APL40 - 20 - Gardiner Between Foraging and Farming

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This article appeared in:

Publication of the faculty of archaeology

leiden university

between foraging and farming

an extended broad sPectrum of PaPers
Presented to leendert louwe kooijmans

edited by
harry fokkens, bryony j. coles, annelou l. van gijn,
jos P. kleijne, hedwig h. Ponjee and corijanne g. slaPPendel

leiden university 2008

series editors: corrie bakels / hans kamermans

copy editors of this volume: harry fokkkens, bryony coles, annelou van gijn,
jos kleijne, hedwig Ponjee and corijanne slappendel

editors of illustrations: harry fokkkens, medy oberendorff and karsten wentink

copyright 2008 by the faculty of archaeology, leiden

issn 0169-7447
isbn 978-90-73368-23-1

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20 On the production of discoidal flint knives and
changing patterns of specialist flint procurement in
the Neolithic on the South Downs, England
Julie Gardiner

20.1 INTRODUCTION of these scholars were working almost entirely with

In the greater part of the British Isles a large proportion of unstratified finds (most obviously and importantly Evans
our evidence for the material culture of the Neolithic resides (1872; 1897)) and that their work remains, in large part,
– largely forgotten and certainly unloved – in the stores of entirely valid today.
countless museums. Many tonnes of surface recovered flint It goes without saying that we now have a reasonably
artefacts, many of them completely uncatalogued, have been good idea of the chronology, sequence, spatial distribution
deposited over the last couple of centuries by innumerable and cultural associations of Neolithic flintwork assemblages
flint collectors but only rarely has any of this vast resource among many classes of site and in many contextual
been studied in any systematic fashion or alongside more situations at local, regional and national scales. But one
‘scientifically’ recovered assemblages from controlled result of our greatly expanded knowledge is that we can now
fieldwork. In 1980 the present author began researching into see that some lithic objects fall outside the ‘normal’ run of
surface flint scatters from the English South Downs for a Neolithic flintwork, in terms of their technological attributes,
PhD supervised by Richard Bradley. Richard introduced me raw material and/or distribution, yet cannot be neatly
to Leendert Louwe Kooijmans (at a conference appropriately accommodated in any close spatial, temporal or contextual
dedicated to the subject of flint; Sieveking et al. 1986) and ‘package’. We might, for instance, be able to distinguish
an earnest but convivial discussion ensued as to the value (up to a point at least) and predict the components of
and importance of such collections on both sides of the a ‘Beaker package’ or a ‘Wessex 1 burial’ or a series of
North Sea. This led to an invitation to visit Leiden where I ‘Grooved Ware pits’ incorporating lithics but some distinctive
spent a month studying comparative assemblages and classes of artefact continue to defy such neat categorisation.
discussing with Leendert and his colleagues methods and Moreover, they may cross-cut, or be entirely absent from,
approaches to the recording, evaluation and analysis of such ‘structured’ deposits, but in so being they may make an
surface assemblages. Together with the many museum visits, important contribution to our understanding of the
introductions to Dutch archaeologists, quantities of Old development of Neolithic society.
Genever and highly competitive games of table tennis, this Such artefacts can be seen to contribute to the suggestion
proved to be a formative sojourn in my early career. of a new concept of Neolithicisation. Like decorated pots or
Despite the acknowledged difficulties in working with monuments they may have become ‘special’ in their own
such unsystematically recovered material, any detailed study right. They may not appear prominently in the burial record,
of surface assemblages over a large area quickly reveals or exclusively in unusual or specific contexts, but they may
marked disparities in the range and variety of objects present, have attained a recognised relative value or status beyond
both spatially and between the surface collected material and any (to us) obvious attribute other than, perhaps, their
that from most excavated sites. Such differences can be distinctive appearance. One such candidate is the polished
examined and explained in a variety of ways (see for instance discoidal knife.
Gardiner 1984; 1987; Healy 1987) and the arguments will
not be rehearsed again here. 20.2 DISCOIDAL KNIVES
It was, of course, the identification of recognisably In 1928 Grahame Clark, drawing on earlier descriptions by
distinct toolkits that led to the adoption of the eponymous Evans (1872; 1897) and research by Clay (1928), published
sub-divisions of the Stone Age in the first place, and our one of a series of seminal artefact studies on the definition
vastly increased and refined understanding of the many and and classification of polished discoidal flint knives. A simple
varied components of the Neolithic toolkit (lithic and typology was recognised, consisting of essentially circular,
otherwise) has been the result of more than a century of triangular, lozengic or rectangular forms up to 10 mm thick
detailed study by a host of scholars. We should not forget, with maximum dimensions ranging between c. 50 mm
however, that the earliest, and some of the most influential, and 100 mm. Clark’s description has not been bettered,

