Summry of E& D Rules

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Copy of each request of Federal Government servant and order

passed thereon by Chief Secretary may be sent to Establishment


Similar information in regard to cases processed during calendar year

2000 onwards may be sent.

[Authority: Estab. Div.s OM No. 1/3/99.D.3, dated 8 October, 2002]


Sl. No. 85
Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 25 of the Civil Servants
Ordinance, 1973 (No. XIV of 1973), the President is pleased to make following
rules, namely:
Short title, commencement and application.These rules may be
called the Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973.

[(2) They shall come into force at once and shall apply to every civil


2. Definitions.In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,


"accused" means a Government servant against whom action is

taken under these rules;


["authority" means the appointing authority prescribed in rule 6 of

the Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion and Transfer) Rules,

[Provided that in the case of disciplinary proceedings already

initiated against a Government servant before 14th June 2000, the
powers of authority shall be exercised by the officer designed as such
before the aforesaid date:]

Now Civil Servants Act, 1973, Chapter 1, Sl. No. 2, Vol. I.

Subs vide Establishment Division Notification S.R.O. No.1809 (I)/73, dated 31-12-1973.

Subs. vide Establishment Division Notification S.R.O. No.336(I)/2000, dated 14-6-2000.

Sl.No. 1, Chatter 2,

Added vide Establishment Division Notification S.R.O. No.470(I)/2000, dated 7-7-2000.


"authorised officer" means an officer authorised by the authority to

perform functions of an authorised officer under these rules@ or, if
no officer is so authorised, the authority;


"misconduct" means conduct prejudicial to good order or service

discipline or contrary to Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1964@@
or unbecoming of an officer and, a gentleman and includes any act on
the part of a Government servant to bring or attempt to bring
political or other outside influence directly or indirectly to bear on the
Government or any Government officer in respect of any matter relating
to the appointment, promotion, transfer, punishment, retirement or other
conditions of service of a Government servant; and


"penalty" means a penalty which may be imposed under these rules.

Grounds for penalty.-Where a Government servant, in the opinion
of the authority


is inefficient or has ceased to be efficient; or

is guilty of misconduct; or
is corrupt, or may reasonably be considered corrupt because

he is, or any of his dependents or any other person through

him or on his behalf is, in possession (for which he cannot
reasonably account) of pecuniary resources or of property
disproportionate to his known sources of income; or


he has assumed a style of living beyond his ostensible

means; or


he has persistent reputation of being corrupt; or

is engaged, or is reasonably suspected of being engaged, in

subversive activities, or is reasonably suspected of being associated
with others engaged in subversive activities or is guilty of disclosure
of official secrets to any unauthorised person, and his retention in
service is, therefore prejudicial to national security, the authority may
impose on him one or more penalties.

4. Penalties.(1) The following are the minor and major penalties, namely


Added vide Estt. Division Notification No. 4/2/77-DI, dated 3 July, 1978.
Sl.No. 1.



Minor Penalties:




withholding, for a specific period, promotion or increment, otherwise

than for unfitness for promotion or financial advancement in
accordance with the rules or orders pertaining to the service or post;


stoppage, for a specific period, at an efficiency bar in the time-scale,

otherwise than for unfitness to cross such bar;


recovery from pay of the whole or any part of any pecuniary loss
caused to Government by negligence or breach of orders;


Major Penalties:


reduction to a lower post or time-scale, or to a lower stage in a



compulsory retirement;


removal from service; and


dismissal from service.

(2) Removal from service does not, but dismissal from service does,
disqualify for future employment.
(3) In this rule, removal or dismissal from service does not include the
discharge of a person

appointed on probation, during the period of probation, or in

accordance with the probation or training rules applicable to him; or


appointed, otherwise than under a contract, to hold a temporary

appointment, on the expiration of the period of appointment; or


engaged under a contract in accordance with the terms of the


5. Inquiry Procedure.(1) The following procedure shall be observed when

a Government servant is proceeded against under these rules:


In case where a Government servant is accused of subversion,

corruption or misconduct, the authorised officer may require him to
proceed on leave or, with the approval of the authority suspend him,
provided that any continuation of such leave or suspension shall
require approval of the authority after every three months.

[Provided further that where the authority is President [or Prime

Minister], the powers of the authority under this clause shall be
exercised by the Secretary, Establishment Division].

The authorised officer shall decide whether in the light of facts of the
case or the interests of justice an inquiry should be conducted
through an Inquiry Officer or Inquiry Committee. If he so decides, the
procedure indicated in rule 6 shall apply.


If the authorised officer decides that it is not necessary to have an

inquiry conducted through an Inquiry Officer or Inquiry Committee,
he shall

by order in writing, inform the accused of the action proposed

to be taken in regard to him and the grounds of the action;


give him a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against

that action:

Provided that no such opportunity shall be given where the

authority is satisfied that in the interest of the security of Pakistan or
any part thereof it is not expedient to give such opportunity.
(iv) On receipt of the report of the Inquiry Officer or Inquiry Committee or,
where no such Officer or Committee is appointed, on receipt of the
explanation of the accused, if any, the authorised officer shall
determine whether the charge has been proved. If it is proposed to
impose a minor penalty he shall pass orders accordingly. If it is
proposed to impose a major penalty, he shall forward the case to the
authority along with the charge and statement of allegations served
on the accused, the explanation of the accused, the findings of the
Inquiry Officer or Inquiry Committee, if appointed, and his own

See footnote * proviso (b) rule 5 (1) (i).

Added vide Establishment Division Notification S.R.O No.43(I)/86, dated 7-1-1986.

recommendations regarding the penalty to be imposed.
authority shall pass such orders as it may deem proper.


[(2) The exercise of powers under clauses (i) and (iv) of sub-rule (1) by the
authorised officers in the Pakistan Missions abroad shall, unless already so
provided, always be subject to the approval of the authority].
6. Procedure to be observed by the Inquiry Officer and Inquiry
Committee. Where an Inquiry Officer or Inquiry Committee is appointed, the
authorised officer shall


Frame a charge and communicate it to the accused together with

statement of the allegations explaining the charge and of any other
relevant circumstances which are proposed to be taken into


Require the accused within a reasonable time, which shall not be

less than seven days or more than fourteen days from the day the
charge has been communicated to him, to put in a written defence
and to state at the same time whether he desires to be heard in


The Inquiry Officer or the Committee, as the case may be, shall
enquire into the charge and may examine such oral or documentary
evidence in support of the charge or in defence of the accused as
may be considered necessary and the accused shall be entitled to
cross-examine the witnesses against him.


The Inquiry Officer or the Committee, as the case may be, shall hear
the case from day to day and no adjournment shall be given except
for reasons to be recorded in writing. However, every adjournment,
with reasons therefor shall be reported forthwith to the authorized
officer. Normally no adjournment shall be for more than a week.


Where the Inquiry Officer or the Committee, as the case may be, is
satisfied that the accused is hampering, or attempting to hamper, the
progress of the enquiry he or it shall administer a warning, and if
thereafter he or it is satisfied that the accused is acting in disregard
of the warning, he or it shall record a finding to that effect and
proceed to complete the enquiry in such manner as he or it thinks,

Added vide Establishment Division Notification No.7/5/75-DI, dated 14-5-1975.

best suited to do substantial justice.

The Inquiry Officer or the Committee, as the case may be, shall
within ten days of the conclusion of the proceedings or such longer
period as may be allowed by the authorized officer, submit his or its
findings and the ground thereof to the authorized officer.

6-A. [Revision.(1) Subject to sub-rule (2), the authority may call for the
record of any case pending before, or disposed of by, the authorized officer and
pass such order in relation thereto as it may deem fit;
No order under sub-rule (1) shall be passed in respect of an accused
unless the authorized officer to be designated by the authority has informed him in
writing of the grounds on which it is proposed to make the order and has been given
an opportunity of showing cause against it, including an opportunity of personal
hearing if requested by the accused or is otherwise necessary in the interest of
justice, in particular, when the authority contemplates to pass an order adverse to
the interest of the accused:
Provided that no such opportunity shall be given where the
authority, for reasons to be recorded in writing, is satisfied that, in the
interest of security of Pakistan or any part thereof, it is not expedient to
give such an opportunity].
7. Powers of Inquiry Officer and Inquiry Committee.(1) For the purpose
of an inquiry under these rules, the Inquiry Officer and the Inquiry Committee shall
have the powers of a civil court trying a suit under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908
(Act V of 1908), in respect of the following matters, namely:
(a) summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining
him on oath;
(b) requiring the discovery and production of documents;

receiving evidence on affidavits;

(d) issuing commissions for the examination of witnesses or documents.

Subs. vide Establishment Division Notification S.R.O. No.74(I)/2001, dated 2-2-2001.


(2) The proceedings under these rules shall be deemed to be judicial

proceeding within the meaning of sections 193 and 228 of the Pakistan Penal Code
(Act XLV of 1860).

8. Rule 5 not to apply in certain cases.Nothing in rule 5 shall apply to a


where the accused is dismissed or removed from service or reduced

in rank, on the ground of conduct which has led to a sentence of fine or
of imprisonment; or


Where the authority competent to dismiss or remove a person from

service, or to reduce a person in rank, is satisfied that, for reasons to
be recorded in writing by that authority, it is not reasonably practicable
to give the accused an opportunity of showing cause.

[8-A. Action in respect of government servant required to proceed on

leave.If a government servant proceeding on leave in pursuance of an order under
sub-rule (1) of rule 5 is not dismissed, removed from service, reduced in rank or
compulsorily retired, he shall be required to rejoin duty and the period of such leave
shall be treated as duty on full pay].
9. [Procedure of inquiry against government servants serving in
Provincial Governments or working on deputation outside their department or
service to which they belong.When a government servant, to whom these rules
apply, is serving under a Provincial Government or in a department, outside the
department or service to which he belongs, or in a statutory organization, corporate
body, or local authority, and the borrowing authority wants to initiate disciplinary
proceedings against such government servant under these rules, the borrowing
authority shall forward to the concerned lending authority a report with supporting
documents, on the basis of which disciplinary proceedings are proposed, and if

Added vide Establishment Division Notification No.2/14/73-DI, dated 12-3-1975.

Subs vide Establishment Division Notification S.R.O. No.74(I)/2001, dated 2-2-2001.

considered necessary, it may with the approval of the lending authority place him
under suspension or send him on forced leave. On receipt of report from the
borrowing authority, the lending authority shall take action as prescribed by these
10. Appeal.A person on whom a penalty is imposed shall have such right
of appeal as may be prescribed under [the Civil Servants (Appeal) Rules,
Provided that, where the penalty is imposed by order of the President, there
shall be no appeal but the person concerned may apply for review of the order.

[10-A. Appearance of Counsel.No party to any proceedings under

these rules before the authority, the authorised officer, and Inquiry Officer or an
Inquiry Committee shall be represented by an advocate].
11. Repeal.The Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,
1960@@@ in their application to the Government servants to whom these rules apply
[and the Civilian Employees in Defence Services (Classification, Control and
Appeal) Rules, 1961] are hereby repealed but the repeal thereof shall not affect any
action taken or anything done or suffered thereunder.
[Authority. Estt. Div.s Notification No. S.R.O. 1213(1)/73, dated 18-8-1973] [No. 7/1/73-D-I]

Sl. No. 86
Disciplinary Proceedings Against Accused Government Servants
During a high level meeting chaired by the Chief Executive, it was noted that
the designated Authorized Officers have adequate powers under the Government
Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85) to departmentally
proceed against government servants involved in the alleged charges of
misconduct, inefficiency, corruption etc. They have all the powers to take following
(a) To send such officers on forced leave for a period of three months or
to recommend suspension from service and extension in forced leave
and suspension, in terms of rule 5(1)(i) of the said rules;

Subs vide Establishment Division Notification S.R.O. No.55(I)/77, dated 18-1-1977.

