Pulse Quality Possible Indication Notes & Formulas:: Right Cun

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Pulse Quality Possible Indication Notes & Formulas:

Right Cun: Lung and Upper Respiratory (above throat)

Forceful in superficial and -Excess heat (wind heat), dryness, fire in the -Qing Rei Tang 20, Yin Qiao San 20, Qian Hu 10, Niu Bang Zi
deep level (Ren 22 warm to LI, yamgming stage, dermatological disorders, 10, Zhi Mu 10, Huang Bai 10, Da Qing Ye 10, Fu Hua Shi 10
hot) upper respiratory infection, cough, dyspnea -With lots of Cough: + Sang Bai Pi 10, Zhe Bei Mu 10, Ding
Chuan Tang 20, and take out Yin Qiao San

Forceful & superficial w/ cold Bronchitis or acute wind cold -Xiao Qing Long Tang 20, Ge Gen Tang 20, Zi Wan 15, Bai
Ren 22 Bu 15, Dun Sou San 15, Qing Fei Tang 15
-w/ dampness add Hai Ge Fen20
-w/ more heat add Fu Hua Shi 20
Forceful & superficial w/ hot Asthma -Cold herbs
Ren 22 -Qing Fei Tang 20, Dun Sou San 20, Da Qing Ye 15, Niu Bang
Zi 15, Qian Hu 15, Xuan Shen 15
-Very superficial w/ cough (dryness)- increase dose of Niu
Bang Zi 20, Qian Hu 20
-If ST12 is also hot, heat in lungs may be result of ST fire, add
Tian Hua Fen 15
-w/ dampness add Fu Hai Shi 20, Hai Ge Fen 20
-If a lot of coughing add: Zhi Bei Mu, Sang Bai Pi
-If wheezing add: Ting Li Zi, Yu Xing Cao, Ma Huang
Deep Damp/phlegm in the Lung- causing respiratory Add to Fx: Fu Hai Shi 20, Hai Ge Fen 20
dysfunction (Spring 07)
-Fu Hai Shi if more heat
-Hai Ge Fen if more phlegm
Weak (and forceless) w/ Viral infection, flu
common cold symptoms
Forceless and weak w/ no cold symptoms is weak immune system -Ren Shen Yang Ying Tang w/ other diaphoretic fx
-Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang for summer heat
- Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang, Yu Ping Feng San to tonify Wei Qi
Forceless and weak in all 3 -Qi deficiency, nasal allergy, weak immune -Sheng Mai San 30, Huang Qi Jian Zhong Tang 35, Ba Zhen
levels system, deficient wei qi, rhinitis Tang 35
Gu Pulse -Gu can be on right or left cun position, systolic and diastolic
pulses can both be felt
-Easily felt on right cun w/ msg, coffee, tea, coke and caffeine
intake. Or heart murmur
Copyright 2008 Lotus Institute of Integrative Medicine: Jimmys Changs Pulse Diagnosis organized by Robert Doane 1
-Can use Mao Dong Qing 20 if it is strong
-Can use Sheng Mai San if weak
Right Guan: Sp/ST & digestive system- Mostly Stomach (can be convex or concave)
Forceful Huang Lian Jie Du Tang (11/07)
Floating and forceful H. Pylori, yangming syndrome, ST Fire, acid Huang Lian Jie Du Tang + An Zhong San
reflux -Or M3 w/ a little An Zhong San
-Note: if LI10 is cold always use An Zhong San 20
Floating and forceful, LI area H. Pylori, yangming syndrome, ST Fire, acid -If ST pain pt doesnt show disease in right guan pulse, check
is hot reflux, patient eats too much spicy food, garlic, left guan, most likely Lr is invading the ST
onions, ginger, etc -If LI area is cold w/ this pulse= body constitution is
cold/weak, heat in the ST is temporary
-Bai Wei 15, Tian Hua Fen 15, Da Qinig Ye 15, Xuan Shen 15,
Huang Lian Jie Du Tang 20, Astringent 1 20
Wiry and forceful in -Too much sugar Jia Wei Xiao Yao San or Yi Gan San 40, Huang Lian Jie Du
superficial or deep level -Wood overacting on earth (duodenal ulcer) Tang 20, Lr Dtx 40 (11/07)
Wiry and forceful in -Too much sugar Xia Ku Cao 15, Cha Chi Huang 15, Huang Shui Qie 15, Huang
superficial or deep level -Wood overacting on earth (duodenal ulcer) LIan Jie Du Tang 15, Xie Huang San 20 OR Gan Lu Yin 20, Yi
-Stomach problems w/ emotional cause/stress Gan San OR Jia Wei Xiao Yao San OR Suan Zao Ren Tang 20
Deep and concave, may be 1) Damp heat, chronic superficial gastritis -To dispel Damp: bitter and acrid Huang Lian Jie Du Tang (use
forceful or forceless 2) dermatological disorders An Zhong San if LI10 is cold)
- Use sour herbs Bai Wei, Wu Wei Zi, Shan Zhu Yu, Tian Hua
Fen, Ge Gen to strengthen the Lr to indirectly control the Sp to
dispel damp
- Wu Ling San
Deep and concave, may be Bai Wei 15, Tian Hua Fen 15, Da Qing Ye 15, Xuan Shen 15,
forceful or forceless Huang LIan Jie Du Tang 20, Astringent1 20
Deep and thin -Emotional disturbance -The harder/tighter the vessel=worse
-May be pain (thin/constricted) -Usually appears on right guan, may appear on left guan as well
-Constriction is from emotional disturbance causing stagnation
and constriction
-Use sweet herbs (softens, relaxes, helps ease pain and
constriction) 20%
-Gan Mai Da Zao Tang for Stomach pain w/ deep and thin
Convex Stomach Fire, stomach ulcer, H. pylori -M3 30, AST1 20, Bai Wei 15, Tian Hua Fen 15, ST Fx 20
infection, gastritis -Can use Huang Lian Jie Du Tang instead of M3