the knives are “flaked on both faces so as to remove both artefact has improved dramatically over that period, the more
bulb and striking platform, the edges being further bevelled recent finds of discoidal knives have done little to elucidate
by polishing. The faces are also smoothed down to remove their depositional, social, or functional contexts and have
sharp intersections of flake scars. One edge was usually served mostly to reinforce the distribution pattern observed
blunted either by flaking or polishing to allow a grip” (1928, by Clark rather than to dilute it. As a result, they remain
41; fig. 20.1) somewhat enigmatic and, indeed, have been largely ignored
Clark catalogued 133 British examples and noted their in the literature. This paper does not aim to present a
markedly clustered distribution, with a large concentration comprehensive review (or catalogue) of discoidal knives
(41 examples) around Grimes Graves in Norfolk, and smaller but will concentrate on a consideration of their distribution,
clusters in Scotland (13), Northern Ireland (9), East associations and possible mode of production in one
Yorkshire (12), Derbyshire (8), the Thames Basin (13), and particular area (East Sussex) in order to suggest a social
the Sussex Downs (16). A few other examples were spread context and implications for the procurement, use and
across the South Downs with a few outliers in Wales and dissemination of specific raw materials and objects in the
elsewhere (fig. 20.2). He suggested that there were clear later Neolithic. However, before focusing on one region
regional preferences in form and commented on the close we first need to look again at the wider pattern and consider
association between the knives and the chalk and noted a some previous observations.
string of finds along the Rivers Thames and Kennet.
Remarkably, the number of these conspicuous and 20.3 DISTRIBUTION
distinctive objects has probably no more than doubled in Clark’s basic observations still hold good, though it is clear
the 80 years since Clark’s publication, in spite of the that some parts of the British Isles are, and probably were in
exponential rise in flint artefacts that have accumulated 1928, considerably better endowed with discoidal knives than
through archaeological work of all types. Furthermore, he appreciated (there are, for instance, around 50 recorded
whereas our understanding of most classes of Neolithic from the Irish mainland (Woodman et al. 2006, 177-178)
rather than just the nine he catalogued from Northern Ireland
in Co Antrim). He recorded 16 examples from the Sussex
Downs whereas 33 are plotted in figure 20.3 – the majority
of which were already extant in museum collections that
were well known to Clark (Gardiner 1987). For the South
Downs as a whole there are at least 56, over twice as many
as are shown on figure 20.2.
In bald statistical terms Clark’s comment on the apparent
association between these objects and the chalk is hardly
borne out – only 55% of his total are definitely from
chalkland locations and 45% of those are from one tight
cluster in East Anglia. On the other hand, given the
comparatively small area of the total British mainland that
comprises chalk, it is a striking correlation that has not been
compromised by more recent finds.
On the South Downs generally, while the largest number
of knives occurs in a very small area inland of Beachy Head
in East Sussex, there is a rather wider scatter of finds than in
1928, with examples reported both on the Chalk and on the
Lower Greensand that fringes it in Surrey and increased
numbers on the northern Hampshire Downs, where several
roughouts are recorded (Gardiner 1988). Finds along the
Thames have also increased in number but, unlike some
other classes of later Neolithic artefact (such as axes), where
any contextual information is available the implication seems
to be that the knives are from the floodplain, not from the
river itself – and they occur on both sides of it.
Figure 20.1 Part polished discoidal knives from (top) Hampstead In Wiltshire, most of the handful of examples occur in the
Park, Southampton and (bottom) Eastbourne, Sussex. Avebury region, several of them close to the River Kennet.

Figure 20.2 Clark’s (1928) map of discoidal knives (reproduced by permission of the Prehistoric Society).

Figure 20.3 Distribution of discoidal knives in southern England.

