Practice Questions For Function of The Urinary System-Answers

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Which of the following is not a function of the urinary system?

removal of organic waste products from body fluids

homeostatic regulation of the volume and solute concentration of blood plasma
introduction of plasma proteins into blood plasma
elimination of waste into the environment

The openings of the urethra and the two ureters mark an area on the internal surface of the urinary
bladder called the:
renal sinus
internal urethral sphincter
external urethral sphincter

The initial factor that determines if urine production occurs is:


The region of the kidney containing the renal pyramids, renal columns, and interlobar arteries is
called the:

renal functional unit

renal pelvis
renal cortex
renal medulla

ADH stimulates the reabsorption of water in:

the collecting system
the loop of Henle
the distal convoluted tubule
both the distal convoluted tubule and the collecting system
the renal corpuscle

The three concentric layers of connective tissue that protect and anchor the kidneys are the:
major calyces, minor calyces, and renal pyramids
cortex, medulla, and papillae
renal capsule, adipose capsule, and renal fascia
hilus, renal sinus, and renal corpuscle

Blood supply to the proximal and distal convoluted tubules of the nephron is provided by the:
peritubular capillaries

afferent arterioles
segmental veins
interlobular veins

In a nephron, the long tubular passageway through which the filtrate passes includes the:
collecting tubule, collecting duct, and papillary duct
loop of Henle and the collecting and papillary ducts
renal corpuscle, renal tubule, and renal pelvis
proximal and distal convoluted tubules and the loop of Henle

The primary site of regulating water, sodium, and potassium ion loss in the nephron is the:
distal convoluted tubule
proximal convoluted tubule
loop of Henle and collecting duct

Which of the following is not reabsorbed in the loop of Henle?



The primary site for secretion of substances into the filtrate is the:
proximal convoluted tubule
renal corpuscle
distal convoluted tubule
loop of Henle

The filtration of plasma that generates approximately 80 liters/day of filtrate occurs in the:
renal corpuscle
distal convoluted tubule
proximal convoluted tubule
loop of Henle

Sixty to seventy percent of the water is reabsorbed in the:

renal corpuscle
proximal convoluted tubule
distal convoluted tubule

collecting duct

The portion of the renal segment that is under ADH and aldosterone stimulation is the:
distal convoluted tubule
vasa recta
proximal convoluted tubule
loop of Henle

Dilation of the afferent arteriole and glomerular capillaries and constriction of the efferent arteriole
an increase in the secretion of renin and erythropoietin
decrease in the glomerular filtration rate
decrease in glomerular blood pressure
elevation of glomerular blood pressure to normal levels

Which of the following organic wastes is generated from the catabolism of amino acids?
uric acid
none of the above

The average pH for normal urine is about:


Autoregulation controls the GFR by:

dilation the afferent arteriole
dilation of the glomerular capillaries
constriction of the efferent arteriole
all of the above

The pressure that represents the resistance to flow along the nephron and conducting system is the:
blood colloid osmotic pressure (BCOP)
capsular hydrostatic pressure (CHP)
capsular colloid osmotic pressure (CCOP)
glomerular hydrostatic pressure (GHP)

The mechanism important in the reabsorption of glucose and amino acids when their concentrations
in the filtrate are relatively high is:
active transport
facilitated transport

The primary site of nutrient reabsorption in the nephron is the:

distal convoluted tubule
proximal convoluted tubule
renal corpuscle
loop of Henle

In countercurrent multiplication, the countercurrent refers to the fact that an exchange occurs
solute concentrations in the loop of Henle
fluids moving in opposite directions
sodium ions and chloride ions
potassium and chloride ions

The result of the countercurrent multiplication mechanism is:

decreased solute concentration in descending limb of loop of Henle

Increased solute concentration in descending limb of loop of Henle

osmotic flow of water from peritubular fluid into descending limb of loop of Henle
decreased transport of sodium and chloride in ascending limb of loop of Henle

When antidiuretic hormone levels rise the distal convoluted tubule becomes:
more permeable to water; water reabsorption increases
less permeable to water; reabsorption of water increases
less permeable to water; reabsorption of water decreases
more permeable to water; water reabsorption decreases

The results of the effect of aldosterone along the DCT, the collecting tubule, and the collecting duct
increased sodium ion excretion
increased sodium ion and water excretion
increased conservation of sodium ions and water
decreased sodium ion reabsorption in the DCT

The ureters are lined by what kind of epithelium, which allows them to be stretched when
undergoing peristalsis and moving urine?
stratified squamous
simple columnar

simple cuboidal

The expanded, funnel-shaped upper end of the ureter in the kidney is the:
renal pelvis
renal calyces
renal hilus