Chapter 13, Sl. No.1.
Added vide Establishment Division Notification No.7/3/74-D.I, dated 14-11-1974.
See footnote ** on Sl. No. 52, para 3.
Added vide Establishment Division Notification No. S.R.O. 1809(I)/73. dated 31-12-1973.

(b) To frame charges/allegations and to initiate disciplinary action in
terms of rule 5(1)(ii) & (iii) and to impose one or more minor penalties
prescribed in the rules with due process of law after giving a
reasonable opportunity of showing cause;
(c) To recommend to the Authority award of any of the major penalties
prescribed in the rules after due process of law.
The designated Authorities also have the original, as well as,
revisional powers under rule 5(1)(iv) and rule 6-A of the Government Servants
(Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85) which include powers to call for
record of any case pending before or disposed of by the Authorized Officer and to
pass such order in relation thereto as it may deem fit. Similarly, the appellate
authorities under the Civil Servants (Appeal) Rules, 1977 (Chapter 13, Sl.No. 1)
have full powers to modify the orders passed by the departmental authority or the
Authorized Officer in cases of appeal where the penalty imposed upon the accused
officer is considered inadequate.

The Chief Executive of Pakistan, in the light of the above, has been
pleased to direct that in order to enforce the Government Servants (Efficiency and
Discipline) Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85) and the Civil Servants (Appeal) Rules, 1977
(Chapter 13, Sl.No.1) in true spirit, the designated Authorities Authorized Officers
and the Appellate Authorities shall invoke the above mentioned provisions of
law/rules whenever such a situation arises, without any leniency or hesitation for
conclusion of disciplinary proceedings strictly on merit. It is desired that the
aforementioned directions of the Chief Executive be fully implemented and due care
taken to strictly observe the provisions of rules, prescribed procedures and
instructions issued on the subject from time to time.
4. All Ministries/Divisions/Departments are advised to ensure that upto date
lists of all disciplinary cases (initiated, pending and finalized) shall be sent
periodically to the Discipline Wing of the Establishment Division for scrutiny/reassessment etc on the proforma already prescribed vide Establishment Division
O.M. No.1/3/70-D.I, dated 7th May, 1970 (Sl. No. 140).
The above instructions may kindly be communicated to all
concerned for proper guidance and strict compliance in future.

[Authority.Establishment Divisions D.O. letter No.11/5/2000/D.I, dated 26-2-2000].

Sl. No. 87
Disciplinary Proceedings Under Government Servants (E&D) Rules, 1973
Against Accused Government Servants: Furnishing of Case Material
Instances have come to the notice of the Establishment Division that the
Ministries/Divisions and Provincial Governments, while forwarding the cases for
obtaining the orders of the competent authority i.e. Establishment Secretary under
rule 5 (1) (i) of the Government Servants (E&D) Rules, 1973 (Sl. No. 85), do not
generally observe the provisions of said rules, laid down procedure and earlier
instructions issued on the subject matter. It has particularly been observed that the
copies of relevant documents and case material against the accused officers are not
enclosed as annex alongwith the Summary/Note for the Establishment Secretary,
duly signed by the respective authorized officers on the subject.
All the Secretaries/Additional Secretaries Incharge of Ministries/
Divisions and Chief Secretaries of the Provincial Governments are requested to
kindly ensure that, while forwarding the cases of BPS-17 and above Federal
Government servants for obtaining the orders of the Establishment Secretary under
rule 5 (1) (i) of the Government Servants (E&D) Rules, 1973, following information
and copies of documents be enclosed alongwith the Summary/Note:

In case of the proposal for placing BPS-17 and above Federal

Government servants under suspension, copies of all relevant
documents/case material including biodata of the accused officer and
copies of documents on the basis of which suspension of the officer is
necessitated viz. any complaint or fact finding inquiry/probe etc. be


In case of a request for extension in suspension period of a

government servant under suspension or extension in forced leave
period, on expiry of current sanction after three months, the present
position of the disciplinary case, including the stage of inquiry if it is in
progress, may invariably be stated in the said proposals.


In case of recommendation for reinstatement in service of a

government servant under suspension or termination of forced leave
period, the copies of complete record of proceedings viz. charge sheet
alongwith statement of allegations, show cause notice if issued instead
of charge sheet, report of the Inquiry Officer and final orders of the
Authorized Officer etc. be provided.

The above instruction may kindly be communicated to all the
concerned quarters for guidance and compliance in future.
[Authority. Establishment Division O.M. No.11/5/2000-D.1, dated 4-5-2000].

For subsequent order on the subject and the cases after the promulgation of Removal from Service (Special
Powers) Ordinance, 2000. Ref. Sl. Nos. 185 to 213.

Sl. No. 88
Applicability of Disciplinary Proceedings Against Dismissed, Removed or
Compulsorily Retired Civil Servants
On a directive from the Chief Executive Secretariat, the question, as to
whether any order under the Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline)
Rules, 1973 (Sl. No. 85) can be passed against a civil servant who already stands
dismissed from service, has been examined in consultation with Law, Justice &
Human Rights Division. It has been clarified that if a person is dismissed or
removed from service or compulsorily retired, he does not retain the status of a
civil servant for the purpose of any other disciplinary proceedings or imposition of
any other penalty. There is a concept of law that the process of appeal is the
continuation of the original proceedings, therefore, if a dismissed, removed or
retired employee moves a departmental appeal or representation or files an
appeal before the appropriate judicial forum he is deemed to be a civil servant for
that particular matter only under the said concept of continuation of status during
the process of appeal.
Where an appeal is filed, the appellant may be treated as a civil
servant for the purpose of disposal of that appeal only and the result of any other
inquiry that may have been conducted may be held in abeyance. However, if the
dismissed, removed or retired person does not file any appeal, the order of
dismissal, removal from service or compulsory retirement will attain finality and the
result of the other inquiry will become infructuous.
[Authority: Estt. Div.s O.M.No.SCE/6/97, dated 14.1.2002].

Sl. No. 89
Clarification in Regard to Invocation of Rules 3 and 8 of the Government
Servants (Efficiency & Discipline) Rules, 1973 after Coming into Force of the
Removal From Service (Special Powers) Ordinance, 2000
See Sl. No. 196.
Sl. No. 90
Review of Rule Framework on Efficiency and Discipline of Autonomous Bodies
etc. for Incorporation of the Provisions At Par With Article 194 of Civil Services
Regulations, as Amended
The Prime Ministers Office, while examining the report in a case of criminal
offence committed by an employee of an autonomous body, has observed that
departmental proceedings and actions under the criminal law are not mutually
exclusive and could be taken simultaneously without prejudice to the outcome in
either proceedings. Despite this legal position, the organizations report shows that
the court was successfully persuaded in this case by the accused officer to grant bail,

inter alia, for the reason that no departmental proceedings had been initiated against
him; thereafter, on their part the organization also proceeded further and reinstated
the officer to his substantive position on the basis of bail grant order in his favour, to
reinforce and obviate any legal challenge. It was obvious then that the relevant
authorities of the organization did not apply their own mind to the facts and merits of
the case leading to the registration of the case, and to determine the desirability or
otherwise of initiating the Efficiency and Discipline proceedings against the accused
officer. Such indifference and apathy also reflects connivance on the face of record,
was unjustified and hence unacceptable. Prime Ministers Office has requested the
Establishment Division to examine the matter in detail; also to advise all
Ministries/Divisions to direct the State Enterprises/Autonomous Bodies under their
administrative control/responsibility to review their rule-framework on Efficiency and
Discipline for incorporation of the provisions at par with Article 194 of the Civil Service
Regulations, as amended.
2. The instruction printed at Serial No.118 (pages 542-543 of ESTACODE
1989 edition) provide as under:

There is no legal bar to the holding of a departmental inquiry against a

government servant who is being prosecuted in a criminal court.
However, departmental inquiry can be deferred till the termination of
criminal proceedings where the holding of departmental inquiry may
have effect of impeding the course of justice or of prejudicing the trial.


In case the accused government servant has been acquitted from a

criminal case on technical grounds, the departmental proceedings
on the same facts can be started.


In case the accused government servant cannot be criminally

prosecuted in a Court of law for some reasons or others, it does not
bar the government for inquiring into the truth of a charge against a
government servant by means of departmental inquiry.

Pl. see Annex .

It has been observed that to above instructions are not fully followed by the
Ministries/Divisions while dealing with criminal cases.
3. In view of the above, all Ministries/Divisions are requested to strictly follow
the instructions contained in Establishment Divisions Office Memorandum vide
Establishment Division OM No. 4/5/69-D.I, dated 17th June 1969 (Sl. No 136). They
are also advised that above instructions may be brought to the notice of Heads of all
Attached Departments/Subordinate Offices/Autonomous Bodies/State Enterprises
etc., and the staff working under them for their strict compliance.









Enterprises/Autonomous Bodies under their administrative control/ responsibility to

review their existing rule-framework on Efficiency and Discipline and suitably
incorporate following provisions of the Civil Service Regulations in their service
Article 194.

A Government servant who has been charged for a criminal offence

or debit and is committed to prison shall be considered as under
suspension from the date of his arrest. In case such a Government
servant is not arrested or is released on bail, the competent
authority may suspend him, by specific order, if the charge against
him is connected with his position as Government servant or is likely
to embarrass him in discharge of his duties or involves moral
turpitude. During suspension period the Government servant shall
be entitled to the subsistence grant as admissible under FR-53.

Article 351.

Future good conduct is an implied condition of every grant of a

pension. The Local Government, and the Government of Pakistan,
reserve to themselves the right of withholding or withdrawing a
pension or any part of it, if the pensioner be convicted of serious crime
or be guilty of grave misconduct.
The decision of the Governor General*** on any question of
withholding or withdrawing the whole or any part of a pension under
this Regulation shall be final and conclusive.

Subs. vide Establishment Division Corrigendum No.3/1/99-R.3, dated 8-6-1999.


Commonly known as CSR.

In the present context, President/Prime Minister.


Article 351-A. The Governor-General* reserves to himself the right to order the
recovery from the pension of an officer who entered service, of any
amount on account of losses found in judicial or departmental
proceedings to have been caused to Government by the
negligence or fraud of such officer during his service:
Provided that
such departmental proceedings, if not instituted while the
officer was on duty:



shall not be instituted save with sanction of the

Governor General*;
shall be instituted before the officers retirement from
service or within a year from the date on which he
was last on duty whichever is later;
shall be in respect of an event which took place not
more than one year before the date on which the
officer was last on duty; and
shall be conducted by such authority and in such
places whether in Pakistan or elsewhere, as the
Governor General* may direct;


all such departmental proceedings shall be conducted, if the

officer concerned so request in accordance with the
procedure applicable to departmental proceedings on which
an order of dismissal from service may be made; and


such judicial proceedings, if not instituted while the officer

was on duty, shall have been instituted in accordance with
sub-clauses (ii) and (iii) of clause (1).

Article 351-B. The government may, within one year from the date of issue of
Pension Payment Order, recover any of its dues from the pension
granted to a civil servant, subject to the condition that no recovery
shall be made from the pension without the personal order of the
Head of the Ministry or Division or Head of the Department,
declared as such under S.R. 2(10) and included in Appendix
No.14 Vol. II of the Compilation of the Fundamental Rules and

In the present context, President/Prime Minister.