This introduces a second aspect of the distribution, namely specialized arrowheads, carved stone balls, polished or finely
the types of depositional contexts in which these objects flaked chisels, laurel leaves and maceheads”, observing that
occur, and their date. some of these “occur as exotica in areas remote from their
sources, and many appear to have been accorded a measure
20.4 CONTEXT AND DATE of special treatment … for the majority … a special status
Both Clay (1928) and Clark commented that the majority of can be inferred from the circumstances attending their
knives were known only as surface finds with little more deposition”.
than circumstantial evidence to associate them with any Unfortunately, there remain very few clear depositional
particular type of pottery or category of Neolithic or Early contexts for discoidal knives. Two examples are from East
Bronze Age site. Their fine workmanship and the obviously Yorkshire. One is from a grave at Aldro Barrow (C75) while
high level of skill required to produce them, led Clark to the unusual Neolithic round barrow at Duggleby Howe
assume that they formed a small but distinctive element of contained, among other burials, a crouched inhumation
the ‘Beaker Package’. The few close or definite associations (burial 6) accompanied by a very fine rectangular polished
that he could establish involved barbed and tanged arrowheads discoidal knife. Re-assessment of the burial sequence
and at least one dagger, while their greatest concentration, (Kinnes et al. 1983; Manby 1988; Loveday 2002) indicates
in East Anglia, lay in the midst of a correspondingly large that this belongs to the same phase as another inhumation
population of Beakers. Only at the Arbor Low henge, burial (burial 5) of an adult male with a lozenge arrowhead,
in Derbyshire, did there seem to be any direct link with a an antler macehead and a Seamer type flint adze. The
monument. macehead has recently been radiocarbon dated to 4597±35 BP
These knives undoubtedly reflect the high level of work- or 3500-3130 cal BC at 2 sigma (OxA-13327; Loveday et al.
manship that we would tend to associate with high status 2007 with caveats). Although there is no direct association
objects and this led the present writer to place them among with pottery Kinnes et al. suggest that, stylistically, the knife
a class of ‘fancy’ knives alongside plano-convex knives, is more comparable to examples found in Yorkshire with
daggers and sickles (Gardiner, 1988, table 2). By analogy Peterborough Ware than with Grooved Ware. A few other
with other types of ‘prestige goods’ of the later Neolithic ‘special’ deposits can be recognised, for instance in hoards
we might expect that possible status to be reflected in their with flint and/or stone axes, as at Great Baddow in Essex
overall distribution in relation to the major monument (Varndell 2004) or Banham in Norfolk (Gurney 1990).
complexes of the period, even if actual contextual information Unpolished examples were recovered from the mineshaft
proved lacking (Bradley 1984; Gardiner 1988). Edmonds excavated at Grimes Graves, Norfolk in 1971 (Saville 1981,
(1995, 96-97) comments on “a group of elaborate flint and 36) and also from surface workings (Varndell in prep), which
stone axes, plano-convex, discoidal and polished knives, also produced Grooved Ware (see also below). Other specific

