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Archangel Zadkiel Forgiveness

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Archangel Zadkiel (Righteousness of God) and The Angel of Mercy

When I am having difficulty in forgiving, myself or someone else,

I call on Archangel Zadkiel to assist me to let go of judgment and unforgiveness. With your help I get stronger feelings of mercy and
compassion towards myself and others.
Zadkiel is the angel of mercy and benevolence and is also known
as the holy one and the Angel of Prayer and Affirmation. This awesome
Archangel guards the powers of invocation and affirmation, which are
the essences of prayer. This Archangel will responds to the deepest call
from your heart, no prayer goes unanswered, as he encourages you to
intensify this energy through your desire. With his help you will be
reminded to open your heart and mind in gratitude to receive the
presence and power of the Universe. Call on him when you are in need
of forgiveness, whether it is for others to forgive you or for you to be
able to forgive others or yourself.
Use his power to transform all negativity into positive energy, purifying you in body, mind
and heart.

The Akashic Forgiveness Prayer

If there is anyone or anything that has hurt me in the past,
knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive and release it. If I have hurt
anyone or anything in the past, knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive and
release it. If I have hurt myself knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive and
release it. (for the highest loving context for others and myself.)
When I am having difficulty in forgiving, myself or someone else,
Archangel Zadkiel please help me to find a way to forgive those who
have hurt me in the past, in order that I may move forward with a greater
peace of mind. Please bless me with the ability to see things from a
clear and calm perspective, so that I may find my way more easily
through difficult situations.
Thank you for being there.
NOTE: Optimal use is three times a day for at least 28 days. I have
seen miracles happen with this prayer, both with myself and clients!
Zadkiel is the angel of mercy and benevolence and is also known
as the holy one and the Angel of Prayer and Affirmation. This awesome
Archangel guards the powers of invocation and affirmation, which are
the essences of prayer. This Archangel will responds to the deepest call
from your heart, no prayer goes unanswered, as he encourages you to
intensify this energy through your desire. With his help you will be
reminded to open your heart and mind in gratitude to receive the
presence and power of the Universe. Call on him when you are in need
of forgiveness, whether it is for others to forgive you or for you to be
able to forgive others or yourself.

Angel Invocation
Angel Invocation - Invocation of the four Archangels

Start facing the East to invoke Archangel Uriel and as if in prayer

say," I invoke Uriel in the space in front of me. Please give me clarity in
this day. How can I best be of service." OR you can ask for help and
clarity on a specific problem.
Move then to your right, you are now facing South to invoke
Archangel Raphael and again as if in prayer say, "I invoke Raphael in
the space in behind me." Think about what's dying away in your life so
that something new can be born, and ask Raphael for illumination or
help with it and if there is a particular healing you need - physical,
mental, emotional or spiritual - ask him for that.

Turning right to the west, invoke the Archangel Gabriel who gives
you strength to face and overcome your fears. Again as if in prayer
say, "I invoke Gabriel to stand on my right." Ask, "What are my fears
and where do I need strength." Then ask for his help.

Turning right again, now facing North, invoke Archangel Michael. He

is the energy of wisdom and love. Again as if in prayer say, "I invoke
Michael to stand on my left." Spend a moment reflecting on your life
and if there's something you feel you need insight on or true wisdom
about, then ask for Michael's help.

After the angel invocation of the Archangels, imagine the compassionate, feminine, nurturing
and safe womb-like aspect of Source, God, "The All That Is".
Visualize it washing over you and pouring through you expanding to surround and enclose you
in an egg of light and love.
Feel all negativity and doubt wash away as your heart becomes lighter and lighter. Linger in this
Divine Presence for a while.
Personally working with the Archangels is one of my favorite things, I find their help and
support in all my healing sessions such a great help and inspiration, I always have my "Angel
Cards" with me which I find to be a great inspiration.

Angel Invocation for the Nine Choirs

Brilliant Seraphim I call to thee - circle 'round, bring love to me.

Mighty Cherubim guard my gate - remove from me sorrow and hate.
Thrones stand firm, stable be - keep me steady on land or sea.

