C. Pierson,3 Philippe Buchy,8 John G. Aaskov,9,10 Jorge L. Muoz-Jordn,11
Nikos Vasilakis,12,13,14 Robert V. Gibbons,15 Robert B. Tesh,12,13,14
Albert D.M.E. Osterhaus,5 Ron A.M. Fouchier,5 Anna Durbin,16
Cameron P. Simmons,17,18,19 Edward C. Holmes,20 Eva Harris,4
Stephen S. Whitehead,3 Derek J. Smith1,2,5*
The four genetically divergent dengue virus (DENV) types are traditionally classified as
serotypes. Antigenic and genetic differences among the DENV types influence disease
outcome, vaccine-induced protection, epidemic magnitude, and viral evolution. We
characterized antigenic diversity in the DENV types by antigenic maps constructed from
neutralizing antibody titers obtained from African green monkeys and after human vaccination
and natural infections. Genetically, geographically, and temporally, diverse DENV isolates
clustered loosely by type, but we found that many are as similar antigenically to a virus of a
different type as to some viruses of the same type. Primary infection antisera did not
neutralize all viruses of the same DENV type any better than other types did up to 2 years
after infection and did not show improved neutralization to homologous type isolates.
That the canonical DENV types are not antigenically homogeneous has implications for
vaccination and research on the dynamics of immunity, disease, and the evolution of DENV.

engue virus (DENV) infects up to 390 million people each year, and of the 96 million
individuals who develop an acute systemic
illness, ~500,000 experience potentially
life-threatening complications, including
hemorrhage and shock (1, 2). The four genetic
DENV types have long been thought to exist as
four serotypes, and the antigenic differences between the types are believed to have a key role in
the severity of disease, epidemic magnitude, viral
evolution, and design of vaccines (35).
The description of DENV types as serotypes
originated with the observation that the human
immune response following primary DENV infection fully protected against challenge with
viruses of the homologous type but only partially,
and transiently, protected against challenge by
viruses of a heterologous type (6). This finding
was supported by in vitro neutralization experiments in which each DENV type was on average
better neutralized by homologous than heterologous DENV infection antisera (7). The immune response immediately after a primary
DENV infection varied from individual to individual, but generally was characterized by
high titers of neutralizing antibodies to multiple DENV types. The neutralizing response was
observed to become more DENV typespecific

over time (8). It was later shown that antibodies

to a heterologous DENV type could enhance infection in vivo and were associated with increased
risk of severe disease in nature (9, 10). Although
antigenic variability was observed within DENV
types from the earliest studies, this variation is
generally considered to be substantially less than
the differences between types, and not thought
to modify type-specific protection (11, 12). Together, the DENV types clearly form an antigenic subgroup within the genus Flavivirus (13, 14).
Analyses of envelope (E) proteins, and later full
genomes, showed that the four types are as genetically divergent among themselves as sequences
assigned to different viruses within the genus
Flavivirus (15). These deep evolutionary divergences between DENV types were evident in the
phylogenetic tree of the genetically diverse E-gene
sequences of the viruses that we investigated
here (Fig. 1A, fig. S1, and table S1) (16). Similarly,
a map of amino acid differences between the E
proteins revealed four compact, segregated types
(Fig. 1B and fig. S2), as the number of amino acid
substitutions between heterologous types far exceeded the maximum difference within a type.
However, investigations that rely on the classification of DENV into serotypes do not fully
explain clinical and epidemiological phenomena. SCIENCE






0.2 substitutions/site

DENV2/Senegal/1970/Sendak H
DENV2/Malaysia/2008 DKD 811
100 DENV2/Vietnam/2003/DF670 AC20
DENV2/Vietnam/2003 AC21
DENV2/Guyana/2000 CAREC 00 08221
DENV2/Brazil/2004 BR 161
BID V533
DENV2/Nicaragua/2006 BID V571
DENV2/Cambodia/2008 BID V3924
DENV2/Cambodia/2007/BID V4265
DENV2/Cambodia/2009/D2T0601085 KH09 KSP
DENV2/NewGuinea/1944 NewGuineaC
DENV2/Vietnam/2006 32 135
DENV2/India/1974 Poona 742295
93 DENV2/Peru/1996 IQT 2913
DENV2/Tonga/1974 Tonga/74
87 DENV1/Cambodia/2003 BID V1991
DENV1/Cambodia/2003 BID V1995
DENV1/Vietnam/2008 BID V1937
DENV1/Peru/2000 IQT 6152
DENV1/Venezuela/2000 OBT 1298
DENV1/Bolivia/2010 FSB 3363
80 97
DENV1/PuertoRico/2006 BID V852
DENV1/Nauru/1974 WestPac
DENV1/Thailand/1964 16007
DENV3/Puerto Rico/1963/PRS 228762 AC27
90 DENV3/Nicaragua/2009 BID V4753
98 DENV3/PuertoRico/2006 429965
DENV3/Cambodia/2011/V0907330 AC23
100 DENV3/Vietnam/2007 BID V1817
DENV3/Vietnam/2006 BID V1329
100 DENV3/Fiji/1992 29472 L11422 I
DENV3/Indonesia/1978/Sleman 1280 AC25
DENV4/Malaysia/1973/P73 1120
96 DENV4/Indonesia/1978 S1228
DENV4/Indonesia/1973/M30153 AC36
DENV4/Nicaragua/1999 703
DENV4/Brazil/2012/BR 12
90 DENV4/PuertoRico/1999 BID V2446
DENV4/Dominica/1981 42A
100 DENV4/Cambodia/2010 U0811386
DENV4/Cambodia/2011/V0624301 AC33
DENV4/Thailand/1985 D85 052

Nevertheless, antigenic properties are still thought

to play a critical role in the biology of DENV
infections. One hypothesis is that antigenic differences are critical, but that categorization by
serotype alone is too coarse a measure. For example, differences in epidemic magnitude might
be determined not only by the serotype but also
by the antigenic differences between the particular infecting viruses that populations experience during sequential epidemics. Antigenic
variation within and among the DENV types
has also been hypothesized, in addition to intrinsic viral fitness and other factors, to explain
phenomena including extinction and replacement
of previously successful lineages and variation in
disease outcome caused by genetically similar viruses (1719). Here, we empirically test the antigenic relationships among a panel of diverse DENV
isolates and reexamine the serotype concept.
Antigenic differences among viruses are caused
by amino acid differences that lead to structural



20 a.a.


Fig. 1. Genetic analyses of the DENV panel (n = 47). (A)

Phylogenetic tree showing the evolutionary relationships
of DENV E gene sequences. Sequences were aligned with
MAFFT, and a maximum likelihood tree was estimated using
a general time-reversible model, accounting for both amongsite rate variation and invariant sites (GTR+G4+I). Bootstrap
support values of at least 75% are shown. (B) Amino acid
map of DENV E protein sequences (493 to 495 amino
acids in length). The total amino acid differences between
pairs of E sequences correspond to distances between
points on the geometric display.

changes on viral proteins that modify antibody

binding. The structural effect of such amino acid
substitutions is difficult to predict from genetic
sequences alone. In some instances substitutions
have no antigenic effect; sometimes, single substitutions cause substantial antigenic change;
and at other times, it takes multiple substitutions to produce an antigenic effect (20, 21). Thus,
today, antigenic differences must be determined
by phenotype, including by an antibody neutralization assay (13). Most often, viruses are measured against multiple sera to form a table of
neutralization data from which antigenic relationships are inferred (22). However, such inferences are notoriously difficult to make, and
this has hindered the reliable systematic antigenic characterization of DENV. The difficulties are caused by random error, the use of diverse
methods among laboratories, and the intrinsic
variability among immune sera due to differences in hosts and infection histories (23, 24).

Center for Pathogen Evolution, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Downing

Street, Cambridge CB2 3EJ, UK. 2World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center for
Modeling, Evolution, and Control of Emerging Infectious Diseases, Cambridge CB2 3EJ, UK.
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,
MD 20892, USA. 4Division of Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology, School of Public Health,
University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720-3370, USA. 5Department of Viroscience,
Erasmus MC, Rotterdam 3015 GE, Netherlands. 6Department of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB3 0ES, UK. 7Department of Medical Research, Ziwaka
Road, Yangon, Myanmar. 8Institut Pasteur in Cambodia, Rseau International des Instituts
Pasteur, Phnom Penh 12201, Cambodia. 9Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation,
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane 4001, Australia. 10Australian Army Malaria
Institute, Brisbane 4051, Australia. 11Dengue Branch, Division of Vector-Borne Diseases,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, San Juan 00971, Puerto Rico. 12Department of



Moreover, neutralization data often contain

apparent contradictions that are difficult to interpret, such as higher-than-homologous titers
and sera that similarly neutralize multiple DENV
Previous antigenic analyses of DENV have
addressed such challenges by using monoclonal
antibodies, averaging responses of many individuals, or excluding sera with unusual patterns
of reactivity. Despite careful work, these approaches have not produced a unified framework for understanding patterns across large
neutralization data sets. Antigenic cartography
is a method that positions viruses and antisera
as points in a map, such that the distance between each virus and antiserum is derived from
the corresponding neutralization titer in the
tabular data. This method exploits variation in
host responses to better triangulate the map,
reduces the effect of some measurement errors
by measuring each virus against multiple antisera

Pathology and Center for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases, University of Texas
Medical Branch, Galveston, TX 77555, USA. 13Center for Tropical Diseases, University of Texas
Medical Branch, Galveston, TX 77555, USA. 14Institute for Human Infections and Immunity,
University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX 77555, USA. 15Department of Virology,
Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangkok 10400, Thailand. 16Center for
Immunization Research, Department of International Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School
of Public Health, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA. 17Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, Wellcome
Trust Major Overseas Programme, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. 18Centre for Tropical Medicine,
Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford OX3 7LJ, UK. 19Department
of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Melbourne, Parkville 3010, Australia. 20Marie Bashir
Institute for Infectious Diseases and Biosecurity, Charles Perkins Centre, School of Biological
Sciences and Sydney Medical School, The University of Sydney, Sydney 2006, Australia.
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254



Fig. 2. Antigenic map

of the DENV panel
(n = 46) titrated
against African green
monkey antisera
drawn 3 months after
infection (n = 36).
Each unit of antigenic
distance (length of one
grid-square side,
measured in any direction) is equivalent to a
twofold dilution in the
neutralization assay.
Each antiserum (open
shape) and virus
(closed shape) is
colored according to
the infecting genetic
type (16). The size and
shape of each point
represent the confidence area of its



(and vice versa), and accurately interprets apparent contradictions in the data (25).
We formed the Dengue Antigenic Cartography
Consortium, an open collaboration of international research laboratories, to establish empirically how DENV types relate to one another
antigenically. Thirty-six African green monkeys
(Chlorocebus sabaeus, hereafter NHP) were experimentally inoculated with diverse DENV isolates, and their sera were tested for neutralizing
antibody potency against the genetically (all
known genotypes), temporally (1944 to 2012),
and geographically (20 countries) diverse panel
of DENV isolates shown in Fig. 1 (table S1). Serum
samples were taken 3 months after inoculation,
and titrations were conducted using an immunofocus reduction neutralization test on mosquito cells (C6/36, Aedes albopictus) (tables S2 to
S7 and fig. S3) (16, 26). A conventional interpretation of the raw antibody neutralization titers
was consistent with previous observations, both
for DENV and for other flaviviruses: Antisera
could generally neutralize viruses of the infecting
type better than heterologous types.
The cartographic analyses fit these data with
low error and were internally consistent (figs.
S4, S6, and S7). Only 1% of map distances differed by more than fourfold from the measured
titer (table S8). The positions of viruses and
antisera were robust to different methods of
calculating neutralization titers and to the exclusion of outliers (figs. S5 and S8 to S12 and
table S10). Maps made with random subsets of
the data set could predict excluded titers within twofold error (correlation coefficient r = 0.92
for the relation between all measured and predicted titers) (table S9).
Our analyses showed that the DENV isolates
in our panel did group according to current
serotype classification (Fig. 2), and the majority of viruses neighboring any given virus are

