Rational Optimist
Rational Optimist
Rational Optimist
Cato Journal
The Rational Optimist begins with a long chapter that, while making arguments familiar to readers of Johan Norberg or Julian Simon,
is a valuable and rhetorically elegant bashing of the notion that the
world is terrible and getting worse. Much is quite broad: The
United Nations estimates that poverty was reduced more in the last
50 years than in the previous 500. Much is charmingly anecdotal.
Ridley tells of the artist Thomas Thawaites who, in 2009, set out to
make his own toaster, of the sort he could buy from a shop for about
4. It took months, cost a lot of money and resulted in an inferior
product. Ridley skewers those who would rather have lived in some
supposedly more delightful past age, saying we need only remind
them of the toilet facilities of the Pleistocene, the transport options
of Roman emperors or the lice of Versailles.
The cause for mans successand Ridleys resulting optimism
is simple economics. The cumulative accretion of knowledge by
specialists that allows us each to consume more and more different
things by each producing fewer and fewer is, I submit, the central
story of humanity. Unfortunately, it is when Ridley attempts to tie
specialization of labor and comparative advantage to the very roots of
humanity that he flies (temporarily) from the rails.
He begins with two questions: If prosperity is exchange and specializationmore like the multiplication of labor than the division of
laborthen when and how did that habit begin? Why is it such a
Book Reviews
Cato Journal
Book Reviews
Cato Journal
and what Africa needs is not more top-down foreign aid but legal
support for the bottom-up forces that already exist. It is not as if
Africa needs to invent enterprises: the streets of Africas cities are
teeming with entrepreneurs, adept at doing deals, but they cannot
grow their businesses because of blockages in the system. He is particularly enthusiastic about the exploding use of mobile phones,
which allow producers and merchants to better interface with markets, getting more goods into more hands at lower prices. His prescription for solving the African problem is simply to reproduce there
what has worked elsewhere. The key policies for Africa, Ridley
writes, are to abolish Europes and Americas farm subsidies, quotas
and import tariffs, formalise and simplify the laws that govern business, undermine tyrants and above all encourage the growth of freetrading cities. No small order, but a practical enough plan to at least
partially let the wind out of the pessimists sails.
About climate change, he is equally upbeat. Ridley touches upon
the evidence that the mainstream science of global warming is
flawed and that past catastrophic predictions about the state of the
earths atmosphere (global cooling, acid rain) turn out to be wholly
uncatastrophic, after all. Yet the bulk of Ridleys climate change optimism comes from accepting the consensus predictionthe IPCCs
assertion that the earth will warm during this century around 3C
and inspecting the likely effects. Unlike Al Gore, Ridley does not
see a whole lot to worry about. A warmer climate proves salubrious
for plants, meaning more food for us. It also would reduce the number of deaths each year from weather. But a hotter climate probably
wont happen anyway, Ridley argues, as we will invent new and
cleaner energy production technologies long before the earth warms
beyond a point we can enjoy. He concludes that you cannot on the
IPCCs figures make it anything other than very probable that the
world will be a better place in 2100 than it is today.
Exchange is to cultural evolution as sex is to biological evolution,
Ridley writes in his prologue. What The Rational Optimist makes
clear, in perspicuous prose and enchanting storytelling, is that, just as
biological evolution populated the world with the wondrous variety
of life, exchange allowed one of those species to achieve a wondrous
standard of living that will only improve and become more uniform
as we trade and invent.
Aaron Ross Powell
Cato Institute