Supplementary Rules as the case may be].

[Authority: Estt. Div.s O.M.No.3/1/99-R.3, dated 30-4-1999].

Sl. No. 91
Designation of `Authority' and `Authorised Officer' under Rule 2 of the
Efficiency and Discipline Rules in Respect of Employees of the Federal
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-rules (2) and (3) of rule 2 of the
Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85), and in
supersession of the Establishment Division's Notification No. S.R.O. 1562(I)/73, dated
7-11-1973*, the President is pleased to designate the officers specified in column (3)
of the table below to be the authority, and to authorise the officers specified in column
(4) of the said table to be the authorised officer, in respect of the government servants
specified in column (2) of that table employed in the Federal Secretariat or serving in
a post, or belonging to a service or cadre, administratively controlled by a Ministry or

See Annex to Sl. No. 100.

Sl. No. Government Servant



Authorized Officer
Prime Minister@

Government Servants in [Basic

Pay Scales] 21 and above and
Provincial Chief Secretaries

[ ]


Government Servants in [Basic

Pay Scale] 17 to 20

Prime Minister



Government Servants in [Basic

Pay Scale] 16 (Superintendent
and equivalent)


Government Servants in [Basic

Pay Scale] 3 to 15(Lower Division
Clerk, Upper Division Clerk
Assistant, Stenographer and

Joint Secretary


Government Servants in [Basic

Pay Scale] 1 and 2(Quasid,
Naib Quasid and equivalent)


Section Officer





Explanation 1.-For the purpose of this notification, Secretary, Additional

Secretary, Joint Secretary, Deputy Secretary or Section Officer designated as
authority or authorized officer means the Secretary, Additional Secretary, Joint
Secretary, Deputy Secretary or Section Officer of the Ministry or Division in which the
government servant is for the time being employed.
Explanation 2.- For a government servant serving outside the Federal
Secretariat, whether in a Provincial Government or in an autonomous body, who is
serving in a post, or belongs to a service or cadre, administratively controlled by a
Ministry or Division, the Secretary, Joint Secretary, Deputy Secretary or Section
Officer designated as authority or authorized officer means the Secretary, Additional

Sl.Nos.1 & 3 of the Table amended vide Estt. Div.s Notification No.S.R.O.1011(I)/85, dated 20-10-1985.
Subs vide Estt. Div.s Notification No. S.R.O. 96(I)/84, dated 28-1-1984.

Subs vide Estt. Div.s Notification No. S.R.O. 96(I)/84, dated 28-1-1984.
Note.- In the existing rules, for the allocation and transaction of the business of the Federal Government,
wherever the words "Prime Minister" occurred the same was deemed substituted by the word "Chief Executive"
vide Order No.7 of 1999, dated 30-10-1999. The position has reversed, as the Prime Minister is now the
authority. Ref. rule 6 of the Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion and Transfer) Rules, 1973 as subs. Vide
Estt. Div. Notification SRO No. 1(1)/2003, dated 1.1.2003, w.e.f. 23.11.2002, Chapter 2, Sl. No. 1.
Secretary includes Secretary General, Acting Secretary and Additional Secretary Incharge of a Division. (Subs
vide Estt. Div.s Notification No. S.R.O.1336(I)/81, dated 14-12-1981).

Secretary, Joint Secretary, Deputy Secretary or Section Officer of that Ministry or

[Explanation 3.-The words "Basic Pay Scale", wherever occurring in column 2 of the
table means appointment to the post in that Basic Pay Scales].
[Authority.- Estt. Div.s Notification No. S.R.O. 615(1)/79, dated 5-7-1979].

Sl. No. 92
Designation of Appointing Authority under Rule 6 of the Civil Servants
(Appointment, Promotion and Transfer) Rules, 1973 and Designation of
Authorized Officer Under the Government
In pursuance of government policy of decentralization and devolution of
powers the following amendments have been made in the Civil Servants
(Appointment, Promotion and Transfer) Rules, 1973 and Government Servants
(Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973** : (i)


Rule 6 of the Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion and Transfer)

Rules, 1973*** has been amended vide Notification SRO No.
276(1)12000, dated 25.05.2000 under which Secretaries of the
Ministries/Divisions concerned have been authorized to make
appointments to posts in BPS 17-19, and they have also been
authorized to notify appointing authorities for posts in BPS-16 and
Sub-rule(2) of rule 2 of the Government Servants (Efficiency and
Discipline) Rules, 1973** has been amended vide Establishment
Division Notification SRO No. 336(I)/2000, dated 14.06.2000 under
which appointing authority prescribed in rule-6 of the Civil Servants
(Appointment, Promotion and Transfer) Rules, 1973** has been
designated as authority under the aforesaid rules.

2. In terms of the above mentioned amendments, the Secretaries of the

Ministries/Divisions are required to :(i)
notify appointing authorities for posts in BPS-16 and below in the
Ministries/Divisions, Attached Departments and Subordinate
Offices under their administrative control. These appointing
authorities will become authority under rule 2(2) of Government
Servants (Efficiency & Discipline) Rules**, 1973 ; and
designate authorized officers for civil servants in BPS 17-19 in
Ministries/Divisions, Attached Departments and Subordinate

[Authority: Estt. Div.s DO No. 16/18/2000-R.2, dated 27 June, 2000]

Added vide Estt. Div.s Notification No. SRO 1227(1)/91, dated 2-12-1991.
Sl. No. 85.
Sl. No. 1, Chapter 2, Vol. I.

Sl. No. 93
Designation of Authority and Authorized Officer in Attached Departments and
Subordinate Offices
A reference is invited to Government Notification forwarded to all
Ministries/Divisions etc. vide Establishment Division endorsement of even number
dated 7-11-1973* wherein Authority/Authorized Officers in respect of government
servants in the Federal Secretariat have been designated under sub-rules (2) and (3)
of rule 2 of Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85).
It may be stated that similar action is required to be taken in respect of government
servants in various Attached Departments and Subordinate Offices of the Federal
2. It is, therefore, requested that Ministries/Divisions may kindly take action for
designation of Authority and Authorized Officer for government servants in the
Attached Departments and Subordinate Offices under them. The Establishment
Division may be consulted before formal notification is issued.
[Authority.- Estt. Div.s O.M.No.7/l/73-D.I., dated 17-11-1973].

Sl. No. 94
Designation of Authority/Authorized Officers for Government Servants in BPS16
According to the amendment in the Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion
and Transfer) Rules, 1973**, the appointing authority for government servants in
Grade 16, is now Secretary of the Ministry or Division concerned or the Head of
Department ***[or an officer notified by Head of the Department or Head of
Subordinate Office].
2. It is requested that the amendment in the Civil Servants (Appointment,
Promotion and Transfer) Rules, 1973* quoted above may please be kept in view by
the Ministries/Divisions while formulating their proposals for designation of Authority
and Authorised Officer in respect of government servants in Attached and
Subordinate Offices under them.
3. In some cases, "Authority" and "Authorised Officer" have been notified by
the Ministries/Divisions in respect of government servants in the
Attached/Subordinate Offices, under them. It is requested that position in this regard
may kindly be reviewed, especially with respect to government servants in
Grade 16.
[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M.No.7/l/73-D.I, dated 2-4-1974].


Establishment Division Notification No. SRO 1562/73, dated 7 November, 1973, Annex to Sl. No. 100.
Sl. No. 1, Chapter 2.
Subs. Vide Estt. Div. Not. No. SRO 34(1)/99, dated 18-1-1999.

Sl. No. 95
Clarification Regarding Authority (Authorized Officers) for Government
Servants Belonging to Groups/Services or Serving in Departments/Offices
A doubt is being felt by some Ministries/Divisions whether the Establishment
Division's Notification No. S.R.O. 615 (I)/79, dated the 5th July, 1979 (Sl.No. 91),
notifying authority and authorised officer in respect of government servants
employed in the Federal Secretariat or serving in a post, or belonging to a service or
cadre administratively controlled by a Ministry or Division, is also applicable to
government servants serving in the Attached Departments and Subordinate Offices.
Explanation-2 below the aforementioned Notification covers a government servant
serving outside the Federal Secretariat whether in a Provincial Government or in an
autonomous body, who is serving in a post, or belongs to a service or cadre
administratively controlled by a Ministry or Division e.g. officers of Police Group
administratively controlled by the Establishment Division or of Military Lands and
Cantonments Group similarly controlled by the Ministry of Defence. In that case,
officers of controlling Ministry/Division designated as authority and authorised
officer vide Notification No. S.R.O. 615(I)79, dated the 5th July, 1979 (Sl.No. 91) will
be the authority and authorised officer. But in so far as government servants
belonging to Attached Departments and Subordinate Offices are concerned, they are
not covered by the Establishment Division aforementioned Notification. In their case,
Ministries/Divisions concerned are required to notify authority and authorised officer
separately in accordance with the Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline)
Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85), as already envisaged in the Establishment Division O.M. No.
7/l/73-D I, dated the 17th November, 1973 (Sl. No. 93).
[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M.No.3/3/80-D.1, dated 1-1-1981].

Sl. No. 96
Designation of Authority and Authorised Officer Under Rule 2 of the
Efficiency and Discipline Rules in Respect of Employees of an Attached
Department or a Subordinate Office of the Federal Government
In exercise of the powers conferred by clauses (2) and (3) of rule 2 of
Government servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85), the
President is pleased to designate the officers specified in column (3) of the table
below to be the authority and the officers specified in column (4) of that table to be the
authorised officers in respect of the government servants, specified in column (2)
thereof, employed in an attached department or a sub-ordinate office of the Federal

Renamed as Police Service of Pakistan. Ref. Chapter 8, Sl. No. 13, Vol. I.




Government Servants
Government servants holding
posts in Basic Pay Scale 21
or equivalent and above.
Government servants holding
posts in Basic Pay Scale 17
to 20 or equivalent.

Prime Minister

Authorized Officer
To be designated by
Prime Minister

Prime Minister

Secretary of the Ministry

or Acting Secretary or
Senior Joint Secretary/
Joint Secretary Incharge
of the Division concerned.

Head of the attached

An officer, **[ ]
department or Head of
designated by the
the subordinate office,
[or an officer not specified in
below the appointing
Column (3).
authority designated by
the Head of the Department
or Head of subordinate


Government servants holding

posts in Basic Pay Scale 3
to 16 or equivalent.


Government servants holding

An officer, [not below An officer, [ ]
posts in Basic Pay Scale 1
the appointing authority]
to be designed by
to 2 or equivalent.
designated by the Head
the authority
of the attached
department or head of
in column (3).
Subordinate Office].
Government servants holding
Prime Minister.
Chairman, Pakistan
posts in BPS 19-20.
Ordnance Factories Board.
Government servants holding
Chairman, Pakistan
To be designated by
posts in BPS 17-18.
Ordnance Factories
the Authority in
column 3].



(In the Chief Ehtesab Commissioner's Secretariat)


Note.- For the allocation and transaction of the business of the Federal Government, wherever the words "Prime Minister"
occurred the same was deemed substituted by the word "Chief Executive" vide Order No.7 of 1999, dated 30-10-1999. May now
be read Prime Minister as in the table.
Omitted vide Estt. Div. Notification No. SRO 35(1)/99, 18-1-1999.
Added ibid.
Added vide Estt. Division Notification No. S.R.O. No.128(I)/99, dated 1-3-1999.
Under section 6 (ba) of NAB Ordinance, 1999 (as modified upto 22nd January, 2003), the Chairman, NAB is to be a retired
Chief Justice or a Judge of the Supreme Court or a Chief Justice of a High Court or a retired officer of the armed forces
equivalent to a Lieutenant General or a retired Federal Government officer in BPS 22 or equivalent Chairman. NAB
Employees Terms and Conditions of Service (TCS), 2002, determined in exercise of the powers conferred by section 28-C of
NAB Ordinance, 1999 contain the following Table in TCS 11.01.
Competent Authority
For the purpose of provisions in this Chapter, the officers specified in column 3 of the table below are designated as
Competent Authority and those in column 4 as authorized officer in respect of the employees specified in column 2
of the table.


