Archaic Rock Inscriptions
Archaic Rock Inscriptions
Archaic Rock Inscriptions
Rock Inscriptions;
An Account of the
Sculptured Stones
ROCK MARKINGS IN YORKSHIRE . . . . . . . . . . 19
ROCK MARKINGS IN IRELAND . . . . . . . . . . . 25
ROCK MARKINGS IN SCOTLAND . . . . . . . . . . . 46
ROCK MARKINGS IN BRAZIL. . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Introductory—Varieties of Markings
The astounding fact then became evident that in all parts of the
world there existed ancient cuttings in the rocks so wonderfully
similar, that it was easy to see that whatever was the signification
in one case, was the signification in another. We shall conduct
our readers to these different localities, and describe engraved rocks
as they occur in each, after which we shall as far as our limits will
allow, discuss the question as to their authorship and meaning.
The earliest notice of cup and ring marks inscribed upon British
or other rocks, is that in Camden’s Britannia, Gough’s edition,
vol. 3, London, 1719. Opposite page 603 is an engraving of one
of these sculptured stones, and the reference to it on page 645
says :—“ It represents a Druidical altar, discovered lying on the
ground near the Rev. Mr. Hart’s at Lynsfort, on Inis Oen, 1773.
The greatest length is 28 ft., in breadth, 25 feet. It is full of rock
basons, and in one corner is what is described as ‘ a block on which
the human victims were slain, and never seen on an altar before ’.”
The best authorities who have duly weighed and discussed the
rock cuttings in various parts of the world, have supplied us with
seven distinct forms or types of cup and ring markings. First we
have single cups. These are no more than shallow depressions in
the surface of the rock, varying from an inch to three inches or
more in diameter. Their depth is frequently no more than half
an inch, and seldom goes beyond an inch, still more rarely do they
exceed an inch and a half, and they are found of these different
sizes on the surface of the same rock or stone. They are generally
found mixed up with ring cuttings. “ Among the sculptured rock
surfaces, for instance,” says Sir John Simpson, “ in Argyleshire,
there are in one group at Auchnabreach, thirty-nine or forty cup-
cuttings, and the same number of ring-cuttings ; and at Carnban
there are twenty-nine figures,—namely nine single cups, seven
cups surrounded by single rings, and thirteen cups encircled by a
series of concentric rings."
“ The simple cup-cuttings,” proceeds Sir James, “ are generally
scattered singly, and apparently quite irregularly over the surface
of the stone ; but occasionally they seem placed in groups of four,
six, or more,—almost in a methodic and constellation-like arrange-
ment. Usually the edge of the cup is smooth and regular in its
circumference ; but occasionally it is depressed or guttered at one
point, or on one side.”
A second type of these markings consists of cups surrounded
with a single ring or circle. According to the above authority the
ring is usually very much shallower than the cup, and forms a
most others, which is partly due to the care with which they have
been formed, and partly to the moulding action of the elements, the
incised circles and grooves arc deep, usually from one-fourth to
three-eighths of an inch ; some arc even half an inch ; the hollows
or cups are deeper still, some being as deep as one inch and a half.
In size, the figures range from three inches to two feet nine inches
in diameter ; the common size is fifteen inches. Twelve years ago,
the lower part of the stone was concealed by a covering of peat
nine inches in depth.
“ This marvellous rock is within an ancient British camp, which
occupies an angle formed by the bend of the Routing Lynn Burn,
and is defended on the north and west sides partly by deep gullies,
and on the other by four strong rampiers and ditches. Like some
other camps of the same age, it has attached to it a large area
enclosed by a supplemental rampier, and it is within this area,
about midway between the camp and the external rampier, that
the inscribed rock stands.
“ This part of Northumberland appears to be particularly rich in
these incomprehensible markings, for within a distance of twelve or
fifteen miles,—between Routing Lynn and Beanley Moor—between
forty and fifty sculptured rocks have been discovered, with more
than three hundred examples of rings and concentric circles cut
upon them. As far back as 1825, Mr. Langlands, of Old Bewick,
noticed one of these sculptured rocks ; but it was the Mr. Greenwell
of Durham, whom have already mentioned, who in 1852 first
called public attention to them, and commenced the inquiry which
afterwards yielded so much information. He, indeed, was the
discoverer of the celebrated rock at Routing Lynn. He did this
quite accidentally one day when he happened to be resting near the
locality. A part of the rock happened to be exposed, and he fancied
he noticed some appearance of carving upon it. Of course such an
enthusiastic and accomplished archæologist at once took steps to
satisfy his curiosity, by removing from the surface of the rock,
portions of its thick and ancient covering of turf. His search was
speedily rewarded by the discovery of those wonderful markings
we have just been describing, an account of which he read at the
Archæological Institute's meeting at Newcastle in 1852. The
paper, however, was unfortunately lost, and consequently is not to
be found in their printed Transactions.
“ It will be interesting to add here a short extract from Dr John-
ston’s ‘ Natural History of the Eastern Borders,’ which we have
said, was one of the earliest works to notice and describe this
them, with a taste for the art, might have indulged his skill in
making this sketch,—the circles being made to vary in size according
to the variation of the camps on the opposed hills. This con-
jecture, I believe, has suggested itself to others who have examined
the rock,—and in special to the Rev. W. Greenwell—and it receives
confirmation from the discovery of another rock, with sculptures of
the same character, not above ten miles southwards—viz., near
unto Bewick.
“ Scarcely a mile from Routing Lynn is Hunter’s Moor ; here also
is an inscribed rock of considerable size, and bearing figures some-
what different to those found in other localities. Most of them
are of the usual type, but others are curiously united by straight
and curved grooves. We have in one place a group of four con-
centric circles, and right across their diameters runs a groove con-
necting them with other combined figures. In another place is an
irregular, rounded, angular figure, enclosing two hollows or cups,
and united with a broad oval figure. Another, around four cups
approaches to the reniform. A very similar stone to this is found
at Stonehaven in Scotland, apparently belonging to the same
family and age, from the fact that it has the peculiar cups, circles
and combinations to be found in the Hunter’s Moor Rock, without
any of the ordinary typical figures. The latter rock has figures as
large as 28 inches in diameter. In its neighbourhood are other
rocks abounding with inscriptions which for the most part have
become defaced by time and other causes ; here there are concen-
tric circles 30 inches in diameter.”
Another stone, described as far more important than any of
these, was discovered by Mr. Greenwell, in the shape of a cist
cover, at Ford West Field, about a mile westward of Routing
Lynn ; on this were cut three incomplete concentric circles round
a cup ; of course the circles may have been originally complete.
