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DLL MAPEH 9 - Week 3

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Grade 1 to 12 School Naugsol Integrated School Grade 9

Teacher Marry Jane V. Delos Santos Subject MAPEH
Daily Lesson Log Date and time of teaching September 05 – September 09, 2022 Quarter 1

Date: August 29 August 30 August 31 September 01 September 02

Time: 1:40 – 2:30pm (P) 1:40 – 2:30pm (P) 12:50 – 1:40 pm (P)
1:40 – 2:30pm (P) 1:40 – 2:30pm (S)
2:50 – 3:40pm (S) 2:50 – 3:40pm (S) 1:40 – 2:30pm (S)
P.E. P.E.
I. Objective
The learner demonstrates understanding of characteristic features of the Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque period music.
The learner will art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight management to promote community fitness
The learner demonstrates understanding of the principles in protecting the environment for community wellness
The learner performs selected songs from Medieval, renaissance, and baroque periods
a) Chants; b) Madrigals; c) excerpts from oratorio; d) chorales; e) troubadour.
The learner will perform / participate competently in a presentation of a creative impression (verbal/nonverbal) of a particular artistic
B. Performance Standard period
The learners maintain an active lifestyle to influence the physical activity participation of the community, practice healthy eating
habits that support an active lifestyle
The learner consistently demonstrates healthful practices to protect the environment for community wellness
relates Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music to its historical and cultural background through dramatization
MU9MRB -Ic-f3
The learner analyzes art elements and principles in the production of work following the style of a western and classical art A9EL-
C. Learning Competencies
The learner undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments. PE9PF-Ia-h-23
The learner defines community and environmental health. H9CE-Ia-8
MUSIC OF THE MEDIEVAL PERIOD (700-1400) Gregorian chants, Troubadour music, Composer - Adam de la Halle
Western Classical Art traditions
II. Content Lifestyle and weight management
Community and Environmental health

III. Learning Resources

A. Reference
1. Teacher’s guide pages Page 11-15 Page 190-197 Page 5-6 Page 5-6 Page 4-10
2. Learner’s guide pages Page 9-12 Page 141-160
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional learning resources https:// https:// https://
www.youtube.com/ www.youtube.com/
watch?v=DEeAN471boQ watch?
B. Other Learning
IV. Procedure
A. Reviewing previous lesson PRE-ASSESSMENT: The message reads:
or presenting the new From the choices below, _____________
lesson write the letters Processing Question:
corresponding to the 1. What does the
pictures on the Eras BOARD WORK message tell us?
where they should The teacher will give Explain your answer.
The teacher will give an
belong. Timeline Photo: an example of height 2. Is acquiring health
The teacher will ask the example of height and
and weight and call in the community
following questions to the weight and call somebody
somebody in front of relevant? Why?
students: in front of the class to
the class to solve for
 What is a troubadour solve for the BMI
the BMI
music?  H-137cm W-49
 H-137cm W-49
 Who is the composer of  H-168cm W-66
 H-168cm W-66
Medieval period?  H135cm W- 39
 H135cm W- 39
 H 150cm W-66
 H 150cm W-66
 H158cm W-57
 H158cm W-57

