Effect of Porosity On The Absorbed, Reemitted and Transmitted Light by A Geopolymer Metakaolin Base

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Materials Letters 65 (2011) 880883

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Materials Letters
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / m a t l e t

Effect of porosity on the absorbed, reemitted and transmitted light by a geopolymer

metakaolin base
Gasca-Tirado J. Ramn a,, Rubio-valos J.C. b,c, Muiz-Villarreal M.S. a, Manzano-Ramrez A. a,
Reyes-Araiza J.L. c, Sampieri-Bulbarela S. a, Carlos Villaseor-Mora d, Prez-Bueno J.J. e,
Apatiga L.M. f, Amig Borrs Vicente g

Centro de Investigaciones y de Estudios Avanzados del I.P.N. Unidad Quertaro, Quertaro, Quertaro, C.P. 76230, Mexico
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicols de Hidalgo, Morelia, Michoacn, C.P. 58000, Mexico
Postdoctoral position at Centro de Investigaciones y de Estudios Avanzados del I.P.N. Unidad Quertaro, Quertaro, Quertaro, C.P. 76230, Mexico
Universidad de Guanajuato. Campus Celaya-Salvatierra, Celaya, Guanajuato, C.P. 38060, Mexico
Centro de Investigacin y Desarrollo Tecnolgico en Electroqumica, Parque Tecnolgico Quertaro-San Fandila, C.P. 76700, San Fandila, Pedro Escobedo, Quertaro, Mexico
Centro de Fsica Aplicada y Tecnologa Avanzada, Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico, A.P. 1-1010, Quertaro, Mexico
Instituto de Tecnologa de Materiales, Universidad Politcnica de Valencia. Camino de Vera, s/n. C.P. 46022, Valencia Spain

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Received 15 September 2010
Accepted 5 December 2010
Available online 10 December 2010
Optical properties

a b s t r a c t
In the present paper, the optical characterization of a geopolymer synthesized at three different temperatures
(40, 60 and 90 C) is described. The results were correlated to the porosity fraction in order to obtain a
photoluminescent geopolymer.
A two-ux model was employed to relate the fraction of light absorbed, remitted and transmitted by a
representative layer of geopolymer. Porosity was measured by nitrogen adsorption and correlated with the
optical properties to determine the fraction of UV/Vis light transmitted through the samples. It was found that
the geopolymer synthesize temperature and the incident wavelength greatly affect the fraction of light
transmitted by the samples.
The UV/Vis spectrum was divided into three zones according to the observed behavior. In the rst zone, the
difference in transmission fraction was signicant; in the second zone, this difference decreased and
practically vanished at the third one.
Considering the highest transmission fraction at 90 C, a photoluminescent geopolymer with the strongest
emitting peak at 469 nm was synthesized.
2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
In 1978 Davidovits [1] coined the term geopolymer to name the
amorphous aluminosilicates synthesized by chemical reaction between aluminosilicates and alkaline polisilicates. Principal raw
materials for geopolymer synthesis are y ash, slag or metakaolin;
each of one producing different compression strength in the nal
product [2,3]. Due to their physical properties, geopolymers have
received considerable attention from scientists [4]. Some of their
outstanding applications are in re protection [5], immobilization [6],
and radioactive and toxic waste encapsulation [7].
Recently, and despite the lack of optical previous characterization,
McKenzie [8] was successful in employing geopolymers as a color
change humidity indicator. UVVis studies have been carried out for
similar materials as aluminosilicates and zeolites [9,10], but no
characterizations has been carried out for geopolymers to further
investigate about their optical properties.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +52 442 211 99 18; fax: +52 442 211 99 38.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.R. Gasca-Tirado).
0167-577X/$ see front matter 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

