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For other uses, see Tritone (disambiguation).

In music theory, the tritone is strictly dened as a musical
interval composed of three adjacent whole tones.[1] For
instance, the interval from F up to the B above it (in short,
FB) is a tritone as it can be decomposed into the three
adjacent whole tones FG, GA, and AB. According to
this denition, within a diatonic scale there is only one tritone for each octave. For instance, the above-mentioned
interval FB is the only tritone which can be formed using
the notes of the C major scale. A tritone is also commonly
dened as an interval spanning six semitones. According
to this denition, a diatonic scale contains two tritones for
Full ascending and descending chromatic scale on C, with tritone
each octave. For instance, the above-mentioned C major
above each pitch. Pairs of tritones that are inversions of each
scale contains the tritones FB (from F to the B above it, other are marked below.
also called augmented fourth) and BF (from B to the
F above it, also called diminished fth, semidiapente,
or semitritonus).[2]
In classical music, the tritone is a harmonic and melodic
dissonance and is important in the study of musical
harmony. The tritone can be used to avoid traditional
tonality: Any tendency for a tonality to emerge may be
avoided by introducing a note three whole tones distant
from the key note of that tonality.[3] Contrarily, the tri- The augmented fourth between C and F and the diminished fth
tone found in the dominant seventh chord helps establish between C and G are enharmonically equivalent intervals. Both
the tonality of a composition. These contrasting uses ex- are 600 cents wide in 12-TET. Play .
hibit the exibility, ubiquity, and distinctness of the tritone in music.
mented fourths, and the other six as diminished fths.
The condition of having tritones is called tritonia; that of
Under that convention, a fourth is an interval encompasshaving no tritones is atritonia. A musical scale or chord
ing four sta positions, while a fth encompasses ve
containing tritones is called tritonic; one without tritones
sta positions (see interval number for more details). The
is atritonic.
augmented fourth (A4) and diminished fth (d5) are dened as the intervals produced by widening the perfect
fourth and narrowing the perfect fth by one chromatic
1 Augmented fourth and dimin- semitone.[4] They both span six semitones, and they are
the inverse of each other, meaning that their sum is exished fth
actly equal to one perfect octave (A4 + d5 = P8). In 12tone equal temperament, the most commonly used tuning
system, the A4 is equivalent to a d5, as both have the size
of exactly half an octave. In most other tuning systems,
they are not equivalent, and neither is exactly equal to half
Chromatic scale on C: full octave ascending and descending Play an octave.
in equal temperament .

Any augmented fourth can be decomposed into three

Since a chromatic scale is formed by 12 pitches (each a whole tones. For instance, the interval FB is an augsemitone apart from its neighbors), it contains 12 distinct mented fourth and can be decomposed into the three adtritones, each starting from a dierent pitch and span- jacent whole tones FG, GA, and AB.
ning six semitones. According to a complex but widely It is not possible to decompose a diminished fth into
used naming convention, six of them are classied as aug- three adjacent whole tones. The reason is that a whole


tone is a major second, and according to a rule explained

TT = 3T
elsewhere, the composition of three seconds is always a
fourth (for instance, an A4). To obtain a fth (for in- This denition, however, has two dierent interpretations
stance, a d5), it is necessary to add another second. For (broad and strict).
instance, using the notes of the C major scale, the diminished fth BF can be decomposed into the four adjacent
2.1 Broad interpretation (chromatic scale)
BC (minor second), CD (major second), D
E (major second), and EF (minor second).

In a chromatic scale, the interval between any note and

the previous or next is a semitone. Using the notes of a
chromatic scale, each tone can be divided into two semiUsing the notes of a chromatic scale, BF may be also tones:
decomposed into the four adjacent intervals
BC (major second), CD (major second),
DE (major second), and EF (diminished

T = S+S

For instance, the tone from C to D (in short, CD) can

be decomposed into the two semitones CC and CD
Notice that the latter diminished second is formed by by using the note C, which in a chromatic scale lies betwo enharmonically equivalent notes (E and F). On a tween C and D. This means that, when a chromatic scale
piano keyboard, these notes are produced by the same is used, a tritone can be also dened as any musical interkey. However, in the above-mentioned naming conven- val spanning six semitones:
tion, they are considered to be dierent notes, as they are
written on dierent sta positions.
TT = T+T+T = S+S+S+S+S+S.