B. Establishing purpose for The teacher will ask the “Fact or Bluff” The Community is defined
“Fact or Bluff” The
the lesson students to arrange the teacher will call two as a sociological group
teacher will call two
rambled letters to form students all questions in a large place
students all questions let
words about the let the student raise sharing one
the student raise their
Renaissance period. their hand to answer if environment. It
hand to answer if the
1. MASS – SMAS Things to ponder: the statement given is therefore includes the
statement given is FACT
2. MADRIGAL – 1. How did you classify FACT or BLUFF then individual and the
or BLUFF then after
LADRMAGI the different artworks into answering give the reason after answering give family. Community
3. RENAISSANCE – their respective periods? the reason why he/she Health is defined as
why he/she say so.
ENASSIACREN 2. What was your basis of say so. the art and science of
 Which among the
4. THOMAS MORLEY – classification?  Which among the maintaining,
practices are considered
HMASOT LERYOM practices are protecting, and
healthy and which are
5. GIOVANNI considered healthy and improving the health
PALESTRINA – which are unhealthy? of all the members of
 Which of these do you the community
IANINOGV  Which of these do
do? through organized and
sustained community
efforts. Environmental
Health comprises
those aspects of
human health that are
determined by
physical, chemical,
biological, social, and
psychosocial factors in
the surrounding
C. Presenting examples/ The teacher will present a The teacher will Activity 3. THE
instances of the new lesson video about eating habits present a video about HEALTH EXPERT
of teenagers. eating habits of You are presently
https://www.youtube.com teenagers. working at the World
The teacher will post / watch?v=_3JZK8vE_1g https://www.youtube.c Health Organization as
pictures that illustrate the The students will give om/ watch? a Health Expert.
cultural and historical their insight about the v=_3JZK8vE_1g The Several students will
background of the video clip. students will give their interview you about
renaissance period and insight about the video community and
medieval period. clip. environmental health.
Show to students the Here are some of the
paintings from pre- questions that you will
be asked. Write your
historic era.
response to each
question on the space
1. How do you assess
if your community is
healthy? What are the
characteristics of a
 What can you say about healthy community?
the pictures? 2. What are some of
 Are historical and the benefits that we
cultural background of can enjoy with a
medieval and renaissance healthy community?
period still the same? 3. How do we
maintain, protect, and
preserve health amidst
the rising development
of our community?
D. Discussing new concept The teacher discusses the The students will learn The teacher will discuss The teacher will Activity 4. PRIORITY
and practicing new skills historical and cultural about the different the eating habits based on discuss the eating EXPRESS
#1 This activity will ask
you to set your
priorities in promoting
a healthier life inside a
more developed and
advanced community.
characteristics, functions, There are two options
and types of art forms given in each of the
(painting, sculpture, habits based on category.
architecture) from pre- Philippine food pyramid/ Philippine food Mark (1) if the option
background, mass,
Historic (including food plate. pyramid/ food plate. is your priority.
madrigal, and the
ancient Egyptian art *Nutrition and weight *Nutrition and weight Mark (2) if second.
composers of the
forms), Classical (Greek *Determining Calories *Determining Calories You can add options
Renaissance period
and Roman) up to *Basal Metabolic Rate *Basal Metabolic Rate on the space provided.
through power point
Medieval era (Baroque *the thermal Effect of *the thermal Effect of
presentation and
and Romanesque art food Through PowerPoint food Through
forms.) Try to analyze presentation. PowerPoint
each art form and presentation.
discover how they
develop in every period.

E. Discussing new concept Group Activity: Individual Activity: To The teacher will continue The teacher will Activity 5. WHAT
and practicing new skills Each group will receive a know how much you discussing about eating continue discussing MATTERS TO YOU?
#2 task card which contain have learned from the habits, myths, and risk about eating habits, Given the examples
the task they need to discussion about the factors. myths, and risk below, what could be
perform. paintings of the Early *Maximizing Food factors. your top concern
Group A – Listen to Age, fill in the box with Consumption *Maximizing Food among priority issues
troubadour music and the characteristics and *Daily Estimated Consumption in the community?
explore the art and media functions that would best Calories and *Daily Estimated Write down your top
used in the music. describe the painting in Recommended Servings Calories and priority at the base and
Group B – Listen and every era/period. for adolescents Recommended your last priority on
Create an improvised *Energy Balance Servings for top of pyramid.
accompaniment of the *Estimating Calorie adolescents
music. Needs based on Sex, Age, *Energy Balance
Group C – Listen and and activity Level of *Estimating Calorie
sing the given troubadour adolescents. Needs based on Sex,
music. After this discussion the Age, and activity
teacher will present a Level of adolescents.
After this discussion
video clip about the teacher will
consequences of present a video clip
unhealthy habits. about consequences of
https://www.youtube.com unhealthy habits.
/watch? https://www.youtube.c
v=KCppyzGe5LU om/watch?