18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254


of the same DENV type. However, many of the

viruses were positioned as close to a virus of
another DENV type as to some viruses of their
own type, and the distance within and between
types was comparable. Similarly, while neutralizing antisera responses clustered closely to viruses of the homologous type, almost all were
at least as close to a heterologous-type isolate
(tables S11 and table S12).
To examine these findings in detail, we evaluated whether the observed antigenic diversity
of the virus types was also observed with human
antisera and over time, and whether the neutralizing responses of individual antisera became
increasingly type-specific over time.
We titrated human antisera derived from vaccination with a live-attenuated chimeric DENV
vaccine against the genetically diverse DENV
panel. Individuals lacking detectable neutralizing antibodies against DENV or other flaviviruses were each inoculated with one monovalent
component of the National Institutes of Health
DENV vaccine (n = 40 in total, 10 per DENV
type). Antisera drawn 42 days after injection
were titrated against the DENV panel (n = 36)
by using the neutralization test on mosquito
cells. The resulting antigenic map is consistent
with the NHP map in that the distance between
DENV types was equivalent to the spread within type, and the overall orientation of DENV1-4
was the same (Fig. 3A).
We measured the antigenic relationships
among the DENV panel as recognized by antisera drawn from naturally infected individuals,
who had neutralizing responses representative
of the cohort study from which they were selected. Serum samples drawn from 20 Nicaraguan
children in the year after their first DENV infection
were titrated, by using the neutralization test on
mosquito cells, against 14 viruses that captured
the breadth of variation seen in the DENV panel

in Fig. 2. Again, the antigenic distances among

the DENV types were similar to those observed
with NHP and human vaccine antisera, although
the DENV4 cluster was positioned adjacent to
DENV1 and DENV2 (Fig. 3B).
We also analyzed neutralization data from
other studies that had used antisera from monovalent vaccine recipients and naturally infected
human travelers, as well as different neutralization
assays (22, 27, 28). Again, the antisera from these
studies also recognized the antigenic relationships among the DENV isolates similar to
the way the 3-month NHP antisera did (figs. S23
to S25).
The early antibody response is assumed to
broadly neutralize all DENV types, but over
time cross-type neutralization is thought to be
lost so that the antibody response remaining
in the months to years after infection only potently neutralizes isolates of the infecting type
(8, 29, 30). We compared how antisera taken at
various time points after infection recognize
antigenic relationships among the DENV panel.
The human antisera used to make the antigenic
maps described above were taken at various
times after infection, ranging from 42 days for
the monovalent vaccine antisera to more than
1 year for the natural infection antisera. We also
made an antigenic map of a published neutralization data set of 44 DENV isolates titrated
with monkey antisera drawn 1 year after inoculation and found a similar range of antigenic
variantion among the four DENV types (fig. S26)
(12). Thus, in maps made with early (1 month) as
well as late convalescent (3 months to 1 year)
antisera, the antigenic relationships among diverse DENV isolates were similar to those observed with 3-month NHP antisera.
We tested if the patterns of antigenic recognition of the antisera from serially sampled individuals changed with time. We titrated antisera
from the experimentally inoculated NHPs 1 month
(n = 36 individuals) and 5 months (n = 16) after
infection against the DENV panel. As expected,
the magnitude of the neutralizing titers generally
dropped between 1, 3, and 5 months (table S14).
However, viruses on the 1- and 5-month antigenic
maps showed the same orientation of types as the
3-month antisera. At 1 month and at 5 months
after infection, 55% and 41% of the viruses,
respectively, clustered as closely to a virus in a
heterologous type as to some viruses of the same
type (Fig. 4, A and B, and tables S11, S13, and S15).
The antigenic relationships among isolates were
conserved across time points (fig. S13). We thus
found that the antigenic relationships among the
isolates in the DENV panel were recognized similarly by early and late convalescent antisera from
the same individuals.
We measured changes in neutralizing type
specificity for each NHP by comparing the antiserum positions in the 1-, 3-, and 5-month antigenic maps. The antiserum positions shifted
(on average, by greater than fourfold) between
1 month and 3 months, consistent with the
period of somatic hypermutation and selection
for affinity-matured B cells (Fig. 4A and fig. S14). SCIENCE








Fig. 3. Human primary infection antigenic maps. (A) Antisera from individuals inoculated with each monovalent component of the NIH live vaccine (10 per
group) were drawn 42 days after infection and titrated against 36 viruses in the DENV panel. (B) Antisera from 20 Nicaraguan children drawn in the year after
their first DENV infections were titrated against an antigenically diverse subset of the DENV panel (n = 14).

However, few antisera showed improved neutralization of the infecting DENV type relative to
heterologous types between 1 and 3 months. The
antiserum positions changed minimally between
3 and 5 months, despite a significant decline in
the magnitude of titers over that period, in some
cases below the assay limit of detection (Fig. 4B
and table S14). Thus, we did not observe a
systematic shift toward increasing neutralizing
specificity to viruses of the infecting type; nor did
we observe decreasing specificity toward heterotypic viruses (fig. S15 and fig. S21).
Published studies of neutralizing responses
in the first year after experimental inoculation
also reported stability of neutralization specificity.
In one study, the ratio between homologous and
heterologous neutralizing titers for 16 rhesus
monkeys between 4 and 13 months after experimental inoculation was markedly consistent.
NHPs that were initially type-specific remained
so, and those that exhibited early cross-type titers
maintained titers to those types to the end of
the study period (fig. S28) (31). A second study
following the neutralizing responses of Aotus
nancymae monkeys for 1 to 4 months to DENV1
and DENV2 isolates showed similarly stable neutralization specificity to the infecting type and
heterologous types (fig. S29) (32).
We further analyzed the neutralizing responses
in the natural human infection data set for the
type specificity of antisera obtained during
the first 2 years after infection. The antisera in
the map in Fig. 3B ranged in neutralizing type
specificity, with 55% of antisera responses clustering as closely to a heterologous isolate as some
homologous isolates. For each individual, the
serum position in Fig. 3B, made with titrations
conducted on mosquito cells, closely corresponded
to the serum position in the map made with titSCIENCE

rations using human cells expressing the DENV

attachment factor, DC-SIGN (Fig. 3B and fig. S16).
The position of the DENV4 cluster was between
DENV1 and DENV2 on both maps (Fig. 3B and
fig. S16). We compared the antibody titrations
after 1 and 2 years for each individual and found
that all maintained the pattern of neutralization,
including cross-neutralization, observed in the first
year after infection (figs. S17 and S18). Thus, neutralizing antibody responses in natural human
DENV infections did not show a trend toward
increasing type specificity even 2 years after
Type-specific and cross-reactive neutralizing
antibodies are thought to target distinct viral
structures, and thus potentially may produce
different antigenic maps (33). We therefore tested
whether cross-reactive neutralizing antisera recognized different antigenic relationships among
the DENV panel than type-specific neutralizing responses, using the serum positions of the
monovalent vaccine map (Fig. 3A). Even though
all 10 individuals for each DENV type were inoculated with the same vaccine component, the
antisera responses to the isolates varied. Collectively, the antisera provided a coherent description of antigenic patterns among the isolates
(fig. S19). The relationships among the DENV
panel changed minimally between maps made
with only the most central, cross-reactive 20 antisera or only the most peripheral, type-specific
20 antisera (figs. S20 and S22). Thus, the DENV
type-specific and cross-reactive neutralizing responses recognized the same antigenic relationships among the DENV panel.
The antigenic characterization of any pathogen relies on the biological relevance of the
assay used to generate the data. Both recent and
historical studies have found statistically signif-

icant associations between neutralization titers

and DENV viremia or infection outcome (3437);
however, other studies have been inconclusive
(38, 39). Thus, the identification of immune correlates of protection including, but not exclusively,
potently neutralizing antibodies, is an active
area of research for DENV (4042). Notably, the
antigenic patterns in our data are similar to
those in antigenic maps that we made of DENV
antibody neutralization data from other published studies using different cell lines, virus preparations, methods for detecting infected cells,
and plaque or immunofocus reduction end points
(figs. S23-S27) (12, 19, 22, 27, 28). We also found
that the human antisera from natural infections
titrated on mosquito cells showed neutralization
profiles similar to those titrated on human cells
(figs. S16 and S18). The antigenic variation we
observed is thus not limited to the assay or
samples that we used.
Although prior immunity to a heterologous
DENV type still remains the strongest risk factor for disease, there is evidence that neutralizing responses to the particular DENV lineages
circulating in a population modifies the magnitude and severity of epidemics caused by subsequent infecting lineages (17, 18). In one study,
cross-type neutralization provided by prior DENV1
immunity correlated with a mild epidemic caused
by one lineage of DENV2, but showed no neutralization of other DENV2 lineages that in immunologically similar populations caused severe
epidemics (fig. S27) (19). These studies and the
results presented here highlight the importance
of studying the specific relationship between
antigenic distances as measured with neutralizing antibody titers and protection. The approach described here, in combination with
global surveillance of the genetic, antigenic,
18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254







Fig. 4. Antigenic maps of the DENV panel made with antisera drawn from NHPs 1 and 5 months after infection. (A) An antigenic map of 47 DENV
isolates titrated against 36 NHP antisera drawn 1 month after infection. Colored arrows (DENV1, yellow; DENV2, blue; DENV3, green; DENV4, red) show the
change in antiserum positions between 1 and 3 months. The black arrows show the average shift in serum position for each DENV type. The star denotes the
antigenic center for each DENV type. (B) An antigenic map of 37 DENV isolates titrated against 16 NHP antisera drawn 5 months after infection. Arrows point
from positions of antisera at 3 months to the corresponding 5-month positions.

and clinical features of DENVs, as well as further detailed studies of natural infection- and
vaccination-derived protection, has the potential
to inform whether vaccination protects against
circulating isolates as well as recognize gaps in
vaccine-induced protection should they emerge
over time.
The antigenic analyses shown here using 1-, 3-,
and 5-month NHP antisera, human monovalent
vaccine antisera, late-convalescent human natural infection antisera, and published neutralization data show that the DENV types do not fall
into order as distinct serotypes. We have found
that whereas DENV isolates are usually located
closer to other viruses of the same type, some
viruses, both modern and historical, have greater
antigenic resemblance to viruses of a different
type than to some viruses of the same type. We
find that primary infection neutralizing antibody titers, although they drop in magnitude,
do not systematically become more type-specific
in the year after primary infection. As expected,
individuals infected with the same or different
antigens have variable patterns of neutralization, but cross-neutralizing responses consistently recognize the same antigenic relationships
within the DENV panel as do the neutralizing
responses that are most type-specific. These findings shift our understanding of the antigenic
properties of DENV; enable more detailed study
of the antigenic determinants of clinical severity,
epidemic magnitude, and DENV evolution; and
provide additional methods for the selection of

18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

future vaccine strains and global surveillance

of the antigenic dynamics of dengue viruses.

1. S. Bhatt et al., Nature 496, 504507 (2013).

2. WHO/TDR, Dengue: Guidelines for Diagnosis, Treatment,
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12. P. K. Russell, A. Nisalak, J. Immunol. 99, 291296 (1967).
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14. K. L. Mansfield et al., J. Gen. Virol. 92, 28212829 (2011).
15. E. C. Holmes, S. S. Twiddy, Infect. Genet. Evol. 3, 1928
16. Supplementary Materials are available on Science Online.
17. M. OhAinle et al., Sci. Transl. Med. 3, 114ra128 (2011).
18. B. Adams et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 103, 1423414239
19. T. J. Kochel et al., Lancet 360, 310312 (2002).
20. B. F. Koel et al., Science 342, 976979 (2013).
21. L. A. VanBlargan et al., PLOS Pathog. 9, e1003761 (2013).
22. N. Vasilakis et al., Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 79, 128132 (2008).
23. W. G. van Panhuis et al., J. Infect. Dis. 202, 10021010
24. S. J. Thomas et al., Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 81, 825833
25. D. J. Smith et al., Science 305, 371376 (2004).
26. A. P. Durbin et al., Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 65, 405413

27. A. P. Durbin et al., Virology 439, 3441 (2013).

28. W. B. Messer et al., PLOS Negl. Trop. Dis. 6, e1486 (2012).
29. R. V. Gibbons et al., Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 77, 910913
30. S. B. Halstead, G. Papaevangelou, Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 29,
635637 (1980).
31. A. C. Hickey et al., Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 89, 10431057
32. T. J. Kochel et al., J. Infect. Dis. 191, 10001004 (2005).
33. W. Dejnirattisai et al., Nat. Immunol. 16, 785(2015).
34. D. Buddhari et al., PLOS Negl. Trop. Dis. 8, e3230 (2014).
35. C. A. Sariol, L. J. White, Front. Immunol. 5, 452 (2014).
36. S. C. Kliks, S. Nimmanitya, A. Nisalak, D. S. Burke, Am. J. Trop.
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37. D. H. Libraty et al., PLOS Med. 6, e1000171 (2009).
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42. G. N. Malavige, G. S. Ogg, J. Clin. Virol. 58, 605611 (2013).

