Sask Digital Citizenship Guide

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Digital Citizenship Education

in Saskatchewan Schools
A Policy Planning Guide for School Divisions and Schools to Implement
Digital Citizenship Education from Kindergarten to Grade 12


Published in 2015 by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education

This document was written by:

Dr. Alec Couros, University of Regina

Katia Hildebrandt, University of Regina

In consultation with:
The Digital Citizenship Working Group:

Donna DesRoches, Living Sky School Division

Leanne Forrest, Regina Catholic School Division

Sheri Gunville, Saskatchewan Rivers School Division

Wendy James, Saskatoon Public School Division

Kirk Kezema, Northeast School Division

Ramona Stillar, Light of Christ Catholic School Division

Erik Van Dusen, Regina Public School Division


Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools was created in response to one of six
recommendations contained in the Saskatchewan Action Plan to Address Bullying and Cyberbullying that was released in November 2013. The fourth recommendation stated:
Support Students to Develop Responsible and Appropriate Online Behaviour
Recognizing that all students need to learn the proper knowledge and necessary skills
to develop appropriate and responsible online behaviour and that teachers and
schools will need support to ensure this important work occurs starting in Kindergarten through Grade 12:
Recommendation #4: It is recommended that the Government of Saskatchewan work
with school divisions to provide teacher instructional supports and student resources
to teach appropriate and responsible online behaviour to all Kindergarten through
Grade 12 students.

In addition, the action plan proposed the following actions to address this recommendation:

Proposed Action: Support the instruction of appropriate and responsible online behaviour for Kindergarten through Grade 12 students.
The Ministry of Education:

should provide school divisions with model digital citizenship policies and guidelines for local adaptation and implementation;

should work with school divisions to provide teachers with instructional supports
and professional development opportunities and students with digital learning

Upon receiving the action plan, the proposed actions were accepted by the Minister of Education and ministry officials were asked to work with the education sector to identify instructional resources, to offer professional development opportunities and to develop this guide
and a continuum to help support digital citizenship education for all students in Saskatchewan schools, from Kindergarten through Grade 12.
To complete this task, a small working group was established consisting of school division
consultants, experts from the University of Regina and ministry officials.
Building on the ongoing work to develop digital fluency competencies to support the implementation of the teaching and learning components of
tion Framework, digital citizenship education was determined to be essential for all Saskatchewan K-12 students. Key outcomes in the framework state that both students and educators need to be able to use technology safely and effectively to communicate and collaborate in a global society. The promotion of digital citizenship education is a key component
of a coordinated strategy to address cyberbullying.
Working in consultation with the working group, the initial draft of the guide was written
under contract by Dr. Alec Couros and Katia Hildebrandt from the University of Regina. The
working group worked collaboratively with ministry officials to identify key resources and to
construct the digital citizenship continuum.
Supporting students at all grade levels and through all subjects to learn appropriate and responsible online behaviour through the integration of digital citizenship instruction will help
ensure that children and youth in the digital age become responsible and principled digital
citizens, capable of building and maintaining a positive digital footprint, respecting intellectual property boundaries and protecting their privacy online. Digital citizenship education is
not intended to be a stand-alone unit, course or lesson, rather it is best learned and understood when taught in context through supported online practice and real-life examples and

Table of Contents

Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 1
A Roadmap for Digital Citizenship Education ...................................................... 1
How to use this guide ................................................................................................... 2
Digital Citizenship: An introduction ....................................................................................... 3
What is digital citizenship? .......................................................................................... 4
Why worry about digital citizenship? ...................................................................... 6
Research supports the need for digital citizenship ............................................ 7
The Saskatchewan context ......................................................................................... 10
Guidelines for creating digital citizenship policy............................................................... 13
................................................... 13
Creating a digital citizenship policy ......................................................................... 13
........................................................ 14
1. Digital Etiquette ........................................................................................ 15
2. Digital Access ............................................................................................. 16
3. Digital Law................................................................................................... 18
4. Digital Communication........................................................................... 20
5. Digital Literacy ........................................................................................... 23
6. Digital Commerce ..................................................................................... 24
7. Digital Rights and Responsibilities ...................................................... 25
8. Digital Health and Wellness .................................................................. 26
9. Digital Security ........................................................................................... 27

Other areas to consider:

Bring Your Own Device (B.Y.O.D)................................................................ 28
Cloud computing , applications and other online tools ..................... 30
Appendices ..................................................................................................................................... 33
Resources .......................................................................................................................... 34
Summary of Questions for Discussion with Stakeholders ................................ 45
Digital Citizenship Continuum .................................................................................. 48
Works Cited ...................................................................................................................... 58
Bibliography..................................................................................................................... 62


This document provides guidelines for school divisions and school-based administrators
who are developing digital citizenship policies. It is not a prescriptive policy; instead, it offers
a roadmap for building appropriate school division policies and school-specific digital citizenship guidelines and procedures. Tools to help teachers, administrators, and parents as
they get started on the implementation of digital citizenship education for K-12 students are
also included.



School division leaders, school-based leaders, teachers, parents

and students.


An overview of digital citizenship. (page 3)


Research indicates the need to address digital citizenship

education in Saskatchewan schools. (page 7)


Immediate and long-term plans are necessary.


Digital citizenship is taught, modeled and practiced at school, at

home and online.


Guidelines for developing digital citizenship policies (page 13)

Key resources for digital citizenship (page 34)
Questions for Discussion with Stakeholders (page 45)
Digital Citizenship K-12 Continuum (page 48)

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Page 1

How to use this guide:

This document is meant as a guide for school divisions and school-based administrators in
developing and implementing digital citizenship policies. It was developed in consultation
with the Digital Citizenship Working Group, a group of instructional leaders from across Saskatchewan. It is not intended to provide prescriptive policy but rather to guide conversations
and provide resources.
We highly recommend that school-based administrators seek out input from key stakeholders
(such as teachers, students, parents, and community members) in order to ensure that the key
values of all groups in the community are considered and represented wherever possible.
This will ensure that the resulting policy fits the specific needs of the school community. For
instance, the digital citizenship policy in a rural elementary school will look very different from
that of an urban high school; not only will age level affect the degree of freedom given to students, but a rural policy would likely also include a more concerted plan for ensuring access
for all students. Discussing community values in the context of online spaces can also be
helpful in clarifying what concepts such as ethical use or libel mean in the digital world, as this
is sometimes different or more nuanced than traditional definitions.1
Including stakeholders from a variety of groups will also help to increase compliance; it is critical for administrators to focus on the process of developing the policy instead of handing
down a final version to teachers and students.2 It is also important to include students in
these conversations, as they are frequently more informed than adults on current and emerging issues surrounding social media and other online sites;3 it is important to note, however,
that students do not necessarily possess more technical know-how than adults and certainly
lack, in general, a broader understanding of ethical issues and of the role of technology in
learning. Finally, it is also important to clearly lay out next steps for professional development
so that teachers and other school personnel feel equipped to carry out the resulting policy.
This guide includes some suggested resources for helping teachers get started on teaching
digital citizenship.
In practice, it may be beneficial for a core group of school leaders to begin the process of creating a digital citizenship policy by identifying key areas of concern (those that need to be addressed immediately) as well as areas that are of less immediate priority (those that need to
be addressed in the next 2 to3 years) and then using these priority rankings to guide the conversation with the larger group of stakeholders.

Page 2

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

An Introduction to Digital Citizenship

Our world is changing, and schools need to adapt to new realities of knowledge, society, and
education. Technology has fundamentally changed our idea of community and the ways in
which we interact with each other, so that building individual networks for learning and support is more important than ever before. 4 The Internet has also broken down many barriers
of space and time, allowing us to rethink the way that we work and connect;5 we are no
longer tied to only those in our immediate physical surroundings but instead now operate
within more fluid and complex networks of people from around the globe thanks to social
networks and mobile technologies.6
students to succeed in these global networks, but it also means that teachers have access to
The Internet also provides cheaper, freer access to an enormous amount of information and
educational content;7
our children are living in the most

of the classrooms; more and more, it can be done anywhere, at anytime, and by anyone.9

We need to ensure that students are equipped with the

skills to safely and smartly sift through this abundance of
information and to navigate online spaces in ways that
contribute to their learning.
Unfortunately, present schooling practices have generally not adapted to the changing nature of society and learning, leaving students at a disadvantage;10 indeed, our current edu11

This means that we need to rethink our idea of school - if massive amounts of content are
available to anyone, we need to ensure that students are equipped with the skills to safely
Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Page 3

and smartly sift through this abundance of information and to navigate online spaces in ways
that contribute to their learning. In other words, schools must teach students how to learn in
the age of networks.
Bringing technology into the classroom and opening up the walls of our schools offers a way
to bridge the gap between traditional school systems and those that equip students with the
skills needed for the present and future. However, these types of changes cannot happen
overnight; schools and teachers need to think through the potential challenges of bringing
technology into the classroom in order to ensure that our students participate positively, responsibly, and safely in online spaces. This means that we need to plan for and address digital citizenship in our schools by creating policies at a school or school-division level.

What is digital citizenship?