cultural associations are few but include apparent co-occur- occurred in Beaker burials. In fact, David Clarke (1971) does
rences with Grooved Ware and Beaker (e.g. Manby 1974, not cite a single example of an associated polished discoidal
29-30; 1999). Few records are unequivocal; they certainly knife in his entire Beaker corpus. It seems that both Grahame
indicate that the type was long-lived and not associated Clark’s Beaker context, and Edmonds’ special circumstances
exclusively with any particular mode of deposition or type of deposition are simply not characteristic of this particular
of pottery. class of apparently high status object.
Viewed at this level, the distribution too seems confused So how might we account for them? What might their
and contradictory. In some respects it may be where knives very localised distribution but apparently unstructured mode
do not occur that is as telling as where they do. For instance, of deposition imply about where, how and why they were
while Clark’s observation that the East Anglian group was produced? Could this indicate any wider implications
focused around Grimes Graves is certainly true, and some concerning the procurement and use of quality flint resources
examples were clearly made there (see below), a closer look for the manufacture of specific items alongside that of
reveals a predominantly fen-edge distribution in an area ‘everyday’ flintwork? What kind of social context might be
which is now known to contain numerous small henge-like inferred?
structures, so the situation may be more complicated than
first appears. Similarly, the trail of knives along the Kennet 2.5 RAW MATERIAL AND SOURCES
all happen to be within a few kilometres of Avebury, the There are few considerations of the source of discoidal
Yorkshire Wold knives are concentrated around the Rudston knives or of the raw materials from which they were made.
monumental complex and those in Derbyshire cluster around Whether or not Clark took it for granted that knives found
Arbor Low. in the area of the Late Neolithic flint mines at Grimes Graves
On the other hand, apart from a single example from in Norfolk were made there is not clear. The focus of his
Durrington (close to the river Avon; Clay 1928), discoidal discussion was on their ‘diffusion’ outwards from East
knives are simply not a feature of the Stonehenge landscape Anglia by Beaker Folk. In fact, roughout discoidal knives,
and are significantly absent from the spectacular, Grooved including the sub-triangular form that features large among
Ware associated, lithic assemblages recovered in the ongoing the East Anglian examples, occur at Grimes Graves and it
programme of excavations inside and close by Durrington is pretty certain that this was the source for a number of the
Walls and Woodhenge (Parker Pearson pers. comm.). local knives (Saville 1981; Varndell in prep). In central
Cranborne Chase, with its ostentatious and complex patterns Sussex, the mines had long since ceased axe production
of monuments and specialised object deposition has produced though there is considerable evidence for the use of nodules
just four discoidal knives, all stray surface finds: not a single gleaned from surface dumps in the later Neolithic and
example has been recovered in the extensive fieldwalking Early Bronze Age (Gardiner 1988). There are half a dozen
and excavation programmes reported in recent years discoidal knives in the surrounding area, at least three of
(Gardiner 1988; Barrett et al. 1991a; 1991b; Green 2000; which are probably made from this ‘mined’ flint (pers. obs.).
French et al. 2007). Nor were any found by General Pitt- Intriguingly, three of the axes in the Great Baddow hoard in
Rivers – a point of some significance given that many of Essex were sourced to Sussex (Varndell 2004; Craddock et
the finds from the Beachy Head area were made by him. al. 1983) and the accompanying knife is in visually identical
Similarly, despite the presence of a complex and varied flint.
group of Late Neolithic monuments and an extensive history On the Yorkshire Wolds, a principal source of flint was
of excavation and surface collection, there are none from the the nodules incorporated in glacial tills outcropping in the
Dorchester/Dorset Ridgeway area. cliffs at Flamborough Head and occurring in nearby beach
The Cranborne Chase scenario amply demonstrates a deposits. A number of flintworking sites have been identified
further point, namely that discoidal knives are not part of and excavated on the clifftops here (e.g. Sheppard 1910;
the material culture repertoire of Late Neolithic pits. We 1921; Moore 1964; Manby 1974; Durden 1995) and Henson
cannot escape the fact that the majority are surface finds. (1982 cited by Durden op cit.) confirmed that flint from this
As Varndell summarises (2004, 121) they are not found in source was used for the manufacture of high status artefacts.
burials and “henges were not a context for their use”. It is Cotton (1984), in his examination of a small number of
very clear from the associated assemblages that these objects knives from Surrey, noted the use of predominantly chalk-
belong firmly among the extensive family of later Neolithic derived flint for those examples occurring on the Downs
flintwork and are not members of the more exclusive suite and Lower Greensand, with more varied sources indicated by
of items that experienced highly structured depositional examples from the Thames floodplain.
practices focused on monumental complexes, accompanied Knives from the northern Hampshire Downs and the
later Neolithic ceramics (especially Grooved Ware) or that majority of those from Sussex are manufactured from flint