According to this denition, with the twelve notes of a

chromatic scale it is possible to dene twelve dierent
tritones, each starting from a dierent note and ending
six notes above it. Although all of them span six semitones, six of them are classied as A4, and the other six
as d5.

2.2 Strict interpretation (diatonic scale)

Within a diatonic scale, whole tones are always formed by
adjacent notes (such as C and D) and therefore they are
regarded as incomposite intervals. In other words, they
cannot be divided into smaller intervals. Consequently,
in this context the above-mentioned decomposition of
the tritone into six semitones is typically not allowed.
If a diatonic scale is used, with its 7 notes it is possible
to form only one sequence of three adjacent whole tones
(T+T+T). This interval is an A4. For instance, in the
C major diatonic scale (CDEFGAB...), the only
tritone is from F to B. It is a tritone because FG, GA,
Tritone drawn in the chromatic circle.
and AB are three adjacent whole tones. It is a fourth
because the notes from F to B are four (F, G, A, B). It is
A tritone (abbreviation: TT) is traditionally dened as a augmented (i.e., widened) because it is wider than most
musical interval composed of three whole tones. As the of the fourths found in the scale (they are perfect fourths).
symbol for whole tone is T, this denition may be also
According to this interpretation, the d5 is not a tritone.
written as follows:
Indeed, in a diatonic scale, theres only one d5, and this
interval does not meet the strict denition of tritone, as it
TT = T+T+T
is formed by one semitone, two whole tones, and another
Only if the three tones are of the same size (which is not semitone:
the case for many tuning systems) can this formula be
simplied to:

d5 = S+T+T+S.

For instance, in the C major diatonic scale, the only d5
is from B to F. It is a fth because the notes from B to F
are ve (B, C, D, E, F). It is diminished (i.e. narrowed)
because it is smaller than most of the fths found in the
scale (they are perfect fths).

Size in dierent tuning systems

Tritone: the classic diminished fth between C and G Play 36:25
(631.28 cents)

Tritone: just augmented fourth between C and F+ Play 45:32

(590.22 cents) .
Lesser septimal tritone on between C and G[5] Play 7:5 (582.51
cents) .

Tritone: Pythagorean augmented fourth between C and F++

Play 729:512 (611.73 cents) .

Greater septimal tritone between C and F[5] Play 10:7 (617.49

cents) .

what these intervals are taken to be in septimal meantone

temperament. In 31 equal temperament, for example, the
A4 is 619.35 cents, whereas the d5 is 580.65 cents. This
is perceptually indistinguishable from septimal meantone
Since they are the inverse of each other, by denition A4
and d5 always add up to exactly one perfect octave:
Tritone: the classic augmented fourth between C and F Play
25:18 (568.72 cents)

A4 + d5 = P8.

In 12-tone equal temperament, the A4 is exactly half an

On the other hand, two A4 add up to six whole tones. In
octave (i.e., a ratio of 2:1 or 600 cents; play ). The
equal temperament, this is equal to exactly one perfect
inverse of 600 cents is 600 cents. Thus, in this tuning
system, the A4 and its inverse (d5) are equivalent.
The half-octave or equal tempered A4 and d5 are unique
A4 + A4 = P8.
in being equal to their own inverse (each to the other).
In other meantone tuning systems, besides 12-tone equal
temperament, A4 and d5 are distinct intervals because In quarter-comma meantone temperament, this is a diesis
neither is exactly half an octave. In any meantone tuning (128/125) less than a perfect octave:
near to 2 9 -comma meantone the A4 will be near to the
A4 + A4 = P8 diesis.
ratio 7 5 (582.51) and the d5 to 10 7 (617.49), which is

