Akashic Records-WPS Office

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Akashic Records - Deeper understanding about Akashic Records.

Right now, there is a huge new sensation about Akashic records. You’ll find that a lot of people are being
drawn into Akashic records as a way for them to heal. You’ll find that a lot of people use the knowledge
in order to feel safe and secure about their future. They also find that these practices are almost a
remedy for anxious feelings.

When you take a look at your Akashic record you’ll be able to achieve a lot of your goals. You’ll want to
keep in mind that people don’t want to wait to see what their future holds, but people are now more
than eager to learn more about themselves on a deeper level.
Most people are unable to get in touch with their own Akashic record so they do end up having a reader
come in and help them. They will help read the signs, but they will also help translate a lot of the
information that is left unnoticed. You’ll want to keep in mind that the Akashic reader will help you to
release negative energy and also it will help you to embrace positive energy. This will help you get rid of
some of the obstacles that you have and obstacles that prohibit you from growing.

It all depends on the person, but you should be able to access all the information in a trace-like state.
You’ll be able to channel a lot of information at this conscious level, however, you’ll be able to get to the
deep (hidden truth). You’ll want to keep in mind that most of these records will help you to understand
the person you use to be and the person that you are growing into.

Keep in mind that with Akashic records, you will be able to find yourself and also you’ll be able to
continue to see your own growth.

Keep in mind that there is some profound healing and some enlightenment needed in order for you to
access your truth life plan.
Unknown at 11:43 2 comments:
AURA - Human Aura - How to see human aura? - Exercise for seeing human aura using eyes
Human Aura

See Your Aura

Aura is known as bio-magnetic force emitting from a person or say living being. Aura is an energy field
that is to encircle every living being including animals and plants. Aura looks like an outline of colors and
feels like soul sensations or a manifestation of surrounding energy fields.

You can see the Aura by concentration and focused trainings. Modern metaphysics recognizes the aura
as electromagnetic fields, which is a scientifically proven fact. Aura looks like layers of color around the

Some people are born with this God gifted ability, but to become an Aura reader, a considerable amount
of practice is necessary. Here are the steps needed for beginners to see and learn about Aura with an
open mind.

1. You should begin by holding one of your hands up against a white background in any way that is
comfortable to you.
2. Relax your eyes as you fix them at the edge of your hand in order to look at the tips of your fingers. Let
your eyes fall out of focus a bit. You should continue looking at the area surrounding your focus.
3. Observe and verify any colors if visible. Don't worry, If you do not see anything right away. It may take
some more second to visible in front of your eyes. Remember it varies from person to person.
4. Carry out this habit regularly not only on yourself, but apply it on others, even on trees and pets. With
constant practice, it will eventually appear in front of your naked eyes.
5. You can easily see in daytime.
6. Choose a time when you're relaxed and have no any interruption.
7. Seeing aura is excellent to be spiritually conscious about it and in tune with the spirit of its nature.
Try to see and know about Aura.
Unknown at 11:40 No comments:
Develope Your Intution - how to develope intuition

The Road to Developing Intuition

Have you had that experience when all of a sudden you just had this huge hunch that something is about
to happen, and to your surprise, that intuition was eventually translated to reality?
When you feel strongly about something without logical basis to it, that's called intuition. It comes in
three impressions: clairvoyance or "the third eye", sensing clearly and feeling through listening.
Clairvoyance is when your eye goes beyond what it can see. This is when you know what is happening
somewhere.Sensing clearly is basically what we refer to as "hunch" or "gut feel." This is the time when
you are overwhelmed with a feeling and you can't explain it and all you can say is "I just know."On the
other hand, feeling through listening or clairaudience is being able to "listen" between the lines.
Intuition also happens at times when a certain sound, whatever it is - be it a car's honk or a bird's
twitting - ushers in an intense feeling.They say only a number of people are gifted with intuition.
Astrologers even insist that people born under the Scorpio or Pisces signs are naturally intuitive it almost
borders on E.S.P. But studies have been sprouting left and right that proclaim that anyone can develop
intuition.Why the need to develop intuition, you ask? Why not let your emotional and psychological state
as it is? First and foremost, intuition promotes good communication. It makes you more sensitive to the
people around you; it often keeps you from hurting those you love because you are intuitive enough to
understand them. Intuition also makes you far more creative than ever. Intuition means releasing more
creative juices for any means of expression. Lastly, intuition has a healing power. This healing power is
not in the physical sense, but in delving deep into your soul to eradicate some negative energy buried in
it.With that being said, are you ready to develop your intuition? Here are some ways to unlock this gift:

1. Hypnosis
Oh yes, get yourself hypnotized. Hypnosis is not limited to watching a pendulum move back and forth.
Perform self-hypnosis or you can avail of hypnotic programs that can strengthen your intuition.

