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Linking the school with the community


Humphreys Street, Albany WA 6330. Phone: 9841 1166 Fax: 9841 7262

Care, Compassion, Excellence; Mount Lockyer Primary School a place to learn and grow

Newsletter No: 10
Dates to Remember 31st July 2013 Early Close 2.30pm 1st August 2013 Room 14 Assembly Value:- Self-Discipline Commenced on 23rd July for weeks 1 and 2. Rewards will be presented at this weeks Assembly. Self-Discipline - is controlling your emotions 5th August 2013 P&C meeting at 7pm in the staff room - all welcome. Mini Assembly: Value - Caring Value: Caring - is treating people and things gently and respectfully. Term 3 Dates 2013 Tuesday 23rd July Friday 27th September P&C Uniform Shop Open Days: Tuesday 8:30am 9:30am 2.45 - 3.30pm Thursday 8:30am 9:30am Mount Lockyer Community Playgroup Every Wednesday 1st session: 9.00am to 11.00am 2nd session: 1.00pm to 3.00pm at Our Place ALL WELCOME!!

30th July 2013

Attendance: Weeks 7, 8 & 9 - Term 2

P 90%

1 86.8%

2 89.8%

3 87%

4 93%

5 88%

6 87.9%

7 92.7%

Welcome back to Term 3 and a special welcome to the new families that have joined our school community. NAIDOC Week NAIDOC celebrations were held at the end of last term. Thank you to all staff, parents, community and students for your contribution in marking this very important event on the school calendar. Your efforts and participation made it a very valuable educational experience for all students. NAIDOC Week was celebrated nationally during the first week of the school holidays. An awards evening held during NAIDOC Week recognised Aboriginal people for the contribution they have made to their community and people. Congratulations to the following Mount Lockyer community members who were acknowledged for the contribution they have made: Mrs Treasy Woods Noongar Citizen of the Year Award Mrs Averil Dean Noongar Female Elder of the Year Award Mr Johnno Woods Noongar Volunteer of the Year Award Mrs Glenda Williams Noongar Arts Award Bill Woods Noongar Male Elder of the Year Walitj Aboriginal Corporation Noongar Organisation Award Transition to High School 2015 Last Friday a meeting was held to map out an action plan in preparation for the transition in 2015 of Year 7 students to high school. Very shortly families of students involved will receive an invitation to an information session. As mentioned in the last newsletter we will endeavour to make the transition as smooth as possible ensuring all affected students will be provided with the opportunities and experiences that have historically been available to past Year 7 students. School Planning School planning for 2014 is already underway. To assist this process could any parents who know their children will not be attending our school next year please contact the office to advise us of this information. Additionally if you know of any families that are intending to enrol it would be appreciated if you could let us know. Attendance The attendance for weeks 7, 8 and 9 was extremely close for Year 4 and 7, however Year 4 just nudged ahead on 93%. Congratulations Year 4 students. Assembly: This Thursday entertainment will be provided by Year 6/7 students, Room 14. Maxine Augustson Principal

Merit Certificates Congratulations to the following students who received honour certificates at the last school assembly: Jay Napier, Nartisha Krakouer, Jemma Smith, Melodie Boyd, Brynli Tindal, Joshua Tracey, Lachlan Coyne, Devlin Moor, Liam Versluis, Cameron Tester, Brody Watson, Zamirah Lembo, Xandar Schulz, Paige Johnson, Robbie Monaghan, Brayden Houston, Chloe Glass, Marian Matthews, Bailey Daubney, Jared Spidell, Heath Ramage, Paige Ristich, Owen Smith, Shaznei Lugtu, James Westle, Regan Hindle, Deacon Wynne, Jayden Wood, Jack Eiffler, Ally Brooks, Jana Meehan, Raqqayah Mohammed, Josh Maratas, Kyisha Eades and Keilarni Lloyd.
Jump Rope For Heart. Our Jump Off was held on the last day of Term 2. The weather was a little unkind with a heavy shower disrupting everyone enjoying a skip about half way through, however classes that could fit headed for the covered area and hall to continue skipping. Again I have been astounded by the support given by parents and the local community in supporting our Jump Off Day in terms of sponsorship. Over $2 300 has been raised for the Heart Foundation. A big thank you to the 36 children who took on the challenge to raise money by gaining sponsors and thank you to their parents for supporting them. This fantastic amount now takes the overall total of money raised by the Mount Lockyer Community over the years the school has been involved in the Jump Off to over $50 000. The Lockyer Leapers, who are our skipping ambassadors, travelled to Albany P.S. for a very successful demonstration last term and are going to Saint Josephs College next week and Flinders Park Primary School during Week 5.