In just intonation several dierent sizes can be chosen

both for the A4 and the d5. For instance, in 5-limit tuning, the A4 is either 45/32[6][7][8] or 25/18,[9] and the
d5 is either 64/45
Play or 36/25,[10] or 1024:729
Play . The 64:45 just diminished fth arises in the C
major scale between B and F, consequently the 45:32 augmented fourth arises between F and B.[11]
These ratios are not in all contexts regarded as strictly just
but they are the justest possible in 5-limit tuning. 7-limit
tuning allows for the justest possible ratios (ratios with the
smallest numerator and denominator), namely 7/5 for the
A4 (about 582.5 cents, also known as septimal tritone)
and 10/7 for the d5 (about 617.5 cents, also known as
Eulers tritone).[6][12][13] These ratios are more consonant
than 17/12 (about 603.0 cents) and 24/17 (about 597.0
cents), which can be obtained in 17-limit tuning, yet the
latter are also fairly common, as they are closer to the
equal-tempered value of 600.0 cents.

Eleventh harmonic

Eleventh harmonic between C and F. Play 11:8 (551.32 cents)

Known as the lesser undecimal tritone or undecimal

semi-augmented fourth, 11:8 (551.318 cents), the ratio of
the eleventh harmonic (F 4 above C1), is found in some
just tunings and on many instruments. For example, very
long alphorns may reach the twelfth harmonic and transcriptions of their music usually show the eleventh harmonic sharp (F above C, for example), as in Brahms's
First Symphony.[14] This note is often corrected to 4:3 on
the natural horn in just intonation or Pythagorean tunings,
but the pure eleventh harmonic was used in pieces including Britten's Serenade for tenor, horn and strings.[15]


5 Dissonance and expressiveness

The unstable character of the tritone sets
it apart, as discussed in [28] [Paul Hindemith.
The Craft of Musical Composition, Book I. Associated Music Publishers, New York, 1945].
It can be expressed as a ratio by compounding
suitable superparticular ratios. Whether it is assigned the ratio 64/45 or 45/32, depending on
the musical context, or indeed some other ratio, it is not superparticular, which is in keeping
with its unique role in music.[16]
Although this ratio [45/32] is composed of
numbers which are multiples of 5 or under,
they are excessively large for a 5-limit scale,
and are sucient justication, either in this
form or as the tempered tritone, for the epithet diabolic, which has been used to characterize the interval. This is a case where, because of the largeness of the numbers, none
but a temperament-perverted ear could possibly prefer 45/32 to a small-number interval of
about the same width.[17]
In the Pythagorean ratio 81/64 both numbers are multiples of 3 or under, yet because
of their excessive largeness the ear certainly
prefers 5/4 for this approximate degree, even
though it involves a prime number higher than
3. In the case of the 45/32, 'tritone' our theorists have gone around their elbows to reach
their thumbs, which could have been reached
simply and directly and non-'diabolically' via
number 7.[17]

6 Common uses
6.1 Occurrences in diatonic scales

The augmented fourth (A4) occurs naturally between the

fourth and seventh scale degrees of the major scale (for
example, from F to B in the key of C major). It is also
present in the natural minor scale as the interval formed
between the second and sixth scale degrees (for example,
from D to A in the key of C minor). The melodic minor scale, having two forms, presents a tritone in dierent locations when ascending and descending (when the
scale ascends, the tritone appears between the third and
sixth scale degrees and the fourth and seventh scale degrees, and when the scale descends, the tritone appears
between the second and sixth scale degrees). Supertonic
Use of the eleventh harmonic in the prologue to Brittens Serenade chords using the notes from the natural minor mode will
for tenor, horn and strings. Play
thus contain a tritone, regardless of inversion. Containing
tritones, these scales are tritonic.


Occurrences in chords

7 Historical uses

The dominant seventh chord in root position contains a

diminished fth (tritone) within its pitch construction: it
occurs between the third and seventh above the root. In
addition, augmented sixth chords, some of which are enharmonic to dominant seventh chords, contain tritones
spelled as augmented fourths (for example, the German
sixth, from A to D in the key of A minor); the French
sixth chord can be viewed as a superposition of two tri- The theme opening Claude Debussy's Prlude l'aprs-midi d'un
faune outlines a tritone (between C and G) Play
tones a major second apart.
The diminished triad also contains a tritone in its construction, deriving its name from the diminished-fth interval (i.e. a tritone). The half-diminished seventh chord
contains the same tritone, while the fully diminished seventh chord is made up of two superposed tritones a minor
third apart.

