Newsletter - 3rd December PDF

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Weekly newsletter of


Telephone: 5985 2864

Email Address: [email protected]

Issue 38 3rd December, 2015

Friday 4th December
Tuesday 8th December
Wednesday 9th December
Thursday 10th December
Friday 11th December
Monday 14th December
Tuesday 15th December
Friday 18th December

Grades 5 + 6 @ Gravity Zone

Parent Helpers Morning Tea
School Choirs Big Day Out
Twilight Carols
PA Hot Dog Day
Grades 3 + 4 @ Inflatable World
Grade 6 Graduation
8am Rotary Parents End of Term Breakfast

Principals Report
Tootgarook Primary School is very proud of the quality programs that we have put in place to cater for the needs
and interests of our students. On an annual basis School Council prepares a budget to provide resources for
educational programs, administration, facilities development and maintenance. Tootgarook Primary Schools
income is currently funded from two sources:
- Department of Education & Early Childhood Development (DEECD) Student Resource Package (SRP) to pay
for school administration, utilities and services, staff salaries, urgent works, maintenance, cleaning, general
school operations.
-The payments and contributions provided by our parent community are an essential component of funding.
Locally raised funds are the major source of our educational and school program funding and this comes from:
Essential Education Items & Voluntary Contributions
Business Donations
Regular fundraising
Family Assistance
From 2015 the Education Maintenance Allowance will no longer be paid.
The payments listed are the minimum amount considered essential to enable School Council to continue
providing the high quality standards that we have come to expect at Tootgarook Primary School.
This funds Essential Items for all children at all Year Levels and includes: - Classroom requisites, such as
exercise books, pens, pencils, ruler, eraser, USB stick, photocopying and craft and all other general supplies for
all classes.
The Student Essential Items Payment also contributes to the cost of resources and equipment for all Specialist
Programs across the school, including Life Education Van, Mathletics and Reading Eggs Materials, Music, Art,
Physical Education, I.C.T. and class materials.
Bus Levy - $10 per child - This will enable your child to have multiple bus trips on the school bus locally for the
school year. The cost has been reduced due to a grant by a local organisation.


The essential items pack has been prepared on our behalf by a commercial supplier. Considerable time has
been spent selecting the most appropriate requisites and seeking the best bulk purchase option for the school.
In line with the Department of Education & Early Childhood Development policy, families may choose to make
arrangements to independently purchase Essential Items; however, we seek your support to purchase through
the school supplier. This ensures consistency for all children to have the same materials and requisites at each

This funds Essential Items for all children at all Year Levels and includes: - Classroom requisites, such as
exercise books, pens, pencils, ruler, eraser, USB stick, photocopying and craft and all other general supplies for
all classes.

The Student Essential Items Payment also contributes to the cost of resources and equipment for all
Specialist Programs across the school, including Life Education Van, Mathletics, Reading Eggs,
Music, Art, Physical Education, I.C.T. TOTAL ESSENTIAL ITEMS-$210.00
Bus Levy

$ 10.00

Total Payment by parent $220 per student

2016 Booklists will be sent home tomorrow an explanation of payments

required on Book Selling Day 27th January 2016.
A booklist has been ordered for each child so there is nothing to do except
keep the booklist as a checklist for when you pick up the books.


SATURDAY 5 DECEMBER - 7pm to 9pm
Don't miss the Channel Seven two-hour broadcast featuring segments of this year's live Victorian
State Schools Spectacular!!
For the first time, the show will be streamed on 7Live, which is a one-off chance to view the
Spectacular online at the same time as it is televised. This is a great opportunity for your family and
friends across Australia to stream the show on any device available to them (smart phone, tablet and

End of year reports will be distributed to all students on Wednesday 16

December. If you have any questions about the report, or your childs
progress in general, please contact his/her teacher to arrange a meeting at a mutually
convenient time.
Duplicate copies will be sent home or mailed for families with shared parenting arrangements. If
you require a duplicate copy please contact your childs teacher.
All children will receive details of their class placement for next year with their reports. Children
will meet for a short time with their new teacher on Friday 18
18th December at 10.3010.30-11.00am.


We look forward to saying a big thank you to the many parents who have once again
supported the school so enthusiastically during 2015, at our Parent Helpers
Morning Tea in the Hall next Tuesday 8th December beginning at 11:00am.
Whether it be helping in the classroom, attending camps/excursions, being a
Class Rep, coordinating special events (Market, Stalls, social activities etc) or
being on a committee; we simply couldnt offer the high level of provision for our students
without the ever reliable assistance of our wonderful parents.
We hope you might be able to join us for a cuppa and a yummy treat at this morning tea. To
assist with the catering, could you please:
RSVP Judy at [email protected] by Monday 7th December.