School Fees A reminder to all parents that the Voluntary Contributions for 2013 are due. They are $40.00 per child attending Mount Lockyer Primary School. The school uses this money to purchase art and craft material, science equipment and to support various programs run through out the school. Payment would be appreciated. If you are having difficulty making this payment please contact the RegistrarChristine Davidson to make suitable arrangements. Money can be direct deposited into the school account. BSB: 306 001 Acc No: 515 4800 Mt Lockyer School Fund BankWest Cheque Account

Please make sure you put a description in the payment section.

Books + Love = Success: Kindergarten and Pre-Primary The first book for term 3 is now available at Paperbark Education on Albany Highway. It is DIARY OF A WOMBAT by Jackie Frencha fantastic Aussie hardback book at a fantastic price - $10 RRP $30. Remember to take your ID to the shop to get this fantastic price. They will give you the parent notes and you just have to see your childs teacher to get your passport points.


Cross Country The Interschool Cross-Country was held at Yakamia Primary School. Thankfully the rain that threatened to fall all day never eventuated. It was a very technical course that the students had to complete, one with many turns and muddy climbs. Every student gave their best effort when racing, with several of them placing in the top ten. When not running, the students cheered on our other runners. Congratulations to all involved for displaying determination, kindness and reliability. Front Row: Mikayla Archbold-Mortensen, Zoe Van De Laar, Sophie Garcia, Keliah Ristich, Kate Trayvilla, Callan Mortimer, Mikael Philips, Zac Adami Back Row: Brayden Houston, Jake Castlehow

Applications for Enrolment of Students for 2014 Applications for enrolment of children entering Kindergarten, Pre-Primary or Year 8 and for children changing schools for the 2014 school year should be made as soon as possible as enrolments closed on Friday 26th July 2013. It is now urgent to enrol to secure a place for 2014. Library News A reminder that we try to open the library each morning at 8.30am during the term. If you would like to read a story to your children or take advantage of the warmth, you are most welcome to visit. Childrens Book Week Childrens Book Week will be held between August 19th and 23rd this year. Many classes will be celebrating this week with various activities related around this years t h e m e , R E AD AC R O S S T H E UNIVERSE. On Friday, 23rd August, we will be conducting a whole school activity where children get to dress up as their favourite book character. A parade of the childrens creations will be conducted in the quadrangle at 9am. School Banking Hi Dollarmites savers! Everyone is doing a great job of remembering their school banking on Wednesdays. Our first group of prizes have been ordered and as soon as they arrive I will bring them to you. Our next redemption will be Week 5 and then Week 10. Happy Banking! Parents of 4 year olds - Immunisations Children who have turned 4 years of age are scheduled to received 2 injections, MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) and DTP IPV (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping Cough, and Polio) vaccines. These are booster doses to ensure good levels of coverage against these life threatening diseases. These immunisations can now be given as early as 3.5 years of age. From 1 July 2012, families will need to have their children fully immunized or have an approved exemption to receive the Family Tax Benefit Part A end-of-year supplement. The supplement, worth $726 per child each year, will now only be paid once a child is fully immunised at one, two and five years of age, or has an approved exemption. This means that over the three immunisation check points, families will have an incentive of more than $2100. If your child still requires his/her immunisations please see your usual immunisation provider or alternatively you are welcome to make an appointment for our Tuesday / Thursday Population Health Immunisation Clinic in Albany. This is a free service, and appointments can be made by phoning 98427500. If you have any questions relating to immunisation please do not hesitate to contact me on the phone number below or by email. Anne Taylor, Public Health Nurse Phone 98427511 Email [email protected]