The tritone is a restless interval, classed as a dissonance

in Western music from the early Middle Ages through to
the end of the common practice period. This interval was
frequently avoided in medieval ecclesiastical singing because of its dissonant quality. The rst explicit prohibition of it seems to occur with the development of Guido
Other chords built on these, such as ninth chords, often of Arezzo's hexachordal system, which made B a diatonic note, namely as the fourth degree of the hexachord
include tritones (as diminished fths).
on F. From then until the end of the Renaissance the tritone was regarded as an unstable interval and rejected as
6.3 Resolution
a consonance by most theorists.[19]

Tritone resolution inward ( Play ), and outwards ( Play ).

In all of the sonorities mentioned above, used in functional harmonic analysis, the tritone pushes towards resolution, generally resolving by step in contrary motion.
This determines the resolution of chords containing tritones.
The augmented fourth resolves outward to a minor or
major sixth. The inversion of this, a diminished fth,
resolves inward to a major or minor third. The diminished fth is often called a tritone in modern tonal theory, but functionally and notationally it can only resolve
inwards as a diminished fth and is therefore not reckoned a tritonethat is, an interval composed of three
adjacent whole tonesin mid-renaissance (early 16thcentury) music theory.[18]


Other uses

The name diabolus in musica (the Devil in music) has

been applied to the interval from at least the early 18th
century, though its use is not restricted to the tritone.
Andreas Werckmeister cites this term in 1702 as being
used by the old authorities for both the tritone and for
the clash between chromatically related tones such as F
and F,[20] and ve years later likewise calls diabolus in
musica the opposition of square and round B (B
and B, respectively) because these notes represent the
juxtaposition of mi contra fa.[21] Johann Joseph Fux
cites the phrase in his seminal 1725 work Gradus ad
Parnassum, Georg Philipp Telemann in 1733 describes,
mi against fa, which the ancients called Satan in music, and Johann Mattheson in 1739 writes that the older
singers with solmization called this pleasant interval 'mi
contra fa' or 'the devil in music'".[22] Although the latter
two of these authors cite the association with the devil as
from the past, there are no known citations of this term
from the Middle Ages, as is commonly asserted.[23] However Denis Arnold, in the New Oxford Companion to Music, suggests that the nickname was already applied early
in the medieval music itself:
It seems rst to have been designated as a
dangerous interval when Guido of Arezzo
developed his system of hexachords and with
the introduction of B at as a diatonic note, at
much the same time acquiring its nickname of
Diabolus in Musica (the devil in music).[24]

The tritone is also one of the dening features of the

Because of that original symbolic association with the
and fth devil and its avoidance, this interval came to be heard in
Western cultural convention as suggesting an evil conThe half-octave tritone interval is used in the musi- notative meaning in music. However, suggestions that
cal/auditory illusion known as the tritone paradox.
singers were excommunicated or otherwise punished by
Locrian mode, being featured between the
scale degrees.


the Church for invoking this interval are likely fanciful.

