Ungar-Voices For Children Report - Resilient Children

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The document discusses that problematic behaviors in troubled youth may actually signal resilience and survival strategies rather than truly problematic behaviors. It also introduces the work and perspective of Dr. Michael Ungar.

The four labels given are dangerous, delinquent, deviant, and disordered.

The author says that problematic behaviors in troubled youth may actually signal a 'pathway to hidden resilience' and are the youth's way of creating identities for themselves and surviving.



Delinquent or simply resilient?

How problem behaviour can be a childs hidden path to resilience
By Michael Ungar, Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Social Work, Dalhousie University
August 2005

We see it in our classrooms and on the evening news: an endless stream of children and
teenagers who act with seemingly senseless disregard for themselves and others. But
there is another side to this. Dr. Michael Ungars work with troubled youth has shown
him that the behaviours that worry us most as parents, caregivers, police, counsellors
and educators, are those that are sometimes a young persons best strategy for
survivalin short, what we see as negative and even dangerous behaviour is actually
hiding a positive and healthy search for resilience. In this report, Dr. Ungar untangles
problem behaviours and provides new ways for us to recognize, understand and
strengthen hidden resilience.

Parents, social workers, teachers, counsellors, police and other adults in our
communities are demanding a better way to understand children who are mired
in problem behaviours. Why is it that some children, despite experiencing
adversity, manage to bounce back in what we consider positive, socially
acceptable ways such as maintaining good grades or not getting into trouble?
We call these children resilient. But resilience, the capacity to overcome
adversity, is not just a measure of how well some children behave in ways we
approve of. The paradox is that resilience is equally present in young people
whom we have labelled as dangerous, delinquent, deviant and/or disordered.
Resilient youth take advantage of whatever opportunities and resources that are
availableeven those we consider negative or destructive. That negative
behaviour shown in troubled young people can actually signal a pathway to
hidden resilience that is, just like the one chosen by their well-behaved peers,
simply focused on the need to create powerful and influential identities for
For many children and youth, the ability to demonstrate resilience in positive
ways is a reflection of the capacity of their homes, schools and communities to
provide them with the resources they need to grow into well-adjusted adults.
Despite our best intentions, we will not be able to influence how seemingly
troubled children behave until we appreciate that what we characterize as
problem behaviours may well be our childrens hidden pathways to resilience.

The Four Ds of problem children

Children who receive the most attention in our communities are those who are
dangerous, delinquent, deviant or disordered. Often they carry more than one of
these labels. The label bonds to the child, on the one hand limiting the childs
options, on the other, providing a perfect script for how to act out his or her

Dangerous children scare us with the risks they take, potentially harming
themselves or others. Dangerous children have thus far avoided jail or the
stigma of a mental health diagnosis.
Delinquent children are associated with the justice system, likely to be
involved with police and the courts. The delinquent child has broken a law,
or is dangerously close to breaking the law.
Deviant children are social misfits who break social norms. They may
have also broken the law, and have a mental health problem. More often,
they simply do things the rest of their community finds objectionable.
Disordered children either have a diagnosis as mentally ill or are likely to
be diagnosed with a mental health problem. Disorders are frequently used
to explain the childs deviance, delinquency and dangerous behaviour.
In my practice, I encounter many
children and youth whose behaviour
fits into one of the above categories,
who, despite a lack of positive and
healthy resources, are demonstrating
a remarkable resiliency in trying to
forge their own strong and individual
identities. Jessica is one such young

Until we better understand childrens strategies

for resilience we will mistake our childrens
efforts for survival to be signs of dangerous,
delinquent, deviant or disordered behaviour.
Children have shown me that problematic
behaviours are still a search for health. These
youth tell me that despite appearances to the
contrary, they are all waking up each morning
committed to surviving.
Dr. Michael Ungar, August 2005