In order to understand the concept of digital citizenship, it is helpful to begin with the idea of

Thus, citizenship in its traditional

sense is tied to a bounded space and/or group of individuals and entails both the benefits of
rights and the weight of responsibilities.
Given the changing state of communities, knowledge, and education, however, citizenship is
no longer contained by physical location, so we need to expand our definition of citizenship
to take into consideration who we are as members of the global, online communities in which
we now find ourselves. Digital citizenship asks us to consider how we act as members of a
network of people that includes both our next-door neighbours and individuals on the other
side of the planet and requires an awareness of the ways in which technology mediates our
the norms of appropriate and responsible
the quality of habits, actions, and consumption patterns that im15

Digital citizenship both includes and expands on the more traditional definition of citizenship.
If citizenship requires participation in a given community, we must consider what participation looks like in the digital world. We must also consider what new rights and responsibilities
we have in online spaces. On top of traditional issues of citizenship, digital citizenship raises
several other key issues: these include balance, that is developing an understanding of the
effects of technology and balancing the advantages and potential risks; safety and security as
they apply to online spaces, including issues such as inappropriate content and cyberbullying; and ethical issues such as copyright and plagiarism.16

Page 4

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Digital Citizenship is more than just

a teaching tool, it is a way to prepare students
for a society full of technology.
- Dr. Mike Ribble

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Page 5

Why worry about digital citizenship?

Given the complexities of participation in online spaces, many school systems have taken the
order to limit potential issues. While this approach may have been somewhat successful when
Internet-use was less widespread, it is no longer a viable or appropriate strategy; students are
using the Internet, so it is the responsibility of schools to ensure that they do so safely. Also,
just as schools have played a role in preparing students to be citizens in the traditional sense,
educators must now ensure that our children are ready to be active and responsible participants in our increasingly digital society:
Citizenship requires participation. Communities, whether local, regional, national, social or
political require members to participate for the community to have value and meaning.
Without participation the community becomes non-existent. Digital communities similarly
require participation and society has a role to play in preparing youth to participate in
these communities in meaningful, responsible and caring ways.17
If digital citizenship requires participation, then schools must provide a safe space for stuwithout ever getting into a car, we cannot teach digital citizenship without allowing students
to go online.18
It is critical that schools address digital citizenship, and that they do so right
away. Some key reasons include:

Page 6

Students are generally proficient at basic usage of technology, but they are not necessarily critical users and many of them do not have the skills to be safe and responsible
online. We are putting students at risk by assuming that they are tech-savvy.
Students are starting to use the Internet at an early age, and theyre using it regularly. If
schools wait until high school to address digital citizenship, we are putting students at
If we want students to be lifelong learners, they should see learning as something that
can happen at any time, but by keeping technology out of the classroom, we send the
message that school is separate from real life. Incorporating digital worlds and digital
citizenship into the curriculum helps bridge the gap between school and home.
Schools need to prepare students to be successful in our digital world; teaching digital
citizenship allows students to develop the skills and competencies that they will need
to be safe, responsible, and productive members of our current and future society.

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Research supports the need for digital citizenship:

-depth look at why each of these issues is so important;
this research may be helpful to administrators or teachers when discussing the need for digital citizenship instruction with parents or other school community members.

False perceptions of students digital skills:

One of the major reasons for teaching digital citizenship is that although young people are
often competent basic users of technology, they frequently do not have the requisite digital
literacy skills.19 For instance, a study of Canadian youth found that fewer than half of young
people will look for additional sources to confirm their research if they believe the site they
are using is reliable, while very few understand commercial aspects of the Internet, such as
the ways in which companies can share their information. 20 One expert notes:
-rich world does not mean
that they know how to effectively and responsibly utilize technology. It is a common misfor personal reasons to using them for learning, research, and enhanced productivity. We
routinely hear how students use digital tools inappropriately for sexting, cyberbullying,
cheating, video-recording teaching and fights with peers, and plagiarizing. Unfortunately,
these behaviors have become quite common, as schools are not doing their part to educate students on digital responsibility, citizenship, and creating a positive footprint
Schools and teachers cannot assume that students are digitally savvy simply because they are
connected. Clearly, students are often not learning to be safe and responsible Internet users
at home, so schools and teachers must make sure that students are acquiring these skills in
the classroom; otherwise, we are putting young people at risk.

High rates of Internet use among young people:

...students are often not learning to be safe and responsible

Internet users at home, so schools and teachers must make sure
that students are acquiring these skills in the classroom; otherwise we are putting young people at risk.

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Page 7

A related argument for the development of a digital citizenship policy is that young people
already spend a great deal of time of the Internet, so ignoring the issue while at school will
not prevent students from running into problems online; as we mention above, school should
help students develop transferable skills that they can apply to their personal usage. Below,
we take a brief look at the present usage rates of technology among young people. These
paint of clear picture of the prevalence of Internet use among younger generations both in
Canada and in other countries.
Internet usage is now widespread across all ages: 82% of American adults now use the Internet, including 53% of those over 65,22 and 65% of online adults use social networking sites.23
The likelihood of using the Internet decreases with age, with the youngest group in the study
(Americans aged 18-29) most likely to be Internet users; 97% of those in this age bracket are
Internet users, while 89% use social networking sites.24 Many technology experts agree that

grow older, suggesting that high rates of Internet usage will continue or increase.25
Teenagers are similar to young adults in their usage rates. In Canada, 99% of young people in
grades 4 through 11 access the Internet outside of school.26 Close to three quarters of Canadian teens post some content to social networking sites, while 85% of Canadian youth in
grades 7-11 stream or download content from online sources.27 Of those youth who access
the Internet outside of school, 45% do so using a cell phone or smart phone, with this number
increasing as students get older, while 68% use a portable device such as a laptop, notebook,
or tablet.28
of which allow for 3G and 4G connections, also means that students have easy, personal access to online spaces during school hours as well as the ability to create their own hotspots
and circumvent school-based filters, making it impractical to deal with issues of Internet
safety by limiting Wi-Fi or blocking websites in schools. Therefore, it is critical that schools
provide students with the skills and competencies to filter appropriate content on their own.

Page 8

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Taking a one-life approach to technology has both practical

and pedagogical advantages; teachers are not only ensuring
that students will be safe online, but they are helping to build
the bridge between home and school.

The Home/School Continuum: Two lives or one?

The high rates of Internet use among teenagers suggests that online communities play a maview home and school lives as separate or connected:
sense of perspective about living in the digital age, which views success in terms of community and humanity, as well as abundance and bandwidth.29
environmental effects of a technological lifestyle have no place in school . . . [leaving] our children to fend for themselves as they come to grips with issues of digital citizenship, cyber

powerment of digital technology with a sense of personal, community, and global responsi30

Teens have a great deal of power and agency through their use of technology, but
they are often unlikely to think about the ethical or moral aspects of their participation
online. This means that they need the guidance of adults in order to think about the
effects of their actions in these spaces.31

online and offline worlds come together in an augmented reality.32

Taking a one-life approach to technology has both practical and pedagogical advantages;
teachers are not only ensuring that students will be safe online, but they are helping to build
the bridge between home and school.
Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Page 9

Responding to student needs:

Schools should be committed to preparing their students for whatever future path they
choose. Given how quickly our world is changing and how important technology has become, teaching digital citizenship skills and competencies is critically important for ensuring
that students are successful both in and beyond the K-12 classroom. Students need to be able
to navigate and participate in digital environments intelligently and responsibly in order to
succeed in life and work. In addition to this, the need for digital citizenship policies and curricula is supported by both existing Saskatchewan curriculum documents and policies and by
international educational standards.

The Saskatchewan context:

The Ministry of Educations Technology in Education Framework highlights

the need for technology integration in classrooms and mandates that
both students and educators must work towards increased digital fluency, including developing the capacity use of technology to communicate effectively as well as the ability to participate discerningly in a
global digital society.33

The Saskatchewan Action Plan to Address Bullying and Cyberbullying includes similar goals for learning, including the recommendation that both
students and staff should work towards developing appropriate and responsible online behaviour; the report stresses the importance of
human rights education and digital citizenship.35
The Saskatchewan Cross Curricular Competencies provide a curricular
rationale for teaching digital citizenship, as they highlight both the general importance of technology in teaching and learning and specific citizenship-related competencies such as the ability to communicate effectively and ethically in a global context.36
Preliminary results from the Student First Forum on Bullying and Cyberbullying suggest that Saskatchewan students are concerned about the
potential consequences of inappropriate and unethical participation in
online spaces and therefore that it needs to be addressed in classrooms.