2. Meditation
Meditating means finding peace in yourself. If your mind and heart are cluttered with too many baggage
and hurt, you wouldn't be able to quiet down that part of you that could eventually initiate intuition.
There are so many ways to meditate: take a yoga class, or just simply practice some breathing that could
bring you straight to Zen.

3. Think positive!
A worry-free, fear-free state could do so much to improve your intuitive ability. By staying positive, you
attract good energy that would be able to easily recognize imminent feelings and events.

4. Just let go.

What does this mean? If you are on the brink of making a huge decision, let go of all the inhibitions and
head to a quiet place where you could find out where the letting go has brought you. Sometimes you just
have to listen to the voice within you, and that voice wouldn't come out unless you let go.

5. Never expect.
After letting go of the inhibitions and all those things that stop you from thinking and feeling clearly,
never expect for an answer right away. Never expect that the "hunch" would fall on your lap
immediately. Give it a little time then you'd just get surprised that -- wham! -- now you have your

6. Believe in your first impressions.

When you see someone for the first time and think that he is a bit too arrogant for your taste, chances
are that impression actually holds true. Most of the time, first impressions are brought by intuition.

7. Stay happy!
See? All you need to be intuitive is to stay happy! Happiness attracts immense power and such power
includes intuition. In tapping your intuition, your motivation must be happiness and contentment. Given
that premise, intuition will fall to you easily.Intuition is helpful, because sometimes it leads you to
something that cannot be achieved otherwise. A lot of lives have been saved by intuition alone.
Decisions are easier done if armed by this gift. Develop intuition now and reap benefits you have never
Intuition is a must for all of us. It saves our life and leads our life.
Unknown at 11:39 No comments:
Psychic Power - Information about Psychic Power

Psychic Power - Details about Psychic Power.

The psychic power is the totality of mind power based on the bio magnetism, concentration and focusing
ability of the mind of a person. This is gauged in various parameters in cosmic healing like

1. Bio-magnetic radiation (BMR)

2. Diameter of Psychic Chord,
3. Vibration
4. Radius of the Aura
5. Core energy power etc.
By using dowsing methods it has been found that the psychic parameters of a person increase
enormously in cosmic healing when compared to other systems of energy healing.
The healing results of a cosmic healer have been found to be much more perfecting, good and long
lasting as compared to other systems.


The human body is a biologically active one. The body radiates a magnetic field, which we call as Bio
Magnetic Radiation (BMR). The magnitude of this radiation differs from person to person based on the
mind power, mind control and other factors. There is no sensitive equipment available yet to measure
this magnetic field. The presently available equipments are of limited value.
The other method that looks reliable is an occult method using a powerful mind called Dowsing.

Every human body has an energy chord connecting the human energy body to the cosmos. Through this
chord cosmic energy flows into the body continuously. The normal diameter of this chord is between 10
mm. It varies for people of different nationalities and races based on their basic practices of mind control
and Divinity and stress free life.
This widened chord allows the maximum flow of cosmic energy for faster healing in a very short time.
Unknown at 11:38 No comments:
Psychic power - An introduction to Psychic power
Psychic Power - Extrasensory ability or Extra Sensory Power (ESP) - An introduction and types of psychic
abilities with explanation.Psychic power is known as an extrasensory ability or Extra Sensory Power
(ESP). Every one of us has psychic powers (ESP), extrasensory abilities that can extend our experience
and insight to the world we live in.We depend upon these extra sensory abilities (ESP s) even without
realizing it. Using intuition to make decisions is a good example. Normally we are making 'lucky' guesses,
especially in areas that we are skilled in or enjoy.But for most of the time, we remain unaware of this
extra sensory power (ESP) potentially explosive ability that we have at our fingertips!As much as it is true
that we all have these abilities (psychic power or extra sensory power (ESP)), just like any gift or facility,
these talents (psychic power or extra sensory power (ESP)) can lie dormant until they are developed
through practice and exercise. Before going into the development of these gifts (psychic power or extra
sensory power (ESP)), it is important to understand that there are many types of psychic ability (psychic
power or extra sensory power (ESP)).

