Ed Tech ECDE Activity Plan

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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology

Infant-Pre-K Curriculum Plan: Technology-Based Lesson/Activity

Your Name ___Katherine Sullivan______

Activity Title __Responding to what we see and

Number of children participating at one time __3-4___ Ages _4-5_

Activities written for previous classes cannot be re-used and must be the original work of the
Ohio Early
Learning &
List at least 1
standard that
is addressed
by this activity.
Write out each
and exactly, as
published in

Domain: Language and Literacy

Strand: Reading
Topic: Reading Comprehension
Standard Statement: Ask and answer questions, and comment about characters and
major events in familiar stories.
Domain: Language and Literacy
Strand: Reading
Topic: Phonological Awareness
Standard Statement: With modeling and support identify initial and final sounds in


Domain: Social and Emotional Development

Strand: Self
Topic: Awareness and Expression of Emotion
Standard Statement: Recognize and identify own emotions and the emotions
of others.

Using the class smart board and tablet, students will engage in three different
activities that require them to respond to visual and sound stimulus. In the first
activity, the student will engage with a smart board to find letters that correspond
with a picture, the purpose of this activity is to assess how many beginning sounds
and their letters a student recognizes. In the second activity the students will
engage in a sound recording app, in the app the students will draw what they hear
coming from the recorder, this is another assessment to see if the student is able to
relay the main message of the story. And lastly, in the last activity the student will
engage in the smart board again and depict certain feeling after being exposed to a
few pictures. This is an activity that instills empathy, as well as critical thinking. The
overall lesson is meant to assess and challenge students current literacy and
comprehension level.


This lesson will take about two hours. Because of the age group I am with, I will
break up the lesson into about six different 20-30 minute sessions. I have three
different activities, and I will introduce each activity on three different days. For
example: Monday: smart board matching- 20-30 mins from 9-9:30 am, and 20-30
mins from 1-1:30. All in all with six sessions of about 20-30 minutes each the total
time will be about 120-180 minutes.

of materials

What preparation is needed?

Setting up smart board and tablet stations with signs depicting how many children per
Creating smart board templates for matching and emotions activities
Creating scenarios for tablet recorder
Set out assessment sheets to be evaluated as students work with materials
Go through activities and trouble shoot
What materials will be used?
3 smartbaords using word processor and smart board markers
multiple tablets using recorder app
markers, pencils and paper
How will the learning environment be set up?
Multiple smartboards will be hanging around the room for students to engage with, for each
smart board there can be 3 students, only one student can use smart board at a time, but
the other two can take turns.
Multiple tablets will be set on different tables around the room. Around tablets will be paper
and markers for children to use. For each tablet station there can be three students

Instructional Procedures:
Day 1:
First 5 minutes: Using a few materials off my desk, I will ask the class a whole if the
know the begging word or sound that goes with the object I have picked up. The class
may answer in unison and no formal hand raising has to be made. After I go through 23 objects, I will introduce the activity we will be doing today.
Next 5 minutes: Going to the smart board I will have page lined up with different
pictures, and a large alphabet beside all the pictures. I will point to the first picture
and ask what the students think this word starts with. After getting their answer,
using the smart board markers I will write it below the picture. After doing this to a
few more pictures, I will then check my work by moving the picture out of the way
to reveal the answer underneath the picture. I will explain to students that with the
three smart boards around the room, students may get into groups of three and work
on the project together. Though they know that the smart board only responds to one
touch at a time, so everyone must take turns.
Next 15 minutes: Students will be able to use materials freely. Teacher will write down
assessment as she observes work. Each group will get about five pagers of work to
try, each page is on a separate word document that can be reset after group is done.
Last 5 minutes: We will regroup and have everyone come back together and talk about
experience, if they thought it was easy or hard, or if the smart board was difficult.
Today we only used the topic of things in the classroom, what other topics could we
use? Teacher will make a list of topics.
Afternoon: if students enjoy activity, and if all students did not get a turn in the
morning, try activity again with the different topics talked about in closing group.
Day 2:
First 5 minutes: Referring to yesterday, talk about how today we used what we saw to
figure out what the word was. Today we are going to use what we can hear to create
an image. Using the different tablets around the room, the class will break up into
small groups. Using the recorder app, I have put in different scenarios in the tablet
marked 1,2,3,4,5. For each scenario, mark your paper as 1,2,3,4,5 and draw what
you hear from the recording. Teacher will hold up example slip of paper, as well as
going through first scenario as a large group.
Next 15 minutes: Children will take turns pressing the different scenarios, and will
pause in-between each one to draw that they heard.
Last 5 minutes: Come back together as a class, and talk about how they felt the
activity went. Did the draw things different from their neighbors? Was it different or
similar to yesterday? Was it easier or harder? After activity, teacher will look at
materials and assess if children had difficulty comprehending words and dictating the
scenarios onto the paper.
Afternoon: If students enjoyed activity or if every student did not get a turn, have

some different faces,with different emotions on each face. I want you to look at each
picture and guess how the characters in this story are feeling. How do you think the
plant feels? The girl? Use the faces on the right and drag it to the picture. After each
person has done a page of pictures. Turn back to your group, and ask your group what
they think? Do your friends think differently? Why?
Next 15 minutes: Students will break up into small groups and go to the different
smart boards around the room. Each child will complete activity on own and then
discuss with class mates, the why behind the actions.
Last 5 minutes: Come back together and talk about the activity, did you differ from
your friends? Was it easy to see how people were feeling? Also talk about this week as
a whole. We have learned a lot this week, what was your favorite part?
The students for my age group, would be unable to read these standards. But showing these
standards to families for them to read together would be a great tool for children to see how they
are benefiting from the activities they are playing.
Differentiated Instructional Support: Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed
or altered) to meet the needs of gifted or accelerated students:
I would extend day 1 by putting the whole spelling or beginning two words behind the pictures for
children to use.
I would extend day 2 by having groups make their own statements for their classmates to
respond to. This would require them to have a thought and say it clearly and make sense
Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling
with the material:
Additional activities for day 1: I would have the sound of the letter go along with the pictures to
see if students could recognize the sound names.
Additional activities for day 2: I would have simple words for children recognize like horse or
pencil. I would use familiar items for friends to be able to recognize and build vocabulary.
Additional activities for day 3: I would only use one picture and see if friends would be able to
recognize emotions.

scenario, smart-board, matching, sound names, sound recorder, cause and effect, emotions, reactions,
similar different

For teachers

I will use word processing documents to create templates for the matching and
emotion game. For the letter recognition activity, use pictures of objects around
the room and then use topics of interest. Using the tools on the smart board, I will
make duplicates on top of the emotions for children to use multiple at once. I will
test out different recorder apps to be used on the tablet, and make the sentences
slow and clear so that everyone can hear. I will label them clearly for students to
be able to maneuver well through app.

For students

Tablets, paper, markers, smartboards, skateboard marker, recorder app

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