nodules obtained from localised Tertiary deposits known as Brighton and Eastbourne (Clark 1928; Gardiner 1988).
clay with flints. In this respect they are entirely in keeping Circular forms dominate but D-shaped, rectangular and sub-
with the extensive assemblages of Late Neolithic flintwork triangular forms also occur. The block of downland east of
that cover many parts of the Downs. The first conclusion the River Cuckmere is covered with extensive flint scatters
that we can draw, therefore, is that the majority of knives of broadly Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age date (hereafter
occurring on or close to the chalk were made from resources referred to as the Beachy Head group), most of which echo
that were local to their place of deposition. the distribution of clay with flints deposits (fig. 20.5). Even
within this small and apparently densely occupied area,
2.6 LOCAL CONTEXTS however, the distribution of the knives is markedly clustered
Because so many of the finds are ‘old’, unstratified and and this cannot be put down to collection bias (see Gardiner
poorly provenanced it is very difficult to establish even a 1987 for an explanation). Some are ‘stray’ finds, others come
local context for their manufacture, use and deposition in from the major assemblages. Thirteen knives are
most areas. The most detailed study, by Tess Durden (1995), provenanced to Beachy Head and at least eleven to around
centred on analysis of two fieldwalked flint scatters on the the head of a dry valley known as the Bourne Valley, which
Yorkshire Wolds, one of which appeared to be a primary faces east over Eastbourne and the East Sussex coastal plain.
knapping site (South Landing) in a clifftop location close to Yet no further examples were produced during extensive field
Flamborough Head, and the other a fairly extensive hilltop survey and excavation at Bullock Down (Drewett 1982) and
scatter 15 km inland, that had produced a range of high Kiln Combe (Bell 1983; Allen 2005), just west and inland of
status flint objects amongst a spread of knapping debris Beachy Head, nor by excavations at the Beaker settlement
(North Dale). The latter site produced two rectangular site at Belle Tout, at the western end of Beachy Head
polished discoidal knives (the most common form in East (Bradley 1970; 1982), nor by excavations through colluvial
Yorkshire) and several possible roughouts, as well as very deposits within the Bourne Valley (Allen 2007).
fine ripple-flaked oblique arrowheads and a Seamer type Moving slightly west, there is barely a 5 km gap between
polished axe (Durden 1995, fig. 1). Here there were two the eastern edge of figure 20.4 and the western edge of
major clusters of flintwork that included a range of cores figure 20.5 but there is a distinct lacuna in the occurrence of
and waste products indicative of tool manufacture, including major flint scatters in that gap. To the north of Brighton there
possibly of discoidal knives, as well as a range of ‘everyday’ are again extensive scatters of Late Neolithic flint, again
items such as scrapers and simple flake knives. Discoidal concentrated on clay with flint deposits (hereafter referred to
cores – a type used for the manufacture of transverse and as the Saddlescombe group), but there are only four discoidal
oblique arrowheads and possibly also for discoidal knives, knives and some distinctive differences in the compositions
were unusually well represented and rejuvenation flakes of the assemblages between the areas of the two illustrations
were common. South Landing, in contrast, produced very that might begin to provide a social context for the knives.
few retouched forms and most of the material recovered was
associated with nodule testing and core reduction. 2.7 DISCOIDAL KNIVES AND THE FLINT ASSEMBLAGES
Detailed statistical analysis showed that the level of skill ON THE EAST SUSSEX DOWNS
employed at the clifftop site was much lower than that at The Saddlescombe group of flint scatters concentrates on the
North Dale, that discoidal cores were much less well-repre- high downland spurs, especially where these are capped by
sented, and that little more than the basic roughing out of clay with flints. Lower down the dipslope they occur at the
forms was taking place. Durden was further able to distinguish heads and on the upper slopes of dry valleys and combes.
at least three separate workshop areas within the North Dale Most of the material was collected in the later 19th and early
scatter that exhibited clear evidence of skilled, specialised part of the 20th century and many thousands of objects were
tool manufacture and she concluded that South Landing was deposited in local museums and private collections (Gardiner
one of probably several extraction and primary working sites 1987). The scatters are dominated by lightweight flake tools
that supplied flint to more specialist flintworkers at North and there are noticeably high numbers of fabricators, chisels
Dale and, presumably, other locations inland. A range of high and related implements and piercing tools by comparison
status objects then circulated amongst communities in the with other areas of the South Downs generally, and with the
region of the Rudston complex, some of them ending up in Beachy Head sites in particular (Gardiner 1988, chapter 9;
structured deposits and some as burial accessories – though, 1990). There are few flake tools that demonstrate skilled
as we have already seen, such deposits rarely included workmanship, apart from plano-convex knives which are
discoidal knives. fairly numerous among the flint scatters (more than 30 were
On the East Sussex Downs, 27 discoidal knives are record recorded by the present author (1988)) though scarce as stray
as ‘old’ surface finds over an area of only 25 km2 between finds. While flint axes are numerous and include many stray

Figure 20.4 Late Neolithic-Early Bronze Age flint scatters of the Saddlescombe Group, Brighton, E. Sussex with distribution of discoidal knives
and other selected objects (see text).

finds, they account for an average of 5.7% of implements valley heads and especially hillsides with views over the sea
within each assemblage, which is relatively low for the South or rivers. Although most assemblages comprise more than
Downs as a whole (excluding the flint mine sites), and there 50% flake tools, the overall composition of this element is
is an unusually high proportion of polished axes and generally less varied than for the Saddlescombe scatters and
fragments among them. In fact, the ratio of unpolished/ there is a greater emphasis on cutting and scraping tools. The
roughout to polished axes is almost 1:1 and this ratio is Beachy Head sites have produced vast quantities of flint axes
reflected among the stray finds as well as within the major which account for an average of 17.4% of assemblages and
assemblages. The comparatively low frequency of unpolished here the ratio of polished to unpolished examples is 1:3.3.
axes is accompanied by an equally low proportion of The proportion of heavy duty core tools (average 16.4%) is
heavyweight core tools, even though they are numerically more than twice that for the Saddlescombe group. We should
common. bear in mind that both areas were investigated by the same
Major flint scatters among the Beachy Head group occur cohort of flint collectors, including Pitt-Rivers and Grahame
at intervals of 0.25-4.0 km (average 1.6 km) and their Clark himself, and the differences noted are consistent across
distribution emphasises clay with flints deposits at the dry all the major collections (Gardiner 1988; 1990).

Figure 20.5 Late Neolithic-Early Bronze Age flint scatters of the Beachy Head Group, Eastbourne, E. Sussex with distribution of discoidal knives
and other selected objects (see text).

