Soal Reading

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Whales are the largest animals on

earth. Bigger than elephants, they

may grow 95 feet long, and weigh
150tons. A baby blue whale, just
born, can be 23 feet long and weigh
30 tons. Although whales live in the
oceans and swim like fish, they are
not fish. They are mammals, like
cows and elephants. Unlike fish they
bear their young alive, not as eggs.
Their babies live on their mothers
milk. They breathe through their
lungs and hold their breath when
they go underwater. If they cannot
come to the surface to breathe fresh
air, they will drown. Further more,
they are warm-blooded. Fish,
however, lay eggs, breathe oxygen in
the water, and are coldblooded.
Whales live in all the oceans. In the
winter some of them go to warm
waters to feed. There are two kinds
of whales, whales with teeth
(toothed whales) and whales without
teeth (baleen whales). The toothed
whales eat fish and squid, which
they can catch with their teeth,
although they swallow their food
without chewing it. The baleen
whales eat plankton (small sea
animals and plants). When they find
plankton, they open their mouths
and swim into the plankton. When
they close their mouths they squeeze
out the water and swallow the
plankton. Whales have few enemies.
Only human beings and killer whales
attack whales. And whales do not
seem to fight among themselves.
The usually live to be around 20 to
30 years.
03. 01. Which of the following is
TRUE about whales?
(A) Whales are generally 95 feet
long and weight 150 tons
(B) Big animals living in the ocean
tend to be their enemies
(C)Like fish, whales can live in all
kinds of waters.

(D)Their life span is usually

longer than human beings.
(E) A new-born baby whales may
weight one-fiftieth of is
04. 02. A suitable title for the text is
(A) large animals on earth
(B) difference between whales
and elephants
(C)whales, the biggest animals
on earth
(D)similarity between fish and
(E) the life of whales in the
05. 03. The difference between
whales and fish is that whales____.
(A) do not have to come to the
surface to get fresh air.
(B) deliver their young like
elephants do.
(C)will die if they cannot get
oxygen in the water.
(D)are mammals that are cold
(E) can easily breathe when they
are underwater
06. 04. Whales occasionally live in
warms water____.
(A) to get more food
(B) for reproduction
(C)to avoid winter
(D)for fresh air
(E) to feed their babies
07. 05. From the text we may
conclude that___.
(A) a whale can eat both squid
and plankton.
(B) toothed whales chew their
food before swallowing it
(C)the two types of whales live in
different waters
(D)baleen whales swallow the
water containing plankton
(E) each type of whale eats a
specific kind of food

People manage to count even when

they do not have names for
numbers. Early men demonstrated
numbers to each other by counting
their fingers and some primitive
tribes still do this. In fact, some
tribes ham=ve names for only the
number one and two and can
only indicate higher numbers by
pointing to a particular finger. In
other tribes, the numbers do have
names, but these names are directly
connected with finger counting.
09. 06. Which of the following
statements is TRUE according to
the text?
(A) It was not necessary to have
names for number in counting
(B) Only in earlier days did people
use their fingers in counting
(C)There are tribes who only
consider one and two
(D)For some tribes, it is unusual
to use fingers when counting
(E) The words one and two
were unpopular among many
10. 07. The text tells us about
(A) early demonstrations of
(B) the use of fingers in counting
(C)the importance of numbers
(D)primitive tribes
(E) various names for number
The United States and Mexico
signed a peace treaty on February 2,
1848. Mexico was to give up much of
its land to the U.S. The land included
Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and
California. The treaty signers did not
know that James Marshall had just
discovered gold in California 10 days
earlier. Nobody knew this outside of
the area near the Sacromento River.
One year later, everybody knew. In
1849 the world heard about the gold
discovery. Gold fever brought

thousands of people to California.

We call the people who joined the
gold rush forty-niners they all
though they could become rich
quickly. They though they could stay
in California a short time and return
home as wealthy people.
12. 08. The main information of the
text is about ______.
(A) a peace treaty between the
U.S. and Mexico.
(B) james Marshall, the gold
(C)the discovery of gold in
(D)the gold rush in the United
(E) the dream of the forty-niners
to get rich quickly
13. 09. From the text we may
conclude that____.
(A) Mexico regretted that it had
to give up California to the
(B) James Marshall did not
publicly announce his
(C)A lot of fortyniners became
rich within a very short time.
(D)California became a place
where many foreigners
(E) Mexico made great efforts to
eim California back
Today, no one would deny the genius
of Albert Einstein. __10__ that was
not always the case. In his youth,
Einsteins parents and teachers
__11__ him both undisciplined and
dull. As a child, he was slow to talk,
and his parents were __12__ he
might be retarded. As an adolescent,
he had difficulty adjusting to the
strict discipline of the Germain high
school, and his teachers were not
pleased with his __13__. Not
surprisingly he found college a little
better than high school, and again
he __14__ the appropriate academic

discipline. In the end, he was able to

graduate, but only with the help of a
friend who kept him up-to-date on all
his course.
14. 10
(A) Since
(B) But
(E) Therefore
15. 11.
(A) declared
(B) determined
(E) considered
16. 12.
(A) hopeful
(B) amazed
(E) timid
17. 13.
(A) success
(B) increase
(E) progress
18. 14.
(A) achieved
(B) served
(E) disrupted
19. 15. ____ I can drive, I often ask
my brother to drive me to the city.
(A) Since
(B) When
(E) Although
20. 16. ____ at two prestigious
universities , Amanda has a hard
time deciding which one to

(A) Accepting
(B) She was accepted
(D)To be accepted
(E) She was accepted
21. 17. Due to the monetary crisis,
the number of people without jobs
____ at the moment.
(A) increase
(B) is increasing
(D)was creasing
(E) will increase
22. 18. ____ a few thousand dollars,
he went on a tour to Europe.
(A) Saved
(B) Have saved
(C)He has saved
(D)Having saved
(E) After he saves
23. 19. Rudi broke his leg in an
accident; therefor, ____ drive him
to work.
(A) he doesnt have to ask Amir to
(B) he wont have to get anybody
(C)amir has asked Rudi to
(D)amir doesnt have to
(E) he will have Amir

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