Description of Employees
Basic Pay Scale 20 and above
Basic Pay Scale 16 to 19
Basic Pay Scale 1 to 15

Competent Authority
Director General

Authorized Officer
Director General (Administration)
Director (Admn.) of HQ or
Incharge of RNAB




Government servants holding

posts in Basic Pay Scale 20
and above.
Government servants holding
posts in Basic Pay Scale 17-19
Government servants holding
posts in Basic Pay Scale 3-16

Prime Minister

Establishment Secretary.

Secretary Ehtesab
Secretary Ehtesab
To be designated
by the Authority
in column (3).
Government servants holding
Director (BPS-19) in
To be designated
posts in Basic Pay Scale 1 Ehtesab Commission
by the Authority in
and 2.
column (3)].
(In the Secretariat Training Institute, Islamabad)
Government servants holding
Prime Minister
[Establishment Secretary]
posts in Basic Pay Scale 17 to 20
Basic Pay Scale 17 to 18.
Prime Minister
Basic Pay Scale 1 to 16.
Director, Secretariat
Training Institute].
(In the Office of the Auditor General of Pakistan and Subordinate Offices of the Pakistan Audit
[14. Government servants who are Prime Minister
To be designated by the
members of the Accounts
Prime Minister
Group*** holding posts in Basic
Pay Scale 21 and above.
Government servants holding
Prime Minister
Auditor General
posts in Basic Pay Scale 17
to 20 borne on the InterDepartmental Cadre in the
Accounts Group@@.
Government servants holding
Prime Minister
Auditor General
posts in Basic Pay Scale 17
borne on the Departmental
Cadre in the Pakistan Audit
Government servants holding
Prime Minister
Auditor General].
posts in Basic Pay Scale 17
to 20 in the Pakistan Audit
Department excluding
Government servants holding
cadre posts in the InterDepartmental Cadre or
Departmental Cadre.

Prime Minister

Added vide Estt. Division Notification No. S.R.O. No.1178(I)/99, dated 4-10-1999.


Added vide Estt. Division Notification No. S.R.O. No.174(I)/96, dated 29-2-1996.
Added vide Estt. Division Notification No. S.R.O. No.1121(I)/95, dated 7-11-1995.
Added vide Estt. Division Notification No. S.R.O. No.1013(I)/98, dated 3-10-1998. For Accounts Group, read
Pakistan Audit & Accounts Service, vide Estt. Div. OM No. 1/17/92-CPII dated 10 December, 2002. Ref.
Chapter 8, Sl. No. 12, Vol.I.
Now Pakistan Audit & Accounts Service. Chapter 8, Sl. No. 12, Vol. I.

2. For the purpose of the entry in column (4) against serial No.3 and the
entries in column (3) and (4) against Sl. No.4, more than one officers may be
designated as authority and authorized officers.
3. Notwithstanding anything to be contrary hereinbefore contained, all
notifications or orders issued by any Ministry or Division specifying authorities' and
authorised officers' in respect of the government servants to whom this notification
shall apply and in force before the issuance of this notification shall continue and
remain in force till finalization of disciplinary proceedings initiated against any such
Government servant.
[Authority: Estt. Div.s Notification No. S.R.O.No. 429(1)98, dated 30-4-1998].

Sl. No. 97
Procedure for Obtaining Orders of the President or Prime Minister in
Disciplinary Cases
It has been decided that in future, all the summaries for the President/Prime
Minister in disciplinary cases should invariably be accompanied by the information
desired in the enclosed proforma. The cases/ summaries received without this
information will be returned back to their respective Ministries and Divisions.
[Authority.- Estt. Division d.o.letter No.3/4/83-D-2, dated 24-3-1983].

(See Sl. No. 97)

Name of the Officer

Grade .

Date of Birth & Age on

( Years Months
Days )
. . .


Date of Joining & Length of Service.

( Years Months
Days )
. . .


Date of Absence from duty. (if applicable)

. . .


Total ACRs

V.Good, Good,Average, Below Average (Years to be

Annual Confidential Report (ACR) renamed as Annual Restricted Report (ARR)

shown against Average & Below Average ACRs).
Any missing ACRs with reasons.
Photo of the Officer is affixed in the C.R.dossier or not and
reasons if missing.


Adverse Remarks.
. .

Service (Showing Appointments held).


Sl. No. 98
Powers of the Authorized Officer to Suspend a Government Servant or to
Send Him on Leave

Rule 5(1) of the Government Servants (E&D) Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85)
provides that in case where a government servant is accused of subversion,
corruption or misconduct, the authorized officer may require him to proceed on leave
or, with the approval of "authority", suspend him, provided that any continuation of
such leave or suspension shall require approval of the "authority" after every 3
months. Rule 5(4) of above rules further provides that if on receipt of the report of
inquiry officer or inquiry committee, or, where no such officer or committee is
appointed, on receipt of the explanation of the accused, the "authorized officer"
proposes to impose a minor penalty, he shall pass orders accordingly. Following
questions have accordingly arisen in the context of above rules:-

Whether specific approval of the "authority" will be required for
reinstatement of the government servant concerned if the "authorized officer"
imposes upon him a minor penalty before expiry of the current period of suspension
or whether an order for the reinstatement of government servant can be passed by
the "authorized officer" himself?
Whether the order of suspension or forced leave under rule 5(4) of
above rules will automatically abate if the approval of "authority" to the continuation
of such forced leave or suspension of a government servant is not obtained after
every 3 months?

2. The matter has been recently examined in the Establishment Division in

consultation with the Law Division. The conclusion reached is given below

Since under rule 5 of the Government Servants (Efficiency and
Discipline) Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85), the `authorized officer' can only suspend a
government servant after obtaining the approval of the "authority", on the basis of
the principle embodied in section 25 of the General Clauses Act, 1897 the
"authorized officer" would be competent to reinstate the government servant only
with the approval of the "authority".
Since continuation of forced leave or suspension beyond a period of
three months again requires the approval of the "authority" it would appear that on
expiry of the said period of three months the government servant who has been
placed under suspension or forced to proceed on leave would be deemed to have
been reinstated unless before the expiry of the said period the approval of the
"authority" to the government servant continuing to be under suspension or on leave
has been obtained.
[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M. No.7/2/75-DI. dated 22-2-1975].

Sl. No. 99
Approval of Competent Authority for Extension in Suspension
A reference is invited to the Establishment Division Office Memorandum of
even number, dated the 22nd February, 1975 (Sl.No. 98), wherein the legal position
with regard to suspension, extension of suspension period and reinstatement of the
civil servants was explained.
2. It has come to the notice of the Establishment Division that, on the basis
of the above instructions, civil servants under suspension are being re-instated on
the ground that approval of the authority for their continued suspension was not
obtained before the expiry of three months of their suspension or the extended
period of suspension.
3. It may be clarified that the intention of the Establishment Division in
circulating the legal position contained in the O.M. referred to above was to impress
upon the Ministries/Divisions the importance of obtaining the approval of the
authority for the continued suspension of a civil servant well in time. As has been
stated in para 2 (b) of O. M. referred to above, it is necessary to obtain orders of the
authority for the reinstatement of a civil servant who is under suspension.
4. Ministries/Divisions are requested to take necessary steps to obtain the
approval of the authority for suspension of a civil servant after every three months
well in time before the expiry of the period of suspension. In no case should a
government servant under suspension be re-instated without the approval of the
[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M.No.7/2/75-DI, dated 16-3-1976].

Sl. No. 100

Authority Competent to Suspend Officers of *Grade-17 and Above
It has been brought to the notice of the Prime Minister that some officers of

the rank of Grade-17 and above have been suspended by the Ministers as a
measure of disciplinary action. While it is not the intention that action should not be
taken against a government servant guilty of misconduct, corruption or for
inefficiency, it is a matter of some importance that the correct procedure should be
followed in each case. Observance of correct procedure is essential not only in the
interest of justice but also to ensure that Government Servants (Efficiency and
Discipline) Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85) are complied with. The position is further clarified
in the following paragraphs:2. Under rule 3 of the above rules, action against a government servant can
be taken if he (a)

is inefficient or has ceased to be efficient; or


is guilty of misconduct; or


is corrupt or may reasonably be considered corrupt because


he is or any of his dependents or any other person through him

or on his behalf is, in possession (for which he cannot
reasonably account) of pecuniary resources or of property
disproportionate to his known sources of income; or


he has assumed a style of living beyond his ostensible

means; or

(iii) he has a persistent reputation of being corrupt; or


is engaged, or is reasonably suspected of being engaged in

subversive activities, or is reasonably suspected of being associated
with others engaged in subversive activities or is guilty of disclosure
of official secrets to any unauthorized person, and retention in
service is, therefore, prejudicial to national security.

3. In case where a government servant of Grade 17 to 20 is accused of

subversion, corruption or misconduct, the competent authority may require him to
proceed on leave or with the approval of the authority (i.e. Prime Minister) suspend
him, provided that any continuation of such leave or suspension shall require
approval of the authority after every three months. A government servant against
whom action is proposed to be taken under the rules for inefficiency, he cannot be
sent on leave or placed under suspension. The following factors should be
considered in deciding whether or not to suspend the accused:(a)


There must be a strong, prima facie, case against the delinquent.


If the offence is such a serious nature that dismissal will be the

probable punishment, or such that it is inadvisable that the offender
should be allowed to continue to perform the duties of his office,
pending decision on the case, suspension is justifiable.


Unless there is some very strong reason why the offender should not
be allowed to continue to work until the case has been decided,
suspension should not be resorted to.

4. Under sub-rule (2) of rule 2 of the rules, the authority for the officers of
Grade** 17 to 20 is the Prime Minister as notified in the Establishment Division
Notification No. S.R.O.1562(I)/73, dated the 7th November, 1973***. If it is desired to
suspend an officer of Grade** 17 to 20 the approval of the Prime Minister for his
suspension will have to be obtained.
5. It should be decided whether, in the light of facts of the case, or the
interests of justice, an inquiry should be conducted through an Inquiry Officer or
Inquiry Committee. The orders of the Minister may be obtained before a decision is
taken. If it is decided that it is not necessary to have an inquiry conducted, the
accused should be informed of the action proposed to be taken in regard to him and
the grounds of the action and give him a reasonable opportunity of showing cause
against that action. However, no such opportunity may be given where the authority
is satisfied that in the interest of the security of Pakistan or any part thereof it is not
expedient to give such opportunity.
6. If it is decided to hold an inquiry against an accused officer through an
Inquiry Officer or Inquiry Committee, the following action should be taken:


Charge sheet be framed and communicated to the accused together

with statement of the allegations explaining the charge and of any
other relevant circumstances which are proposed to be taken into


The accused be required within a reasonable time, which shall not

be less than seven days or more than fourteen days from the day the
charge has been communicated to him, to put in a written defence
and to state at the same time whether he desires to be heard in

Note: See Sl.No. 85, sub rule (2) of rule 2, as amended vide Estt. Div. Notification SRO 336(1)/2000 dated
14.6.2000 under which the authority means the appointing authority prescribed in rule 6 of the Civil Servants
(Appointment, Promotion and Transfer) Rules, 1973 (Chapter 2, Sl.No. 1, Vol.I). The appointing authority of
the officers in BPS 17 to 19 is now the Secretary of the Ministry/Division or Head of the Department
administratively controlling the Occupational Groups/Services/Cadres. The Prime Minister is the appointing
authority in respect of officers in BPS 20 and above.
See Annex to Sl. No. 100.