On the face of it, there seems to be no obvious reason for axes. Perhaps, as in the Yorkshire example described by
the compelling differences in assemblage composition between Durden (1995), the Beachy Head sites were primary
the two groups of flint scatters. The distribution of flint producers of roughout forms that were then worked up and
sources is similar; the distribution of flint scatters in relation polished by more skilled flintworkers based around Brighton.
to those sources is also similar; and the overall nature of The differences in assemblage composition between the two
the scatters suggests nothing more elaborate than intensive almost contiguous areas of downland indicate that, despite
domestic occupation during the later Neolithic, probably into the presence of essentially the same flint resources north of
the Early Bronze Age. There are no monuments, no relevant Brighton, communities of the Saddlescombe group were not
structured deposits, no pottery assemblages worthy of note, primary producers of these implements, though they were
no burials, and both areas have access to major rivers, certainly consumers. This might suggest that communities
adjacent lowlands and the sea. of the Saddlescombe group exercised some control over
As discussed in a previous paper (Gardiner 1990), it is the acquisition and use of specific flint resources occurring at
obvious that most of the flint axes in the Beachy Head area a small but discrete distance, with the intention of investing
are made from locally available flint and that flint axe time and skill in turning everyday tools (flaked axes) into
manufacture was an important activity in this small area of finished, polished forms. This implies a relatively
the Downs. There is a strong suggestion that communities sophisticated level of social organisation and an acknow-
here were supplying those in the Saddlescombe group with ledged system of relative values.

Because of the nature of the old collections, which a similar situation seems to be apparent in Cranborne Chase,
generally include very little debitage and few cores, we lack Dorset, where abundant suitable surface flint sources occur
the means to test this theory by detailed technological and but most polished axes are made of non-local flint (Gardiner
metrical analysis. The size and range of the flint scatters in 1988; 1990).
the Beachy Head area suggests that these are more than just In that area, of course, there is a concentration of
primary knapping sites anyway, but two assemblages stand monumental and non-domestic sites focused upon the Dorset
out among them that might contain clearer evidence of this Cursus that exhibit many forms of highly structured
dichotomy. Many hundreds of flint implements have been deposition, whereas in East Sussex there are no known
recovered from Alfriston Down, from a chalk spur on the Late Neolithic monuments or concentrations of, for instance,
escarpment overlooking both the River Cuckmere and ‘Grooved Ware’ pits. If we are suggesting that there are
the Weald. Another large spread of material comes from less indications of relative status between two groups of
than 2 km downstream, above the opposite bank of the communities living at close quarters and with access to
Cuckmere, at Litlington. Methods of collection are unknown similar resources, then we probably need to look beyond
but both sites were visited by the same principal collectors, the objects themselves for some underlying reasons. These
each of whom was very experienced. The surviving may, or course, be matters of symbolism and perception that
assemblages each include more than 100 roughout/flaked we cannot now observe.
axes and dozens of core tools such as picks but only three One possibility is that these two areas of subtle but
and six polished fragments respectively. Flake tools are significantly different topography in terms of the orientation
dominated by fabricators and chisels rather than by scrapers of dry valleys and upland plateaux areas presented
and cutting tools (nearly 200 in total) and though few cores significantly different environmental profiles in terms of
have been recovered, both include discoidal types. Each the nature and distribution of soils, their hydrological
scatter has also produced two discoidal knives (including a properties and their supported vegetation. In combination
finished but unpolished example from Litlington) and a with the noted differences in the flake tool components it is
couple of less well-provenanced stray finds are also reported. tempting to suggest that the Beachy Head group – with an
But it is the discoidal knives, of course, that undermine the emphasis on cutting tools including elaborate knives and
argument. Not only are there more than five times as many sickles – was engaged in a range of activities that included
knives around Beachy Head than there are around the processing of arable crops, while the Saddlescombe
Saddlescombe, but this small area has also produced notable group – with much higher proportions of scraping, piercing
concentrations of other ‘fancy’, finely-worked cutting tools and fabricating tools, was more engaged in the processing
including at least four flint daggers, nine sickles and over of animal products. This is speculation, but such a scenario
20 plano-convex knives – all of them from among the major opens the door for all manner of social relations and inter-
scatters rather than being stray finds or, in the case of the actions. However, such a proposition also takes us far
daggers, possible grave-goods. When last examined in detail beyond the available environmental evidence, though Allen’s
by the present writer (1988) this constituted 90% of known recent consideration of dry valley bottom deposits at several
sickles and 25% of surface collected daggers from the South locations within the bounds of Figure 20.5 has demonstrated
Downs, and the numbers are unlikely to have increased the presence of considerable depths of hillwash containing,
dramatically since (Clark recorded five sickles in 1932). Just or overlying buried soils incorporating Beaker deposits
to throw an additional spanner into the works, we might also (Allen 2005). At Ashcombe Bottom, near Lewes (the most
note that there are many stone axes, including perforated north-westerly flint scatter marked on Figure 5), ardmarks
forms, in this area. Such items are not uncommon north of were recorded on a Beaker soil contained within one metre
Brighton but there are only one-third as many. of largely decalcified colluvium (ibid., 227-228, figs 7 and 8).
Clearly then, skilled flint knappers were at work in the There seems to be sufficient evidence from the lithic
Beachy Head area too. So perhaps a different scenario presents material alone to indicate that later Neolithic communities
itself whereby it was communities in this part of the Downs in these two virtually contiguous areas of downland operated
that were able to manipulate control over local surface flint a closely connected but also complimentary system of social
resources and supply finished products to their neighbours. interaction. One area (Beachy Head) was producing high
In order for such a scheme to work a concomitant restriction quality, high value flint objects whose distribution and use
on the use of flint from equally adequate sources around were differently directed and restricted. Polished flint axes
Saddlescombe would somehow have to have been imposed. were provided quite widely to the Saddlescombe settlements
This again implies quite a high level of social organisation and we might assume that their utilitarian function was
and the development of some kind of (perhaps fledgling) overwritten (or underwritten) by symbolic meanings that we
prestige goods economy. If such a scenario seems unlikely, cannot now witness or demonstrate but that were sufficient to