Copyright 2008 Lotus Institute of Integrative Medicine: Jimmys Changs Pulse Diagnosis organized by Robert Doane 2
Right Chi: Kidney: (Urinary Function)- BL/KD, UTI, shoulder, neck area
Thin, long, wiry and forceful Bone spur in the neck, hemorrhoid, -Bone Spur= Flex Spur 100 (2 scoops, 3x)
(like a wire) constipation or dermatological disorders -If Tight Lr or Lr Fire add: Chai Hu Jia Long Mu Tang or Long
Dan Xie Gan Tang
Thick, long, wiry and forceful -Kidney fire, disease in the taiyang/UB channel -Ba Zheng San 33, Long Dan Xie Gan Tang 33, ABX 33
or urinary dysfunction Bone spur in the neck, -If just Kd Fire (might be taking too many hormones): Seattle1
hemorrhoid, constipation or dermatological 50, Ba Zheng San 20, M3 30
Long and Wiry, shape of Tendon problem of the neck and shoulder
vessel is clear
Thin and wiry Bone spur, disk problem Flex Spur
Convex (turtle), up pulse Prostate or gout, soft tissue damage -Seattle1 60, Xuan Shen 20, Wu Bei Zi 20
Deep, forceful or weak w/ Frozen shoulder w/ blood stasis -Er Zhu Tang 40, Stress1 20
vague vessel border -If numbness on arms: Di Long 20, Dan Shen 20

