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Angels Prayers

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Start your day with this Angelic Protection and Healing prayer to protect yourself from all negative

energies, and surround yourself with Universal Love.

Arch Angel Michael – Protector Angel and the most appropriate of his angels and helpers.

I ask You now to surround me with a sphere of White Light from the top of my head to the tips of my

Fill that sphere of White Light with Protection, Love, Harmony and Healing.

Keep that sphere of White Light FREE from any negative energies.

Expand that sphere of White Light to the space that I am in, at ALL times.

May this White Light shine unconditional Love and Healing, to EVERYONE around me.

May the most appropriate helpers from the Universe, BE WITH ME IN EVERYTHING that I do today. And
ALL days to come.

He is the angel of healing. Call on him when you want to develop your third eye chakra, when you are
travelling and need protection, or want to be open to abundance.

Archangel Raphael is emerald green and the crystal to be used for healing is Malachite. It is a very
grounding and soothing stone, and helps to relax you so that the great Archangel can touch you when
you need it. It is a perfect crystal to carry in your pocket or bag when you go for a walk, or if you are on a

5 ways of connecting with Archangel Raphael

1 Affirm: “Archangel Raphael holds me in perfect well-being.”

2 Prayer: “Beloved Archangel Raphael, keep me healthy and bring me plenty. So be it.”

3 Rhyming chant: “Archangel Raphael, I love you. Surround me in your emerald hue.”

4 Mantra: “Archangel Raphael expands and improves my life.”

5 Visualisation: Close your eyes and centre yourself. Imagine you are entering a palace through a door
inlaid with shimmering Emeralds. Archangel Raphael sits in the great hall with his arms open to you. As
you run to him, his soft wings enfold you. Surrender to his love. For an instant, he lights up your perfect
divine health blueprint. Sense him touch your third eye and open you to abundance. Take a few breaths
into your third eye and out of your heart. Know something within you is changing.

Angelic Blessings!
Archangel Sandalphon

He’s an archangel who helps you develop your potential. He’s in charge of your Earth Star chakra, and
takes your prayers to Source. He is the angel of music and he radiates a shimmering silver light.

Archangel Sandalphon helps you to ground deeply into the wisdom and safety of the planet. It is easier
to connect with him when you hold a Black Obsidian or a metallic Grey Haematite crystal. This resonates
with him and with the Earth Star chakra, and will enable you to feel stable and safe, so that your divine
potential can develop and grow.

5 Ways Of Connecting With Archangel Sandalphon

1-Affirm: “Archangel Sandalphon grounds my fullest potential.”

2- Prayer: “Beloved Archangel Sandalphon, please take my prayers directly to Source.”

3- Rhyming chant: “Archangel Sandalphon, stay close to me. Help me be all I can be.”

4- Mantra: “Archangel Sandalphon keeps me grounded on my spiritual path.”

5- Visualisation: Close your eyes and centre yourself. Imagine yourself in a safe boat floating over calm
blue waters. Ahead is the entrance to a vast cavern, filled with fairy lights. You enter, and a beautiful
silver column of light comes to you and lights you up. You rest in Archangel Sandalphon’s silver energy.
You feel yourself connect into deepest Earth and up into the heavens. Sense your potential being
opened up. Offer a prayer and ask Archangel Sandalphon to take it to Source, and know it has been
heard. The boat floats you back to where you started.
An Angelic Prayer for Healing Depression for 21 days.

Angels can be asked to reprogram your subconscious and unconscious minds from a negative outlook to
a positive one. It’s likely they will lead you to outside help as well. Perhaps you’ll be inspired to make an
appointment with a doctor or a therapist, or order some affirmation recordings. In the meantime,
believe that they can help you where you can’t help yourself. Every time you start to feel sad or anxious,
ask the angels to come in and help you.

Dear Angel,

You know my heart and you know that I am battling the inner demons of depression and hopelessness. I
trust your love and know that you will help me come out of this darkness. Please, calm my troubled
heart. Guide me to find solace, happiness, and contentment in myself and in my life. Paint my thoughts
in the brightest colors. Please, embrace me, fill my inner darkness with your healing love so that I might
stand restored. Take my hand and guide me out of the dark places into the light of my soul. Remind me
that, even in thedarkest moments of my life, I can be a blessing and a gift for someone. Remind me that
my light always shines.