prevent the largescale production of similar artefacts from Neolithic. Although Neolithic monuments of any sort are few
similar resources in the immediate area. There seems to have in number on the chalk from Hampshire to East Sussex, there
been no obvious restriction in their use on settlements in the was clearly a sufficiently large and well organised population
area where they were produced. The occurrence of large by the Middle Neolithic to be building both long barrows
numbers of stone axes among the Beachy Head sites is also and causewayed enclosures of closely comparable forms
interesting in this respect. Axes from Cornwall, Langdale in and at the same time as they were appearing in the rest of
Cumbria and Wales occur widely among the Beachy Head southern England (Bayliss/Whittle 2007; Whittle et al. in
sites as well as many in non-local stones; all materials that prep.). Flint assemblages of this period are notoriously
had, by one means or another, travelled considerable distances. difficult to identify, especially when they are unstratified,
It seems that the axe producers of Beachy Head were involved and while there are many undated flint axes around made
in trading their products well beyond the confines of the from surface flint, the most notable aspect of the specialist
Sussex Downs in exchange for exotic items. Were they then acquisition is the occurrence of the flint mines. There is not
passing on some of these to the Saddlescombe settlements? space here to re-examine the many implications of the axe
In addition, extremely well-made, skilfully pressure-flaked trade (see, for instance, Gardiner 1991; Bradley/Edmonds
knives were produced in apparently small numbers but few of 1993; Edmonds 1995 among others) but suffice it to say that
these, other than plano-convex forms, were passed on and, even the primary product of the mines was axes and that their
within the production area, their use was very restricted, dissemination was very widespread, extending far beyond the
implying a markedly high status and special character. In southern chalk. There is no particular evidence that the actual
addition to the discoidal knives there are a small number of mining was undertaken by specialists or that the finishing of
single-piece sickles, a type once again originally described objects and their distribution was closely regulated but the
from a handful of finds by both Evans (1872; 1898) and Clark probable symbolism attendant on the procurement of the raw
(1932, who lists 52 examples from England). Nationally these material and in their production and dissemination has been
remain even fewer in number than discoidal knives but their well rehearsed in the literature.
known distribution is remarkably similar, with the notable Precisely when and why mining ceased on the South
addition of several on the north Kent coast and a small cluster Downs has not yet been elucidated but the later Neolithic
in Essex around the Naze (not, sadly, around Great Baddow!). saw not only a vast increase in the production of flintwork
These objects were defined as sickles partly because of their generally but also of core tools, including axes, produced
morphology but also because of the occurrence of invasive from surface deposits that had already witnessed Neolithic
surface glosses on the cutting edge (Clark 1932), though van activity during the currency of the flint mines. Although
Gijn’s work has indicated that examples in the Netherlands hardly ubiquitous, these deposits are quite widely spread and
were used to cut sods rather than cereals (1988). Once again, co-incide with major concentrations of surface flint scatters
they are nearly all surface finds with few unambiguous asso- that obviously indicate domestic activity. It is difficult to
ciations. One was found in an upper layer of the inner ditch at envisage how any form of restriction or specialist organisation
the Abingdon causewayed enclosure in a context associated could be imposed on the production or movement of flint
with Peterborough Ware (Avery 1982). Other possible examples artefacts yet this seems to have been the case in certain
from both causewayed enclosures (e.g. Windmill Hill; Smith areas. We have already discussed East Sussex in detail but
1965, fig. 43, F69; see also Saville 2002) and henges there are also indications in Cranborne Chase, as mentioned,
(e.g. Durrington Walls; Wainwright/Longworth 1971, 174, and also on the coastal plain around Bournemouth, where
fig. 76, F80) are generally fragmentary (and not always local flint resources are restricted to small but good quality
convincing) and from secondary or unstratified layers. There gravels. Here, unusual quantities of very fine plano-convex
is, also, an unusual concentration of daggers in the Beachy knives and arrowheads were made from the gravel flint while
Head area which do not seem to come from burials (indeed flint axes were imported from the chalk and at least one
there are comparatively few Beaker burials in the area). We hoard of axes is recorded (Gardiner 1988, 411). At least one
might suggest, therefore, that specialist flint production was polished discoidal knife is reported (ibid.) and there are
continuing in this area after the introduction of metalwork – several large assemblages of Grooved Ware.
adding another small piece to the fragmentary jigsaw of Beaker It is hard to escape the conclusion that the later Neolithic
occupation of the South Downs. But thereby hangs another tale. saw a much more controlled pattern of flint exploitation and,
in particular, of the restricted procurement of raw material
2.8 CHANGING PATTERNS OF SPECIALIST FLINT PROCURE- for the manufacture and use of specialist forms, than has
MENT IN THE NEOLITHIC ON THE SOUTH DOWNS hitherto been apparent. Even today scholars are busy
There is a very clear distinction in the use of flint sources on searching for the monuments whose presence must be
the South Downs between at least the Middle and the later implied by any such possibility on the South Downs. But,

