Biofuel Brochure Final As On 15th August 2013

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Registration Form

Mr. S. R. Subba Rao

The National Institute of Engineering, Mysore, India.

Dr. -Ing. Klaus Lucka

Managing Director, OWI, Germany


Prof. G. L. Shekar

First Name

Principal, NIE, Mysore, India.

Last Name

Mr. R. C. Nathan


Symposium on

Biofuel Technologies
October 10-11, 2013

Managing Director
Nathan & Nathan Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore

Mailing address

Organising Committee

Mailing address

Chairman : Mr. S. K. Lakshminarayana

Chairman, Institute for Advanced Studies, NIE, Mysore.

Mailing address

Vice-Chairman : Mr. S. L. Ramachandra

Hon. Secretary, NIE, Mysore.

City / Country

Secretary : Prof. N. V. Raghavendra

Pin Code

Head, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, NIE, Mysore.

Treasurer : Prof. T. N. Shridhar


Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, NIE, Mysore.

Organising Members


Participant Category





Registration free includes the course material, lunch and

Mr. N. Satyakumar, Director, Pentagon EMS

Mr. M. S. Shamprasad, Dept. of I&P Engg.
Mr. S. Parameshwara, Dept. of E&C Engg.
Mr. H. Pradeepa, Dept. of E&E Engg.
Mr. M. J. Yogesh, Dept. of CS & Engg.
Mr. N. Rajesh, Dept. of IS & Engg.


refreshments. Participants have to make their own

Prof. D. N. Vasuki
Prof. S. Shamsundar

arrangements for stay and travel. No TA / DA will be paid to the

Dept. of Mechanical Engg.


The National Institute of Engineering

(Affiliated to V.T.U., Belgaum & Accredited by NBA New Delhi)

Payment details

Manandavadi Road, Mysore - 570 008, Karnataka, INDIA.

Phone : +91 821 2480475, 2481220
: +91 821 2485802
web :

Demand Draft / Cheque / Pay Order No: ..............................................

Dated .............................. in favour of PRINCIPAL NIE, Mysore for
an amount of ........................................................... drawn on Bank
............................................................................... payable at Mysore, India.

Mailing Address
Cordinators - IGSBT - 2013

Please send the Registration form duly filled to the address

mentioned in the brochure. Kindly mention the transaction

In association with

Department of Mechanical Engineering

The National Institute of Engineering

Manandavadi Road, Mysore 570 008, Karnataka, INDIA.
email : [email protected]
Government of Karnataka

A World Bank - MHRD Project

The National Institute of Engineering, India

Biofuel is a major renewable energy source that has enormous
potential for substantially replacing fossil fuels in the energy
requirement matrix. The Government of India in its 'National Biofuel
Policy' aims to meet 20% of India's diesel/petrol demand with fuels
derived from plants by 2017. Biomass available in solid form can be
utilised directly for heating, drying, refrigeration, electricity
generation, while the liquid form of biofuel, biodiesel, can be utilised
in automobiles and electricity generation with various blends.
Biofuel gasification enables utilisation of biofuel in gaseous form
whereas biomethanisation of biodegradable waste is a good option
as it yields biogas as an energy source and also accomplishes waste
Although the methods of utilising biofuels have been well
established, still there exists a gap in issues like production of
biofules and storage, with due consideration to prevent
degradation and loss of stability.
In order to meet the biofuel based energy requirement in the
industry, energy efficient systems combining fossil fuel and biofuels
is the need of the hour. Also testing the biofuels and verifying the
effects of new additives is a major requirement of the industry.

The National Institute of Engineering (NIE), Mysore, India, and OelWaerme-Institut (OWI), affliated to Aachen University, Aachen,
Germany are jointly organizing the Indo-German Technical
Symposium on Biofuel Technologies. The main objectives of the
symposium is to provide an insight into the recent developments in
biofuel technologies, with emphasis on its use. It will also focus on
development of test benches for fuel quality testing to meet the
specifications laid down by European and Asian countries and also
highlight the policy issues.

Focus areas :
Biofuels for automobile and captive power

Biofuel for heating application

Biofuel standards and testing

Biofuel policies

Started in the year 1946, a year before India's independence, NIE has
highly qualified faculty members and high-end infrastructure. The
Board of Directors is always promoting continuous improvement in
delivery of technical education. The quality factors considered to
sustain and grow as a top-ranking institution are: Faculty
Development Programme, Infrastructure, Continuing Education
System, Consultancy and Research. The concerted efforts of stake
holders has resulted in NIE getting autonomous status, grants under
prestigious TEQIP-I & II (Technical Education Quality Improvement
Programme of World Bank-MHRD) and get accreditation from NBA,
New Delhi. NIE is one of the only two colleges in Karnataka that has
been granted permanent affiliation by VTU for all its courses.

Oel-Waerme-Institut (OWI),
An-Institut der RWTH Aachen, Germany
OWI, a research institute affiliated to Aachen University, Germany is a
pioneer in the area of conventional as well as alternative fuels. OWI
has strong linkages with industries and researchers to find
sustainable solutions to the efficient use of fuels for heating systems.
It is also involved in the development of biofuel to be compatible
with heating technologies. A research team is also working on
sustainability of biogenic fuels and to provide solutions to the
overall system control and regulation to remain efficient and

NIE and OWI signed a co-operative agreement in

July-2011 to work together in the area of Automation
Technologies, Materials Technologies, Alternative
Energy Technologies etc. This will be realized through
joint research programmes, organizing conferences and
symposia, exchange of faculty and student internship.

Symposium on

Biofuel Technologies
October 10-11, 2013
at NIE Dimond Jubilee Sports Complex

Registration Fee

Indian Rupees

R&D Institute and Academia




Industry / Individual


Last date for Registration : September 20, 2013

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