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1542 - 1545

Synthesis, characterization and optical properties of

Ni-doped nanocrystalline SnO2
Physics Section, School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia
School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia

Solgel processing is a simple way of preparing chemically homogeneous, high-purity and phase-pure powders at a lower
temperature. Nanometer-scale SnO2 particles have been synthesized by a simple solgel method. Tin oxide nanoparticles
were prepapred by the sol-gel route. In a typical synthesis, a 0.05 M tin(II) chloride (SnCl4.2H2O) in deionized water was
prepared and was added in 100 ml ethanol, to get equal proportions of water and ethanol, and then ultrasonic bath for 10
min. Followed by 1.5 wt % NiCl2.6H2O, Nickel chloride-6-hydrate was added as the doped source into previous solution,
and then ultrasonic bath for 5 min. The coatings were prepared by spin coating the preceding solutions at 500 rpm onto
glass substrates. The coating process was repeated five times. After spinning, the sample was placed on the substrate
holder inside tubular furnace. Then, the samples were dried in air at 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 and 700 C for 30 min,
respectively, in an electrically heated furnace. The samples were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)
spectroscopy. It is noteworthy that, no diffraction peaks corresponding to Ni oxides such as NiO are detected.
(Received September 2, 2010; accepted October 14, 2010)
Keywords: Nanocrystalline SnO2 thin films, Band gap energy, FTIR spectroscopy

1. Introduction
Tin oxide (SnO2) is an n-type wide band gap (3.6-3.8
eV) semiconductor and it had been used in a variety of
applications such as gas sensors for gas mixture;
transparent conductive films for solar cells; optoelectronic
devices; electrode materials; lithium batteries; and
catalysts for the oxidation of organic compounds [1-3].
The interesting characteristics and related pplications were
dominated by several factors, such as morphology, grain
size, crystallinity and etc [4].
In recent years, nanocrystalline particles with a high
surface area showed improved properties in gas sensing
for example. Synthesis of nanomaterials with well
controlled size, morphology and chemical composition
may open new opportunities in exploring newand
enhanced physical properties. The microstructure of SnO2
could be controlled by temperature treatment, doping and
method of preparation [5-7].
SnO2 nanoparticles can by synthesized using a various
methods for example RF magnetron sputtering, electron
beam evaporation, high energy ball milling method;
homogeneous precipitation; chemical vapor deposition;
hydrothermal; solvothermal; microemulsion; solgel
coating; spray pyrolysis; polymerized complex citrate
route; and non-aqueous approaches [8-10].
In a literature review, Cheng and Chan studied
antimony doping of tin dioxide as a novel anodic material
for ozone electrolytic generation. They have been reported
high current efficiency and high dissolved ozone
concentration at room temperature [11]. Furthermore, due
to our goal was the development of gas sensor devices, the
SnO2 sols were doped with nickel. Ordinarily, dopants are
applied as catalysts in the fabrication of gas sensor for

obtaining a faster response of the device and for making it

more selective toward a given gas. The doping modifies
the electronic structure of the material, which can cause
more effective electron-hole pair generation that is
especially significant for utilizations that are based on
light-induced phenomena.
The above considerations make it important to study
the influence of doping on the properties of sol-gel derived
SnO2. In this paper, optical properties of sol-gel process
nanocrystalline Ni-doped SnO2 thin films have been
studied in post thermal annealed (in air over the
temperature range of 100 C 700 C) conditions using
Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR).
2. Experimental
Tin oxide nanoparticles were prepapred by the sol-gel
route. In a typical synthesis, a 0.05 M tin(II) chloride
(SnCl4.2H2O) in deionized water was prepared and was
added in 100 ml ethanol, to get equal proportions of water
and ethanol, and then ultrasonic bath for 10 min. Followed
by 1.5 wt % NiCl2.6H2O, Nickel chloride-6-hydrate was
added as the doped source into previous solution, and then
ultrasonic bath for 5 min.
The coatings were prepared by spin coating the
preceding solutions at 500 rpm onto glass substrates. The
coating process was repeated five times. After spinning,
the sample was placed on the substrate holder inside tube
furnace (Fig. 1). Then, the samples were dried in air at
100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 and 700 C for 30 min,
respectively, in an electrically heated furnace. The samples
were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)

Synthesis, characterization and optical properties of Ni-doped nanocrystalline SnO2


3. Results and discussion

Fig. 1. Setup of tube furnace for thermal annealing.

The schematic diagram of a Michelson interferometer

is shown in Fig. 2. The light source is first collimated by a
collimator mirror before being directed at a beam splitter,
positioned at 45o to the incident beam. A KBr beamsplitter
separates the beam into two beams, each having amplitude
of half the original beam and propagates at right angles to
each other [12]. One of the beams reflects off a movable
mirror while the other beam reflects off a fixed mirror.
The two beams then recombine at the beamsplitter, and the
superposition of the beams is a function of the
displacement of the movable mirror, which controls the
optical path difference [13]. The mirror displacement is
measured in reference to the zero point position, for
example the point where the distance from the fixed mirror
and the movable mirror to the beam spitter is equal. The
continuous spectrum of the IR source can be considered as
being composed of many monochromatic beams, each of
different frequencies. These component beams are all
completely in phase with each other only at the zero point
position. At this point, constructive interference occurs,
resulting in a maximum signal known as centre burst in the
interferogram [14].
The resulting beam is then reflected off an adjustable
focusing mirror to the sample at a near-normal incidence
angle of 30o. The light incident on the sample is partly
absorbed while the remainder is reflected from the sample
and directed to the detector. Data acquisition is performed
at a data interval of 1cm-1. The interferogram is then
digitized and fed to the computer where Fourier transform
is performed. Since the spectrum obtained consists of the
contribution from both the sample and the instrument
(background), background correction must be carried out
to eliminate the background contribution. This is achieved
by ratioing the spectrum of the sample to the background
(in the absence of the sample) spectrum. The spectrum
obtained after the ratio is called the reflectance spectrum.
This is the spectrum that will be used for data analysis.

