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Project Based Lesson Educ. 232

This project involves high school biology students working collaboratively in groups of 3-4 over the course of a week to design a potential solution to reduce human impacts on the environment and biodiversity. Students will research an assigned environmental issue, identify how humans have affected the issue and potential solutions. They will present their findings on a poster and give a 7-8 minute presentation to the class. The teacher will assess students individually based on their contribution to the group and the quality of the final poster and presentation. The goal is for students to develop skills like collaboration, accountability, communication and critical thinking in applying their biology knowledge to a real-world problem.

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Brittany Kinney
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126 views7 pages

Project Based Lesson Educ. 232

This project involves high school biology students working collaboratively in groups of 3-4 over the course of a week to design a potential solution to reduce human impacts on the environment and biodiversity. Students will research an assigned environmental issue, identify how humans have affected the issue and potential solutions. They will present their findings on a poster and give a 7-8 minute presentation to the class. The teacher will assess students individually based on their contribution to the group and the quality of the final poster and presentation. The goal is for students to develop skills like collaboration, accountability, communication and critical thinking in applying their biology knowledge to a real-world problem.

Uploaded by

Brittany Kinney
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Project-Planning Template

Subject/Grade level:
Length of Project:
Biology grade 10/11
1 week
PROJECT SUMMARY (What is the purpose of this simulation/roleplay/dramatization/or inquiry project? How will it give students the
opportunity to apply real-world skills? What task or challenge will student
complete? How will you incorporate outside expertise? Will students
complete this project on their own, with a partner, or in groups? How long
will this project take to complete?)
The purpose of this project is for students work collaboratively to design a
potential solution for reducing the impacts of human activities on the
environment and biodiversity.
This project will allow students to work on adapting to roles in a group,
working with other individuals to create a product and demonstrate
productivity and accountability for their work. These are all skills that
they will need to build in order to be success in their future occupations
or personal lives.
This project will be completed in groups of 3-4 depending on group size.
Each member of the group will have a role in which they will be held
accountable for their individual contributions. I expect this project would
take about one week assuming students have already been exposed to
environmental issues and their effects previously in the course. This
project would be an application of that knowledge.
LEARNING GOALS/STANDARDS to be addressed in this PROJECT (What
standards or umbrella learning goals will I address?):
HS-LS2-7. Design, evaluate, and refine a solution for reducing the impacts
of human activities on the environment and biodiversity.
21.912.ES.2 Essential Concept and/or Skill: Adapt to various roles and
responsibilities and work flexibly in climates of ambiguity and changing
21.912.ES.5 Essential Concept and/or Skill: Demonstrate productivity and
accountability by meeting high expectations.
21.912.ES.1 Essential Concept and/or Skill: Communicate and work
productively with others, incorporating different perspectives and cross cultural
understanding, to increase innovation and the quality of work.
21.912.TL.4 Essential Concept and/or Skill: Demonstrate critical thinking skills
using appropriate tools and resources to plan and conduct research, manage

projects, solve problems and make informed decisions.

DRIVING QUESTION (S) (What question(s) will guide student learning in

this project?)
Day 1: What is the environmental issue your group has been assigned?
Day 2: How is your assigned environmental issue impacting the
Day 3: What are some possible solutions for your environmental issue?
Day 4: What does your group believe to be the best solution for your
issue based on cost, effectiveness, sustainability and why?
Day 5: Finish optimization and report out solutions.
Day 6: They will have come up with guiding questions to engage in the
guest presentation.

GROUP PRODUCT (How will students create to demonstrate their

learning? (e.g., a presentation, report, proposal, brochure, skit,
demonstration, etc.) To whom will they present it?)
To demonstrate learning, each group will make a final poster illustrating
their environmental issue and the solution they found best alleviated their
problem. On the final day of the project each group will present their
poster to the class.
Along the way, the students will record their research and progress in a
shared google doc so that I can assess progress and guide individual
groups as needed.
student learning? (e.g., rubric, conference, journal reflection portfolio
reflection)) What knowledge and skills will you assess?
I would assess the students learning based on a rubric. The entire group
would be assessed based on their poster and presentation. Then each
individual member would be assessed based on their contribution and
work in the group.
how you intend to organize this inquiry project. For each day, list the
objectives and the general learning plan, plus any forms of assessment.
Feel free to add days to this template, if your project runs longer
than a week).


Learning Objectives: 1. Students will be able to articulate their

opinion on environmental issues and realize the need to take
2. Students will be able to identify an environmental issue that
sparks their interest to take action as a small group.
3. Students will be able to adapt to various roles in a group
working flexibly and cohesively with pre assigned individuals.
(assess by observation)
Entry event: Students will watch a short video titles Dear
Future Generations: Sorry. (6-7 min)

This video over views many of the environmental issues we

face today and emphasizes the need for us as humans to
take action. I would show this video to students to spark an
emotional response inside of students about these
environmental issues. Hopefully it will get them thinking
about future generations and how they can help solve
environmental problems rather than fuel them.