At any rate, avoidance of the interval for musical reasons
has a long history, stretching back to the parallel organum
of the Musica Enchiriadis. In all these expressions, including the commonly cited mi contra fa est diabolus in
musica, the mi and fa refer to notes from two adjacent hexachords. For instance, in the tritone BF, B
would be mi, that is the third scale degree in the hard
hexachord beginning on G, while F would be fa, that is Tritone substitution: F7 may substitute for C7, and vice versa,
the fourth scale degree in the natural hexachord begin- because they both share E and B/A and due to voice leading
ning on C.
considerations. Play
Later in history with the rise of the Baroque and Classical music era, that interval came to be perfectly accepted,
but yet was used in a specic controlled way, notably
through the principle of the tension/release mechanism of
the tonal system. In that system (which is the fundamental musical grammar of Baroque and Classical music), the
tritone is one of the dening intervals of the dominantseventh chord and two tritones separated by a minor third
give the fully diminished seventh chord its characteristic
sound. In minor, the diminished triad (comprising two
minor thirds which together add up to a tritone) appears
on the second scale degree, and thus features prominently
in the progression iio Vi. Often, the inversion iio6 is
used to move the tritone to the inner voices as this allows
for stepwise motion in the bass to the dominant root. In
three-part counterpoint, free use of the diminished triad
in rst inversion is permitted, as this eliminates the tritone
relation to the bass.[25]
It is only with the Romantic music and modern classical
music that composers started to use it totally freely, without functional limitations notably in an expressive way to
exploit the evil connotations which are culturally associated to it (e.g., Franz Liszt's use of the tritone to suggest Hell in his Dante Sonata) or Wagners use of timpani
tuned to C and F sharp to convey a brooding atmosphere
at the start of the second act of the opera Siegfried.) The
tritone was also exploited heavily in that period as an interval of modulation for its ability to evoke a strong reaction by moving quickly to distantly related keys. Later
on, in twelve-tone music, serialism, and other 20th century compositional idioms it came to be considered as a
neutral interval.[26] In some analyses of the works of 20th
century composers, the tritone plays an important structural role; perhaps the most cited is the axis system, proposed by Ern Lendvai, in his analysis of the use of tonality in the music of Bla Bartk.[27] Tritone relations are
also important in the music of George Crumb. George
Harrison uses tritones on the downbeats of the opening
phrases of the Beatles songs "The Inner Light", "Blue Jay
Way" and "Within You Without You", creating a prolonged sense of suspended resolution.[28]
Tritones also became important in the development of
jazz tertian harmony, where triads and seventh chords are
often expanded to become 9th, 11th, or 13th chords, and
the tritone often occurs as a substitute for the naturally
occurring interval of the perfect 11th. Since the perfect

11th (i.e. an octave plus perfect fourth) is typically perceived as a dissonance requiring a resolution to a major
or minor 10th, chords that expand to the 11th or beyond
typically raise the 11th a semitone (thus giving us an augmented or sharp 11th, or an octave plus a tritone from the
root of the chord) and present it in conjunction with the
perfect 5th of the chord. Also in jazz harmony, the tritone is both part of the dominant chord and its substitute
dominant (also known as the sub V chord). Because they
share the same tritone, they are possible substitutes for
one another. This is known as a tritone substitution. The
tritone substitution is one of the most common chord and
improvisation devices in jazz.
In the theory of harmony it is known that
a diminished interval needs to be resolved inwards, and an augmented interval outwards.
...and with the correct resolution of the true tritones this desire is totally satised. However,
if one plays a just diminished fth that is perfectly in tune, for example, there is no wish to
resolve it to a major third. Just the opposite
aurally one wants to enlarge it to a minor sixth.
The opposite holds true for the just augmented
These apparently contradictory aural experiences become understandable when the cents
of both types of just tritones are compared
with those of the true tritones and then read
'crossed-over'. One then notices that the just
augmented fourth of 590.224 cents is only 2
cents bigger than the true diminished fth of
588.270 cents, and that both intervals lie below the middle of the octave of 600.000 cents.
It is no wonder that, following the ear, we want
to resolve both downwards. The ear only desires the tritone to be resolved upwards when it
is bigger than the middle of the octave. Therefore the opposite is the case with the just diminished fth of 609.776 cents....[7]

8 See also
List of meantone intervals

List of musical intervals
List of pitch intervals
Hexatonic scale#Tritone scale
Consecutive fths#Unequal fths
Petrushka chord