I call Dominions, leadership true - may I be fair in all I do.

Circles of protection Powers form - help me weather any storm.

Miraculous Virtues hover near - elemental energies I summon here.

Principalities bring global reform - bless the world and each babe born.

Glorious Archangels show me the way - to bring peace and harmony every

Guardian angel, with all your might - bless me with your guiding light.

Chanting an Angel Invocation to align with the Angels

Eee Nu Rah

Eee Nu Rah
Eee Nu Rah

Meaning of the Words

Eee - "All that I am that is not physical, my mind and my emotions. Nu - My physical body. Rah
- My soul. Zay - In the company of Angels.
The WHOLE CHANT means - I bring all of myself, mind, emotions, body and soul, together in
the company of Angels.

This angel invocation is from the book "Ask Your Angels".

Sit down and relax allow your heart to open to the Angels.

Close your eyes and open your mouth allowing the words to flow.

ARCHANGELS - The Magnificent 7!

The archangels are the eighth ranking Order or Choir of Angels in the Third Hierarchal Sphere;
these angels tend the larger arenas of human endeavor and act as the administrative leaders of the
heavenly beings.
They are usually given tasks that is of great importance to men.
The word comes from the Greek archagglos, meaning chief angel.
It derives from the Greek arch, meaning to be first in political rank or power; and agglos which
means messenger.
They are also the most widely known hierarchies, since the only Angels mentioned by name in
the Bible (Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael) come from this Order. Scroll down the page to read
more about them.

They are in command...

They carry God's messages to humans and are ultimately in command of God's Armies of Angels
who are constantly in spiritual warfare with the forces of evil and the fallen angels.
Some insist that they are not a separate order but that the traditional Catholic archangels
(Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, and sometimes Uriel) are either cherubim or seraphim in addition to
being from this order.
Sometimes, Lucifer is considered to have been part of this order before his fall. As God's "second
in command," it is not likely that he was below the seraphim, therefore, it is possible that he had
been both.

The Archangels are just a call away!

They are said to be the guardian angels of nations and countries, and are concerned with the
issues and events surrounding these, including politics, military matters, commerce and trade

(e.g. Michael is traditionally seen as the protector of Israel). One of their duties is to influence
who amongst the living will rule.

Michael was almost universally believed to be their leader.

The number of these light beings usually considered to be associated with our system of worlds
is seven, as in the Seven Angels who stand before God in Revelation 8:2, which is often
interpreted to mean the Seven Archangels.
This is a truly memorable part of our journey, as you get to meet them and make them
your friends allowing their healing powers and energies into your life.
Becoming aquinted with the archangels, these powerful beings of light or as I sometimes call
them The Magnificent Seven is a blessing, having the ability to call upon them on a daily basis as
you do what ever it is you do to be able to harness their power. These Archangels willingly and
joyfully stand by your side as you call on them and open your heart, mind and life to their willing


Protection and Communication


Healing and Harmony


Spiritual devotion through service to others and peace


Good News and Restoration

Chamuel Love and Relationships


Beauty, Illumination and Wisdom


Benevolence and Mercy

Archangel Michael - I am the Power!

Archangel Michael (Who is like God) and The Angels of Protection

I regularly call on Archangel Michael to clear negative energy from any space including my
home, office, mind and heart. Whenever I feel afraid or vulnerable I call on Michael and he will
instantly protects me mentally, physically and emotionally and gives me the courage I need to
face the challenge of the moment. It is believed that Michael is the leader amongst archangels.
He appears in the Book of Daniel in the Hebrew Bible and in the Book of Revelation and this
powerful being of light is known as the "Angel of Protection" and the " Defender of the Light &

Goodness" who sits at the right hand of God. By knowing about the archangels and how to use
their power as well as the power of Michael to help protect you and your family is invaluable.
His name is a battle cry for the host of angels as they battle for mankind and Lord Michael's most
important function is to rid and free the earth of the toxicants affiliated with fear.
Michael can assist you whenever you feel the presence of negative forces.
This is a simple invocation you can use at any time to harness the great power of Michael:
"Michael I need your help. Please come to me now!" or
"Archangel Michael, help me, help me, help me!"
This beautiful Archangel joins you instantly when you ask for his assistance.
His domain is the "fiery" energy of the solar plexus while sun-yellow is actually his main color
but because Michael carries a sword made of sapphire, he is associated with the Blue Ray and
the development of the third eye and the throat chakra.