Page 10

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

International context:
On an international scale, the International Society for Technology in
Education (ISTE) has compiled a list
of standards for students, teachers,
and administrators that outline the
technology-related skills that students need to master. The Standards
for Students include, among other
things, the development of digital
Similarly, the National Council of
Teachers of English (NCTE) Framework for 21st Century Curriculum
and Assessment includes the requirement that students
the ethical responsibilities required

ISTE Standards for Digital Citizenship:

Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behaviour.
1. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology
2. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using
technology that supports collaboration,
learning, and productivity
3. Demonstrate personal responsibility for
lifelong learning
4. Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship36

and practice safe Internet use.37

On top of making sure that they are successful in classrooms right now, students will also
need to develop a new set of digital literacies in preparation for future work.
Apollo Research Institutes 10 key skills
critical for the future workforce are:

social intelligence
novel and adaptive thinking
cross-cultural competency
computational thinking
new-media literacy
design mindset
cognitive load management
virtual collaboration38

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Twenty-first century skills also include

helping students to become problem
solvers who demonstrate competency in
long-distance collaboration, as well as
skills in understanding multiple perspectives, respecting and even embracing diversity of views, understanding a variety of
social norms, and negotiating between
will allow students to participate in the
networked societies of the future.39

Page 11

In order to develop many of these skills for the future, including things like virtual collaboration, students need to actually spend time working in online networks, and even the skills
that do not explicitly require an online learning environment can be facilitated through connected learning spaces.40 For instance, students might "discriminate and filter information for
importance" by navigating multiple social networks, or they might gain cross-cultural competency (another identified skill) by collaborating with students from different parts of the
world.41 In order for students to be able to safely develop these skills in real-world, networked, and online contexts, though, they must first develop digital citizenship skills.
All of this points to the importance of teaching digital citizenship to our students in
order to meet goals and outcomes and to prepare students to be productive, responsible, and
contributing members of our global society. Educators can no longer ignore their roles in
helping students to develop as digital citizens; schools must respond to the changing needs
of our learners in order to prepare them for our rapidly changing world.

Page 12

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Guidelines for Creating a Digital Citizenship Policy

From Acceptable Use to Digital Citizenship
It is important to recognize that while many schools already have in place Acceptable Use
Policies (AUPs) that outline the use of technology in classrooms, these policies are often restrictive and are intended to control or prohibit particular behaviours, and they often operate on the principle that students will lose the privilege of technology if they do not follow
certain rules. Digital citizenship policies, on the other hand, represent a more comprehensive view of technologytherefore acknowledge the important role that online spaces play in education as well as
sibly in digital spaces.42
A policy that outlines appropriate and respectful use of technology may certainly act as a
piece of a digital citizenship policy, but it should move away from restrictive or punitive lan-

being given to students. Along similar lines, teachers might also work with students to create a policy for technology use in the first few days of school in order to increase buy-in.

Acceptable Use Policy

Responsible Use Policy

Is presented in the format of what

the student shouldnt do

Is presented in the format of what the

Defines the rules that learners and

educators must follow and may limit
technology use

Increased student responsibility for

Often restrictive, intended to control

or prohibit particular behaviours

Often operate on the assumption

that students will lose the privilege
of technology if they do not follow
certain rules

student should do
use of technology to support learning
Developed with students to create

common understanding of the responsibility of accessing online technologies as part of the learning process
Can contain clear expectations re-

garding the use of technology in the


Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Page 13

Creating a digital citizenship policy: A guide for discussion

Below we outline a framework for discussions with stakeholders, including key points to condigital citizenship and also includes two additional sections on Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
policies and issues around cloud computing.43

Ribbles nine elements of digital citizenship:





provide a helpful framework for understanding

the major components of digital citizenship. The nine elements have become a standard part
of digital citizenship curricula both in Canada and internationally. The elements are as follows:

Page 14

Digital Etiquette
Digital Access
Digital Law

Electronic standards of conduct or procedure.

Full electronic participation in society.

Electronic responsibility for actions and deeds.


Electronic exchange of information.

Digital Literacy

Process of teaching and learning about

technology and the use of technology.

Digital Commerce

Electronic buying and selling of goods.

Digital Rights &


Those freedoms extended to everyone in a

digital world.

Digital Safety
& Security

Electronic precautions to guarantee safety.

Digital Health
& Wellness

Physical and psychological well-being in

a digital technology world.
Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

The following is an examination of each of the nine elements of digital citizenship in greater
detail, followed by a discussion of what role the element should play in the development of a
digital citizenship policy.

Element 1:
Digital Etiquette

Key considerations
for schools and
school divisions:

Digital etiquette describes the standards for behaviour

Ensuring that students use
in online spaces or when using technology. Such rules
technology in ways that
are often unwritten; they are also rapidly changing as
have positive effects on
new technology becomes available, and they may vary
greatly from one online space to another or from one
Ensure that students comgroup of users to another. Different generations also
have widely divergent views of what is considered pomunicate appropriately
lite in terms of, for instance, using mobile phones during
given the context, audience
face to face conversations. While etiquette was once
and purpose.
taught primarily by parents to their children, parents are
often unaware of what is considered appropriate behaviour in digital networks and are learning alongside their children. Therefore, it is critical that school play a key role in teaching digital etiquette as part of their everyday instruction.55 When modelling good digital etiquette,
teachers should be aware of both provincial and national guidelines governing their use of
social media and sharing in online spaces.
Expanding the definition of digital etiquette, schools might also use it to include the ways in
which students use their access to the digital world to make positive changes through fundraising, activism, or other social justice endeavours.

Element 1: Digital Etiquette

Questions for discussion with stakeholders:

In the school community, what is considered polite and appropriate behaviour in regards
to communicating with others online or when using technology in the classroom, and how
are these expectations being communicated to students and their parents?

How are school staff members modelling proper digital etiquette for students as part of
their daily classroom practice?

How are schools supporting students in their use of the Internet and social media to enact
social change and to do good in their communities and beyond?

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Page 15

Element 2:

Key considerations
for schools and
school divisions:

Digital Access
Digital access refers to the ability of all students to participate fully in digital society. It may be negatively affected by factors such as socioeconomic status, location,
or disability.45
Schools need to consider whether all of their students
have access to both electronic devices and high-speed
Internet connections while at home and at school.
Bandwidth can pose a challenge in schools in both urban and rural areas. Issues of equity can easily arise
when schools institute BYOD policies (discussed in
greater detail below) without considering alternative
options such as loaner devices for students who do not
have their own devices or providing after-school access

Ensuring access

for all stu-

Providing alternative


tions when access issues

arise due to location or socioeconomic status.
Ensuring that

students with
disabilities are given appropriate accommodations
and specialized equipment.

Ensuring that

teachers are

prepared to use technology

in the classroom in ways
ticipation in the school community; when classrooms
that support and enhance
and schools share materials or advertise events in
spaces such as online portals or social networks, it is imlearning.
portant to ensure that all parents and guardians will
have access to these resources. Having publically available computers at the school or other
community areas may provide a solution, but this may also place an extra burden on parents
to travel out of their way to gain access.
Schools in rural areas may also face issues of poor Internet connectivity, especially for students who live in remote areas. Again, school personnel should keep this in mind when requiring students to use the Internet for assignments outside of school hours and be ready
with alternative options or arrangements such as community centres or open school computer labs.
Students with a variety of learning needs may also face a lack of digital access if they are not
provided with the assistive technologies needed to access both online spaces and the curriculum in general. Providing students with access to these technologies is part of Saskatchewan's plan for delivering a needs-based model for all students.46 Schools must ensure that
these students are able to participate fully, which may require securing additional sources of

Page 16

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Finally, school-based administrators must do their best to ensure that teachers have the resources and support to use technology effectively in their classrooms. They should also ensure every classroom and student has equitable access to technology and are using these
tools on a regular basis. Administrators and school division leaders may also need to reassess
access are being met.
Additionally, students must be taught to use technology effectively in their learning; while
students often have basic technological savvy, they frequently do not possess the knowledge
needed to move from personal use to use for learning. A major equity concern that arises
when schools fail to teach about technology and digital cultures is that it creates a participation gap so that only the more privileged students learn to use technology in ways that enhance learning; this gap in access and ability to use technology in an enriching manner will
lead to low-income students being behind in job market and 21st century skills.47 Again,
schools must ensure that teachers have access to appropriate professional development so
that they are prepared to lead students to use digital tools for learning.

Element 2: Digital Access

Questions for discussion with stakeholders:

What are school community members beliefs regarding the necessity of Internet access for staff and students?

What is the schools policy and current processes regarding blocking access to
Internet content and social networking services, and how can the school ensure
that students rights to digital access are maintained?

What is the schools policy on BYOD programs, and how will the school ensure
access for all students?

What opportunities is the school providing for teachers in order to support their
use of technology in the classroom?

What steps is the school taking to ensure that students have access to up-todate equipment, including specialized or adaptive equipment for students with
special needs?