In the Doddington district, rock inscriptions literally abound,
no less than twenty-five stones have been discovered by the Rev.
William Procter and members of his family, while other historic
remains are found on the same moors in similar profusion.
Miss Procter had the honour and pleasure of discovering in 1859,
one of the most curious of these inscribed stones. It lay in a cul-
tivated field called the High Chesters, covered with turf, as deep
in some places as twelve inches. Owing to this, the markings had
been most remarkably preserved from the action of the weather
and other destructive agencies, and they were almost as fresh as
when the hand of man produced them ; it is therefore one of the
most important rocks as shewing well the character of primæval
The lady mentioned above (Mrs. Procter) had the good fortune
to discover other incised rocks in the same part of the country as
those we have been describing. “ On Gled Law, a platform of rock
breaking out of the south-west encampment of Dod Law, and
ranging from north-west to south-cast, seven groups of inscriptions
have been discovered. In this assemblage of sculptures, there are
traceable thirty six figures, mostly typical forms ; yet in some cases
so varied and combined, as to present new figures.'”
The most remarkable of the groups was that discovered by Mrs.
Procter, and is thus described by Mr. Tate. “ In this group there
are two series of large concentric circles attached to each other ;
one, consisting of six circles, 26 inches in diameter ; the other, the
largest figure discovered, being 39 inches in diameter, and having
eight complete concentric circles and part of another. In this
large figure there are the central cup and three radial grooves,
none of which, however, extends to the centre, but two of them
start from the circumference of the innermost circle, and the other
from the second circle. There is no other example of three radial
grooves. The whole of the sculptures are rudely formed, the
incisions are shallow, and the tool marks distinct ; the circles are
irregular, and had evidently been drawn without instrumental aid.
A short distance from them, Mrs. Procter afterwards discovered
the fragments of a sepulchral urn of the ordinary ancient British
Southward of the foregoing—about two miles, is Whitsunbank.
There is a lofty hill on which are eight different inscribed stones,
all of which n-ere discovered by Mr. George Tate and Mr. William
Wightman. Thirty-two figures are clearly traceable on these
“ On the summit of the hill on a tolerable smooth surface of
rock, which has a gentle slope to the north, there are seven figures
all typical. The largest figure of six circles is bulged out in
breadth ; from east to west it is 34 inches in diameter ; but only
21 inches from north to south ; it is connected by a long wavy
groove with another group of concentric circles of similar propor-
tions. The union in this case is from centre to centre ; but two
other groups are united by a straight groove from the centre of
the one to the circumference of the other group.”
About the same hill are other inscriptions most of which are
very much defaced. One in particular is considered specially in-
teresting, because of its being near to an ancient British cist of an
extremely rude form, cut out of the rock, in which were found the
mulus. We had now gone through the middle line, and were about
to relinquish the task in despair, when a lad who was plying vigor-
ously with his spade, cried out, ‘ Dom it, here’s a bit o’ carved
stean ! ’ and was on the point of aiming a final et tu Brute blow
at the precious relic, when the narrator leaped down, and arrested
the fatal stroke. On examining the place, I found the outline of
a noble urn-shaped vessel, standing upright, covered with a large
shield shaped stone, curiously carved in the interior with some
metallic instrument, representing, as I conceived, either a rude
armorial bearing, or a religious device. With great care, and some
difficulty, I worked round the urn with a knife, detaching it
gradually from the adjacent mould, and having at length fairly
disengaged it from the surrounding mass, held it aloft to the de-
lighted assemblage, who hailed the long expected sarcophagus
with acclamations.
“ The largest circumference of the urn is 40 inches, the cir-
cumference of the top, 36 inches, height from the base to the
rim, 13 inches, from the rim to the top, 34 inches. Inside we
found a quantity of calcined bones, comprising portions of the
frontal, temporal, and parietal bones, etc., besides a great many
teeth in a remarkable state of preservation.
“ That these barrows were the tombs of men eminent for lofty
station, or distinguished valour, is apparent from the enormous
labour and elaborate design of their formation ; and their near
proximity to the celebrated camp at Eston Nab, is additional tes-
timony. That they were Britons is clear from the structure and
rude finish of the lid of the urn, of the urn itself, and the compo-
sition of the tumuli. The statements of Camden, of Sir Richard
Colt Hoare, and Mr. Gage, are quite satisfactory as to their Brit-
ish Origin. Nor less authoritative is the decision of Dr. Young,
the historian of Whitby, who says :—‘ It is certain, by far the
greater part of our houes have been raised by the ancient Britons,
both because there is no other people to whom they can be ascribed,
and because they are found in connection with other antiquities
evidently British. They are the tombs of our rude, but warlike
ancestors ; and many of them must have been erected at the dis-
tance of more than two thousand years.’
“ The markings on the above stone are certainly very remarkable,
and seem to defy all attempts at explanation. With the exception
of two (which are parallel) the grooves cut in this stone form
angles, acute or obtuse, somewhat of a zigzag pattern.”
Rock Markings in Ireland.
Some years ago when the subject of rock markings was com-
paratively new to the public, Dean Graves (afterwards Bishop of
Limerick) made a communication of considerable interest to the
Royal Irish Academy, of which he was then President, and which
was deemed of sufficient importance to reprint in the Journal of the
Kilkenny Archæological Society.
He tells us that his attention was first directed to them by the
late Mr. Richard Hitchcock, who in the year 1848, had made some
drawings of certain rocks he had lately met with in Ireland, when
searching under Dean Graves’s direction for Ogham inscriptions in
the county of Kerry. In 185l, the Dean saw those monuments
himself. He says :—“ In that year, in company with the Earl of
Dunraven, I traversed a great part of Kerry, with the view of ex-
amining all the Ogham inscriptions of whose existence I had been
informed, and in the hope of discovering others. I had then, in
the course of a minute and leisurely survey, opportunities of ob-
serving the objects of antiquarian interest, which abound in that
picturesque and primitive region. After visiting the very remark-
able structure named Staigue Fort, near West-cove, on the Ken-
mare river, we were led by Mr. Jermyn, of Castle Cove House, to
see an inscribed rock, about a mile to the south of the rock, and
close to Staigue bridge. He informed us that a large portion
of the rock having been stripped about forty years before of the
turf by which it had been covered to a depth of three or four
feet, was found to be inscribed with circles, single and concentric,
shallow circular hollows, small dots and lines. The information
previously supplied by Mr. Hitchcock, prepared us for what we
were to see. Nevertheless, we were surprised when the vast extent
of surface covered by these strange markings was presented to our
view ; and we could not help wondering that so curious an object
should have excited so little attention. Our first task was to make
a heel-ball rubbing of the portion of the rock covered by the most
remarkable group of circles. We then made a complete map of
the whole rock, and roughly laid down the positions of the outlying
circles and lines. This map shews that the incised lines and
circles occupy a space of many square yards. The rock itself is of
the coarse slate which prevails in the surrounding district, the
portion on which the inscriptions occur presenting a very irregular
surface. The incised lines are from one quarter to one third of an
inch deep, and from half to three-quarters of an inch broad. They
are rudely executed, and appear to have been formed by repeated
vertical blows, and not by means of a cutting tool held obliquely,
Great Britain and Ireland, were temples where law was adminis-
tered. Yet, on the other hand, the inscription seems to indicate
that it was dedicated to religious rites, or, at least, that such were
blended with the judicial ceremonies of those remote times.