We express our gratitude to the members of the Dengue Antigenic

Cartography Consortium, named in the supplementary materials,
for their advice and contributions to the Consortium to date.
We thank D. Burke, N. Lewis, E. Selkov, E. Skepner, A. Mostern,
R. Mgling, S. Wilks, T. Kotarba, and V. Duong for their technical
expertise. M. Melendrez, J. Hang, R. Jarman, S. M. Cave, S. G. Widen,
T. G. Wood, and V. Duong assisted with virus sequencing.
C. Firestone and M. Galvez assisted with neutralization assay
titrations. This research was supported in part by the Intramural
Research Program of the U.S. NIH, National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases (NIAID), European Union (EU) FP7 programs
EMPERIE (223498) and ANTIGONE (278976), Human Frontier
Science Program (HFSP) program grant P0050/2008, the NIH
Directors Pioneer Award DP1-OD000490-01, the FIRST program
from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Instituto Carlos
Slim de la Salud (E.H.). The antigenic cartography toolkit was in part
supported by NIAID-NIH Centers of Excellence for Influenza
Research and Surveillance contracts HHSN266200700010C and SCIENCE


HHSN272201400008C for use on influenza virus. L.C.K. was

supported by the Gates Cambridge Scholarship and the NIH Oxford
Cambridge Scholars Program. J.M.F. was supported by a Medical
Research Council Fellowship (MR/K021885/1) and a Junior
Research Fellowship from Homerton College Cambridge. E.C.H.
was supported by an National Health and Medical Research Council
Australia Fellowship. N.V. and R.B.T were supported by NIH
contract HHSN272201000040I/HHSN27200004/D04. The viruses
and sera used in this study are covered by standard material
transfer agreements at the home institutions of S.S.W., C.P.S., E.H.,
P.B., J.G.A., J.L.M.J., N.V., and R.B.T. A.D.M.E.O. is a professor
and director of Artemis One Health Utrecht, The Netherlands; Chief
Scientific Officer Viroclinics Biosciences BV, the Netherlands; and a
Board Member of Protein Sciences USA. P.B. performed this work
while at the Institut Pasteur in Cambodia, but since June 2015, is

with GlaxoSmithKline vaccines in Singapore, and has stock options

with GSK. C.P.S. is a paid consultant to GSK Pharma, GSK Vaccines,
and Merck and has received a grant and consulting payments to his
institution from Sanofi Pasteur. The sequences used in this study are
available from GenBank (
and are listed in table S1. Files used for genetic analyses are
available as supplementary data files. The NIH monovalent DENV
vaccines trials ( identifiers: NCT00473135
NCT00920517, NCT00831012, NCT00831012) were performed
under an investigational new drug application reviewed by the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration and approved by the Institutional
Review Board at the University of Vermont and Johns Hopkins
University. Informed consent was obtained in accordance federal
and international regulations (21CFR50, ICHE6). The Pediatric
Dengue Cohort Study in Managua, Nicaragua, was approved by the


Greenlandic Inuit show genetic

signatures of diet and
climate adaptation
Matteo Fumagalli,1,2* Ida Moltke,3* Niels Grarup,4 Fernando Racimo,2
Peter Bjerregaard,5,6 Marit E. Jrgensen,5,7 Thorfinn S. Korneliussen,8
Pascale Gerbault,1,9 Line Skotte,3 Allan Linneberg,10,11,12 Cramer Christensen,13
Ivan Brandslund,14,15 Torben Jrgensen,10,16,17 Emilia Huerta-Snchez,18
Erik B. Schmidt,17,19 Oluf Pedersen,4 Torben Hansen,4
Anders Albrechtsen,3 Rasmus Nielsen2,20
The indigenous people of Greenland, the Inuit, have lived for a long time in the extreme
conditions of the Arctic, including low annual temperatures, and with a specialized diet rich
in protein and fatty acids, particularly omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). A
scan of Inuit genomes for signatures of adaptation revealed signals at several loci, with
the strongest signal located in a cluster of fatty acid desaturases that determine PUFA
levels. The selected alleles are associated with multiple metabolic and anthropometric
phenotypes and have large effect sizes for weight and height, with the effect on height
replicated in Europeans. By analyzing membrane lipids, we found that the selected alleles
modulate fatty acid composition, which may affect the regulation of growth hormones.
Thus, the Inuit have genetic and physiological adaptations to a diet rich in PUFAs.

revious studies have attempted to understand the genetic basis of human adaptation to local environments, including cold
climates and a lipid-rich diet (1). A recent
study found evidence that a coding variant
in CPT1A, a gene involved in the regulation of
long-chain fatty acid, has been the target of
strong positive selection in native Siberians, possibly driven by adaptation to a cold climate or to
a high-fat diet (2). Another study found evidence
that adaptation to the traditional hypoglycemic
diet of Greenlandic Inuit may have favored a
mutation in TBC1D4 that affects glucose uptake
and occurs at high frequency only among the
Inuit (3). However, knowledge about the genetic
basis of human adaptation to cold climates and
lipid-rich diets remains limited.
Motivated by this, we performed a scan for
signatures of genetic adaptation in the population of Greenland. The Inuit ancestors of this population arrived in Greenland less than 1000 years
ago (4), but they lived in the Arctic for thousands of years before that (5). As such, they

have probably adapted to the cold Arctic climate and to their traditional diet, which has a
high content of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty
acids (PUFAs) derived from seafood (6) and a
content of omega-6 PUFAs that is lower than in
Danish controls (7).
We analyzed data from previously genotyped
Greenlandic individuals (3) by using the Illumina
MetaboChip (8), which is an array enriched with
single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identified in genome-wide association studies (GWASs)
associated with cardiometabolic phenotypes. As a
result of recent admixture, modern Greenlanders
have, on average, 25% genetic European ancestry
(9). To get a representative sample of the indigenous Greenlandic Inuit (GI), we analyzed the
subset of 191 individuals that had less than 5%
estimated European ancestry per individual (0.5%
on average) (9). We combined the data from these
individuals with the MetaboChip data from 60 individuals of European ancestry (CEU) and 44 Han
Chinese individuals (CHB) from the HapMap
Consortium (fig. S1) (10).

Institutional Review Boards of the Nicaraguan Ministry of Health and

the University of California, Berkeley. Parents or legal guardians of
all subjects provided written informed consent, and subjects 6 years
of age and older provided assent.
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S29
Tables S1 to S15
Data Files S1 to S9
References (4366)
6 May 2015; accepted 6 August 2015

To detect signals of positive selection, we used

the population branch statistic (PBS) (11), which
identifies alleles that have experienced strong
changes in frequency in one population (GI) relative to two reference populations (CEU and CHB)
(5). A sliding window analysis identified several
SNP windows with high PBS values, indicative of
selection (Fig. 1 and table S1).
The strongest signal of selection is located
within a region on chromosome 11 (Fig. 1A) and
encompasses five genes: two open reading frames,
C11orf10 (TMEM258) and C11orf9 (MYRF); and
three fatty acid desaturases, FADS1, FADS2, and
FADS3. The SNP with the highest PBS value falls
within FADS2. The function of FADS3 is not
known; FADS1 and FADS2 encode delta-5 and
delta-6 desaturases, which are the rate-limiting
steps in the conversion of linoleic acid (omega-6)
and a-linolenic acid (omega-3) to the longer, more
unsaturated and biologically active eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, omega-3), docosahexaenoic acid
(DHA, omega-3), and arachidonic acid (omega-6).

Department of Genetics, Evolution, and Environment,

University College London, London WC1E 6BT, UK.
Department of Integrative Biology, University of California
Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 3The Bioinformatics
Centre, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen,
2200 Copenhagen, Denmark. 4The Novo Nordisk Foundation
Center for Basic Metabolic Research, Section of Metabolic
Genetics, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University
of Copenhagen, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark. 5National
Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark,
1353 Copenhagen, Denmark. 6Greenland Center for Health
Research, University of Greenland, Nuuk, Greenland. 7Steno
Diabetes Center, 2820 Gentofte, Denmark. 8Centre for
GeoGenetics, Natural History Museum of Denmark,
University of Copenhagen, 1350 Copenhagen, Denmark.
Department of Anthropology, University College London,
London WC1H 0BW, UK. 10Research Centre for Prevention
and Health, Capital Region of Denmark, Copenhagen,
Denmark. 11Department of Clinical Experimental Research,
Rigshospitalet, Glostrup, Denmark. 12Department of Clinical
Medicine, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University
of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 13Department of
Medicine, Lillebaelt Hospital, Vejle, Denmark. 14Department
of Clinical Biochemistry, Lillebaelt Hospital, Vejle, Denmark.
Institute of Regional Health Research, University of
Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark. 16Faculty of Health
and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen,
Copenhagen, Denmark. 17Faculty of Medicine, University of
Aalborg, Aalborg, Denmark. 18School of Natural Sciences,
University of CaliforniaMerced, Merced, CA 95343, USA.
Department of Cardiology, Aalborg University Hospital,
9100 Aalborg, Denmark. 20Department of Statistics,
University of CaliforniaBerkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.

*These authors contributed equally to this work. Corresponding

author. E-mail: [email protected] (T.H.); albrecht@ (A.A.); [email protected] (R.N.)

18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254



Fig. 1. Results from a genome-wide scan for

positive selection. (A) PBS values in windows
of 20 SNPs, using a step size of 5 SNPs. The 99.5th
and 99.9th percentiles of the empirical distribution
are shown as red dashed horizontal lines. Names
of genes associated with the highest peaks are
shown. (B) Evolutionary trees underlying the strongest signal of selection. The bottom panel shows
genomic-average branch lengths based on FST
(fixation index, a measure of population genetic
differentiation) for GI, CEU and CHB branches
(bottom); the top panel shows branch lengths for
the SNPs in the window with the highest PBS
values, indicating substantial changes in allele frequencies along the GI branch.

lated PBS values (table S4) for exome sequencing data from 18 unrelated GI individuals (3),
combined with data from 85 CEU individuals
and 97 CHB individuals from the 1000 Genomes
Project (fig. S1) (19).
These analyses identified two high-scoring
genes (table S5): DSP, a gene associated with cardiomyopathy (20), and ANGPTL6, a gene that counteracts high-fat dietinduced obesity and related
insulin resistance through increased energy expenditure (21). Gene ontology enrichment analyses of
genes under selection revealed enriched muscleand heart-development categories, similar to those
positively selected in polar bears (table S6) (5, 22).
In addition, these analyses reproduced the
strong signal observed in the FADS1-FADS2FADS3 region, even though the SNPs with the
highest PBS values are not detected by the system used for exome capture (Agilent SureSelect;
fig. S2), and this region has the SNP with the
strongest signal of selection (i.e., highest PBS
value) in any of the data analyzed. We therefore focused on this region for the rest of this
study. On the basis of an inferred demographic
model (5), we estimated a divergence time between CHB and GI of 23,250 years before the
present (yr B.P.), unidirectional gene flow from
GI to CHB at some point in the history of these
populations, and a reduced effective population
size of GI (effective population size = 1550). The
estimated model (fig. S3A) fits the observed joint
site frequency spectrum (fig. S4), and the PBS
value for the FADS region is a strong outlier,
corroborating the idea that selection probably
has affected this region (fig. S5).
Using an approximate Bayesian computation
approach, we also estimated the starting time
and intensity of selection, s (5). Because of the
high LD within the region and the fact that our
data were from SNP chip (fig. S6), we could not
pinpoint the causative SNP(s) by means of pop-

ulation genetic analyses; we therefore used the

SNP with the highest PBS value (reference SNP
identification number rs74771917) as a proxy. This
SNP has a derived allele frequency of 0.98 in GI,
0.025 in CEU, and 0.16 in CHB. Our analyses
produced maximum a posteriori probability
(MAP) estimates of the selection starting time,
19,751 yr B.P. [95% Bayesian credible interval
(BCI): 2499 to 22,771 yr B.P.] (figs. S3B and S7),
and of s, 3.13% (95% BCI: 0.98 to 19.49%) (fig.
S3C). These results suggest that selection began
to act on these genes long before the earliest settlement of Inuit in Greenland (4). In population
samples from the HGDP-CEPH (Human Genome
Diversity ProjectCentre dEtude du Polymorphisme Humain) database, the selected allele
of rs74771917 has much higher frequencies among
Native Americans than it does among East
Asians (fig. S8) (23), suggesting that selection
began to act before the Inuit split from the
Native Americans, when their common ancestors lived in or around Beringia (24).
Six SNPs in the FADS region (Table 1) have
PBS values above 2, suggesting that they have
been subjected to strong selection. One of these
SNPs, rs174570, is associated with circulating
high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and total cholesterol levels in Europeans (25). We therefore tested for associations
between the top six SNPs and 13 metabolic and
anthropometric phenotypes in Greenlanders by
analyzing data from the Greenlandic cohorts
IHIT (Inuit Health in Transition) and B99 (Greenland Population Study 1999), which include 2733
and 1331 genotyped individuals, respectively (3).
We analyzed the cohorts separately, combined
the results in a meta-analysis (5), and found marginally significant associations with multiple phenotypes, including body-mass index, fasting serum
insulin, and fasting serum LDL cholesterol (tables
S7 to S12). In all cases, the derived (selected)



Top signal


Population Branch Statistic (PBS)

Polymorphisms in FADS1 and FADS2 are associated with increased levels of plasma and erythrocyte delta-5 desaturases in Alaskan Inuit (12)
as well as with levels of PUFA in blood and breast
milk (13, 14).
We also found signals of selection in a region
on chromosome 1 (Fig. 1A), which encompasses
WARS2, a mitochondrial tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase, and TBX15, a transcription factor member of the T-box family. Within this region, the
SNP with the highest PBS value is located upstream of WARS2. Polymorphisms in or near
WARS2 and TBX15 have been shown to be
associated with numerous phenotypes among
individuals of European descent, including waisthip ratio (15). Based on linkage disequilibrium
(LD) patterns in Greenlandic Inuit, the results
from (15) suggest that the allele that occurs frequently in Greenlandic Inuit may decrease the
waist-hip ratio. TBX15 plays a role in the differentiation of brown (subcutaneous) and brite
(typically inguinal) adipocytes (16). The latter,
upon stimulation by exposure to cold, can differentiate into cells capable of expressing UCP1 (uncoupling protein 1), which produces heat by lipid
oxidation. Therefore, TBX15 may be associated
with adaptation to cold in Inuit.
FN3KRP shows evidence of selection as well
(Fig. 1A). FN3KRP encodes an enzyme that catalyzes fructosamines, psicosamines, and ribulosamines. This protein protects against nonenzymatic
glycation, an oxidative process that is associated
with various pathophysiologies (17). A high intake
of PUFAs is associated with increased oxidative
stress (18); it is possible that the alleles affected
by selection in FN3KRP counteract the negative fitness caused by a PUFA-rich diet. A list of
additional candidate regions under positive selection is presented in tables S2 and S3.
To corroborate our results from the SNP chip
based analysis described above, we also calcu-







Genome average



18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254





15 17



allele was associated with a reduction in the

phenotypic value. The strongest association was
with body weight (P = 1.1 106; rs7115739) and
height (P = 0.00012; rs7115739) (table S10).

Both of these associations remained significant

after Bonferroni correction for testing for association between 13 phenotypes and six SNPs.
To further validate the association with height,

Table 1. Annotation for the top six SNPs under positive selection in Greenlandic Inuit. DAFs for
each population (CEU, CHB, and GI) and PBS values are reported, along with the genomic
position for each SNP.