Delinquence or resilience? Jessicas story

Most days, Jessica, 17, comes home to an empty house. Her mother, Pauline,
struggling with an addiction to alcohol, prefers the Bingo Halls to being at home.
Jessica says she knows her home is different from those of her classmates, but
she accepts it as normal. Her younger brother, 14-year-old Campbell, spends his
time away from home. He drinks, commits crime, skips school. When I finally
meet him, he says that beyond his front door he finds the fun and relationships
that make his life something he can be proud of. Jessicas survival strategies are
very different.
Shed like more contact with her parents. Shed like to have her accomplishment
of staying in school recognized. Instead, she tells me shes ignored. Her father,
Carl, when hes back from his time on the road as a truck driver, gets into
frequent arguments with Pauline, sometimes leading to pushing and shoving.
When this happens, Jessica usually leaves, couch surfs at her friends homes
for a few days, and waits until the situation at home calms. Occasionally she

numbs out with drugs. She looks for affection from boys, though confides that sex
makes her feel uncomfortable. Shes never sure, she says, that she measures up
to the expectations of her partners.
At school, she tries to be invisible. Her marks are fine and no one thinks she
needs any special help.
Jessica is finally noticed when she asks her guidance counsellor to help her
leave home. Jessica tells the counsellor shes been thinking of moving in with
some friends, or maybe her boyfriend. Once she is labelled as a youth-at-risk-ofleaving-home, Jessicas presentation of herself as the most capable one in her
family begins to unravel. The invisible child now becomes visible for what she is
doing wrong.
When Jessicas parents appear for counselling, they are polite, sober,
concerned. They are also surprised and embarrassed by Jessicas behaviour.
They argue a bit about how uncooperative the girl is, about how she doesnt take
any responsibility at home, about how she locks herself in her room. They say its
easier with Campbell. Hes busy with extra-curricular activities. Their story
about Jessica tells of a child whom they worry is going to get pregnant, who
smokes and likely does drugs. As Jessica becomes more visible to her parents,
teachers and counsellors, her own story about her success is overshadowed by
their interpretation of her actions as a failure.
How do we account for Jessicas way of coping with her life? If we were to think
only in terms of Jessicas problems, we would be quick to diagnose multiple
disorders, the effects of abuse and neglect, her low self-esteem, and even think
about things like attachment disorders, sexual promiscuity, conduct disorderall
labels common to children in similar situations (Romer, 2003; Willms, 2002).
Instead, we could look at Jessicas choices as part of her search for resilience.

The role of resilience in a childs quest for a powerful identity

Thinking about resilience, as it applies to an individuals ability to overcome
adversity, is relatively new. There was heady excitement in the late 70s and early
80s when a small group of researchers, followed by counsellors and community
workers, began to talk of children as resilient individuals who could grow up
under great stress and surviveeven thrive (Murphy & Moriarty, 1976; Rutter,
Maughan, Mortimore & Ouston, 1979). Previously, children and their families who
coped with problems like poverty, mental illness, abuse, unemployment,
depression, addictions and any other situation that put them at-risk were looked
at through the lens of psychopathologyas exhibiting symptoms of mental
disorders or abnormal behaviours.
Ann Masten (2001), a leading resilience researcher and psychologist, is today as
enthralled with these troubled-yet-resilient children as was her mentor, Norman

Garmezy (Garmezy, Masten & Tellegen, 1984), two decades earlier. Masten
says that resilience isnt something exceptional, but in fact occurs in the ordinary
magic of lives lived well under stress. Small decisions, mild acts of courage,
unnoticed efforts to survive are often the pathways that children take to achieve
Researchers like Masten have discovered that a number of these children,
anywhere from 10 to upwards of 60 per cent, depending on how resilience is
defined and outcomes measured, show a surprising capacity to cope well
(Kaplan, 1999; Werner & Smith, 1992). In fact, parents of teens at-risk may be
comforted to know the odds are in their childs favour of turning out just fine.
Terrie Moffit (1997) and her colleagues have shown that as many as 95 per cent
of troubled youth desist from their problem behaviours after turning 18-years-old.
The trouble is, as childrens parents, caregivers, educators, mentors and even,
(when things go terribly wrong) jailors, we havent fully appreciated the way
children create an identity for themselves as resilient from the resources they
have available. When these resources are scarce, children and youth turn to
problem behaviours to find a powerful way to assert a preferred identity as a
survivor (see Boyden & Mann, 2005; Gilgun, 1999; Ungar, 2005).