“ No. 2 is a chiselled stone of mountain granite in the churchyard
of Rathmichael, at Shankhill, near Loughlin’s town ; it is broken
in the middle, and is employed as two head-stones. The inscription
is deep and perfect. There are two or three other stones similarly
inscribed, but less perfectly preserved ; and it may be remarked
that they are the only ones of the granite kind to be met there,
the building, as well as the mountain on which it stands, being of
another description ; from which it may be inferred that they were
brought, perhaps, from a considerable distance, for the purpose to
which they are now converted. Of the meaning of the symbol
which is inscribed on these stones, we are diffident of hazarding a
conjecture. We shall, however, mention that we have read some-
where, that the ancient Irish represented the Ti-mor, or Great God,
by a circle, and also by concentric circles, and volutes ; and that
it was the opinion of a celebrated antiquary (General Vallancey),
now deceased, with whom we have conversed on this subject, that
such was the signification of such symbols.
“ No. 3 is a symbol of the same kind in the churchyard of Croagh,
about two miles beyond Rathfarnham.”
Dean Graves, commenting upon this, says :—“ Dr. Petrie would
now speak with less deference to the authority of General Vallan-
cey ; and I am much mistaken if he would not refer these monu-
ments, which appear to be artificially squared, to the early Christian
period. If I am right in assuming that they do not belong to
the Pagan time, and that they mere sepulchral stones, we shall be
warranted in concluding that whatever these symbols represent,
there was an appropriateness in inscribing them on monuments of
a sepulchral kind.”
The attention of the Rev. James Graves was called some years
ago to a very fine pillar stone at Muff, about five miles from Lon-
donderry, and in 1872, when he examined and sketched the same,
he found that one of its faces was covered with cup and circle
sculpturings, some of which had the central channels which appear
on the rock sculptures in Kerry—there were as many as fifteen
cups, all of them surrounded by shallow rings. In the autumn of
1874, the ground round the base of this stone was carefully exca-
vated by several well-known antiquarians ; it was then found to
measure eight feet in height, its broadest face was four feet six
that they attracted little notice.” The rock surfaces, he says, were
very much weathered, and in places were clothed with a thin
peat ; some of the markings on the flat top surface of the crag
were so far effaced that no attempt was made to copy them,
rubbings mere taken, however, of the best preserved and most
prominent groups. “ From these it was seen that the scribings
in general consisted of combinations of circles, cups, and furrows,
sometimes a cup being surrounded by circles, but often the former
having a channel leading from it. In some, however, the cup was
replaced by a ball. Occasionally the circles were combined with a
cross ; in one place a cross was combined with cups ; in a few
places there were other forms.
“ The largest and best preserved group was on a surface sloping
about south-east. Below a peculiar and unique scribing was an
elaborate combination of circles, &c. To the westward were re-
markable crosses in circles.”
In the locality northward of Kilmacrenan, and about half a mile
east of the south end of Barnesby, occur what are called the Barnes
“ Dallans,” or Standing Stones. “ The largest of the Dallans is a
massive flagstone, seven feet high above the ground, and seven
feet wide ; the smaller one (there are two of them) which is six
feet high, by five feet in the widest part, seems to have been worked
to represent the head of a huge spear.”
“ On the western face of the large dallan there is one cup,
and a faintly marked cross. On the eastern face there is a very
elaborate sculpturing, down to a foot and a half below the present
surface, and at the lower south-east margin there is a curious com-
bination of circles, furrows and cups. The upper portion of the
northern side of the eastern face, has markings, if possible, even
still more remarkable. This conspicuous group consists of cup
and saucer designs, connected by furrows, the whole effect giving
an appearance as if they were a spray of aesthetic flowers. Seven
cups are here found in a nearly horizontal line, which may have
some meaning, as also a circle of cups round a cup and saucer to
the south.
“ Scribed stones are not uncommon in the eastern, or rather
north-eastern, portion of the county Donegal, but in general they
consist solely of cup-markings.”
In Lervis’s Topographical Dictionary, vol. 2, p. 669, occurs the
following :—“ In the parish of Errigalkerage is a flat stone, set
upright, about three feet broad, and of the same height above
ground, having one side covered with carvings of s regular design,
ginally formed part of the structure. “ One of the stones has two
sets of scorings—the one upon its edge, the other upon its interior
surface. The markings upon its edge consist of small cup-like
dots, each enclosed in a circle, also two horizontal lines thus re-
sembling the scorings on a remarkable pillar-stone at Muff, county
The carving upon its interior surface is very singular—a number
of acute angles like the letter A with the ends of the two limbs
considerably curled, and some other triangular forms with the
sides somewhat curved.
Other stones are marked with elaborate spirals of a style which
antiquaries refer to the bronze age.
Mr. Wood-Martin says :—“ These archaic markings, whether on
cliffs, on simple earth-fast rocks, or on rude stone sepulchral
monuments, may probably have been the outcome of some primi-
tive symbolical or mystical ideas of the savage mind, and thus was
perpetuated on the most durable materials to hand, the meaning
sought to be conveyed, until the custom became characteristic of
an early class of interment. Its meaning or original symbolism,
now buried in oblivion, may, perhaps, be ultimately unravelled by
means of careful research, comparison, and analysis of these primi-
tive scribings.”