The Inquiry Officer or the Committee, as the case may be, shall
enquire into the charge and may examine such oral or documentary
evidence in support of the charge or in defence of the accused as
may be considered necessary and the accused shall be entitled to
cross-examine the witnesses against him.


The Inquiry Officer or the Committee, as the case may be, shall,
within ten days of the conclusion of the proceedings or such longer
period as may be allowed by the authorized officer, submit his or its
findings and the grounds thereof to the Secretary/ Additional

7. On receipt of the report of the Inquiry Officer or Inquiry Committee or,

where no such officer or committee is appointed, on receipt of the explanation of the
accused, if any, the authorized officer should determine whether the charge has
been proved. If it is proposed to impose a minor penalty he should pass orders
accordingly. If it is proposed to impose a major penalty, he should submit the case
to the Prime Minister along with the explanation of the accused, the findings of the
Inquiry Officer or Inquiry Committee, if appointed, and his own recommendations
regarding the penalty to be imposed.
8. As stated above, the authority for officers of Grade 17 to 20 is the

Prime Minister. If it is intended to suspend an officer in those Grades approval of

the Prime Minister is necessary. It is requested that approval of the Prime Minister
may kindly be obtained through the Establishment Division in such cases. The rules
do not provide for obtaining of ex-post facto sanction for suspension.
[Authority.- Estt. Secretary's D.O. letter No.F.4/21/74-DI, dated 19-11-1974].

(See Sl. No. 100)
[Copy of Establishment Division Notification No. SRO 1562 (1)/73, dated
7th November, 1973].

Ref. Footnotes w.r. to paras 3 & 4 above.


The President is pleased to decide that the following officers shall be

designated as Authority/Authorized Officer under sub-rule (2) and (3) of rule-2 of
Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973 (Sl. No. 85) in respect
of the Government Servants employed in the Central Secretariat:Particulars
Authorized Officer

Government Servants in Grades 23 &

22 (i.e., Secretary General and
Secretary or equivalent rank).

Prime Minister



Government Servants in *Grade 21

(Additional Secretary or equivalent).



Government Servants in *Grade 20 to

17 (Joint Secretary, Deputy Secretary,
Section Officer or equivalent).


Government Servants in *Grade 16

(Superintendents and equivalent).


Government Servants in *Grades 11

to 15 (Assistants, Stenographers etc.
or equivalent).


Joint Secretary


Government Servants in *Grades 3 to

10 (Upper Division Clerks, Lower
Division Clerks and equivalent).

Joint Secretary

Deputy Secretary


Government Servants in *Grades 1

and 2 (Peons and equivalent).

Deputy Secretary

Section Officer.





[Authority: Estt. Div.s SRO 1562(I)/73, dated 7 November, 1973] .

Note 1.
Reference Establishment Division (Administrative Reforms Cell),
Acts, Rules, Regulations, Instructions, etc. published by Establishment
Division on 30th November, 1973.
Note 2.
The Annex above was superseded vide Sl. No. 84 (Estacodes,
1989, pages 500-501). The position was reviewed during the period from
7.11.1995 to 30.10.1999 (Sl. No. 83, pages 562-565, Estacode, 2000). The
present position is as at Sl. No. 91 read with Sl. No. 96

BPS 22. There is no BPS 23.

Additional Secretary, where there is no Secretary.

Additional Secretary or Joint Secretary, as the case may be, where there is no Secretary.
Refer to Sl. No. 91.

Sl. No. 101
Appointment of an Inquiry Officer Under the Government Servants (Efficiency
& Discipline) Rules, 1973
Under rule 5 (1) (ii) of the Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline)
Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85), the "Authorised Officer" has the powers to order holding of
inquiry against an accused government servant through an Inquiry Officer or Inquiry
Committee. It has been noticed that sometimes the Ministries/
Divisions/Departments appoint Inquiry Officers who are junior to the accused
government servant.
2. It is clarified that it is not appropriate to appoint an "Inquiry Officer" junior
to the officer being proceeded against under the aforementioned rules as that could
lead to administrative and legal complications at a later stage. All
Ministries/Divisions are, therefore, advised to keep this aspect in view while
appointing inquiry officers in cases involving disciplinary cases under the E&D
[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M. No. 16/61/94-R.2, dated 24-1-1995].

Sl. No. 102

Grant of Personal Hearing to the Accused Government Servant Under Rule 5
(1) (iii) of the Government Servants (Efficiency & Discipline) Rules, 1973
Rule 5 (1) (iii) of the Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,
1973 (Sl.No. 85), provides that if the authorised officer decides that it is not
necessary to have an inquiry conducted through an Inquiry Officer or Inquiry
Committee, he shall (a) by order, in writing, inform the accused of the action proposed to be
taken in regard to him and the grounds of action, and
(b) give him a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against that action.
2. A question has arisen as to whether a reasonable opportunity of showing
cause against the proposed action includes grant of personal hearing to the
accused. The matter has been considered in consultation with the Law and Justice
Division and it has been decided that in order to safeguard against the possibility of
the disciplinary proceedings being vitiated at later stage, the show cause notice
should contain a reference asking the accused if he wishes to be heard in person.
3. All Ministries/Divisions are accordingly advised that, henceforth, every
show cause notice to be issued in terms of rule 5 (1) (iii) of the Government
Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules 1973 (Sl.No. 85), must contain a specific
reference asking the accused to state whether he wishes to be heard in person.
4. The above decision is circulated for the information of Ministries/Divisions
with the request to also bring it to the notice of the Attached
Department/Subordinate Offices, etc. under the administrative control for necessary

Government Servants (E&D) Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85).

[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M.No.16/29/96-R.2, dated 17-6-1996].

Sl. No. 103

Authority and Authorised Officer Under the Government Servants (Efficiency
and Discipline) Rules, 1973 for the Officers Who are Drawing Pay in a Higher
Pay Scale by Virtue of Move-Over or Selection Grade
A question has arisen as to who should be the Authorised Officer or
Authority, under the Government Servants (E&D) Rules, 1973 in respect of an
employee who is drawing pay in a pay scale higher than the pay scale of his
substantive appointment by virtue of move-over or grant of selection grade.
2. The issue has been examined in the Establishment Division. According to
the instructions issued by the Finance Division, the following condition is, inter alia,
laid down for grant of move-over:
"The move-over shall not be construed to be a promotion to be post of
higher Basic Pay Scale, but the higher pay scale will be treated to be an extension
of the existing Basic Pay Scale of the post held by the employees. Therefore, the
incidence of move-over shall not be notified."
Similarly, an officer who is placed in the selection grade of a particular post
continues to perform the duties of the same post. He cannot, therefore, be treated to
have been promoted to a higher post. Moreover, the name of an employee who is
allowed to move-over to the next higher pay scale or is granted selection grade in a
particular cadre, continues to be placed in the seniority list of employees belonging
to the same cadres.
3. In view of the position stated above, it is clarified that the substantive post
of a government servant and not his pay scale on account of move-over or selection
grade should be taken into account for the purpose of disciplinary proceedings
against him. By stepping into a higher pay scale, by virtue of move-over, or selection
grade, the Authority, and Authorised Officer will not change but will remain the
same as in previous scale. For example, the Authority and Authorised Officer in
respect of a Superintendent, a BPS-16 post, would remain respectively the
Secretary and Additional Secretary, even if the incumbent has been placed in BPS17, by move-over or selection grade.
4. The position as explained above may be brought to the notice of all
[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M.No.16/24/94-R.2, dated 22-6-1995].

Sl. No. 104

Continuance of Suspension Period Beyond 3 Months - Procedure for

Sl. No. 85.

Selection Grade and Move-Over Scheme discontinued in BPS Scheme, 2001 w.e.f. 4-9-2001. Ref. Sl. No.
10, para 6 Chapter 10.

Submission of Summaries to the President
Rule 5 (1) of the Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,
1973 provides that in a case where a government servant is accused of subversion,
corruption or misconduct, the authorized officer may require him to proceed on leave
or, with the approval of the authority, suspend him, provided that any continuation of
such leave or suspension shall require approval of the authority after every 3
2. It has been observed that the Secretaries of the Ministries/Divisions
concerned do not submit summaries for the *President for the continuation of the
period of suspension of Government Servants where the *President is the authority,
after every three months well in time. At times they do not at all move the proposal
for further continuation of the period of suspension after a government servant has
been initially suspended for a period of three months.
3. As it is mandatory under the rules to obtain the approval of the authority to
the continuation of the period of suspension after three months, it is imperative that
in cases where the *President is the authority the proposals for extension of
suspension period should reach the Establishment Division in the form of "Summary
for the *President" addressed to COS to the *President at least a fortnight before the
expiry of initial/extended period of suspension.
4. It is, therefore, requested that action should be initiated in good time to
avoid complications later on.
[Authority.- Estt. Division D.O.letter No.10/6/79-C.II(B), dated 30-10-1979].

Sl. No. 105

Extension in Period of Suspension
It has been observed that, while making a request for extension in the
suspension period of a civil servant under suspension on expiry of the current
sanction after three months, the Ministries/Divisions do not mention the stage of
disciplinary proceedings/inquiry etc. against the accused.
2. It has, therefore, been decided that, whenever such a request is made by
the Ministries/Divisions, the present position of the disciplinary case including the
stage of inquiry, if it is in progress, may invariably be stated in the proposals for
extension in the period of suspension of the accused officer.
[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M. No. 2/26/86-D.I., dated 30-8-1987].

Sl. No. 106

Stoppage of Increment Under Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline

After the word "President" the words "or Prime Minister" stand added vide Estt. Division Notification No. S.R.O.
43(1)/86, dated 7-1-1986. Footnote ** on proviso to rule 5 of Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline)
Rules, 1973. (Sl. No. 85). The Chief of Staff (COS) would, in the present context, imply the Principal Secretary to
the Prime Minister.

Rules), 1973
Instances have come to the notice of the Establishment Division where the
penalty of stoppage of increment under Government Servants (Efficiency &
Discipline) Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85), has been imposed on government servants,
who have reached the maximum of the pay scale thus making the penalty
ineffective. It is, therefore, necessary that the stage of the pay scale at which a
government servant is drawing pay is kept in view by the competent authority before
imposing the penalty of stoppage of increment under the above rules.
[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M.No.31/46/86-R-3, dated 7-12-1986].

Sl. No. 107

Imposition of Major Penalties Under Rules 4 (1) (b) (i) of the Government
Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973
Reference rule 4 of the Government Servants (Efficiency & Discipline)
Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85) which provides for minor and major penalties. The minor
penalties include withholding of promotion or increments and stoppage (at an
efficiency bar) in the time scale. These penalties have to be for a specific period. On
the other hand, major penalties, inter alia, include reduction to a lower post or time
scale or to a lower stage in a time scale. It is clear that, in the case of minor
penalties i.e. of withholding of promotion or increments or stoppage in time scale the
same have to be imposed for a specific period. In case of major penalties, however,
the promotion earned, increment or stage in the time scale already in force is
reversed. In view of this, there is no mention of period in respect of major penalties
in contradistinction to minor penalties. Hence no period is required to be specified
while imposing major penalties as laid down in rule 4 (1) (b) (i) of the rules.
[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M. No. 1/1/89-R.3, dated 5-8-1991].

