Archangel Uriel: Functions and Powers
Archangel Uriel: Functions and Powers
Archangel Uriel: Functions and Powers
Archangel Uriel
Archangel Uriel is perceived as standing at the gates of heaven with a sharp sword, and he is
believed to be so bright and so filled with light that human eyes cannot tolerate his luminescence.
Archangel Uriel was the one who brought the Kabbalah to mankind. The Kabbalah is a Jewish
tradition that contains deep, esoteric insights into what God is and the purpose of creation.
It is very mystical and focuses primarily on how the universe works, and how we can find
fulfillment in our lives.
“Archangel Uriel, help me to unravel the mysteries of life with the clarity of an intelligent
thinker and analyzer. Grant me great wisdom and understanding the same way King Solomon
has done. Illuminate my mind so that I may see past the illusion and look at the world and
understand it’s true form.”
14. Archangel Jophiel
Archangel Jophiel is the Archangel to call upon for reinstating beauty, clarity, and creativity.
While the angel radiates a characteristically masculine energy to a few believers, to most others,
the angel has a distinctive feminine presence that is enriching, pulsating, and inspirational-
energies that befit the roles she masterfully takes on.
Sudden rush of creative ideas, flashes of golden yellow or deep-pink, flashes of inspirations,
positive and loving thoughts.
“Archangel Jophiel, help me to see the divine beauty in my life and the life of others. Help me to
look upon others the way God sees me – as a beautiful, holy, unblemished gift to the world.
When misunderstandings happen between me and my loved ones, help me to see a different
point of view so that I remember the beauty of others and forgive.”
13. Archangel Azrael
Azreal is identified in the Hebrew Bible as “Whom God Helps”, “Help of God”, or “Help from
God”, and he is one of the eleven Archangels who help with major life changes. He is also
known as the Angel of Death, the Word of Death, Azrail, Ashriel, Azaril, and Izrail. He is the
angel of beginnings and endings.
But this angel of death is a far cry from the macabre vision of the Grim Reaper, with his vicious-
looking sickle ready to cut us down, beckoning us to the other side with his long skeletal finger.
Feathers, artifacts, meaningful songs or music, rainbows, clouds, birds, butterflies, flowers,
unique scents, and coins.
“Archangel Azrael, please help me find comfort in your words. Guide me through my grief and
show me there is still hope for tomorrow for me, the living, without my loved one.
“Lift my heart and help me heal, for the heaviness and sorrow I feel seem to be unbearable right
now. Help me to connect with my loved on (use the person’s name) and give me the strength and
energy to communicate so I know he (she) is near.
“Watch over him as he crosses into the heavenly realm and guide him through his passing. Show
us both all the blessings God has in store for us and help me to release my tears so I can be joyful
again and move on with my life.
12. Archangel Haniel
Archangel Haniel is one of several archangels who help to build bridges between humans and
divine light beings. As leaders of the angelic entities they are the most powerful of all the angels.
The exact number of archangels is sometimes disputed, but many list seven as the main number.
Archangel Haniel’s personal number is seven and is one of the most joyous and love-infused
Haniel’s name means ‘Joy of God’ or ‘Grace of God’ and he has the ability to help you connect
to your inner sense of joy, purpose, grace and love across several levels.
Other names and spellings associated with Haniel are – Hanael, Haneal, Hamael, Aniel, Anafiel,
Anaphiel, Omoel, Onoel and Simiel.
Finding joy within, discovering something you enjoy doing, seeing green and turquoise light and
suddenly noticing the moon
“Archangel Haniel, please help me to live 100% by intuition so that I will be in complete
alignment with my inner being. Come to my aid as I learn to honor my feelings and emotions –
to accept them as a very important part of me so that I can be vulnerable to the parts that I am
afraid to thread upon. Give me certainty in times of doubt so that I may trust my inner knowing.”
Moving on, let’s familiarize ourselves with the Keeper of Ancient Power – Archangel
The Archangel Jeremiel is regarded in New Age and Christian Spiritual traditions as an angel of
hope, and a bringer of visions. Literally translated, his name is ‘God’s Exaltation,’ or sometimes
as ‘God’s Mercy.’ Jeremiel is also said to be a help to the souls of the deceased, guiding them
into the afterlife and helping them to examine their own lives, guiding them to lessons of these
“Archangel Jeremiel, please assist me in understanding my spiritual visions and how to make
sense of them. Teach me to look at others with a non-judgmental approach so that instead of
criticizing them, I will look at them with love-filled eyes and understand their journey.”