The island of Achill has some stones of a somewhat special
character which are thus referred to in the Kilkenny Archæologi-
cal Journal, for July, 1888 :—“ The next monument is one of a
group situated also on the slope of the mountain, and marked on
the Ordnance Sheet as tumulus, cromlech, Danish ditch, etc., res-
pectively. The blocks of stone that remain had evidently formed
the supports of the ancient covering-slab, which has now disap-
peared. The cup-markings on the largest of the remaining supports
presents a peculiar feature, these marks being rare on cromlechs or
dolmens, although not uncommon on stones forming portion of
mound-covered sepulchral chambers, like those of Newgrange,
Dowth, Sliabh-na-caillighe, Knockmany, etc. On a structure of
the Cromlech, or uncovered class of monuments, cup-markings
have not been elsewhere found in Ireland, except in rare instances
—as, for example, the one at Clochtogle, near Lisbellaw, county
Fermanagh. In both instances the cup markings are equal in
number, and diminish in size as they extend from left to right ;
this arrangement clearly indicates intention, and the strong like-
ness existing between work upon sepulchral structures so widely
separated is worthy of note.”
Although rock markings all over the world hare certain features
in common, those of some nations are so perfectly characteristic
and distinct from those of others that there will be no fear of their
being confounded. The inscriptions found in the great mounds of
New Grange and Dowth, on the Boyne, are very different from
those of the North of England and Scotland. “ One of the chief
characteristics of the latter is that most of the circular incised
figures are concentric with a central cup-like hollow, and a channel
passing through the concentric arches ; while those at New Grange
and Dowth are as a rule spirals, without the central hollow or
intersecting channel, and are associated with fern-leaf patterns,
and also with lozenge, zigzag and chevron-like markings, which are
analogous to the ornamentation of the fictile sepulchral vessels
occurring in these islands, generally supposed to be Celtic, and the
massive penannular rings and flat lunulæ of fine gold, so many
examples of which have been found in Ireland.”
Those who have an opportunity of consulting Sir William Wilde’s
Beauties of the Boyne (said to be the best and fullest account ex-
tant) will find a number of plates which give a most excellent idea
of the character of these particular cuttings. Sir William writes :—
“ When we first visited New Grange, some twelve years ago, the
entrance was greatly obscured by brambles, and a heap of loose
stones which had ravelled out from the adjoining mound. This
entrance which is nearly square, and formed by large flags, the
continuation of the stone passage already alluded to, is now at a
considerable distance from the original outer circle of the mound,
and consequently the passage is at present much shorter than it
was originally, if, indeed, it ever extended so far as the outer circle.
A few years ago, a gentleman, then residing in the neighbourhood,
cleared away the stones and rubbish which obscured the mouth of
the cave, and brought to light a very remarkably carved stone,
which now slopes from the entrance. This we thought at the time
was quite a discovery, inasmuch as none of the modern writers had
noticed it. The Welsh antiquary, however, thus describes it :—
‘ The entry into this cave is at bottom, and before it me found a
great flat stone, like a large tombstone, placed edgeways, having
on the outside certain barbarous carvings like snakes encircled,
but without heads.’
“ This stone, so beautifully carved in spirals and volutes, is
slightly convex, from above downwards ; it measures ten feet in
length, and is about eighteen inches thick. What its original use
was,—where its original position in this mound—whether its
rubble work and earth. After removing about three feet of stones
and earth from the surface, I exposed a large flag of yellow sand-
stone, 6 ft. 4 inches long, by 4 ft. 10 inches broad. On it were
various cup-shaped markings. They are distinctly artificial in
appearance, every one, even the very smallest, bearing the rugged
impression of a rude tool. I have produced very similar cup-
markings by chipping flint flakes with an iron tool upon a flat
sandstone. On raising a flag a kist was exposed, which contained
a few shreds of bones, lying apparently in position, and one tolerably
well finished flint-head. The dimensions of the kist were 3 feet
7 inches long, 2 feet 4 inches wide, and 3 feet 1 inch deep. Its
long measurement was north-west and south-east. The sides were
formed of large sandstone slabs set on end, and there was a floor
formed of smaller flags. There was no indication of the position
of the body.”
In the year 1785, a drawing was presented to the Royal Society
of Edinburgh, by Colonel Hugh Montgomery, of Shielmorly, of an
incised slab which had formed the cover of a cist at Coilsfield in
Ayrshire, and in which was an urn filled with incinerated bones.
The cist was discovered in digging a gravel pit, and a picture of the
cover may be seen in Wilson’s ‘ Prehistoric Annals of Scotland ’
(vol. 1, p. 480). The principal figure on it is the same as our
common typical form ; six concentric circles around a cup from
which issues a groove ; but along with this is a coiled or spiral
figure, of which, says Mr. Tait, we have no example in Northum-
berland. The dimensions of the stone were about fire feet in
length, by two feet six inches in breadth.
Dr. Wilson says :—“ The site of this rudely sculptured cist is
associated by popular tradition with the legendary eponyms of
the district ; and a later discovery of cinerary urns at the same
spot has been assumed to authenticate one of the many apocryphal
records which history professes to have chronicled regarding him.
Near Coilsfield house is a large tumulus, crowned with two huge
blocks of granite, which local tradition affirmed to mark the place
of sepulture of the redoubted hero, of whom Boece records :—
“ King Coyll, unwarly kepit be his nobiles, was slane, in memory
whereof the place quhme he was slane was namit efter Coyll ;
quhilk regioun remains yit under the same name or litill different
thairfra, callit now Kyle.” Certain zealous local antiquaries having
resolved to put tradition to the test, the tumulus was opened in
1837, and found to enclose a cist covered by a circular stone about
three feet in diameter, beneath which four plain urns were dis-
‘ You do not know what a bad man this is; he has broken the
promise of Odin,’ and further explained that the contracting parties
had joined hands through the hole in the stone.”
The stone at Lochgilphead, which is remarkable for the reason
above mentioned, has a hole at the lower part, and some fifteen cups
above it.
A rough but elaborately engraved slab known as the “ Annan
Street Stone,” was discovered some years ago upon the farm of
Wheathope, at a place called Annan Street, a drawing of which
was made by George Scott, the friend of Mungo Park, the traveller.
The drawing was sent by Sir Walter Scott to the Society of Anti-
quaries of Scotland in 1828, who described the original as a rough
sandstone, about six feet long by two and a half broad ; it was
marked “ a Druid stone found at Annan Street, figured with the
sun and moon.” Dr. Wilson says little doubt can be entertained
that it had formed the cover of a cist, though few probably will
now be inclined to attempt a solution of the enigmatic devices
rudely traced on its surface. The spot where it was found is about
half a mile from the church at Yarrow, and close by there are two
monoliths about 120 yards apart, which popular tradition asso-
ciates with the combat that has given “ The dowie houms of
Yarrow,” so touching a place in the legendary poetry of Scotland.