To thank the Angels is really important, but not for them, because giving is their true nature. They give
for the pure joy of giving. To thank them is important for you because gratitude always brings more
blessings. The feeling of gratitude is like a signal that you send to the Universe showing that you are
open to receive. It’s like a powerful magnet that attracts complementary energies into your life. This is
why you have to send your gratitude to the Angels even though they have no need for thanks.

Angelic Blessings!
Daily Prayer to Archangel Michael for Personal Protection.

Archangel Michael is the archangel of strength, courage, and protection. He is the prince of all the
Archangels and the one to call upon when you need an extra boost of strength and protection during
challenging times. Archangel Michael is the easiest Archangel to hear and connect with and he is always
ready, able and willing to assist all who call upon him.

Say the following this Protection Prayer three times with full faith;

“I give you permission, Archangel Michael, to be my personal protector and spiritual guardian so that I
am fully protected ethereally and physically while I walk this earth. Assist me to know that you’re near
and that you’re real. Help me to be wise about the choices I’m about to make so that I can also protect
myself to the highest degree possible.

Remove negative energies around me that are not for my highest and best good. Show me the way so I
may know what steps to take that will keep me safe. Thank you and so it is.”

Whenever you say this prayer, visualise Archangel Michael as a beautiful, powerful archangel. See him
with his legions of Light accompanying you and protecting you.

Angelic Blessings
Cutting Cords With Archangel Michael

Cords are a toxic exchange between you and somebody or something else. Maybe a physical object, a
memory, an association, workplace or suchlike which drains your energy. Cutting the cords doesn’t harm
anyone or push anyone away, it simply removes the toxic exchange. Most people can’t see cords, but
the angels can. Archangel Michael is known for cutting the cords, we just need to ask. Maybe you want
to let a person go from your past. An ex-partner, or someone who has hurt you, or the other way
around. Cutting the cords can help you to let them go.

Signs That You Have Cords

- Physical aches and pains that don’t seem to have a cause or reason.

- Repeated thoughts about someone or something that feels heavy and burdensome.

- Worrying about someone or something all the time.

- ‘Stuck’ feelings which are uncomfortable.

- Taking on other people’s problems.

- Ongoing guilt and shame about mistakes from the past when you have already done your best to make

- Addictions of any sort.

- Any kind of obsessions.

Asking Archangel Michael;

Under the Spiritual Law of Free Will, you must ask the angels for their help – they can’t just come
charging in. Unless in the case of emergency and the higher laws decide you need rescuing. You must
ask Archangel Michael to cut your cords. You can ask by simply saying in your mind or out loud three
times ;

‘Archangel Michael, please cut any cords that are draining my energy now on all levels.’

Archangel Michael and all of the angels love to help us. And no matter how many mistakes we might
make, they don’t judge. You are always worthy of their help. Just ask!

Angelic Blessings.

Meditation can be a very understated tool for ways in connecting with your Angel/s. The power of intent
is just that, powerful. When you meditate and reach a certain level of peacefulness (where there is no
chaos or chatter) you have opened a channel for your guides to interact with you. The more you master
this art form, the easier it will become for both transmitter and conduit- ie: you and your angel to
interact with each other.

To Work With Angels Remember to:

Be empty

Be quiet

Allow your heart to speak out


Align with the connection

Don’t expect

Just listen and receive

Once aligned, share love, meet them halfway

Stay in a peaceful place

Have a light heart

Acknowledge the experience as real.

Try this Meditation to Connect to Angels:

1- Sit in a comfortable chair and close your eyes.

2- Take 3 deep breaths in and out, each time, your shoulders dropping.

3- Now in your mind ask to connect to Angels who served 100% in alignment with Divine love and light
then say “angels, angels, angels,” three times.

4- As soon as you call, they are by your side and you have opened up to them.

5- Greet your angels and simply feel the energy between the two of you.

6- You will feel a very high vibration with angels.

7- You might hear a high pitched tone in your ear and your body may feel a little tingly.

8- You may at this point, ask your angels a question.