Uncovering hidden resilience

Until we better understand childrens strategies for resilience we will mistake our
childrens efforts for survival to be signs of dangerous, delinquent, deviant or
disordered behaviour. Children have shown me that problematic behaviours are
still a search for health. These youth tell me that despite appearances to the
contrary, they are all waking up each morning committed to surviving. Some
youth practice keeping one story about themselves going without interruption.
They are stuck with one identity and are content to use it to their advantage. That
one identity might drive adults crazy with its seemingly tenacious hold on the
child, but it is this story which children say is their salvation when confronted with
overwhelming risks and challenges.
To uncover this hidden resilience, we need to:

Understand the importance of parents and other caregivers, not just peers,
to children who do well despite adversity.
Invite young peoples street identities (and the peers who support them)
into our homes and classrooms to better understand who they are when
they are beyond our control.
Hear our childrens truths about a world they perceive as denying them the
opportunities for both acceptance and excitement.
Provide substitutes for the problem behaviours that troubled children and
youth say give them powerful identities as problem kids.

Of these strategies for uncovering hidden resilience, providing substitutes for

problem behaviour is a crucialand challengingstep to helping a child forge a
positive, strong identity.

Substitute rather than suppress

In Jessicas case, both of her labels, as either dutiful child or out-of-control
teen, show equal signs of resilient behaviour. Children tell me they only change
when we offer them a substitute that brings with it the same advantages as their
problem identity. They have taught me it is better to substitute than suppress
problem behaviours.
The quality of the substitutes we offer is the fulcrum upon which childrens
choices pivot. After all, dangerous, delinquent, deviant and disordered
behaviours all bring with them a particular kind of solution to lifes problems.
When the substitutes we offer meet young peoples needs for a powerful and
socially acceptable identity, they are far more likely to take advantage of them.
They are quite willing to express their problem behaviours in socially acceptable
waysthe drug dealer can be entrepreneurial; the gang member loyal to family;
the sexually promiscuous teen caring of others.
Problem behaviours as diverse as bullying, drug use, sexual promiscuity and
truancy are all attractive to children because they satisfy the childs need for
power, recreation, acceptance, or a sense of meaningful participation in his/her
community. These are just a few of the benefits that come from behaving badly,
as both childrens testimony confirms and research supports (Hagan, 1991;
Hagan & McCarthy, 1997; Rahey & Craig, 2002; Robinson, 1994; Ungar, 2002).
Not surprisingly, these same factors form the foundation of resilience (Kaplan,
1999; Luthar, 2003) although we seldom acknowledge that dangerous,
delinquent, deviant and disordered behaviours can lead to health-related
psychosocial outcomes such as feeling powerful, being accepted or participating
in a meaningful way. To help children move away from problematic behaviours
we must understand the good things that children say they gain from playing at
being bad (Ungar, 2002, 2004). We can move further when we offer youth
substitute behaviours that reward them with the same power and control they find
when they act in ways that trouble us.
Why cant kids appreciate the same things about themselves that we adults
appreciate about them? Often, this is because what we see in youth reflects what
we value rather than what they value. For Jessica, moving out, taking drugs,
having sex with her boyfriend, all meant control over her body and eventually her
life. To judge Jessicas behaviour as a failure overlooks the power of her solution.
She found attachments, recognition, and status as an adult in ways socially
determined for young women by a society that limits their choices (Brown, 1998).

