Las Vegas Boulevard Rulebook

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Rdiger Dorn


(before placement)

(after placement)

The fun continues right up to the last roll!

Anna places one violet and one red die on
the 1-casino. The red die is then placed on the
$20,000, and the three violet dice are placed on
the $40,000 banknote.
(Note: This greatly increases the chances that
yellow or green will win the $90,000 banknote!)

This is an expansion only for the alea game Las Vegas. Use the rules of the basic
game, with the following add-ons, extensions and upgrades.

(after scoring)


If a die is placed on a casino that has no money remaining, or if there are only ties after
placement, no money is distributed.
After the last die has been placed, players reveal their colors, and take all the banknotes
beneath the corresponding dice.
For the next round, reshuffle the 8 bonus cards, and deal 2 new cards to each player.
Gather the 64 dice, discard the unclaimed banknotes, and deal 3 new banknotes to each casino.
Play proceeds, rolling 2 dice per color, and placing the dice on the corresponding casinos.
After 2 rounds, the game ends. The player with the most money is the winner.

8 yellow dice
8 grey dice
10 violet dice
2 white dice
7 bigger dice
33 cards:
1 Summary and Display card
5 $100,000 banknotes
1 Slot Machine card
6 Rainbow cards
10 Bonus cards (green)
10 Action cards (blue)
Summary and Display card (2-8 players)
The front of the card shows the minimum amount of money that must
be placed beside each casino at the beginning of each round, based on
the number of players in the game. (Basic game: $50,000).
The back of the card displays the violet dice, or kickers (see below).
This card is used to identify the current starting player.

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5 $100,000 banknotes (1-8 players)

Shuffle these together with all the other banknote cards.

2013 Rdiger Dorn

2014 Ravensburger Spieleverlag

8 yellow, 8 grey and 8 violet dice (6-8 players)

The extra dice allow a sixth, seventh and eighth player to
play either the basic game or most of these expansions.
2 white dice (5 players)
The white dice allow the fifth player to use the 2 neutral dice
variation of the basic game (see page 4 of basic rules).
7 bigger dice (2-7 players)
The biggies are counted as two dice during scoring.
At the beginning of the game, each player replaces one regular die with
the matching biggie (so each player still uses 8 dice).
The biggie is rolled and placed together with the regular dice, as written
in the basic rules, but counts as two dice during scoring.
10 violet dice (2-7 players)
Violet dice are used as kickers; they kick out dice already on a casino
back to a players supply.
At the beginning of the game, each player trades one regular die for one
kicker (so each player still uses 8 dice).
All unused violet dice are returned to the game box.
Note: If there are fewer than 6 players, each player should trade two regular dice for two kickers.

The kicker is rolled and placed together with the regular dice
according to the basic rules. When a kicker is placed on a casino, the
player removes the kicker and any one* die immediately, places the
kicker on the back of the summary card (where it is out of play for
the rest of the round), and gives the die that has been kicked back
to its original owner (who can use it again). Remember: kickers never stay on casinos!
- * Could include your or your opponents
- A player without any dice left who has one kicked back is in the game again. This player could also use
an unplayed action card (see below) at this point.
- When a kicker is used on an empty casino (or slot machine, see below), it has no effect. The kicker is
immediately moved to the display card.

New game version (2-4 players, based on the solitaire version)

Game material

6 Casinos, 8 (regular) dice per color (i.e. 64 dice), all banknotes (no rainbows!),
8 bonus cards (value $30,000 $60,000)
Game setup

Deal 3 banknotes to each casino (values dont matter!), and place the
banknotes in order of increasing value (see picture).
Roll 2 dice of each color and place them on the corresponding casinos (so
there are 16 dice on the casinos).
It does not yet matter how many dice end up on each!

Shuffle the 8 bonus cards, and deal 2 cards to each player (keep your bonus
cards hidden from the other players). Note: The small colored die at the
bottom of each card is important; it shows you (and only you) which color
dice you will be playing.
With fewer than 4 players, place the remaining (2 or 4) bonus cards aside unseen.

The youngest player starts and as in the solitaire version takes one die per color (i.e. 8 dice)
and rolls them. The player must place all dice of one number on the corresponding casino.
This continues for all remaining turns (i.e. always roll one die per color as long as it is possible
see details under solitaire version).
New scoring! After placement, if a color has a majority of dice on a casino (excluding ties, see
basic game rules), this color immediately wins the lowest banknote there. Place the banknote to
the side, and put all dice of the winning color from this casino on the banknote (thus, at the end
of the round, everybody knows which color won which banknotes).
If there are any other untied colors after placement on a casino, these colors also win
banknotes, if any banknotes are remaining. Just remember that the color with the greater
number of dice wins the higher banknote.

The Solitaire Version

(1 player)

Game material

6 Casinos, 8 (regular) dice per color (i.e. 64 dice), all banknotes (no rainbows!)
Game setup

Place one or more banknotes next to each casino (until there is at least $50,000 at each casino).
Chose one color of dice to play with; the other 7 colors are your opponents.
First, roll all 8 dice of one opponent color, and place all dice on the corresponding casinos.
Split the remaining 56 dice (incl. your own 8) into two equal groups (each group will total
28 dice, including 4 dice in each remaining color).