Contraction of the muscular bladder forces the urine out of the body through the:

During the micturition reflex, increased afferent fiber activity in the pelvic nerves facilitates:
sympathetic sensory neurons in the sacral spinal cord
parasympathetic motor neurons in the sacral spinal cord
urine ejection caused by internal and external sphincter contractions

the action of stretch receptors in the wall of the bladder

Kidney stones, or calculi, can be formed by deposits of:

uric acid
magnesium salts
all of the above

Urinary incontinence is caused by:

a lack of ADH production
a prolonged increase in the GFR
the loss of muscle tone in the urinary sphincter muscles
all of the above

The renal corpuscle consists of:

the cortex and the medulla
major and minor calyces
Bowman capsule and the glomerulus
renal columns and renal pyramids

The filtration process within the renal corpuscle involves passage across three physical barriers, the:
capsular space, tubular pole, and macula densa
collecting tubules, collecting ducts, and papillary ducts
podocytes, pedicels, and slit pores
capillary endothelium, basement membrane, and glomerular epithelium

The thin segments in the loop of Henle are:

freely permeable to water; relatively impermeable to ions and other solutes
relatively impermeable to water; freely permeable to ions and other solutes
freely permeable to water, ions, and other solutes
relatively impermeable to water, ions, and other solutes

The thick segments in the loop of Henle contain:

diffusion mechanisms for getting rid of excess water
transport mechanisms that pump materials out of the filtrate
ADH-regulated permeability
an aldosterone-regulated pump

The collecting system in the kidney is responsible for:

creation of the medullary concentration gradient
making final adjustments to the sodium ion concentration and volume of urine
absorption of nutrients, plasma proteins, and ions from the filtrate
active secretion and reabsorption of sodium ions

Which of the following systems is not used to excrete wastes from the body?
integumentary system
respiratory system
digestive system
lymphatic system

Sympathetic innervation into the kidney is responsible for:

direct stimulation of water and sodium ion reabsorption
regulation of glomerular blood flow and pressure
stimulation of renin release
all of the above

When plasma glucose concentrations are higher than the renal threshold, glucose concentrations in
the filtrate exceed the tubular maximum (Tm) and:
the glucose is filtered out at the glomerulus

the individual has eaten excessive amounts of sweets

glucose appears in the urine
glucose is transported across the membrane by countertransport

The outward pressure forcing water and solute molecules across the glomerulus wall is the:
glomerular hydrostatic pressure
blood osmotic pressure
capsular hydrostatic pressure
filtration pressure

The opposing forces of the filtration pressure at the glomerulus are the:
glomerular hydrostatic pressure and blood osmotic pressure
blood pressure and glomerular filtration rate
capsular hydrostatic pressure and blood osmotic pressure
capsular hydrostatic pressure and glomerular hydrostatic pressure

At a volume of ________ mL, there may be sufficient pressure in the bladder to force the opening of
the internal urinary sphincter, and consequently the external urinary sphincter.


Inadequate ADH secretion results in the inability to reclaim the water entering the filtrate, causing:

The triple-layered muscle responsible for urinary bladder contractions is the:

urethral meatus
internal urinary sphincter

Aldosterone stimulates ion pumps along the distal convoluted tubule (DCT), the collecting tubule,
and the collecting duct, causing a(n):
decrease in the concentration of the filtrate
reduction in the number of sodium ions lost in the urine

increase in the number of sodium ions lost in the urine

countercurrent multiplication

The high osmotic concentrations found in the kidney medulla are primarily caused by the presence
sodium ions, chloride ions, and urea
excessive amounts of water
hydrogen and ammonium ions
all of the above

As a means of regulating pH, which of the following would not be secreted into the fluid in the
collecting system?
all of the above

Angiotensin II is a potent hormone that:

causes constriction of the efferent arteriole at the nephron
triggers the release of ADH in the CNS
stimulates secretion of aldosterone by the adrenal cortex and epinephrine by the adrenal

all of the above

Sympathetic innervation of the afferent arterioles causes a(n):

decrease in GFR and slowing of filtrate production
increase in GFR and a slowing of filtrate production
decrease in GFR and an increase in filtrate production
increase in GFR and an increase in filtrate production

During periods of strenuous exercise, sympathetic activation causes the blood flow to:
cause an increase in GFR
decrease to skin and skeletal muscles; increase to kidneys
be shunted toward the kidneys
increase to skin and skeletal muscles; decrease to kidneys

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