In Jessicas case, family counselling that moved the focus from the problem
child to the familys problems played an important role in helping Jessica to
display fewer negative behaviours. Suddenly, she was back in control, helping
her parents to receive the attention they needed. Even better, with the counsellor
as her advocate, Jessica was able to tell her parents she needed more attention.
She wanted them to appreciate her more, and in time they did. But even if they
hadnt, there were other adults who were willing to play their roles as parentsubstitutes, and act as witnesses to Jessicas efforts at being normal.
It was only in the absence of these adults that Jessica had turned to peers for the
recognition she craved. Many youth like Jessica are not so fortunate. Parents
drag them to counsellors demanding they stop their problem behaviours without
understanding the purpose of the behaviour, nor offering a substitute that brings
with it an identity that is just as powerful.
Jessicas brother, Campbell, needed a very different intervention. He wasnt
seeking his parents recognition. He had no academic achievements to boast
about. Meeting Campbells needs meant understanding the adventure he was
finding beyond his front door. Campbell, modelling his life on his fathers, wanted
to be respected for what he could do. It surprised his parents that what Campbell
really wanted was to help his father work on his truck, to travel with his father,
and even get a job. Understanding Campbells world as he saw it, his markers of
success were similar to those of his parents, but his access to the means to
achieve that success was largely unavailable.

Strategies for finding substitute behaviours

Making the right match between the substitute and the problem behaviour
demands an appreciation for what is really important to the youth and how
problem behaviours sustain his/her resilience. A number of strategies are useful
when seeking effective and more socially acceptable substitutes:

Dont tell, share. Caregivers, formal or informal, who model

alternative pathways to resilience and share information about their
own struggles through life are also those who most often have the
greatest influence on their children.
Not knowing is a good place to start. The caregiver who inquires
with sincere interest (rather than adult-centric bias) about the childs
life, what he or she likes and dislikes, feels and thinks, is the caregiver
who will find the clues to what the child is achieving through problem
Favour choice over advice. Offering children realistically achievable
choices with the resources to make each one happen is most likely to
provide at-risk children with powerful alternatives to problem
Be there, now and forever. Caregivers who offer continuity in

relationships, witnessing the childs powerful performance of identity

across different settings of school, home and community, will help the
child sustain resilience in more than one part of his/her life.

Performing resilient identities

In my therapeutic work, I encourage youth to take advantage of opportunities that
allow them to perform their new identities, identities they experience as signs of
resilience. In this regard, I am guided by the Russian Philosopher Mikhail
Bakhtins (1986) work on how we perform our identities, as if we are all together
under one big circus tent, each an extraordinary illusionist, making others believe
what we believe about ourselves. Bakhtin emphasizes that for our identity story
to take hold it must be performed. As others recognize us, so too do we better
recognize ourselves as powerful.
Children will continue to seek out ways to become confident, powerful people.
Drawing on the resources at hand, they will find their own pathways to resilience,
even if they are misguided or lacking in our approval. Our challenge is to provide
all young people with positive, consistently available opportunities and resources
to help them become healthy, well-adjusted individuals. When we dont meet this
challenge, our duty is to recognize and work with problem behaviours in a
young persons quest for success.

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Boyden, J. & Mann, G. (2005). Childrens risk, resilience, and coping in extreme
situations. In M. Ungar (ed.), A handbook for working with children and youth:
Pathways to resilience across cultures and contexts (pp.3-26). Thousand Oaks,
CA: Sage.
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nature and design. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.
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Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Garmezy, N., Masten, A.S., & Tellegen, A. (1984). The study of stress and
competence in children: A building block for developmental psychopathology.
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Gilgun, J.F. (1999). Mapping resilience as process among adults with childhood
adversities. In H.I. McCubbin, E.A. Thompson, A.I. Thompson & J.A. Futrell