Types of psychic abilities:

There are many types of psychic ability and some of them are stated below.
Clair means “clear”.

Clairvoyance, or clear vision, allows you to see with your mind’s eye. Clairvoyance is the ability to
psychically see clearly. This gift allows you to pick up on information about a person by seeing images or
symbols that pertain to something going on in another person’s life.
Clairaudience or Clear Audience allows you to hear messages. Clairaudience is the ability to psychically
hear clearly. In clairaudience messages are received from etheric realms through hearing. People having
this gift may hear spirit messages audibly or within their mind.
Clairsentience is the ability to touch an object and receive accurate information about the owner,
whether living or passed on. Clairsentience is the ability to psychically feel or sense clearly. This gift
brings the gut feeling or “knowing” of something about another person without having human
knowledge of it beforehand.

Clairempathy allows a person to feel (within their body or emotions) the feelings, pain or needs of
another person. Whenever there is a world catastrophe or an instance where someone nearby is
suffering, people with this gift may begin to pick up on this energy and become a surrogate.

Clairgustance has to do with receiving a message from spiritual realm through the sense of taste. You
may be able to taste something that you have not eaten or even been near.

Clairscent allows a person to smell a fragrance or odor from another realm. It is akin to the gift of clear
taste or clairgustance. You may smell roses and other heavenly scents while praying or doing meditation.

Claircognisance is the ability to psychically know clearly.

Prophetic or Revelatory Gifts:

Any of the above mentioned gifts may be considered prophetic in nature due to their ability to foretell
the future or transmit a message from the heavenly realms. Normally foretelling the future is known as
Unknown at 11:37 1 comment:
Gayatri Mantra to Lord Agni
Mantra to Lord Agni the fire deity - mantra to provide vitality and ojas to the body and mind - Lord Agni
Gayatri mantra
Gayatri Mantra to Lord Agni - mantra to provide vitality and ojas to the body and mind - Lord Agni
Gayatri mantra
Mantra to Lord Agni the fire deity - mantra to provide vitality and ojas to the body and mind - Lord Agni
Gayatri mantra.

Aum Mahajwalaye Vidmahe

Agnidevaye Dhimahi
Tanno Agnih Prachodayat

“Om. Let us meditate on

the great God of fire
in the form of blazing flames.
May that radiant Agni Deva

inspire and illumine our mind and understanding.”

Unknown at 11:34 1 comment:
What are chakkras?
What are chakkras?

The chakras are energy centers running up and down the center of our bodies. The word itself comes
from the Sanskrit “wheel” or “turning.”
The chakras can be “worked.” This means through breath-control and visualization they can become
more enlivened with magickal energy.

