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Lesson Plan Template
Effective Fall 2014

This lesson plan template includes all the Viterbo Essential Elements. For full instructions and examples of each of the lesson plan components,
see the Viterbo Essential Elements posted on Moodle in the Education Majors course. All items below will expand as needed to add text.

Name: __Kelsey Kleven__________ Date___2/25/18______________

Lesson Title:_Introduction to Time Telling: What are Second and Minutes?_ _ Grade Level ___2-3_________ Time Frame_45 minutes____

Learner Profile and Contextual Factors:

Curriculum Standards: Unit Goal/Central Focus Resources

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.2.MD.C.7 Students will be able to identify sums of
Tell and write time from analog and digital clocks time to the minute and apply time to their Materials: Laminated time sorts, unfix
to the nearest five minutes, using a.m. and p.m. daily lives cubes, dry erase markers, file folder
Unit Summative Assessment games, tasks cards, cut and paste
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.MD.A.1 Cut and Paste time to the minute sheets sheets, scissors, glue sticks, pencils,
Tell and write time to the nearest minute and clothespins
measure time intervals in minutes. Solve word
problems involving addition and subtraction of
time intervals in minutes, e.g., by representing the
problem on a number line diagram.

Prior Student Knowledge: What previous knowledge is necessary for the students to successfully master the objectives? What knowledge do
students already have that this lesson will build upon?
Students are aware of their daily routines and changes in those routines

Lesson Objectives: Defines what the student will learn, understand, and Formative Assessment: How will students demonstrate understanding
be able to do upon completion of the lesson. The instructions for writing of lesson objective(s)? How will you monitor and/or give feedback?
objectives and examples are found in the Viterbo Essential Elements. Make sure that each assessment measures the learning expressed in the
objective. Please indicate the tool that you will use and how you will
- Understand the difference between a second and a measure student understanding. (See VU Essential Elements for more info.)
minute - Complete Cut & Paste Second/ Minute Sort
- Be able to identify tasks or routines that take a second - Accurately visually represent a minute in seconds with
or a minute unifx cubes
- Understand how many seconds make up a minute

Academic Language:
• What is the key language demand/function?
• What academic language will you teach and/or develop? What is the key vocabulary and/or symbols?
• What opportunities will you provide for students to practice content language and/or vocabulary and develop fluency?
• What supports will you provide that will help students understand and successfully use the academic language?

Key Language demands and Academic Language Practice Support
- Seconds - Introduction and - Immediate feedback
- Minutes continued use of words and error correction
as lesson progresses

Lesson procedures reflect best practices that are research-based and have a direct and positive effect on the teaching/learning environment.
You should indicate the time needed for each component of the lesson. Lesson plans should be detailed enough that any teacher could teach the
lesson from the plan.

Time Intro/Motivation/Anticipatory Set: How will you engage Differentiation for All / Multiple Pathways/Alternative Teaching
your students’ interest and set the purpose and relevance for Approaches
5 the lesson? Use knowledge of students’ academic, social, and
minutes cultural characteristics.
Start by talking about things the students like or have to -Highlighted lines for cutting
do. Do these take seconds or minutes. Include daily - Ten frames to ensure accurate counting when using unifix cubes
20 routines as well as choice activities - Immediate feedback as necessary
minutes Instructional Procedures/Developmental Lesson/Universal
Core: See the VU Essential Elements for a List of Best
Teaching Practices to consider as you plan. Also, consider the
questions and/or activities that you will use to engage your
students in higher order thinking.
Students will take turns sorting pictures that can take a
second or a minute with guidance from teacher and
discussion about why the sort is correct or incorrect.

Once students have completed that, we will talk about how

many seconds are in a minute. Students will then build a
minute by using unifix cubes to count out 60 seconds by
using different colors for each set of 10.
Closure: Verbalize or demonstrate learning or skill one more
time. Connect to next steps or future learning.
Using their visual representation of a minute, student will
complete a cut and paste sort to check for understanding..
10 Any work not completed for time is up will be finished the
minutes next day.

IEP Requirements
- Small Group instruction (2 student working in task, 3 total in the room)
- Both students have goals for time telling; collect data for IEP goals as appropriate
- Limit distractions and extra noise while introducing new topics

Rationale/Theoretical Reasoning/ Research: What research or theory supports instructional strategies you are using with your students? Select a
strategy and justify with research or theory.
Variety of the instruction and activities helps with generalization of skills across environment
Repetition builds skill confidence for students with special needs

Management/Safety Issues: What management and safety issues need to be considered when teaching this lesson?

• Classroom Management: Students will be given buckets or other means to organize materials.

• Safety: Students need to be using scissors and other materials in a safe manner. Preteaching and during instruction
reminders will be used. Make sure each student has enough space to complete the task safely. Utilize second table if

Analysis: Include quantitative (numerical) and qualitative (descriptive) data which address the questions: Did the students attain each objective?
How do you know? What is your evidence?

Reflection/Future Modifications: Provide specific, evidence-based example, not generalizations.

• To what extent did the class learn what you intended them to learn? Provide specific, evidence-based examples of
student learning?
• What did you learn about your students as learners?
• What will be your next instructional steps?
• What have you learned about yourself as a teacher?

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