The Earth Unrest

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The Earth Unrest

(Oratorical Piece)
Good afternoon guests of the high council! I consider it my
special privilege to be amidst this gathering of distinguished
guests and feel honored to address you in all humility on
one of the burning problems facing our society... The vision I
Everyone's futures, I was powerless, but I.. finally began to
understand! Is there no change in our society? Can you all not
foresee? The future that we bring to our children? To us?! I know am
young and there are still a thousand stars for me to count! But I
know, that mother earth is hurting, we are relentlessly draining the
land dry! Why can't we achieve oneness with each other? Why can't
we start understanding each other's side of the moon? The very
mentality of our self-absorbed wants are the root of the broken
future I foresaw. Is this the wheel of fate we chose to ride? Are we
leaving behind ruins for our children? I had a vision, that our planet
will soon become a dead star if we don't do something now, and we
are the ones unconsciously contributing to such an ill-fated end! Can
we live with that?! Can we live knowing that our planet is only
awaiting for our hands? Our hands that can control the winds of
change? Do you not notice? How the media and the society have
been controlling us? That there are many labels on how to live? A
right way to look and dress? A right way to speak? A right way to
love? A right way to behave? A right way to be alive?! I say, there
are no right ways, for there are only perfect ways that we ourselves
know, we can live our lives for the better! We cannot let whatever is

brainwashing us to control our lives! For any that is made a label of

a good way to look in society, is also the very root of conflict! A
Conflict that should never have existed... Now, Let us start on our
friends in the animal kingdom, eating meat... what madness is this?
The cows, the pigs, the chickens and all the other creatures that we
brutally kill for the sake of our wants! They feel! They know pain!
They know what it's like when it's their turn to be slaughtered by a
butcher stained in blood, stained with the blood of the innocents..
Now, can we not reflect with that? We are disturbing their cycle, we
are destroying the balance of their food chain! Not only that, we are
becoming as apathetic as a mindless murderer. Can we not reflect
with that? Again, there are labels, which are the pets, and which are
your main course? Aren't they all alive? Imagine the lechon baboy
that you eat, imagine how such a being was brutally murdered with
its neck stabbed by a knife again and again and again, imagine how
slowly it was tortured before death, imagine how it only wanted to
live a life free from us humans, free to love? Can you all see the
point? If we talk of food, think of the many diseases that eating
meat has brought to us! It's because we ate their pain, we ate their
stress, we ate their agony! Wake up!!...
Now, let us move on to our friends in the forests... Slowly, we are
depopulating the existence of nature, for nature is the living proof of
mother earth's process of birth and rebirth. When will we ever stop
the illegal cutting of trees? The polluting of rivers with our chemical
wastes? The destruction of nature?.. Let me ask you this, Can you all
live with that? The feeling that we aren't assured whether the air we
breathe have chemicals in them or not? No, we cannot... If we are
destroying nature, then we are destroying a part of mother earth...

we are being parasites to her! We are being a cancer to her! This is

one of the reason why the human race is starting to become
separate with the planet.
Now what about the wars?! Can we start having the thought of
fighting for our planet? Instead of fighting for our country? There's
no point in all of this! The only thing that wars are teaching our
children is to become greedy and selfish creatures, feeding off the
pain and cries of others. I cannot believe this.
And if an alien was to speak about the human race, it would start
laughing why we are destroying our own planet with our very own
destructive devices. Pathetic... But we shouldn't allow that to
happen! We must all be united, humans, animals and nature alike.
We are all a part of mother earth, so should we be protecting and
healing her. We are all one! This is the concept our leaders failed to
understand that led our planet to her own destruction! Can you not
see? We are in a self-destruct mode! Again, wake up! Stop the wars!
Let us start connecting back to source, our roots, and ourselves! We
are one collective consciousness! Rich or poor, we all should be
assisting each other, helping the less fortunate! Yes we may all
possess unique identities as individuals, but it is never a lie that we
are all one! We get distracted, we get temped, we get hurt, and we
get happy. Why can we not see this? But! As these words of pure
compassion come out from my mouth for all of you, I'm starting to
see a better future! And I am happy that God heard our prayers
already! Our minds, hearts and souls are one with him! Change is
coming! Nobody can stop this change anymore! Whether you like it
or not, we humans will be ascending! We are evolving! Our DNA's

are starting to change, to lift up our collective consciousness into a

higher state of being, a state of being that only knows love and
compassion to all! Let us continue to believe, and so shall it be! We
are starting to live and let live!... As of now, you are all heroes! We
are all heroes! We will be there when the earth vibrates! We will be
there to make strong the weak! I bow to all of you now, and I want
you all to know, that I too am in humble service for the great
change! The question now is... will you? A thankful wave with which
my humble submission was received by one and all of you!


Let your voice be heard, Through Peace, Democracy,
Equality and Justice.

I am but a small voice, I have but a small dream, the

fragrance of a flower in the unpolluted air. These are the
lyrics of the song: I have a Dream. Yes my dear friends,
our voice can be heard if we live in a peaceful place with

democracy having equal opportunities to obtain justice.

To our dear teachers, fellow students and to my cocontestants, a pleasant day to one and all. Being a
student, I am fully aware of what is happening around
me. From the daily news we can hear, read and view that
crimes are rampant especially in urban areas. Getting the
life of a person is so simply done in daylight time. Poor
becomes poorer while rich becomes richer. Democracy is
now being disregarded and justice is only for the wealthy
ones. Rich people can buy justice but poor will just be put
to jail. Sad to say that democracy is no longer for the
people, by the people and of the people. How fortunate
are those people who were blessed with good luck and
power because of their high and supreme positions. How
lucky are those political people who can pocket the funds
of the government. How wise are those people who
hypnotized and made the citizens think that they are
spending a lot of millions for their illusionary projects. Are
these just signs of injustices? I can say these are.
Injustices had made our country suffer poverty and left
our nation in the world of violence and disturbance. Well,
these are just done by the people who aim to be in a
government position and are attracted to shivering gold.
Others will step on the shoes of somebody in order to
reach their ambition. Is that the kind of living we want to
continue? Precisely, all of you will answer NO! No,
because we all want a happy and harmonious life where
we have undisturbed tranquillity and peaceful
environment, to practice democratic way of government
with equality and balance civil rights and to have the

perception of justice for all. We all want a prosperous and

blameless future and a satisfying government handling
for the generations to come.
The question that blocks our minds is can we maintain all
of this?... Yes my dear friends, I have seen the light of
justice and equality and freedom and my heart has been
lifted by the vision of democracy, and I shall not rest until
my land and the people shall have been blessed by these,
beyond the power of any man or nation to subvert or
destroy. Let us do our part, give out our best and let our
voice be heard all over the universe, let there be peace
on earth and good will to all mankind. Thank you and
good day!

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