Are you praying for inner peace? The next archangel can help you with that…
The name Chamuel’ means “He who sees God’ or ‘He who seeks God’.
Archangel Chamuel is a powerful Archangel charged with providing protection, comfort, love,
peace and compassion. He is known as the angel of peaceful relationships who helps people who
seek his help to discover more about God’s unconditional love, find inner peace with themselves,
resolve conflicts with others, forgive people who have hurt or offended them, find and
nurture romantic love, and reach out to serve people in turmoil who need help to find peace.
Powerful healer leader in the angelic hierarchy, manifestation of universal and inner peace,
ensures holy mission
“Archangel Chamuel, please help me to see the world through your eyes. Whatever problems I
may be facing will be resolved with ease because I have your insight and see what you see.
When valuables go missing, help me to spot it with your keen eyes. Give me the wisdom to see
things from your vantage so that I may be able to deal fairly with all that is.”
Do you hold grudges and suffered from emotional wounds? Call upon the next Archangel!
9. Archangel Zadkiel
Archangel Zadkiel is known as the angel of mercy. He encourages and motivates people to turn
to God for the mercy and forgiveness they need to heal from pain and overcome sin, freeing
them to move forward with their lives in healthier ways. He also helps people remember what’s
most important so they can focus on what matters most in their lives.
He is also regarded as the “angel of memory,” who is known for helping students remember facts
and figures for tests; healing painful memories; remembering your Divine spiritual origin and
missions; and choosing forgiveness.
“Archangel Zadkiel, I need your help when it comes to remembering facts and figures. Help me
to enhance my memory so that I may be able to pull out the right information at the right time.
Give me the strength to deal with the things I’m struggling the most to forgive and let go. Thank
you for helping me to remember the good lessons from all these.”
If you are praying for Justice and Harmony, never hesitate to call upon the next
8. Archangel Raguel
The name Raguel implies “friend of God’. Call on him if you want to establish harmonious
relationships with God and fellow human beings. Archangel Raguel brings forgiveness, peace,
and understanding between people.
He also heals misunderstandings and can help you attract dear and wonderful friends who treat
you with uttermost respect and integrity. He is very effective in his work, and he responds
promptly when called upon to heal feuds.
He offers the best guidelines on how to manage relationships starting with the relationship with
“Archangel Raguel, help me to be a friend of God so that I may love him with all my heart,
mind, soul and strength. Help me to be a great friend to others so that I may be able to love them
as myself. Help me to see your divine order so that I will respect and honor the natural laws of
this life.”
If you need a great prayer intercessor and supporter for your spiritual development, the
next Archangel is your best bet!
7. Archangel Sandalphon
The name Sandalphon means the protector of unborn children and is coined from the Greek word
“sym/syn”, meaning “together”, and “adelphos”, meaning “brother”; and together mean “co-
Helps our spiritual development, enhances the power of our prayers, heals with music, helps
pregnant and newborn babies, intercessor for prayers
Sends messages through creative media, Turquoise Light, candles, children and animal reactions,
hearing a voice
“Archangel Sandalphon, I ask of you to be my high priest and my great intercessor. Bring my
needs and my prayers swiftly before God and help me to be more and more aligned with God’s
will so that I will be the best that I can be for my mission and purpose for this life. May my life
be a sweet song to others and my words be music to the ears of my listeners.”
Are you dying to know the meaning of your recurring dreams? Call upon God’s seeker of
secrets – Archangel Raziel
6. Archangel Raziel
Archangel Raziel is widely regarded as the ‘Angel of Mysteries’ and ‘Keeper of Secrets.’ The
name Raziel itself means ‘Secrets of God.’
He is commonly associated with Chokmah, second Sephirah of the Tree of Life in Jewish
Those who practice Kabbalah believe that Archangel Raziel has the special duty of revealing
holy secrets once God allows him to do so.
By doing this, the Archangel communicates the divine wisdom contained in the Torah.
Archangel Raziel stands close to the divine throne of God, making him earn the title of head of
the Thrones.
This also makes it possible for him to hear and write down whatever is being said and discussed.
The archangel’s name is also spelled as Razeel, Razeil, Reziel, Reziah, Ratziel and Galizur.
God’s keeper of secrets, interprets dreams and past lives, heals spiritual and physical blocks,
“Archangel Raziel, come to my aid and untie the sanskaras of my past lives so that I may live
free to do the work of God effectively in this life. Enlighten me with your divine wisdom so that
I may use the knowledge you have imparted to me for the benefit of others and to help them
The next Archangel is probably one of the most popular and loved Archangels of all time!