Scattered-No shape of vessel Frozen shoulder -Fx: Shan Zha 20, He Ye 20, Jue Ming Zi 20, Chai Hu Jia Long
-Just feeling of meat, no feel of vessel Gu Mu Li Tang 20, Hu Zhang 20
-numbness and shoulder pain = frozen shoulder from damp
- Fx: Er Zhu Tang, Wu Wei Zi, Shan Zhu Yu, Da Qing Ye, Bai
Wei, Tian Hua Fen, Huang Lian Jie Du Tang (11/07)
Sharp point Kidney stone -Dissolve KS
Turtle pulse- feels like marble Soft tissue damage, shoulder and back injuries -Shu Jing Huo Xue Tang 70, Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang 30
under your finger
Turtle pulse w/ tail (additional Bone problems, ie: herniated disk, bone spur,
pulse found proximally) etc Flex Spur
Strong beat on Chi position The stronger the beat, the more inflammation, Use 80% heat clearing to reduce inflammation (11/07)
most likely an acute condition -Zhen Ren Huo Ming Yin 40, Da Ding Huang 20, Shu Jing
Huo Xue Tang 20, Seattle1 20
Weaker beat on Chi position May be chronic injury
Deep and slow Old injury w/ blood stasis Stress1 35, Flex Spur 35, M3 30
Deep and slippery Dampness in Pericardium -Wen Dan Tang 40, Gua Luo Xie Bai Ban Xia Tang 20, He Zi
15, Wu Bei Zi 15, Zhu Ru 10
-If Gu add Mao Dong Qing 20
Left Cun: Heart/SI, (cardiac, angina, MI), SI=taiyang= big and long, Ht=shaoyin=hook
Rainbow pulse- long and big, Usually gas in the Small Intestine Ge Gen Huang Lian Huang Qin Tang 25, Shao Yao Tang 25,
curves under finger, extends If pulse jumps really fast may indicate colitis, AST1 20, Da Qing Ye 15, Xuan Shen 15