Thus does the human mind delight to give a local habitation to
the mythic and traditional characters and incidents that take hold
of the fancy, whether it be the old mythological smith Wayland,
associated with the cromlech of Berkshire ; the fabulous king Coil,
and the sepulchral barrow of Ayrshire ; or the Flower of Yarrow,
the creation of some nameless Scottish minstrel, whose pathetic
ballad will live as long as our language endures.
The rude attempts at sculpture figured here are certainly as
artless, and to us as meaningless, as the chance traces of wind
and tide on the deserted sea-beach. Doubtless they had a meaning
and an object once, and, were not produced without the expendi-
ture both of time and labour by the primitive artist, possibly still
unprovided with metallic tools. To us they are simply of value as
indicating the most infantile efforts of the old British sculptor, and
the rudiments of the art which was destined to produce in later
ages such gorgeous piles as the cathedral of Salisbury, and sculp-
tures like those of Wells and York. The parent delights to trace
in the prattle of his child the promise of future years ; and the
archæologist may be pardoned if tempted at times to linger too
fondly on such infantile efforts, in which he recognises the germs of
east and west. About 1 foot 9 inches distant from the west end
of the north wall of the largest cell a stone, with concentric circles
engraved on it, was built upright in the wall. Another long slab
was found with 13 small cavities along one of its edges, and a
rather large cavity about the centre of one of its sides. When a
short time afterwards I examined the engraved circles, and es-
pecially the cavities cut in the stones in the walls of the Pict’s
house at Papa Westray, the similarity was so striking, that it re-
quired no great stretch of imagination to suppose that the same
instrument chiselled the figures in both places. The general
appearance of the place was that of an immense grave of double
the ordinary dimensions, but divided into three compartments by
large upright flags or stones, whose tops were above the surface of
the mound. The sides of the grave mere formed by stones built in
the shape of rude walls, but how much of these may have been
removed before we examined the place me could not even conjecture,
as the whole mound was more or less covered with loose stones.” *
* Soc. Antiq. Scot. Pro., 2, p. 61.
Rock Markings in Sweden and Switzerland.
painted not only on the base, but high up on the sides, while the
cliffs behind and on both sides are covered with figures. All the
localities are very conspicuous, and some of them are so large as to
be visible at the distance of more than a mile.
Not far from the eastern end of the Serra there is on top an
enormous isolated mass of sandstone, the remains of a bed almost
entirely removed, which mass is distinctly visible from the plain
below on the northern side. The irregular western wall of this
mass is covered with figures.
Here again we find, as in other places, considerable diversity in
the figures. Conspicuous amongst them are seen representations
of the sun, moon, and stars. At the western end of Ereré, on the
cliff near the top, is a rude circular figure, nearly two feet in dia-
meter, of a brownish yellow colour, having in the centre a large
red spot, the circumference being a broad border of the same
colour. Some of the Indians call this the sun, others call it the
moon. Some distance east of this, is another prominent cliff, having
a similar figure almost three feet in diameter. In this there is
a central spot of brick red, then a broad zone of a dirty yellow,
followed by a zone of brick red, outside of which is another of a
dirty ochre yellow. To the right of this are two smaller circular
figures, in the upper of which the lines and centre are red, the in-
nermost zone being of a dirty yellow tint. These figures are situ-
ated some ten feet from the foot of the cliff. Similar drawings
composed of two or more concentric circles, with or without the
central spot, occur in great numbers at Ereré. Professor Hartt
says he is disposed to think that they are intended to represent the
moon, since they are not furnished with rays. One figure on the
cliff at the western end of the Serra, undoubtedly represents this
heavenly body. Besides the above forms there are rayed figures
in abundance. Sometimes they consist of a single circle or several
concentric circles, the outer, one, only, being rayed, but on the
side of the great rock on the top of the Serra is a figure a foot in
diameter, and very distinct, formed of two concentric circles, each
with a few large tooth shaped rays. Part of this figure is obliter-
ated. At the same locality is another figure consisting of a circle
with serrated rays with only a spot in the centre. There are also
circles, single and double, sometimes nucleated, which bear rays
only on the upper side; and rayed spirals, some of which appear
to represent stars, some of which are drawn, and others engraved.
Some of the figures are rude and grotesque in the extreme ; one,
about three feet six inches high looks like the sun with a human
whole country is parched except the cacti and a very narrow strip
bordering the now dry beds of the streams. Beyond these threads
of gradually disappearing green, one may travel for leagues and
leagues without seeing a sign of water, and when, as not unfre-
quently happens, the dry season is prolonged, the suffering to man
and beast is extreme. The cattle subsist upon the pulp of the cacti
that grow here abundantly, while the herdsmen obtain water for
them by digging holes in the sand of the river beds wherever water
may be found in this manner. If the drouth still continues beyond
this stage, the cattle are driven toward the coast to where water
may be had, or they are left to perish of thirst.
“ Without experience of such circumstances it is, perhaps, not easy
to realise the force of the argument, but after riding for days through
this region, with a tropical sun blazing overhead, the atmosphere
so dry that it seems to parch one’s very vitals, and the heat from
the glaring white sand quivering upwards to a cloudless sky, the
thin catinga forest shrivelled and still, with not a sigh of animal
life, save the metallic stridulation of an occasional grasshopper, and
after passing now and then a whole day without water, one realizes
the importance which savage races, dwelling in such a country,
would attach to a stream or pool where water could be had during
the dry season.”
Rock Markings in North America.
* Historical Magazine.
with a large stone or pillar in which a smaller stone was fixed and
covered on both sides with unknown characters. It was about a
French foot in length, and between four and five inches broad. It
was taken to Canada and sent thence to France. Jesuits who saw
the stone pronounced the characters Tartarian.
In the autumn of 1871, the subject of rock inscriptions in Ohio
came under the special notice of the American Association for the
Advancement of Science, by the introduction to that body of a
number of diagrams, and the rending of a paper by Col. C.
Whittlesey. From the report in the American Naturalist we learn
that the largest was a tracing made by Dr. J. H. Salisbury, of
Cleveland, with the assistance of Mrs. Salisbury, from a mural
face of conglomerate, near the famous “ Black Hand ” in Licking
County. Once there was a space of ten or twelve feet in height,
by fifty or sixty feet in length, covered by these inscriptions.