[1] Don Michael Randel (2003). The Harvard Dictionary of

Music: Fourth Edition. Harvard University Press. ISBN
[2] E.g., Jacobus Leodiensis, Speculum musicae, Liber secundus, in Jacobi Leodiensis Speculum musicae, edited
by Roger Bragard, Corpus Scriptorum de Musica 3/2
([Rome]: American Institute of Musicology, 1961): 128
31, citations on 19296, 200, and 229; Jacobus Leodiensis, Speculum musicae, Liber sextus, in Jacobi Leodiensis Speculum musicae, edited by Roger Bragard, Corpus
Scriptorum de Musica 3/6 ([Rome]: American Institute
of Musicology, 1973): 1-161, citations on 52 and 68; Johannes Torkesey, Declaratio et expositio, London: British
Library, Lansdowne 763, .89v-94v, citations on f.92r,2
3; Prosdocimus de Beldemandis, Tractatus musice speculative, in D. Raaello Baralli and Luigi Torri, Il Trattato di Prosdocimo de' Beldomandi contro il Lucidario di
Marchetto da Padova per la prima volta trascritto e illustrato, Rivista Musicale Italiana 20 (1913): 73162, citations on 73234.
[3] Smith Brindle, Reginald (1966). Serial Composition.
Oxford University Press. p. 66. ISBN 0-19-311906-4.
[4] Bruce Benward & Marilyn Nadine Saker (2003). Music:
In Theory and Practice, Vol. I, seventh edition (Boston:
McGraw-Hill), p. 54. ISBN 978-0-07-294262-0.
[5] Fonville, John. Ben Johnstons Extended Just IntonationA Guide for Interpreters, p. 12122, Perspectives of New
Music, Vol. 29, No. 2 (Summer, 1991), pp. 10637.
[6] Partch, Harry. (1974). Genesis of a Music: An Account of
a Creative Work, Its Roots and Its Fulllments, second edition, enlarged (New York: Da Capo Press): p. 69. ISBN
0-306-71597-X (cloth); ISBN 0-306-80106-X (pbk).
[7] Renold, Maria (2004). Intervals, Scales, Tones and the
Concert Pitch C=128Hz, translated from the German by
Bevis Stevens, with additional editing by Anna R. Meuss
(Forest Row: Temple Lodge): p. 1516. ISBN 1902636-46-5.
[8] Helmholtz, Hermann von (2005). On the Sensations of
Tone as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music,
p. 457. ISBN 1-4191-7893-8. Cents in interval: 590,
Name of Interval: Just Tritone, Number to an Octave: 2.0.
Cents in interval: 612, Name of Interval: Pyth. Tritone,
Number to an Octave: 2.0.

[9] Haluska , Jn (2003), The Mathematical Theory of Tone

Systems, Pure and Applied Mathematics Series 262 (New
York: Marcel Dekker; London: Momenta), p. xxiv.
ISBN 0-8247-4714-3. 25:18 classic augmented fourth.
[10] Haluska (2003), p. xxv. 36/25 classic diminished fth.
[11] Paul, Oscar (1885). A manual of harmony for use
in music-schools and seminaries and for self-instruction,
p.165. Theodore Baker, trans. G. Schirmer.
[12] Haluska (2003). p. xxiii. 7/5 septimal or Huygens tritone, Bohlen-Pierce fourth, 10/7 Eulers tritone.
[13] Strange, Patricia and Patricia, Allen (2001). The contemporary violin: Extended performance techniques, p. 147.
ISBN 0-520-22409-4. "...septimal tritone, 10:7; smaller
septimal tritone, 7:5;...This list is not exhaustive, even
when limited to the rst sixteen partials. Consider the very
narrow augmented fourth, 13:9....just intonation is not an
attempt to generate necessarily consonant intervals.
[14] Monelle, Raymond (2006). The Musical Topic: Hunt, Military And Pastoral, p.102. ISBN 9780253347664.
[15] Fauvel, John; Flood, Raymond; and Wilson, Robin
J. (2006). Music And Mathematics, p.21-22. ISBN
[16] Haluska (2003), p. 286.
[17] Partch (1974), p. 115. ISBN 0-306-80106-X.
[18] Margaret Bent, ""Accidentals, Counterpoint, and Notation in Aarons Aggiunta to the Toscanello, Journal of
Musicology 12: Aspects of Musical Language and Culture in the Renaissance: A Birthday Tribute to James
Haar (1994): 30644. Citation on 308.
[19] Drabkin, William. Tritone. Grove Music Online (subscription access). Oxford Music Online. Retrieved 200807-21.
[20] Andreas Werckmeister. Harmonologia musica, oder kurze
Anleitung zur musicalischen Composition (Frankfurt and
Leipzig: Theodor Philipp Calvisius 1702): 6.
[21] Andreas Werckmeister,
Musicalische ParadoxalDiscourse, oder allgemeine Vorstellungen (Quedlinburg:
Theodor Philipp Calvisius, 1707): 7576.
[22] Reinhold, Hammerstein (1974). Diabolus in musica: Studien zur Ikonographie der Musik im Mittelalter. Neue Heidelberger Studien zur Musikwissenschaft (in German) 6.
Bern: Francke. p. 7. OCLC 1390982. ...mi contra fa ...
welches die alten den Satan in der Music nenneten "...alten Solmisatores dieses angenehme Intervall mi contra fa
oder den Teufel in der Music genannt haben.
[23] F. J. Smith, Some Aspects of the Tritone and the Semitritone in the Speculum Musicae: The Non-Emergence of the
Diabolus in Music, Journal of Musicological Research 3
(1979), pp. 6374, at 70.
[24] Arnold, Denis (1983) Tritone in The New Oxford
Companion to Music, Volume 1: AJ,Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0-19-311316-3