Sl. No. 108

Competency of the Punishing Authority to Re-try Cases or to Revise
Punishments Already Imposed
The following questions have arisen:(a)

whether an original punishing authority can, on his own accord, re-try

a case in which he has already passed orders on the grounds that
some flaws in the statutory procedure have been detected by him
after the issue of orders but before any appeal has been preferred to
the appellate authority against these orders; and


whether a punishing authority can, merely on reconsideration, modify

and revise the penalties already imposed by him in a case in which
there has been no flaw in the statutory procedure.


2. The reply to both questions is in the negative. An original punishing

authority cannot revise its own punishing orders whether merely on reconsideration
or on discovery of some flaw in the statutory procedure after the original orders are
passed but before any appeal has been preferred against these orders. In either
case, if no appeal has been preferred, only the Governor General-in-Council in
exercise of his revisional powers can order a re-trial of the case or a modification of
the original orders.
3. In this connection it may be added that the intention of the orders
contained in para 2(b) of this office letter No. ESB, III-I/36, dated the 29th May,
1936, is that the appellate authority can order retrial of a case on the ground of flaw
in procedure only on receipt of an appeal from the appellant. If no appeal has been
preferred or if an appellate authority has already passed his order on an appeal the
only authority competent to order retrial in a case on the grounds of flaw in
procedure is the Governor General-in-Council.
[Late D.G.P.&T. New Dehli letter No. E.III- 18/41, dated the 30 January,
1941 to all Heads of Circles]
Note.- The clarification given by the late D.G.P.&T. in his above letter is valid in the
present context.
[Authority.- Estt. Division U.O.Note No.1012/66-DI, dated 21-2-1967].

Sl. No. 108-A

Competency of the Punishing Authority to Re-try Cases or to Revise
Punishments Already Imposed Clarification.
As per Establishment Divisions instructions issued vide u.o. No. 1012/66D-1 dated 21-02-1967, original punishing authority cannot revise its own
punishing orders whether merely on reconsideration or on discovery of some flaw
in the statutory procedure after the original orders are passed.
The instructions referred to above also hold good in cases whether
punishing orders are passed under the Removal from Service (Special Powers)
Ordinance, 2000 (Sl. No. 185) and it is reiterated that the competent authority, after
awarding the penalty and notifying the same, cannot review/revise its own orders
under the ordinance, ibid.

[Authority: Estt. Divs OM No. 8/13/2003-D-3, dated 10 February 2007]

Sl. No. 109

Powers of the Authority under Rule 6-A of the Efficiency and Discipline Rules

Now it would mean the competent authority under the Government Servants (E&D) Rules, 1973 (Sl. No. 85)
and instructions/orders relating thereto and the Removal from Service (Special Powers) Ordinance, 2000
(Sl. No. 185), as the case may be.

Sl. No. 108


Under the provisions of rule 6-A of the Government Servants (Efficiency and
Discipline) Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85), the authority may call for the record of any case
pending before or disposed of by the authorized officer and pass such order in
relation thereto as it may deem fit.
2. To enable the `Authority' to perform its function more effectively under the
provision of said rule, it has been decided that in future, whenever the disciplinary
proceedings are completed against a civil servant of the Federal Government in
BPS 17 and above, copies of the record of the proceedings viz: charge sheet
alongwith statement of allegations; show cause notice, if issued instead of charge
sheet; report of the Inquiry Officer and the final orders, be endorsed to
Establishment Division, Joint Secretary (Discipline).
3. The above decision may also be brought to the notice of all Attached
Departments/Subordinate Offices for strict compliance in future.
[Authority.- Estt. Division O. M. No. 2/83/80-C. II(B), dated 17-11-1980].

Sl. No. 110

Initiation of Proceedings Against Officers Screened and Cleared in the Past
The President has been pleased to direct that his prior approval must
invariably be obtained before any proceedings are initiated against an officer on the
same facts on which he was screened and cleared wholly or partially in the past.
[Authority.- Estt. Secretary D.O. No. 4/14/60-SR, dated 18-11-1960].

Sl. No. 111

Disciplinary Procedure to be Followed in Cases Where No Inquiry Officer/
Committee is Appointed
Rule 5 (1) (iii) of the Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,
1973 (Sl.No. 85) provides that if the authorized officer decides that it is not
necessary to have an inquiry conducted through an Inquiry Officer or Inquiry
Committee, he shall:(a)
by order in writing, inform the accused of the action proposed to be
taken in regard to him and the grounds of action, and
give him a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against that
2. Both the provisions mentioned at (a) and (b) in the preceding paragraph
are mandatory. On an appeal filed by a government servant against the order of his
compulsory retirement, the Service Tribunal has recently set aside the order of his
compulsory retirement on the grounds that neither the action to be taken was
specifically mentioned in the Show Cause Notice nor was he given a reasonable

opportunity of showing cause against the proposed action. It has been pointed out
by the ServicesTribunal that there are decisions of the superior courts on the point
that whenever any discretion is given to an authority, it has to be exercised not
arbitrarily but honestly, justly, and fairly in the spirit of rules, and on judicial grounds
and for substantial reasons. For this purpose, the nature of allegations against the
accused has to be considered. In a case where it is clear to the authorized officer
that the accused can be given reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the
action proposed to be taken e.g. where the allegations could be decided by
reference to record in a summary manner, the procedure under sub-rule (iii) of rule
5(1) may be adopted. Otherwise, the ends of justice would be served by ordering
an inquiry through an Inquiry Officer or Inquiry Committee.
3. In a Show Cause Notice, the proposed action is required to be specified,
and no general mention is to be made by reference to all the minor or major
penalties in the rules.
4. Further, serving of a Show Cause Notice and mere reply thereto in denial
of allegations or mere questions and answers do not amount to affording the
accused a reasonable opportunity of showing cause as required by clause (b) of
rule 5 (l) (iii) of the Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973
(Sl.No. 85). The requirement of reasonable opportunity of showing cause against
proposed action will only be satisfied if particulars of the charge or charges,
substance of evidence in support of the charges and specific punishment which
would be called for after the charge or charges are established are communicated to
the civil servant who is given reasonable time and opportunity to show cause.
[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M. No. 6/8/79-D.I., dated 10-7-1979].

Sl. No. 112

Specification of Penalty In the Charge-Sheet/Show Cause Notice Under The
Government Servants (Efficiency & Discipline) Rules, 1973
Under rule 5 of the Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules
1973 (Sl.No. 85), in case a government servant is accused of subversion, corruption
and misconduct, the authorized officer shall, inter alia, decide whether in the light of
facts of the case or interest of justice an inquiry should be conducted through an
Inquiry Officer or Inquiry Committee. If he so decides, the procedure indicated in rule
6 thereof shall apply. The charge-sheet accompanied by the statement of
allegations, shall accordingly be framed by the authorized officer and got served on
the accused. If, however, the authorized officer decides that it is not necessary to
have an inquiry conducted he shall serve on him a show cause notice in terms of
rule 5 (1) (iii) of the said rules, specifying therein the penalty proposed to be
imposed upon the accused.
2. A reference to rule 6 of the Government Servants (Efficiency & Discipline)
Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85) will show that in a charge sheet, the penalty or penalties
which may be imposed if the charge or charges are established are not required to

be specified. The proposed penalty or penalties are specified in the:


Show cause notice issued in terms of rule 5 (1) (iii) of the

Government Servants (Efficiency & Discipline) Rules, 1973 (Sl. No.
85), or
Show cause notice issued in terms of rule 5 (1) (iv) of the
Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973 (Sl.No.
85), after the authorized officer has considered the inquiry report and
arrived at a provisional conclusion as the penalty to be imposed as
required vide para 3 of the Establishment Division O.M. No.
4/20/82-R.I. dated 20th July, 1982 (SI.No. 119) in pursuance of
Supreme Court's judgement in the case of the Mir Muhammad V/s
NWFP (All Pakistan Legal Decisions SC-179).

The above instructions may also be brought to the notice of attached
departments/subordinate offices for compliance in future.
[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M. No. 2/1/82-D-2, dated 11-1-1982 as modified vide
Estt. Division O.M. of even number dated 3-7-1985].

Sl. No. 112-A

Requirement to Issue a Fresh Show Cause Notice If the Penalty Imposed
Under Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973, or
Proposed to be Imposed is Greater than that Specified in the Show Cause
Notice, or is Proposed to Be Enhanced by the Appellate Authority
As a result of disciplinary action taken against a government servant, the appellate
authority considered the penalty imposed by the authorized officer to be inadequate
and enhanced the penalty. The government servant filed an appeal against
enhancement of penalty before the ServicesTribunal (Appeal No. 2(K) of 1980). The
ServicesTribunal, while accepting the appeal, observed that the penalty was
enhanced without giving the appellant an opportunity of being heard which was
against natural justice and further observed that "we are of the firm opinion that even
if the rules are silent on the subject, any time an appellant's punishment is
enhanced, he will be given a show cause and a hearing. This requirement of
natural justice shall always be read into the rules." The Division concerned referred
the observation of the ServicesTribunal to the Ministry of Law who confirmed that,
while it was open to the appellate authority to revise the sentence upward, it would
be appropriate for the appellate authority to give a show cause notice to the
appellant and hear him before passing the order. They advised that the order of the
Tribunal should, therefore, be obeyed:
The observations of the Service Tribunal and the advice of the
Justice Division mentioned in para 1 is brought to the notice of all
Ministries/Divisions and Departments for guidance and compliance.

Sl. No. 85; See also Sl. No. 185.





The cases in which a penalty is enhanced may be as follows:Where the authority decides to enhance the penalty proposed by the
authorized officer and which is greater than the maximum penalty
shown in the show cause notice issued by the authorized officer in
terms of rule 5 (1) (iii) of the Government Servants (Efficiency &
Discipline) Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85), or in the show cause notice
issued by the authorized officer in terms of rule 5(1) (iv), after
considering the inquiry report, as the case may be; or
Where the authority in exercise of its revisionary powers under rule
6-A of the rules, decides to enhance a penalty already imposed in a
case already disposed of or which, in a pending case,is greater than
the penalty shown in the show cause notice; or
Where the appellate authority, in exercise of its appellate jurisdiction,
decides to enhance the penalty already imposed on the appellant.

The Ministries, Divisions and Departments are advised to ensure
that in all such cases as are mentioned above, before the penalty is enhanced a
show cause notice is invariably issued and the accused/appellant is given an
opportunity of being heard in person.
[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M. No. 4/42/83-D.2, dated 29-7-1985].

Sl. No. 113

Specification of Major Penalty in the Show Cause Notice Issued Under
Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973
Attention is invited to para 3 of Establishment Division O.M.No.2/1/82-D.2,
dated 11-1-1982 as corrected vide para 1 of O.M. of even No. dated 3rd July 1985,
(Sl.No. 112) wherein advice was conveyed that while issuing a show cause notice to
an accused government official under the Government Servants (Efficiency and
Discipline) Rules, 1973 (Sl. No. 85), mention of imposition of the penalty of
"dismissal from service" should, invariably, be made. Once an accused official has
been served with a show cause notice for the highest penalty of "dismissal from
service" under the said rules, there can be no legal objection to the imposition of a
lesser penalty/penalties on him, if subsequently so warranted on finalisation of the
disciplinary proceedings.
2. Attention is also invited to this Division O.M. No.4/42/83-D.2, dated
29.7.1985 (Sl.No. 112-A), wherein it was laid down that if a penalty is enhanced in
the following cases, a show cause notice should invariably be issued, and the
accused/appellant be provided an opportunity of being heard in person:
Where the `authority' decides to enhance the penalty proposed by
the `authorised officer' and which is greater than the maximum




penalty shown in the show cause notice issued by the authorised

officer' in terms of rule 5 (1) (iii) (b) of Government Servants
(Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85), or in the show
cause notice issued by the authorised officer in terms of rule 5 (1)
(iv), after considering the inquiry report, as the case may be; or
Where the authority in exercise of its revisionary powers under rule
6-A of the rules, decides to enhance a penalty already imposed in a
case already disposed of or which, in a pending case, is greater than
the penalty shown in the show cause notice, or
Where the appellate authority, in exercise of its appellate jurisdiction,
decides to enhance the penalty already imposed on the appellant.