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Page 17

Element 3:
Digital Law
Digital law refers to legal responsibilities for our electronic actions. It includes issues such as sharing or use of
copyright materials, hacking into systems, digital identity theft, or posting illicit photos.56
Young people are much less likely to perceive
certain potentially illegal activities, such as file-sharing
or downloading of music or videos, as wrong or unethical;57 in fact 46% of Canadian students felt that illegal

Key considerations
for schools and
school divisions:
Ensuring that

school staff is

up to date on digital law

and that they are communicating this information to
students as part of classroom instruction.
Ensuring that

clear expecta-

tions have been laid out rebelief increased with grade level.58 In many cases, stugarding privacy on schooldents are unaware of the legal consequences of their
owned devices.
actions. For instance, when posting an image to a blog,
students may not recognize the need to use content
that is licensed for sharing (such as images with a Creative Commons license).
students are involved in sexting or sharing nude or partially-nude photos; if the image is of
someone under 16, sharing it can be considered distribution of child pornography, even if the
image is of the sender him or herself. While such outcomes are still much more common in
American legal cases, a recent case in British Columbia led to a teenage girl being similarly
charged after texting nude photos of another girl, suggesting that such a precedent may apply in the Canadian context as well.59 Legal issues are also important in the context of cyberbullying. The recently proposed anti-cyberbullying bill, C-13, is intended to prevent the sharfenders.60 At a local level, some Saskatchewan towns have passed their own laws relating to
cyberbullying; for instance, the town of Grenfell has imposed fines (applicable to both adults
and minors) for both bullies and those who encourage them.61
Given the constantly emerging nature of technology, many of the issues of digital law,
including things like remixes or mashups of existing content, are still poorly defined.
New laws are being developed to address these issues, so it is important that teachers
and administrators stay up to date on legal issues. For instance, in Canada, legislated fair dealing exceptions allow for use of copyrighted material for certain stated purposes; a recent
change to Canadian copyright law has added new affordances to the use of creative works for

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Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

educational purposes. Schools and teachers may want to consult the Copyright Matters
document for up-to-date information.
Schools also need to consider how they will deal with violations of digital law that occur using
school-owned property or on school Internet. For instance, it is important to establish and
make clear to students and staff what the procedures are regarding school-issued devices and
whether users of these devices have an expectation of privacy or whether the devices may be
seized and searched at any time.

Element 3: Digital Law

Questions for discussion with stakeholders:

Who in the school/school division is responsible for keeping abreast of changes

to digital law and copyright affordances, as well as ensuring that current information is communicated to staff members and students?

What is the school/school divisions policy regarding the monitoring of network

activities, and has this policy been made clear to staff and students?

What is the schools policy regarding data stored on school-owned devices, and
has this policy been made clear to staff and students?

What is the schools policy for dealing students who are not in compliance with
digital law?

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Page 19

Element 4:
Digital Communication
Digital communication includes any electronic medium by which people communicate, such as cell
phones, social networking services, email, and texting.
The ubiquity of digital communication can cause tension in classrooms, where teachers may feel that the
presence of cell phones, tablets, or computers in the
classroom can lead to lack of attention of focus or to
unwanted distractions such as phone calls, texts, or
emails that are unrelated to school content. This has
often led to bans on devices in classroom or to the installation of systems that block cell phone reception.
Digital communication also adds a layer of complexity
to more traditional communication, because anything
that is shared digitally is generally archived (sometimes
with others. While this feature can be helpful in maintaining a record of communication, it can also have potential long-term repercussions when harmful or illthought-out content is shared. Therefore, students
(and staff) need to be more thoughtful about what
they communicate online.
Given these features of digital communication, posting
of content online can have lasting consequences on

Key considerations
for schools and
school divisions:
Ensuring that

students and

staff understand the potential consequences of communicating or sharing inappropriate or personal content in digital spaces.
Balancing access

and the

need for communication

with the importance of a
positive classroom environment where technology supports and enhances learning
rather than detracts from it.
Supporting students

in the

creation and growth of a

positive, developmentallyappropriate digital footprint.
Preventing and


issues of cyberbullying.
Ensuring that

students and

staff represent their school

in an appropriate manner.

spaces lead to context collapse, so that we are now

writing for all possible audiences, without a real sense
of who is reading or how they will interpret what we
have to say.49 All content posted online share four important qualities:

Persistence: online expressions are automatically recorded and archived.

Replicability: content made out of bits can be duplicated.

Scalability: the potential visibility of content in networked publics is great.

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Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Searchability: content in networked publics can be accessed through search50

These features of online spaces mean that students must be taught to think critically about
how the content that they post will contribute positively or negatively to their digital footprint. We must teach students to monitor their digital identity in order to address any issues
ties through classwork and assignments.
Students and teachers must also be made aware of how what they post online can affect others. For instance, students may violate the rights of another student by posting pictures or
parental consent). Teachers must also ensure that they have appropriate media releases or
parental consent when posting students images on publicly viewable classroom blogs or social networking sites.
Digital communication also leads to the potential for cyberbullying. Below are some facts
around online harassment and cyber-bullying that may help to guide conversations on this

In one study, online harassment among youth increased from 6% to 9% over a period
of 5 years; however, many of the harassers were offline acquaintances of the victim,
suggesting that the problem is not solely Internet-based.51

19% of teens reported bullying in the past year over the phone, in-person, by text, and
online; 8% of reported bullying was done online, whereas 12% was in person.52

Bullying in online spaces means that hurtful messages can be more easily shared and, in some
cases, less easily tracked, as well as that bullying can extend beyond the school day. Recent
high-profile cases have demonstrated the potentially devastating outcomes of cyberbullying.
The Government of Saskatchewan has instituted initiatives to help address these issues, but
schools must take an active role in educating students about cyberbullying as well. This process begins with teaching about digital citizenship.
Finally, when sharing content in public, online spaces, there is the potential for issues surrounding appropriate representation of the school. Schools must address this issue with both
staff and students in order to avoid potential problems of misrepresentation. As with individual digital footprints, schools and school leaders must also work to build a positive online
presence. If schools do not present their own positive stories, others will shape and tell their
stories for them. Therefore, administrators should consider ways that they might actively present a positive image of their schools using the tools of social media (such as Facebook pages,
school/classroom Twitter accounts, or school/classroom blogs), and they should encourage
staff and students to do the same.53
Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

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Element 4: Digital Communications

Questions for discussion with stakeholders:

What is the school and/or divisions policy on student use of devices for personal
communication during class time?

How is the school ensuring that students develop a positive digital footprint, for
instance, through the creation of school-based e-portfolios?

What is the schools current policy on cyberbullying, and how is this policy being
enacted, supported, and updated in light on the constantly changing digital

What education are students (and staff) receiving around the potential issues of
sharing content in online spaces?

What policy does the school have in place regarding staff and students representation of the school online (for instance, are there guidelines surrounding
what teachers may or may not share via social media)?

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Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Element 5:

Key considerations
for schools and
school divisions:

Digital Literacy
Digital literacy describes the process of learning about
the appropriate and inappropriate use of technology.
Even when technology is used frequently in the classroom, students are often not taught important digital
literacies or 21st century skills, in some cases because
they are assumed to possess these skills already. However, although students are heavy users of technology,
they still need instruction on appropriate use.
Digital literacies include skills such as searching for information, evaluating the content of websites, collaborating in networks, and organizing the abundance of
information available online.54 In order for students to
develop these skills, teachers must first be comfortable
with the new literacies themselves and then must
model them and allow students to practice in real world

Ensuring that

school staff

receive appropriate training

and support in order to develop a school community
of digitally fluent students,
teachers and administrators.
Ensuring that

students de-

velop the digital literacies

that will allow them to succeed in future professions
and to be lifelong learners
who can adapt to our rapidly changing, increasingly
digital world.

Element 5: Digital Literacy

Questions for discussion with stakeholders:

Do teachers, administrators, and students have a general understanding of the

unique nature of digital literacies?

How will the school ensure that teachers are provided with the necessary professional development and time to learn to use technology in ways that enhance
teaching and learning?

Does the schools existing technological infrastructure and Internet-use policy allow students to develop digital literacies in online, networked contexts?

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Page 23

Element 6:
Digital Commerce
Digital commerce refers to the buying and selling of
goods electronically. While this element of digital citizenship may not seem school related, it is important to
recognize that students are increasingly involved in
online marketplaces; Harris Interactive found that
Americans aged 8-24 spent $220 billion in online purchases.48 Moreover, being an informed consumer is an
important aspect of citizenship, and so schools have a
responsibility to address this issue with students.

Key considerations
for schools and
school divisions:
Ensuring that


teachers and administrators are informed consumers in the digital marketplace.

Students need to be taught to make intelligent decisions when purchasing online, both to
avoid debt and to keep from falling victim to scams. Uninformed purchasers also run the risk
of jeopardizing their credit scores by purchasing through unsecured sites.
Finally, schools must consider their role when students (or staff) are conducting online commerce during school hours or while on school-provided Internet.

Element 6: Digital Commerce

Questions for discussion with stakeholders:

How is the school preparing students to be informed and responsible online consumers, and to ensure that students possess the requisite skills to recognize and
avoid fraudulent sites, to safeguard their financial information, and to act ethically and safely when buying or selling items online?

What is the schools policy about digital commerce that takes place during school
hours, on school property, or using school Internet access?