Most of them have been obliterated by the recent white settlers.
“ In 1861, Dr. Salisbury took copies from a space about eight by
fifteen feet, by laying a piece of coarse muslin over them, and
tracing such as remain uninjured, life-size, on the cloth. In this
space there are found to be twenty-three characters, most of which
are the arrow-head or bird-track character. These are all cut on
the edge of the strata, presenting a face nearly vertical, but a
little shelving outward, so as to be sheltered by the weather.
Another copy of the remnant of similar inscriptions was taken
by Col. Whittlesey and Mr. J. B. Comstock, in 1869, from the
“ Turkey Foot Rock,” at the rapids of the Maumee, near Perrys-
burg. These are on a block of limestone, and in the course of the
twenty-five past years have been nearly destroyed by the hand of
man. What is left was taken by a tracing of the size of nature.
On the surface of a quarry of grindstone grit at Independence,
Cuyahoga County, Ohio, a large inscribed surface was uncovered
in 1854. Mr. B. Wood, Deacon Bicknell, and other citizens of
Independence, secured a block about six feet by four, and built it
into the north wall of a stone church they were then building.
Col. Whittlesey presented a reduced sketch, one-fourth size of
nature, taken by Dr. Salisbury and Dr. J. M. Lewis, in 1869, which
was made perfect by the assistance of a photographer. Some of
the figures sculptured on this slab are cut an inch to an inch and
a half in the rock, and they were covered by soil a foot to eighteen
inches in thickness, on which large trees were growing. Like all
of the others, they were made by a sharp pointed tool like a pick,
but as yet no such tool has been found among the relics of the
of shrines, the solid stone yoni, with cylindrical lingams of the well
known type, was to be found ; but the greater part were marked by
much rougher and poorer representations of the same symbols. On
slabs split off from the adjacent rocks, were carved two circles with
a “ gutter ” in the centre, the inner circle taking the place of the
cylindrical ling, the outer circle that of the yoni. The outer was
intersected by the ‘ gutter,’ which is common to the symbols, large
and small, and seems to be for the purpose of carrying off the liba-
tions of holy water, with which pilgrims and worshippers sprinkle
their shrines profusely. These rough symbols bear a striking re-
semblance to the markings on the rock close by, and to many of
the markings figured in Sir J. Simpson’s plates.
“ It suggests itself, then, that the markings on the monoliths and
rocks in Europe may also be connected with lingam worship. I
am aware that Sir J. Simpson dismisses this idea as improbable.
But the view taken by that eminent authority seems to have been
chiefly founded on the absence of anatomical resemblance. I am
sanguine that if Sir J. Simpson had lived to see sketches of the
Chandeshwur markings, and of what I will call the conventional
markings used in the temple close by to represent the lingam and
yoni, he might, perhaps, have been inclined to modify that view.
As a matter of fact, the stones which do duty for the lingam and
yoni on an Indian shrine, seldom bear more than the faintest ana-
tomical resemblance to what they are intended to represent ; and
the uninitiated may see them over and over again without suspect-
ing what they are meant for. The two circles with a gutter, found
on the poorer class of shrines at Chandeshwur, are undoubtedly
intended to represent the same symbols that are found on the better
class of shrines in the same enclosure. The incisions on the
poorer class are what I may call a conventional rendering of the
symbols ; and the form adopted owes its origin in all probability to
the circumstance that a ‘ ground plan ’ of these symbols can be
more conveniently carved than a ‘ section.’
“ A few days after my visit to Chandeshwur, I climbed to the
summit of the Pandu Koli hill, some eight thousand feet above
the sea level, ten miles to the north east. There I found a lingam
shrine, composed of two circles of stones, with several monolith
lings in the centre of the inner circle. The little shrine was open
to the elements on all sides, save where it was partially sheltered
by a wild guelder rose, to the branches of which votive offerings of
shreds of cloth had been attached by many pilgrims.”
Some time after writing the above, the author alluding again to
the cup marks in India, said :—“ It was suggested that the permu-
tations of large and small cups might be a primitive style of writing
or inscription, after the manner of permutations of dots and
strokes in the Morse system of primitive printing by electric tele-
graph. The paper by M. Terrien de Lacouperie, Journal of Royal
Asiatic Society, Vol. XIV., seems to confirm this view, and notices
the similarity of the Kumaon cup marks, and the ‘ Ho,’ map of
the Chinese ‘ Agh King.’ It seems desirable then that antiquaries
should carefully note such permutations.”
In March 1879, Sir Charles Nicholson, Bart., LL.D., read a
paper before the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and
Ireland, in reference to some rock carvings found in the neighbour-
hood of Sydney. He said that in various localities along the coast
of New Holland, especially on the eastern side extending from Cape
Howe to Moreton Bay, carvings arc found on the surface of rocks,
representing in low relief the human figure, portions of the human
body, as the hand or foot ; and various animals, such as the kan-
garoo and whale. “ The spots selected for the tracing of these out-
lines," he remarked, “ are the sides and shelving roofs of open caves,
but more generally the smooth horizontal surface of the rock itself
at points near the edge of the cliffs overhanging the sea, or forming
the boundaries of the different inlets by which the coast line is
broken in various places along its eastern face. On the rocks over-
hanging the harbour of Port Jackson, and along the countless bays
into which its waters spread ; at Broken Bay and the estuary of
the Hawkesbury River, these remains are discoverable and are often
only brought to light when the soil which has accumulated on the
surface, and the vegetable growths by which they are concealed are
removed. As not only brushwood, but large trees of considerable
age are often found rooted in the soil that conceals these carvings,
a considerable interval must have elapsed since the period when
they were executed.”
Some of these carvings, drawings of which were exhibited to the
meeting, were discovered by Colonel Vigors, whilst engaged in su-
perintending the erection of a battery at Middle Head, Port Jack-
son. On clearing away the superficial soil and brushwood pre-
patory to the levelling of the rock, the carvings were brought to
light. Exact measurements of the various objects were then made,
and carefully reduced according to a given scale.”
Colonel Vigors, in a communication addressed to Sir Charles
Nicholson, said :—“ The sandstone rock is formed into large hor-
izontal tables, and on these the outlines were cut. They were
period had from one end of the country to the other been employed
in drawing entrenchments ; Dod Law, where they are so numerous,
must have been the site of a military college. The square figures
on the Dod Law stones, enclosing spaces covered over with cups,
might help the fancy ; but these are rare forms. The common
figures do not represent any camp I have seen ; in camps, one,
two, or three ramparts and ditches protect a large inner area ; but
on stones where there are a number of inscribed concentric circles,
the inner circle encloses only a small hollow ; four ramparts there
are to a camp, but not more ; but some figures have eight circles.”