3. It has been observed that in some cases due regard was not paid to the
above instructions. All Ministries and Divisions are requested to ensure that the
above instructions are strictly observed in all cases to preclude legal/procedural
[Authority.- Estt.Division O.M.No.16/8/98-R.2, dated 19-3-1998].

Sl. No. 114

Publication of Notices in the Newspapers
It has come to the notice of the gvernment that the procedure of publication
of notices in the press in the cases of unauthorized absence/abscondment from duty
is being frequently resorted to without taking into consideration the provisions of rule
8(b) of the Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85)
which provides for the dispensation of adopting even formal procedure in such
cases. This not only results in undue delay in finalization of these disciplinary cases
but also undue wastage of government money on publication of such notices.
2. The matter has, therefore, been considered in the Establishment Division
in consultation with Law Division. It is clarified that under the Government Servants
(Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85), there is no provision making it
obligatory or mandatory for the authority/authorized officer to publish a notice in the
newspaper in the cases of unauthorized absence/abscondment from duty. The
requirement of rule 5 of the Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,
1973 (Sl.No. 85), is that the accused may be informed of the action proposed to be
taken in regard to him and the grounds of such action and that he may be given a
reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the action. This information can be
conveyed to him by different means, i.e. by registered post at his last known
address or by affixation of a notice at that address, etc. Same is the position under
rule 6(2) in respect of service of a charge-sheet. According to rule 8 of the said rules
nothing in rule 5 shall apply if the authority competent to dismiss or remove a person
from service, or to reduce a person in rank, is satisfied that, for reasons to be
recorded, in writing, by that authority, it is not reasonably practicable to give the
accused an opportunity of showing cause, for instance, if it is reported that the
accused has left his place of abode without leaving an address or he has gone out
of the country and his whereabouts are not known. If the authority mentioned in rule

8(b) is satisfied about the genuineness of the report, it may invoke the provision
contained in the said rule. The publication of a notice in newspapers may not be
resorted to.
3. The publication of notice in the newspapers, in such cases should,
however, be resorted to in very rare cases where the competent authority is not in a
position to record reasons for its satisfaction as to the practicability of affording the
accused an opportunity of showing cause. There a lack of response to such a notice
may induce that authority to be so satisfied.
4. The above instructions may please be brought to the notice of all
concerned for strict compliance in future.
[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M.No.4/18/83-D-2, dated 15-2-1984].

Sl. No. 115

Publication of Charge Sheet or Show Cause Notice in Newspaper
A case has come to notice where long leave granted to a postal clerk was
cancelled and he was asked to resume duty immediately. When he failed to do so, a
notice was published in the newspaper directing him to resume duty within seven
days otherwise ex-parte proceedings under the Government Servants (Efficiency
and Discipline) Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85) could be taken against him which might
result in his removal from service. He failed to resume duty. He was accordingly
dismissed from service. His departmental appeal was rejected. Thereafter, he filed
an appeal in the Services Tribunal (Appeal 2(P) of 1984). The Services Tribunal
accepted the appeal and set aside the order holding as follows:
"It is manifestly evident that the impugned order was passed
without taking any proceeding under the Efficiency & Discipline
Rules though in the notice published in the newspaper it was
categorically stated that in case of failure of the appellant to
resume duties, ex-parte proceedings under the E& D Rules would
be taken against him. In any case, the punishment of dismissal
from service could be awarded only after taking proceedings under
the E&D Rules which was not done and the impugned order was
passed in an arbitrary and unlawful manner. The position being so
clear, the impugned order cannot be sustained and we have no
option but to set it aside."
2. The observations of the Service Tribunal are brought to the notice of all
Ministries, Divisions, and Departments who should ensure that due care is taken in
observing the requirements of Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline)
Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85) in taking disciplinary action against civil servants. In this
case, what was published was merely a notice or a warning that if the clerk did not
resume duty, action under Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,
1973 would be taken. However, on his failure to resume duty as directed, order to
dismissal was straightway passed without initiating disciplinary action on the ground

of misconduct.
3. In this connection, a reference is also invited to the Establishment Division
O.M. No. 4/18/83-D.2, dated 15th February, 1984 (Sl.No. 114), bringing out the
requirement of rule 8, clause (b) and the circumstances in which that rule can be
involved. According to rule 8(b), nothing in rule 5 (containing inquiry procedure) will
apply to a case where the competent authority is satisfied that for reasons to be
recorded, in writing, it is not reasonably practicable to give the accused an
opportunity or showing cause. If all efforts to communicate with the accused through
normal channels (like sending him the notice or charge sheet by registered post to
his known addresses) fail, that may induce the authority to be so satisfied. For this
purpose, publication of charge sheet or show cause notice, as the case may be, in
the national press is certainly not required. However, if in rare cases, the competent
authority is unable to satisfy itself that it is not reasonably practicable to
communicate with the accused, the competent authority may publish the notice i.e.
show cause notice in terms of rule 5 (1) (iii) of the Government Servants (E&D)
Rules, 1973 or rule 5 (l) (iv) or charge sheet in terms of rule 6 (as the case may be)
in the newspapers and any lack of response to it may satisfy the competent
authority that it is not responsibly practicable to give the accused an opportunity of
showing cause.
[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M.No.4/18/83-D.2, dated 9-7-1985].

Sl. No. 116

Disciplinary Action - Need to Observe Strictly the Rules and Procedure
Relating to Check List
It has been observed that in dealing with disciplinary cases, care is not
generally taken to observe the procedure laid down in the Government Servants
(Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85). Such omissions vitiate the case
and if the government servant concerned goes in appeal to the Services Tribunal,
the appeal is sometime accepted on this account. It is, therefore, necessary that
extreme care is taken to ensure that the cases are dealt with according to the
prescribed rules and procedure.
2. The Establishment Division has been issuing instructions from time to
time drawing attention of all concerned to specific requirements of rules and
procedure or to omissions generally noted in disciplinary action. In this connection a
reference is invited to the Establishment Division O.M. No. 7/2/79-D-I, dated 18th
November, 1979 with which a check list for guidance of authority, authorized officer
and inquiry officer was circulated to ensure that all procedural requirements are met.
This was followed by a circular d.o. letter No. D-553/80-JS (Rev & D) dated 22nd
October, 1980 (Sl. No. 118) from Establishment Secretary to all Secretaries,
drawing attention to some irregularities noticed in the disciplinary cases submitted to

the Establishment Division. In Establishment Division O.M. No. 4/20/82-R.I, dated
20th July, 1982 (Sl. No.119), it was further laid down that, in future, after the
authorized officer has considered the inquiry report and arrived at a provisional
conclusion as to the penalty to be imposed on the accused, the accused should be
supplied with a copy of the inquiry report and asked to show cause, within a
specified time, as to why the particular penalty should not be imposed on him and
any representation submitted by the accused in his behalf should be taken into
consideration before final orders are passed.
3. It is requested that the instructions issued from time to time and
particularly the instructions in the Office Memoranda quoted in para 2 may strictly be
followed in future by the Ministries/Divisions and by departments and offices under
their administrative control. For facility of reference, the instructions contained in the
three office memoranda quoted in para 2 have been consolidated in a fresh check
list, which is attached to this letter as Annex. It should always be consulted while
processing disciplinary cases.
[Authority.- Estt. Secretary's d.o. letter No.3/l/85-D.2, dated 26-3-1985].

(See Sl. No. 116)

Authority.- To ensure that:The President has been pleased to designate the officer or authority to
exercise his powers as Authority under rule 2(2).
Authorized Officer. - To ensure that:1.
The officer exercising the powers of Authorized Officer has been
authorized by the Authority to act as such in terms of rule 2(3).
The Authorized Officer while exercising his discretionary powers of
suspension under rule 5(1) (i) has obtained prior approval of the
Authority in writing before issuing orders suspending the accused
officer. The summaries for authority seeking its approval for
suspension or extension of suspension period are signed by the
authorized officer and not by any other officer. Further, an officer can
be suspended only if he is accused of subversion, corruption or
misconduct rule 5 (1) (i).
Formal approval of the Authority is available for continuation of the
suspension period after every three months rule 5 (1) (i).

Formal approval of the authority is available for extending the period

of forced leave after every three months rule 5 (1) (i).


No officer other than the Authorized Officer has decided that in the
light of the facts of the case or in the interest of justice an inquiry
should be conducted through an Inquiry office or Inquiry Committee,
rule 5(1)(ii).


Considering the nature of charges and other facts, the decision not
to hold an inquiry has been taken judiciously and not arbitrarily.
Before taking such a decision, the authorised officer has taken into
consideration the nature of charges and other facts and has satisfied
himself that the allegations against the accused could be decided
without holding an enquiry.[Rule 5(1)(iii]. (Though it is not a
requirement of the rule that the reasons for not holding an inquiry be
recorded, yet the check-point is necessary to ensure that the
decision is in the interest of justice as required by rule and that there
is no violation of the law of natural justice).


The procedure prescribed in rule 6 is followed in case the Authorized

Officer in exercise of his discretionary power under rule 5 (1) (ii) has
decided to hold an inquiry through an Inquiry Officer or Inquiry


Formal order regarding appointment of Inquiry Officer or Inquiry

Committee, as the case may be, has been issued by the Authorized
Officer and not by any other officer. [Rule 6 read with rule 5 (1) (ii)].


A formal charge-sheet together with a statement of allegations has

been framed and communicated to the accused officer by the
Authorized Officer under his signature. (The statement of allegations
should also be authenticated by the authorized officer). [Rule 6 (1)].


The charge sheet requires the accused:

to put in written defence within a reasonable time which is not
less than 7 days or more than 14 days from the day the
charge has been communicated;
to state whether he desires to be heard in person, [Rule 6


The procedure laid down in Rule 5 (1) (iii) is followed in case the
Authorized Officer in exercise of his discretion has decided to
dispense with holding an inquiry through an Inquiry Officer or Inquiry
In the show cause notice issued under Rule 5 (1) (iii), the proposed
action and the grounds of the action including particular or particulars
of charges and substance of evidence in support of the charges has
been specified; the grounds for penalty in terms of rule 3 have been
specifically mentioned; the penalty or penalties which would be
called for if the charges are established have been specified and no
general mention has been made by reference to all minor or major


penalties. The description of penalties should conform to the
description given in the rules. The show cause notice must be signed
by the authorized officer.

On receipt of the report of the Inquiry Officer or Inquiry Committee or

on receipt of explanation of the accused officer under rule 5 (1) (iii),
the Authorized Officer has determined whether the charge or
charges against the accused officer has been proved or not [rule 5
(1) (iv)].


After the authorised officer has considered the inquiry report and
arrived at a provisional conclusion as to the penalty to be imposed,
the accused shall be supplied with a copy of the inquiry report and
asked to show cause, within a specified time, which should not be
less than 7 days and more than 14 days from the date of receipt of
inquiry report, against the particular penalty to be imposed and any
representation submitted by the accused in this behalf shall be taken
into consideration before final orders are passed.


