Prepare, Prepare, Prepare For That Interview!: Don't Sweat The Interview
Prepare, Prepare, Prepare For That Interview!: Don't Sweat The Interview
Prepare, Prepare, Prepare For That Interview!: Don't Sweat The Interview
This handout will provide you with information to prepare for your interview. It contains some of the following:
! rules about the interview, how it will flow and what information should be covered
! general interviewing questions you should be prepared to answer
! specific and technical questions that may be asked of you
Know how to keep yourself calm. The best way to do this is to be prepared! Research the company and the interviewer,
if possible. Have you done any informational interviews about this industry?
Know what kind of interview to expect? a screening interview, a stress interview....
Know why you want the job. Identify your wants and your needs—and know the difference!
Be able to express specifically the marketable skills you have to offer the organization.
Be prepared for the standard interview questions and know your answers to them.
Be prepared to answer that killer question.
Know how to deal with illegal questions tactfully during the interview.
Prepare questions you wish to ask—only ask questions you can't find answers to yourself.
Line up your references in advance and verify that they will be good ones.
Find out the standard dress for the organization. Dress on the conservative side and arrive early.
Bring extra resumes, notepad, and pens.
Be sure you know how to pronounce your interviewer's name correctly.
Be polite to everyone you meet there. They all count. Be personable as well as professional.
Do not chew gum, smoke, swear or use slang. Be aware of body language, vibes, and reactions—use your instincts to
keep things on course.
Assume all questions are asked for a good reason and answer accordingly. Do not assume that your interviewer knows
how to elicit the information he/she is looking for.
Feel free to ask for clarification before answering a question. Take some time to formulate your answers before you
Answer all questions honestly, but in the best, most positive light.
Make some notes about the interview right after you leave.
Send a thank you letter ASAP to each interviewer.
Be sure to know how to spell all names and know correct titles.
1. Keep your answers brief and concise. Unless asked to give more details, limit your answers to two to three minutes
per question. Tape yourself and see how long it takes you to fully answer a question.
2. Include concrete, quantifiable data. Interviewees tend to talk in generalities. Unfortunately, generalities often fail to
convince interviewers that the applicant has assets. Include measurable information and provide details about specific
accomplishments when discussing your strengths.
3. Repeat your key strengths three times. It’s essential that you comfortably and confidently articulate your strengths.
Explain how the strengths relate to the company’s or department’s goals and how they might benefit the potential
employer. If you repeat your strengths then they will be remembered and—if supported with quantifiable
accomplishments—they will more likely be believed.
4. Prepare five or more success stories. In preparing for interviews, make a list of your skills and key assets. Then
reflect on past jobs and pick out one or two instances when you used those skills successfully.
5. Put yourself on their team. Ally yourself with the prospective employer by using the employer’s name and products or
services. For example, “As a member of __________, I would carefully analyze the __________ and ______.” Show
that you are thinking like a member of the team and will fit in with the existing environment. Be careful though not to say
anything that would offend or be taken negatively. Your research will help you in this area.
6. Image is often as important as content. What you look like and how you say something are just as important as what
you say. Studies have shown that 65 percent of the conveyed message is nonverbal; gestures, physical appearance,
and attire are highly influential during job interviews.
7. Ask questions. The types of questions you ask and the way you ask them can make a tremendous impression on the
interviewer. Good questions require advance preparation. Just as you plan how you would answer an interviewer’s
questions, write out any specific questions you want to ask. Then look for opportunities to ask them during the interview.
Don’t ask about benefits or salary. The interview process is a two-way street whereby you and the interviewer assess
each other to determine if there is an appropriate match.
9. Research the company, product lines and competitors. Research will provide information to help you decide whether
you’re interested in the company and important data to refer to during the interview.