[25] Jeppesen, Knud (1992) [1939]. Counterpoint: the polyphonic vocal style of the sixteenth century. trans. by Glen
Haydon, with a new foreword by Alfred Mann. New York:
Dover. ISBN 0-486-27036-X.
[26] Persichetti, Vincent (1961). Twentieth-century Harmony:
Creative Aspects and Practice. New York: W. W. Norton.
ISBN 0-393-09539-8. OCLC 398434.
[27] Lendvai, Ern (1971). Bla Bartk: An Analysis of his
Music. introd. by Alan Bush. London: Kahn & Averill.
pp. 116. ISBN 0-900707-04-6. OCLC 240301.
[28] Dominic Pedler. The Songwriting Secrets of the Beatles.
Music Sales Ltd. Omnibus Press. London, 2010 pp. 522


External links

Tritone paradox and Shepard Tones at the Wayback

Machine (archived January 6, 2008)
BBC News Magazine article about the tritone
Satans all-time greatest hit: Will Hodgkinson on the
devils interval
"Why is the Augmented 4th the chord of evil
that was banned in Renaissance church music?",



Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses


Tritone Source: Contributors: Matthew Woodcraft, The Anome, Tarquin, Koyaanis Qatsi, Camembert, J.F.Quackenbush, Bdesham, Zeno Gantner, Emperor, AugPi, Andres, Pladask, Joshk, Furrykef, Hyacinth, Ed
g2s, Bkell, Gwalla, Gene Ward Smith, Varlaam, Jrc, Krupo, Hugh7, Roo72, Rajah, Anthony Appleyard, Keenan Pepper, Sabrebattletank, BRW, Franz Michaelis~enwiki, HGB, Dismas, Japanese Searobin, Zanaq, Jftsang, Catachresis, Deltabeignet, BorgHunter, Rjwilmsi,
Roivas, FlaBot, Thebeatlesanthol, Vilcxjo, DannyDaWriter, Glenn L, Sharkface217, YurikBot, RobotE, Red Slash, Hede2000, Kvuo,
Bovineone, Welsh, Yahya Abdal-Aziz, Tastemyhouse, Peter Delmonte, Wknight94, Light current, Ninly, Patrick Loiseleur, GLmathgrant,
NetRolller 3D, SmackBot, RDBury, Py, Mscuthbert, Pika132, Petteroes, Chris the speller, Campcase, Durinthal, Gracenotes, Shunpiker,
Andeggs, Lambiam, Cpratt, Ergative rlt, Johanna-Hypatia, Adagio Cantabile, Rigadoun, Tlesher, Backstabb, Carneyfex~enwiki, Rainwarrior, Laogeodritt, Ryouga, Aeternus, Blehfu, Jake381, Alpha Ursae Minoris, Mapsax, Dycedarg, Demockracy, KyraVixen, Nunquam
Dormio, ShelfSkewed, Pstarbuck, Paulgear, Tooltroll, Apus~enwiki, After Midnight, Thijs!bot, DanielLevitin, Klausness, MegX, Helge
Skjeveland, VoABot II, Jerome Kohl, Faizhaider, Catgut, Zelator, Upholder, MarcusMaximus, Padillah, Blue Dinosaur Jr, Jmm6f488,
DandyDan2007, Jazzedge, Skullketon, Gibsoninside, Lamp90, Vyn, Regenspaziergang, Kyle the bot, NoisySerg, DISEman, Broadbot,
Argenpani, Oldwes, StillOfTheNight Band, RussMartin4154, Tacoekkel, Paolo.dL, Yerpo, Ase8913, AMCKen, Evelyncor, Pequeniosaltamontes, Czarko, M.J.E., Orlando098, Nfort049, Jim Sniper, Florin zeitblom, XLinkBot, Tayste, JazzyBunny, Addbot, Jafeluv, Mac
Dreamstate, LaaknorBot, Luckas-bot, Yobot, TaBOT-zerem, AnomieBOT, Billlyons, Citation bot, LilHelpa, Fewskulchor, J04n, FrescoBot, Rigaudon, I dream of horses, Gingermint, Der Elbenkoenig, NimbusWeb, Pollinosisss, Aemerkel, Diannaa, Spencerpiers, Aurora
Illumina, Galloping Moses, Keluan, ZroBot, Josve05a, Mcg182m, DipCup101, Teo Orlando, ClueBot NG, Widr, Helpful Pixie Bot,
PhnomPencil, Toccata quarta, Tmoney12346, Meganesia, Jaydubya93, Dylhunn, Suspender guy, Whygreen44 and Anonymous: 222