I hope everyone has Thursday 10th December locked into their phone calendars
for our upcoming Twilight Carols. We have our fingers crossed for a lovely
summers evening for the performances that will get underway from 4.30pm in the
school grounds.
The introduction of our Twilight Carols is part of a detailed community
engagement strategy that aims to ensure a very coordinated approach to all of our
major activities and social events every year.
The ultimate aim of our two yearly community engagement planner is to ensure that all families are able to
maximise their participation in the schools many extra curricula activities.


At our last School Council meeting, council supported the staff training days for 2016. As
Term 1 is a short term, we have utilised two days at the start of the year and deleted the
Labour Day weekend Pupil Free Day. Please note that no children are to attend school on
these days as teachers will be participating in professional learning programs.
I hope the early publication of these dates helps to support your forward planning for next
Day One
Wednesday 27th January
Day Two
Thursday 28th January
All students including Prep children begin on Friday 29th January
Day Three Monday 13th June
Day Four
Monday 31st October

A HUGE thankyou to our market helpers last Saturday from 3A Skie Arnold, Sylvia Williams,
Sophie Lazner, Geordan Duncan, Amelia Wiggett, Leanne McLeod, Nathan
Opie, Janine, Sarah and Andrew Wallace, Travis Southon, Rob Oakes, Josephine
Wycisk, Elizabeth Taralaikov, Vicki Morris, Gary Barrett, Sharon Wiggett, Peta
Pearce, Taylah Hawley, Christine Young and Michael Giarrusso.
There is no market in December due to it falling on Boxing Day.
Our January Market is Saturday 23rd January
Helpers are needed for an hour or so at this market. If you are able to help at the market
please fill in the form below with your preferred time or let the office know by Thursday 17th
December. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our helpers throughout the
year and wish you all a safe and happy holiday season.
Contact T/ph: ..






Prep B - Mrs Prossor Tahlia Thompson for persisting and having a go at some activities that she was
nervous about during swimming lessons.
Prep R - Mrs. Read Logan Gregg and Ella Carver for your outstanding behaviour both on the bus and at
swimming lessons. You followed the safety rules and approached each lesson in a positive way. Well done!
1H - Mrs Hughes Mason Coleman for being such a wonderful Big Brother helping Harley get organized
when he was late. It was lovely to see. Thank you!
1P - Miss Perkins - Bryson Beagley for his outstanding effort at school swimming. You overcame your fear
of jumping in the DEEP end very quickly on the second day and have made a splash ever since! Well done!
2B Mrs Baird Jasmine Stewart always has a cheery face and a positive attitude. A great terms work.
2J Mrs Johnstone Hani Mears always displaying the R.I.C.H. values and doing her best at all school
activities. Well done Hani!
3A Miss Arnold Deegan Thompson what a great second semester you have had this year. You have a
more positive attitude towards learning and you can see it in your achievements. Keep up the good work!
3W Ms Walton - Brooklyn Llewellyn has had a fantastic year with his positive attitude to all school work.
A quiet achiever!
4S Miss Staley + Miss McGhee Taya Lobo - For the positive attitude she brings to Maths groups every
lesson! Keep up the great work Taya!
5Q Miss Quintin Youve been making some good choices this year Lilly Gorton. Its great to see you
understand that we all have to do things we thing we may not enjoysecretly in the end we realise its not so
bad after all.
6W - Miss Withers- Adam Peterson - For trying his hardest in English Groups this year and showing initiative
around the school. Adam works hard during English and has recently produced some great poems. He has also
taken the initiative to organise a cricket test match. Well done Adam, I can see that everyone is enjoying the
Art / Craft Miss Davey Ashtyn Williams 3A thank you for being such a great help to your peers during
class this week. Your stitching skills really helped some of the others in your class. Well Done!
Music - Mrs Young Hailey May 4S I am so proud of you making it into band this year. You have practised
well and you are now our newest clarinet player. Well done!
Phys Ed Mr Kitchin

The Annual General Meeting for the Tootgarook Primary School Co-Op will be held at
6pm on Monday 14th December at Rosebud Country Club Members room.

2x Summer Dresses both size 10 Very good/good condition - $20 each
1 x Winter Skirt Size 16 Excellent Condition - $30
- Science Quest 7 2nd Edition very good condition - $30
Ring Wendy 0409 239 639 or see Graham @ School

Tootgarook Primary School TOOTSTARS

RACV Energy Breakthrough Challenge
Would like to thank the following sponsors:

Peninsula Service Centre Rosebud

Thankyou to the

For your donation to R.A.C.V.

1773 Pt Nepean Road, ROSEBUD


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