Start with one of the two groups of dice. Take one die of each color (i.e. 7 dice) and roll them.
Then as in the basic game place all dice of one number on the corresponding casino, and roll
again. Continue to roll one die per color (using as many colors as remain), and place all dice of
one number. Repeat until the entire group of dice is placed.
Proceed with the second group of dice in the same manner. When finished, score the casinos as
in the basic game. Compare the banknotes won by your color dice to those of the other seven
colors combined. If your color makes the most money, you are the winner!
If you want to make it more difficult
Variation 1: Place all the dice of two opponent colors on the corresponding casinos at the
beginning of each round.
Variation 2: Use all 8 dice of the opponent colors but fewer of your own dice (try 7, 6, 5, etc.).
If the number of your dice is odd, assign the bigger half to the 2nd group.
Win the variation with only one die (!) and become the Master Gambler!

6 rainbow cards (2-8 players)

At the beginning of the game, the rainbow cards are shuffled with all
other banknotes. If a rainbow card is dealt to a casino during set-up, its
value is calculated as $40,000.
After all dice have been placed, and before scoring starts, each rainbow
card is placed in a discard pile and replaced with a new banknote from the
top of the draw pile.
If a new rainbow card is turned up, it is also discarded and replaced with a new card.

The slot machine card (best with 5-8 players)

The slot machine is treated as a seventh casino, using the same rules as
the other casinos, with the following three exceptions:
1. Dice placed on the slot machine can show any number, 1-6.
2. A player must place all dice of one number, but the number on the dice must be different
than the numbers already on the slot machine.
Anna has placed 4s on the slot machine. No one else may place 4s there, including Anna!

At the end of a round, the slot machine is scored as follows: The player with the most dice has
first choice of banknote, the player with the second most dice chooses second, and so on.
As with regular casinos, no player on the slot machine can win more than one banknote. Any
banknotes that are not won are placed face down at the bottom of the draw pile.
3. If 2 or more players have tied for the most dice placed on the slot machine, the winner is the
player whose dice have the highest sum. If the players dice have the same sum, the player
with the higher numbered die wins first choice.
Example: Denny places three dice with the number 3 on the slot machine. No player
may place any more 3s on the slot machine during this round (including Denny!).
Ben places two 6s, and Carla places two 4s. In a later turn Carla adds one single 1.
When scoring, Carla has first choice, since her three dice shows the same sum as the
three dice of Denny (9), but Carla has placed the higher numbered die (4).
Denny chooses a banknote second, then finally Ben ...

10 bonus cards (2-7 players)

At the beginning of each round, shuffle the bonus cards and give one to each
player. Players should keep their bonus cards hidden from their opponents.
At the beginning of the game, players each receive one notify die (using a
color not in play), and place it beside them with the 1 side showing.
Note: The notify die is never rolled!

At the end of the round, when scoring, if a player received a banknote that
matches their bonus card, the player increases their notify die by one number (i.e. first from 1
to 2, and possibly in a later round from 2 to 3, etc.).
In each round, a player may only increase the notify die once, even if they receive more than
one of that type of banknote.
At the end of the round, all 10 bonus cards are reshuffled, and each player receives a new card.
At the end of the game, the value on each players notify die is multiplied by $50,000, and that
amount is added to the players total winnings.
Note: With fewer than 6 players, each player receives 2 bonus cards. If both cards are the same, then both
are fulfilled when the player wins at least one matching banknote (the player would, in this case, increase
the notify die by 2 numbers to a max. of 6).

10 action cards (2-8 players)

At the beginning of each round, the action cards are shuffled and each player
receives one card, keeping it secret from the other players.
Action cards can only be played on a players turn. If a player runs out of dice
before using the action card, it can no longer be played.
At the beginning of the next round, all 10 action cards (including unused ones)
are re-shuffled, and a new card is given to each player.
Note: If there are fewer than 6 players, each person receives 2 action cards. You may play both of them on
the same turn.

All action cards are different, and each card describes its own function.
This card can only be played during the very first turn, not later. When scoring, you win
Win-a-Tie one tie. Note: Other tied players stay tied!


This card is valid for the entire round. After rolling the dice, the player may choose to
re-roll all (or none) of the dice once.


This card is valid for one turn. During this turn, all opponents must place dice in two
casinos (could include the slot machine), if they rolled more than one number.

However, if another player in the same turn plays the ...

... Skip card, that player is not affected by the 2-Casinos card.
...Turn-Dice card, then this player may intentionally place the additional dice on the first casino again (and
therefore does not need to place dice on a second casino).
... Double-Trouble card, this player is not allowed to place dice on the first casino and then flip the 2 additional dice (for a double) to the number of the same casino!

Playing this card allows the player to take back any dice just placed.


If a player rolls at least one double (i.e. exactly 2 dice of the same number), that player
may place these two dice on any casino (incl. the slot machine) by turning the 2 dice to
that casinos number. Additional doubles are ignored.

This could include the kicker and the biggie (as single die!).

After placing dice, the player can decide to score that casino (incl. the slot machine) on
the next turn. This may be done even if the player has no more dice, or if the round ends before
the next turn.

When scoring, rainbow cards are first replaced with banknotes. After scoring, if no banknotes
remain beside that casino, the dice remain on it. At the end of the round, as long as there is still
at least one banknote, the casino will be scored as usual.
Replace all rainbow cards before performing this action. A player who plays this card must
draw three banknotes and place the card with the middle value beside any casino (could
include the slot machine). The other 2 cards are placed (in any order) face down at the
bottom of the draw pile.

- If you pick a rainbow card while drawing, replace it with a new banknote.
- Note: If a player draws, for example, two $50,000 banknotes and an $80,000 banknote, one of the
$50,000 banknotes is considered the middle value.

When scoring, the player who uses this card places the banknote face down at the
bottom of the draw pile, and replaces it with the top card from the draw pile.

If the new card is a rainbow card, it is discarded and replaced with the next banknote. The player
must not show the value of the new card to the other players.

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