Banff, near Lake

Louise, Canada


Sapphire Blue


Lapis Lazuli






Throat, thyroid,
parathyroid, upper
lungs, base of skull and
body weight.


Courage, strength,
perfecting of your soul,
freedom from fear and


Psychic protection,
physical protection on
anything from car
accidents to burglaries.


Inspiration for leaders,

improvement of









Zodiac signs

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Way of the Archangels Course

These powerful light beings are waiting
to willingly and joyfully stand by your
side as you call on them and open your
heart, mind and life to their willing aid.

NOTE: Archangel Michael and the Blue Ray is really great at helping with healing ear and
throat infections, reducing fever and inflammatory conditions, lowering high blood pressure and

heart rate, reducing stress and calming the central nervous system, the blue ray is also a natural
pain reliever.

Archangel Raphael - I HEAL!

Archangel Raphael (God has Healed or Shining One Who Heals) & The Angels of Healing

I call on Archangel Raphael as a guide in my healing sessions.

I trust Raphael as he is known to guide human healers (both traditional and alternative) in
knowing which earthly treatments or energies to use on their patients.
This mighty Archangel is the angel of healing.
His name means "God has healed" and is based on the Hebrew word "rapha" which means healer
or doctor hence he is also known as the physician of the angelic realm.
He is a very powerful healer and is charged with the healing of our beloved Mother Earth, Gaia
and all of her inhabitants.
Not only does he conduct general spiritual healing directly upon the ill or injured but when
working with you, the individual, Raphael begins with purifying your mind and erasing false
beliefs because, as I am sure you are aware, it is your thoughts that trigger your health problems,
not your body.
Learn more about how to invoke Raphael's presence for yourself to clear blocks within your own
or someone else's energy body so that the flow of universal life-force energy can heal both the
cause of the block and its physical manifestation.
Archangel Raphael Health and vitality are your natural state of being.
This ability to call on Raphael as well as any of the other Archangels to harness their
power for yourself and to use on others for healing and balancing is an amazing way to
bring about healing
Their presence today is as strong as it always was and with your knowledge and skills you can
working in tandem with them to co-create for yourself and and anyone else .
I ask Archangel Raphael to guide me with clarity and love in the process of performing a healing
either on behalf of another person or for myself, remember at all times he cannot interfere with
another persons' free will.


Fatima, Portugal






Healing and harmony



Equalizes calms and relaxes,

encourages personal growth, Way of the Archangels Course
Associations balances physical and mental
These powerful light beings are
waiting to willingly and joyfully


Wholeness, healing,
stand by your side as you call on
abundance, inner vision,
them and open your heart, mind
spiritual sight, inspiration of and life to their willing aid.


Healing of body, mind, soul

and spirit, inspiration for the
study and practice of music,
mathematics, science and
both traditional and
alternative medicine,
meeting physical needs such
as food, clothing, shelter,
tools of your trade.


Repairing of rifts between

people, healing of those
injured on the battlefield,
inspiration for new cures for









Zodiac signs Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

NOTE:Archangel Raphael and the Green Ray is a general healing energy but works very well
with tension headaches, migraines, gastric ulcers, digestive upsets, agitated emotional states and
stress in general. Can help in easing problems with the heart, lungs and thymus.

Archangel Uriel - I Am Peace!