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Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Element 7:

Key considerations
for schools and
school divisions:

Digital Rights and Responsibilities

Ensuring that

well as the expectations that come with them. As discussed above, citizenship in any given community
comes with certain privileges and responsibilities, and
digital communities are no different.

students have

a solid understanding of
their rights and responsibilities when participating
online; exploring different

scenarios for online behavDigital rights include, first and foremost, the right to
iour can be helpful in deepInternet access and to freedom of expression online, as
ening students underaccorded by the United Nations;63 they also include the
ability to post content online without it being stolen or
plagiarized and the ability to participate in online networks without fear of bullying or harassment. Digital responsibilities include the requirement
to follow existing digital law and to use technology responsibly and ethically (for instance,
giving appropriate credit when using online sources, and not using technology to cheat on

Element 7: Digital Rights and Responsibilities

Questions for discussion with stakeholders:

What is the schools AUP/RUP for technology, and what systems are in place to
deal with students who contravene the policy?

What school policies are in place to protect students whose digital rights have
been violated by others in the school or outside of it?

How does the school intend to balance measures for ensuring that students
rights are not violated online (such as RUPs) with the understanding that students
have the right to be connected, participating citizens of the digital world?

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

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Element 8:

Key considerations
for schools and
school divisions:

Digital Health and Wellness

Digital health and wellness includes both physical and
psychological considerations. Physical considerations
might include potential health risks of overuse of technology, such as carpal-tunnel syndrome, eyestrain, and
poor posture. Often these issues can result from school
sizes. Physical consequences can also result from lack of
activity when students spend too much time engaged
in sedentary activities with technology.

Ensuring that

students and
staff are aware of the health
risks of overuse of technology.

Ensuring that


equipment is properly adjusted to students size.

Psychological issues may arise from overuse of technology; specifically, the issue of Internet-addiction is become a concern for some users. Some
research suggests that those with Internet-addiction can experience similar withdrawal symptoms as alcoholics.64 Spending large amounts of time on certain social networks may also
lead to negative mental health effects; a recent study found that greater time spent on Facebook correlated with decreased perceptions of personal well-being and satisfaction in life.65
These studies suggest the need for moderation and self-awareness when spending time

Element 8: Digital Health and Wellness

Questions for discussion with stakeholders:

What programs and policies are in place to ensure that students and staff members use of technology is balanced and does not cause health-related issues?

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Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Element 9:
Digital Safety and Security
Digital security relates to the strategies and precautions
that individuals should take to ensure their security
from viruses, hacking, and device failure. In a school
context, the failure of students and staff to adequately
protect their own data and passwords can put the entire
school at risk for viruses and hacking. Therefore schools
need to teach students to be aware of phishing scams,
to use strong passwords (and not share them, even with
trusted friends), to protect their identity online, to maintain up-to-date virus protection on their devices, and to
backup their data. Schools must also ensure that devices
and networks are properly secured against potential

Key considerations
for schools and
school divisions:
Ensuring that


owned devices are adequately protected from security threats.

Ensuring that

school net-

works are secure.

Ensuring that

students and

staff know how to protect

their personal devices.
Ensuring that

students and
staff are critical consumers
of digital content and that
they are equipped to recognize common Internet
scams such as phishing.

Element 9: Digital Safety and Security

Questions for discussion with stakeholders:

What policies and structures does the school currently have in place to protect students and staff members personal information and devices from external threats?

What systems is the school currently using to ensure that hardware, software, and
network security and protection is up-to-date and that important data is secured
and backed up?

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Page 27

Other areas to consider:

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Given the large number of students who bring their
own devices to school with them on a daily basis, many
schools and divisions are now considering or implementing Bring Your Own Device or BYOD policies. Such
policies provide a structure in which students are permitted to bring their own devices into the classroom
and to use them for learning.
BYOD policies have a number of benefits. From a monetary standpoint, such policies allow schools to leverage
the power of technology for learning while reducing the
overall funds required to purchase and update equipment; students often have more up-to-date technology
than schools do. Moreover, allowing students to bring
their own devices means that they may be already familiar with them, which reduces the time spent on teaching
students to use a particular platform. Additionally, such
programs allow students to access their devices at all
times, instead of only during the school day; this benefit

Key considerations
for schools and
school divisions:
Ensuring that

BYOD pro-

grams are implemented in

an equitable way.
Ensuring that

teachers are
prepared to deal with the
practical challenges of a
BYOD program so that the
technology can be used to
enhance learning.

Ensuring that

guidelines and structures
(including adequate Wi-Fi
access) are in place before
a BYOD program is implemented.

outside of school hours through, for instance, a flipped classroom model. BYOD programs
devices instead of switching to school devices provides a sense of continuity between home
and school.
Although BYOD policies have a number of advantages, they also have several downsides,
which need to be addressed and considered as part of a digital citizenship policy. First,
schools must take into account issues of equity; school leaders and staff should be prepared
to supply devices to those students who do not have their own, and ideally these students
should be able to bring the devices home or provide some after-school access in order to replicate the advantages of the BYOD model. Moreover, teachers and tech administrators need
to have systems in place to deal with the wide variety of devices being used in the classroom.
BYOD policies may make using common apps or programs more difficult. Therefore the
teacher may not be able to act as a technological expert in case of issues with devices; this
means giving students additional agency and responsibility to choose their own applications
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Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

and to help each other troubleshoot issues. Also, allowing students to use personal devices
complicates the issue of acceptable use, appropriate sharing of content, and safety of data
and personal information, particularly when students are using both a personally owned device and a personal 3G or 4G network. These complications make digital citizenship instruction doubly important, so that students are equipped to participate in a BYOD program safely
and responsibly.
When considering a BYOD policy, administrators and teachers must understand and agree
upon the pedagogical use that such a policy will serve. Second, schools must consider
whether the existing infrastructure (particularly Wi-Fi access, but also things like sufficient
outlets to allow students to charge their devices) can support the demands of a BYOD program. Schools must also consider ways to minimize potential issues of inappropriate use or
theft by prohibiting use of devices in bathrooms or locker rooms and ensuring that devices
are secured when not in use; again, these concerns speak clearly to the need to educate student on how to be good digital citizens.66
Schools wishing to implement a BYOD policy may wish to look at the BYOD permission form
on page 41 as a sample that can be adapted and modified to fit the needs of their unique
school community.

Other areas to consider: Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Questions for discussion with stakeholders:

What plan does the school/school division have in place to ensure that students
are not left out of BYOD programs?

What supports can be offered to teachers in order to ensure that a BYOD program enhances and transforms existing pedagogical practices?

What policies are in place that govern the students use of their devices during
various times and at various places in the school?

Does the school have adequate infrastructure to support the implementation of

a BYOD policy?

How will the school/school division ensure the security both of students information on school and/or personal networks and of the devices themselves?

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Page 29

Other areas to consider:

Cloud computing, applications and
other online tools

Key considerations
for schools and
school divisions:

Cloud computing involves the storage and manage Ensuring that student and
ment of data on remote servers rather than on a perstaff data is managed in a
sonal device; it includes cloud-based storage platforms
secure manner.
such as Dropbox or Google Drive as well as online tools
Ensuring that administrasuch as blogs, wikis, etc. This system of data storage
tors, teachers, and parents
and management has a number of benefits. For inare aware of and able to
stance, it allows for large amounts of data to be stored
without taking up space on a personal hard drive. It also
make informed decisions
allows for easy retrieval of data from any device, so that
about the storage of stustudents can access assignments from home or at
dents personal data and
school without having to transport a laptop from place
information on foreignto place; this also allows for easy sharing of documents
for purposes of collaboration. Finally, cloud computing
allows for simple backups of data, preventing lost files in the case of hardware malfunctions.
The use of remote servers in cloud computing, however, can present some challenges for
schools. Although applications and online tools are very popular with teachers, especially
those in North America, attitudes about the safety and security of data stored with these services vary greatly. North Americans are typically much more tolerant than Europeans regarding risks about the safety of their data, especially if the benefits seem to outweigh the
costs.67 School divisions may wish to consider completing a Privacy Impact Assessment
when rolling out large scale implementations of web-based tools (such as Google Apps for
It is important for teachers to be mindful of Terms of the Service agreements when using applications and online tools with students. For instance, many services include a minimum
age for account setup, so elementary teachers especially will want to ensure compliance and
may need to set up a class account instead of having individual student accounts. Moreover,
when using cloud-based services in the classroom, teachers should use permission forms to
make parents aware of potential privacy concerns, and parents (and students) should always
have the option to opt out of particular tools without being penalized.

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Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Other areas to consider: Cloud computing, applications and

other online tools
Questions for discussion with stakeholders:

Has the school/school division examined the need for a potential Privacy Impact
Assessment when implementing cloud-based tools?

What policies are in place regarding teachers use of cloud-based or web-based

applications in classrooms?

After a school has developed a digital citizenship policy, it is critical for administrators to
support teachers, librarians, and other school staff in implementing age-appropriate digital
citizenship education in the classroom. At the end of this document, there are key resources
listed for teaching digital citizenship including helpful resources and professional development opportunities for teachers to build their own understanding of the topic. There are also
resources for students of a variety of ages that can be used in the classroom; and resources
to work with parents and other stakeholders.
Another key resource is a digital citizenship continuum that outlines rights, responsibilities,
and key competencies for students from Kindergarten through Grade 12.

