De La Salle University - Dasmariñas College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology Engineering Program

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De La Salle University – Dasmariñas

College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology

Engineering Program



Experiment No. 7


Jose Manuel Rezano


Group 2

April 30, 2018



Operational amplifiers can be used in two basic configurations to create amplifier circuits. One is
the inverting amplifier where the output is the inverse or 180° out of phase with the input, and
the other is the non-inverting amplifier where the output is in the same sense or in phase with the
input. Both operational amplifier circuits are widely used and they find applications in different
areas. When an operational amplifier or op-amp is used as a non-inverting amplifier it only
requires a few additional components to create a working amplifier circuit. The noninverting
amplifier has the characteristics of an ideal voltage amplifier: exceptionally high input
impedance and very low output impedance. Additionally, this amplifier, like any other based on
a high-gain op-amp. Has a voltage gain and stability that are dependent upon the external circuit
resistors and independent of amplifier variations. The op-amp inverting voltage amplifier is a
very popular amplifier. It displays most of the characteristics of the noninverting amplifier
except the extremely high input impedance. In addition, at low gains, it will have a smaller gain
bandwidth product.

 Demonstrate the operation of the noninverting and inverting amplifier.

 Verify voltage gain control by feedback resistors.
 Demonstrate the reduced Zout of the op-amp circuit
 Determine the input impedance and gain bandwidth product of an inverting amplifier


In this experiment is about inverting and non-nverting voltage amplifiers. The second basic
configuration of an operational amplifier circuit is that of a Non-inverting Operational
Amplifier design. In this configuration, the input voltage signal, ( VIN ) is applied directly to the
non-inverting ( + ) input terminal which means that the output gain of the amplifier becomes
“Positive” in value in contrast to the “Inverting Amplifier” circuit we saw in the last tutorial
whose output gain is negative in value. The result of this is that the output signal is “in-phase”
with the input signal. Feedback control of the non-inverting operational amplifier is achieved by
applying a small part of the output voltage signal back to the inverting ( – ) input terminal via
a Rƒ – R2 voltage divider network, again producing negative feedback. This closed-loop
configuration produces a non-inverting amplifier circuit with very good stability, a very high
input impedance, Rin approaching infinity, as no current flows into the positive input terminal,
(ideal conditions) and a low output impedance, Rout. “No current flows into the input
terminal” of the amplifier and that “V1 always equals V2”. This was because the junction of the
input and feedback signal ( V1 ) are at the same potential. In other words the junction is a
“virtual earth” summing point. Because of this virtual earth node the resistors, Rƒ and R2 form a
simple potential divider network across the non-inverting amplifier with the voltage gain of the
circuit being determined by the ratios of R2 and Rƒ. The Inverting Operational Amplifier
configuration is one of the simplest and most commonly used op-amp topologies. the Open Loop
Gain, ( Avo ) of an operational amplifier can be very high, as much as 1,000,000 (120dB) or
more. However, this very high gain is of no real use to us as it makes the amplifier both unstable
and hard to control as the smallest of input signals, just a few micro-volts, (μV) would be enough
to cause the output voltage to saturate and swing towards one or the other of the voltage supply
rails losing complete control of the output. As the open loop DC gain of an operational amplifier
is extremely high we can therefore afford to lose some of this high gain by connecting a suitable
resistor across the amplifier from the output terminal back to the inverting input terminal to both
reduce and control the overall gain of the amplifier. This then produces and effect known
commonly as Negative Feedback, and thus produces a very stable Operational Amplifier based
system. Negative Feedback is the process of “feeding back” a fraction of the output signal back
to the input, but to make the feedback negative, we must feed it back to the negative or
“inverting input” terminal of the op-amp using an external Feedback Resistor called Rƒ. This
feedback connection between the output and the inverting input terminal forces the differential
input voltage towards zero. This effect produces a closed loop circuit to the amplifier resulting in
the gain of the amplifier now being called its Closed-loop Gain. Then a closed-loop inverting
amplifier uses negative feedback to accurately control the overall gain of the amplifier, but at a
cost in the reduction of the amplifiers gain. This negative feedback results in the inverting input
terminal having a different signal on it than the actual input voltage as it will be the sum of the
input voltage plus the negative feedback voltage giving it the label or term of a Summing Point.
We must therefore separate the real input signal from the inverting input by using an Input
Resistor, Rin. As we are not using the positive non-inverting input this is connected to a common
ground or zero voltage terminal as shown below, but the effect of this closed loop feedback
circuit results in the voltage potential at the inverting input being equal to that at the non-
inverting input producing a Virtual Earth summing point because it will be at the same potential
as the grounded reference input. In other words, the op-amp becomes a “differential amplifier”.


