Classification of Solar Collectors: Žanis Jesko

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Jelgava, 29.-30.05.2008.


anis Jesko

Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Engineering

[email protected]
Abstract. In practice different kinds of solar collectors for hot domestic water heating worldwide are used. The
amount of sunshine hours in Latvia is some 1800 hours a year in average what preclude it to use solar energy for
water heating. However, areas of solar collectors installed in Baltic States increases with every year. With the
increasing use of solar collectors the variety of constructions of solar collectors in order to improve its
efficiency gets wider. Wherewith, for the last time there are originated a large amount of modifications of solar
collectors. To establish a solid classification of solar collectors the following research has been done. It is stated,
that the basic constructions are kept the same, but new modifications of them are arisen up.
Key words: solar collector, classification, efficiency, temperature ratio.

Situation in energetic become more acute with every year. With increase of manufacturing,
increases both need for heat as well as for electrical energy. It is well known that great amount of total
consumed energy is produced in way of combustion of several fossil fuels: solid, liquid and gaseous.
As known fossil fuels are expensive, require for a stockroom, combustion of them makes pollution of
the atmosphere and resources of fossil fuels in the nearest future will run away [1]. These are reasons
why an alternative energy sources are becoming more and more charismatic. Latvia is not rich in
natural energy sources - approximately 70 % of them have to be imported [1]. Solution of this problem
is focusing to an alternative energy sources. Like an alternative energy sources in Latvia it is possible
to use: biomass, biogas, waterpower, wind energy, geothermal heat and solar radiation. Solar radiation
for water heating widely worldwide is used. In Latvia it is about 1800 sunny hours a year what
preclude it to use solar energy for water heating. Also solar devices what are possible to use for
efficient water heating in weather condition of Latvia are too expensive. A lot of constructions of solar
devices worldwide are known and each one of them is efficient in some specific locations and weather
conditions. To establish solid classification of solar collectors the following research has been done.
Materials and Methods
Solar energy can be used by three technological processes [2]: chemical, electrical and thermal
(Fig. 1). Chemical process, through photosynthesis, maintains life on earth by producing food and
converting CO2 to O2. Electrical process, using photovoltaic converters, provides power for spacecraft
and is used in many terrestrial applications. Thermal process can be used to provide much of the
thermal energy required for solar water heating and building heating. Another one form of converted
solar radiation is mechanical energy as wind and water steams [3].
Solar energy
Chemical energy

Electrical energy

Heat energy

Mechanical en.

Fig. 1. Conversion of solar radiation to other energy forms

The most important and most expensive single component of an active solar energy system is the
collector field, which may be performed in a several versions, as from constructions of solar
collectors, as of collector configuration. Solar collector is a mechanical device which captures the
radiant solar energy and converts it to useful thermal energy [4].
The use of solar energy for heat production dates from antiquity. Historically, methods used for
collecting and transferring solar heat were passive methods, that is, without active means such as
pumps, fans and heat exchangers. Passive solar heating methods utilize natural means such as
radiation, natural convection, thermosyphon flow and thermal properties of materials for collection
and transfer of heat. Active solar heating methods, on the other hand, use pumps and fans to enhance


Jelgava, 29.-30.05.2008.

the rate of fluid flow and heat transfer. Passive systems are defined as systems in which the thermal
energy flow is by natural means: by conduction, radiation and natural convection [5]. Passive features
increase the use of solar energy to meet heating and lighting loads and the use of ambient air for
cooling. For example, window placement can enhance solar gains to meet winter heating loads, to
provide daylighting, or to do both, and this is passive solar use.
A distinction is made between energy conservation techniques and passive solar measures. Energy
conservation features are designed to reduce the heating and cooling energy required to thermally
condition a building. Such features would include the use of insulation to reduce heating or cooling
loads. Similarly, window shading or appropriate window placement could lower solar gains, thus
reducing summer cooling loads. An example of active solar system is solar collector and thermo
battery and of passive solar system south side windows and greenhouse.
Converting the suns radiant energy to heat is the most common and well-developed solar
conversion technology today. The temperature level and amount of this converted energy are the key
parameters that must be known to match a conversion scheme to a specific task effectively. Possible
achievable temperature depending of concentration level in Table 1 [4] is shown.
Table 1
Classification of solar collectors according to concentration degree

Evacuated tube
Parabolic cylinder

No concentration
Medium concentration
High concentration

Temperature range, C
up to 75
up to 200
150 - 500
1500 and more

Efficiency, %
30 50
50 70
60 - 75

In most cases solar collectors in order to reduce heat losses are covered (exception is pool
collector, when necessary achievable temperature level is some 10 20 C above ambient
temperature). Classification of solar collectors depending of number of covers in Fig. 2 is shown.
Number of covers of collector

None covered

One cover

Two covers

More covers

Fig. 2. Number of covers of solar collector

In way of enlarge of number of covers heat loses become reduced, but it must be taken into
account that solar income are reduced too. For a system of N covers all of the same materials, a
following analysis yields. Equation for estimation of transmittance for both parallel and perpendicular
components of polarization rN for a several number of cover N by following equation is given [6]:

1 r

1 r


rN =
2 1 + (2 N 1)rII 1 + (2 N 1)r

where rII parallel component of unpolarized radiation, non dimensional value;

r - perpendicular component of unpolarized radiation, non dimensional value;
N number of covers.
Position in relation to the Sun

Nontracking (fixed)

One-axis tracking
Fig. 3. Equipment ratio of the collector

Two-axis tracking



Jelgava, 29.-30.05.2008.