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Page 31


Resources ........................................................................................................................................ 34
............................................................. 35
Brainstorming Chart to Support Digital Citizenship Instruction ................... 39
Copyright and Creative Commons ......................................................................... 40
Sample Consent Form for Using Personally Owned Technology ................. 41
Sample Consent Form for Using Cloud and Web-based Applications ........ 42
Digital Citizenship Posters .......................................................................................... 43
Summary of Questions for Discussion with Stakeholders .............................................. 45
Digital Citizenship Continuum ................................................................................................ 48
Works Cited .................................................................................................................................... 58
Bibliography................................................................................................................................... 62

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Page 33


A collection of digital citizenship instructional resources are being maintained online

website to access these resources:
The Ministry of Education has licensed bilingual digital literacy resources for teachers and
students in Saskatchewan schools. MediaSmarts is a Canadian not-for-profit centre for digital and media literacy. Its vision is that young people develop the critical thinking skills necessary to engage with media as active and informed digital citizens. You can access their
free resources for students, teachers and families by visiting You can also
access the licensed resources for students and teachers by visiting and
following the MediaSmarts links while logged-into a provincial school division network.
The digital citizenship graphics on the following pages can be used as guides to help students understand the concept of digital citizenship. They are also designed to help identify
ways to integrate digital citizenship into the instruction of regular curriculum. These graphics and other resources, including the digital citizenship continuum, will be available in digital formats for download in the digital citizenship section of the I Am Stronger website. This
collection of resources will continue to grow and transform as ministry officials continue to
work in partnership with the field to identify and share new resources in the ongoing work
to support the digital fluency of Saskatchewan students.

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Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools



Digital Etiquette

Digital Access



Digital Law

Electronic standards of conduct or procedure.

Full electronic participation in society.

Electronic responsibility for actions and deeds.


Electronic exchange of information.

Digital Literacy

Process of teaching and learning about

technology and the use of technology.

Digital Commerce

Electronic buying and selling of goods.

Digital Rights &


Those freedoms extended to everyone in a

digital world.

Digital Safety
& Security

Electronic precautions to guarantee safety.

Digital Health &


Physical and psychological well-being in

a digital technology world.

Source: Dr. Mike Ribble,. Digital Citizenship in Schools. Washington, D.C.: ISTE, 2011. Kindle edition.

Source: Dr. Mike Ribble,. Digital Citizenship in Schools. Washington, D.C.: ISTE, 2011. Kindle edition.

Source: Dr. Mike Ribble,. Digital Citizenship in Schools. Washington, D.C.: ISTE, 2011. Kindle edition.

Source: Dr. Mike Ribble,. Digital Citizenship in Schools. Washington, D.C.: ISTE, 2011. Kindle edition.










When you ask your

students to...






Digital Rights &


Digital Safety
& Security

Digital Health
& Wellness

Copyright and Creative Commons Resources

Using online materials appropriately to create and learn can be a challenge in the digital age.
There are a number of rules and regulations in place to help protect original thinking and
the creative work of others. Understanding how to use, obtain and share copyrighted materials appropriately is an important component of digital citizenship education. It is also important to know how to protect your own creative work. Here are a few resources to help
work with students to understand the laws and guidelines that regulate the use of online

Copyright Matters is a publication from the Council of Ministers of Education published in 2012. It provides the education community with user-friendly information
on copyright law.

Creative Commons is a non-profit organization that promotes and enables the sharing
of knowledge and creativity throughout the world. The organization produces and
maintains a free suite of licensing tools to allow anyone to easily share, reuse and reCreative Commons Canada, provides valuable resources and tools to license your
creative work as well as to provide a place to search for music, video, code and other
creative works.

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Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Sample Consent Form for Using

Privately Owned Technology
This sample permission form may be adapted or used by school divisions, schools or teachers who are allowing students to bring their own device to class. Consideration of existing
school division and school policies should be taken into account when adapting the form for
used as a blanket form for all technology use in the classroom. When creating a permission
form, it is important to communicate to parents and guardians the purpose of the project,
who is responsible for the safety of the technology and what alternatives are available for
students who do not have access to their own device.

Use of privately owned technology and personal devices

School Division (X) and School (X) recognize and authorize the use of privately owned technology
Device owners agree to:

ence web-link) and that computer and network use will also be governed by school and classroom rules and expectations.
Strictly ensure that software installed on their privately owned technology are licensed for their
Give their device or technology a name acceptable to the school division.

School Division (X) and School (X) are not responsible for:
Repair of privately owned technology and devices.
Compatibility problems with its networks, computers and software.
Theft or damage to privately own technology and devices, software or data.
Providing licenses for software used on privately owned technology or devices.
I have read and agree to the terms of use listed above to enable my privately owned technology to

Student signature ___________________________________ Date: ___________________

Parent or Guardian signature __________________________ Date: ___________________

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Page 41

Sample Consent Form for Using

Cloud and Web-Based Applications
This sample permission form may be adapted or used by school divisions, schools or teachers who are intending to use cloud-based applications or tools to support student learning.
Consideration of existing school division and school policies should be taken into account
when adapting the form for local use. It is provided only as a sample for adaptation and conWhen creating a permission form, it is important to communicate to parents and guardians
the purpose of the project, where student data will be stored, ownership of the account or

Use of cloud computing/web-based tool or application in the classroom

Our class will be using (name tool or service) to support (describe learning outcome(s) and how the
tool or service will be used). (Students need to/Teacher will create) an account to access the service/
images will not be connected online to their names.
Please note that (name tool or service) is an online service located outside of Canada and is within
the jurisdiction of the United States of America; therefore, it may be subject to laws of foreign jurisdictions including the USA Patriot Act. Students should avoid storing documents or other data that
include information that could be used to identify themselves or other persons.
Please note that your child will not be penalized in any way and that alternatives to the related program will be provided, if you do not give your consent.
Consent: I understand that the information my child may create and store will be stored in or accessed from a location outside of Canada and I hereby consent, on behalf of me and my child, to my
This consent is valid until the end of the school year (insert school year).
Parent or Guardian signature __________________________ Date: ___________________

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Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

I am a Digital Citizen
I respect myself
I respect others
I will communicate using kind words and treat others the same way I would want to be treated.

I educate myself
I connect with others
I will learn how to use technology appropriately
and responsibly to connect with others.

I protect myself
I protect others
I will take precautions online to guarantee my
personal safety and the security of others.

I am a Digital Citizen

I visit only appropriate websites that are for

educational purposes.

I follow copyright laws and

remember give credit to my
sources in my projects.

I ask permission before

taking posting a picture or
video of others.


I protect myself by keeping

my device secure, my settings private and not sharing

I tell a trusted adult if

someone is being
unkind or harmful.

I learn to responsibly use

technology in a safe and
appropriate manner.

being kind and not hurtful.

I respect others by thinking

Summary of Questions
for Discussions with Stakeholders
Element 1: Digital Etiquette

In the school community, what is considered polite and appropriate behaviour in regards to communicating with others online or when using technology in the classroom, and how are these expectations being
communicated to students and their parents?

How are school staff members modelling proper digital etiquette for students as part of their daily classroom practice?

How are schools supporting students in their use of the Internet and social media to enact social change
and to do good in their communities and beyond?

Element 2: Digital Access


What opportunities is the school providing for teachers in order to support their use of technology in the

What steps is the school taking to ensure that students have access to up-to-date equipment, including
specialized or adaptive equipment for students with special needs?

Element 3: Digital Law

Who in the school/school division is responsible for keeping abreast of changes to digital law and copyright affordances, as well as ensuring that current information is communicated to staff members and students?

icy been made clear to staff and students?

-owned devices, and has this policy been made

clear to staff and students?

(for instance, are there guidelines surrounding what teachers may or may not share via social media)?

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Page 45

Element 4: Digital Communication

class time?

How is the school ensuring that students develop a positive digital footprint, for instance, through the
creation of school-based e-portfolios?

updated in light on the constantly changing digital world?

What education are students (and staff) receiving around the potential issues of sharing content in online

Element 5: Digital Literacy

Do teachers, administrators, and students have a general understanding of the unique nature of digital

How will the school ensure that teachers are provided with the necessary professional development and
time to learn to use technology in ways that enhance teaching and learning?

-use policy allow students to develop

digital literacies in online, networked contexts?

Element 6: Digital Commerce

How is the school preparing students to be informed and responsible online consumers, and to ensure
that students possess the requisite skills to recognize and avoid fraudulent sites, to safeguard their financial information, and to act ethically and safely when buying or selling items online?

erty, or using school Internet access?

Element 7: Digital Rights and Responsibilities

contravene the policy?

What school policies are in place to protect students whose digital rights have been violated by others in
the school or outside of it?

(such as RUPs) with the understanding that students have the right to be connected, participating citizens
of the digital world?

What systems is the school currently using to ensure that hardware, software, and network security and
protection is up-to-date and that important data is secured and backed up?

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Element 8: Digital Health and Wellness

balanced and does not cause health-related issues?

Element 9: Digital Safety and Security

What systems is the school currently using to ensure that hardware, software, and network security and
protection is up-to-date and that important data is secured and backed up?

