WHALE Center Resolution
WHALE Center Resolution
WHALE Center Resolution
WHEREAS, the WHALE Center has developed the Global Healing Initiative to promote
peace, justice and sustainability in the world; and
WHEREAS, the WHALE Center has supported developing countries through its projects
in Southern Sudan, Uganda, and Malawi; and
WHEREAS, the WHALE Center recognizes that for issues like climate change to be
addressed, that humans need to be in a more positive relationship with the Earth; and
WHEREAS, the WHALE Center has a history of supporting indigenous peoples through
collaboration on human and community development programs with the Four Worlds
Development Project; and
WHEREAS, the WHALE Center through the Utah Population and Environment Coalition
has promoted the concepts of sustainable consumption and stabilizing population; and
WHEREAS, the WHALE Center has supported the work of Domes for the World in
providing sustainable, energy efficient and disaster mitigating housing to mitigate
climate change and recover from climate related disasters; and
WHEREAS, the WHALE Center supports lower carbon emission transportation through
the greater use walking, bicycling, public transportation, use of hybrid cars and the
development of new technology such as the Sunzee Car; and
WHEREAS, the WHALE Center supports the work of Friends of the United Nations,
UNEP, and other U.N. related groups to mitigate climate change and reduce carbon
emissions; and
WHEREAS, the WHALE Center supports the Waves of Change Campaign to reduce
carbon emissions to address the impacts of Climate Change and Ocean Acidification on
the oceans and coastal zones, and
WHEREAS, the WHALE Center supports the leadership of President Evo Morales to
address the issue of Climate Change,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the WHALE Center Board of Directors
adopts a policy of support for President Evo Moralesʼ cause to defend and promote the
rights of Mother Earth,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the WHALE Center Board of Directors gives its full
support the Peopleʼs World Conference on Climate Change and Mother Earth Rights
and plan to be a driving force in the aforementioned conference.