Sir J. Simpson rejects in the most positive manner the astronom-
ical theory, in which the cups and rings are supposed to be rude
representations of the sun and stars, “ nor,” says he, “ have me the
slightest particle of evidence in favour of any of the numerous
additional conjectures which have been proposed,—as that the
British cup and ring carvings are symbolic enumerations of families
or tribes ; or some variety of archaic writing ; or emblems of the
philosophical views of the Druids ; or stone tables for Druidical
sacrifices ; or objects for the practice of magic and necromancy.”
Mr. Dickson of Alnwick, a friend of Sir J. Simpson’s, speaking
of the incised stones found upon the hills about Doddinton, Chat-
ton, etc., suggested that these carvings relate to the god Mithras
(the name under which the sun was worshipped in Persia) ; that
about the end of the second century the religion of Mithras had
extended over all the western empire, and was the favourite religion
of the Romans, a system of astrological theology ; that in the sculp-
tured Northumberland rocks, the central cup signifies the sun, the
concentric circles, probably the orbits of the planets, and the radial
straight groove, the way through to the sun. “ In consequence,"
says Sir J. Simpson, “ Mr. Dickson holds these rock sculptures to
be the work of the Romans, and not Celtic, having been cut, he
supposed, as emblems of their religion by Roman soldiers near old
British camps, after they had driven out their native defenders.
But if they were of Roman origin,” adds Sir James, “ they would
surely be found in and around Roman stations, and not in old
British localities—in Roman graves, and not in old British kist-
vaens. The fact, however, is that they abound in localities which
no Roman soldiers ever occupied, as in Argyleshire, in Orkney, and
in Ireland. And possibly even most of them mere cut before the
mythic time when Romulus drew his first encircling furrow mound
the Palatine Mount, and founded that pretty village which was
destined to become—within seven or eight short centuries—the
Empress of the civilized world.
days when the rain descended, the Lungma brought drawings and
presented them to him. These drawings, we are told, consisted of
round starlike marks, arranged in rows ; and that when forming
from them his famous eight diagrams, he represented the rows, con-
sisting of odd numbers, by straight unbroken lines, and those of
even numbers by divided lines. As in all ancient legends, the
story varies in the pages of different authors. Sometimes it is
Hwang-te (B. C. 2697-2597), who, after having fasted for seven
days, is presented on the banks of the Tui-kwei river, with drawings
consisting of plain marks, vanda leaves, and red writings. At other
times, it is Yaou (B. C. 2356-2255), who builds an altar at the
junction of the Ho and Lo, and who has there laid before him a
cuirass bearing inscriptions. But whether it be Fuh-he, Hwang-te,
or Yaou, the marks are always described as having been brought
to their notice on the banks of rivers, and generally in connection
with altars or some sacred spots. Not only thus do the shape of
markings, and form of the inscriptions agree with those observed by
Mr. Rivett-Carnac, but the localities in which they occur are pre-
cisely similar. In Kumaun Valley, and elsewhere in India, the
marks are invariably found in the neighbourhood of temples, of hill-
side altars, or of burial grounds. Those particularly described by
Mr. Rivett-Carnac occur on a shelving rock, overhanging a stream
near a temple of Mahadeo. In the small space of fourteen feet by
twelve feet, there are no fewer than two hundred of these marks,
arranged in lines, and in every possible combination. Among them
also are examples of every known variety of the sculpturings.
There are cup-marks, pure and simple, then again cup-marks sur-
rounded by a ring or rings, and yet again others surrounded
by a ring in a groove, forming together the shape of a jew’s-
harp. When questioned as to the origin of these sculpturings, the
natives declared their belief that they were the work of either the
giants of old, or of herdsmen, while others attributed them to the
Pāndūs, an ancient people, who—like the Picts in Scotland and
P’anku, in China—are supposed to have been the architects of every
ancient monument in India which is without a recognised history.
Mr. Rivett-Carnac throws out a suggestion that they may be the
writings of a primitive race, and points out that the combinations
in which they occur are sufficiently numerous to answer the require-
ments of writing.” *
Mr. W. F. Wakeman says in the pages of the Kilkenny Archæ-
ological Journal :—“ How is it that rock-carvings, of unknown, but
* Sat. Rev. v. 56.
camp including an area of some acres ; and the principal forts had
several concentric valla.
“ 2. The openings in the inscribed circles may have been intended
to denote the entrances.
“ 3. The other inscribed lines may have represented roads passing
by or leading up to the forts.
“ The conjecture that these carvings were primitive maps, re-
presenting the disposition of the neighbouring forts, appeared to be
a fanciful one ; and discouraged by the scepticism of the friends to
whom I communicated it, I laid aside the drawings and rubbings for
some years, hoping that some light might be thrown upon the
subject, by the discovery of monuments, the purpose of which was
more evident.
“ This expectation has not been fulfilled. Nevertheless, I have
some hope, that my original guess has been confirmed in such a
way as to warrant me in submitting it for the judgment of our an-
“ In the course of last autumn, after a careful examination of the
drawings, I came to the conclusion that the centres of the circles,
and the neighbouring cups and dots, arrange themselves generally
three by three in straight lines. This disposition of the symbols
could not be said to be perfectly accurate ; but I thought
I could observe close and designed approximation to it. If then
the circles represent forts, and are disposed three by three in
straight lines on the inscribed stones, I saw that we might expect
to find the forts disposed in like manner over the surface of the
country ; and I think that I have succeeded in verifying this in-
ference. The ancient raths have fortunately been laid down on the
six-inch Ordnance Survey Maps of Ireland; and, unless I am de-
ceived by fortuitous collineations, I find that the forts are actually
arranged three by three in straight lines. The discovery of this
fact, if it be a fact, would be of much more consequence than the
explanation of the meaning of the inscriptions of which I have given
an account. But this further inquiry must be conducted with care.
Large portions of the country must be examined, and those difficul-
ties must be confronted which the disappearance of ancient remains
must inevitably give rise to.”
It is considered by antiquarians that the wide distribution of cup
and ring marks over the British Islands, “ not only from the far
north in Orkney, to the south in Devonshire, but also into Ireland,
evidences, that at the period when they were made, the whole of
Britain was peopled by tribes of one race, who were imbued with
are not their remains, it may be asked, where are they to be found ?