Positive Parenting Program - SEMINAR Series The power of Positive parenting Confident, Competent Children Raising Resilient Children The Triple P Positive Parenting Program is an internationally renowned parenting program being offered through schools in your area. Parents from across the state have given it rave reviews and its free! If you are a parent of a primary school child you are invited to attend a program to: Promote your childs development and prepare your child for school Discuss common parenting challenges Enrich your parent-child relationship Explore effective behavior management strategies ways to encourage behavior you like This is one seminar series you shouldnt miss. Remember, you dont have to be experiencing difficulties Triple P is for every parent! A Seminar will be running in your area: Venue: Mount Lockyer Primary School (at Our Place) Term: Term 3 Dates: Wednesdays - 7th, 14th & 21st August Time: 9:30 am 11:00 am Limited numbers of places are available and you need to book in advance please register your interest to attend as soon as possible by returning the information below ASAP. To register please fill out form below and return to Kathryn Wasley at: Mt Lockyer Primary School, Humphreys Street, Albany, 6330 or fax to 9841 7262. For more information, contact Kathryn Wasley on 0429 124 334 or e-mail : [email protected] (Tear off & return) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - REGISTRATION FOR: RAISING CONFIDENT, COMPETENT CHILDREN SEMINAR Mt Lockyer Primary School Term 3 (Registrations due by 1st August 2013) Name of Parent(s) wishing to attend: ______________________________________________ Phone Numbers: (Hm):__________________________________ (Mob):____________________________ Mailing Address: ______________________________________________ ______________________________Postcode: _______ Email Address: _________________________________ Please give your registration to Mt Lockyer Primary School (Kathryn Wasley) Fax to 9841 7262 Mail to Kathryn Wasley, Mt Lockyer Primary School, Humphreys Street, Albany 6330. E-mail to : [email protected]

MOBILE PHONE POLICY Students who bring mobile phones onto school premises must adhere to these guidelines. Responsibility Mount Lockyer Primary School acknowledges that mobile phones may be used as a safety measure out of school hours. Parents are reminded that in cases of emergency, the school office remains the most appropriate point of contact during the school day. The school accepts no responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged mobile phones. Guidelines
Students mobile phones are to be switched off during school time and handed to the class teacher or office upon arrival in the morning. Students are not permitted to use mobile phones for any purpose on school grounds. Mobile phones are not permitted to be taken to school camps, excursions or other functions unless permission is granted by the school

Principal. Students seen using mobile phones on school groundsFirst breach- The phone will be confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the school day. Further breaches- The phone will be confiscated and parents/carers will need to collect it from the office. Dear Parents The value from 5th August to 19th August is Caring. If your child has demonstrated Caring, notify your classroom teacher and they will be in the draw for a prize at this weeks assembly. Value: Caring - Is treating people and things gently and respectfully. Memory Jogger - I am caring. I care for others and myself. Student Name:- ___________________________________________________Value:- Caring Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Week 3 Week 4
NEWSLETTER QUIZ Q: Which year group had the highest attendance for weeks 7, 8 & 9 in term 2? A: _____________________________________


The key to this approach is that the child is given a choice at each step to follow directions or face increased consequences. Students making GOOD CHOICES are acknowledged for their efforts. For students making POOR CHOICES the following consequences apply ~
STEP 1 Student refuses to follow directions. Verbal warning. STEP 2 Student still refuses to follow directionsIn-class consequence eg Time Out area. STEP 3 Student still refuses to follow directionsOut-of-class consequence eg Buddy Class. STEP 4 Student still refuses to follow directionsRED CARD is sent to the office. Parents will be requested to attend school. SUSPENSION Students will be immediately suspended for verbal abuse of staff and/or violence towards staff or students.

WHAT IS BULLYING? Bullying is when a student or group keep picking on another student. They try to hurt them physically or emotionally. The behaviour is deliberate and repeated. A fight or disagreement between equal students is not bullying. HOW TO STOP BULLYING Tell an adult, it is not dobbing to ask for help. Both victim and those bullying will be counselled and supported. Do not be a by-stander; if you witness bullying try to stop it or report it. IF YOU ARE BULLYING Step 1: Warning Step 2: In school isolation and counselling at recess and lunch, parents will be notified Step 3: For continued breaches students will be suspended.

RE-ENTRY FOLLOWING SUSPENSION Students returning from suspension must be accompanied by an adult and will attend the Intervention Centre (Room 20) where an Individual Behaviour Management Plan will be developed and implemented.

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