In the present work, it is shown how geopolymers may expand

their applications to optical ones, and possibly be used as support for
photoreactions of adsorbed molecules, stabilization of functional dyes
and for monitoring of physical properties by uorescence or
phosphorescence of adsorbed molecules. To account for this, and as
a response to the lack of optical characterization, geopolymer porosity
was correlated with the reection, transmission and absorption
fraction at three different synthesis temperatures (40, 60 and 90 C).
Finally, as an application, a photoluminescent geopolymer was
successfully produced and characterized optically.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Metakaolin and chemicals
Metakaolin was purchased under the brand name of Metamax from
BASF-Corporation. The metakaolin contains a small amount of anatase
as impurity. The chemical composition (weight percentage) of
metakaolin determined by X-ray uorescence was: 51.556% SiO2,
44.788% Al2O3, 1.612% Ti02, 0.485% Fe2O3, and others. Sodium hydroxide

J.R. Gasca-Tirado et al. / Materials Letters 65 (2011) 880883

and sodium silicate were purchased from SIDESA-Corporation Mxico.

The photoluminescent crystals (pigment NGX-19) were obtained from
DayGlo Color Corp. USA. It was determined by XRD and SEM that those
crystals were Sr2MgSi2O7: Eu2+ Dy3+ with an average particle size of
2.8 m.
2.2. Metakaolin based geopolymer synthesis
Geopolymer samples were prepared by mechanically mixing
stechiometric amounts of metakaolin, sodium hydroxide, sodium
silicate (Na2O/SiO2 wt. ratio: 0.31) and distilled water. The constituents
were formulated to follow the molar oxide ratios: SiO2/Al2O3 = 3.3,
Na2O/SiO2 = 0.25, Na2O/Al2O3 = 0.4883 and H2O/Na2O = 13.73; forming a homogenous paste. After 15 min of mechanical mixing, the slurry
was vibrated for 15 min to remove entrained air and was poured into
plastic Petri dishes to form discs of 100 mm in diameter and 10 mm in
height. Geopolymers were dried for 2 h at 40 C and then cured in closed
vessels at 40, 60 and 90 C for 24 h. Finally, samples were cut with a
diamond disc to t into the UV/Vis spectrometer sample holder.
For the optical characterization, 550 m thick samples (40, 60 and
90 C) were made following the previous procedure. In this case, the
slurry was poured between two microscope slides separated by
600 m PVC slides. One of the microscope slides was previously
coated with 50 m high absorbing black paint and the other was
covered with a slight layer of a water base released agent.
2.3. Photoluminescent geopolymer synthesis
Photoluminescent geopolymer was prepared by a similar procedure described above. The photoluminescent crystals were added into
the geopolymer paste in a weight proportion of 20% and mixed for
10 min. The paste was vibrated for 15 min to remove entrained air and
was poured into a plastic Petri dish. Finally, the sample was cured for
2 h at 40 C followed by 24 h at 90 C.

the BarretJoynerHalenda method of analysis. This method is based

on a simplied macroscopic description of the capillary condensation
process with limitations at microscopic level; this makes the method
inaccurate for materials with pore sizes of 24 nm.
The photoluminescent geopolymer spectrum was measured with a
SpectraPro-2300i spectrograph in combination with a PD471 photomultiplier, all of Action Research Corporation. The sample was
previously exposed to sun light for 5 min, and 10 min later it was
placed in a dark sample chamber. Data from 400 to 800 nm was
collected through a computer coupled to the equipment.
3. Theory/calculations
Dahm [11] proposed a two-ux model where a function called the
Absorption/Remission function relates the fraction of light absorbed,
remitted and transmitted by a representative layer. This function is
constant for any number of layers making up a sample and therefore
independent of the sample thickness. The function is proportional to
the ratio of what he called the apparent linear absorption (K) and
remission (B) coefcients of the sample.