The Great Divine Healer!
5. Archangel Raphael
The name “Raphael” is a combination of the Hebrew terms “Rophe” (healing) and “el” (God) So
Raphael means “God Heals”.
According to ancient texts, “Raphael” is a combination of the Hebrew terms “Rophe” (healing)
and “el” (God).
Archangel Raphael has come to be associated with other names, which signify his importance to
you. He is known as the “Chief of Guardian Angels.”
He is known as one who gives mankind knowledge related to science and medicine. He is the
“Archangel of Consecration and Dedication.”
He is the Archangel who governs over the 4th Ray of the majestic rainbow. (For this reason, he
has come to be associated with the emerald green color.)
“Archangel Raphael, O’ great healer of healers, bestow me with your radiant healing light and
heal me from anything that blocks me from being the best that I can be. Help me to release the
pain of the past so that I will be God’s mighty servant and heal others who are suffering as well.”
Are you seeking for ancient mysteries and ancient wisdom? The next Archangel can
definitely assist you with that.
4. Archangel Metatron
Metatron is the closest friend that we can have as human beings. He is close to us in our
everyday lives, and he responds swiftly when we call upon him in our daily lives.
He listens, he cares, and he is ever ready to help us in our daily lives. If you are looking for a
way of strengthening your relationship with the Almighty God, then Metatron is there to help
you achieve it.
Feeling itchy, warmth or at times breezes around the Chakra areas and seeing the well-known
eleven sign.
Who doesn’t know Archangel Gabriel? She is the well-known Angel who announces the
incoming birth of the beloved Messiah – Jesus Christ through the Virgin Mother Mary!
3. Archangel Gabriel
One way to interpret the name Gabriel is “God is my strength,” a fitting translation for someone
who radiates power and tenderness, all together and with the same ease.
Gabriel’s powers aren’t restricted to one but skew across to several strengths.
He exudes powers that cater to both the feminine and masculine genders. He provides nurturing
feminine energy by helping women during conception and pregnancy, working with children,
and helping humans tap into their creative side ( as in the case of writers).
Likewise, he provides masculine motivational strength to all those in doubt and fear, inspiring
them to go past any weakness they might have. In essence, there is no limit to the magnificence
of this glorious angel. Seek his guidance with genuine trust and you too, just like a million of us,
will have the privilege to speak from first-hand experience.
“Archangel Gabriel, make me a divine messenger and bringer of good news to others. Help me
to be a tender-loving example to children around me and all over the world so that I will be a
teacher and communicator that inspires them to be the best that they can be.”
The next Archangel is the patron saint of animals and natural resources. If you need
assistance in this area, call upon Archangel Ariel!
2. Archangel Ariel
The patron saint of animals and natural resources, Archangel Ariel is also known as Arael and
Arieael. Her name, when translated, means “lion or lioness of God’.
Synonymous to her name and its meaning, her role is to protect the earth as well as all the natural
resources, ecosystems, and life that exist in it.
Always the one to look out for her children (and by that I mean everything that is life-like on our
planet), Archangel Ariel is always willing to help those who seek her guidance for activities that
involve restoring, revitalizing, and/or preserving our environment.
“Dear Archangel Ariel, angel of nature and governor of all natural resources, I thank you for
protecting our planet.
Please help me carry on your work and do my bit to preserve the natural beauty that God has
Please guide me to treat animals, birds, fish, and all other elementals of nature with love,
compassion, and responsibility.
Please correct me if I unknowingly fail to honor God’s will of peace on our plant. Please show
me a way to help any creature in distress and need.
Let the unconditional love of nature and all her elements inspire us to be better human beings.
Please correct me if I drift away and waste the precious resources gifted by God.
Please help me achieve my higher purpose and fulfil God’s wish for me.”
The epic warrior who leads the Heavenly Army into battle against Satan – Archangel
1. Archangel Michael
The origin of the name Michael, means “Who is like unto God?” So Archangel Michael means
“the greatest messenger, who is like God.”
In other words, Michael brings pure messages of love, wisdom and power directly from the
Creator. Archangel Michael is widely known as the archangel of the first ray of protection, faith
and the will of God.
He is the Prince of all the Archangels and of the Angelic Hosts as well as the Defender of the
Faith and the Angel of Deliverance.
The embodiment of strength and valor, protection for all, the slayer of ego and fear and last but
not the least to give guidance for divine missions.