I. Non-Inverting Voltage Amplifier

Phase Shift = 0‫ﹾ‬

Table 7.1 non-Inverting Voltage Amplifier

Rf = 15kΩ Rf = 10kΩ, RL = 1kΩ Rf = 10kΩ, RL = 75Ω
Measured Measured Measured
Vin = 200mV Vin = 200 mVp-p Vin = 204 mVp-p
Vout = 3.32V Vout = 2.2 Vp-p Vout = 440 mVp-p
AV = 16.6
AV = 16

II. Inverting Voltage Amplifier

Vout = 3.44V
Vin = 496 mVp-p Vout = 3.44Vp-p AV = -6.9
f2 = 102.2kHz

Table 7.2 Inverting Voltage Amplifier

Amplifier Gain ( Rf = 15kΩ) Input Impedance
Measured Measured
Vin = 496mVp-p Zin = 2.34kΩ
Vout = 3.44 Vp-p Gain BW
AV = -6.9 Measured

1. Describe discrete device amplifier that would approximate the non-inverting op-amp
voltage amplifier.
The common base amplifier is the least widely used of the three transistor amplifier
configurations. The common emitter and common collector (emitter follower) configurations are
far more widely used because their characteristics are generally more useful.The common base
amplifier configuration comes into its own at high frequencies wherestability can be an issue.
The emitter follower transistor amplifier characteristics enable the circuit to be used as a buffer
amplifier. For both NPN and PNP circuits, it can be seen that for the common base amplifier
circuit, the input is applied to the emitter, and the output is taken from the collector. The
common terminal for both circuits is the base. The base is grounded for the signal and for this
reason the circuit may sometimes be called a grounded base circuit. The common base amplifier
configuration is not used as widely as transistor amplifier configurations. However it does find
uses with amplifiers that require low input impedance levels. One application is for moving-coil
microphones preamplifiers - these microphones have very low impedance levels. Another
application is within VHF and UHF RF amplifiers where the low input impedance allows
accurate matching to the feeder impedance which is typically 50Ω or 75Ω. The configuration
also improves stability which is a key issue. It is worth noting that the current gain of a common-
base amplifier is always less than unity. However the voltage gain is more, but it is a function of
input and output resistances (and also the internal resistance of the emitter-base junction). As a
result, the voltage gain of a common-base amplifier can be very high.

2. Compare and contrast the op-amp inverting amplifier to a BJT common emitter amplifier
by listing as many advantages and disadvantages as you can.

The important properties of the circuits you show in the question, but recall that most of the prop
depend on the intrinsic properties of the opamp and of the transistor, and so some of the
properties’ values can vary. The OI is very near the “ideal voltage amplifier” (Zin and G can be
defined easily, Zout is near zero). The CE not so. The OI usually uses two symmetric power
supplies (but there are opamps using only a single supply, or we can adapt a single PS to provide
+ and - PS to the opamp, at the expense of using a few extra resistors and capacitors in the circuit
and of reducing the bandwidth of the amplifier at low frequencies). The CE uses a single power
supply and it accepts values of just a few Volt up to several tens of Volt (or even hundreds, in
high-voltage transistors). The CE can be used in special designs (e.g. high voltage, very low
temperature) where most opamps cannot. The design of the OI is much simpler than the design
of the CE. The OI deals with DC signals; the CE don’t. The opamp, itself a complex amplifier,
has some extra complications which can impact performance (offset voltage, bias currents, slew-
rate, noise,…). Nevertheless there are thousands of commercially available opamps, many
specialized for specific performance goals: low noise, high voltage, high bandwidth, high gain
(or precision), low bias, etc… Some special types can be expensive (while the 741 can be found
by 20 cents, or so, some specialized opamps can cost tens of dollars). The cost of all the
components in the OI or the CE (as shown) is not quite different: perhaps less than half a dollar.
The formulas of the performance figures I mentioned can be found in the references I gave, or in
many other places. The opamp inverter and the common emitter are sorts of “universal” in
electronics literature.

In Our experiment about inverting and non-inverting voltage amplifiers. With inverting
amplifiers the input and output voltages have different polarities. A positive input voltage results
in a negative output, while a negative input results in a positive output. If the input voltage varies
with time, the input and output voltages will be in antiphase (as can be seen above). This phase
difference between input and output signals allows an inverting amplifier to be identified. With
non-inverting amplifiers the input and output voltages have the same polarity. A positive input
voltage results in a positive output, while a negative input results in a negative output. The input
and output voltages for a non-inverting amplifier are in phase. With non-inverting amplifiers the
input and output voltages have the same polarity. Saturation can happen with non-inverting
amplifiers if either the input voltage or the gain is too high. Voltage followers can be used to
reduce the loading effect on a voltage divider by making the input resistance high.

 Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill, The Art of Electronics. 2nd ed. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 1989 ISBN 0-521-37095-7Op Amps For Everyone; 4th Ed; Ron
Mancini; Newnes; 304 pages; 2013
 Basic Electronics Theory, Delton T. Horn, 4th ed. McGraw-Hill Professional, 1994,
p. 342–343.
 "AN1177 Op-Amp Precision Design: DC Errors" (PDF). Microchip. 2 January
2008. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2013-01-11. Retrieved 26 December 2012.

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