For if we attribute these remains to an earlier race, we would blot
out the records of many centuries from our annals. Taking there-
fore, into account various kinds of evidence, we may conclude that
the old remains in Northumberland, our sculptures included, belong
to the Celtic race, though they may tell the history of many
centuries prior to the Christian era. The apparent discrepancy of
ethnology with this conclusion is suggestive of further inquiry.
May not the type of cranium have gradually changed through long
ages of advancing civilization ? Or may not the effect have been
produced even by a slight admixture of a new and dominating
race.” *
“ The question may well be asked,” says Sir William Wilde,
” what was the purpose of those markings ; are they mere orna-
mental carvings, or are they inscriptions from which the history of
this monument, or whatever it was originally intended for, might
be learned ? Are they ideographical, or hierographic, in the strict
sense of that word ; that is, sacred carving ? To this latter we are
inclined ; and if me may be allowed to coin a word to express our
meaning, we would call them Tymboglyphics, or tomb writing, for
similar characters have as yet only been found connected with the
vestiges of ancient sepulchres, as here, at. Dowth, and on tombs of
a like character in the counties of Down and Donegal. That the
meaning of these scriptures, if any such they have, beyond being
sacred to the dead, shall ever be brought to light from the haze of
obscurity which now enshrouds them, is very problematical.”
The Rev. James Greaves in his communication to the Kilkenny
Archæological Journal, in July, 1865, reminded his renders that
many of the markings of New Grange and Dowth had been proved
to have been carved before the stones were used for their present
purpose, and he draws from that fact this inference :—“ If we find
carvings on a natural boulder of unwrought stone, not in any way
connected with a Christian use, or a Christian tradition, and not
ostensibly intended to be used in any structure, although these
carvings may not be strictly analogous to those at New Grange,
Dowth, or Sileve-na-caillighe, yet we have some grounds to conclude
that here is an example of a primaeval custom which placed ready
to the hand of the builders of these tumuli, materials ready carved,
and possibly endowed with some kind of sanctity fitting them to
do honour to a great chieftain's grave."
The expedition reached the first rapid of the Amazon, San Antonio,
on the 16th July. Here they found it necessary to unload their
canoes, and transport all the cargoes overland for a distance of over
a quarter of a mile, on the left margin of the river. While accom-
panying the boatmen who were engaged in this task, they discovered
upon different granite ledges, some very curious marks crossing
each other at various angles, and cut into the rock to a depth of
one hundredth part of a meter. They afterwards found more
numerous marks of the same kind at the rapid of Teotonio, and
just above ; but it was at the rapid of Ribeirao, that the most ex-
traordinary of these tracings was found. Here they were cut into
the hardest rock, and appeared like letters, which, from their cor-
roded surfaces, showed traces of very great age. To translate from
the M. M. Keller’s report to the Government of Brazil :—“ The
great and patient labour which was necessary to cut these signs in
stone of this nature, without any iron tools, and only by erosion
with another stone, leads us to the belief that they are not the labour
of indolence, and that they have some signification, especially
those of Ribeirao. The latter form an interesting parallel with the
rough representations of celestial objects and of animals, upon the
rocks of the Orinoco, described by Humboldt.”
The American markings consist chiefly of concentric circles, with
or without the central dot, or cup ; spirals, semi-circles of concen-
tric lines ; oghamic-looking strokes ; “ spectacle ” forms ; and,
strange to say, of simple and compound crosses, such as are to be
seen in several of our megalithic chambers, and sometimes, in vari-
ous parts of Ireland, upon the surface of the “ earth-fast ” rock, as at
Aughaglach, co. Fermanagh ; Ryefield, co. Cavan, or on the walls
of natural caverns, as at Knockmore, co. Fermanagh, and Lough-
nacloyduff in the same territory.*
The theory that cup and ring marks were religious symbols, Mr.
Allen regards as among the most probable suggestions, since they
are continually found associated with burial rites, being carved on
the stones of sepulchral circles and chambers, and on the cover
stones of cinerary urns. Professor Nilsson believes that they are
connected with Baal and sun worship. In support of this a few
facts may be mentioned. Cup marks exist on a granite block,
known as Balder’s Stone, near Falkoping, in Sweden. The name
Baal occurs continually in the north of England and in Scotland ;
for instance, in Yorkshire, Balderston, Baal’s Hills ; in Scotland,
east coast, Bell’s Hill, festival of Beltane, etc. The symbol for the
sun, used by the Chinese, and also by other nations, is a circle with
a dot in the centre, in later times a square with a dash through it.
The Greek letter θ is the nearest approach to this amongst the al-
phabets of the Western world, and it may be mentioned that it
means a serpent.”
One mode of accounting for these cups and rings is that they
owe their origin to natural causes, such as the mechanical action of
water, and the disintegrating power of storm, wind, and rain.
However true this may be in some cases, it mill certainly not account
for the obviously artificial grouping and symmetrical shape,
says Mr. Allen, not referable to the lithological composition of the
stone. “ As an example of a rock basin of clearly human production,
that at Rath Michael (Co. Dublin), may be mentioned. It is
of exceedingly regular shape, and cut deep into hard quartzose rock,
which has no tendency to weather in this manner. The co-exis-
tence of rock basins and cups with concentric rings and grooves
makes their artificial character tolerably certain.”
The theory has been started and held in some quarters, that cup
and ring marks owe their origin to mere acts of caprice and idleness
on the part of the prehistoric savage, that he had no intention
of doing anything in particular when he excavated or drew them.
But, as it has often been pointed out, this certainly will not explain
the constant repetition of the same forms of markings throughout
the whole of Great Britain, and in many other parts of the world.
Still further, many of these sculpturings are made in the hardest
rocks, and in most inconvenient and well-nigh inaccessible positions ;
with the rough tools known to primitive ages, it is scarcely likely
that from sheer idleness men would undertake labour so wearying
and difficult.
The suggestion that “ ornamentation ” is the key to the mystery,
sounds rather odd perhaps, and one very unlikely to come from
men of intellectual ability ; it, nevertheless, has been made, and
by scholars of no mean authority. But, supposing this to be a
satisfactory explanation of the markings as found on ancient mau-
solea, on the great curb-stone at the entrance of New Grange, or in
the granite blocks forming the props of the passage into the sepul-
chral chamber at Gavr Inis, it seems impossible to apply it with
any degree of probability to those wild and rugged masses of rock
found in remote parts of various countries, far away from the habi-
tations of men, and seldom looked upon save by the sunlight or the
passing bird.
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