Reference SNP
identification number






*Positions refer to human genome assembly hg19.

Alleles are coded as ancestral/derived states.

we genotyped an additional Greenlandic cohort,

known as BBH, consisting of 541 Greenlandic
individuals who live in Denmark and for whom
height information is available. When we added
these data to the meta-analysis of height, the
association signal for rs7115739 became even
stronger (P = 4.6 107). Moreover, the per-allele
effect size estimates for the derived allele for
height and weight are 0.66 cm and 2.2 kg in
IHIT and 1.2 cm and 2.4 kg in B99 (Fig. 2, A
and B, and table S10). As mentioned, the statistical method that we used accounts for admixture. Furthermore, we observed an effect both
in Greenlanders with little or no European ancestry and in Greenlanders with more than 40% European ancestry when we stratified the data on
the basis of ancestry proportions, which we would
not expect if the association signal was caused by
admixture in our data (fig. S9). These observations indicate that our association results are not
caused by insufficient correction for admixture.
The six SNPs with the highest PBS values are
also polymorphic in Europeans (Table 1). However,

Fig. 2. The effect of

rs7115739 and rs174570
on weight and height. (A)
The effect of rs7115739 on
weight in the Greenlandic
cohorts IHIT and B99.
Shown is the mean value
stratified by the genotypes
of rs7115739 (top) and the
estimated effect of
carrying one and two
copies of the derived allele,
respectively (bottom). The
effect-size estimates are
adjusted for admixture and
other confounding factors
and were obtained using a
linear mixed model applied
to untransformed phenotype measurements. Unlike
the estimates in the text
and table S10, the estimates shown here were
obtained without assuming
an additive effect. Error
bars, 1 SE. (B) As in
(A), but for height.
(C) Effect sizes for height
for the derived allele of
rs7115739 in three Greenlandic cohorts and seven
European cohorts (SDC,
Steno Diabetes Center).
Point estimates are shown
as points and 95% confidence intervals are shown
as horizontal bars. For each
of the two geographic
regions, the results from a meta-analysis of all the cohorts from the region are also shown. N indicates the number of individuals analyzed; DAF, derived allele
frequency. For the Greenlandic cohorts, the effect sizes were estimated from height measurements that were quantile-transformed to a standard normal
distribution. For the European cohorts, height was analyzed as sex-specific standard (z) scores. Hence, the effect sizes from the two geographic regions are not
directly comparable. (D) As in (C), but for rs174570.


18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254



Fig. 3. Results
of testing for
between the
fatty acids in
the omega-3
and omega-6
synthesis pathways and each
of two SNPs,
rs7115739 and
rs174570. The
omega-6 (top)
and omega-3
(bottom) synthesis pathways are depicted with circles for each fatty acid and arrows for each synthesis step. For each fatty acid, P values for tests of association and effect
directions for the derived allele are illustrated by the colors on the left (rs7115739) and right (rs174570) halves of the circle. Green text indicates in which of the
synthesis steps FADS1 and FADS2 play a role. Arrows outside the boxes are simplified indications of where different types of diet enter the two pathways.

because most of the identified SNPs have low

allele frequencies in Europeans, they may have
been missed by GWAS studies. When combining
seven European cohorts, including GIANT (Genetic Investigation of Anthropometric Traits;
26), we found associations with lower height in
carriers of the derived T-allele for rs7115739 (n =
207,300; P = 0.000741) and rs174570 (n = 263,451;
P = 1.24 105) (Fig. 2, C and D, and table S13).
The meta-analysisbased effect sizes are equivalent to 0.35 and 0.12 cm for rs7115739 and
rs174570, respectively. In contrast, we found no
evidence that the six SNPs are associated with
weight in Europeans. These results are consistent
with results that we obtained when we explicitly tested for differences in effect sizes between Europeans and Greenlandic Inuit (table
S14): We found no evidence of a difference in
effect size for height for rs7115739 (P = 0.44), but
we found significant evidence for a difference in
effect size for weight (P = 0.025 and P = 0.012 for
rs7115739 and rs174570, respectively), with little
or no effect on weight in Europeans. The associations with height in Europeans are unexpected,
because this locus was not found to be significant
genome-wide in the recent GIANT study of the
height of more than 170,000 Europeans (26). In
addition to the associations with height, we also
found known associations with low fasting serum
levels of insulin, total cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol for European carriers of low-frequency
derived alleles of FADS1 variation, suggesting that
there may be a protective effect of these variants
on cardiometabolic phenotypes (table S13).
To further elucidate the possible functional
effects of the alleles of rs7115739 and rs174570,
we investigated associations with red blood
cellmembrane lipid composition, which reflects fatty-acid intake from the preceding 2 to
4 months and which has previously been measured in IHIT, the largest of our Greenlandic
cohorts (27). We found significant associations
with multiple different fatty acids (fig. S10 and
tables S15 and S16). Particularly, we found that
the selected alleles are significantly associated
with an increase in the concentration of eicosa1346

18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

tetraenoic acid (ETA, 20:4n-3) and other omega3 fatty acids upstream in the omega-3 synthesis
pathway, before conversion to EPA (20:5n-3), but
a decrease in the concentration of both EPA and
omega-3 docosapentaenoic acid (DPA, 22:5n-3),
with no significant effect on DHA (22:6n-3) (Fig.
3). These results are consistent with previous
observations of linked alleles in Europeans (28).
The conversion of ETA to EPA is catalyzed by
delta-5 desaturases encoded by FADS1, and EPA
is a major dietary omega-3 fatty acid in the traditional Inuit diet (18). Hence, these results suggest
that selection affecting the fatty acid desaturases may have compensated for a high dietary
intake of EPA.
The changes in the concentration of omega-6
fatty acids mirror those of omega-3 fatty acids
(Fig. 3). This might be expected, given that the
same enzymes (encoded by FADS1 and FADS2)
are involved in both the omega-3 and omega-6
biosynthesis pathways. The similar changes in
concentration could therefore be a side effect of
selection, driven by a omega-3 PUFArich diet.
However, selection may also have worked directly on omega-6 fatty acid concentrations early in
the ancestral history of Inuit and Native Americans, in the context of a late Paleolithic diet rich
in meat from land mammals.
Both rs7115739 and rs174570 show strongly
significant associations in conditional analyses
where we adjusted for the effects of the other
SNP and of rs174602. The remaining three highestPBS SNPs are in strong LD with rs7115739 in IHIT
and would produce similar results. This suggests
that there are either multiple causative SNPs or
that both rs7115739 and rs174570 are in strong
LD with the causal SNP(s).
The challenging environmental conditions of
the Arctic have probably imposed strong selective pressures on the Inuit and their ancestors. In
all the data that we analyzed, the most pronounced
allele-frequency difference between Inuit and other
populations was found in a cluster of fatty acid
desaturasesFADS1, FADS2, and FADS3although
it is possible that even more extreme differences
are present in noncoding regions not covered by

our exome data. The FADS region has probably

been under selection, driven by a diet high in
PUFAs. The FADS genes have previously been
hypothesized to be under selection in other populations in response to dietary changes (28, 29),
suggesting that these genes in general play an
important role in human adaptation to dietary
regimes. Our results also show that genetic variants in fatty acid desaturases have a strong effect on height, probably because of the effect of
fatty acid composition and concentration on the
regulation of growth hormones (30). Previous
studies (31) have shown that fish oil supplementation is associated with increased concentrations
of plasma insulin-like growth factor1. This study
illustrates the utility of evolutionary studies of
locally adapted populations for understanding
the genetic basis of phenotypic variation among



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We thank the Greenlandic participants and the funding agencies

and research centers that made this study possible: the Human

Frontiers in Science Program Organization (grant LT00320/2014);

the Danish Council for Independent Research (grant DFF-YDUN);
the Villum Foundation; the Steno Diabetes Center; NIH (grant
R01-HG003229); the Leverhulme Programme Grant (grant
RP2011-R-045); the University of CaliforniaMerced startup funds;
Karen Elise Jensens Foundation and NunaFonden, which
supported the collection of data from the Greenlandic cohorts;
and the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic
Research, which is an independent research center at the
University of Copenhagen and is partially funded by an unrestricted
donation from the Novo Nordisk Foundation (
We also thank T. Lauritzen and A. Sandbk for the use of the
ADDITION (Anglo-Danish-Dutch Study of Intensive Treatment In
People with Screen Detected Diabetes in Primary Care) cohort.
The Vejle Diabetes Biobank was funded by the Danish Medical
Research Council and Vejle Hospital. The genotyping and exome


Cryo-EM shows the polymerase

structures and a nonspooled genome
within a dsRNA virus
Hongrong Liu1* and Lingpeng Cheng2*
Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) viruses possess a segmented dsRNA genome and a
number of RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRps) enclosed in a capsid. Until now,
the precise structures of genomes and RdRps within the capsids have been unknown.
Here we report the structures of RdRps and associated RNAs within nontranscribing
and transcribing cypoviruses (NCPV and TCPV, respectively), using a combination of
cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM) and a symmetry-mismatch reconstruction method. The
RdRps and associated RNAs appear to exhibit a pseudo-D3 symmetric organization in both
NCPV and TCPV. However, the molecular interactions between RdRps and the genomic
RNA were found to differ in these states. Our work provides insight into the mechanisms
of the replication and transcription in dsRNA viruses and paves a way for structural
determination of lower-symmetry complexes enclosed in higher-symmetry structures.

he family Reoviridae causes disease in humans, livestock, insects, and plants. The
virions have 10 to 12 segments of dsRNA
enclosed in a single-, double-, or triple-layered
capsid. The inner capsids (cores) remain intact after the viruses are delivered into the host
cells cytoplasm, and the RNA-dependent RNA
polymerases (RdRps) repeatedly transcribe RNA
from the minus-strand RNA genome within the
core (1, 2). Assembly of the reovirus cores requires
encapsidation of the genomic RNA plus strands,
along with a roughly equal number of RdRps.
The maturation of the reoviruses is accompanied
by RdRps-driven synthesis of RNA minus strands
complementary to the plus strands, in turn forming genomic double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) segments within the mature virions (3, 4).
Although structures of viral capsids and isolated RdRp complexes have been studied exten-

College of Physics and Information Science, Hunan Normal

University, Changsha, Hunan 410081, China. 2School of Life
Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China.

*These authors contributed equally to this work. Corresponding

author. E-mail: [email protected] (H.L.); lingpengcheng@mail. (L.C.)


sively for more than two decades (313), the

structures of genomes and RdRps within viral
capsids have thus far evaded determination. In
this study, we used cryoelectron microscopy
(cryo-EM), in combination with our symmetrymismatch reconstruction method, to report the
structures of RdRps and associated RNAs for nontranscribing and transcribing cypoviruses (NCPV
and TCPV, respectively) in the family Reoviridae.
Cypovirus particles were isolated and purified, and viral transcription was assayed (14, 15).
We reconstructed the structures of the NCPV
and TCPV without imposing any symmetry (see
supplementary materials and methods). Our analysis of the NCPV showed that the genomic RNAs
and RdRps are located inside the capsid within
a region of 510 radius. The structure of the
genomic RNAs is of spherical outline, is composed
of regularly distributed layers that are formed
by discontinuous dsRNA fragments running in
parallel, and is associated with RdRps (Fig. 1, A
to C; fig. S1; movie S1). Each RdRp is anchored at
the inner surface of the capsid and surrounded
by multiple layers of dsRNA (Fig. 1, B and C). The
distance between two adjacent dsRNA fragments
within the same layer is fixed at ~25 , whereas

sequencing data from this project are available to researchers who

have received ethics approval from the Greenland Research
Ethics Committee ([email protected]) and can be obtained by
contacting T.H.
Materials and Methods
Supplementary Text
Figs. S1 to S14
Tables S1 to S17
References (3267)
30 March 2015; accepted 17 August 2015

two adjacent layers are ~30 apart. The double

helices of both dsRNA fragments located close to
the inner capsid surface and interacting with
the RdRps have a measured helix pitch of ~28
(Fig. 1C). The dsRNA fragment structures located
closer to the spherical center are not as well resolved as the those at the periphery (fig. S1). Each
RdRp density anchors to the inner surface of the
capsid, slightly off-center from the fivefold axis
(Fig. 1B) (16). These RdRps and the associated
dsRNA fragments appear to exhibit a pseudo-D3
symmetric organization (Fig. 1A and figs. S1 to
S3), allowing for 12 distinct locations of RdRps
inside a viral capsid: Two groups containing three
RdRps (threefold RdRps) each approach and are
symmetrically arranged about the threefold axes
on opposite sides of the virion, and three groups
containing two RdRps (twofold RdRps) each approach and are symmetrically arranged about
the twofold axes that encircle the center of the
virion (fig. S4). Within the three-dimensional
density maps, the average density value of the
twofold RdRps amounts to approximately twothirds of the average density value of the threefold
RdRps. In contrast, the dsRNA densities surrounding the twofold and the threefold RdRps are all
of similar intensity. We reason that this reflects
six RdRps occupying the six positions of the
threefold RdRps and only four RdRps occupying the six positions of the twofold RdRps (thus,
two-thirds of the average density). Therefore,
the total number of RdRps within the capsid is
10, in tentative agreement with the observation
that each cypovirus genome contains only 10 RNA
segments, with each genome segment being specifically associated with one RdRp (17). Our structural analysis also revealed that TCPV and NCPV
have almost identical genome structures (figs.
S2 and S5), except for those genome regions that
interact with RdRps. Given the great variations
of size and the encoded genes of the 10 different
genomic RNA segments in each cypovirus, it is
likely that the observed D3 symmetry in the
dsRNA organization does not reflect the true
organization of the RNA genome. The layers of
the dsRNA fragment resemble the organization
of the cholesteric liquid crystal (18) (fig. S1 and
movie S2), which is consistent with earlier evidence that the dsRNA genome forms liquid
crystalline arrays within the highly condensed
capsid (5). The liquid crystalline model of genome
18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254