Copyright 2008 Lotus Institute of Integrative Medicine: Jimmys Changs Pulse Diagnosis organized by Robert Doane 3
distally toward palm food poisoning
Pulse w/in a pulse -Coronary Heart Disorder, angina pectoris, -Mostly felt on L-cun
myocardial infarct -Severe pulse condition, body is too cold, vessels are
-Damp Cold constricted
The harder the pulse w/in pulse, the more sever the condition
- Xie Bai: blood opener (11/07)
-Dang Gui 10, Sheng Ma 10, Stress1 30, Si Ni Tang 20, Gua
Luo Xie Bai Ban Xia Tang 30
Gu Pulse Valve problem w/ the Heart -Gu can be on right or left cun position, systolic and diastolic
-prolapse, mitral valve regurgitation or stenosis pulses can both be felt
- palpitation -Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan 60, Dan Shen 20, Ci Shao 20 (11/07)
-Can be weak Gu: Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan 33, Zhi Gan Cao
Tang 33, Yang Xin Tang 33
-Can be strong Gu w/ HBP: Mao Dong Qing 20, + HBP Fx
-Or if no HBP: Mao Dong Qing 40, AST1 20, Liang Ge San
20, San Huang Xie Xin Tang 20 (if constipation)
-Reverse Hook: Tian Wanb Bu Xin Dan 33, Yang Xin Tang 33,
Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan 33
Small Pulse- forceless or weak - Heart Qi Deficiency (eastern, western) -Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan 25, Yang Xin Tang 25
in all levels - Poor concentration, decreased mental -Tonify Kd: You Gui Wan or Zuo Gui Wan 25, Shi Qian Da
function Bu Wan 25
Hook Pulse Ht Fire -Liang Ge San 50, Huang Lian Sheng Qin Wan 50
-If HBP: Xiao Feng Cao, Cardiac Car 40, Hu Zhang 15, Shu
Wei Huang 15, Shui Ding Xiang 15
Left Guan: LR/GB, emotional, gallstone, fatty liver, Hep, (Lr can be convex or concave, or flat and wiry)
Convex pulse -Liver fire, emotional and psychological -Mostly in guan, hyperactive - Liver Fire
dysfunction (stress, mood swing, insomnia) -Mostly in skinny people, they are more stressed out
-emotional disturbance -If convex in right guan is St Fire, etc
-pressing down to feel concave indicating fatty -Yi Gan San 20, Jia Wei Xiao Yao San 20, He Huan Pi 20,
liver Tian Zhu Huang 20 (11/07)
-If ST Fire: Lvr DTX 20 or M3
Wiry and forceful (superficial Liver Fire, actual organ dysfunction like -LVR DTX 15, Jia Wei Xiao Yao San 40, Huang Shui Qie 15,
or deep concave) hepatitis Cha Chi Huang 15, Xia Ku Cao 15
Deep and Concave Anxiety Circulation San Jiao 50 (not for more than 1 month), Zhe
Chong Yin 30, Jia Wei Xiao Yao San 20 (11/07)
Deep and Concave (forceful or -Fatty Lr, Damp Heat in the Lr/GB Same as above Add: Yin Chen Hao Tang 20
forceless) - Lipitor, zocor and allergy medication
Copyright 2008 Lotus Institute of Integrative Medicine: Jimmys Changs Pulse Diagnosis organized by Robert Doane 4
Concave Pulse - Fatty liver - lower than other positions, mostly seen in left guan
- Drinker - Pts w/ this pulse are often drinkers, the thinner the pulse the
- Liver cirrhosis (thin like knife blade) worse the condition
-High Cholesterol (concave w/ greasy) - Concave Pulse usually w/ greasy pulse (high cholesterol)
Left Chi: Kidney: (Reproductive function)- fertility, endometriosis, lower region/back (esp low back)
Thick, long, wiry and forceful Kd Fire, reproductive dysfunction or disease in -If present on both sides, hormonal abnormality is indicated,
the taiyang/UB channel possible breast cancer (11/07)
-Might be taking to many hormones
-Ba Zheng San 20, Seattle1 50, M3 30
-Thin, long, wiry, forceful -Bone Spur (flex spur) -Flex Spur
-Steel wire/guitar string -polycystic ovaries, uterine myomas, fibroids -Resolve Lower
(Resolve lower), constipation, hemorrhoids -Circulation SJ- leech inside to move dead blood (11/07)
-dermatological disorders - Dang Gui and Sheng Ma (25% together):opener for thin pulse
(circulation is shrunk), improves peripheral and micro vessel
circulation (11/07)
Turtle -Back pain -Strong turtle is acute pain: Zhen Ren Huo Ming Yin 25, Da Ding Huang
-Acute Pain (strong turtle) 15, Bai Wei 15, Xuan Shen 15, Hu Yao Huang 15, Pao Zi Cao 15
-Dead turtle--doesnt move much, dead blood/chronic injury: Shu Jing Huo
-Dead blood/chronic injury (dead turtle) Xue Tang + Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang, if wrist is hot add Zhi Bai Di Huang
Wan, if wrist is cold add Ba Wei Di Huang Wan
- Back of hand, close to wrist is the back, check temperature to determine fx
to use, hot or cold constitution
-turtle can be forceful or weak, superficial or deep
Strong Turtle Pulse - Back and leg injuries - Varicocele: Resolve EM 30, Seattle1 30, AST1 20, Sheng Ma
- Varicocele 10, Dang Gui 10
- Prostate enlargement (if strong turtle pulse on -Prostate: Resolve EM 50, He Zi 17, Ce Bai Ye 17, Bai Wei 17
both chi) - Myoma, fibroid: Resolve EM 100
- Myoma, fibroid
- Deep and weak or forceful -Blood stasis from old injuries -Circulation SJ
-Scattered, muddy -ask if hysterectomy, c-section, lower abd -Tonify the Kd Yang after blood stasis is removed: She Chuang
surgery Zi, Xian Mao, Er Xiang Tang, Yin Yang Huo
- Flex Spur for disk injury after surgery
Reproductive deficiency Use acrid & warm herbs
-impotence, low libido, etc To tonify Kidney Yang
Osteoporosis, jing deficiency, bone structure Use bitter and warm herbs
deficiency Osteo 8

Copyright 2008 Lotus Institute of Integrative Medicine: Jimmys Changs Pulse Diagnosis organized by Robert Doane 5

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