9- You can do this verbally or in your mind.

10- You will know when they answer because you will hear the answers immediately.

11- Only ask the most pressing question and then close down by thanking your angels.

12- Sit in quiet for a moment and reflect.

13- Open your eyes and move your hands and feet when you are ready.

Angelic Blessings!
Do these daily prayers with faith and firstly focus on the blessings in your life rather on the problems as
energy flows where attention goes. Whilst saying these prayers visualise everything that you desire is
manifesting. You can always ask the Angels and Archangels to help you with any situation.

Prayer for Protection from Negativity

Use the following prayer for protection when dealing with any negativity that might affect your well-
being and the well-being of others.

Archangel Michael and my guardian angels, I have this situation (state the situation) and I need your
help. Please surround me in God’s divine white light of protection (imagine a bubble of light surrounding
you). Fill me with love and empower me with your strength and courage. Help me be centered in love
and allow no negativity to enter my bubble. If any negativity comes my way, allow it to be transmuted
into love and send it back out as waves of love to everyone involved. Thank you. I now feel safe and
protected in your love.



Welcome Angel of Prosperity!

I am grateful for all that I have and all that I am.

I am grateful for life and all that sustains me.

I acknowledge that all good comes from God.

I acknowledge that I live in a prosperous Universe.

I acknowledge that God and the Angels want me to prosper.

I know that at this very moment,

God and the Angels are aware of my desires.

I focus in this moment now on my desires.

I give thanks for (Silently or out loud, state your request here.) I take a deep breath, and let it all go.

I surrender everything to you.

I breathe, relax and let go.

I let go of how my good is to come to me.

I let go of when my good is to come to me.

I let go and trust. I know that my prayers are already answered. Thank you. I love you. And so it is.

Please trust that you will continue to receive the blessings of the Angels through these special prayers
and say these prayers for 21 days consecutively.
Daily Angel Thought

I know that these circumstances are completely under control. I trust that this is a fair and Divinely
ordered universe. The infinite wisdom of God has already brought the perfect outcome to this situation.

Know That You’re a Blessing to the World. We’re right by your side day and night, without interruption.
We send you waves of love at each moment, like the continuous rays of the sun. Our love for you is
ongoing and nonstop, because we always see your true perfection. You’re a shining, Divine being who
has remarkable gifts of great joy, wisdom, and tremendous compassion. Everyone benefits from your
presence on this planet, because you also radiate love throughout each day. You’re a blessing to the
world in so many ways, some of which defy earthly logic. Suffice it to say that your existence on this
planet is very much appreciated.

Although our Angels are always near us, looking over us and protecting us, we very rarely know that
they are there. Sometimes, our Angels will send us small signs and signals to let us know that they are
near, and will always be there to love and support us. These signs can be anything from a subtle flash of
light, a rainbow on a gloomy day, or even an unexpected, sudden feeling of love and warmth within you.

One of the ultimate signs your Angels are with you is finding a feather. Coming across a feather in your
path, or finding a feather in an unexpected place is thought to be a message from the Angels.

Your Angels will use feathers of all different shapes and colours to offer you comfort or validation when
you need it most. Feathers could also be a clue to an answer you have been looking for, or even a
message to tell you you’re on the correct path.

So next time you find a feather, pay attention! Although the most common feather sent from Angels is
white, Angel feathers can come in all kinds of colours, and the colour of your feather can give additional
meaning to the message your Angels are sending you.

Have you found a feather recently? Take a look below to find out what it could mean.


This is the most common Angel feather, and is thought to be a sign of faith and protection. A white
feather can also be your Angel telling you that any loved ones in heaven are safe and well.


A pink feather is a sign of love from your Angels. They are letting you know that their love is


Purple is a colour that represents spirituality. Perhaps your Angels are prompting you to activate higher
thought and connectivity.

A red feather represents courage, strength, stability and good fortune. If you’ve been going through a
difficult time of late, your Angels are sending comfort to let you know how strong you are.


Should you find a yellow feather, your Angels may be nudging you to smile, have fun and enjoy life!


Green feathers represent prosperity and growth. If you find a green feather, you’re in luck!