packaging does not support the spool model of

Reoviridae genomic organization based on icosahedrally averaged genome structures (1921).
Using the presence of D3 symmetry of the RdRp
structures, we further improved the resolution
of RdRps in NCPV and TCPV from ~6 (Fig. 2,
A and B) to ~5 (Fig. 2C, fig. S6, table S1, and
movie S3) by applying this symmetry to the
reconstruction. The well-defined densities of the
two RdRp conformers in NCPV and TCPV allowed
us to build Ca backbone models (Fig. 2, B and
C, and figs. S7 and S8). The structure of the TCPV
RdRp is very similar to that of the orthoreovirus
RdRp l3 (3). We therefore refer to the domains
in the cypovirus RdRp according to the nomenclature of the orthoreovirus l3. TCPV RdRp has
four channels that connect to its central catalytic
cavity (Fig. 2D); these channels are used for RNA
template entry, nucleoside triphosphate (NTP)
entry, template exit, or RNA transcript exit (3).
An additional density, which we attributed to
the homolog of m2 protein in orthoreovirus, was
observed attached to the surface region between
the channels for template entry and NTP entry
of each RdRp in both NCPV and TCPV (Fig. 2A
and figs. S7A and S8A). Consistent with an earlier
biochemical analysis suggesting that m2 might
be an NTP instead of an RNA 5-triphosphatase
(RTPase) (22), this observation implies that the
m2-homology protein is not an RTPase, as it does
not have access to the 5 end of the transcript.
A dsRNA fragment was observed to bind to
each of the 12 RdRp bracelet (C-terminal) domains via nucleotides of the second turn down-

stream of the dsRNA end in NCPV (Fig. 2, A and

B). A caplike structure visible at each of the dsRNA
ends appears to be the 5 end of the plus-strand
RNA (i.e., the 3 end of the minus-strand RNA)
(Fig. 2B). In response to binding dsRNA, the
bracelet domain of NCPV RdRp shifts compared
with that of TCPV: One a helix moves into the
transcript exit channel, and another two a helices
move into the template exit channel, leading to
partial blockage of the two channels (Figs. 2E
and 3, A and B).
In TCPV, the end of the dsRNA approaches
the template entry channel of RdRp (Fig. 4, A
and B). The dsRNA is unwound at the channel
entrance, with one strand (presumably the transcriptional template; i.e., the 3 end of the minusstrand RNA) inserting into the channel and
reaching the RdRp active site, and the other
strand (the capped 5 end of plus-strand RNA)
being tethered to the RdRp surface (Fig. 4, B
and C). Fitting the orthoreovirus RdRp atomic
model into the TCPV RdRp density reveals that
TCPV RdRps plus-strand RNA binding site superimposes with the proposed RdRp cap recognition
site (3) (Fig. 4D). No RNA density was observed
inside the template exit channel.
The initiation stage of the transcription is
known to be less efficient than the elongation
process (23). Thus, a considerable percentage of
the RdRps in our sample are initiating transcription, which suggests that the TCPV RdRp structure
might represent the initiation stage of transcription. We did not observe any auxiliary proteins
at the entrance of the template entry channel,

suggesting that this RdRp, like the polymerases

from bacteriophage F6 and bursal disease virus
(13, 24), is able to separate the two RNA strands
in the absence of additional helicases.
We also observed a number of density features
in the active site of TCPV and NCPV RdRps. Some
density features, which can be assigned to the
template RNA and an NTP, were specifically observed in the active site of TCPV RdRp. Models of
the first four nucleotides of the template RNA
(3-UCAU) and an NTP can be built into the densities (Fig. 4E and fig. S9). The channels for transcript and template exit, which are partially
blocked in the NCPV RdRp, become open in the
TCPV RdRp (Fig. 3). These conformational changes
are likely required for the NCPV RdRps switch
to transcription mode. In addition, we observed
that a loop present in a retracted conformation in
the NCPV RdRp becomes extended in TCPV (Fig.
4F), narrowing the template exit channel; this observation suggests that the transcript will collide
with this loop during transcription (Figs. 2D and
4E). Thus, the loop might prevent the transcript
from entering the template exit channel and may
instead direct it toward the transcript exit channel during transcription. Presumably, this loop
(the switch loop) is also involved in replication,
where it is in the retracted conformation, as
shown for the NCPV RdRp, thus allowing nascent
dsRNA to egress from the template exit channel.
On the basis of previous structural studies
(3, 4, 15, 16, 25) and our RdRp and RNA structures, we propose a model for dsRNA virus replication and transcription. The replication process

Fig. 1. Structures of the RNA fragments and

RdRps within the NCPV capsid. (A) (Left) NCPV
icosahedral capsid structure. (Right) Half of the
icosahedral capsid (blue) is removed to show the
structures of genomic dsRNA and RdRps (red).
One threefold axis and three twofold axes of
pseudo-D3 symmetry are indicated by a triangle
and ellipses, respectively. (B) Central slice of the
NCPV structure showing the genomic dsRNA and
RdRps. (C) (Left) Zoomed-in view of the dsRNA.
The RdRp has been removed for clarity. (Right)
Zoomed-in view of a dsRNA fragment.




Fig. 2. Structures of the RdRp complexes within NCPV and TCPV. (A) Location of an RdRp within the NCPV capsid (partially shown). The RdRp density map
(gray) is superimposed on its Ca model (magenta). (B) Zoomed-in view of the NCPV RdRp in (A). The m2-homology protein is removed for clarity. (C) Partial view of
the density map (mesh) of the RdRp superimposed on its Ca model. Several N-terminal a helix residues (left) are shown (National Center for Biotechnology
Information accession number AF323782). K, Lys; H, His; F, Phe; R, Arg; E, Glu. (D) Cut-open view (cross-eye stereo view) showing the four channels in the TCPV
RdRp. Asterisks denote the location of the switch loop. (E) Ca model of the NCPV RdRp (magenta) superimposed on that of the TCPV RdRp (blue).

Fig. 3. Conformational changes between

RdRps of NCPV and TCPV. Ca models
are shown in bold. (A) Zoomed-in view of
the transcript exit channels in the NCPV
and TCPV RdRps shown in Fig. 2E. The
transcript exit channel in NCPV is blocked
by an a helix from the bracelet domain.
(B) Zoomed-in view of the template exit
channels in NCPV and TCPV RdRps. The
template exit channel in NCPV is blocked
by two a helices from the bracelet domain.


18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254



is initiated from the 3 end of the plus-strand RNA

(template), and the plus-strand RNA is pulled
through the RdRp via the template entry channel (fig. S10A). The dsRNA product exits through
the template exit channel (3) and finally binds to
the bracelet domain of the RdRp (Fig. 2B and
fig. S10B). In NCPV, the interaction between the
dsRNA and RdRp keeps the 3 end of minusstrand RNA in close proximity to the template
entry channel so that this end will be ready to
act as the transcriptional template (Fig. 2B and
fig. S10). Upon transcription initiation, the end
of the dsRNA is released from the binding site,
which triggers the opening of the transcript and

template exit channels, as well as the extension

of the switch loop. The released dsRNA is unwound at the entrance of the template entry channel (Fig. 4B), a process that is likely to be catalyzed
by the RdRp itself. The 3 end of the minus strand
inserts into the channel and serves as the RNA
template, whereas the cap of the 5 end of the plus
strand binds to the RdRp (3). The nascent RNA
duplex is split, and the transcript is then directed
toward the transcript exit channel by an unknown
mechanism, possibly controlled by the switch loop
(3) (fig. S10C). The template RNA re-anneals with
the plus-strand RNA tethered to the RdRp after it
emerges from the template exit channel (3) (fig.

S10D). This will ensure that the 3 end of the template stays at the entrance of the template entry
channel, facilitating efficient insertion of the 3
end into the template channel during the next
round of transcription (3). The transcript exit
channel opens toward a peripentonal channel
in the capsid shell, from which the transcript
exits the RdRp before interaction with 5 capping enzymes (3, 4, 15, 16, 25).

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19. P. Gouet et al., Cell 97, 481490 (1999).
20. J. B. Pesavento, J. A. Lawton, M. K. Estes, B. V. V. Prasad,
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 98, 13811386 (2001).
21. Q. Xia, J. Jakana, J. Q. Zhang, Z. H. Zhou, J. Biol. Chem. 278,
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22. J. Kim, J. S. Parker, K. E. Murray, M. L. Nibert, J. Biol. Chem.
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23. E. V. Makeyev, J. M. Grimes, Virus Res. 101, 4555 (2004).
24. J. Pan, V. N. Vakharia, Y. J. Tao, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
104, 73857390 (2007).
25. B. Zhu et al., J. Mol. Biol. 426, 21672174 (2014).

Fig. 4. TCPV RdRp (gray) interacting with RNA (orange). (A) Location of an RdRp within the TCPV
capsid (partially shown). The RdRp density map (gray) is superimposed on its Ca model (magenta).
(B) Zoomed-in view of the TCPV RdRp in (A). The dsRNA is shown unwound at the entrance of the
RdRp template entry channel. (C) Cut-open view showing the inside of the green box indicated in (B).
(D) Zoomed-in view of the cap binding site of the RdRp. The atomic model of orthoreovirus l3 (purple)
is superimposed on the density map of RdRp, showing that the cap recognition site in the orthoreovirus l3 coincides with the RNA binding site of the RdRp. (E) Cut-open view of template RNA and an
NTP. (F) The switch loop, which is presented in a retracted conformation in NCPV RdRp (blue), becomes extended in TCPV RdRp (magenta).


18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

We thank H. Wang for critical discussion of the manuscript, B. Zhu

and X. Li for assistance with computer programming, X. Gong
for help with model refinement, T. Juelich for language editing,
C. Yang for discussion on sample preparation, G. Ji and X. Huang
for assistance with cryo-EM, and P. Zhu for support. This research
was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of
China (91230116, 31170697, 31370736, and 31000333), the
National Basic Research Program of China (2010CB912403), the
Program for New Century Excellent Talents (NCET-13-0787),
and the Hunan Provincial NSF (13JJ1017). All EM data were
collected at the Center for Biological Imaging, Institute of
Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. We declare no
competing financial interests. The electron density maps and Ca
models have been deposited in the EM Data Bank and the Protein
Data Bank (PDB) under EM accession numbers EMD-6321 and
EMD-6322 and PDB IDs 3JA4 and 3JA5, respectively. L.C. and H.L.
designed the reconstruction algorithm, analyzed the data, and
contributed to the writing of the manuscript.
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S15
Table S1
References (2641)
Movies S1 to S3
15 December 2014; accepted 12 August 2015
10.1126/science.aaa4938 SCIENCE



RNA-Seq of single prostate CTCs

implicates noncanonical Wnt
signaling in antiandrogen resistance
David T. Miyamoto,1,2* Yu Zheng,1,3* Ben S. Wittner,1,4 Richard J. Lee,1,4 Huili Zhu,1
Katherine T. Broderick,1 Rushil Desai,1 Douglas B. Fox,1 Brian W. Brannigan,1
Julie Trautwein,1 Kshitij S. Arora,1,5 Niyati Desai,1,5 Douglas M. Dahl,1,6
Lecia V. Sequist,1,4 Matthew R. Smith,1,4 Ravi Kapur,7 Chin-Lee Wu,1,5 Toshi Shioda,1
Sridhar Ramaswamy,1,4 David T. Ting,1,4 Mehmet Toner,7
Shyamala Maheswaran,1,8 Daniel A. Haber1,3,4
Prostate cancer is initially responsive to androgen deprivation, but the effectiveness of
androgen receptor (AR) inhibitors in recurrent disease is variable. Biopsy of bone
metastases is challenging; hence, sampling circulating tumor cells (CTCs) may reveal
drug-resistance mechanisms. We established single-cell RNA-sequencing (RNA-Seq)
profiles of 77 intact CTCs isolated from 13 patients (mean six CTCs per patient), by using
microfluidic enrichment. Single CTCs from each individual display considerable
heterogeneity, including expression of AR gene mutations and splicing variants.
Retrospective analysis of CTCs from patients progressing under treatment with an AR
inhibitor, compared with untreated cases, indicates activation of noncanonical Wnt
signaling (P = 0.0064). Ectopic expression of Wnt5a in prostate cancer cells attenuates the
antiproliferative effect of AR inhibition, whereas its suppression in drug-resistant cells
restores partial sensitivity, a correlation also evident in an established mouse model.
Thus, single-cell analysis of prostate CTCs reveals heterogeneity in signaling pathways that
could contribute to treatment failure.

fter the initial response of metastatic prostate cancer to androgen deprivation therapy
(ADT), it invariably recurs as castrationresistant disease (1). Second-line inhibitors
of the androgen receptor (AR) have been
shown to increase overall survival in castrationresistant prostate cancer (CRPC), consistent with
the reactivation of AR signaling in the tumor,
but responses are heterogeneous and often shortlived, and resistance to therapy is a pressing clinical
problem (1). In other types of cancer, molecular
analyses of serial biopsies have enabled the study of
acquired drug-resistance mechanisms, intratumor
heterogeneity, and tumor evolution in response
to therapy (2)an approach that is restricted by
the predominance of bone metastases in prostate
cancer (3, 4). Thus, isolation of circulating tumor
cells (CTCs) may enable noninvasive monitoring,
Massachusetts General Cancer Center, Massachusetts
General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA
02129, USA. 2Department of Radiation Oncology,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School,
Charlestown, MA 02129, USA. 3Howard Hughes Medical
Institute, Chevy Chase, MD 20815, USA. 4Department of
Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical
School, Charlestown, MA 02129, USA. 5Department of
Pathology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical
School, Charlestown, MA 02129, USA. 6Department of
Urology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical
School, Charlestown, MA 02129, USA. 7Center for
Bioengineering in Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA 02129, USA.
Department of Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA 02129, USA.