Archangel Uriel (Fire of God) and The Angels of Peace

I call on Archangel Uriel to assist me in anchoring myself in peace and love that is strong enough
to withstand any negativity.
By invoking this powerful light being he helps me turn my worst disappointments into my
greatest blessings and assists me in releasing blocks to forgiveness.
Uriel is one of the most powerful Archangels and is associated with the unimaginable light of
God which gives you illumination.
He brings divine light into your life as he transforms painful memories and restores peace to your
Whenever you feel you have lost your way, call on him and the Ruby Ray; invite his essence into
your life to assist you in becoming a master of your energies. Understanding the way and the
power of the Archangels allows you to call on them at any time to help guide and protect you.
Call on them as you transform your life.
Uriel is one of the wisest archangels and will assist you with brilliant new ideas entering
your mind.
He is traditionally also considered the Angel of the Earth. He is the keeper of the mysteries
which are deep within the planet, underground and in the hidden depths of the living world.
Therefore Uriel is the patron or Ecology, the science of the whole Earth and the inter-relationship
of all life upon it.
Way of the Archangels Course


Tatra Mountains, Poland


Purple & gold flecked with



Angelite, Ruby


Spiritual devotion through

selfless service to others.



Muscles, feet, legs, knees,

hips, reproductive organs,
genitals, blood, circulation.

Inner peace, release of fears,

tranquillity of spirit,
untangling of knots of anger
and fear in your psyche,

These powerful light beings are

waiting to willingly and joyfully
stand by your side as you call on
them and open your heart, mind
and life to their willing aid.

renewal of hope.


Peaceful resolution of
problems in personal, social
and professional relationships,
help in creating a harmonious
environment for nurturing
creativity and growth,
inspiration and help for nurses,
doctors, hospice workers,
counsellors, teachers, judges,
public servants and all who
serve others.


Ending of war, bringing of

peace, promoting of
brotherhood and
understanding, manifestation
of divine justice in courtrooms
and between nations.


Clear thinking







Zodiac Signs Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

NOTE:Archangel Uriel and the Ruby Ray must not be used for angry inflamed and hot
conditions such as high blood pressure, swellings, fever, ulcers, hyperactivity and inflammation.
Very useful to increase energy and stops debilitation.

Archangel Gabriel - from Here FOWARD!

Archangel Gabriel (God is my Strength) and The Angels of Guidance

Archangel Gabriel is the messenger who whispers in your ear of coming events, changes, and
opportunities for new experiences.
He is the bearer of GOOD NEWS and is the angel that announced the forthcoming birth of Jesus
to Mary also in Islam Gabriel (Jibril) awakened Mohammed (the Prophet of God) and dictated
the Koran to him.
Gabriel will assist childless parents towards child conception or adoption as well as healing
anyone whose life purpose involves the arts or communication.

Call on Gabriel to open doors to help you express your talent in a big way.
Ask Gabriel to restore any blocked areas in your life and fill you with the remembrance of your
divine purpose and destiny.
One of this magnificent Archangel's tasks is the restoring of life and light into stale areas of your
life such as relationships, businesses, households, etc.
Call on him and you will receive creative ideas and opportunities to help you get moving again.
I work with the seven Archangels who may be the best known of all the Archangels,
perhaps because their presence has been mentioned in many historical and biblical
Today, they are still strongly making their presence known and working in tandem with humanity
to co-create a more peaceful world.
Learning about them and how to become proficient in calling on them at any time are tools that
are readily available.
Gabriel will assist in improving bronchitis and asthma, he will balance your hormones and aids
fertility, he eases constipation and unlocks deadlocked processes.
Way of the Archangels Course


Mount Shasta, California


White, orange


Danburite or Carnelian





Abdomen, lower back,

kidneys, lower intestines
Associations and governs the adrenal


Purification, guidance in
creating your spiritual life,
revelation of your life plan
and purpose, dissolution of
discouragement, joy
happiness and fulfilment.


Help in organizing peace

keeping operations,
distribution of food and
medical assistance, relief
for victims of natural


Overcoming doubt and








These powerful light beings are

waiting to willingly and joyfully stand
by your side as you call on them and
open your heart, mind and life to
their willing aid.



Zodiac signs Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Archangel Chamuel - I LOVE!

