DLL MAPEH 9 - Week 3
DLL MAPEH 9 - Week 3
DLL MAPEH 9 - Week 3
B. Establishing purpose for The teacher will ask the “Fact or Bluff” The Community is defined
“Fact or Bluff” The
the lesson students to arrange the teacher will call two as a sociological group
teacher will call two
rambled letters to form students all questions in a large place
students all questions let
words about the let the student raise sharing one
the student raise their
Renaissance period. their hand to answer if environment. It
hand to answer if the
1. MASS – SMAS Things to ponder: the statement given is therefore includes the
statement given is FACT
2. MADRIGAL – 1. How did you classify FACT or BLUFF then individual and the
or BLUFF then after
LADRMAGI the different artworks into answering give the reason after answering give family. Community
3. RENAISSANCE – their respective periods? the reason why he/she Health is defined as
why he/she say so.
ENASSIACREN 2. What was your basis of say so. the art and science of
Which among the
4. THOMAS MORLEY – classification? Which among the maintaining,
practices are considered
HMASOT LERYOM practices are protecting, and
healthy and which are
5. GIOVANNI considered healthy and improving the health
PALESTRINA – which are unhealthy? of all the members of
Which of these do you the community
IANINOGV Which of these do
do? through organized and
sustained community
efforts. Environmental
Health comprises
those aspects of
human health that are
determined by
physical, chemical,
biological, social, and
psychosocial factors in
the surrounding
C. Presenting examples/ The teacher will present a The teacher will Activity 3. THE
instances of the new lesson video about eating habits present a video about HEALTH EXPERT
of teenagers. eating habits of You are presently
https://www.youtube.com teenagers. working at the World
The teacher will post / watch?v=_3JZK8vE_1g https://www.youtube.c Health Organization as
pictures that illustrate the The students will give om/ watch? a Health Expert.
cultural and historical their insight about the v=_3JZK8vE_1g The Several students will
background of the video clip. students will give their interview you about
renaissance period and insight about the video community and
medieval period. clip. environmental health.
Show to students the Here are some of the
paintings from pre- questions that you will
be asked. Write your
historic era.
response to each
question on the space
1. How do you assess
if your community is
healthy? What are the
characteristics of a
What can you say about healthy community?
the pictures? 2. What are some of
Are historical and the benefits that we
cultural background of can enjoy with a
medieval and renaissance healthy community?
period still the same? 3. How do we
maintain, protect, and
preserve health amidst
the rising development
of our community?
D. Discussing new concept The teacher discusses the The students will learn The teacher will discuss The teacher will Activity 4. PRIORITY
and practicing new skills historical and cultural about the different the eating habits based on discuss the eating EXPRESS
#1 This activity will ask
you to set your
priorities in promoting
a healthier life inside a
more developed and
advanced community.
characteristics, functions, There are two options
and types of art forms given in each of the
(painting, sculpture, habits based on category.
architecture) from pre- Philippine food pyramid/ Philippine food Mark (1) if the option
background, mass,
Historic (including food plate. pyramid/ food plate. is your priority.
madrigal, and the
ancient Egyptian art *Nutrition and weight *Nutrition and weight Mark (2) if second.
composers of the
forms), Classical (Greek *Determining Calories *Determining Calories You can add options
Renaissance period
and Roman) up to *Basal Metabolic Rate *Basal Metabolic Rate on the space provided.
through power point
Medieval era (Baroque *the thermal Effect of *the thermal Effect of
presentation and
and Romanesque art food Through PowerPoint food Through
forms.) Try to analyze presentation. PowerPoint
each art form and presentation.
discover how they
develop in every period.
E. Discussing new concept Group Activity: Individual Activity: To The teacher will continue The teacher will Activity 5. WHAT
and practicing new skills Each group will receive a know how much you discussing about eating continue discussing MATTERS TO YOU?
#2 task card which contain have learned from the habits, myths, and risk about eating habits, Given the examples
the task they need to discussion about the factors. myths, and risk below, what could be
perform. paintings of the Early *Maximizing Food factors. your top concern
Group A – Listen to Age, fill in the box with Consumption *Maximizing Food among priority issues
troubadour music and the characteristics and *Daily Estimated Consumption in the community?
explore the art and media functions that would best Calories and *Daily Estimated Write down your top
used in the music. describe the painting in Recommended Servings Calories and priority at the base and
Group B – Listen and every era/period. for adolescents Recommended your last priority on
Create an improvised *Energy Balance Servings for top of pyramid.
accompaniment of the *Estimating Calorie adolescents
music. Needs based on Sex, Age, *Energy Balance
Group C – Listen and and activity Level of *Estimating Calorie
sing the given troubadour adolescents. Needs based on Sex,
music. After this discussion the Age, and activity
teacher will present a Level of adolescents.
After this discussion
video clip about the teacher will
consequences of present a video clip
unhealthy habits. about consequences of
https://www.youtube.com unhealthy habits.
/watch? https://www.youtube.c
v=KCppyzGe5LU om/watch?
Processing Questions:
1. Who among the
community health
team are not present in
your community?
2. What will you do
about their absence?
3. How will you
convince the members
of your community to
take part in
community health
VI. Reflection
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal or supervisor can
helped me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?