(Eds.), The Dynamics of Resilient Families (pp. 41-70). Thousand Oaks, CA:
Hagan, J. & McCarthy, B. (1997). Mean streets: Youth crime and homelessness.
New York: Cambridge University Press.
Hagan, J. (1991). Destiny and drift: Subcultural preferences, status attainments,
and the risks and rewards of youth. American Sociological Review, 56 (October),
Kaplan, H.B. (1999). Toward an understanding of resilience: A critical review of
definitions and models. In M.D. Glantz & J.L. Johnson (Eds.), Resilience and
development: Positive life adaptations (pp. 17-84). New York: Kluwer/Plenum.
Luthar, S.S. (Ed.) (2003). Resilience and vulnerability: Adaptation in the context
of childhood adversities. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Masten, A.S. (2001). Ordinary magic: Resilience processes in development.
American Psychologist, 56(3), 227-238.
Moffitt, T. E. (1997). Adolescents-limited and life-course-persistent offending: A
complimentary pair of developmental theories. In T. P. Thornberry (Ed.),
Developmental Theories of Crime and Delinquency (pp. 11-54). New Brunswick,
NJ: Transaction Publishers
Murphy, L.B. & Moriarty, A.E. (1976). Vulnerability, coping, and growth from
infancy to adolescence. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Rahey, L. & Craig, W.M. (2002) Evaluation of An Ecological Program to Reduce
Bullying in Schools. Canadian Journal of Counselling 36(4), 281-296.
Robinson, R. A. (1994). Private pain and public behaviors: Sexual abuse and
delinquent girls. In C.K. Riessman (Ed.), Qualitative studies in social work
research (pp. 73-94). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Romer, D. (Ed.) (2003). Reducing adolescent risk: Toward an integrated
approach. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Rutter, M., Maughan, B., Mortimore, P., & Ouston, J. (1979). Fifteen thousand
hours: Secondary schools and their effects on children. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press.
Ungar, M. (2002). Playing at being Bad: The resilience of troubled teens.
Pottersfield Press.

Ungar, M. (2004). Nurturing hidden resilience in troubled youth. Toronto:

University of Toronto Press.
Ungar, M. (2005). Introduction: Resilience across cultures and contexts. In M.
Ungar (ed.), A handbook for working with children and youth: Pathways to
resilience across cultures and contexts (pp.xv-xxxix). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Werner, E.E., & Smith, R.S. (1992). Overcoming the Odds: High Risk Children
from Birth to Adulthood. Ithaca, NY: Cornel University Press.
Willms, D. (2002). A study of vulnerable children. In D. Willms (Ed.), Vulnerable
Children (pp. 3-22). Edmonton, AB: University of Alberta Press.

Resources and Links

The International Resilience Project (IRP) is an international research project
that is using different types of research methods to examine what helps children
and youth cope with the many challenges that they face in life. It looks at this
from the perspective of youth, elders and others in each community that
participates. The project is working with children, youth, and elders in 11
countries and on five continents around the world.
ResilienceNet provides the single, most comprehensive world-wide source of
current, reviewed information about human resilience http://resilnet.uiuc.edu/
The Reaching InReaching Out Project is based in Ontario and takes new
human knowledge about resiliency promotion and adapts and evaluates the
Penn Resilience Program (PRP) school-age model for use with children six years
and younger. The PRP is based on many years of systematic research on
depression prevention by Dr. Martin Seligman and his colleagues at the
University of Pennsylvania. This program helps children learn to Reach In to
think more flexibly and accurately and to Reach Out to take on new
opportunities. http://www.reachinginreachingout.com/
Ungar, M. (2004). Nurturing Hidden Resilience in Troubled Youth. University of
Toronto Press.
Ungar, M. (2005). A Handbook for Working With Children and Youth: Pathways
to Resilience Across Cultures and Contexts. Sage Publications
Ungar, M. (2002). Playing at Being Bad: The Hidden Resilience of Troubled
Teens. Pottersfield Press


Author Bio:
Michael Ungar, Ph.D. is both a social worker and marriage and family therapist
with experience working directly with children and adults in mental health,
educational and correctional settings. Now an Associate Professor at the School
of Social Work at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, he continues to
supervise and consult extensively with mental health professionals in Canada,
the United States and overseas. He has conducted many workshops
internationally on resilience-related themes relevant to the treatment and study of
at-risk youth and has published dozens of peer-reviewed articles on resilience
and work with children and their families. He is also the author of three books:
Playing at Being Bad (Pottersfield Press), a book for parents; Nurturing Hidden
Resilience in Troubled Youth (University of Toronto Press), a book for family
therapists; and an edited volume, the Handbook for Working with Children and
Youth: Pathways to Resilience Across Cultures and Contexts (Sage
Publications). Dr. Ungar holds numerous research grants from national funding
bodies and is a collaborator on several international research projects. Currently
he leads a study titled: Methodological and contextual challenges researching
childhood resilience: An international collaboration that includes researchers
from 11 countries on five continents.
Contact the author:

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