After students watch this video we will have a short discussion

about their reactions and thoughts regarding its message. (This is
where I would assess objective #1 either through listening to
their conversations or having them do a short quick write activity)
(8-10 min)
Project introduction: designing environmental solutions. I
would explain the purpose and over view rubric. (4-5 min)
I will have preselected groups (I would divide students at this
Designate group roles: (2-3 min)
- 1. Production manager: oversees the project and ensures
everyone is doing their job/ manage progress.
- 2. Information manager: ensures accuracy and quality of
- 3. Personnel manager: helps resolve any conflicts and
monitors effort/productivity
- 4. Time manager: manages deadlines, helps keep group
on track to finish on time.
Each student will be accountable for help researching their
environmental issue/potential solutions and developing the poster
but, these roles will also guide them to stay motivated and help
the group work together cohesively.

Then allow them to research an environmental issue they

feel passionate about and present it to me before they

leave for the day. (They would have I pads or laptops

available for internet use) I would check to make sure it is
doable within our time constraints and the students level of
understanding. (25 min) * If students finished finding a
good environmental issue quickly I would allow them to
precede with their research asking them to identify the
effects of their issue and possible causes.
(I would assess objective #2 based on their ability to research
and choose an environmental issue for their project) We would
have previously discussed examples of issues and effects in
previous lessons so they would have a general idea what I would
be looking for.


Learning Objectives: Research day

1. Students will be able to identify and explain at least 3 ways
in which humans impact the environment through their
chosen issue.
2. Students will be able to identify a variety of solutions that
they can implement in order to alleviate the effects of their
chosen environmental issue.
3. Students will demonstrate productivity and autonomy for
their own work as well as that of the entire group while
conducting meaningful research. (assess by observation)
Day 2 would primarily be a research day. Students will be given
laptops and access to some resources that I could get from the
public library. They can also have permission to work in the school
library if they need book resources.

I will ask students to record all of their research finding on a

group google doc so that I can have access/ make
comments and so that all group members are ensured
access to each others findings. This will also allow me to
see what is contributing to the doc as long as they are
logged in.

Students would begin by reviewing the environmental issue they

had chosen for their project. (2-3min)
Then I would post the driving questions: ( these should be the
primary points that drive the students research)
1. Can you identify at least 3 ways in which humans have
impacted the environment through your issue?

2. What are the effects of these impacts both short and long
3. What are some possible solutions for your environmental
Assessment: I would move around listening to student
conversations and observing their recorded research. I will also
assess their progress and understanding by reviewing their
groups google doc after class.


Learning Objectives: Finish research/start poster

-Students will be able to communicate and collaborate
productively incorporating varying perspectives in order to
increase the quality of their visual poster. (I will assess the based
upon visual observation of the groups as well as the rubric for the
I will allow students some time to finish research (10-20 min)
Then I will gather the class together and explain how I want them
to present this research. (through a poster presentation)
They will be required to prepare a 7-8 min presentation which
includes the following.
1. Short overview of their environmental issue.
2. Why this is an issue / what are the environmental impacts?
3. What solution or solutions did your group come up with?
4. How did the process impact your view on taking action in
terms of environmental issues?
Students will be given a blank poster and time to design/divide
the info for their presentation.


Learning Objectives: finalize poster/presentation

1. Students will be able to work collaboratively to construct a
visual and presentation about their chosen environmental
Day 4 will primarily be a work day for students to make their
poster boards and outline their presentation. During this time I
will move around the room asking the students questions which
will help them stay on track so they can make adequate progress
and finish the project.


Learning Objectives: Present



Students will be able to articulate their work to the class in

a clear and meaningful manner.
Students will be able to constructively evaluate the work of
their peers.

Day 5 will be designated for presentations. While they listen to

the presentations they will give a glow, give a grow about each
presentation. This strategy helps the students to focus on the
presentation and asks them to identify something they found
worked will with the presentation and something that may need
*Before the presentations begin I would model constructive
comments and criticism and we would practice so that student
have an understanding of this skill.
I would assess the students presentation based on the rubric that
I outlined with them at the start of the project.
Learning Objectives: Environmental consultant maybe

Students will be able to listen and engage in a presentation

regarding professional careers.
Students will be able to reflect upon their experience in the
project and make meaningful connections to the guest
speakers presentation through writing.

Ask a real environmental consultant to come talk to the class

about their job. I would prepare the students by having them
write at least 3 questions for the consultant prior to class and
then have them share/discuss these questions with each other so
they are better prepared to listen/engage in the presentation.
- These questions and discussions will also help me
formatively assess their understanding of the project and
environmental issues as a whole.

Students will write a one page reflection on the presentation
noting what they found interesting or surprising about the job of
an environmental consultant. They will also be asked to discuss
any connections they found between their projects and the duties
of an environmental consultant.

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