It is well known that the maximum gain from solar collector it is possible to obtain when solar
rays are striking solar device perpendicularly because of reflective losses from device surface. In that
case solar collectors are divided in three designs shown in Fig. 3. Must be mentioned, that the
equipment of collector with tracking devices increase its costs.
Results and Discussion
Consider accordant literature where gathered information about five mine types of solar collectors
described below.

Tank-type collector
In an Integral Collector Storage unit, the hot water storage tank is the solar absorber. The tank or
tanks are mounted in an insulation box with glazing on one side and are painted black or coated with a
selective surface. The sun shines through the glazing and hits the black tank, warming the water inside
the tank. The single tanks are typically made of steel, while the tubes are typically made of copper [7].
Achievable temperature with such collectors is a little bit less than in flat-plate collectors (see Table 1
and below).

Pool collector
The single largest application of active solar heating systems is in heating swimming pools.
Special collectors have been developed for heating seasonal swimming pools: they are unglazed and
made of a special copolymer plastic. These collectors cannot withstand freezing conditions.
Approximate maximum operating temperature of such type of solar collector is 10 20 C [8] above

Flat-plate collector
Flat-plate collectors are the most widely used kind of collectors in the world for domestic solar
water heating and solar space heating applications [7]. Flat-plate collectors are used typically for
temperature requirements up to 75 C (Table 1) although higher temperatures can be obtained from
high efficiency collectors (there water must be changed to other heat transfer liquid because of its
boiling temperature of 100 C).
Flat-plate collector
Liquid heater
Water sandwitch type
Semi-sandwitch type
Pipe and fin type

Air heater
Finned plate

Corrugated plate
with selective

Metal matrix
Miller LF type
Thermal trap

Tubes are mounted under the plate

Tubes aranged

Tubes are mounted on the top of the plate

Tubes aranged
in serpentine

Centered tubes in the plane

Fig. 4. Classification of flat-plate solar collectors [2]



Jelgava, 29.-30.05.2008.

These collectors are of two basic types based on heat transfer fluid [5]: liquid type and air type
(Table 2). Flat-plate collectors use both beam and diffuse solar radiation, do not require tracking of the
sun, and require little maintenance [6], is usually planed on the top of a building or other structures.
Flat-plate collectors are durable and effective. These collectors have a distinct advantage over other
types in that they shed snow very well when installed in climates that experience significant snowfall.
They are the standard to which all other kinds of collectors are compared [7]. Depending on absorbers
construction and configuration flat-plate collectors are divided in several types (Fig. 4).
Table 2
Classification of collectors according to heat transfer medium
Heating matter
Liquid heaters
Air heaters

Efficiency, %
30 - 75
30 65

Achievable temperature, C
75 1500 and more
30 80

Because of their high heat loss coefficient, ordinary flat-plate collectors are not practical for
elevated temperatures, say above 80 C. When higher temperatures are desired, one needs to reduce
the heat loss coefficient. This can be accomplished principally by two methods: evacuation and
concentration, either singly or in combination. While several attempts have been made to build
evacuated flat plates, they do not seem to hold any promise of commercial success.

Evacuated tube collector

While plat-plate collectors are all essentially made the same way and perform the way from one
brand to other, evacuated tube collectors vary widely in their construction and operation. Evacuated
tube collectors are constructed of a number of glass tubes. Each tube is made of annealed glass and has
an absorber plate within the tube, because tube is the natural configuration of an evacuated collector
[8]. During the manufacturing process in order to reduce heat losses through conduction and
convection, a vacuum is created inside the glass tube. The only heat loss mechanism remaining is
radiation [2]. The absence of air in the tube creates excellent insulation, allowing higher temperatures
to be achieved at the absorber plate. In order to improve an efficiency of evacuated tube collector there
are several types of concentrators depending on its concave radius established. Classification of
evacuated solar collectors in Fig. 5 is shown. There are many possible designs of evacuated collectors,
but in all of them selective coating as an absorber is used because with a nonselective absorber,
radiation losses would dominate at high temperatures, and eliminating convection alone would not be
very effective [8].
Evacuated collector
Without heat pipe


With heat pipe

With reflector

Cusp reflector
within tube

With evacuated tube

Evacuated tube

Metal fin within


Behind evacuated tube or

cusp reflector

Single straight

U-shaped tube

Fig. 5. Classification of evacuated solar collector [2]


U-shaped with


Jelgava, 29.-30.05.2008.

