Luo Points and Channels2

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Luo Point and Vessel


Transverse Luo Points

These points communicate with Yin/Yang organ elemental pairs

Ex.: The Luo point of Stomach St-40 connects with the Luo point of Spleen Sp-4

Transverse Luo points are used to balance Excesses/Deficiencies between the organ pairs
To do this, the Luo point of a meridian is used in conjunction with the Yuan point of the
meridian of its Yin/Yang paired organ
One point is tonified, the other dispersed
Ex.: When Stomach-Fire gives rise to chronic tooth pain, you disperse St-42 (Yuan
point); for the recently developed Spleen-Qi Deficiency, youd tonify Sp-4, the Luo point
For massage, using the same example:
Disperse Yuan point using Nie or Cha (scrape); or use plum blossom needle or
Tonify Luo point using with Dim or moxa


Longitudinal Luo Vessels

The vessels begin at the transverse Luo points

They do not connect elemental organ pairs
The Luo vessels generally follow the primary meridian pathway

They have their own set of pathologies

The Luo vessels function as conduits for Wei qi, influencing the skin and sinews, as well as
Ying-Qi, influencing the blood vessels
The Luo vessels are the points of origin of the sinew meridians as they evolve into blood
They can adjust the amount of energy going from Wei to Ying-Qi and back

Buffer Zone (Luo Vessel)


If Wei-Qi fights an EPF but cant kill it off, it surrounds it, then parks it in the Luo channel,
which acts as a buffer zone
This gives rise to Qi and Blood stasis
Since Blood holds emotions (as it carries the hormones responsible for them), the
stagnation causes both physical and emotional pain
Luo Vessel Pathology

This addresses the Ying/Blood level

In particular, the following organs are influenced:

Spleen which makes Blood
Heart and Pericardium move Blood
Liver stores Blood
Lungs animates Blood, i.e., supplies Qi from the outside world from which Blood is
produced and moved

There are three Blood patterns in Luo treatments:

Deficient Blood
Blood Stasis
Blood Heat
Each of these can lead to the other

Deficient Blood arises from Spleen Deficiency

This causes an accumulation of Dampness in later stages
Qi symptoms include:
No appetite
Weight loss
Blood symptoms include:
Pale complexion, nails, lips and face
Feel like theyre not getting enough
Unsatiated and unsatisfied no matter what

Blood Stasis arises from a Heart Deficiency

Symptoms include:
Unusually dark complexion (not a melanin issue)
Insomnia/restless sleep
Shen issues

Heat in Blood is a Liver issue

The Heat is caused by excess movement due to something like agitation (Ascending
Symptoms include:
Red face and head
Headache around the vertex
Gall Bladder tightening up and not secreting bile to emulsify fats, leading to
arteriosclerosis and high cholesterol


Luo Vessel Massage

With the patient in a prone position, Na from left to right across neck
Na all along midline of back, right over the spine
Na the shoulder area
Na Yang aspect of arm to dorsum of hand
Na Yin aspect of arm from heel of palm to axilla
Na outer Bladder line
Na around waist
Na butt cheeks
Na lateral sides of body
Na medial, then lateral side of posterior leg
Tui these same areas
Na then Tui anterior aspect of leg

13) You can use Che (wringing, or more accurately compression in opposite directions) on these areas
instead off Na if there is Blood Stagnation
However, this is contraindicated if there are actual blood clots, as it might cause an embolism
On or a circular stroke can also be used for Blood Stasis
14) For Heat in the Blood, the work should be light and from proximal to distal
15) For Blood Deficiency, Na should be a deeper, more penetrating squeeze, and the work should be
done distal to proximal
1) Have patient flip over
2) Take their palm and spread it open using both of your hands
3) Che the wrist (one hand twists in one direction, and the other in the opposite direction)
You can also wrap a scarf around their wrist twice, first pulling one end of the scarf
predominantly, then the other
Do this all the way up the arm
Follow by putting the arm in traction, pulling it straight outward, then medially
4) Use the above technique at the ankles, then all the way up the leg after using Che on the dorsum of
the foot
Additionally, tie the scarf around both ankles simultaneously, then put legs in traction, pulling
as hard as you can
5) Starting on the right side at the ASIS, An (pump/compress) the abdomen, keeping in time with the
patients breath
6) Slowly move up to the xyphoid process, where you should make a circular movement
7) Continue to An the abdomen down the other side
8) An from the xyphoid process up to Ren-17
9) Finish with using Dim at St-12 with your thumbs
Arm Luo Points:




Leg Luo Points:






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