*These authors contributed equally to this work. Corresponding

author. E-mail: [email protected] (D.H.);
[email protected] (S.M.)


as patients initially respond and subsequently

become refractory to therapies targeting the AR
pathway (5). Here, we established single-cell RNAsequencing (RNA-Seq) profiles of CTCs, individually isolated after microfluidic enrichment from
blood specimens of men with prostate cancer,
to address their heterogeneity within and across
different patients and their differences from
primary tumor specimens. Retrospective analyses of clinical and molecular data were then performed to identify potentially clinically relevant
mechanisms of acquired drug resistance.
Building on earlier approaches for capturing and scoring CTCs (3), highly efficient microfluidic technologies enable molecular analyses
(69). We applied the CTC-iChip to magnetically
deplete normal hematopoietic cells from wholeblood specimens (10). Untagged and unfixed CTCs
were identified by cell surface staining for epithelial and mesenchymal markers [epithelial
cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) and cadherin-11
(CDH11), respectively], and absent staining for
the common leukocyte marker CD45. These labeled
CTCs were then individually micromanipulated
(fig. S1, A and B). A total of 221 single-candidate
prostate CTCs were isolated from 18 patients with
metastatic prostate cancer and 4 patients with
localized prostate cancer (fig. S1C and table S1).
Of these, 133 cells (60%) had RNA of sufficient
quality for amplification and next-generation RNA
sequencing, and 122 (55%) had >100,000 uniquely
aligned sequencing reads (11) (figs. S1C and S2A).
Although many cancer cells in the circulation appear to undergo apoptosis, the presence of intact

RNA identifies the subset enriched for viable cells.

In addition to candidate CTCs, we also obtained
comprehensive transcriptomes for bulk primary
prostate cancers from a separate cohort of 12
patients (macrodissected for >70% tumor content) (table S2), 30 single cells derived from four
different prostate cancer cell lines, and five
patient-derived leukocyte controls (fig. S1C). The
leukocytes were readily distinguished by their
expression of hematopoietic lineage markers and
served to exclude any CTCs with potentially contaminating signals. Strict expression thresholds
were used to define lineage-confirmed CTCs,
scored by prostate lineage-specific genes (PSA,
PSMA, AMACR, and AR) and standard epithelial
markers (KRT7, KRT8, KRT18, KRT19, and EPCAM)
(11) (fig. S2B). Given the presence of leukocyte
transcripts suggestive of cellular contamination
or misidentification during selection, 28 cells were
excluded, and, given low expression of both prostate lineage-specific genes and standard epithelial
markers, 17 cells were excluded. The remaining
77 cells (from 13 patients; average of six CTCs
per patient) were defined as categorical CTCs (fig.
S1C and table S1).
Unsupervised hierarchical clustering analysis
of single prostate CTCs, primary tumor samples,
and cancer cell lines resulted in their organization into distinct clusters (Fig. 1A). Single CTCs
from an individual patient showed considerably greater intercellular heterogeneity in their
transcriptional profiles than single cells from
prostate cancer cell lines (Fig. 1, B and C) (mean
correlation coefficient 0.10 versus 0.44, P < 1
1020), but they strongly clustered according to
patient of origin, which indicated higher diversity in CTCs from different patients (Fig. 1C and
fig. S2C) (mean correlation coefficient 0.10 for
CTCs within patient versus 0.0014 for CTCs between patients, P = 2.0 1011).
We examined gene markers of prostate lineage, epithelial, mesenchymal, and stem cell fates,
and cellular proliferation (Fig. 2A). Epithelial
markers were abundantly expressed [>10 reads
per million (rpm)] by nearly all CTCs analyzed
(92%), whereas mesenchymal genes were not
up-regulated compared with primary tumors
or prostate cancerderived cell lines. Among robustly expressed transcripts were putative stem
cell markers (12), including ALDH7A1, CD44, and
KLF4, present in 60% of CTCs. In addition, 47%
of CTCs expressed markers of cell proliferation.
We performed differential gene expression analysis to identify genes that are up-regulated in prostate CTCs compared with primary tumor samples.
A total of 711 genes were highly expressed in CTCs
compared with primary tumors; the most enriched
were (i) the molecular chaperone HSP90AA1,
which regulates the activation and stability of
AR, among other functions (13), and (ii) the noncoding RNA transcript MALAT1, which has been
implicated in alternative mRNA splicing and
transcriptional control of gene expression (14)
(Fig. 2B, fig. S4A, and table S3) [false discovery
rate (FDR) < 0.1, and fold change > 2]. We used
the Pathway Interaction Database (PID) (15) to
identify key molecular pathways up-regulated in
18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254



CTCs versus primary tumors, as well as those upregulated in metastatic versus primary prostate
tumors, on the basis of analyses of previously
published data sets (11) (Fig. 2C, fig. S5, and table
S4). In total, 21 pathways were specifically enriched
in prostate CTCs, with the majority implicated in
growth factor, cell adhesion, and hormone signaling (Fig. 2D and fig. S5).
The AR pathway constitutes the primary therapeutic target in prostate cancer, with specific
mutations in AR (1, 16) and AR mRNA splice
variants (17, 18) implicated in acquired resistance. The AR transcript was expressed (>10 rpm)
in 60 out of 77 (78%) CTCs (12 out of 13 patients
with prostate cancer). The T877A mutation (Thr877
replaced by Ala) in AR, previously associated with
ligand promiscuity and resistance to antiandrogens (1), was identified in five out of nine CTCs
from a single (1 out of 13) patient with metastatic
CRPC (Fig. 3A and table S5). The F876L mutation
(Phe876 replaced by Leu) in the ligand-binding
domain, which converts the AR antagonist enzalutamide to a potential AR agonist (19, 20), was
not detected in any of the CTCs (<1 out of 32
CTCs with sufficient sequencing reads for mutational analysis). Thus, in our study, point mutations in AR known to be associated with altered
signaling were uncommon in patients with CRPC,
consistent with other reports (4, 21).

We then analyzed AR mRNA splice variants

lacking a ligand-binding domain and encoding
constitutively active proteins (1, 17). These alternative transcripts are not attributable to discrete
genetic mutations, but they are commonly expressed in CRPC (4), and detection in bulk CTC
preparations of the single splice variant AR-V7
has been correlated to clinical resistance to antiandrogens (18). Our single-cell analysis revealed
far more complex and heterogeneous patterns
of AR splice-variant expression among individual CTCs from patients with CRPC: 33 out of 73
(43%) expressed at least one type of AR splice
variant (8 out of 11 CRPC patients). Among these
CTCs, 26 out of 73 (36%) expressed AR-V7 (8 out
of 11 patients); 18 out of 73 (25%) had a distinct
splice form ARv567es (AR-V12) (8 out of 11 patients); and 7 out of 73 (10%) had AR-V1, AR-V3,
or AR-V4 splice variants (5 out of 11 patients), all
of which are known to result in altered signaling
(Fig. 3A and table S6). Simultaneous expression
of more than one type of AR splice variant was
observed in 13 out of 73 (18%) single CTCs (7 out
of 11 patients). In total, 7 out of 11 (64%) CRPC
patients had CTCs with more than one type of
AR alteration (including AR splice variants and
point mutations). In contrast, no such alterations
were evident in 12 primary prostate tumors, and
only one out of four CTCs from two patients with

castration-sensitive prostate cancer (CSPC) that

was previously untreated had low-level expression
of the AR-V7 splice variant (Fig. 3A and table S6).
Aberrant alternative splicing is a recognized feature
of many cancers (22), and indeed, another prostatespecific transcript, KLK3 (PSA) (23), showed many
more alternative splice variants in CTCs from metastatic patients compared with primary tumors (P =
0.0088) (fig. S4B). Taken together, our observations indicate that intrapatient tumor heterogeneity is such that individual CTCs may have
different or multiple mRNA splicing alterations.
Tumor heterogeneity is thought to increase
further as second-line therapies exert additional
selective pressure. We performed retrospective
differential analyses in subsets of CTCs to identify mechanisms of resistance to enzalutamide,
a potent AR inhibitor recently approved by the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration for CRPC
(24). From eight patients with metastatic prostate cancer who had not received enzalutamide
(group A), 41 CTCs were compared with 36 CTCs
from five patients whose cancer exhibited radiographic and/or prostate-specific antigen (PSA) progression during therapy (group B) (Fig. 3A and
table S1). Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) of
candidate PID cellular signaling pathways showed
significant enrichment for noncanonical Wnt signaling in group B compared with group A CTCs

Fig. 1. Single-cell RNA-sequencing of prostate CTCs.

(A) Heat map of unsupervised hierarchical clustering
analysis of RNA-sequencing data from 77 single lineage
confirmed prostate CTCs, 12 primary tumor samples,
and 30 single cells from four prostate cancer cell lines. (B) Heterogeneity, measured by mean correlation coefficient within individual samples with three or
more cells available for analysis. (C) Heterogeneity analysis showing mean correlation coefficients from expression data for CTCs between and within
patients (0.0013838 versus 0.10055; Holm corrected P = 2.0 1011), and for prostate cancer cell lines between and within lines (0.11568 versus 0.43534;
Holm corrected P = 5.42 1014).




(Fig. 3B and fig. S6A) (P = 0.0064; FDR = 0.239).

This signaling pathway, activated by a subset of
Wnt ligands, mediates multiple downstream regulators of cell survival, proliferation, and motility
(fig. S6B) (2528). A separate analysis using a
metagene for the PID noncanonical Wnt signature (11) (table S7) confirmed enrichment of the
signature in group B compared with group A
CTCs, at the level of both individual CTCs and
individual patients (Fig. 3A) [P = 0.0041 (CTCs);
P = 0.04 (patients)]. Among the downstream components of noncanonical Wnt, the most signif-

icantly enriched were RAC1, RHOA, and CDC42,

signaling molecules involved in actin cytoskeleton
remodeling and cell migration (Fig. 3A and fig.
S6B) [P = 1 106 (RAC1), P = 0.0046 (RHOA), P =
0.0097 (CDC42)]. In contrast, AR abnormalities
were not significantly increased among either
individual CTCs or patients, when comparing
enzalutamide-resistant versus enzalutamidenave cases, using a similar analysis (Fig. 3A).
Although most studies of CRPC have focused
on acquired AR gene abnormalities, an alternative pathway, glucocorticoid receptor (GR) sig-

naling, has recently been shown to contribute

to antiandrogen resistance in a prostate cancer
mouse xenograft model (29). Within our human
prostate CTC data set, GR transcripts and a metagene signature of GR signaling (11) (table S7) did
not reach statistical significance between patients in group A versus B [P = 0.35 (CTCs); P =
0.59 (patients)] (Fig. 3A), but an inverse relationship between GR expression and noncanonical
Wnt signaling was evident. Among CTCs with low
GR expression, GSEA analysis showed significant
enrichment for noncanonical Wnt signaling in

Fig. 2. Gene signatures and

signaling pathways in prostate
CTCs. (A) High-resolution heat map
showing expression of selected
gene panels in single prostate CTCs,
primary tumor samples, and prostate cancer cell lines. GS, Gleason
score; VCaP, a PSA-producing cell
line; LNCaP.R, LNCaP cells treated
with R1881; LNCaP.D, LNCaP cells
treated with dimethyl sulfoxide
as a vehicle control. (B) Genes
differentially expressed by prostate
CTCs and primary prostate tumors
(FDR < 0.1, and fold change > 2).
(C) PID molecular pathways (15)
enriched in CTCs compared with
primary tumors and in metastases
compared with primary tumors
(based on analysis of multiple data
sets; see fig. S5 and table S4).
(D) Signaling pathways enriched in
prostate CTCs. Molecular pathways
from the PID up-regulated in CTCs
versus primary tumors (excluding
those enriched in metastases
compared with primary tumors),
organized by PID categorization (15)
(fig. S5). Abbreviations (other than proteins, clockwise from top): HDAC, histone deacetylase; AJ, adherens junction; IL2 and IL3, interleukins; ERBB1, epidermal
growth factor receptor B1; TGFBR, transforming growth factor-b receptor.