Fig. 2. Schematic of a generic Michelson interferometer.

FTIR spectroscopy is a non-destructive technique

which, although is most commonly associated with
chemical identification, has also proven to be useful for
optical characterization of semiconductor thin films. For
SnO2, IR studies have been conducted on bulk SnO2. In
recent years, FTIR spectroscopy has also been applied to
SnO2 epilayers and structures. For this work, FTIR
spectroscopy was employed to obtain the optical spectrum
of the samples in the reststrahlen region of SnO2 (~ 400
4000 cm-1) and analyzed to study its optical properties.
FTIR spectroscopy can also be used to determine phonon
modes and is usually regarded as a complementary
technique to Raman spectroscopy.
In IR spectroscopy, the sample is irradiated with IR
radiation, where part of the radiation is absorbed and
inducing vibrionic excitation. The remainder of the
radiation is then transmitted or reflected to a detector. One
of the most frequently used methods in FTIR spectroscopy
employs two-beam interferometers such as the Michelson
interferometer. The Michelson interferometer works on the
principle that when two beams combine, interference
occurs in accordance to their optical path difference. The
intensity of the resultant beam as a function of optical path
difference is called the interferogram. The interferometer
first collects the interferogram. Then, with the aid of a
computer, the interferogram is converted to the optical
frequency/wavenumber, by performing a mathematical
analysis called the Fourier Transform.
Using a Perkin Elmer Spectrum GX Michelson
interferometer, room temperature measurements were
conducted on the samples. The interferometer has
interchangeable optics and is capable of conducting both
mid and far IR measurements. For this study, the region of
interest is the reststrahlen region of SnO2 which falls in the
mid-IR region. The Kramers-Kronig analysis is then
performed on the reflectance spectra to obtain the phase,
optical and dielectric constants as a function of
wavenumber, and finally the optical phonon frequencies of
the sample.
Fig. 3 shows the FTIR patterns of the as-deposited
specimen and the samples heat-treated from 100 C to 700
C for 30 min, respectively. Tin oxide FTIR pattern
generally shows the presence of stretching vibration bands
at around 540 cm-1. The peak at 800 cm-1 can be assigned
to Sn-O-Sn stretching vibrations. The absorption band at
540 cm-1 was ascribed to the the terminal oxygen vibration
(Sn-OH). A broad band around 3500 cm-1, coupled to that
at about 1640 cm-1, characteristic of water bending, is
observed in the as-deposited, 100 C and 200 C sample.
For sample annealed at 300 C, 400 C, 500 C, 600 C,
and 700 C, the absorption observed at 1640 cm-1 due to
OH group is weak or absent. In all the samples, absorption
peaks near 550 cm-1 corresponding to Sn-O vibrations,
was observed. The disappearance of bands around 3500
cm-1 when the sample is heat-treated at 700 C for 30 min
confirms the elimination of hydroxyl groups in our
densified samples. No additional absorption peaks were


L. S. Chuah, M. Y. Yaacob, M. S. Fan, S. S. Tneh, Z. Hassan

observed with Ni addition, indicating its homogeneous

dispersion in the support material.
Popescu and Verduraz et al. [15] have seen these
peaks for SnO2 powder at 665 cm-1, 770 cm-1 and 960 cm-1,
respectively; their peaks were comparatively narrower in
comparison with our FTIR spectra. This may be due to
amorphous and nanocrystalline nature of our films. The
shape of the FTIR spectra and the positions of the peaks
have been shown to vary with the synthesis routes and
particle size [16].

(d) 400 C

(a) 100 C

(e) 500 C

(b) 200 C

(f) 600 C

(c) 300 C
(g) 700 C

Synthesis, characterization and optical properties of Ni-doped nanocrystalline SnO2



(h) As deposited
Fig. 3. The FTIR patterns of the as-deposited specimen and
the samples heat-treated from 100 C to 700 C for 30 min.

4. Conclusions
In conclusion, SnO2 nanoparticles have been
successfully prepared by a simple solgel method. FTIR
spectra of the samples have also been investigated. Tin
oxide FTIR pattern generally shows the presence of
stretching vibration bands at around 540 cm-1. The peak at
800 cm-1 can be assigned to Sn-O-Sn stretching vibrations.
The absorption band at 540 cm-1 was ascribed to the the
terminal oxygen vibration (Sn-OH). A broad band around
3500 cm-1, coupled to that at about 1640 cm-1,
characteristic of water bending, is observed in the asdeposited, 100 C and 200 C sample. For sample
annealed at 300 C, 400 C, 500 C, 600 C, and 700 C,
the absorption observed at 1640 cm-1 due to OH group is
weak or absent. In all the samples, absorption peaks near
550 cm-1 corresponding to Sn-O vibrations, was observed.
The disappearance of bands around 3500 cm-1 when the
sample is heat-treated at 700 C for 30 min confirms the
elimination of hydroxyl groups in our densified samples.

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The authors would like to acknowledge the Universiti
Sains Malaysia for financial assistance through a Short
Term Grant.


Corresponding author: [email protected]

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