Eee 201 Op Amps Circuit

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Summing Amplifier

The Summing Amplifier is a very flexible circuit based upon the standard Inverting
Operational Amplifier configuration. In the Inverting Amplifier if we add another input
resistor equal in value to the original input resistor, Rin we end up with another
operational amplifier circuit called a Summing Amplifier, "Summing Inverter" or even
a "Voltage Adder" circuit as shown below.
The output voltage, (Vout) becomes
proportional to the sum of the
input voltages, V1, V2, V3 ,..etc. So,
the original equation for the
modified to take account of these
new inputs thus:

Summing Amplifier

However, if all the input impedances, (Rin) are equal in value the final equation
for the output voltage is given as:

A Scaling Summing Amplifier can be made if the individual input resistors are
"NOT" equal. Then the equation would have to be modified to:

The Summing Amplifier is a very flexible circuit indeed, enabling to effectively

"Add" several individual input signals. If the inputs resistors, R1, R2, R3 etc, are all
equal a unity gain inverting adder can be made. However, if the input resistors are of
different values a "scaling summing amplifier" is produced which gives a weighted
sum of the input signals.

Summing Amplifier: Example 1

Find the output voltage of the following Summing Amplifier circuit.

Using the previously found formula for
the gain of the circuit
substitute the values of the resistors in the circuit
to have,

Differential Amplifier
By connecting one voltage signal to one input terminal and another voltage signal to
the other input terminal the resultant output voltage will be proportional to the
"Difference" between the two input signals of V1 and V2 and this type of circuit can
be used as a Subtractor and commonly known as a Differential Amplifier, with
configuration and as shown below:
The transfer function for a
Differential Amplifier circuit
is given as:

When R1 = R3 and R2 = R4 the transfer

function formula can be modified to the
If all the resistors are all of the same ohmic value the circuit will become a Unity
Gain Differential Amplifier and the gain of the amplifier will be 1 or Unity.

Differential Amplifier
The Differential Amplifier is a very useful op-amp circuit and by adding more
resistors in parallel with the input resistors R1 and R3, the resultant circuit can be
made to either "Add" or "Subtract" the voltages applied to their respective inputs.
One of the most common ways to achieve this, is to connect a "Resistive Bridge"
commonly called a Wheatstone Bridge to the input of the amplifier as shown below

The Differential Amplifier circuit becomes a differential voltage comparator by

"Comparing" one input voltage to the other. For example, by connecting one input
to a fixed voltage reference and the other to either a "Thermistor" or a "Light
Dependant Resistor" the amplifier circuit can be used to detect either low or high
levels of temperature or light as the output voltage becomes a linear function of the
changes in the active leg of the resistive bridge and this is shown below.

Differential Amplifier: application

Light Activated Switch

This circuit acts as a light-activated switch, which turns the output relay either "ON"
or "OFF" as the light level detected by the LDR resistor exceeds or falls below the
pre-set value of VR1. The fixed voltage reference is applied to the inverting input
terminal V1 via the R1 - R2 voltage divider network and the variable voltage
(proportional to the light level) applied to the non-inverting input terminal V2. It is
also possible to detect temperature using this type of circuit by simply replacing the
Light Dependant Resistor (LDR) with a thermistor.

The Integrator Amplifier

If the purely Resistive (Rf) feedback element of an inverting amplifier is
changed to a Frequency dependant Impedance (such as a Capacitor,
C), an RC Network across the operational amplifier known as
integrator circuit is resulted as shown below.
the Integrator Amplifier is an operational
amplifier circuit that performs the
mathematical operation of Integration.

The Integrator Amplifier (AC)

If the input signal is of a sine wave of varying frequency the Integrator Amplifier
begins to behave like an active "Low Pass Filter", passing low frequency signals
while attenuating the high frequencies. However, at DC (0Hz) the capacitor acts
like an open circuit blocking any feedback voltage resulting in zero negative
feedback from the output back to the input of the amplifier. Then the amplifier
effectively is connected as a normal open-loop amplifier with very high open-loop
gain resulting in the output voltage saturating.
The addition of a large value resistor, R2 across the capacitor, C gives the circuit
the characteristics of an inverting amplifier with finite closed-loop gain of Rf/Rin at
very low frequencies while acting as an integrator at higher frequencies. This
then forms the basis of an Active Low Pass Filter

The Differentiator Amplifier

The basic Differentiator Amplifier circuit is exact the opposite to that of
the Integrator operational amplifier circuit. The position of the capacitor
and resistor have been reversed.
This circuit performs the mathematical operation of Differentiation, so it
produces a voltage output which is proportional to the input voltage's rateof-change and the current flowing through the capacitor.

The Differentiator Waveform

If we apply a constantly changing signal such as a Square-wave,
Triangular or Sine-wave type signal to the input of a differentiator amplifier
circuit the resultant output signal will be changed and whose final shape is
dependant upon the RC time constant of the Resistor/Capacitor

Opamp: Problems
1. Use nodal analysis and virtual short and open circuit principle to find output
voltage v and current i

2. Use nodal analysis and virtual short and open circuit

principle to find the ratio v2/v1 (ans -4/5)

3-The circuit is in steady state before the switch is opened. Find the voltage
v2 after the switch is opened (t>0)

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