18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254



Fig. 3. Heterogeneity of treatment resistance mechanisms in prostate

CTCs. (A) Heat map depicting androgen receptor (AR) abnormalities, selected
signaling pathway signatures, and genes in radical prostatectomy specimens,
prostate CTCs from enzalutamide-nave patients (group A), and prostate CTCs
from patients who had radiographic or biochemical progression of disease while
receiving treatment with enzalutamide (group B). Noncanonical Wnt signature is
from reference (15), glucocorticoid receptor (GR) signature is from reference (29),
and AR signature is from reference (31) (table S7). Numbers at top of heat map
represent ID numbers (Pr numbers) for patients from which each CTC is derived.
(B) (Top) GSEA plots showing enrichment of noncanonical Wnt (nc-Wnt) pathway
in CTCs from group B (patients with cancer progression on enzalutamide)
compared with group A (enzalutamide-nave patients). (Bottom) Enrichment of
noncanonical Wnt pathway in CTCs from group B compared with group A, strat-


18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

ified by GR gene expression. (C) (Left) Representative micrograph (40) of

RNA-in situ hybridization assay in metastatic prostate tumors, probing for WNT5A
and KRT8/18, scale bar, 50 mm. (Inset) High magnification, arrow points to
WNT5A signal (red dot), arrowhead points to KRT8/18 signal (blue dot), scale bar,
10 mm. Adjacent tissue sections were probed for WNT7B, and quantification of
RNA-ISH data are displayed in the table. Of nine primary tumors examined, five
had >1% WNT5A expression in KRT+ cells (range 0.3%-42%) and seven had >1%
WNT7B expression (range 0.5%-33.6%). Of 24 metastatic tumors examined, 16
had >1% WNT5A expression (range 0 to 50.5%) and 15 had >1% WNT7B
expression (range 0 to 26%). (Right) Representative fluorescence micrographs of
RNA in situ hybridization in prostate CTCs, probing for WNT5A/7B (yellow dots),
and prostate CTC-specific markers (EPCAM, KLK3, FOLH1, KRT8/18/19) (red
dots). DNA is stained with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (blue). Scale bar, 10 mm. SCIENCE


Fig. 4. Noncanonical Wnt signaling and enzalutamide

resistance. (A) Ectopic expression of noncanonical Wnt
in LNCaP cells increases cell survival in the presence of
enzalutamide (3 mM). (B) Enzalutamide treatment induces
WNT5A mRNA expression in LNCaP cells, and WNT5A suppression in enzalutamide-treated LNCaP cells results in decreased proliferation. (C) Stable enzalutamide-resistant
cells (LN_EnzR), derived from LNCaP cells, express increased
levels of WNT5A, and WNT5A small interfering RNA results
in reduced proliferation in the presence of enzalutamide.
Each experiment (A) to (C) was performed at least three
times. Data are presented as means T SD. (D) (Left) GSEA plot showing enrichment of noncanonical Wnt pathway in mouse xenografts derived from
enzalutamide-resistant LREX cells (29) compared with control xenografts derived from LNCaP/AR cells (data from LREX and Con B entries, GEO GSE52169).
(Right) GSEA plots showing noncanonical Wnt pathway enrichment in antiandrogen-resistant xenografts, when stratified by GR gene expression (data from Res
and Con A entries, GEO GSE52169).

enzalutamide-progressing patients (group B) (P

= 0.025), which was absent in CTCs with high GR
expression (P = 0.34) (Fig. 3B and fig. S6D). Thus,
these two AR-independent drug resistance pathways may predominate in different subsets of
cancer cells.
Wnt proteins may be secreted by tumor cells
as part of an autocrine loop, or they may be
produced by surrounding stromal cells. We used
RNA in situ hybridization (RNA-ISH) to identify the source of WNT production in tumor
specimens and CTCs. Within primary untreated
prostate cancers (n = 9), the noncanonical WNT5A
and WNT7B mRNAs were present in a subset of
tumor cells (8.9 and 11.6%, respectively), but both
were rare in surrounding stromal cells (<0.2 and
0.5%, respectively) (Fig. 3C and fig. S6C). Metastatic tumor biopsies from patients with CRPC
(n = 24) also had readily detectable WNT5A
and WNT7B (8.0 and 6.1%, respectively) (Fig. 3C).
Similarly, WNT5A or WNT7B mRNA was detected by RNA-ISH in a subset of CTCs from
patients (n = 5) with CRPC (6 out of 180 CTCs;
3.3%) (Fig. 3C). Thus, a subset of prostate cancer
cells express noncanonical Wnt ligands, which
may provide survival signals in the context of AR
To test whether activation of noncanonical
Wnt signaling modulates enzalutamide sensitivity, we ectopically expressed the noncanonical
ligands WNT4, WNT5A, WNT7B, or WNT11 in
LNCaP androgen-sensitive human prostate cancer cells, which express low endogenous levels
(fig. S7, A and B). Survival of the AR-positive
LNCaP cells in the presence of enzalutamide was
enhanced by the noncanonical Wnt ligands, particularly WNT5A (Fig. 4A) (P = 2.8 105) (fig. S7C).

Remarkably, endogenous WNT5A was acutely induced upon treatment with enzalutamide, suggestive of a feedback mechanism, and its depletion
(knockdown) resulted in reduced cell proliferation
(Fig. 4B and fig. S7D) (P = 6.6 104). We also
generated stable enzalutamide-resistant LNCaP
cells through prolonged in vitro selection (fig.
S7E). These cells also exhibited increased expression of endogenous WNT5A, whose suppression
reduced proliferation in enzalutamide-supplemented medium (Fig. 4C) (P = 0.005) (fig. S7F).
Finally, we tested the contribution of noncanonical Wnt to antiandrogen resistance in an
independent data set, interrogating the previously published mouse LNCaP xenograft model,
in which aberrant activation of GR contributes
to enzalutamide resistance (29). A significant
association between enzalutamide resistance
and noncanonical Wnt signaling was evident
(P = 0.023), which again showed an inverse relation between GR expression and noncanonical
Wnt signaling (P = 0.032 for GR low versus P =
0.11 for GR high) (Fig. 4D and fig. S8, A and B).
This independent data set further validates the
independent contributions of GR and noncanonical
Wnt signaling to antiandrogen resistance.
In summary, by RNA profiling single prostate
CTCs, we demonstrate their differences from
primary tumors, as well as their heterogeneity
within individual patients. The acquisition of
AR-dependent and AR-independent alterations
conferring resistance to antiandrogen therapies
is also heterogeneous. Among AR alterations,
more than half of all patients had multiple AR
splice variants present within different CTCs
and about 1 out of 6 of single cancer cells had
simultaneous expression of several AR splice

variants. Two AR-independent pathways, activation of GR and noncanonical Wnt signaling,

coexist in different subsets of cells. Wnt signaling has been implicated in multiple cellular
functions linked to prostate cancer progression
(4, 2528), and noncanonical Wnt signaling may
be targeted by suppression of its key downstream
components, such as Rho kinase (30). Our study
is limited by its retrospective nature and relatively small sample size (13 patients; average of
six CTCs per patient), a consequence of the
rarity of intact CTCs and inefficiencies inherent in manual single-cell micromanipulation
techniques, obstacles that might be overcome
with future improvements in CTC isolation and
single-cell sequencing technologies. Nevertheless,
the heterogeneity of CTCs in patients with CRPC
stands in contrast to the striking homogeneity of
AR signaling in single CTCs from untreated patients (5). Although these observations require
validation in prospective trials, they point to complex and heterogeneous drug resistance mechanisms in advanced prostate cancer, which may
affect therapeutic efficacy.

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31. F. Tang et al., Nat. Methods 6, 377382 (2009).

We thank C. Sawyers for helpful discussions; A. McGovern,

E. Stadtmueller, and B. Abebe for clinical trial support; and L. Libby
and L. Nieman for technical assistance. This work was supported
by grants from the Prostate Cancer Foundation (D.A.H., S.M.,
M.T., M.R.S., and R.J.L.), Charles Evans Foundation (D.A.H.),
Department of Defense (D.T.M., R.J.L., and D.T.T.), Stand Up to
Cancer (D.A.H., M.T., S.M., and L.V.S.), Howard Hughes Medical
Institute (D.A.H.), National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and
Bioengineering (NIBIB), NIH, EB008047 (M.T.), NCI 2RO1CA129933
(D.A.H.), National Cancer Institute, NCI, Federal Share Program


Pri sORF peptides induce selective

protein processing

and Income (S.M. and D.T.M.), Affymetrix, Inc. (D.T.T., K.A., and
N.D.), Mazzone ProgramDana-Farber Harvard Cancer Center
(D.T.M.), Burroughs Wellcome Fund (D.T.T.), and the Massachusetts
General HospitalJohnson & Johnson Center for Excellence in
CTC Technologies (D.A.H., M.T., and S.M.). D.T.T. is a paid
consultant for Affymetrix, Inc.; R.J.L. is a paid consultant for Janssen
LLC. The Massachusetts General Hospital has filed for patent
protection for the CTC-iChip technology. RNA-sequencing data have
been deposited in GEO under accession number GSE67980.
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S8
Tables S1 to S7
References (3237)
10 March 2015; accepted 3 August 2015

off the Svb N terminus (see the supplementary

materials). pri RNAi displayed the highest score,
which validated our approach to identifying molecular players in Svb processing. Methods used
to evaluate results from genome-wide screening
all converged on a key role for the proteasome.
For instance, COMPLEAT, a bioinformatic frame-

J. Zanet,1,2* E. Benrabah,1,2* T. Li,3 A. Plissier-Monier,1,2 H. Chanut-Delalande,1,2

B. Ronsin,1,2 H. J. Bellen,3,4 F. Payre,1,2 S. Plaza1,2
A wide variety of RNAs encode small open-reading-frame (smORF/sORF) peptides, but
their functions are largely unknown. Here, we show that Drosophila polished-rice (pri) sORF
peptides trigger proteasome-mediated protein processing, converting the Shavenbaby
(Svb) transcription repressor into a shorter activator. A genome-wide RNA interference
screen identifies an E2-E3 ubiquitin-conjugating complex, UbcD6-Ubr3, which targets Svb
to the proteasome in a pri-dependent manner. Upon interaction with Ubr3, Pri peptides
promote the binding of Ubr3 to Svb. Ubr3 can then ubiquitinate the Svb N terminus, which
is degraded by the proteasome. The C-terminal domains protect Svb from complete
degradation and ensure appropriate processing. Our data show that Pri peptides control
selectivity of Ubr3 binding, which suggests that the family of sORF peptides may contain
an extended repertoire of protein regulators.

ukaryotic genomes encode many noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) that lack the classical
hallmarks of protein-coding genes. However, both ncRNAs and mRNAs often contain small open reading frames (sORFs),
and there is growing evidence that they can
produce peptides, from yeast (1) to plants (2, 3) or
humans (4, 5). The polished rice or tarsal-less (pri)
RNA contains four sORFs that encode highly related 11 to 32amino acid peptides, required for
embryonic development across insect species
(68). In flies, pri is essential for the differenti1

Centre de Biologie du Dveloppement, Universit de

Toulouse IIIPaul Sabatier, Btiment 4R3, 118 route de
Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse, France. 2CNRS, UMR5547,
Centre de Biologie du Dveloppement, F-31062 Toulouse,
France. 3Program in Developmental Biology, Baylor College
of Medicine, Houston, TX 77030, USA. 4Department of
Molecular and Human Genetics, Howard Hughes Medical
Institute, Neurological Research Institute, Baylor College of
Medicine, Houston, TX 77030, USA.

*These authors contributed equally to this work. Corresponding

author. E-mail: [email protected] (F.P.); serge.plaza@
univ-tlse3.f (S.P.)


18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

ation of epidermal outgrowths called trichomes

(7, 8). Trichome development is governed by the
Shavenbaby (Svb) transcription factor (911); however, only in the presence of pri can Svb turn on
the program of trichome development, i.e., activate expression of cellular effectors (12, 13). Indeed,
the Svb protein is translated as a large repressor,
pri then induces truncation of its N-terminal
region, which leads to a shorter activator (12).
Thereby, pri defines the developmental timing of
epidermal differentiation, in a direct response to
systemic ecdysone hormonal signaling (14). Although we now have a clear framework for the
developmental functions of pri, how these small
peptides can trigger Svb processing is unknown.
To identify factors required for Svb processing
in response to pri, we performed a genome-wide
RNA interference (RNAi) screen in a cell line coexpressing green fluorescent protein (GFP)tagged
Svb and pri (Fig. 1A). We set up an automated
assay quantifying Svb processing for each of the
Drosophila genes, with an inhibitory score reflecting the proportion of cells unable to cleave