File:7_rightside_up.png Source: License: Public domain

Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia by SreeBot Original artist: Hyacinth at en.wikipedia
File:7_upside_down.png Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia by SreeBot Original artist: Hyacinth at en.wikipedia
File:Arabic_music_notation_half_sharp.svg Source:
half_sharp.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: HeavyD14
File:Augmented_fourth_on_C.png Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User:Q Valda using CommonsHelper.
Original artist: Original uploader was Hyacinth at en.wikipedia
File:Britten_-_Serenade_prologue.png Source: License: Fair use Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Chromatic_scale_full_octave_ascending_and_descending_on_C.PNG Source:
commons/e/eb/Chromatic_scale_full_octave_ascending_and_descending_on_C.PNG License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: ? Original
artist: ?
File:Chromatic_scale_tritones.png Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Hyacinth
File:Debussy_aprs_midi_d'un_faune.jpg Source:
midi_d%27un_faune.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: LITTLEJAZZMAN
File:Diminished_fifth_on_C.png Source: License:
CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User:Q Valda using CommonsHelper. Original
artist: Original uploader was Hyacinth at en.wikipedia
File:Dominant_seventh_tritone_resolution.png Source:
tritone_resolution.png License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia
Original artist: Hyacinth (talk). Original uploader was Hyacinth at en.wikipedia
File:Eleventh_harmonic_on_C.png Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Hyacinth
File:Enharmonic_tritone.png Source: License: CCBY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Created by Hyacinth (talk) 13:48, 13 October 2010 using Sibelius 5.
File:Greater_septimal_tritone_on_C.png Source:
on_C.png License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Hyacinth (talk) Created in Sibelius with midi pitch bend on an A4 on 76,69 for
617.48046875 cents rather than 600. Original artist: Hyacinth at en.wikipedia
File:Just_augmented_fourth_on_C.png Source:
C.png License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Created by Hyacinth (talk) using Sibelius 5. Original artist: Hyacinth (talk)
File:Lesser_septimal_tritone_on_C.png Source:
C.png License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Created by Hyacinth (talk) 19:16, 30 June 2010 in Sibelius with
midi pitch bend on d5 on 52,58 for 582.51219260429 cents rather than 600.
File:Loudspeaker.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: New version of Image:Loudspeaker.png, by AzaToth and compressed by Hautala Original artist: Nethac DIU, waves corrected by




File:Pythagorean_augmented_fourth_on_C.png Source:
augmented_fourth_on_C.png License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Created by Hyacinth (talk) 10:01, 3
December 2010 using Sibelius 5.
File:Scale_deg_1.svg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Mscuthbert
File:Tritone_in_the_chromatic_circle.png Source:
circle.png License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Hyacinth
File:Tritone_substitution.png Source: License: CCBY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons. Original artist: Hyacinth at English Wikipedia


Content license

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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