Archangel Chamuel (He who sees God) & The Angels of Love

This amazing Light Being, Archangel Chamuel is the Angel of Love, he is in my heart as we
speak as I hope he is in yours, but more about that later.
His name means "He who sees God" and he helps you to expand your heart chakra by
developing the infinite flame of love within you.
I can clearly remember that moment when I had that attack of butterflies... when I knew... I just
knew that my husband was the right man for me, and again just after my children were born and
placed in my arms.
I am sure that that you have gotten that fluttery feeling in the pit of your stomach? Know that
when this happens, Chamuel is more than likely with you.
Chamuel is very loving, sweet and kind.
You should call on Chamuel to help with strengthening a parent-child bond, or in those times
when you're unable to feel love for yourself or others, lost someone close through death or
separation, your heart is blocked with depression, hopelessness and despair.
When you feel lonely and broken hearted, need to be loved, or if you are trying to stop being
judgmental and cynical or if you don't appreciate the love that you have in your life, call on him
and he will help you.
Archangel Chamuel particularly works with you to improve your loving and caring relationships
with others he will help you to build strong foundations for these relationships so that they will
be healthy, full of meaning and long-lasting.
The - training I do with my students acquaints them with these powerful beings of light.
The seven Archangels that I teach are probably the best known of all the Archangels, mostly
because their presence has been mentioned in many historical and biblical accounts, my students
learn how to foster special bonds with the Archangels and how to effectively call on them to help
with all the different facets of their life.
Today, as always, they are still working very hard making their presence known and working in
tandem with humanity to co-create a more peaceful world.

Archangel Chamuel also assists in the healing of the parts of your body that you have rejected
or that you have judged to be unlovable, he eases physical tension and psychosomatic illness.
Call on Chamuel to to assist you in releasing fear that is blocking your physical recovery to help
you to accept you physical self.
Spend a short while meditating with his image will improve and invoke the powers, speeding up
the healing you are seeking.

St. Louis, Missouri




Rose Quartz





Shoulders, heart, lungs, arms
Associations hands and your skin.


Love, compassion, mercy,

creativity, forgiveness,
dissolution of feelings of
selfishness, self-dislike, selfcondemnation and low selfesteem. Assists in the opening
of your heart chakra.


Protection against malice,

slander and misunderstanding,
inauguration of new
friendships and relationships,
repairing of damaged
relationships, help in getting
along with others, help in
finding a job, locating lost


Healing of ethnic and racial


Way of the Archangels Course

These powerful light beings are
waiting to willingly and joyfully
stand by your side as you call on
them and open your heart, mind
and life to their willing aid.

Archangel Jophiel - I am the Light!

Archangel Jophiel (Beauty of God) and The Angels of Illumination

Beautiful inspirational thoughts, we love them, that's Archangel Jophiel.

He helps you to think beautiful thoughts, those thought that enable you to attract and manifest
more beauty in your life.
You know when you have those sudden flashes of wonderful inspiration and suddenly the
answers to problems, that is Jophiel bringing joy, laughter and light, he also helps you with
studying, exams, and concentration as well as developing intuition, inner wisdom and insight.
Because Jophiel helps in absorbing information, it's a great idea to have him at your side
when you're studying for and want to pass tests.
Call on Jophiel's energy to help you slow down and smell the roses.
When - I teach my students about the archangels they find themselves in a position to
understand each of the archangels as well as to call on their mighty powers to help them in
their life as well as to ask for help in aiding loved ones.
Today, as always they are still strongly making their presence known and when working in
tandem with them you will be able to co-create a more peaceful world for yourself and your
loved ones.
Click here to see the full curriculum. then take my hand and join me as I guide you on your
Use Jophiel's yellow ray to help you to develop a fresh approach and bring to life
enchantment and pleasure.
Way of the Archangels Course


South of the Great Wall of

These powerful light beings are






Illumination and wisdom


Solar Plexus

Pancreas, solar plexus,
Associations liver, gall bladder, spleen,
middle stomach, nervous

waiting to willingly and joyfully stand

by your side as you call on them and
open your heart, mind and life to
their willing aid.

system skin and your

digestive system.

Wisdom, illumination,
understanding, inspiration,
knowledge, clear seeing,
creativity, beauty,
connection to higher self.


Help in absorbing
information, teaching,
studying for passing tests,
freedom from addictions,
and dissolution of
ignorance, pride and
narrow mindedness.