10. Keep an interview journal. As soon as possible, write a brief summary of what happened. Note any follow-up action
you should take and put it in your calendar. Review your presentation. Keep a journal of your attitude and the way you
answered the questions. Did you ask questions to get the information you needed? What might you do differently next
time? Prepare and send a brief, concise thank you letter. Restate your skills and stress what you can do for the
Because of its importance, interviewing requires advance preparation. Only you will be able to positively affect
the outcome. You must be able to compete successfully with the competition for the job you want. In order to do that, be
certain you have considered the kind of job you want, why you want it, and how you qualify for it. You also must face
reality: Is the job attainable?
In addition, recognize what it is employers want in their candidates. They want “can do” and “will do” employees.
Recognize and use the following factors to your benefit as you develop your sales presentation. In evaluating
candidates, employers consider the following factors:
4. What would you do for us? What can you do for us that someone else can't?
Relate past experiences that show you've had success in solving previous employer problem(s) that may be similar to
those of the prospective employer.
5. What about the job offered do you find the most attractive? Least attractive?
List three or more attractive factors and only one minor unattractive factor.
8. Please give me your definition of a ....(the position for which you are being interviewed).
Keep it brief -- give an action- and results-oriented definition.
9. How long would it take you to make a meaningful contribution to our firm?
Not long at all -- you expect only a brief period of adjustment to the learning curve.
1. Please describe any technical hobbies or interests you have.
2. How do you approach a technical problem? Give an example.
3. What exposure have you had to (software, hardware, product marketing, budgeting, etc.)?
4. Briefly describe a technical project that you found challenging or rewarding.
5. What have you done above and beyond class or course work especially in an area related to your major?
6. Have you published any papers or projects?
7. Have you ever been in a situation where you found yourself without the specific technical knowledge to perform a task essential to your
project? What did you do?
8. What do you consider to be your greatest strengths?
9. Can you name some weaknesses?
10. Define success. Define failure.
11. Have you ever had any failures? What did you learn from them?
12. Of which three accomplishments are you most proud?
13. Who are your role models? Why?
14. How does your college education or work experience relate to this job?
15. What motivates you most in a job?
16. Have you had difficulty getting along with a former professor/supervisor/co-worker and how did you handle it?
17. Tell me about yourself.
18. What are your hobbies?
19. Why did you choose to interview with our organization?
20. Describe your ideal job.
21. What can you offer us?
22. Why did you choose your major?
23. Why did you choose to attend the University of Virginia?
24. Do you think you received a good education? In which ways?
25. In which campus activities did you participate?
26. In what ways does your college education or work experience relate to this job?
27. Which classes in your major did you like best? Least?
28. Which elective classes did you like best? Least? Why?
29. If you were to start over, what would you change about your education?
30. Do you plan to return to school for further education?
31. What job-related skills have you developed?
32. Did you work while going to school?
33. What did you learn from these work experiences?
34. What did you enjoy most about your last employment? Least?
35. Have you ever quit a job? Why?
36. Give an example of a situation in which you worked under deadline pressure.
37. Have you ever done any volunteer work? Of what kind?
38. How do you think a former supervisor would describe your work?
39. Do you prefer to work under supervision or on your own?
40. What kind of boss do you prefer?
41. Would you be successful working with a team?
42. Do you prefer large or small organizations? Why?
43. What other types of positions are you considering?
44. How do you feel about working in a structured environment?
45. Are you able to work on several assignments at once?
46. How do you feel about working overtime?
47. How do you feel about travel?
48. How do you feel about the possibility of relocating?
49. Are you willing to work flextime?
50. What motivates you most in a job?
51. Have you had difficulty getting along with a former professor/ supervisor/co-worker and how did you handle it?
52. Have you ever spoken before a group of people? How large?
53. Why should we hire you rather than another candidate?
54. What do you know about our organization (products or services)?
55. Where do you want to be in five years? Ten years?
The following may not be directly asked, but you should address them:
Before you begin interviewing, think about these questions and your possible responses.
The Center for Engineering Career Development will be glad to assist you with preparing for your job/internship interviews!