April 2010 Scoop

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The Newsletter of Creek View Elementary’s Fifth Grade Team


The Scoop
Spring Break and CRCT Testing!!!

Hard to believe that the Rock Eagle trip is already behind us, CTCT Testing begins on Wednesday, April 14th with Reading,
continues Thursday with Language Arts, and the week finishes
Spring Break is upon us, and CRCT testing is right around the
corner. We hope that everyone has recovered from our great trip. Friday with Math. The following Tuesday, April 20st is Science and
We were very proud of the students’ flexibility and the fantastic testing concludes on Wednesday the 21rd with Social Studies.
manner in which they represented our school and community. Ask Please make sure your student is rested, hydrated, and breakfasted
questions of your student: “Why is it called Rock Eagle?” “What is on testing days! Send in healthy snacks that can be easily
a keystone species?” “What species can help determine the health consumed.
of a stream?” These are good conversation starters from the classes
students attended. Please also remind your students that CRCT testing does not signify
the end of the school year. There is still a great deal of work to be
We would like to thank the long list of chaperones that made the done in all classes and many important tests and projects that the
sacrifice and joined us on the trip. Overnight field trips are no easy students will complete. Sixth grade may be just around the corner,
task to organize, and it would certainly not be possible without all but we have several weeks remaining until we get to the corner.
the chaperones that did such a great job of showing our children the
appropriate way to conduct themselves. The teachers collectively Accolades: Our Academic Bowl Team was first in Georgia and top
tip our hats to you! 10% in the country in a recent competition! Congratulations to you!

The next exciting event on our calendar is SPRING BREAK! Logan Smith was selected as our Rotary Student of the Quarter. It
Believe us when we say that the teachers are as excited about this is a wonderful honor for a deserving young lady! You represent us
week away from Creek View as any of the students and families well.
are. This will provide some much needed rest and relaxation before
coming back and tackling the CRCT. Fifth grade teachers are Michael Vorick was selected 2010 Teacher of the Year from Creek
planning a “round-robin” review for students on Monday, April 12th View.
to get them on track for the testing. Classes will rotate through all
six teachers for fun activities to review and get focused for this Thanks for your ongoing support!
important time. Don’t miss this special day getting back in gear for Eric Adkins, Helaine Becker, Pam Mouchaham, Kathy
testing! McLaughlin,
Kim O’Brien, Ian Schonberg, Alison Snow, and Michael Vorick


April 1-Talent Show @6:30 pm May 7th WRAD DAY
2-Teaching Museum Visit “Pearl Harbor” 13-14 Safety Patrol Trip
5-10 Spring Break 20 Fifth Grade Promotion Day
14, 15, 16, 20, and 21 CRCT Testing
30- Field Day for grades 3-5

Students will be completing units about World War II followed by the Cold War. As we get closer to the modern times, the children’s
interest in the material peaks. We will discuss many influential figures: Roosevelt, Truman, Churchill, Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin. The
students will discuss the events that led to the beginning of the war in Europe, American involvement following the attack on Pearl Harbor,
the decision to drop the first atomic bombs, Allied victory, the creation of the United Nations after the war, and the effects the war had on the
American culture back home. Students always have more questions than we have time to explore. Use it as a teaching opportunity at home
with them where possible. On April 2nd, we will be visited by the Teaching Museum staff for a presentation about Pearl Harbor. It is a good
way for children to see that there was more than one perspective regarding the events of those times.

The year’s science curriculum is coming to a great conclusion with electricity and magnetism. The next science lab will also work with these
concepts. It will be your last opportunity to volunteer for Science Discovery Zone. Please help out the last week of April with your child’s
class at the lab. Working through the unit back in classrooms, our students will have an opportunity to make an electromagnet and bend
water! In addition to this last science unit, teachers are also working hard to review for the upcoming CRCT test.

Here are some wonderful curriculum websites. Logins and passwords are located in your child’s agenda. Please email Josette Perez at
[email protected] if you have difficulty getting in.
CRCT WEBSITE: Grades 1-5
www.georgiaoas.org/servlet/a2l (that is the letter l, not a number 1)
Logins are on a sticker in the agenda and are a nine digit number beginning with 1100 – it is their library number as well as their lunch #.
Passwords are their first and last name in lower case with no spaces. Take Teacher Assigned Tests and Student Practice Tests.
Math – www.pearsonsuccessnet.com Grades 1-5
Username and passwords are also on a sticker in their agenda.
Username is first and last name in lower case with no spaces.
Passwords are their 9 digit codes beginning with 1100.
Language Arts – www.harcourtschool.com K-5
Click on the Learning Site
Click on Language Arts or Reading
Click on first set of books
The password is Farr
There are also many learning games on that site as well as copies of the books.
Science – http://www.hspscience.com/ K-5
Select Georgia, then Go, and then select a grade level.
Social Studies – http://www.eduplace.com/ss/socsci/ga/

In addition to the specifics of your child’s Language Arts class, all teachers ask you to encourage your child to read for at least 30 minutes
each night and continue to work on AR goals and reading calendars.
Most fifth grade classrooms are in the midst of CRCT practice and review right now and our Reading and Language Arts tests begin
the testing cycle. As we move beyond the tests, there are a variety of activities that we will work on. From poetry units to designing
quiz games, writing and performing plays and creating advertisements, our children will continue to be producing quality work in their
language arts classes. Many teachers also work on novel sets toward the end of the semester which the children all enjoy.

Please continue to work on basic math facts with your child. There are great websites to assist. Try www.mathplayground.com for
explanatory videos and great drill and practice math games.

Mrs. Snow/Mr. Adkins/Mrs. O’Brien/Mrs. McLaughlin/Mr. Vorick/Mr. Schonberg

After completing the Volume and Capacity unit, we’re moving on to Unit 7 – Data with Algebra. The students will use variables for
unknown quantities in algebraic expressions, investigate simple algebraic expressions by substituting numbers for the unknown and
determine that a formula will be reliable regardless of the type of number that is substituted for the variable – including whole
numbers and fractions. The students will also analyze data presented in a graph and solve simple one-step equations with variables
using each of the four basic operations.

Ms. Becker
This week marks the end of the Filling and Wrapping: Three-Dimensional Measurement unit. The focus of the unit was volume (filling)
and surface area (wrapping) of objects, especially rectangular prisms, cylinders, cones, and spheres. In addition, students extended their
understanding of similarity and scale factors to three-dimensional figures. Students developed strategies for measuring surface area and
volume. Their strategies were used to formulate rules for finding the surface area and volume of rectangular prisms and cylinders as well as
cones and spheres. The unit test is tomorrow, April 3rd. The unit project is due Friday, April 17th.

Our next unit, How Likely Is It?: Understanding Probability, helps students understand and reason about experimental and theoretical
probability and the relationship between them. Students will make important connections between probability and rational numbers,
geometry, statistics, science, and business. Students will learn to find probabilities in two ways: by conducting trials and collecting
experimental data, and also by analyzing situations to determine theoretical probabilities. Students will use fractions, decimals, percents, and
ratios to describe how likely events are. Experiments with coins, number cubes, spinners, and paper cups will help the classes examine
simple games of chance and to determine whether the games are fair. How probability is useful in predicting the likelihood of genetic traits,
such as eye color and tongue-curling ability will also be explored.

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