Blue represents communication, so a blue feather may well be your Angels telling you to listen! Blue is
also a sign of peace and protection.


Grey feathers can symbolise peace, as well as neutrality. If you see a grey feather in your path, your
Angels may be trying to tell you that the answer to a certain situation may not be as straightforward as a
yes or no.


Brown feathers symbolise home and grounding. Perhaps your home life will see positivity soon!

A black feather is a sign of protection from your Angels. They are here to guard you and repel negative


Orange feathers will bring you attraction and success! This is a sign that any new ideas or opportunities
are approved by your Angels.

No matter what the colour or meaning, finding feathers is a true blessing and a sign of love from your
Archangel Jeremiel.

Jeremiel means the mercy of God. Archangel Jeremiel is a miracle worker and he helps us to bring the
flame of forgiveness into our hearts so that we can move forwards in a more fearless and powerful way.
This archangel lovingly helps those who are willing to change. Archangel Jeremiel can help show you see
the gift within each life experience. This process can be a very healing and enlightening experience. You
can evoke his presence by visualising his bright yellow, orange and gold aura surrounding you.

1. Archangel Jeremiel helps you to take difficult decisions or perform deep changes in your life.

2. Helps you to remember your dreams.

3. Archangel Jeremiel helps you to develop clairvoyance.

4. Helps with mental clarity.

5. Archangel Jeremiel assists us with forgiveness to let go of past memories and to have self reflection
upon life.


"Archangel Jeremiel, please help me keep the calm during difficult times, also help me release my
worries about my future... and the future of the world.

[Tell Jeremiel about any situation that's hovering over your mind and is tensioning and making your days

Please give me prophetic visions and dreams about the upcomming events and the future in general.
Please give clarity to my mind and guide me about anything that I may do or change in my life to create
the best future possible for myself and my beloved ones. Help me to make the decisions I need to
improve my future, and give me your energy to help me face the changes I have to experiment. Thank
Call upon this powerful Archangel also to help you toward your spiritual path and leave all those things
which no longer serve the purpose of betterment of you.

Angelic Blessings!

Connecting With Archangel Jeremiel Through Meditation.

To connect with Archangel Jeremiel all you have to do is use a brief invocation. Recite this either aloud
or to yourself, and look for an answer from Jeremiel during your meditation or in dreams.


Archangel Jeremiel, Angel of Visions and Dreams, please send me hopeful messages that will encourage
me to deepen my faith and advance upon the spiritual path.

Please, grant me the insight and wisdom to understand God’s plan for me, that I might reconcile my
emotions with the reward that God has planned for me.

Jeremiel please help me to remember my dreams and decipher the wisdom encoded within them — I
look forward to any messages that God ordains for me.

Help me move forward on an evolutionary path. With great thanks I pray — Amen.

Archangel Jeremiel communicates directly with the Truth that is already inside us. When you receive
messages from Jeremiel they may take some deciphering, but the insights you will gain will be well
worth the effort!
Healing With The Angels

When you’re in perfect alignment with the Divine, healthy lifestyle choices and positive energetic habits
come easily and serve to further support your state of well-being.

Emotions like anger, guilt, and fear block the flow of Divine love and light in your body and in your life.
When you ask for healing from the angels, they will help you to get back in the flow of Divine love which
is the most powerful healing force in existence.

So how do you ask the angels to help you heal?

1. Just Ask!

Silently or in your mind, ask the angels to help you heal. You don’t have to use certain words or a
specific invocation. You simply need to let the angels know they have your permission to help, because
they honor your free will, and will not interfere without it.

2. Open Your Heart

Open your heart by being truthful with yourself and the angels. Don’t try to bury your hurt, fear or
pain… Really feel the emotions present in your heart and then ask the angels to help you let it go. Be
honest with the angels about where you need their help, and then invite them to help you in the way
which will most serve.

3. Pay Attention and Act Upon Guidance You Receive

Healing and help from the angels may come in a way which is different than you’re expecting… To be
sure you don’t miss it, pay attention! Practice mindfulness and being aware of what is happening around
you. This will open you to receive the signs, and guidance from your angels. Then, when you do feel
inspired to make a change or take a step, do it! Action on your part will likely be required to bring about
your total healing, and by being aware and listening, you can ensure you’re taking the action steps
which will really help.
4. Meditate With Angels

Meditation is a powerful healing tool. Science is proving this, and it is backed by the teachings from the
angels. Quiet your mind and open your heart to allow Divine love to flow throughout your being.