In case the Authorized Officer has proposed imposition of a major

penalty on the accused officer, he has referred the case to the
Authority with his recommendation and with all the documents
mentioned in the rule [rule 5 (1) (iv)].


When the accused has desired to be heard in person, the authorized

officer has duly heard him in person before deciding to impose a
minor penalty or make recommendations to the authority for a major
penalty. [rule 6 (2)].


In case the authorized officer in respect of civil servants holding

posts in basic pay scales 17 and above decides to forward a
disciplinary case to the President, where he is the authority, he
should invariably submit his proposal to the Establishment Division in
the form of a "summary for the President*" marked to the "COS to
the President** through Establishment Secretary" alongwith complete
CR dossier. The summary should also contain the following
date of the birth of the accused;

date of his entry into service; and


the length of qualifying service for pension as on the date on

which summary is forwarded.

Inquiry Officer/Committee.- To ensure that:


Prime Minister.
Principal Secretary to Prime Minister.


The procedure laid down in rule 6(3) to (6) is strictly adhered to

during the inquiry proceedings.


The inquiry proceedings being of judicial nature in terms of rule 7,

the Inquiry Officer has recorded the statement of witnesses on oath
[Rule 7 (a)].


The accused officer is allowed to cross-examine the witnesses

produced against him during the proceedings. [Rule 6 (3)].


The accused officer is afforded a reasonable opportunity to produce

his defence. [Rule 6 (3)].


The case is heard from day to day and no adjournment is given

except for reasons to be recorded in writing which should be
reported to the authorized officer. No. adjournment should exceed a
week. [Rule 6 (4)].


The findings are recorded after due analysis and appreciation of

evidence on record.

Sl. No. 117

Approval for Placing a Government Servant under Suspension
A detailed check-list stands circulated to all the Ministries/Divisions vide
Establishment Secretary's D.O. letter No. 3/1/85-D.2, dated 26-3-1985 (Sl.No.116)
which is required to be strictly followed while taking action under the Government
Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85). This check-list has
been carefully prepared and provides detailed guidance to the authorities concerned
regarding the various stages/aspects of the E&D proceedings, including preparation
of charge-sheet, statement of allegations, etc. to avoid what may otherwise lead to
such proceedings being declared totally or partially irregular at a later stage by the
competent authority/forum.
2. Despite these detailed instructions, however, instances are not lacking
where due to serious lapses on the part of the authorities concerned, the accused
civil servants have escaped punishment or where such proceedings had to be reinitiated. All this is avoidable if the detailed instructions on the subject are strictly
3. One of the major failures which has been noted is in respect of
suspension of the defaulting civil servants. Not infrequently, references seeking
approval of the competent authority for placing a civil servant under suspension or
for extension in the period of his suspension are forwarded under the signatures of
some one other than the "Authorised Officer". Since the Efficiency & Discipline
proceedings have a legal connotation and all orders, including suspension, are
liable to judicial scrutiny upto the Supreme Court's level, it is vital that all such
proposals are signed by the competent authority himself as these powers cannot be

delegated to anyone else.
4. The instructions on the subject may be strictly adhered to which would not
only safeguard the State's interests but would also save the Ministries/Divisions
concerned from avoidable loss of time and energy.
[Authority:- Estt. Division O.M.No.2/52/94-D-I, dated 26-12-1994].

Sl. No. 118

Irregularities in Dealing with Disciplinary Cases
The following irregularities have come to the notice of Establishment
Division, in dealing with the disciplinary cases submitted by the Ministries and
Divisions in respect of the Civil Servants of Basic Pay Scale 17 and above.

Under rule 5 (1) of the Government Servants (Efficiency and

Discipline) Rules, 1973 (Sl. No. 85), it is the "authorized officer"
[designated as such under sub-rule (3) of rule of the said rules] who
can obtain the approval of "authority" [designated as such under
sub-rule (2) of rule 2 of the said rules] to the suspension of a civil
servant. The summaries proposing the suspension of the civil
servants in grades 17-20 are some time received under the
signatures of an officer other than `authorized officer'.


Rule 5 (1) (ii) makes it incumbent upon the "authorized officer" to

decide that in the light of the facts of the case or in the interest of
justice an inquiry should be conducted through an Inquiry
Officer/Inquiry Committee or a "Show Cause Notice" should be
served on the accused official in terms of sub-rule 5 (1) (iii), it has
been noticed that in some cases either this decision has been taken
by a person other than authorized officer' or the "authorized officer"
has not shown to have applied his independent judgement.


In case the Authorized Officer has decided to serve a "Show Cause

Notice" to the accused official, under rule 5(iii), sometimes it is not
served under his signatures. Similarly, in a large number of cases it
has been noticed that the action proposed to be taken against the
accused and grounds thereof are not incorporated in the show cause
notice. Instead of that a general reference is invited to one of the
major penalties, which is not correct.
In case the "Authorized Officer" decides to hold an inquiry through an
Inquiry Officer/Inquiry Committee, formal orders regarding the
appointment of Inquiry Officer/Inquiry Committee have to be issued
by the "Authorized Officer " and not by any other officer.




In terms of rule 6, it is the "Authorized Officer" who has to frame a

charge-sheet together with a statement of allegations and then
communicate these to the accused official. It has been observed in

some of the cases that (a) charge sheet has been signed by an
officer other than the "authorized officer" (b) the charge-sheet is not
accompanied by the statement of allegations, elaborating the
charge; (c) the statement of allegations has not been authenticated
by the "authorized officer".

In terms of rule 6 (4), the Inquiry Officer or the Inquiry Committee, as

the case may be, shall hear the case from day to day and no
adjournment shall be given except for reasons to be recorded in
writing. However, every adjournment with reasons shall be reported
forthwith to the `authorized officer'. No adjournment shall be for more
than a week. Inspite of clear provisions of the rules, it has been
generally noticed that (a) the inquiry proceedings are not conducted
by the Inquiry Officers from day to day; (b) the reasons of
adjournments, if any, are not regularly reported to the "authorized
officer" (c) the period of adjournment goes beyond a week. These
delays must be avoided, particularly in cases where the accused
officer is under suspension.


Under rule 6 (2), the authorized officer has to afford the opportunity
of personal hearing to the accused officer, if such opportunity is
claimed, before deciding to impose a minor penalty or
recommending to the authority the imposition of major penalty, in
terms of rule 5 (1) (iv). It has been often observed that this
opportunity of personal hearing is confused with the hearing given
by the inquiry proceedings. This is not correct.


Under rule 5 (1) (iv), on receipt of the report of the Inquiry Officer or
an Inquiry Committee on receipt of the explanation of the accused to
the show cause notice, if any, the authorized officer has to determine
whether the charge/charges have been proved. If it is proposed to
impose a minor penalty, he shall pass orders accordingly. If it is
proposed to impose a major penalty, he shall forward the case to the
authority alongwith the charge-sheet, statement of allegations, the
explanation of the accused, the findings of the Inquiry Officer or
Inquiry Committee, if appointed, and his own recommendations
regarding the penalty to be imposed. It has been generally found that
(a) the Inquiry Officer at times besides giving his findings on the
charges also makes his recommendation regarding the imposition of
a major or minor penalty, (b) the authorized officer does not make
use of his independent judgement, (c) the recommendations of the
authorized officer to the authority are not accompanied by all the
documents mentioned above.

2. The irregularities detailed above are grave in nature and a failure to fully
comply with the requirements of the Government Servants (Efficiency and

Discipline) Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85) impairs and at times vitiates the disciplinary
proceedings and the order imposing a penalty on an accused is frequently set-aside
by the appellate authority or the Services Tribunal. This not only results in loss of
prestige for the government but also in the loss of unnecessary expenditure which
the government has to incur in defending the appeals of the aggrieved government
servants in the courts of law.
3. It may kindly be ensured that provisions of the Government Servants
(Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973 are fully complied with in future by the
officers responsible for discharging their duties under the said rules before and
during the currency of the disciplinary proceedings against the civil servants as
Authority, Authorized Officer or Inquiry Officer.
[Authority.- Estt. Div.s D.O. letter No. 553/80-JS(Rev. & D), dated 22-10-1980].

Sl. No. 119

Supply of Copies of Inquiry Reports to the Accused Officials
A reference is invited to rule 5 and 6 of the Government Servants (Efficiency
and Discipline) Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85). The Supreme Court of Pakistan in their
Judgement in Mir Muhammad Vs. NWFP (All Pakistan Legal Decisions. 1981 SC.
179) observed as follows in respect of corresponding rules 5 and 6 in the NWFP
Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973 (Sl.No. 85).
"It seems to us, therefore, that on a proper construction of rules 5 and 6
read together it is a statutory requirement that if a formal inquiry is held,
then the authorized officer should, after he has tentatively decided upon
the action he proposes to recommend to the Authority, give an
opportunity to the accused officer to offer his explanation against the
proposed action in the light of the findings of the inquiry officer or inquiry
committee, before sending his recommendations to the Authority. This
would, of course, necessitate that a copy of the inquiry report be
furnished to the accused officer at this stage, and he should be apprised
of the action proposed against him."
2. In view of the Supreme Court Judgement, it is now necessary that in a
case where a formal inquiry is held, a copy of the inquiry report is furnished to the
accused official to enable him to offer his explanation with regard to adverse finding,
if any, recorded against him by that Inquiry Officer or the Inquiry Committee, as the
case may be.
3. It has been decided that after the authorized officer has considered the
report and arrived at a provisional conclusion as to the penalty to be imposed, the
accused shall be supplied with a copy of the inquiry report and asked to show
cause, within a specified time, which shall not ordinarily exceed [fourteen days],

The words "one month" have been substituted by the words "fourteen days" vide Estt. Division O.M. No.

against the particular penalty to be imposed and any representation submitted by
the accused in this behalf shall be taken into consideration before final orders are
4. The procedure described in para 3 may also to followed in those
disciplinary cases which are in progress and have not been finally closed. Even in
cases where the matter has been pending before the Services Tribunal or the
Supreme Court, the proceeding may be started de novo in consultation with the Law
Division, from the stage from which the error could be corrected in the light of the
aforesaid Judgement. Cases finally closed need not be reopened.
[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M. No. 4/20/82-RI, dated 20-7-1982].

Sl. No. 120

Grant of Personal Hearing to the Accused Official
According to instructions contained in the Establishment Division circular
O.M.No.4/20/82-R.I, dated 20th July, 1982 (Sl.No. 119), in a case where a formal
inquiry is held, the authorized officer, on receipt of the inquiry report, shall arrive at a
provisional conclusion as to the penalty to be imposed and shall supply a copy of the
inquiry report to the accused and ask him to show cause within a specified time,
against the penalty to be imposed. A question has arisen at what stage the accused
will be given personal hearing by the authorized officer whether it will be given after
the receipt of the inquiry report and before the accused is supplied with the inquiry
report and, asked to show cause against the particular penalty to be imposed or it will
be given after this action is completed and the reply of the accused to the Show
Cause has been received.

2. The matter has been considered in the Establishment Division in

consultation with the Law Division and the view held is that the right stage for giving
personal hearing to the accused by the authorized officer, if the accused had asked
for such opportunity, comes after the accused has submitted his reply to the show
cause notice and before the authorized officer finally makes up his mind as to the
penalty to be imposed, and gives orders to that effect or submits the case to the
authority, as the case may be.
[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M. No. 4/24/82-RI, dated 8-11-1982].

3/1/85-D-2 dated 3-7-1985.

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