F. Developing Mastery (Leads ACTIVITY TIME: Answer Activity 6

to formative assessment) Analyzing Primary page 11 on your
Source The teacher will notebook.
group the students into 5 Processing Questions:
Group Activity: and provide different 1. From your answers
The teacher will play a pictures of prehistoric above, can you
short video clip about the arts. Members of the consider your
Renaissance period: The group will answer the community healthy?
students will be asked the following questions Why or why not?
following questions: individually. Their leader Explain.
 What can you say about will collect best answers 2. What services did
the video clip? and chose a you not observe in
 What events happened representative to discuss. your community?
struck you most? Why? 1. Describe the picture 2. 3. What programs can
What do you think is the you do to acquire such
message of the artifact? 3. services?
Is this artifact significant?
Why? Or why not?
G. Find practical applications Group Activity: DRAW YOUR The teacher will group The teacher will group Activity 7.
of concepts and skills in The students will create a ANSWER The students the students in to 5 the students in to 5 Community Health
daily living short skit or will answer this question groups let them make a groups let them make Team Profile Put a
dramatization that will by drawing his or her idea simple 2–3-minute role a simple 2–3-minute check (/) either in
show the historical and on the board. What are playing about Unhealthy role playing about column 1 or 2. Write
cultural background of the implications of eating habits of Filipinos Unhealthy eating brief answers in
the Renaissance period. ancient art in the modern and how they can habits of Filipinos and columns 3 & 4.
society? (Or emoticons overcome this bad habit how they can
about the emotion that to escape risk factors. overcome this bad
can be derived from the habit to escape risk
art works) factors.

Processing Questions:
1. Who among the
community health
team are not present in
your community?
2. What will you do
about their absence?
3. How will you
convince the members
of your community to
take part in
community health

H. Making generalization and Activity 8. Miting de

abstraction about the lesson Avance (Group
Activity) Portray a
scenario that usually
happens during an
election period. The
scene is like a big
The teacher will ask the The student will campaign event before
complete the open- an election. Divide the
following questions: The student will complete
ended statement I’ve class into 5 teams
 What are the the open-ended statement
learned that calories composing of 8
characteristics and I’ve learned that calories
What is the significance that my body needed members. Each team
elements of arts that that my body needed is
of learning the historical is _______________. will focus their
make the following _______________.
and cultural background 2. I’ve realized that campaign on the
archaeological 2. I’ve realized that eating
of the Renaissance eating habit is preservation,
discoveries effective habit is important because
period? Why? important because promotion and
artwork? __________________.
__________________. protection of
 What are the noticeable 3. A am happy because
3. A am happy community and
influences of ancient art _______________.
because environmental health.
to the modern world? _______________. Use a placard to
express your intention.
Provide as many
placards as you can.
Be creative. Present
your platforms to the
class and prepare for
an Open Forum.
I. Evaluating learning Use Rubrics based on the The teacher will collect The students will evaluate The students will Activity 9. Speech-
group presentation (letter the students’ individual the role playing based on evaluate the role Perfect If you were
G) papers in the activity the rubrics playing based on the given a chance to
become Mother Earth
for a day, and you
were asked to give a
30-minute talk to
address your
sentiments to the
people, what would be
the content of your
Analyzing Primary
source. The teacher will
Guide Questions:
score their answers using
1. What are the
these rubrics: rubrics
problems of Mother
Focus and details 5pts
Word choice 3pts
2. How can Mother
Grammar 2pts
Earth address her
sentiments to the
3. How can she regain
strength to reshape her
condition amidst the
threats she is suffering
J. Additional activities for The teacher will play Le Do attached worksheet Activity 9. Speech-
application or remediation Jeu de Robin et de CAVE ART IS.. Perfect If you were
Marion and La Chanson given a chance to
du roi de sicile. become Mother Earth
for a day, and you
were asked to give a
30-minute talk to
address your
sentiments to the
people, what would be
the content of your
message? Guide
1. What are the
problems of Mother
2. How can Mother
Earth address her
sentiments to the
3. How can she regain
strength to reshape her
condition amidst the
threats she is suffering
K. Assignment Remind the students to Study the community
Remind the students to wear proper PE health problems.
wear proper PE uniform uniform for PFT.
for PFT. Bring the Bring the Following
Following Materials Materials needed in
needed in PFT PFT
 Tape measure  Tape measure
Study the other forms of  Stop Clock  Stop Clock
Renaissance period.
 Markers/ chalk  Markers/ chalk
 Wooden Blocks  Wooden Blocks
 Meter stick  Meter stick
 Ruler  Ruler
 Manila Paper/ Anything  Manila Paper/
that can be used as Matt Anything that can be
used as Matt
V. Remarks

VI. Reflection
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal or supervisor can
helped me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:

Teacher I Principal III

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