5. Keep Asking For Help

Your angels don’t get tired of hearing from you, so keep asking for help! Before you go to sleep at night
ask the angels to bring you healing dreams. During your day, ask the angels to surround you with healing
light. Keep asking the angels to help you heal, and they will keep helping you on your healing path.

When you ask the angles for help healing, they will answer, and they will help you in the way which will
most serve according to Divine will.

Act upon the guidance you receive, surround yourself with love and light, and allow Divine healing from
the angels to flow into your body, mind, spirit, and life.

Angelic Blessings
Getting to Know Your Spirit Team.

Your Spirit Team was assigned to you before you entered into your physical body and is here to guide,
comfort, protect and reassure your soul on it’s earthly journey.

Everyone has a Spirit Team, and the more you invite their guidance in, the stronger the role they will
play in your life.

There are 3 main beings that make up your Spirit Team:

1.) Spirit Guides

What are Spirit Guides?

Spirit Guides were once human but have ascended to a higher level of consciousness to become angelic

Spirit Guides are assigned to you because they have a deep understanding of the soul lessons that you
need to learn in this life time. They can also be a religious figure, a soulmate, an animal, or a loved one
who has crossed over.

Spirit Guides are there to offer you guidance, support and clarity to the situations in your life. They will
never tell you what to do, but they will always guide you to the right answer.

Most of us have more than one Spirit Guide and can connect with them through simply asking and
staying open to the signs.

2.) Guardian Angels

Unlike Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels have never been human before and have only ever existed in
Divine form.

They are high energy beings who are here to protect and watch out for your soul on its earthly journey.
They can be called upon when you need protection, or when you are feeling frightened or scared about
a situation. They can also offer comfort, guidance and reassurance.

Most of us have more than one Guardian Angel and can connect with them by simply inviting them in
and staying opening and trusting to the signs that are received.

3.) Archangels

Archangels are the master Angels and oversee all souls on earth and even other Angels and Spirit

They are of an extremely high vibration and can be evoked to help through any problem or issue, or
when you need protection. No problem is too small for an Archangel!

While Guardian and Spirit guides can sometimes be unique to the individual, everyone has access to the
same Archangels.

Culturally, the names of the Archangels may change, but these are the main Archangels that most
people identify with:

Archangel Michael: a powerful archangel of protection, helps you to release fear, worry, clear negative
energies and find lost belongings.

Archangel Gabriel: the archangel of communication, new beginnings and strength. Can help you to find
your higher calling.

Archangel Metatron: is the Divine record keeper and a powerful spiritual teacher. Can help you to
release and let go of the past and can help you tap into your Divine connection.

Archangel Raphael: the main archangel that oversees healing of all living creatures. Inviting him in can
also help activate your own self-healing process.

Archangel Haniel: the archangel of energy, vitality and passion. She can release lower vibrations and
evoke healing and love.
Archangel Ariel: a powerful archangel that is can be called upon to evoke personal power and strength.

Archangel Muriel: the archangel of peace and harmony, she oversees emotions, unconditional love and
compassion. She can also help protect those with intuitive or empathic abilities.

Archangel Chamuel: the archangel of protection, peace and compassion.

Archangel Uriel: the light of God, she is an illumination of light for all human souls. She represents
openness and willingness to receive love and allows you to deepen your spiritual connection.

Archangel Zadkiel: the archangel of cleansing, forgiveness and freedom. Can be called upon to help you
raise your vibration and bring about forgiveness to a situation.

Archangel Azrael: assists souls in making the transition from physical life to the after life.

Everyone has a Spirit Team which is always available at any time, no matter the circumstances or the
level of enlightenment.

It may seem simple, but connecting with your Spirit Team is really about welcoming them in to your life,
keeping an open mind and trusting so you can remain open to their messages.

Do meditate and connect to your spirit team for guidance.

AAnglic blessings

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