Other areas to consider: Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

What plan does the school/school division have in place to ensure that students are not left out of BYOD

What supports can be offered to teachers in order to ensure that a BYOD program enhances and transforms existing pedagogical practices?

places in the school?

Does the school have adequate infrastructure to support the implementation of a BYOD policy?

personal networks and of the devices themselves?

Other areas to consider: Cloud computing, applications and other online tools

Has the school/school division examined the need for a potential Privacy Impact Assessment when implementing cloud-based tools?

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

-based or web-based applications in classrooms?

Page 47

Digital Citizenship Continuum

-curricular Competencies (Develop Thinking, Develop Identity and Interdependence, Develop Literacies, and Develop Social Responsibility) support student
achievement and the provincial Goals of Education as they are expressed through the Broad
-curricular Competencies that the effective
use of technology for teaching and learning occurs.
guide. The nine elements have been divided into three categories.:
Respect (digital etiquette, digital access and digital law)
Educate (digital communication, digital literacy, digital commerce); and,
Protect (digital rights and responsibilities, digital safety and security, digital health and
These three categories should be taught beginning at the kindergarten level and span
through Grade 12. The digital citizenship continuum on the following pages is to be used as
a guide for in-school leadership and teachers in the classroom to help integrate digital citizenship instruction into the classroom. It contains the essential questions and knowledge
that everyone needs to know at all levels and then is divided into four levels to create age
appropriate understanding and demonstration of understanding.

Essential Questions


Important questions that must What do we want students

be considered, not only from
to be able to know?
Kindergarten through Grade 12,
Why is this important?
but beyond, as students transition from being students in
school into adulthood.

What do we want students
to be able to understand?

What do we want students
to be able to do?

What understandings do we What learning do we want

want students to develop
students to transfer into
and deepen?
What will students really
What meaningful performneed to understand to learn ance will demonstrate
What will this skill enable
students to do?

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Page 48


Digital Citizenship Continuum from Kindergarten to Grade 12

It is not enough
to create rules
and policy, we
must teach
everyone to
become responsible digital
citizens in this
new society.

To stop inappropriate use of

rules and regulations are created
or the technology is simply


Do students
realize how their
use of technology affects others?

Are students
aware of others
when they use


that they are
aware of others around
them when
using technology and control the volume
of their devices.


either online or
in person, to
recognize that
they are communicating
with actual
people in both

I communicate
with actual people both in person
and online.
Always ask
before taking
photos or
videos of others.

We must treat
others the way we
wish to be
treated, both in
real life and when
using technology.

I understand


Kindergarten to Grade 2

students act like
bullies when
using technology and there
are actions I can
take to deal with

There is a difference between

digital and interpersonal communications and
learn how to

I understand



Know who to
talk to when
they need help
to deal with

Ask permission
before taking
photos or videos of others.

manners by
writing clear,
respectful messages.

Grades 3-5

Digital Etiquette: The electronic standards of conduct or procedure.

and responsibly


There are risks

and responsibilities of creating
and carrying out
friendships and
romantic relationships in the
digital world.

I understand


Seek help when

necessary to
deal with cyberbullying.

Practice communicating appropriately for an

intended digital
audience and
SMS, language
text features).

Evaluate and
discuss case
studies and
video vignettes
that foster building healthy
relationships in
a digital world
including cyberbullying, sexting
and homophobia.


Grades 10 to 12

Get permission
before taking
and sharing
My actions can
photos and
make me an
videos online by
upstander in the stating their
There are differface of cyberbul- intended purent expectations
bout how and
when technolMany resources Use actions that
ogy is used beare available if I
make them
tween friends, at
need help deal- upstanders in
home, at school
ing with cyberthe face of cyor at work.
(including flaming, trolling,
someone taking
their work).

Being responsible and respectful is part of

being a member
of a digital community.

I understand


Grades 6 to 9

The Digital Citizenship Continuum is intended to support professionals as they infuse these concepts and skills into their teaching.


Students understand that their

technology will
play an important role in their

users need to be
aware that not
everyone has
the same opportunities when it
comes to technology.


Do all students
have the opportunity to be
involved in a
digital society?

Does everyone in
your school have
equal opportunities as far as
technology use
is concerned?


There are limits to

the use of digital

Not all people

have access to or
utilize technology
in the same way.

I understand


that they know
when and
where to use


Kindergarten to Grade 2

Everyone should
have equitable
access to technology.

I understand


Use digital technologies to

become active
members of
digital communities.

Grades 3-5


Digital Access: Full electronic participation in society.

Access to technology is determined by personal choices

and other factors like disability, socioeconomic status,
location and

My access to
determines my
and opportunities.

I understand



My access to
determines my
and opportunities.

I understand


Use digital technologies to

engage as active

Explore and
advocate for
change that will
reduce the disparity between
those who do
not have access
to digital technologies.


Grades 10 to 12

Access to techAnalyze,
nology is deterthrough inquiry, mined by pera different
sonal choices
and other factors
like disability,
tunity to partici- socio-economic
pate in an elec- status, location
tronic society.
and government.

through inquiry,
the amount of
access an individual requires
in order to fully
participate in a
digital society.

Grades 6 to 9

The Digital Citizenship Continuum is intended to support professionals as they infuse these concepts and skills into their teaching.

Digital Citizenship Continuum from Kindergarten to Grade 12


Digital Citizenship Continuum from Kindergarten to Grade 12

Digital law deals

with the ethics
of technology
within a society.
Unethical use
manifests itself
in the form of
theft and/or


Should students
using digital
technologies be
accountable for
how they use

the way they use


Are students
infringing on

Are students
using technology in the way it
was intended?


Other people
created and own
the content that is
posted online.

Adult permission
is required to sign
up for accounts or
for purchasing

I understand


Search for
copyright free
images on
websites and
name their


Kindergarten to Grade 2


attribute online
information and
digital media by
work, identity, or copying the
property online website address
is a crime.
and writing a
simple citation.
There is a difference between
the concepts of
copying, remixing and creating,
and I know how
to attribute
Stealing or causing damage to

I understand


Grades 3-5

Digital Law: The electronic responsibility for actions and deeds.


I am responsible
for my intended
and unintended

My online behaviours impact

myself and others and could
have legal consequences.

Describe consequences for

online, including in my
school, with the
law, and in my

Appraise common practices

in digital environments
video, posting
images of othThere are certain
ers, etc.) and
rules of society
assess personal
that users need
behaviours for
to be aware of
their legality
in an ethical
and ethics.
society. These
laws apply to
Create a creaanyone who
tive common
works or plays
license for work
they create.

I understand


Grades 6 to 9

The Digital Citizenship Continuum is intended to support professionals as they infuse these concepts and skills into their teaching.

I am responsible
for my intended
and unintended

There is legal
responsibility for
electronic actions including
sharing content,
using copyrighted materials, hacking,
sexting, digital
identity theft
and posting
images and
video of other).

I understand


attribute online
information and
digital media
using a standardized referencing format.

Model ethical
practices for
searching, remixing and
sharing in a
digital environment.

Examine the
legal implications of online
activities and
reflect upon
personal online


Grades 10 to 12


The expanding
digital communication options
have changed
and therefore
require appropriate decisions
when faced with
so many different digital communication


What rules, options and etiquette do students need to be

aware of when
using digital

Do I use e-mail,
cell phone and
instant messaging technologies
when communicating with others?


There is a wide
variety of social
media and communication tools ,
including email.

I understand


Create classroom based

digital footprints that are
managed by
the teacher.

Describe what
to do when
they are not
with online
communication or behaviour.


Kindergarten to Grade 2

Online communication is permanent and I

need to apply
rules and etiquette for different audiences.

Online activities
and communications create a
digital footprint
that can be
negatively or
positively impacted by personal choices
and behaviours.

I understand



Select and use a

wide variety of
social media
tools for communication
purposes, including email.

Grades 3-5

Digital Communication: The electronic exchange of information.


Build a positive
digital footprint
through digital
portfolios .


Identify and use

social media
for a variety of
purposes including sharing
connecting with
The different
others and
forms of digital
and how my
action impact
Examine and
my relationships critically evaluwith others.
ate different
social media
sites and how
they impact
My identity and
reputation is
determined by
my communications and actions.

I understand


Grades 6 to 9

The Digital Citizenship Continuum is intended to support professionals as they infuse these concepts and skills into their teaching.

Digital Citizenship Continuum from Kindergarten to Grade 12

The different
forms of digital
and how my
actions impact
my relationships
with others.

My identity and
reputation is
determined by
my communications and actions.

I understand


Actively monitor
and use online
tools to manage
their digital

online communication and

identify strategies to combat
the spread of
negative and

Examine the

Examine the
pros and cons of
online relationships and identify critical criteria for developing online relationships.


Grades 10 to 12


Learning in a
digital society
includes searching and accessing information
as well as processing skills


How can students use digital

technologies to
best take advantage of the educational opportunities available
to them?

Should technology be used to

access information to learn
new concepts?


Sometimes there
is content online
that may make
me feel uncomfortable and that I
should close it
and tell and adult.

