EDT - Math Lesson Plan (Time)
EDT - Math Lesson Plan (Time)
Rationale for Objective: How does this lesson support previous and subsequent learning?
Students have been previously working with numbers and number relationships. Students understand the
concept of place value, have demonstrated skip counting by 5s and 10s, and have worked with addition and
subtraction in relation to length by placing and identifying whole numbers on a number line. This lesson will
prepare students for upcoming lessons containing word problems and interpreting data containing time.
State the specific strategy (ies) and tool(s) used to collect the data for each SLO (i.e., essays,
projects, quizzes, exit slip, worksheet, etc.). Are there students who will require an
accommodation or modification to this lessons assessment?
An exit slip and homework worksheet addressing time will be given to students to complete. Both the exit slip
and the homework worksheet will ask students to identify the time represented, or draw the time given, on
both analog and digital clocks.
Instructional Model/Strategy
(i.e., concept formation, concept development, direct instruction, cooperative learning, inquiry,
discussion model). Explain how you will best facilitate student learning through a specific
model of instruction. Be sure to include a rationale for the chosen model(s). You may use more
than one:
-Direct Instruction: teacher led
-Discussion Model: open discussion
Differentiating Instruction
How will you differentiate to meet the needs of your learners (i.e., what you teach, how you
teach, or how you will assess). Explain:
-A written tutorial handout of the Screencast-o-matic will be distributed to all students.
-Some students may need directions on handouts read to them.
-Additional practice time with the interactive clocks may be given.
*Alternate website students may use for additional practice will be given: http://www.iboard.co.uk/iwb/Set-TheClock-Digital-FROM-Analogue-464
Cite how you will engage and motivate learners, activate prior learning and present the lessons
Explain: A) What they will be doing and learning in the lesson; B) How they will demonstrate
C) Why it is important to their everyday lives.
Learners will be engaged and motivated by the read aloud book, What Time is it Mr. Crocodile?, which
has the theme of telling time and includes a clock displaying the corresponding time of an event on every
A) In this lesson, students will be learning how to tell and write time.
B) Students will demonstrate learning by representing time on both digital and analog clocks.
C) Time is important in their everyday lives because of school and extracurricular schedules,
appointments, and planned events.
Lesson Development
Cite how you will provide opportunities for the students to construct meaning. List the
steps/process you will follow. Be sure to identify how you will check for understanding and
collect formative data. Differentiate for students who will require an accommodation or
modification in order to be active participants in this lesson and state these strategies in the
differentiation section above.
How will you question students in order to evaluate if the objective(s) was met? How will you
question students to connect this lesson to previous and subsequent lessons as well as connect to
their own lives? How will you question students to see the relevancy of the lesson by
understanding the purpose/importance of the learning?
-Review time-related terms and ideas.
-Watch the 2 minute YouTube video, Whats the Time? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBvmO7NgUp0)
-An exit slip will be distributed following the lesson, which the students will complete individually at their seats and
pass in to be graded. The students will also complete a worksheet for homework for additional practice and
Reflection on Practice
Student Achievement Evaluate student learning based on collected data for each SLO for each
group of learners. Identify how each group met the stated criteria in the SLO, including specific
data for each SLO. Based on your analysis what would you continue or change about your
teaching for the next lesson?
Common Core of Teaching Connection Choose an attribute from an indicator from Domains
1-4. Choose an attribute that was effective in your lesson. What specific evidence from the
lesson supports this?
Choose an attribute that you would like to focus on. What specific evidence from the lesson
supports the need to focus on the specific attribute? Suggest a strategy that you will try for the
next lesson to address this need.