Math 312, Intro. To Real Analysis: Homework #2 Solutions: Stephen G. Simpson Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Math 312, Intro. To Real Analysis: Homework #2 Solutions: Stephen G. Simpson Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Math 312, Intro. To Real Analysis: Homework #2 Solutions: Stephen G. Simpson Wednesday, February 4, 2009
to Real Analysis:
Homework #2 Solutions
Stephen G. Simpson
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The assignment consists of Exercises 4.1, 4.3, 4.7, 4.14, 5.3 in the Ross
textbook. Each problem counts 10 points.
4.1 The sups of these sets are found in Exercise 4.3. In each case, if is the
sup of the set, then , + 1, and + 2 are three different upper bounds
of the set. If the set has no sup, then it has no upper bound.
4.3 The sups are: (a) 1, (b) 1, (c) 7, (d) ,
(e) 1, (f) 0, (g) 3, (h) NO SUP, (i)
1, (j) 1, (k) NO SUP, (l) 2, (m) 2, (n) 2, (o) 0, (p) 10, (q) 16, (r) 1, (s)
1/2, (t) 2, (u) NO SUP, (v) 1/2, (w) 1/2.
4.7 Let S and T be nonempty bounded subsets of R. The completeness property of R implies that = sup S and = sup T exist.
(a) Assume S T . In other words, every x belonging to S also belongs
to T .
i. Since is an upper bound of T , every x belonging to S is . In
other words, is an upper bound of S. Since is the least upper
bound of S, it follows that . In other words, sup S sup T .
ii. A similar argument shows that inf T inf S.
iii. Since S is nonempty, let x be an element of S. By definition of
inf and sup we have inf S x sup S for all such x.
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