AR;T = 1R T = R = 2K = B:

Transmission, reection and absorption fraction of the geopolymers were calculated through Dahm's equation [11]. Scatter reectance for samples on black background and very thick samples were
measured by a Perkin Elmer Lambda 900 UV/Vis/NIR spectrophotometer in combination with a 60 mm integrating sphere.
Porosity and pore size distribution were measured by nitrogen
adsorption on a NOVA 2000e Quantachrome instruments employing

The linear absorption coefcient (K) is dened by the ratio of the

absorbed light (A) divided by the sample thickness; and the linear
remission coefcient (B) is given by the ratio of the remitted light (R)
divided the sample thickness.
When the sample thickness is optically opaque, the fraction of light
transmitted is negligible and the Absorption/Remission function is
modied to give:

AR ; 0 = 1R = R :

2.4. Characterization


By measuring the remission (scatter reectance) of optically thick

samples, the Absorption/Remission function is determined; and, in
junction with the measurement of the same parameter but in optically
thin samples on a black background, the linear absorption (K) and
remission coefcient (B) are determined. By solving those coefcients; the absorbed, remitted and transmitted light of the sample can
be determined for every single wave length.

Fig. 1. 60 C-Geopolymer absorption (dash-dot line), reection (dot line) and transmission fraction (solid line).


J.R. Gasca-Tirado et al. / Materials Letters 65 (2011) 880883

Fig. 2. Transmission fraction for a 550 m sample of 90 C-geopolymer (dot line), 60 C-geopolymer (dash-dot-dot line) and 40 C-geopolymer (dash line).

4. Results and discussion

The transmitted, reected and absorbed light fraction determined
for a 550 m thickness sample of 60 C-geopolymer is shown in Fig. 1.
The lower the wavelength, the greater the transmission fraction; and
beyond 350 nm, it decreases smoothly. By contrast, at different cured
temperatures, the fraction of light transmitted through the sample
thickness, changes as shown in Fig. 2. This gure evidences the grater
transmission fraction achieved at 90 C, followed by 40 and 60 C.
In the same gure, three principal zones of transmission are
depicted. First, from 250 to 350 nm, the 90 C-geopolymer transmits
16% more than the 40 C geopolymer, and 22% more than the one at
60 C.
In the second zone, from 351 to 570 nm, the average transmission
fraction difference reduces to 2%. In this zone, the 90 C-geopolymer
continues possessing the highest transmission fraction compared to
40 and 60 C geopolymers. Finally, the third zone beyond the 570 nm,
the transmission fraction difference vanishes. This corresponds with
the highest reectance measured, and obviously with the apparent
observed color of samples.
Measured macroporosity of the three different cured temperatures
geopolymers are shown in Table 1, this macroporosity fraction
correlates with the fraction of light transmitted through the samples.
It is believed that macroporous are more interconnected between them
than micro and mesoporous, promoting then higher light transmission.
The measured emission spectrum of the photoluminescent
geopolymer synthesized at 90 C shows a strong emitting peak at
469 nm. At this wavelength, the transmission fraction calculated for

100 m thick samples was 87%, and 22% for samples up to 600 m.
This suggests that the observed emission spectrum is produced in the
very rst 600 m outer layers. The necessary excitation lights,
determined by a method of measuring the band gap energy value of
a semiconductor [12], were 350, 460 and 503 nm; the rst one which
has a high transmission fraction, can be seen in Fig. 2 which in turn
ensures the excitation of the photoluminescent sites.
Finally, the photoluminescent geopolymer after sun exposure
(Fig. 3) shows that those optical properties are real and can be
expanded if applications are chosen to be performed at wavelengths
lower than 570 nm.

5. Conclusions
Optical properties of geopolymers change with the cured temperature. This variation is due to the pore fraction generated during the
synthesizing process. Macroporosity is the principal factor that modies
the amount of light transmitted through the sample, which in turn is
greatly affected by wavelengths lower than 570 nm and is practically
diminished beyond this. Optical applications of geopolymers must be
considered to have a great performance if they are used for ultraviolet
light or visible light under the 570 nm.

Table 1
Porosity fraction of geopolymers synthesized at 40, 60 and 90 C.

Fig. 3. Photoluminescent geopolymer in darkness.

J.R. Gasca-Tirado et al. / Materials Letters 65 (2011) 880883

The authors would like to thanks to David Sols from CIO, A.C. for
his kind technical support.
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