Fig. 1. Pri-dependent processing of Svb requires

proteasome activity. (A) Drawing of Svb processing (antibody against Svb1s recognizes the
repressor-specific N-terminal region) and snapshots from the screen illustrating the effect of
double-stranded RNA against lacZ (negative control), pri, and proteasomea3 subunit (prosa3) on
Svb::GFP processing. Cells were stained for Svb1s
(purple) and GFP (green). (B) Western blot analysis of cells that express Svb::GFP, with or without
pri and proteasome inhibitors (MG132, epoxomicin). SCIENCE


work based on protein complex analysis (15),

identified the proteasome in 66 out of the 71 top
predictions (fig. S1A and table S1). A survey of
individual proteasome subunits indicated that
both the 20S catalytic core and the 19S regulatory
particles are required for Svb processing (fig. S1B
and table S2). Chemical proteasome inhibitors
independently confirmed this conclusion, because
they also prevented pri-induced Svb processing
(Fig. 1B). These data thus provide compelling evidence that Svb processing results from a pridependent proteolysis by the proteasome.
To investigate how pri regulates proteolysis of
Svb, we first identified the protein region(s) in
Svb that are involved in pri-dependent processing. Systematic deletions demonstrated the importance of the Svb N terminus for pri response and
restricted the minimal motif to the N-terminal 31
amino acids (fig. S2, A and B). Deletion of this
motif within an otherwise full-length protein (D31)
made Svb refractory to pri (fig. S2, A and B).
Conversely, the Svb N terminus when fused to
GFP (1s::GFP) was sufficient to transform this protein into a pri target and to make GFP sensitive to
pri. Unlike Svb, however, 1s::GFP was completely
degraded by the proteasome upon pri expression
(Fig. 2A and fig. S2, C and D).
Recent studies have shown that structural features of proteins influence their degradation by

the proteasome (16): Whereas unstructured substrates, such as intrinsically disordered regions,
favor degradation (17), tightly folded domains can
resist proteasome progression (18). Analysis of
Svb sequences predicted intrinsically disordered
features (Fig. 2A and fig. S3A) throughout its
N-terminal moiety, which is degraded. By contrast, the proteasome-resistant C-terminal moiety
comprises two folded regions: the transcriptional
activation and zinc finger domains. Within the
transcriptional activation region, we found that
amino acids 532 to 701 protected Svb from complete degradation. Indeed, the C-terminally truncated mutants of 1 to 701 amino acids (and longer)
were still processed, whereas mutants shortened
by 1 to 532 amino acids (and shorter) were fully
degraded (fig. S3B). We tested whether other folded
domains would also protect Svb from complete
degradation and found that attaching zinc fingers
to short Svb mutantsotherwise degraded upon
pri expressionwas sufficient to restore processing (Fig. 2A). Likewise, the DNA binding domain
of Gal4 protected against degradation (fig. S3, B
and C), which indicated that even a heterologous
protein domain with strong structure can protect
Svb from full degradation in response to pri. Hence,
distinct regions of Svb mediate its processing by
the proteasome: the 31 N-terminal residues act as
a pri-dependent degradation signal, or degron,

and C-terminal domains act as stabilizing features

that prevent complete degradation.
Proteins are targeted to the proteasome by the
covalent attachment of ubiquitin to Lys residues
(19). The Svb N terminus is highly conserved from
insects to human (Fig. 2B); it comprises two invariant Lys residues (K3 and K8) and a third one
at a less constrained position (K28 in Drosophila).
We found that individual Lys substitutions had
only a weak effect or no effect, whereas simultaneous mutation of all three Lys (3Kmut) abolished Svb processing (Fig. 2B). Furthermore, we
detected strong pri-dependent ubiquitination of
Svb when the proteasome was inhibited (Fig. 2C).
By contrast, this was no longer seen in the 3Kmut
variant, which demonstrated the key role of these
three Lys in ubiquitin-dependent Svb processing.
Ubiquitin conjugation requires three enzymes
(E1, E2, and E3); specificity is generally conferred
by the E3 ubiquitin ligases that recognize and
bind to substrates (19). A prominent hit from our
RNAi screen was Ubr3 (7 hits out of the top 15),
which encodes an E3. Ranking all Drosophila
ubiquitin enzymes by their inhibitory score confirmed that Ubr3 was the major E3 required for
Svb processing and identified UbcD6 (Rad6) as
its associated E2 (figs. S4 and S5 and table S3),
consistent with evidence that human Ubr3 also
forms a complex with UbcD6 (20). Like many

Fig. 2. Distinct regions of the Svb protein instruct its proper processing.
(A) Time course of 1s::GFP protein levels upon pri expression (left). Adding the Svb zinc
finger (ZF) to the 1 to 445 mutant restores processing (star, right). (B) Svb N-terminal
sequences from Drosophila (D_mel), pea aphid (A_pis), mouse (M_mus), and human
(H_sap) and the effect of Lys mutations on processing. (C) Western blotting of cells
coexpressing hemagglutinin (HA)-tagged ubiquitin, Svb::GFP, or the 3Kmut variant, with
or without pri and MG132.
Fig. 3. Ubr3 mediates
Svb ubiquitination in the
response to Pri peptides.
(A) Coimmunoprecipitation of Ubr3::V5 with
Svb::GFP in the presence
of MG132. Arrows indicate
ubiquitinated Svb.
(B) Protein extracts
from cells coexpressing
V5::Ubr3 and Svb::GFP, in
the absence of pri, were
incubated in vitro with a
synthetic Pri peptide
(MAAYLDPTGQY) (31) and
immunoprecipitated using antibody against GFP. A scrambled peptide (MKTYPGALYDA, scrb) was used for control. (C) Coimmunoprecipitation of Ubr3 with
Svb::GFP or with Rrp1::FLAG in the presence of MG132. (D) GFP and GFP::Pri were immunopurified and incubated with V5::Ubr3 protein extracts. Bound
fractions were analyzed by antibody against V5 and Western blotting.


18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254



Fig. 4. Ubr3 is required in vivo for Svb processing.

(A) Clones of Ubr3-null epidermal cells in mosaic
pupae (GFP-positive, green cytoplasm) do not form
trichomes (F-actin, red) and retain unprocessed
Svb repressor (Svb1s-specific antibody, purple).
Cells contours are revealed by DE-cadherin (green).
(B) Model of Svb processing in response to pri.
After the binding of Pri peptides, Ubr3 becomes
able to bind the Svb N terminus and, together with
UbcD6, ubiquitinates three Lys residues. N-terminal
unstructured regions of Svb are degraded by the proteasome, whereas C-terminal folded regions (green
and gray ovals) protect from complete degradation
and allow release of the truncated Svb activator. In
contrast, Ubr3 binds to other substrates (e.g., Rrp1
and DIAP1), with or without Pri peptides.

proteasome factors, Ubr3 has a broad subcellular

distribution in cytoplasm and nuclei, whereas
Svb and UbcD6 are nuclear proteins (fig. S6). Svb
processing still occurred normally when nuclear
export was impaired (figs. S6 and S7 and table
S4), which indicated that the proteolytic activation of Svb takes place within the nucleus.
Several additional lines of evidence support
the conclusion that Ubr3 mediates the function
of pri for Svb ubiquitination. First, Ubr3 coimmunoprecipitated with Svb in a pri-dependent
manner and ubiquitinated Svb was found in a
complex with Ubr3 upon proteasome inhibition
(Fig. 3A). Second, the N terminus of Svb was sufficient for Ubr3 binding in response to pri (fig. S8).


18 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Note that a functional N-terminal degron in Svb

was required for its interaction with Ubr3, because
the ubiquitin-resistant 3Kmut variant no longer
bound Ubr3. Third, in protein extracts from cells
that do not express pri, addition of synthetic Pri
peptide was sufficient to promote Ubr3-Svb interaction in vitro, in a dose-dependent manner (Fig.
3B). By contrast, a peptide of the same composition but in a scrambled sequence lacked activity.
Although critical for the binding of Ubr3 to the
Svb N terminus, Pri peptides are, however, not
indispensable for Ubr3 activity. We found that pri
did not influence the binding of Ubr3 to Ape1
(Rrp1) (Fig. 3C), a factor involved in DNA repair
and regulated by Ubr3-dependent proteasome
degradation (21). Also, the interaction of Ubr3
with DIAP1, which inhibits apoptosis (22, 23), occurred with or without pri (fig. S9). Moreover, we
found that Pri peptides interacted with Ubr3,
even in the absence of Svb (Fig. 3D and fig. S8).
Finally, the isolated UBR-box of Ubr3 no longer
required Pri peptides to bind Svb (fig. S10), which
suggested that other Ubr3 motifs prevent Svb
interaction in the absence of pri. We therefore
conclude that Pri peptides directly regulate the
selectivity of Ubr3 for binding to the Svb N terminus and, thereby, trigger Svb ubiquitination
and processing by the proteasome.
We recently isolated a Ubr3 loss-of-function
allele (24) and assayed its phenotype in the differentiation of epidermal cells. As observed for
pri mutants, embryos lacking Ubr3 were unable
to differentiate trichomes and to process Svb
(fig. S11). Moreover, inactivation of either UbcD6
or Ubr3 prevented formation of adult trichomes
in mosaic animals (Fig. 4A and fig. S12). When
compared with their wild-type neighbors, Ubr3null cells accumulated the repressor form of Svb,
which demonstrated Ubr3s essential role for Svb
processing in vivo.
Taken together, our data show that Pri peptides control the binding of the Ubr3 ubiquitin
ligase to Svb and activate its processing by the
proteasome (see Fig. 4B). In the absence of Pri,
Ubr3 nonetheless recognizes other substrates
(2123), which shows that a main role for Pri
peptides is to modify the binding selectivity of
Ubr3. This could potentially be achieved through
a conformational change in Ubr3 protein, as proposed for Ubr1 (25), that unmasked the recognition site for Svb upon Pri peptide binding to Ubr3.
Although recent work has uncovered thousands
of novel sORF peptides (15), only a handful of
their molecular targets have yet been identified.
sORF peptides have recently been found to bind
and regulate the Ca2+ uptake SERCA protein
(26, 27), the heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide
binding proteincoupled signaling APJ (Apelin)
(28), and the DNA repair protein Ku (29). Proteinprotein interactions often involve small protein
regions, and artificial peptides that mimic these

binding surfaces have been proven to be potent

modulators of protein complexes (30). We propose that sORF-encoded peptides provide an unexplored reservoir of protein-binding interfaces,
well suited to regulate the activity of a wide range
of cellular factors.


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Single-letter abbreviations for the amino acid residues are as
follows: A, Ala; C, Cys; D, Asp; E, Glu; F, Phe; G, Gly; H, His;
I, Ile; K, Lys; L, Leu; M, Met; N, Asn; P, Pro; Q, Gln; R, Arg;
S, Ser; T, Thr; V, Val; W, Trp; and Y, Tyr.


We thank N. Perrimon, S. Mohr, O. Coux, P. Meier, N. Tapon,

P. Demange, L. Twyffels, the Drosophila Screening Center,
C. Polesello, M. Soulard, Y. Latapie, and P. Valenti for invaluable
support. This work was supported by Agence Nationale de la
Recherche (smORFpep and ChronoNet), Association pour la
Recherche sur le Cancer, Fondation Recherche et Innovation
Thrapeutique en Cancrologie, and Howard Hughes Medical
Institute. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S12
Tables S1 to S4
References (3240)
14 May 2015; accepted 10 August 2015
10.1126/science.aac5677 SCIENCE

By Michael P. Marshak

My trek back to science

fter I finished my Ph.D. studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2012, my career was at a crossroads. I had gone to graduate school with the hope of pursuing a career in
academia, but by the time I got my degree, that dream seemed far from reality. I was burned
out, and I couldnt even bring myself to look for postdoctoral positions, let alone consider a
lifetime in the lab. I also knew I couldnt possibly make an objective decision about what I
should do for the rest of my life. I needed a break.

I am often drawn to extremes, so I

thought: What could possibly be
further from a Ph.D. in chemistry
than to thru-hike the Pacific Crest
Trail (PCT), traversing the United
States from Mexico to Canada?
It was May and the sun was blazing at the California-Mexico border
when I began my 2668-mile journey. Just days before I had been
working in a chemistry lab, conducting research that I could take
in seemingly infinite directions,
but now there was just one: north.
I started walking.
Over the next several weeks, my
focus narrowed until my biggest
concern was the number of miles
to the next water source. I simply wanted to physically survive
each day, which was a welcome change from the previous
5 years. In contrast with my experience in graduate school,
progress on the trail was well defined and quantifiable:
Each step brought me closer to Canada. Occupied with satisfying my immediate physical needs, I didnt spend much
time consciously thinking about the future.
But after 16 weeks, 4 days, and 7 hours, I reached the Canadian border and my hiking adventure was over. Reality
set in: I needed to return home and figure out what I was
going to do next. I caught a bus from the trails northern
terminus at the Canadian border to Vancouver, then another bus to Seattle, Washington, then a flight back to Boston. I returned home 45 pounds under my typical healthy
weight, as it had been difficult for me to consume all the
calories I needed to hike nearly a marathon a day. While I
recovered, I needed to eat every few hours and walk several
miles each day to prevent leg spasms. It also took time to
readjust emotionally to a life where there was no obvious,
well-trodden path to follow.
I felt bored and detached after my trek, but this only
made me more eager to start a new journey. Initially, I
wasnt sure I was any closer to making a career decision

than I had been before I started

my hike, but after a few weeks of
rest and recovery, it became clear
that the weeks on the trail had refreshed me and renewed my love of
science. I wanted to read journal
articles to learn of new discoveries that had been reported while I
was away. I was eager to embark on
independent research. Most importantly, I missed the community of
academics I had left behind.
So I decided I wanted to do a postdoc after all. I set up a meeting with
my graduate school adviser, who
then put me in contact with the lab
head who would become my postdoctoral adviser. His research team
was designing new organic flow battery chemistries, and it was a perfect
fit for everyone: They got the synthetic chemist they needed,
and I got a chance to work in an applied field with engineers,
physical chemists, and theoreticians.
After hiking, I began to think much more about bigpicture ideas than I had in graduate school. Although my
Ph.D. said Inorganic Chemistry, to the motley group of hikers I encountered on the trail I was simply a scientist. I took
that identity to heart and came back to the lab with fewer
inhibitions about learning new fields of research. I had also
become more accepting of the messiness of cutting-edge science. Basic research can be slow and inefficient, and sometimes its not clear if the effort will be worth the reward of
discovery. But hiking the PCT helped me learn to celebrate
little accomplishments, and to take each day and each experiment one step at a timelessons that have served me
well as I pursue my academic career path.


Michael P. Marshak is an assistant professor at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and a fellow at the Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute. For more on life
and careers, visit Send your story to
[email protected]. SCIENCE

18 SEP TEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6254

Published by AAAS


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