Exposure of wrongdoing
in government and
corporations, help in
fighting pollution and
cleaning up our planet.

NOTE: Jophiel and the Yellow Ray helps healing by reinforcing energy, strengthening weak
body processes and also assists in healing arthritis, joint stiffness and immobility. The Yellow
Ray is great for breaking down cellulite and removing toxins.

Archangel Zadkiel - I FORGIVE!

Archangel Zadkiel (Righteousness of God) and The Angel of Mercy

When I am having difficulty in forgiving, myself or someone else, I call on Archangel Zadkiel to
assist me to let go of judgment and un-forgiveness. With his help I get stronger feelings of mercy
and compassion towards myself and others.
Zadkiel is the angel of mercy and benevolence and is also known as the holy one and the Angel
of Prayer and Affirmation.
This awesome Archangel guards the powers of invocation and affirmation, which are the
essences of prayer.
This Archangel will responds to the deepest call from your heart, no prayer goes unanswered, as
he encourages you to intensify this energy through your desire.

With his help you will be reminded to open your heart and mind in gratitude to receive the
presence and power of the Universe.
Call on him when you are in need of forgiveness, whether it is for others to forgive you or for
you to be able to forgive others or yourself.
Use his power to transform all negativity into positive energy, purifying you in body, mind and
Learning how to ask and receive the help of Zadkiel and the other Archangels and having
their power help you to clear your energy field and improve your wellbeing is something
that I recomend.
These magnificent beings of light, I like to call them the "Magnificent 7" should be an intergral
part of everyones life.
The mission of Archangel Zadkiel is to help achieve forgiveness and to assist with spiritual







Spiritual growth, selftransformation and cosmic




Brain, scalp, crown, pineal

gland and the top of the

Soul freedom, happiness,

joy, forgiveness, justice,
mercy, dissolution of painful
memories and negative


Tolerance, diplomacy,
inspiration for scientists,
engineers, architects, actors
and performers.


Dissolution of memories of
strife between nations and
ethnic groups, inspiration
for the creative negotiation
and writing of laws,
regulations, fiscal and
economic policies, trade and
peace agreements.

Way of the Archangels Course

These powerful light beings are
waiting to willingly and joyfully
stand by your side as you call on
them and open your heart, mind
and life to their willing aid.

NOTE: Archangel Zadkiel and the Violet Ray improve and assist with internal inflammation and
aid the correct function of the immune system. Ameliorates bruises, swellings and black eyes and
eases eye problems. Soothes irritations, relieves pain and speeds up the healing process.

Over the years I have found that to have something like an Image to work on my deeper
consciousness greatly helps bring forth the power of the mighty ones. I tend to either meditate on
the image if I am doing very specific work or have them around my space so that they are in my
visual field at all times to remind me of their powers and abilities, something I recommend you
do for yourself, it really works.

ARCHANGELS - The Magnificent 7!

Protection and Communication

1. Archangel Michael, protect me from all harm!

"Michael I need your help. Please come to me now!"
Healing and Harmony

2. Archangel Raphael, make me whole again!

Archangel Raphael Health and vitality are your natural state of being.
Spiritual devotion through service to others and peace

3. Archangel Uriel, fill me with Peace!

Archangel Uriel assist me with brilliant new ideas entering my mind.
Good News and Restoration

4. Archangel Gabriel, guide me to my lifes purpose!

Archangel Gabriel to open doors to help me express my talent in a big way.
Love and Relationships

5. Archangel Chamuel, fills my heart with love!

Archangel Chamuel to assist me in releasing fear that is blocking my physical recovery
to help me to accept my physical self.
Beauty, Illumination and Wisdom

6. Archangel Jophiel, fill my body, mind and spirit with light!

Archangel Jophiel's energy to help you slow down and smell the roses.
Benevolence and Mercy

7. Archangel Zadkiel- help me to forgive myself & everyone else!

Archangel Zadkiel Call on him when you are in need of forgiveness, whether it is for
others to forgive you or for you to be able to forgive others or yourself.

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