Beginning Date:
work time. Video replay is a feature that allows for differentiated instruction for students with
difficulties remembering multiple directions. Similarly, by being able to choose the most preferential
work time, students can address new assignments from other areas other than the class.
Direct Explanation (verbalize the objective to students. Explain the importance/significance of the
learning. State how the learning will be assessed). During classroom experience, the teacher will give
students the freedom to work at their own pace. They are to observe students working and offer help
when needed. They should also facilitate students to learn from and with their peers. Much of the work
that should be done can be done with peers to work on problem solving skills while building social
During this class time students can either be working on watching the screencast and completing the
checklist, completing the master skills quiz, working on the application problem or completing the exit
ticket. For those students who may excel and need more of a challenge, they will be allowed to move on
to lesson 2, completing the same worksheets for lesson 2.
Day 1- Students will breakdown vocabulary terms into main ideas and construct visual interpretations
that illustrate their definition
Day 2- Today we will analyze the impact (costs/benefits) of the Industrial Revolution on various groups
of people in society (gender, children, socio-economic class, etc.)
Day 3- Students will evaluate the impact of industrialization on people by reading an excerpt and
answering text based questions on Ida Tarbells How the Other Half Lives
Day 4- Students will formulate evidence based claims based on Upton Sinclairs The Jungle
Day 5- Today we are going to write a thematic essay
Day 6- Today we are going to peer review each others Thematic Essay.
Modeling: (Demonstrate the learning process for the lesson step by step. Orally model the thought
process of each step. Provide exemplar(s):
Day 1I will complete a vocabulary word. I will have a student read the text from the definition. Then I will ask
them what the main ideas of the definition are. I will demonstrate on the board breaking the definition
down in 3 main points and a pictorial illustration of my definition.
Day 2- I will begin reading the excerpt from How the Other Half Lives I will answer the first text
based question with students.
Day 3- I will begin reading the excerpt from The Jungle. Share my claim and first supporting evidence
with students
Day 4- I will review the format of How to Write a Thematic Essay with them (attached). I will write and
example of the introduction on the board. (SUTW- research note cards, graphic organizer)
Day 5- Writing of the essay
Day 6- I will use students examples of past writing assignments and rate it according to the NYS rubric
and add all comments, suggestions & critiques
Guided Practice: (Students practice the same learning/activity under The flipped Learning Model.
Errors are corrected and feedback is provided. Student response is continually assessed to determine if
further modeling is needed):
Day 1- Students will complete visual vocabulary
Day 2- Students will continue reading the excerpts that are based on the experience of various groups of
people in society (gender, children, socio-economic class, etc.). Students will then complete the text
based questions
Day 3- Students will continue reading the excerpts that are based on the impact of industrialization and
Laptop carts
The Jungle Excerpt
How the Other Half Lives Excerpt
Thematic Essay & Rubric
HOMEWORK: (Can be part of application; assignment to reinforce student understanding of taught
Study/review the days lesson
Complete readings & guided questions
Complete Essay
Modifications to Procedures:
1. check for understanding- cueing, continuously check for knowledge of key vocabulary words
and concepts
2. prompt feedback for motivation and to maintain student interest
3. special seating arrangement- close proximity to teachers for students requiring additional
support and attention
4. refocus and redirection
5. use of highlighters to identify key information
6. additional time for completion of classwork
7. verbal prompts to refocus and redirect students
8. positive praise and reinforcement as needed
9. frequent repetition of key concept/reteaching
10. Reading comprehension strategies ( visualizing, predicting, inference ). Provide visual images of
vocabulary and terms
11. rewording and paraphrasing of key concepts
12. relate topic information to students background /prior knowledge
13. BIP ( Behavior Intervention Plan ) adherence
14. support for organizational skills
15. modify instructional presentation
Modifications to Resources/Materials (Assistive Technology):
1. re-teaching of new material as needed
2. allow for spelling errors in paragraph and essay writing where appropriate
3. additional questioning of new vocabulary and concept understanding
4. avoid cluttered handouts and two sided copies ( difficulty flipping page to write answers )
5. copy of class notes when absent for organizational/handwriting issues
6. shortened assignments
7. graphic organizers
8. daily planner