Project Based Lesson Educ. 232
Project Based Lesson Educ. 232
Subject/Grade level:
Length of Project:
Biology grade 10/11
1 week
PROJECT SUMMARY (What is the purpose of this simulation/roleplay/dramatization/or inquiry project? How will it give students the
opportunity to apply real-world skills? What task or challenge will student
complete? How will you incorporate outside expertise? Will students
complete this project on their own, with a partner, or in groups? How long
will this project take to complete?)
The purpose of this project is for students work collaboratively to design a
potential solution for reducing the impacts of human activities on the
environment and biodiversity.
This project will allow students to work on adapting to roles in a group,
working with other individuals to create a product and demonstrate
productivity and accountability for their work. These are all skills that
they will need to build in order to be success in their future occupations
or personal lives.
This project will be completed in groups of 3-4 depending on group size.
Each member of the group will have a role in which they will be held
accountable for their individual contributions. I expect this project would
take about one week assuming students have already been exposed to
environmental issues and their effects previously in the course. This
project would be an application of that knowledge.
LEARNING GOALS/STANDARDS to be addressed in this PROJECT (What
standards or umbrella learning goals will I address?):
HS-LS2-7. Design, evaluate, and refine a solution for reducing the impacts
of human activities on the environment and biodiversity.
21.912.ES.2 Essential Concept and/or Skill: Adapt to various roles and
responsibilities and work flexibly in climates of ambiguity and changing
21.912.ES.5 Essential Concept and/or Skill: Demonstrate productivity and
accountability by meeting high expectations.
21.912.ES.1 Essential Concept and/or Skill: Communicate and work
productively with others, incorporating different perspectives and cross cultural
understanding, to increase innovation and the quality of work.
21.912.TL.4 Essential Concept and/or Skill: Demonstrate critical thinking skills
using appropriate tools and resources to plan and conduct research, manage
this project?)
Day 1: What is the environmental issue your group has been assigned?
Day 2: How is your assigned environmental issue impacting the
Day 3: What are some possible solutions for your environmental issue?
Day 4: What does your group believe to be the best solution for your
issue based on cost, effectiveness, sustainability and why?
Day 5: Finish optimization and report out solutions.
Day 6: They will have come up with guiding questions to engage in the
guest presentation.
2. What are the effects of these impacts both short and long
3. What are some possible solutions for your environmental
Assessment: I would move around listening to student
conversations and observing their recorded research. I will also
assess their progress and understanding by reviewing their
groups google doc after class.
Students will write a one page reflection on the presentation
noting what they found interesting or surprising about the job of
an environmental consultant. They will also be asked to discuss
any connections they found between their projects and the duties
of an environmental consultant.