I cannot believe
everything I find

There are various

ways of organizing information
and we need to
learn skills to find
the information
we are looking

I understand


Tell an adult if
they find content that
makes them
feel uncomfortable.

Navigate appropriate websites as provided by the



Kindergarten to Grade 2

there is content
online that may
make me feel
and that I should
close it and tell
and adult.

I need to keep
track of the sites
I read for my
school work.

Information may
vary between
websites because search
engines have
different features and ways
of searching.

I understand



Tell an adult if
they find content that makes
them feel uncomfortable.

Students successfully use

keywords to
search as well as
a variety of
search strategies.

Use search
engines and
databases provided by the
teacher for

Grades 3-5

Tools exist
online to organize my information and sources
when doing

There are differences between

domain names
which might
impact the validity of the information I am
accessing online.

Information is
accurate and
reliable if I use a
variety of websites to verify it.

I understand



Use classroom
based social
sites to collect
and annotate

Distinguish the
difference between domain

Use a variety of
strategies to
find information
and determine
the accuracy
and reliability of
the information.

Grades 6 to 9

Digital Literacy: The capability to use technology and knowing when and how to use it.

The Digital Citizenship Continuum is intended to support professionals as they infuse these concepts and skills into their teaching.

Digital Citizenship Continuum from Kindergarten to Grade 12

Find information
with specialized
search tools and
databases and
weigh the value


Both finding and

impact on
evaluating inforsearch results
mation is necesand their implisary.
cations for society.
Tools exist
online to organCollaboratively
ize my informashare resources
tion and sources
through social
when doing
Use online tools
for taking notes
and organizing

an impact on
web experience
and privacy.

The practice of

I understand


Grades 10 to 12


Digital Citizenship Continuum from Kindergarten to Grade 12

users need to
understand that
a large share of
market economy is being
done electronically. Legitimate
and legal exchanges are
occurring, but
the buyer or
seller needs to
be aware of the
issues associated with it.


Should students
be made more
aware of how to
purchase goods
and services
through digital

Are students
aware of the
and problems
associated with
purchasing items
using technology?


Permission must
be asked to purchase tings

I can identify
types of things
purchased online.

Goods can be
bought and sold

I understand


Ask adult permission before


Ignore pop-up
ads on websites and in


Kindergarten to Grade 2

Online advertising can impact

my decisions as
a consumer.

There are dangers and conse-

I understand



Scrutinize and
identify online
advertising and
how it affects
them as consumers.

reward system.

Examine sites
that build

Grades 3-5

Digital Commerce: The electronic buying and selling of goods.

Work with sites

like Kiva or
JustGive to
other forms of
online commerce and their
potential for


Know why they

should read the
terms and conditions of websites before
buying and
selling goods or
signing contacts.

I need to be
online concritical and insumer scams
formed conand how to
sumer and seller.

My digital usage
impacts targeted advertising.

There are benefits and risks

when buying
things online.

I understand


Grades 6 to 9

The Digital Citizenship Continuum is intended to support professionals as they infuse these concepts and skills into their teaching.


Identify the pros

and cons of
digital currency
(e.g. BitCoins
and PayPal).

Examine the
ethical, societal
and legal impact
of online commerce and its
impact on the
My digital usage
global economy
impacts targeted
(e.g. piracy,
advertising and
gambling, shopwhat I may see
Examine and
I need to be a
understand the
critical and inpotential of
formed cononline collective
sumer and seller.
fundraising (e.g.
There are benefits and risks
when buying
things online.

I understand


Grades 10 to 12


Digital Citizenship Continuum from Kindergarten to Grade 12


What rights and

do students have
in a digital society?

Just as there are

rights and responsibilities
that citizens
must adhere to
in any democHow do we make
ratic society,
students more
there is also a
aware of their
basic set of
rights and rerights extended
to every digital
when using


Being able to use

technology is a
privilege. If I want
to use it, I must
behave responsibly.

I understand


Discuss what a
is and how
their actions
may impact
the privilege of
using technology.


Kindergarten to Grade 2


Co-create a
Using technology is not a right
but actually a
their use of
privilege that is
technology in
earned by dem- the classroom.
onstrating responsibility.

I understand


Grades 3-5

Being a good
digital citizen
means that I am
responsible and
respectful, both
in person and

My classroom,
school and
school division
all have technology policies and
procedures in
place that I must

I understand



their use of
technology in
the classroom.

Co-create a

Grades 6 to 9

Being a good
digital citizen
means that I am
responsible and
respectful, both
in person and

My classroom,
school and
school division
all have technology policies and
procedures in
place that I must

I understand


their use of
technology in
the classroom.

Co-create a


Grades 10 to 12

Digital Rights and Responsibilities: The privileges and freedoms extended to all digital technology users and the
behavioural expectations that go with them.

The Digital Citizenship Continuum is intended to support professionals as they infuse these concepts and skills into their teaching.


In any society,
there are individuals who
steal, deface or
disrupt other
people. The
same is true for
the digital community.


How can students be taught

to protect themselves and their
equipment from

How do students
protect their
technology in a
digital society?


Participate in
safe online
activities that
ensure they do
not post their
location, full
name and
photo with
their name


know or trust, I
need to tell an

If I am approached by
someone online

I understand



Discuss the idea

of protecting
privacy by not
questions or
giving out personal information online.

Grades 3-5

I may put myself

in danger when
flirting online or
sexting and I

I play an important role in protecting myself

and my equipment.

I understand



Ensure that they

use complex
online and on
mobile devices
to protect personal information and equipment.

Grades 6 to 9

I play an important role in protecting myself

and my equipment.

I understand


I need to keep
myself safe online
by never sharing
information that
can identify
where I live or
where I go to

Learn when and

how to get help
if they encounter an unsafe
situation online.

Compare and
contrast case
studies that
discuss the legal
and ethical
implications of

Ensure that they

use complex
online and on
mobile devices
as well as ensure
their privacy
settings are used
on social media
accounts in
order to protect
personal information and


Grades 10 to 12

I need to read
and use privacy
Not everything
Be introduced
terms on webin my life needs to what spam is
Discuss the
sites and social
to be shared
and what forms
legal and ethical media accounts.
Learn when
online and
it takes.
exchange digital implications of
There can be
and how to get sometimes I
content that I
Learn when and
legal consehelp if they
should keep
am uncomforthow to get help
Learn when and quences, social
encounter an
things private.
able sharing.
if they encounhow to get to
implications and
unsafe situaMy passwords are
There are differ- ter an unsafe
Social media
keep help if
potential abuse
tions online.
private. I should
ent reasons we
situation online. accounts and
they encounter when engaging
only share them
have passwords
websites have
an unsafe situa- in sexting and
with my parent or
and I need to
privacy policies
tion online.
teacher and never
learn how to
and settings I
Read and diswith friends.
manage them to
need to be
cuss privacy
keep myself safe
aware of and use
policies on
and secure.
to protect mypopular social
self and my
media websites
and learn how
to set their
privacy settings.

or trust, I need to
tell an adult.

If I am approached by
someone online

I understand


Kindergarten to Grade 2

Digital Safety and Security: The electronic precautions that all technology users must take to guarantee their personal safety
and the security of their network.

The Digital Citizenship Continuum is intended to support professionals as they infuse these concepts and skills into their teaching.

Digital Citizenship Continuum from Kindergarten to Grade 12


Eye safety, repetitive stress

syndrome and
sound ergonomic practices
are issues that
need to be addressed in a new


Are students
aware of the
physical dangers
that can accompany the use of
digital technology?

How can students be physically affected by



I need to protect
my eyes and ears
by adjusting the
volume on my
device and taking
breaks from using

Spending too mu
time using digital
devices can be
harmful to my

I understand


Adjust the
volume of their
device and use


Vary their
activities so

Take regular
breaks from
using technology to stand
and stretch.


Kindergarten to Grade 2

Discuss what
content is appropriate and
inappropriate to
view online.


Determine a
healthy balance
between technology usage
and an active

Identify ways of
protecting their
hearing and
necessary for my sight while
mental and
using different
physical health. digital devices.

Viewing inappropriate online

content may be
harmful to my
mental health.

I understand


Grades 3-5

Plan and discuss

what a balanced
lifestyle looks
like when it
comes to digital technology.


Learn the
There are proper proper ergoergonomics that nomics to proI should use that tect them from
may prevent
injury when
injuries caused
using technolby using techogy.

I need to lead a
balanced lifestyle and take
regular breaks
from my digital

I understand


Grades 6 to 9

Discuss the legal

and safety issues
of talking and
texting while
Lead a balanced
lifestyle when it
Due to the nacomes to digital
ture of 24/7
technology and
access to techbe able to recnology, I can
ognize when
develop social,
they need help
physical and
to deal with
mental problems technology
addiction or
balanced lifephysical injury.

Using technology inappropriately can endanger my life and

the lives of others.

I understand


Grades 10 to 12


Digital Health and Wellness: The physical and psychological well-being related to digital technology use.

The Digital Citizenship Continuum is intended to support professionals as they infuse these concepts and skills into their teaching.

Digital Citizenship Continuum from Kindergarten to Grade 12

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