this brief study of one poorly understood category of flint Barrett, J./R. Bradley/M. Green 1991b. Landscape, Monuments
knife has demonstrated not only that surface flint assemblages and Society: The Prehistory of Cranborne Chase, Cambridge.
have much still to offer in terms of elucidating the nature and
distribution of the material culture of the Neolithic but also Bell, M.G. 1983. Valley sediments as evidence of prehistoric
that some quite subtle aspects of social organisation and land-use on the South Downs, Proceedings of the Prehistoric
Society 49, 119-150.
context can be gleaned from their detailed study where other,
more obvious, symbols of status and structured deposition Bradley, R. 1970. The excavation of a Beaker settlement
are lacking. at Belle Tout, East Sussex, England, Proceedings of the
Many hours of my study tour in Leiden were occupied in Prehistoric Society 36, 312-379.
conversation with Leendert Louwe Kooijmans, pondering
on the underlying patterning and hidden meanings of the Bradley, R. 1982. Belle Tout – revision and re-assessment.
numerous flint assemblages we examined together. He taught In: P.J. Drewett, The Archaeology of Bullock Down,
me not to take anything (in flint) at face value but to look for Eastbourne, East Sussex: the development of a landscape,
what might be missing, and why, and to think hard about Lewes (Sussex Archaeological Society Monograph 1), 12-20.
what artefacts meant to the people who made and used them
Bradley, R. 1984. The Social Foundations of Prehistoric
rather than just what we might make of them, and why and
Britain, London.
how they came to leave them where they did. I hope that this
paper will convince him that I am still thinking about it! Bradley, R.J./M. Edmonds 1993. Interpreting the Axe Trade,
Clark, J.G.D. 1928. Discoidal polished flint knives – their
I would very much like to take this opportunity to thank typology and distribution, Proceedings of the Prehistoric
Leendert Louwe Kooijmans for his many years of support Society of East Anglia 6, 41-54.
and encouragement and Harry Fokkens for inviting me to
contribute to this festschrift. I must also thank Richard Clark, J.G.D. 1932. The curved flint sickle blades of Britain.
Bradley for nagging me once again to write a paper on this Proceedings of the Prehstorid Society of East Anglia 7, 67-82.
topic and for commenting on the draft. Matt Leivers and
Mike Allen also kindly commented on it for me and Rob Clarke, D.L. 1971. Beaker Pottery of Britain and Ireland,
Goller produced Figure 3. Cambridge.

Clay, R.C.C. 1928. Polished flint knives with particular

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J. Gardiner
Wessex Archaeology
Portway House, Old Sarum Park
Salisbury SP4 6EB, United Kingdom
[email protected]

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