The Relationship Between Motivation and Organizational Behavior

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Motivation is an important strategy on how to improve the performance of employees.
Motivation and organizational behaviour are related in that in order influence the behavior in
organizations, the following strategies must be considered.

1. Regular payment of wages and salaries: The employees may be motivated to perform their
jobs more effectively when the payment of their wages and salaries is constant. A situation where
the employee is not sure of when to receive the next income is most discouraging to the
employees. The discontentment is most pronounced when the employee is owed for about two to
three years. Teachers in some districts of the Ghana are the worst victims of irregular payment of
salaries and this has adversely affected the educational sector of the Ghanaian economy in the
form of strikes and lack of devotion to duty.
2. Increase in salary: Employees may be motivated when their salaries are increased. This is
because increase in salary will mitigate the current economic hardship being encountered by
many employees in Ghana. The economic hardship could be attributed to the recent withdrawal
of petroleum subsidy by the government of Ghana. Hence, productivity in Ghana may increase if
employees are extrinsically motivated with salary increase. It may enhance economic security in
the country as the workers may be happy to put in their best.
3. Adequate job selection and placement based on attitude, interest, ability and skills. The
manager plays a significant role in selection and placement of employees based on aptitude,
interest, ability and skills. In a situation where employees are recruited and placed based on the
stipulated characteristics, it makes the job more exciting and less cumbersome. This leads to
increase in productivity and enhances economic security of the establishment and that of the
4. Sufficient rewards for spectacular performances through bonuses, honors, promotions
and commendations: If the employees are reinforced for excellent performance through the
stipulated processes they tend to be motivated and perform even more exceptionally. The above
is based on Skinners theory which states that employees behaviours that lead to positive
outcomes will be repeated and behaviours that lead to negative outcomes will not be repeated.
5. Provision of training facilities to improve employees knowledge and performance in the
establishment: If in-service training is provided for employees, it helps them to increase their
skills on the job which leads to increase in productivity in the organization and contribute
towards economic security. Employees feel motivated when they received free training from
their employers.

6. Provision of enabling working environment: Employees will feel motivated to work if their
working environment is conducive. Thus air-conditioners and latest technologies should be
provided in offices. Offices should be well furnished and painted. Necessary tools required for
production processes in factories should as well be provided.
8. Provision of incentives: Employees feel motivated in their place of work if they are provided
with fringe benefits such as: vehicle loans, free medical facilities, free accommodation.
9. Scholarship for employees children: The employees may be further motivated if their
children are offered scholarship up to the University level by their employers.
10. Provision of information and communication network: Since the world is a global village,
it becomes imperative that computer and internet facilities be provided for employees to enhance
their communication to the outside world.
11. Travelling: Travel could be considered as part of the ways to motivate an employee for
excellent performance. The travel could be provided at the expense of the organization for two
weeks of relaxation.
12. Interesting work: Employees are motivated with interesting work. This makes them to like
doing the job. When the above strategies are considered and put in place, it will serve as a way of
improving the performance of employees and thus this will affect organizational behaviour and
performance positively.



Motivation is an important strategy on how to improve the performance of employees.

Motivation and organizational behaviour are related in that in order influence the behavior in
organizations, the following strategies must be considered
1. Regular payment of wages and salaries:
2. Increase in salary
3. Adequate job selection and placement based on attitude, interest, ability and skills
4. Sufficient rewards for spectacular performances through bonuses, honors,
promotions and commendations
5. Provision of training facilities to improve employees knowledge and performance in
the establishment


Provision of enabling working environment

Scholarship for employees children
Provision of information and communication network


1. the manner in which the employees that make up the organization view the formal
factors in the organization
2. Another manner in which perception and organizational behavior are linked is the
way employees perceive the ethical standards in the company.
3. Impression Management
4. Performance Appraisal
5. Selection of Employees

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