A heat pipe provides the most elegant way of extracting heat from an evacuated collector. Heat
pipe is hermetically sealed tube that contains a small amount of heat transfer liquid. When one portion
of tube is heated the liquid evaporates and condenses at the cold portion, transferring heat with great
effectiveness because of the latent heat of condensation. The heat pipe contains a wick or is tilted (or
both) to ensure that the liquid follows back to the heated portion to repeat the cycle. It is easy to design
a heat pipe (e.g., by giving it the proper tilt) so that it functions only in one direction. This thermal
diode effect is very useful for the design of solar collectors, because it automatically shuts the
collector off and prevents heat loss when there is insufficient solar radiation. Also, heat pipes have
lower heat capacity than ordinary liquid-filled absorber tubes, thus minimizing warm-up and cooldown losses [8].
Heat pipe provides the method of transferring larger amounts of heat from the focal area of a
high-concentration solar collector to a fluid with only small temperature difference. It consists of a
circular pipe with an annular wick layer situated adjacent to the pipe wall. The circular pipe is
perfectly insulated from outside to avoid thermal losses from the circular pipe. Solar energy falls on
evaporator and the fluid inside evaporator boils. The vapor migrates to the condenser where heat of
vapor is transferred to a circulation fluid loop. The heat available with circulating fluid is further
carried away to the end use point. The circulation fluid after releasing its heat is transferred to the
boiler by capillary action in the wick or by gravity and cycle repeats. Gravity return heat pipes can
operate without wick but cannot be operated horizontally as a result.

Concentrating collector
A concentrating collector utilizes a reflective parabolic-shaped surface to reflect and concentrate
the suns energy to a focal point or focal line where the absorber is located. To work effectively, the
reflectors must track the sun. These collectors can achieve very high temperatures (Table 1) because
the diffuse solar resource is concentrated in a small area. The area geometrical concentration ratio
according to [2, 6] is


Aa R 2
= 2 =
sin 2 s


where C concentration ratio, non-dimensional value;

Aa area of the collecting aperture, m2;
Ar area of the absorber, m2;
R distance from the sun to the concentrator, m;
r radius of the sun, m;
s half of an angle subtended by the sun, .
This ratio has an upper limit that depends on whether the concentration is a three-dimensional
(circular) concentrator such as a paraboloid or two-dimensional (linear) concentrator such as a
cylindrical parabolic concentrator. Thus, the maximum possible concentration ratio in air for circular
concentrators is 45, and for linear concentrators the maximum is 212 [6].



Fig. 6. Schematic of the sun at a distance R from a concentrator [2, 5, 6]: R distance from the
sun to the concentrator, m; r radius of the sun, m; s half of an angle subtended by the sun, ;
Ar area of the absorber, m2; Aa area of the collecting aperture, m2
Solar concentrator may be classified as tracking type and non-tracking type. Tracking may be
continuous or intermittent and may be by one-axis or two-axis (Fig. 3). As the sun may be followed by
moving either the focusing part or the receiver or both; concentrators can be classified accordingly.


Jelgava, 29.-30.05.2008.

Further, the system may have distributed receiver or central receiver. The concentrators may also be
classified on the basis of optical components. They may be reflecting or refracting type, imaging or
non-imaging type, and line focusing or point focusing type. The reflecting of refracting surface may be
one piece or a composite surface; it may be a single or two stage type systems and may be symmetric
or asymmetric. In practice, however, hybrid and multistage systems, incorporating various levels of
the features, occur frequently. Types of concentrators in Fig. 7 are shown.
One-axis tracking

Two-axis tracking

Fixed mirror solar

parabolic conc.
Linear Fresnel


Paraboloidal dish
Central tower
Circular Fresnel

Flat receiver with

booster mirror
circular cylinder
parabolic conc.

bowl mirror
Fig. 7. Classification of concentrators
Considering to the existing situation in the energetical field, it is foreseeable that an alternative
energy sources will become more and more charismatic and remarkable part in this section will be
realized by solar collectors.
1. Jesko ., Kancevia L., Ziemelis I. Comparison of Solar Collectors and Conventional
Technologies Used for Water Heating in Latvia // Engineering for Rural Development:
proceedings, May 24 - 25, 2007, Jelgava, Latvia. Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of
Engineering, 2007 - p. 35 - 40.
2. Tiwari G.N. Solar Energy. Fundamentals, Design, Modeling and Applications. New Dehli:
Alpha Science International Ltd, 2006. p. 525.
3. Weiss W., Themessl A. Training Course Solar Water Heating. Latvia Baltic States.
Helsinki: Solpros AY, 1996. p. 55.
4. Direct Thermal Conversion and Storage [online] [viewed 2007.11.25.]. Available:
5. Yogi Goswami D., Kreith F., Kreider J.F. Principles of Solar Engineering. New York: Taylor &
Francis Group, 2000. p. 694.
6. Duffie J.A., Beckman W.A. Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes. New Jersey: John Wiley
& Sons, Inc, 2006. p. 908.
7. Ramlow B., Nusz B. Types of Solar Collectors [online] [viewed 2007.11.25.]. Available:
8. Rabl A. Active Solar Collectors and Their Applications. New York: Oxford University Press,
1985. pp. 503.

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