ChakkraLocation on Body Location on Tree of Life Color Name to Chant

Sahasrâra Top of head Kether Violet or Bright White Eh-heh-yeh
Ajna “Third eye” Daleth/Gimel Indigo None[1]
Vishuddha Throat Daath Blue YHVH El-Oh-Heem
Anahata Chest Tiphareth Green, Yellow or Gold YHVH El-oh-ah V’Dah’Aht
Manipûra Gut (navel) Peh/Samech Yellow or Red Mah-nee-pur-uh
Svadisthâna Groin Yesod Orange or Red None
Mûlâdhara Base of Spine/ Feet[2] Malkuth Red or Black Adonai Ha-Aretz
What is magickal energy?
Magickal energy is any type of energy used for a specific, intended purpose. This includes not only
energy raised through our chakras, but also emotional energy such as being excited, anxious, or angry so
long as it is used in a fashion congruent with our intent.
Unknown at 11:31 No comments:
140 Ancient Secret Mantras
140 Ancient Secret Mantras
These words have to be chanted or repeated 52 times for 7-10 days for them to work.
How do you pronounce these words?
Sumerian Chants
1. TIGRIS- Overall success.
2. HUYUK- Induce astral travel.
3. AEUNN- Gain the love of a specific person.
4. ENLIL- Financial gain.
5. ZIGGURATS- Heal a barren womb.
6. NIKIL-Gain clairvoyant abilities.
7. LUGAL-Detect lost objects.
8. URUK- Win games where luck is involved.
9. NINKILIM- Remove any type of phobia.
10. UMMIA- Rid any unwanted person.
11. NANNAIYA- Boost sex drive.
12. NINGAL- Heal both mental and physical ailments.
13. URNAMMU- Induce lucidity in a dream.
14. SHULGI- Gain recognition in one's life.
15. LAZULI- Boost your physical strength.
16. NIMKACY- Gain telekinetic abilities.
17. EUTRUSCAN- Good visualization abilities.
18. NINGRISU-Strengthen your memory.
19. ZAGGRO- Gain control of people's thoughts.
20. LUGALLASAGESI- Render any enemy harmless.
21. AKKAK- Telepathic communication.
22. ISHTAAR- Improve predictive abilities.
23. HAMMURABY- Ensure a balance state of mind.
24. CEREPLUX- General happiness.
25. TECCAS- Psychic protection.
26. BITTATY- Rid any addiction.
27. AKABIYAN- Detect any enemies.
28. SHUSHU- Gain mediumistic abilities.
29 GESHTYN- Attract desired employment.
30. ATTRAHASIS- Physical protection.
31. NEPHERAPHI- Overcome shyness.
32. AMMUNN- Direct communication with God.
33. HELPHTAFMANNY- Control weather patterns.
34. ASHKKEENUTT- Gain respect of employers.
35. NETCHERGAMU- Repell Negative spell.
36. HALUGANCHY- Gain invisibility from chosen persons.
37. PETTATRION- Succeed in any legal dispute.
38. GEDBEGURU- For meditating(still the mind)
39. SOBEKTI- Turn an enemy into a friend.
40. DJERGU- Summon your guardian angel.(Use when necessary)
41. GARNOPIC- Induce levitation of the body.
42. VASTABA- Clairaudient abilities. (Hear spirits and angels.)
43. ZAQGURRA- Regress into past lives.
44. RARIT- Help with artistic pursuits.
45. EKFAPHRATYNE- Ensure protection of material objects.
46. KATEMU- Longevity(Increase life-span of everything alive)
47. TOWFAROT- Bestow virility
48. KILCOTH- SUCCESS in sponsoring activity.
49. MAATT- Receive anyting that is owed to you.
50. MEKERETRE- Cure male and female sterility.
51. PTHOPTECK- Gain entry into Akashic library.
52. BYBLOSTYIOUS- Ability to read human aura.
53. PUABY-Gain info about future incarnations.
54. KHUFTU-Prevent others from locking into your thoughts.
Health Chants
1. SWAFTIF- Heal arthritis
2. ZASSU-Heal lung disorder.
3. ASUAN- Heal bladder infections.
4. MINNAK- heal skin iriitations.
5 MYCENNO- Heal headaches.
6. OMPEDMI- Heal open wounds.
7. CHETHURUK- Heal stomach complaints.
8. TALLNYET- Heal influenza.
9. KEPURUTH- Prevent hair-loss.
10. PSAZTHYRE-Heal ear infections.
11. GALIPAL- Prevent tooth decay.
12. ELYSIAD- Heal torn muscles or tissues.
13. SHEEKAP- Heal sexual transmitted diseases.
14. LIAZUSU- Ease heart palpitations.
15. GANHAL- Heal sore gums
16. TYFHAIIA- Overcome agoraphobia.
17. KURUCK- Overcome claustrophobia.
18. PWANABAL- Reverse any swelling.
19. PAPURJAMA- Overcome general nervousness.
20. YANCKABAN- Lower high blood pressure.
Special Mantras
1. BAEL- Make yourself or objects invisible.
2. AGARES- Produce activity where there is stagnation.
3. VASSAGO- Psychic and physical protection.
4. SAMIGINA- Correct mistakes; Stop bad feelings.
5. MARBAS- Pass exams; good for school work.
6. VALEFOR- Inner workings such as pathworking.
7. AMON- Any legal disputes.
8. BARBATOS- Remove any spellcast or you or friends.
9. PAIMON-Remove anything unwanted.
10. BUER- Heal any ailments.
11. GUSION- Receive any secret information.
12. SITRI- Gain sex drive.
13. BELETH- Gain love of someone special.
14. LERAJE- Cure headaches.
15. ELIGOS- Inner strength and positively.
16. ZEPAR- Ensure conception.
17. BOTIS- Tranquility and general happiness.
18. BATHIN- Separate consciousness ; project on astral plane.
19. SALLOS- Became at-one with all of creation.
20. PURSON- Successful interviews, ads and blind dates.
21. MARAX- Clear and Mature thinking.
22. IPOS- Overcome any kind of phobia.
23. AIM- Easier breathing, excellent for asthma
24. NABERIOUS- Communicate with spirits and angels.
25. GLASYALABOLAS- Dissolve any unwanted situation.
26. BUNE- Gain large amounts of money.
27. RONOVE- General stability.
28. BERITH- Gain recognition.
29. ASTAROTH- Overall success.
30. FORNEUS- Gain fame in a chosen career.
31. FORAS- Good health and a longlife.
32. ASMODAY- Abstain spirit help and guidance.
33. GAAP- Keep secrets hidden from.
34. FURFUR- Keep tempers cool; good for calmness.
35. MARCHOSIAS- Summon your personal guardian angel.
36. STOLAS- For practicality.
37. PHENEX- General happiness and tranquility.
38. HALPHAS- Self-esteem and moral strength.
39. MALPHAS- When feeling down, this mantra will pick you up.
40. RAUM- Receive vision of lost objects and where they will be.
41. FOCALOR- Return negative spells back to the sender.
42. VEPAR- Prevents storm from breaking down summer weather.
43. SABNOCK- Send telepathic messages.
44. SHAX- Keep enemies at bay, protection.
45. VINE- Desire to formulate rituals and spells of yours.
46. BIFRONS- Strengthen your will-power.
47. VUAL- Psychometric abilities; read and interpret vibrations in objects.
48. HAAGENTI- Transform your life from old habits to new adventures.
49. CROCELL- General happiness.
50. FURCAS- Clairvoyant abilities.(divine future)
51. BALAM- Communicate with spirit masters
52. ALLOCES- Gain wisdom directly from spirit- source.
53. CAMIO- Good intuitive abilities.
54. MURMUR- Induce total calmness of body and miind.
55. OROBAS- Induce projection; travel anywhere in astral plane.
56. GREMORY- See with clairvoyant sight.
57. OSE- Gain telekinetic abilities.
58. AMY- Gain ability to interpret the message of dreams.
59. ORIAS- Control weather patterns as you choose.
60. VAPULA- Produce divine sounds within your place of abode.
61. ZAGAN- Gain mediumship abilities.
62. VALAC- Gain entry into Elysian Fields. ( The land where the god of ancient Greece reside).
63. ANDRAS- Release negative thoughts from mind.
64. HAURES- Creative abilites(art, writing, and music)
65. ANDREALPHUS- Summon the salamander spirits.
66. CIMEJES- Insure against theft and fire.
67. AMDUSIAS- Come see the human aura.
68. BELIAL- Raise kundalini spirit outside the physical body to travel at will.
69. DECARABIA- dissovle negative thought patterns.
70. SEERE- Obtain info on previous lives.
71. DANTALION- Gain visions of hereafter.
72. ANDROMALIUS- Deep meditational work.
Mantras to waking the Ckakras.
1. Bottom of Spine.
2. Stomach
3. Chest
4. HEart
5. Throat
6. Center of Forehead
7. The Crown (top head facing the sky.)
Sunday Mantra: Muladhara
Monday Mantra: Svadhistana
Tuesday Mantra: Manipura
Wednesday Mantra: Anahat
Thursday Mantra: Vishuda
Friday Mantra: Ahna
Saturday Mantra: Sahasrara
The Lost word of power mantra:
Ma- Material energy
Ra- Healing energy

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